• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,557 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 4.11 - A Hero's Journey

Demon Eye Ridge – A week after the Shattering

The wind blew, cold and brutal against the small cabin, rattling the windows and shaking the door. Tradash looked out at it, his eyes looking out into the white nothingness and seeing just that.


He looked over to the bed when Zane lay, his body pallid and cold, body twitching in silent pain, his breathing shallow and labored. He was going to die, and there was nothing Tradash could do about it.

“He’s going to be ok.”

Tradash looked across, that scrunched, holier than thou, infuriating face now oddly beautiful in the half light of the cabin. Tandia’s eyes glimmered with hope behind her cracked glasses, a hope that he knew was a lie. He looked back at Zane, speaking in a cracked voice “You know, we all used to make fun of Zane back in Clendel. Not because he was weak, not because he was slow, not because he was clumsy… but because he kept trying despite all that. He took on tasks far beyond his competence, and every time he would end up humiliated. Isn’t that stupid?”

Tandia sighed, looking up at him with damp eyes, “It’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is. Because a farmer, a brat, two clowns and a thug thought they could save the world.” He spat bitterly, feeling his jaw clench in anger, “And Zane was stupid enough to believe we had a chance. But we didn’t did we? We’re just like he was, thinking that determination will win out despite all common sense telling us victory is impossible. And we failed.”

Tandia shook her head firmly, “We haven’t failed!”

“We lost! Zane is… Zane is…”

“Still alive.” She responded, her voice quiet and full of desperation, “We’re all… still alive.”

Tradash sighed, “For how long?”

“For now? For this moment?” Tandia bit her lip, the hint of tears in her eyes, “Tradash… even if it is hopeless, I want to keep fighting. Even if I knew it wouldn’t change a thing.”

“That’s your pride talking.”

“No, it’s hope.” She replied, “That even if we’re doomed, each and every good deed we do makes the world a tiny bit brighter.”

“Stop it…” He muttered, feeling his heart break with every word. He couldn’t go on, he just couldn’t… “…you’re… such a naïve little brat. Sitting up in your fancy temple all your life, reading those books. You don’t know anything about the real world.”

Tandia extended a hoof, “Tradash…”

“Stop it!” He smacked it away, furious at how she could be so naïve, “Look at it out there, that’s where we sent Sharps, Voice and Kale! Do you think anything could have survived out there?! Do you really think they could have made it there and back?! Do you really think…” He gasped, his throat choking off, unable to say anymore as tears ran down his face, “Do you…”

She reached forward and hugged him, Tradash wanting to fight her off, to shout that he didn’t want some rich girl’s pity… but at that moment all that fell away and he could only acknowledge how warm, and sincere, and beautiful she was. He sobbed into her embrace, at least satisfied that if they were to die, this would be how he would like to end it.

“Tradash… look…”

He looked up at the window, astonished to see through the snow and wind… a large bulky shape striding purposely through the elements, two smaller shapes on top. His heart filled up with relief and joy, so much so…

…that he almost forgot to keep up appearances, quickly untangling himself from Tandia and wiping away his tears before they got a good look at him. She just giggled at his efforts, causing him to admit that she looked very cute when she did so as he glared back at her, “What are you looking at brat?”

“Someone who’s not quite as tough as he tries to make out farmboy.” She replied, draping her coat over his shoulders, “Come on, let’s help them inside.”


Zealous Point – Four days after Princess Luna’s Death

Tradash threw the crystals upon the table, watching them tumble and shine upon the hard wooden surface. He read the runes, interpreted the patterns.

Jealousy. Fierce envy, wounded pride, right through the very heart of things. Tradash considered how to voice this. Eventually he decided to be straightforward, he doubted that Starhammer would appreciate doubletalk, “I believe… she’s envious of you Tarashi.”

Starhammer smirked, pacing the tent in a rather manic fashion, his grin disturbingly wide and his mood a little too jovial, “I already knew that. Isn’t it enough that she tells me what to do, that I have to accept her treating me like a child? She has to challenge me in public too?”

Tradash felt out of his depth. He was hardly a relationship councillor, and recent events had left him a little drained emotionally. The duel between Starhammer and Luna, the fallout from Kunari and Luna unleashing dark magic, the attack on Dusklight, the funerals for the dead kids… he could see that it was weighing on Starhammer too, even if he would never admit it, “I believe Kunari was simply trying to protect you when she used blood magic. Luna was about to kill you.”

“I had things under control!” He shouted angrily, fur bristling for a moment before he drew himself back and gave a deep sigh, “I’m sorry Tradash, it’s just… this has been a really crappy week.”

Tradash could second that, “I understand.”

“She does it on purpose you know?” Starhammer stated with a cheer punctured through with a barely restrained fury, “So that I remember my place. That without her…” He sighed, waving his hoof in the air, “Never mind. This will blow over eventually, she’ll simmer down and it will all go back to normal.”

“Of… course.”

Starhammer laughed, his normal booming chuckle, turning and shining Tradash a broad, charming grin, “Thanks, for listening to me rant. I really needed it, you know?”

Tradash smiled back, "Any time."


It was an enlightening experience watching Starhammer when he wasn’t in battle. The lands he had won from Princess Luna had to administrated and it was down to him to do it, despite the fact that it quickly became obvious that none of his inner circle had any experience with governance.

So a rather nervous looking pegasi mare called Cyan Quills was recruited from Clendal, Starhammer sitting her down in his office at Zealous Point and patiently listening as her and Tradash discussed with him the best way to establish stable government in the area. And he listened, asked good questions, and made very valid suggestions.

His sword lay unused in the yard, Starhammer having abandoned his showy displays and chosen to train in private. Kunari quickly vanished after the blood magic scandal, Starhammer rather bluntly stated she had been exiled for her crimes. Tradash remembered Starhammer’s rant about her and her importance to his cause, having reason to doubt that explanation, especially as it had happened so quietly.

He also noticed Starhammer’s chief scout Zenali was clearly keeping a very close eye on her employer’s relationship with Cyan Quills, and that Starhammer was treating Zenali with strained, somewhat suspicious, yet always polite respect of late. Given she was one of Kunari’s most loyal friends in the camp, Tradash wondered at her true loyalties.

He wondered how much power Starhammer really had.


“Is it always like this?” Starhammer asked as they made their way through the brush, keeping their eyes on the horizon as they went, “You hear of these big conquerors who forge these enormous empires, yet I conquer five hundred square miles of nothing and I end up stuck here for months working out tax plans.”

“It’s been a month.” Tradash reminded him, chuckling at the zebra’s impatience, “Most warlords conquer a land and leave others to the rebuilding… or simply leave it to burn. It says a lot about you that you attend to the reconstruction personally, and I believe that is why you will rise to further glory.”

“I do enjoy it you know?” He answered, smiling cheerfully as he climbed across some rocky terrain with confident, easy steps, “When I started no one expected me to be anything but a killer and a symbol, I certainly didn’t. I grew up on a farm.”

Tradash chuckled, “So did I.”

He laughed at that, “Hell, Zephyr Stormstrung was a slave miner. I guess circumstances can push us in strange directions.”

“And what circumstances are those?”

Starhammer paused a moment to think on that, his expression becoming dark and serious. Eventually he voiced his thoughts, a little anger creeping into his voice, “No offense Tradash, but you and your friends were the kings of wasted opportunities.”

Tradash smiled, he had expected this argument, “You are not happy with the way things are?”

“We’re zebra.” He answered, grinning once more, “We created the world’s oldest civilisation, tamed dragons, killed demons, built grand cities atop mountains, tamed the harshest deserts and established schools of harmony long before Celestia was even born. And we fought the ponies for a decade without yielding, despite having every disadvantage.”

“You believe we are creatures of battle?”

“We are creatures of strength!” He declared, chuckling a little crazily as his grin widened, “I love the Mutum, and Clendel, but let’s face the facts. Both have sat there for four decades, bribing the raider tribes on their borders and trembling in fear of an attack by just about every faction out there. With their manufacturing capability and fertile lands it could be the base of the strongest civilisation in the world, and yet they’ve built a land of trembling merchants and farmers without an ounce of pride in their heritage.”

Tradash sighed. He never understood this talk of heritage, of this pride in battle. The way he saw it the zebra were not a warlike race at all, merely one that was willing to stand up for itself in the face of oppression. Each time they had the horror and pain was well established in the historical records, and peace had been welcomed, “War brought us to this point. Peace can lead us to better things.”

“Peace allowed that shitbag raider to torment this land for more than a century.” Starhammer countered, eyes growing dark, “Princess Luna did what we should have years ago, and put those scum in the ground.”

“You sound like you respect her.”

“I do.” He looked conflicted for a moment, “I shouldn’t have killed her.”

Tradash raised an eyebrow.

“I was… angry. I do that. I don’t like… being challenged.” He forced out, looking frustrated, “But the way she stood up for those kids, encouraged them to fight and kill the scumbags that hurt them? That was right. That I can respect.”

Tradash sighed, “I wish you had realised this sooner.”

“I...” He looked conflicted for a moment before his expression softened slightly, “I wasn’t going to kill her. In the duel.”


“I was going to kill the demon infesting her.” He chuckled, looking back at Tradash, “What happens when you chop through a ‘shadow matter’ shell with a Varasu blade?”

Tradash had to admit, for all his learning he knew little of them, “I’m… not entirely sure…”

“It stuns the demon, causing it to fall dormant. And cutting off her head, it would have caused that shadow matter to instantly collapse.”

“But wouldn’t it… kill her?”

He laughed, “I felt her balance, I know how demons work. That little girl was curled up in that fake alicorn’s belly, cutting her head off would have missed her entirely.” He turned his head away, shrugging his shoulders, “So I ‘kill’ the demon, set the girl free… I don’t know, adopt her or something. She would have been a damn fine lieutenant.”

Tradash felt a little sick, “It… didn’t got that way.”

“No… it didn’t.” Starhammer frowned deeply, “I could only roll with it, and all my options sucked at that point. Had an insane, genocidal demon, hiding behind a legion of heavily armed kids. What would you have done?”

Tradash sighed, “Assassinating her… was far from the worst of your options.”

“I asked Zenali to try and keep the girl alive, but I wasn’t kidding myself. Even she would have found that a difficult fight just to survive, and it didn’t matter in the end. Apparently neither her or any of the other senior frumentarii so much as got close to Luna. Don’t know who got her in the end, but perhaps it’s best that they died during the attempt.” Starhammer shrugged, “It sucked for all of us. We all ended up looking like the bad guy.”

“So why didn’t you tell this to any zebra else?”

He smirked, “Because it makes a bad story.”

“Is that so important to you?”

Starhammer turned, giving him a cheerful grin, “In the end, it’s all we leave behind.”


Things were happening, and Tradash was unhappy that no one could tell him quite what. Recruitment was accelerating and supplies were being gathered, clear signs of a campaign in the works… but to where, and against who? That was infuriatingly vague.

“With Sequesta gone, Clendel is completely unprotected.” Starhammer commented when asked, shrugging his shoulders, “It falls on us to stand in defence of the zebra.”

“Against who?” Tradash asked, seeing his point but sensing something more in his actions, “Caesar Incuta’s attentions fall on Equestria, and raiders don’t warrant an army of this size.”

“Against any who would threaten our future.” He replied grimly, walking away with an uncharacteristically bleak expression.

It was only a couple of days later that he received the letter, a rather unassuming and anonymous zebra approaching him in the late afternoon and delivering it in person before leaving with only a brief greeting. He opened it up, quickly detecting the hint of expensive perfume and spotting the flower motif at the head of the paper. He smiled, glad that Mother Nanati was still as charming as ever.

His expression fell as he began to read, quickly moving to somewhere more private and burning the letter after he finished.


“Starhammer isn’t receiving visitors at the moment.” Zenali stated with an overly sweet smile as she stood before the door to the headquarters building, “He may be consumed in his work for several days honoured elder.”

She made that sound like an insult, Tradash having to say that he hadn’t liked her to begin with and that she hadn’t improved his opinion any with her recent behaviour. Ever since Kunari had left she had started throwing her weight about more and more, and he was starting to see her making more decisions around here than Starhammer was. She was smart and efficient, but she hadn’t anywhere near the charisma he had.

Still it soon became clear that he was being kept out of the loop, and that his place in the inner circle had been firmly rescinded. Still it was a big camp, Tradash using his celebrity to try and gather as much information as he could on their purpose. It wasn't much unfortunately, the inner leadership were keeping a tight hold on information. Still there were certainly plenty of interesting zebra joining Starhammer's cause.

Even a few ponies.

He heard of her in passing, a unicorn who commanded the sort of power spoke of in stories, and a unicorn from Equestria at that. His curiosity spiked he tracked her down, spotting the impossibly elderly looking mare preparing a meal... or truth said, taking raw ingredients and effortlessly transfigurating them into a cooked meal in mere moments. He saw her look round at him and decided to approach, giving a friendly nod, "I've never seen that kind of power before."

"This?" She smirked, "This is barely a parlor trick."

"Then I am even more eager to see more." He replied, giving her an enthusiastic smile, "Tradash."

She seemed to consider something for a moment before her wrinkled features moved into a arrogant grin, "Dream Star."

“I honestly feared the unicorn arts were long lost.”

“They are.” Dream Star replied with a smirk, though it quickly grew cold and bitter, “Professor Silver Bell will tell you different, but she’s nothing more than a neophyte clutching at the embers of what was lost.”

Tradash probed further, it clear that the mare wanted to talk about it, “And you?”

“I learnt the art like them, from what remained of the Arcane Ministry’s library at Tenpony.” She explained, brow narrowing in nostalgic regret, “But I’ve spent all my life exploring the wasteland learning from those with even the barest hint of magical talent, venturing into the most deeply buried libraries."

"So all that knowledge was not lost."

Her expression soured, "Almost all those ponies are now dead, all those libraries buried. When I die, the art dies with me.”

Tradash thought that was an exaggeration, there were many unicorn mages within the zebra territories who possessed significant learning. Still he didn’t want to puncture the ego of an old lady, and her skill certainly seemed exceptional, “You have not thought about teaching what you know?”

“I have taken two apprentices. Both turned evil, and had to be put down.” She smirked joylessly, “So my skill as a teacher is in doubt.”

“I often worry about how effective my own tutelage is. My apprentice sometimes seems even more lost than when I first met him.” He admitted, giving a sigh, “But we cannot forge any sentient being into a mere copy of ourselves. At the end of the day we can only guide them, and accept they make their own choices.”

She gave him a look of interest, “You are a master of the art yourself?”

“Oh, hardly a master.” He protested, blushing a little even after all this time, “I had the privilege of learning a little of harmony from the great shamans, but it is hardly anything to boast about.”

Dream Star’s face told a different story, her mouth drifting open in shock. Her voice was soft, strained, “You know the harmonic arts?”

“Uh…” He really shouldn’t have mentioned it. He had always been self conscious about being considered any kind of great shaman, “As I said, only a little.”

She drew her mouth closed, trying to restore her composure, “Then that must mean you are chosen of harmony.”

Well here goes. He had gotten used to disappointing folk who knew his name, shocking those who didn’t was something new, “Um, yes. Kuo, Charity, Generosity.”

She paused in wonder for a moment, “How did you discover this?”

He smiled at the memory, “My friends and I, we harmonised together back…”

“You are a full grouping of all six of the elements?!”

He chuckled, rather enjoying this now, “I guess we were.”

“And…” She gulped back a breath now, her wrinkled face angled with an almost childish excitement, “…magic?”

He sighed, nodding his head, “Yes… one of us was attuned to magic.”

“Then you must tell me of them!”

He chuckled at her enthusiasm, like many old has-beens only too eager to talk about the past, “With pleasure.”


Clendal – The Day of Frost and Fury

A whirlwind of blue light filled the sky, howling and screaming like a mad beast as it drove the snow and ice into a vortex of cutting, stinging cold. And from its depths came a danger of an altogether more purposeful sort, legions of ice demons marching forth with blades clutched in sharpened talons. It was an army without number, sent by a demon without remorse, its purpose to finally end what little remained of civilisation.

“Quite a predicament, huh old chap? End of the world, dark gods, almost certainly going to die?” Clear Voice chuckled as he crouched down behind the small outcropping of rock that was shielding them from the worst of the weather, counting his remaining shells, “Fate certainly does take it’s strange turns.”

“Bitch with a cruel sense of humor fate is.” Sharps replied, pressing a hoof hard against his injured side, “It feels like some twisted affection, I’d think she’s trying to kill me if I didn’t keep surviving.”

“Indeed my good friend. Though all this certain death isn’t making you any prettier.”

Sharps laughed, a harsh barking sound. He took a peek round the corner, his ghoulish features quickly returning to look across at Voice with a haunted expression in his eyes, “Thinking this might be our number though.”

“Well my friend, only one thing for it then.” Clear Voice laughed, pumping his shotgun and preparing for battle, “You always talk about preaching out into the darkness, well it doesn’t get much darker than this. How about we soften up the crowd with the old downtown one two, reinforce our argument with a couple of incendiaries?”

Sharps laughed, striking a hoofbump before pulling free a grenade from his vest, “Let’s make them work for it.”

And so they stood, two lone figures in the night, a thousand and one enemies before them.


Tradash fired wildly into the demons as they swarmed Tandia’s barrier, his shotgun blowing holes through their icy bodies and sending them toppling to the ground. He was well aware that he was running out of shells however, and that Tandia’s mana wouldn’t…

Tandia gasped and slumped forward as her shield finally failed, an ice demon lunging at her neck. Tradash yelled out and leapt forward to strike it wildly, thrusting his hoof down and pouring his own mana reserves into the barrier as they swarmed. The effect echoed outwards to great effect, flinging the monsters backwards to shatter against the walls and floor.

It also left him spent and gasping, unable to properly defend himself as one of the surviving demons struck him across the back with a sword. Blood painted the ground as he fell, pain lancing through his entire body. The demon had just moved to finish him when Tandia hurled a glowing ember right between it's eyes, burning it away to nothing with a final echoing scream.

“Gah…” He rolled himself over to face Tandia, already feeling the cold spreading through his body. He had been foolish, and he already knew the wound was too great. He looked up at her exhausted, tear stained face, forcing a smile, “Got your back…”

Tandia bit her lip, then brought her hooves down upon his wound. She ignored his protests, her energies flooding through him and taking the pain away. She finally stopped after a moment, her voice shaking, “Please don’t move, your wounds are still quite serious.”

“Tandia!” He protested, for the last time cursing her sentimentality, “You’re wasting your mana! I can’t help you anymore, and you need it to get to the top…”

“We’re not going to get to the top Tradash.” She answered, her lips tightly pursed, “There’s likely another army between us and them.”

He wouldn’t accept that, and he was angry that she would, “You can’t give up!”

“I’d rather die here with you.” She stated, looking out across the mutum plains below. The ice and snow covered everything, the army of demons marching out to snuff out what life remained. It indeed looked truly hopeless…

…and yet, just beyond the limits of vision, and army marched up to the ridge. Equines of all sorts, standing bravely upon the hill before the demonic armies.

Yet Tradash could not believe it salvation. He looked down at those ragged forms in the snow and knew it for what it was. The last, desperate gasp of a dying species.


Zane took a deep breath, standing before the armies as they faced off against the marching hoard before them. His knees shook and his voice failed, not sure how he could give the final order now. To fight was certain death, and he knew this. He himself had accepted that long ago, along with the understanding that a untalented coward like him would never make a difference to the outcome. That the odds were too great.

He had always wanted to die standing up. He had always been more willing to try and fail, than sit at home and accept his worthlessness.

He had an army at his back. His army. Because he had been in the presence of heroes they thought he was a hero. They trusted him to get them through this, to win. But he know that was a lie, that there was no chance for victory. He just wanted to die standing up. But how could he make that decision for others?

“Tell them how you feel Zane. Show them your spirit.”

He looked up at Kale, the buffalo’s huge form standing proud and brave before the storm. He wished he had that strength, “We can’t win this.”

“That’s never stopped us before.” She answered, smiling at him with that cocked, arrogant gleam in her eyes, “That’s never stopped you.”

He sighed and turned, facing the massed ranks of zebra with all he could offer them. It wasn’t much. He was as unequipped to be a general as he had been to be a farmer, or a merchant... or a hero. But he had spent his life refusing to back down, and wasn't about to abandon that philosphy now, “Zebra, Ponies, Enclave, Mutum… you are all different, a million different hopes, dreams, ambitions. One thing unites you.” He sighed, “It is not war. It is not the desire to fight. All we have known is war, and all we want is peace.”

He turned outwards, the marching armies of frost churning the snow, “Because out there is the alternative. The cold death, like that which awaited us after the megaspells fell. Our crops are dead, our homes are lost, our loved ones are gone, our hope has been taken. But we’re still here. We’re here because we banded together, because we stood beside one another, because we refused to be afraid.” He looked back at them, just pouring out what was in his own heart, “I cannot promise you victory. We may stand before the end of all life, all that we were buried beneath the snow and ice. All I can offer you is a chance to prove that it was worth fighting for. That went our end came we stood side by side and faced it with courage and dignity. That we proved our lives were worth something, and if this is our last stand… that it is one worth remembering.”

Kale nodded, snapping the safety loose on her anti-air cannon, “Let’s show this maggot slime how a hero dies!”

A cheer went up from the crowd, soon becoming a roar. Shouts rung out, shots flew overhead and huge explosions of fire tore through the enemy ranks. As they closed warriors surged forward, firing a single barrage that thinned the demon ranks before wading in with fierce blows from their weapons. Kale herself shattered a whole unit of the demons into dust, her mighty form throwing them aside and crushing them beneath her bulk.

It wasn’t enough, but it was magnificent.


Alpharious watched the view screen in mounting horror and frustration, never more frustrated in his own aged body, wanting nothing more than to be out there with them. It was the end of the world, and all he could do was stare at the view screen, watching the zebra of the wasteland suffer and die against that unimaginable evil, "Is this really all we can do Caesar, stand here and watch? There must be something we can do to help!”

“Watch and hope Alpharious.” Caesar responded, his voice echoing against the glass walls of his containment tube, “Those six youths carry harmony within them. Within them is the power to defeat this evil, and I know that they will prevail.”

“But at what cost?”

“A heavy one.” Caesar replied, heavy with regret, “But one she knows must be paid.”


Tandia finally accepted it. She lent down, kissing Tradash one last time, hoping that it would communicate her true feelings but knowing that he would never truly understand. As expected he reacted with shock as her lips met his, unable to comprehend what she was doing. It was as expected really.

“Tandia… I…” He blushed and giggled as she withdrew, “…not that it was unpleasant, but…”

“I’m sorry.” She stated, her heart breaking at the look in his eyes, “I know you must think me a terrible tease.”

“I don’t care.” He smiled at her, and she couldn't help smiling back. Smiling at her bold, honest to a fault, ever infuriating farmboy, his voice was full of defiance, “If this is how it ends, I can think of worse ways.”

“This isn’t how it ends.” She replied as she rose to her full height and smiled reassuringly at him, “But… I have to go it alone from here.”

He protested, naturally, “Tandia, that’s suicide!”

“I have something she wants.” Tandia answered simply, then turned away before it became too painful. She heard his words at her back as she continued on, blocking them out. She had to remain strong, she had to remain committed.

She ventured forward, further into the temple of ice. Immediately the demons surged up around her, Tandia facing them without fear, “I surrender. Please, take me to your queen.”

They instantly and wordlessly surged forward to grasp her, making little effort to be gentle. Their touch blistered her skin, their talons cut against her flesh and she was tugged and wrenched at by many claws. Further and further up the tower she was taken, until finally being deposited upon a wide, flat plane at the temples roof. Tandia ignored the pain as she rose to her hooves and waited for her to come.

A dark figure was silhouetted through the winds of snow and ice, her black, rotting form standing out starkly against the cloud of white. Far larger than any pony and mutated and misshapen in unnatural, disturbing ways, her flesh wasn’t the burnt, melted skin of a ghoul but the palid, rotting flesh of a week old corpse. She opened her mouth to speak, a misshapen tongue rolling over cracked, rotten teeth, “Lady Tandia, you finally realise the truth…”

“I have.” She answered, staring the abomination in the face, “Stop this now.”

“You really think you’re in the position to bargain?” Gashanakaga asked in her strained, rasping voice, bringing her head down to glare at Tandia with empty, rotted eye scockets, “I’ve already won, do you truly think I still need you?”

“Of course you do.” Tandia replied, not letting her stare falter, “I can offer you more power than you already have.”

Gashanakaga drew back a little, her expression colder, “And in return?”

“All I ask is that you spare a few of us. Allow us to survive as a species, living in fearful worship of you.”

Gashanakaga smirked, then gave a slow, deliberate nod, “I accept your terms.”

The demons at Tandia’s side lunched forward, severing the arteries in her neck and hip with two short slices. She gasped, feeling the warm blood coat her body and splash to the floor, her body weakening as her life slowly departed.

Gashanakaga’s eyes glowed with cold blue fire, her energies extending outwards to wrap about Tandia’s fading body. She immediately felt something new flowing through her veins, something cold and clear and right. Something that felt so much better than her old life.

“Yeeeessss…” Gashanakaga hissed, exposing her teeth in a cruel, gleeful smile, “Can you feel it Tandia?!”

She nodded, “My destiny.”

She was connected. She could feel their heartbeats.

Zane, the eternal loser, the one who never measured up. He stood among the last armies, a pillar of strength in the darkness.

Kale, the bandit, the thug. She stood like a rock in the middle of the battle, protecting those behind her, a standard of virtue and courage.

Clear Voice, the enclave officer, the ignorant imperialist. He stood back to back with a zebra ghoul, singing out the songs of hearthwarming as he stood in defence of all life.

Sharps at his back, the eternal cynic. His eyes burned with determination as he fought a hopeless battle against impossible odds, unbowed despite his many wounds.

And Tradash, the simple farmboy. The ignorant, angry yokel. With his bravery, wisdom and kindness, he had brought all of them here to this point.

Tandia took a moment to remember each of them, then took the amulet hanging at her neck in both hooves. A short twist and it was broken, the seal of her shamanhood falling away in pieces. She felt the spirits of the elders surround her, drawing strength from them as she filled her veins not with ice, but with the power of the friendships she had forged.

It burned. It burned like fire. There was no way to direct it, no form to its flow. With the tree of harmony dead it had no will behind it. Gashanakaga simply smirked at the display, “This again? Didn’t you learn your lesson last time little girl?”

She had. She had known what she had to do for a long time. She stored the harmony within herself, let herself become harmony. Her flesh crystallised at its touch, frozen in perfect, immutable order. Unlike the cold, beautiful indifference of death, this felt like a thousand different agonies, chief among them… loneliness beyond measure.

The universe expanded around her, so huge and magnificent that she felt her friends become lost and irrelevant in the face of the scale of it. She understood destiny, and with it saw the deaths of everyone she knew, all the death and pain across the entirety of history. Nothing seemed to matter, and that enormous truth crushed what remained of her mortality with impossible weight.

She felt the glow of enlightenment, and knew she was no longer a zebra.

“What did you do?” Gashanakaga hissed, drawing away from the glowing light that surrounded Tandia, “This is not harmony, this is not the path of the elders…”

Tandia looked at her hoof, frozen in perfect crystal. She looked round at the demons that surrounded her, saw that they should not exist, and made it so with a simple glance in their direction. They collapsed into glowing shards as she turned her attention to Gashanakaga, the demon queen already backing away in horror. Her voice spoke with the ten thousand tones, the combined weight of all who ever lived, “To function in this world Harmony needs a centre point, a single immutable point to focus its energies.”

"Yesssss..." Gashanakaga hissed, “But the tree of harmony is dead, and the rest of this miserable world shall soon…”

“I have seen the future Gashanakaga.” Tandia stated, just a merest thought bringing images of Littlepip and Xephyr, of Easu and Falling Ember, of Princess Stardream, Arbiter Justina and all in between, “You are not a part of it.”

Gashanakaga screamed in anger, surging forward, “The world will die…!”

Tandia saw the monster’s every move, darting through her attack and striking Gashanakaga's centre of balance away. Gashanakaga sprawled to the floor in a screaming heap, Tandia rolling away before sweeping round to face her. Her hooves stepped with total confidence upon the icy surface, already knowing that she would not fall, “The world will live, in all its joy and sadness. Heroes and villains will rise, fade and die, and harmony will be preserved.”

Gashanakaga turned her rotten head to look up at Tandia, hissing in fury, “Is that what you want? A world of scurrying insects, thinking their lives have meaning? Dreaming of a perfect world which will never be, only the endless cycle of death and rebirth?”

“No.” Tandia answered, feeling what remained of her mortality scream out, “It’s horrifying.”

“I want to stop that cycle! I want to bring peace!”

“It is not your destiny Gashanakaga.” Tandia answered, mouth curling in sympathy as she slowly trotted towards the fallen demon, “I’m sorry, but your destiny ends here.”


Gashanakaga lunged at Tandia, a howling mass of rotting, incarnate death. Tandia stepped forward, struck the demon with one final blow to the face and shattered her into the winds.

She stood silently, the cold not even touching her skin. After a irrelvant period of time the storm finally began to die down and the temple slowly started to melt into nothingness. She looked to the south and saw the sun shining through the clouds, watching as what remained of Clendel slowly began to emerge from the melting ice now collapsing around her.

It was done. They had won.

But she felt… nothing.


She turned, seeing Tradash run towards her. She felt a tiny tremble as she saw it all stretched out before her, from the moment of birth to the final strike, “It is over Tradash. We have won.”

He slowed, worry entering his eyes, “Tandia… are you ok?”

She shook her head, though to be honest she could find no feeling to put behind her words, “No.”


Zealous Point – A week after Zenai’s death.

“Well isn’t that just typical of heroes?”

Tradash smiled across at Dream Star, shrugging his shoulders. He had long since accepted it, “A better world always requires sacrifice. It figures that heroes would be the ones making them.”

Dream Star’s smile shifted ever so slightly, her expression challenging, “She said fate was immutable, that she already knew what the future had in store. Does that mean free will is a lie?”

“No, it simply means she knows what choices we will make.” Tradash answered with a smile, having gone over this himself, “Our choices are still choices, and they are still ours to make.”

“But we can’t make any choices she cannot see…”

“And she cannot take any actions that would invalidate those choices.” Tradash explained, his heart growing heavy, “She became the centrepoint, it is through her that our choices can build upon one another to create harmony. But as a result she by necessity has to be a fixed point. She cannot change nor grow, save by the demands harmony places upon her.”

“That…” Dream Star looked like she was going to make a joke, then her face pretty quickly fell, “That’s legitimately awful. She really did die up there.”

Tradash nodded, that it was, “In many ways she did, but a little of what she once was remains. I… continue to value the time I spend with her, though I know I just make her sad these days.” He chuckled, “More so as I age. She still looks as young as she did all those years ago, and I know she fears the final pieces of her old life finally slipping from her.”

“You… loved her.”

“I’m afraid I’m not much of an expert on the emotion.” Tradash chuckled, “You notice I’m still trotting around the wasteland on my own at my age.”

Dream Star’s eyes clouded over, “So am I.”

“Well I won’t pry as to your reasons. I poorly understand my own.” He sighed, “Perhaps I believe that deep down, Tandia still needs me, that our connection helps her. I am not a polyamorous sort unfortunately.”

Dream Star just snorted, “I just don’t see the point of it all. Love... family...”

“That’s a rather sad statement.”

She sniffed in frustration, lip curling, “There was an accident when I was younger, it rendered me barren.”

Tradash didn’t scoff, simply providing a gentle smile, “My dear, the mere production of babies is a sentiment that belongs on a factory floor. A relationship is something completely different.”

She was quiet a long time after that, Tradash just giving her time to process her answer. Eventually Dream Star smiled, small and twisted in dark amusement, “Maybe I’m trapped too, just like Tandia. Locked into a destiny I have no control over.”

“There’s always a way to escape from destiny, should it prove cruel.” Tradash advised, “I’ve seen it many times.”

“That there is.” She answered, “And I’ve spent nearly my entire life seeking it.”


It wasn't long before his attempts to gather information started to bear fruit, zebra speaking of a living incarnation of the Pale Zebra of death capable of wiping out entire raider settlements single hooved. That this pale zebra had been seen among their armies, leading them forward to crushing victory every time. Tradash scoffed at such rumors, though reminded himself that he had personally met a death god or two in his time.

He did not have long to wait for an answer to his doubts. For as they travelled east towards the central camp on the edges of the Mutum, Tradash was finally able to lay eyes on the pale zebra himself.

The four forks camp was rougher and far more temporary than their previous lodgings, a huge stretch of tents across a rough muddy stretch alongside the meeting point of three of the Mutum’s four rivers. Here the true vastness of Starhammer’s army was displayed, thousands of zebra being uniformed and outfitted. The ambition was remarkable, a standing army of this sort was almost impossible to manage. It also gave Tradash yet more misgivings about the purpose of all this military might.

He wasn’t reassured any as Starhammer’s vast, happy grin was replaced by fear and sadness as he gazed across at the Pale Zebra himself, dressed in bones and caring the doleful bell of legend. The pale zebra disappeared back into the crowd just as quickly as he had appeared, still Starhammer’s expression remained strained as he led his troops onwards.

They had just reached the centre of the camp when the Pale Zebra appeared again, Zenali standing beside him with a typically smug look on her face. And around her… a legion of bulky, musclebound zebra, the same swords Starhammer used mounted upon their backs. Starhammer looked openly shocked at the sight, and then a slight note of anger crossed his face as he closed the distance.

He stopped in front of the Pale Zebra, Tradash noting that the personification of death was actually rather short and slight even under the bulky costume. Next to the brutish proportions of Starhammer it cut a rather amusing image.

“The Pale Zebra himself has blessed your cause Starhammer.” Zenali stated with a grin, “And he has brought an army of demon slayers to join you in your future campaigns.”

“A blessing indeed.” Starhammer stated with a cheerful growl, though a little too strong on the latter, “The battles to come will be truly legendary!”

“And you should offer your thanks Lord Starhammer.” Zenali continued, her smug grin growing wider, “Bow before the Pale Lord.”

Starhammer’s grin dropped instantly, “What.”

“You are but a mortal Starhammer.” Zenali continued, colder and more serious now, “Bow before the God of death.”

Starhammer looked at Zenali with contempt, then directed a more complex look towards the Pale Zebra. They remained there motionless for some times before finally, and in front of his whole army, he lowered his head and bent the knee in supplication.

The Pale Zebra touched a hoof to his chin, lifting it upwards so they were eye to eye. Zenali spoke after a moment, sounding satisfied, “The Pale Zebra accepts your homage Lord Starhammer.”

Starhammer straightened out to his full height, expression strained, “I’m truly honored.”


“I know how he does it you know?”

Tradash almost hit the roof, halfway through his report to Mother Nanati when Dream Star’s voice sounded out behind him. That raised some questions, and he was forced to ask them as he turned to see the mare standing at the entrance to his tent, “I… set wards to alert me to anyone approaching the tent…”

“And I disabled them.” She gave a cunning little grin, “Solid, unpretentious spellwork, but the connections between your phemes are sloppy.”

He smiled back at her, having to admit his spellwork had got a fair bit better since he had become friends with the mare. Even if she could be sarcastic and abrasive at the best of times she was an astonishing scholar of magic, frankly more knowledgeable than anyone he had met.

He had noticed over time that she was becoming somewhat less abrasive of late, that furrow browed, soft voiced, somewhat more reflective mood coming across her with increasing frequency. He could certainly see it in her eyes now, hidden behind some half hearted attempt at her normal snark, “You know how he does what?”

“Why Starhammer is so strong.” She answered, voice growing angry, “Why they’re all so strong.”

Tradash noticed her tone, “You sound upset.”



“I’m not sure how you would translate the word.” She admitted, then nodded to the entrance, “Come with me.”

He followed her out, the army all having their cooking pots and campfires out as the sun set on the horizon. No one turned to look at them, Tradash detecting an uncomfortable sense of ‘absence’ surrounding him. He noted that even the guards didn’t even move to challenge them as they stepped through into the officers camp. He kept his voice down just in case.

The central tent loomed up before them, Starhammer’s personal quarters. Zenali and several more of her suspiciously well trained ‘common soldiers’ patrolled outside, as before they didn’t move to stop Dream Star as she marched straight past and slipped in through the flap.

Tradash followed, losing sight of her for a moment… before her hoof wrapped itself around his neck and she pulled him close.

He noted how strong she was for a old mare as they crouched behind a table, though he was soon distracted. Very distracted. He honestly was wondering what the hell Dream Star was doing bringing him here as his eyes traveled to the bed, Starhammer currently pinned there by a lithe female zebra. It was very obvious what they were doing, a fact that almost distracted him from the fact that the zebra… he knew her.

It was Kunari, Starhammer’s personal shaman. He had thought her banished, yet here she was.

She was a skinny thing without her normal attire, and she was… certainly quite limber. He noted the tattoos that covered her body, complementing her stripes and echoing her spiral mark in splashes of colour. That was embarrassing in itself, he knew tradition dictated that those marks were always covered by clothing.

Her spiral mark was a complicated thing indeed actually. Transcendent Vision Searches the Heavens? At a rough translation at least…

He briefly looked to Dream Star in embarrassment as the two reached the climax, Dream Star merely frowning and shifting his head back with a hoof.

And as he turned back to them Starhammer sat himself up and bit into Kunari's shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. It dripped down her fur and into his mouth, and as it did faint glowing echoes of her own marks started to glow on Starhammer’s body. Tradash's attention was grabbed by another light on the other side of the tent, seeing one of Starhammer’s swords lain across silk cloth on a nearby table. That too was covered with brightly glowing runes, so bright as to almost make the metal seem to melt for a moment. Starhammer growled deep, his body shifting as muscle rippled and expanded, power seeming to expand through him...

And then Starhammer fell back in exhausted satisfaction, smiling deep as he looked up at Kunari atop, “I’ve missed that.”

She gave him a seductive look back, her hooves signing, ‘Missed you too’.

Dream Star grabbed Tradash by the scruff of his neck and he followed her out without complaint, afraid to speak a word. Once again they passed through the camp without so much as a glance and eventually reached his quarters, Tradash pacing the tent for a moment before looking across at her, “What was that?”

“Sex Tradash.” Dream Star smirked, “I can give you a pamphlet if you’d like?”

Ok, he walked into that one, “I mean… what was Kunari doing there? I though he banished her!”

Her expression grew more serious, “That would be self destructive of him, given what we’ve just seen.”

“Self destruc... she’s the source of his powers.” Tradash finally concluded, admitting that made… some sort of sense. Still that went against everything he knew, “I’ve inspected him for magical enhancement, many times. I never found anything.”

“You’re not particular experienced in tantric magic are you Tradash?” She noted with a big grin.

He blushed, “Not… particularly…”

“I though the zebra were supposed to be the expects at that sort of thing.”

Now he really felt himself go flush, “We are?”

Dream Star smirked wide, shaking her head in despair, “Tandia never teach you anything?”

“That women are evil.” He quickly countered, not about to get sucked down that path, “I hesitate to guess how you're so familiar with it...”

“Family specialty.” She stated, sounding a little frustrated, “I’ll admit my knowledge is pretty theoretical. Still I’m pretty sure it’s an ‘all to one’ active transference.”

Now that made sense, “When she’s physically present, he gets all her physical and magical abilities? I’ve noted that she always follows him into battle, but she never actually fights unless Starhammer falls.”

“If she maintains it at a low level you would never notice it.” She confirmed, “And if she turned it up to full, Starhammer would have all the power of a shaman and a pretty powerful warrior, and she would be near incapable.”

Tradash considered this new information, admitting that it all fit. And thinking about it… it had been easy to ignore Kunari. She was small, mute, always at his side but never really doing much.

But on the other hand she had taken on Princess Luna twice, and not come out poorly both times. And her skill with offensive magic indicated an interest in the more obscure arts in a zebra’s arsenal.

Starhammer had stopped training after she had left. Hadn’t fought. Hadn’t touched his sword.

Without her… was he powerless?

She had forced him to bow at her hooves.

Who truly had the authority here?


“It’s a good day for history.” Starhammer observed as he marched through the ruins of Herod Tor, a grin never far from his face as he looked round at the age worn statues of the warriors of old.

Bright sunlight shone through the collapsing roof of the old temple, the cracked murals proclaiming it as the domain of Illumine, the Silver Maiden, one of the most feared and loved Star Demons to have ever lived. Few other structures had survived from that time, but this was a place of more history than most. It was here Illumine had created the Silver Imperious, in contrast to many of the other dominions a place of strict order and control, with bounteous harvests and clean cities. It was here she had populated her realm not with Dragonequis and other monsters, but with zebra. Zebra that were stronger, smarter and colder, who mirrored their lady in their affection for tyranny and order.

It was here Zephyr Stormstrung had carved Illumine’s head off, and had the Silver Imperious bow at his hooves in respect. It was from here they had marched in his name to destroy those who had created them.

It was here that Praetor Caesar had stood during the war of seven kings and condemned the civil war that had torn the zebra apart, declared his intentions to march on the Dragon Throne and restore order. That march had resulted in a dynasty that had lasted five generations, forever imprinted their mark on zebra culture. It was no coincidence that all future zebra kings bore his name.

As Starhammer had marched proudly through those historic halls Tradash recalled how zebra scientists had agreed that the Silver Imperious had vanished into the wider population, that they had ceased to exist as a separate race. Yet when a zebra was born larger, stronger and hungrier than his fellows… the whispers would start, “Starhammer, this is your chance to make a better world. With your authority, peace is within your grasp.”

“Well that depends on how willing they are.” He replied with cheer, shifting his blade up onto his back, “The world is changing, and we need to change with it.”

That worried him, “Change how?”

“The NCR sits just across the sea, and the Camels get ever more powerful. And with the great bandit kingdoms collapsing, it’s obvious that the age of civilization is upon us.” Starhammer answered, sounding rather thoughtful, “At times like this we can’t remain fractured and weak. We need to stand together, work together.”

“United behind one zebra?”

Starhammer chuckled, “I just want to lead us to greatness Tradash.”

He stopped, looking up at a still almost intact pair of statues ahead. One, Zephyr Stormstrung, the other Caesar Dragonborn. One holding a sword, expression fierce. The other holding a scroll and staring forward with stern benevolence.

“They never sought power, but were given the strength to help their people. Guided by the divine wind of harmony, they led us into the future.” Starhammer stated, voice full of respect.

“Well... it is time to be a king, follow the path of the scroll.” Tradash noted, though not without doubts about making a comparison to a famous tyrant, “The world has moved beyond barbarian heroes I hope.”

“I hope so too.” He admitted, “I would like to be a king.”

Starhammer became silent in thought, Tradash taking the opportunity to look around at the other members of their party. Some guards, scribes.... and a small zebra standing at the rear, her face covered in wound cloth.

She saw his eyes on him and met his stare, Tradash quickly looking away.


The central chamber’s roof had mostly fallen in, the rest purposely removed to make the area safer. It allowed the sunlight to shine across the ancient meeting chamber, illuminating the stone benches and raised podium from which the heroes of old had spoken. The plants and ivy wound around cracked stone, giving the place a serene beauty in its ruination.
The Clendel delegation was already there, King Zanerious, his wife Kale, and four royal guards in their brightly colored dress armor.

Zane looked good in his kingly robes, the light cloth bulking the weak shouldered zebra and drawing attention to his well aged face. A few extra years and a few extra pounds had really flattered him, giving him an approachable, unpretentious look.

Kale was Kale. She still looked like a walking tank, even with a little extra padding and grey streaks throughout her fur. She was clad in thick bullet proof armor, decorated with polished silver plates and banners bearing Clendel’s symbol upon her shoulders. She was busy muttering orders to the other guards as they came in, turning to give Starhammer’s party an unfriendly look.

Zane on the other hand was entirely focused on Tradash, almost galloping over the moment he saw him. His enthusiasm was infectious, Tradash grinning at his friend, “Your Highness.”

“Not dead yet Tradash?” Zane questioned, clapping a hoof against his shoulder, “You look good.”

“As do you.” He answered, smiling at his friend, “Ruling agrees with you.”
“Being married to Kale agrees with me.” He corrected with a chuckle, “Being a king just involves a lot of paperwork and serving as a prop at parties… something I’m surprisingly proficient at actually…”

Tradash chuckled, motioning to his companion with a hoof, “Zane, this is King Starhammer.”

“A pleasure.” Starhammer bowed deep, "Your highness."

"Please, there is no need for formalities." He breezed, chuckling as he led them back towards the podium, "You should know, I am a great admirer of what you have done with your territories down west. It showed all those who called you a simple warlord how wrong they are."

"You threw your support behind Luna." Starhammer pointed out, though not aggressively.

Zane looked back at him, regretful, "We acknowledged her as rightful ruler of those lands. As did you, by the rules of the trial by combat you participated in."

Starhammer thought for a few seconds before smiling, "Aye, that I did. Shame it didn't matter a jot in the end."

"It rarely does." Tradash pointed out, "The rituals of challenge are showy things that often make history books, but they almost never actually settle a claim."

"But the claim is now settled, and debating over it is pointless." Zane finished, moving next to Kale and turning to face them, "Starhammer, the combination of your lands and the size of your armies makes you the most powerful king in the zebra lands, besides perhaps Caesar Incuta. More importantly you have shown yourself to be a wise and benevolent ruler over these lands, and have acquitted yourself with honor befitting your station."

Starhammer smiled broadly, "Thank you your grace."

Zane nodded, smiling back as he continued, "Today we have gathered to legitimise your claim, and the claims of your children, in the manner in which our ancestors did long ago. You will take the place of the families Inwaka and Entitidi, serve as protector of the Mutum Valley and Holy Garm."

"I intend to your grace." Starhammer spoke, trying to keep his voice respectful despite the clear excitement creeping in. Tradash grinned at that, Starhammer sounded been waiting his whole life for this moment. He took a moment further to gather himself before continuing, "These lands will see a new Caesar, who will unite them in a golden age."

Zane gave a slightly nervous laugh, "Hold on a little. I'm not sure we'll be giving you the title of Caesar just yet..."

"You will." Starhammer replied, "When you stand down and offer your crown to me."

You could have heard a pin drop.

It was Kale who finally spoke, voice hot with anger, "Are you fucking crazy?"

"Not at all." He smirked, then gave a rather goofy grin, "Well, maybe a little."

Tradash hesitated for a moment before trying to salvage the situation, "Starhammer, is this a joke?"

He shook his head, more serious now, "No, it's not. King Zanerious of the Mutum, I challenge you to a duel under the spirits, with the crown to the victor."

"You little punk!" Kale shouted, loosening the straps on her assault cannon, "You dare threaten the king?!"

Starhammer smirked, shrugging his shoulders and meeting her gaze, "I could fight her instead."

"You are not fighting anyone." Zane stated firmly, speaking before this went any further "Mr Tarashi, I believe this has all gone quite to your head..."

"Starhammer." Starhammer corrected warningly.

“Tarashi.” Zane replied, quiet fury behind his eyes and a new hardness in his voice, “I will not call you by that ridiculous name, and I will not indulge in this ridiculous farce.”

The cheer had drained from Starhammer’s face, his tone decidedly less friendly, “These are the customs of your ancestors.”

“And they can keep them.” Zane replied hotly, adjusting his glasses with a hoof, “The ability to beat another zebra in a fight is no qualification for rulership, and it’s that kind of thinking that got this world destroyed in the first place.”

Starhammer stared at the king for a moment or two with dark intent, finally speaking, “You refuse my challenge?”

“Go back home.” Zane replied, sounding like an angry father addressing a child now, “From what I’ve heard, you have done great things in your lands. Do not spoil that now by letting these childish delusions overpower your good sense.”

Starhammer grinned, and not a friendly grin, “Childish?”

“You are not Zephyr Stormstrung. You are not some storybook hero.” Zane answered, looking him straight in the eye, “You are Tarashi. You are a farmer’s son, intelligent, strong, and trusted by a great many. But you are no god, and believing too strongly in one’s own destiny is a dangerous thing.”

Starhammer paused for a moment before smirking, “You would say that.”

Zane gave a look of irritation, “Excuse me?”

“You’re a weak, trembling old man, and you’ve created a weak trembling nation.” Starhammer gave him a toothy, dangerous grin, loosening the straps on his sword a little, “I am Starhammer, demon slayer, destined ruler of the zebra. I will lead my people to glory, and you will stand aside or fall under my hooves.”

Zane stepped back a little in shock at this, Kale on the other hand glared hotly and tugged her hoof forward to send her autocannon clanking into position. The guards also moved to stand ready, rows of guns all pointed at Starhammer. He simply grinned at the attention, Kale growling a question after a moment, “Are you fucking insane?”

“If you intend to give me the fight of champions that I want…” Starhammer chuckled, his sword slipping a little further, “…bring it on.”

Tradash couldn’t stand here any longer. As much as anything he was well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of every figure in the room, and knew Starhammer was more or less designed to make short work of a slow, tough, ranged fighter like Kale, “Enough. Starhammer, a fight here will earn you nothing.”

He smirked, “You don’t know what I seek to earn.”

Tradash was really starting to worry now. This wasn’t belligerence, this was madness, “Don’t you want to march on Caesar Incuta, unite our lands as one nation?”

Tradash chuckled deeply, “Oh, I wish to unite our lands.”

Tradash was just about to say something more when his eyes darted to a new arrival, one of the Clendal guards running into the room and gazing upon his king in breathless terror, “My lord…”

Zane looked panicked for a moment before finding his voice, “What is it? What has you so worried?”

The guard looked to Starhammer, still grinning cheerfully. The guard gulped back a breath before speaking, “An vast army has marched on the Mutum my lord, several towns have already fallen! They… they fly Starhammer’s flag!”

Everyone went silent for a moment, finally broken by Kale’s incoherent scream of rage. She braced herself forward, her autocannon span up…

Kunari whispered something, body shifting under her heavy robes. An echoing blast sounded out and both her and Starhammer were sent flying, the rest of his entourage scrambling for cover. Tradash was knocked flying, just bracing himself as he rolled across the stone.

Kunari skidded backwards and darted behind a ruined statue, Starhammer on the other hoof was hurtled forward with incredible speed. His blade whipped out, carved through Kale’s side and sent her weapon crashing to the ground with its straps cut. She yelled and tried to body slam him but Starhammer span on the spot and delivered a harsh buck to her side. The results were dramatic. Kale’s massive form, five hundred and ninety kg at least, yielded easily. She flew backwards, skidded across the ground and demolished half the stone wall behind with a fearsome crash.

“Kale!” Zane cried, stumbling over his robes as he went to run to her.

“You traitor!” The guards cried as they turned weapons on Starhammer, only for him to deflect their bullets with a quick easy swing. A moment later and he was on them, moving like lightning. It didn’t take a moment, his blade flashing as limbs detached smoothly from thrashing bodies.

Then bloody and triumphant, he turned his eyes to Zane, the king pausing in breathless terror.

…until Tradash moved behind Kunari, lifted the concrete block in his hooves and struck her violently across the back of the head. Her eyes widened in surprise and her body went limp, crumbling across the tiles unconscious. Starhammer gasped, pausing in place as his body sagged beneath the weight of his own sword. He let it fall awkwardly to the ground, looking about and gazing at Tradash in shock.

“Zane, take Kale and get out of here.” Tradash stated firmly, throwing the block aside and taking out his shotgun. He pointed the barrel down at Kunari’s head, glaring across at Starhammer, “Get back to Clendel and rally your forces.”

“Ye…yes…” Zane stated, dropping his fine robes to the ground and rushing off to see to Kale.

It left them alone, him and Starhammer standing there together.

“Do you even understand the things you do?” Tradash asked, staring the zebra in the eye.

“Of course!” Starhammer looked honestly scared now, smaller and far more mortal than just a moment ago. He dropped his sword completely, advancing forward with a pleading look in his eyes, “You… failed Tradash! You failed to make a better world!”

“You honestly expect me to believe you’re doing this for the good of the zebra?”

Starhammer looked angry for a moment, “They need a leader they can respect!”

Tradash shook his head, “And you’re that leader?”

“Do you see how they look at me? My legions?” He laughed, deep and enthusiastic... and a little crazy, “They’ve followed me to battle against their own country! Against their own family! They worship me!”

“I think that is the problem here.” Tradash concluded, “You’re starting to believe your own lies.”

“It isn’t a lie!”

“I’m standing above the true leader of your empire Tarashi.” Tradash pointed out, nudging Kunari with his hoof, “I know that she's the source of your strength."

"She is not!" He shouted angrily, "If she was then she could have recruited any smuck! She chose me because I am special, I am the heir to Zephyr Stormstrung!"

"You’re proven you’re a great ruler, and capable of doing so much good." Tradash reasoned, "But whatever she's doing to you, it doesn't make you..."

"Yes it does." He stated firmly, a glint of cold hatred there, "She searched for it you know. The secret behind the strength that Zephyr and the other demon slayers commanded. How they were able to fight against the Star Demons, wield those swords."

Tradash hesitated, "It... it doesn't..."

"They aways made jokes about it. How close Zephyr and Zenophilous were."

Tradash hesitated, unsure how to react. It was true that neither had ever married, but... "They were lovers?"

“And no one is saying that Zephyr was ever some pawn! He was the HERO! And this is my choice, this is my strength!” Starhammer declared with veminence, teeth clenching, “I was the face, I was the one diving into battle, I was the one who built everything! I was the one who convinced her to do all this, this is MY idea!”

Tradash looked at the zebra’s mad face, knew exactly what he was capable of. And under the barrel of his shotgun, the source behind all his strength. With Kunari dead Starhammer would no longer have any of this power. His hoof tightened on the trigger…

…Kunari rolled over, a look of pain shooting across that small, youthful face. And for a moment he though he saw Tandia, smiling out at him. And his hoof slackened, his shotgun drifting limp.

“AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Starhammer slammed into him with a scream, both of them tumbling down into a violent, thrashing tangle of limbs. They fought and wrestled, Tradash managing to gain a little bit of an advantage after a second as he used his martial arts experience to counter Starhammers wild thrashings… but as the first punch came down Tradash realised the truth.

That realisation became stronger as Starhammer just pinned his hooves to the ground, firm and unbreakable despite his poor angle. Because the truth was… Tradash had become old. The rough, determined farmboy seemed so far away now, drifting further and further as the blows rained down upon him.

"This is my time! And I am the hero! And no zebra is going to take that away from me!"

Starhammer's screams echoed about the chamber as his blows rained down. And eventually darkness closed in, and all was silence.

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