• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,553 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.13 - Decending into Darkness

Chapter 2.13 - Decending into Darkness

Zenai rolled the pencil back and forth across the table with her muzzle, her breaths slow and steady. She watched Ace Gold as the Little Dusklight doctor Ebony led him across the obstacle course she had made of the medical bay, the buck using his telekinesis to scan for objects in his path. Yet again being a unicorn seemed disproportionately useful, though she was still impressed at how quickly he was getting the hang of it.

Maybe in a month or two he would be able to manage being semi-independent.

...still, he had to be glad he wasn’t a pegasus like his dad.

“Miss Zenai?”

She turned as Niyada came in through the clinic door, the camel carrying a smaller filly upon her back. The filly had to be about four or five, gentle sniffling as tears ran down her face. The cause was obvious, a large gash on one of her hooves. Zenai nodded quickly, waving to the bed nearby, “Put her down there.”

“You heard that Sky? The nice lady’s going to fix up your hoof all good as new.”

She listened to the camel’s easy way with the child as she washed her hooves, glad she was there. She wasn’t very good with children herself... and really had never been so, even as a child herself. She always found it hard to just relax and let her hair down, the other kids mocking her for being dull and humourless. She sighed and dried her fur before slipping a pair of gloves on and collecting the dressing trolley, wheeling it over, “Don’t you worry, we’ll have that patched up in a jiffy.”

“I caught it on a pipe...”

Hmm, a tetanus injection then. Zenai nodded at the child’s explanation, soaking some gauze in an anti-septic solution, “We’ll have to make sure to put some padding around it, so nopony else gets hurt. Now try and stay still, this may sting a little.”

“Don’t worry, Sapphire Sky is a very brave pony. She didn’t cry all the way here, did you?”

The filly gave a pained little smile, nodding at Niyada, “No...”

They made foals tough here, Zenai reminded of the little zebra they had rescued from the sea on the way to the Golden Coast. She guessed there was little time for childishness in this world, finding something very distressing when the filly’s reaction to the antiseptic wash was just to screw up her face and whimper a little.

She must have been used to pain.


She wasn’t quite sure at first why she was looking for him, only realising when she looked at her other options. She didn’t really have many other friends.

She knocked on the door, receiving no answer. Eventually she pushed it open and stepped into the cramped little bedroom, containing little but a bed, some personal hygiene supplies and the shiny black form of the elite power armour. The pipbuck on it flashed, a cheerful voice sounding out, “Hello Miss Zenai!”

“Hi Puppy.” She stepped over to the armour, unsure where quite to look now she was talking to her like this, “Dust’s out I see.”

“Yes he is.” She sounded a little disappointed, “He wanted to take me with him, but he didn’t want to wear the armour. He asked if he could transfer me to a normal pipbuck...”

“But I already tried that. Your programming stops working if I transfer it to any other system.” Zenai actually found the will to smile, pleased that things seemed to be working out for Puppy at least, “You and Dust are getting on really well.”

“Yes we are!” She declared cheerily, “My primary mission at present is to learn all I can about the world, and Sir Uncle just knows so much about it!”

“He seems pretty fond of you too.”

“Yes.” She replied a little sadly, “I think he regrets not having children.”

Zenai wasn’t so sure about that. She got the impression that Dust Kicker liked his life, “Really?”

“He keeps telling me how he doesn’t really care about anything, that he doesn’t believe in causes and never wants to get tied down.” Puppy stated, before asking the pertinent question, “But then why is he still here?”

Zenai admitted that had bugged her too, “He doesn’t want the NCR to fall apart.”

“I don’t really think this is about the NCR anymore. And he can’t possibly hope to get paid.”


Puppy spoke quietly, sadness in her voice, “He told me that he spent his childhood looking for something to fight for. Something to believe in.”

“He told me that too.”

“I think he’s still looking.” Puppy stated, “Even if he doesn’t realise it himself.”

Zenai wasn’t so sure. She just thought he was a stallion who liked to make the best of any situation. Still, “I’m glad he’s here.”

“Me too.”


“And Ditzi Doo just stood there unmoving. Sunny Smiles struck the Pegasus with her magic but she didn’t budge, just staring mournfully through the pain. Even on broken legs, her body sliced to pieces, she wouldn’t leave those who needed her protection. Her eyes remained bright.”

She looked round into the cavern, seeing Fluttershy surrounded by foals. Fluttershy seemed bright and enthusiastic as she told her stories, the stories Zenai herself had grown up with. She wondered if these foals too would remember those stories when they were older, think to themselves, ‘I can do that too’.

She remembered the days of the activation of the gardens, and the final defeat of Sunny Smiles and the Screwball Conspiracy. DJ Pon3 had nearly cried on air, her dad taking down to New Canterlot to see the new element bearers parade through the city. It was the sight of a zebra at their head that had stopped her feeling so embarrassed and self conscious about her fur colour, as she knew many ghouls had felt about Ditzi Doo and Lionheart. The little Pegasus had made her smile as a child, it strange and amusing to see a mare who could stand up to demons and the combined force of the enclave looking so very uncomfortable in the face of a cheering crowd.

The new world seemed unassailable then. A clear villain had been defeated, a clear group of heroes had been crowned. Zephyr had bowed her head before Gawd and the council and legitimised the state in the eyes of all. Fluttershy had made her public appearance a few weeks later, shaky but smiling.

Now? Ditzi Doo had retreated from public life, letting money men take control of Ditzi Doo’s Absolutely Everything in the face of the overwhelming demands of fame. Calamity and Velvet Remedy had marched side by side, and yet three years later were formally divorced. Gawd was gone, and Regina... was a poor substitute. The state now seemed a weak, pathetic thing, bullied by organisations that should have been subservient. Zephyr had disappeared, along with her mother and the element of magic. Fluttershy had gone from the fairy tale princess of stories to a controversial political liability.

She had... thought the world needed another hero. Had needed to be saved. She had listened to Littlepip’s recordings, stressing that she was only one because she chose to be, and that any other pony could make that same choice and achieve the same things. Zenai had taken that to heart.

They had been the same height. That had seemed important once. Legitimising.

Zenai accepted it now. That she had been arrogant. That she had likely made things worse.

She had just wanted to help, but maybe Littlepip had been wrong. Maybe every pony wasn’t special. Maybe being a hero required something Zenai just didn’t possess.


The warriors of Dusklight were gathered in the central cave, chittering onlookers looking down as Princess Luna marched among her best and brightest. Zenai saw Dust among the crowd and moved towards him, only to be blocked by a teenaged mare with a gothy haircut and a assault rifle cutie mark. She spoke challengingly, “You’re not part of the raiding party.”

Zenai swallowed her anger best as she could, not remotely in the mood to be challenged by this little spitball, “I just want to talk to Dust Kicker.”

“We’re preparing and briefing. You can talk to him afterwards.”


“Let her through Briar.” Radhi called out from a short distance away, turning and walking over as Briar let out a snort and stalked away. He smiled gently as Zenai followed the mare with a dirty look, “She’s had to put up with all the children trying to steal our equipment or bother Luna for the last thirty minutes, don’t hold a little grumpiness against her.”

“Fine... what are all you guys doing anyway? Looks like you’re assembling an army.”

Radhi rolled his eyes, adjusting his glasses with a sigh, “Swift Crimson wishes. This is our best attempt at such an action, sadly enough.”

Zenai turned her eyes away from the bustle, activity and noise to do a headcount, noting that it did indeed come in at about forty. Still a worthy number, “It’s enough to do some damage. What are you doing it to?”

“I’m surprised you haven’t heard, but I suppose we didn’t really put it on the bulletin board.” Radhi commented, giving the assembled group a worried looking glance before answering her question, “Starhammer uncovered the ruins of Sanatora a few weeks ago, and is planning an expedition into its depths today. That means we have to make our own attempt before he can get at whatever’s down there.”

“Sanatora?” Zenai had heard of the place... vaguely, “That’s the old name for the mountain the capital is built upon isn’t it?”

“Actually it’s the city underneath it. The mountain is called Dasthono’koki.” He chuckled, adjusting his glasses, “Though yes, that’s a difficult to pronounce mouthful, so few people ever actually call it that. Sanatora is the city of the Star Demon Phidious, considered to be the most powerful of their number. It was sealed off by Zephyr after his army slew Phidious, and the capital of the new Zebra empire was built at the mountain’s peak.”

That sounded like the start of a bad horror story. Indeed this sounded like the start of a bad horror story, “And what does she expect to find down there?”

“Magical artefacts, spell books... anything that can help turn the tide against Starhammer really.”

“You’re losing?”

Radhi gave her a grim nod, looking back round at the kids preparing for battle, “We lost the second he declared his intent. He has a scouting force of two hundred well armed, well drilled soldiers, and another few thousand waiting on the other side of the border. We have less than seventy in our whole force, and most of them have never seen real combat.”

Zenai... hadn’t thought of it that way. She had little real knowledge of military tactics, most of it coming from heroic fiction. In those stories the rag tag bunch of misfits always seemed to win against the big evil army... somehow, “What do you expect to find in there that can take out a whole army?”

Radhi winced, then shook his head, “We’re not going to wipe out anyone. The crowns of the kings of the old empire dwell within Sanatora, if Luna could retrieve one of those... it would allow her to assert her right over this place, possibly bring allies to the table.”

Zenai liked the sound of that... though possibly because it sounded rather like those heroic novels where the heroes won. It also was the best way to solve this with minimum bloodshed, which was always good, “I wish you had been born in Equestria Radhi. You’re what, fifteen? And you’re already a lot more reasonable than a good half of our government.”

He blushed fiercely at the complement, “Well I... I’ve always tried my best to live up to the expectation of others. And well... I had good role models.”

Zenai was interested now, turning her head, “Really? Who?”

“Me? Well actually I’m...” He paused for a moment to fiddle with his glasses, clearly embarrassed, “Well have you heard of Tradash the Black?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh.” Radhi smiled quietly, “Well he’s a famous adventurer, he’s had books written about him and everything. Exploring cursed tombs, saving villages, defeating evil sorcerers, the whole hero thing. They say he travelled with Sharps and Voice back in their prime, and was the lover of Tandia of Garm herself. I’ve always been a big fan.”

Zenai was pleased that under all his dignified responsibility Radhi still knew how to be a child, “He sounds pretty awesome.”

“Well... I’m not the fighter he is. Or the adventurer.” Radhi gave an embrassed chuckle, “But I like to think I honour his spirit of scholarship, kindness and not judging others by their looks.”

Zenai smiled at him, “I think you do too.”

A voice suddenly called out across the cavern, breaking the air immediately, “Radhi, I need you!”

“Oh... well I better go and see what they need.” He excused himself awkwardly, “Feel free to stay and watch if you’d like, just... ah, don’t get in anyone’s way. Everyone’s a little stressed at the moment, for obvious reasons I suppose.”

Zenai watched him go, left alone among all these busy ponies. She looked across at Dust, instructing some of the children on something.

Zenai had realised it quite a while ago, but now she felt it more acutely than ever. She had given her task to defend Puppy to Dust Kicker. Her intent to save the NCR from political turmoil, to create peace between the zebra nations and the NCR... had failed horribly. Though she had plenty of knowledge to provide, sadly little of it was relevant to day to day survival.

Put simply, she had entirely lost her purpose. She was just trailing along behind Dust.

She walked over to him, catching his eye, “I want to come too.”

“You sure Zenai?” Dust questioned, making him hate him right there and then. He only bugged her more as he continued to speak, “You’ve held your own in the fighting so far, especially with that magical energy pistol, but you yourself have admitted than your primary skills are in social engineering, lockpicking and computer hacking.”

Swift Crimson scowled, “Doubt we’re gonna find any two thousand year old computers...”

“A locks a lock.” She stated firmly, “And how many of you are really knowledgeable about pre-classical zebra hieroglyphs, or heroic era history?”

“Luna is.” Swift Crimson stated bruskly.

“Don’t be so mean to her Swift. She wants to help, and an additional scholar could be handy down there.” Luna sudden stated from nearby, her small, cunning eyes looking Zenai over assessingly, “I’ve no problem her coming along,”

Swift Crimson turned back to her, looking very annoyed, “But...”

“I think the Princess has the last word Swift.” A pony Zenai recognised as the one who had escorted them here, Bleak Fields, stated smugly, giving Zenai a toothy grin, “More cute girls? I’m ok with that.”

Zenai withered under that stare, “I’m five years older than you kid.”

“Oh don’t you worry. I know what to do with... ow!”

Briar smirked as she wacked him about the head with a hoof, “He’s got a point Swift. After all, if we’re talking about dead weight then I think there are far better candidates to leave here with all the little kids...”

“Fine!” Swift Crimson shouted, looking moody as he angrily waved a hoof at them, “Suit up! We move in twenty!”

Zenai watched him stalk off to get prepared, soon followed by the others. She turned to Princess Luna, trying her best to break through the intimidation factor of the huge alicorn and look appropriately grateful, “Thank you for speaking up for me.”

“No problem.” She gave a beaming smile, Zenai surprised at how unpretentious and genuine it was. Her intimidating persona when they first met was now increasingly replaced by something gentler and far more laid back, Zenai glad that she seemed to be definitely getting used to them, “You volunteered for a dangerous job, just because you want to help. That’s the sort of thing I respect.”

Zenai paused a moment before asking her question, “Do you really think I’ll be useful?”

“You’ve been through a lot. Besides, Swift Crimson is a great teacher.” Luna pulled a cheerful face, “None of the others used to be much good either, so don’t let them talk shit to you. Just do what Swift says, and don’t shoot your own ponies in the back of the head.”

That didn’t sound good, “Does that sort of thing happen often?”

“Briar has occasionally shown a tendency to get a little too enthusiastic.” Luna chuckled, “Don’t you worry, like I said Swift got them into fighting shape quickly enough. Now run along, we’ll be leaving soon.”

She saluted sharply, grateful for the opportunity, “Yes miss!”


“Right, you two are with me because to be perfectly honest you’re not trusted to know which end of the gun to point at the enemy!” Swift Crimson shouted as they made their way down the path towards the mountain, “For the record, it’s this one! This end on the other hand is what I’ll be slapping you with if you do something stupid, like for instance forget you’re part of a team! A team that will watch your back, patch you up and give you your targets, so long as you do the same for them! There are no heroes in this unit! I want no attempt to show off! You will stick with your assigned senior and do what they do, understand!?”

Zenai wasn’t really suited for this. She kinda wanted to wack the buck with something hard. Still she nodded mutely, looking across at Blue Wave. The foal looked about fifteen, though his big, rangy frame probably made him look older than he was. He certainly looked green, with the jumpy nervousness common in all those during their first day on the job.

“Blue Wave, you will be assisting Bleak Fields. Zenai, you will be shadowing Briar.”

“Oh man, I wanted Zenai.”

Swift Crimson glared at Bleak with bitter disdain, “Shut it Bleak. Even the thought of assigning someone to your sorry fucking ass gives me shivers, but at least there’ll be someone to patch you up when you get yourself shot.”

Bleak chuckled, “You put so much faith in me.”

Zenai let the two bicker, looking up at the great mountain before them. It was technically part of a range, but the two next to it were so small as to look pathetic next to the glorious spear that soared upwards towards the clouds. Contrary to her expectations it teamed with life, wild patches of moss and ferns hanging from ledges, birds nesting all over its alcoves and caves. This side was almost sheer, Zenai could see where it sloped down towards the winding valleys and crags on the other. That was the road up to the capital, apparently teaming with all kinds of things ready to eat an unsuspecting zebra. She craned her neck but she couldn’t actually see the capital itself, though apparently it did indeed sit just above at the peak.

The group she was travelling with was rather impressive, Zenai a little intimidated. Princess Luna stood at the head of course, with five separate units of six ponies each moving behind. Dust Kicker led one, hers was another, with Swift Crimson leading, and her, Bleak Fields, Briar, a quiet little zebra called Xani and Blue Wave following. She had to admit she was kinda glad she was in Swift Crimson’s unit. For all that the pony could be an ass, he seemed to know what he was doing.

She looked down as something blinked up on her pipbuck. A location marker had appeared, ‘Abandoned Cave’, “Um, Swift Crimson?”

He turned his head to her, “Yes?”

“My pipbuck says there’s a cave over there. You want me to check it out?”

Swift looked dismissive for a moment before his expression faded into something more thoughtful. Eventually he nodded, only a little impatiently, “Very well. Just be careful, and don’t take too long. Bleak, go along with her.”

He grinned enthusiastically, “Yes boss!”

Zenai shot Bleak a withering glance before delivering her own salute, “Will do.”


The cavern was small, a natural pocket in the rock by the looks of it. There wasn’t much, a large, padlocked military container, a very old, jury rigged computer, and a strange metal pole imbedded into the dirt, linked up to a series of strange round objects joined by tubes. She walked over to look at the pole first but couldn’t figure out for the life of her what it was. She noticed the round objects seemed to be covered in dirt and wiped one of them down with a hoof, sending soot dropping to the floor and revealing a glass jar stained green from whatever it had once contained.

“What is is?”

Zenai looked back at Bleak Fields, wanting to try and sound clever, but really as in the dark as he was, “I’m not sure. Let me have a look at the computer.”

She moved over to the machine, turning it on and after a moment of loading receiving a very basic looking crash screen, “Damn.”


“Computer’s fried, wait a moment...” She connected up her pipbuck, the device instantly getting to work clearing up the machine’s drive. It didn’t look good for a moment, still the pipbuck eventually managed to spit out a single message, the latest sent by the looks of it.

Progress Report : Gardens site 342 – 21 Snowfall, 8AB
Soil studies have been compiled, the full details of which I’ve listed separately. In short, while not the miracle hoped for, the project has shown clear results. Plant life, ever adaptable, is starting to bloom in even the most affected areas. Most of it is inedible, and all of it is changed from its BB origins, but life is indeed returning.

This is working. Unfortunately we won’t get to see it. Calculations have determined that our work has cut the time for the wasteland to recover from five hundred years, to one hundred. By that time farming will be possible down in the Kurso Valley region, and we have halted the poisoning of the Golden Coast. Depending on the water tables and our ability to maintain the Garden devices, the heartland could bloom again in just under two hundred years.

We must face facts. There has been no communication from Equestria. If ponykind is to survive, we must repair the damage we inflicted on this land, and try our best to live in peace with the zebra. I am doing my best on the first, and I only hope you can make progress on the second.

Operative Ivory Winters.


“Stop leaving me in suspense.”

Zenai grinned as she turned to Bleak Fields, waving a hoof at the device in wonder. She had only heard about these in books, she had never considered one had actually survived, “This is a Garden Stave! It was designed by Twilight Sparkle, to remove radiation, taint and other wartime chemicals from the soil. It’s a prototype for the Gardens of Equestria, the device that returned Equestria to what it was before the war!”

Bleak chewed on this for a moment, looking sceptical. Eventually he focused on the obvious, “It’s broken.”

“Um...” Zenai scanned it, but truly she had no idea what she was looking for. It didn’t look damaged, though it was certainly dirty and rather rusty in places, “True, but we might be able to fix it.”

“Well this crate is pretty handy on its own. Full of freeze dried rations and medicine.”

A voice called out from outside, a little impatient, “What have you found down there?”

Zenai looked up, realising they couldn’t stand around here forever, “Let’s go and report back. There’s nothing left to do down here.”


There was a lot of excitement and discussion as to Zenai’s find, much of it a little overly hopeful to Zenai’s ears. She really shouldn’t have linked it to the Gardens of Equestria, the two sharing similar methods and purposes but bearing one important difference. The Gardens of Equestria were powered by the elements of harmony, this by a standard issue energy battery. They weren’t exactly comparable, “You do realise it would take decades to remove the radiation from an area like Dusklight don’t you?”

“It’s a process Zenai, slow as it might be.” Dust commented, moving alongside her and Luna, “Even in the short term it will make the water a little safer, improve the farming potential of the caves a little and make birth defects a tiny bit less likely. Combined, that’s of real benefit to any settlement.”

“Canterlot wasn’t built in a day.” Luna agreed, “Radhi and Swift Crimson are both in their teens. By the time they’re thirty the area around the caves would be fertile enough for large scale farming. By the time they’re fifty... well, the park has a wealth of construction material, it’s built to be central to all the major settlements in the area, yet it’s tucked into the mountainside in an easily defendable position. The rock naturally resists radiation, and I’ve amassed both a wealth of books and learning material and ponies smart enough to use it.”

Zenai actually felt a little shiver run down her spine. She couldn’t help but take note of the way Luna sounded, the way Luna was. Zenai for a moment felt she could really do it, “You want to build a new Canterlot?”

“No.” Luna stated firmly, her lip curling into a pout, “Canterlot was founded by the both of us, but it couldn’t help but become my sister’s design. What would a city built on my principles be I wonder... more suited to this new world, for sure.”

Zenai nodded, feeling that was true enough, “In the darkest of nights, when all gives way to despair...”

“...my silver light will guide you home. Always.” Luna finished, bowing her head and taking a deep, sighing breath, “I will make a city of candlelight and secrets, where silver topped towers will forever shine as a beacon for all those lost in the night.”

Dust sounded genuinely interested as he commented, “And will you rule as Celestia did?”

“Yes... I suppose so.” Luna thought on the matter for a while before shrugging her shoulders, “It suits my talents. I never wanted to be a dictator, and the fine details of bureaucracy and law bore me, no matter how hard Radhi tries. I have big ideas, and I know who to trust to bring them to life.”

Dust paused momentarily, “That doesn’t sound much like Celestia. She was an absolute monarch, pretty much the heart of the state.”

Luna chuckled, “Read any book on Equestrian governance. Celestia placed an entire governmental apparatus between her and her ponies, and then challenged them to argue her every playful whim. That sounds exactly like me and Radhi, and it certainly seems to have worked.” She grinned playfully, “I’m passionate and impulsive, and believe in dreams and wonders and freedom. I would be terrible as an absolute monarch.”

“That...” Dust considered this for several moments, “...you’ve really thought this through.”

“Yeah, well I’m very proud of my brain. Unfortunately it’s a little too big. Fills with all sorts of rubbish.”

Zenai had been silent for a while now, unable to get the image of that glorious city out of her head. Eventually she just had to say it, her words feeling bashful and embarrassingly naive, “I... would like to live in your city Luna.”

Princess Luna thank you.” Luna replied playfully, before her mood fell a little, “And we still have to defeat Star Hammer first.”

Dust smiled confidently, giving her a sideways look, “He’s one of the big hitters now Luna, not a playground bully like those you beat before. Take him down and ponies will start to pay attention.”

“I know.” She smiled, nodding firmly, “Strike down Discord, and earn your throne. Let it never be said that I ran from my destiny.” She cackled, her mane waving behind as she turned her head to her assembled troops, “Back to your units everypony! This mountain is MINE!”


They approached the cliffside, opening up into a little gully that ended abruptly a short way in. Flowers grew around the place and her pipbuck started shouting about radiation, just about to say something when Briar started handing around some yellow moss, “Chew on this ladies, and you won’t all go sterile.”

Zenai looked at it, admitting that she had never seen the stuff before, “This will help with the radiation?”

“Sure does.” She winked, flicking her dark main back and smiling cheerfully, “Tastes like ass, but it’s nutritious and effective.”

Zenai had no intention of sticking the slimy stuff in her mouth, quickly handing it back, “I’ll stick with Rad-x thanks.”

“Well la de da.”

They continued forward, towards what appeared to be a plain stone wall. Zenai was honestly confused, having figured they would be fighting through Starhammer’s zebra to get into what she had heard was a standard mine entrance. This was none of those things, “Where’s Starhammer? What’s going on?”

“Search me.” Briar commented, “The Princess wants to keep it a suprise I think. She’s always up to something.”

Luna motioned her head and two unicorns lined up beside her, raising their horns and joining their magic to hers. She closed her eyes and her magical glow spread across her fur, Zenai feeling the air hum around her. She took a single step forward and her horn surged with energy, blasting forward and hitting the mountainside with a terrific boom. Rock scattered, rubble rained down and quite a few ponies dashed for cover, Luna herself frowning and charging up her magic for another shot. She let loose once again, then again, then again, now panting at the effort.

She smiled as the smoke cleared to reveal the results of her work, waving the two unicorns forward, “Scoops, Rain. I need a moment to catch my breath.”

Zenai looked at the cliff wall as the two marched towards it, admitting the sight was a little odd. The rock had been excavated for quite a way, revealing a featureless slab of totally undamaged stone. She might have thought it part of the mountain, but it was just so perfectly preserved. The two unicorns joined their magic, the lights rotating for a couple of seconds before they both nodded and cast the spell at the slab. It was absorbed into the centre, the rock glowing for a second before the rock shifted upwards with a rumble. Beyond was a large stone hall, with corridors leading away in all directions.

Luna turned, grinning from ear to ear, “Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to Sanatora!”

“How...” Zenai shook her head in awe and not a little bit of confusion, “How did you know this was there?”

Luna looked extremely pleased with herself, “I’ve had records of the structure of this place for a long time. They’ve been useless of course, because I’ve never had any point of reference before.”

“But now you know where the main entrance is. You were able to measure round from there.” Swift Crimson landed next to her, looking up expectantly, “Shall I order the units to advance Princess?”

Luna considered for a moment before smiling regally, fanning out her wings, “I will enter first, flanked by the teams of you and Dusk Sable. The others will enter after we have determined the area is safe.”

“Very well.” Ace took off and returned to them, waving the group forward, “You heard her! Take position beside the Princess, protect her from all harm!”

“Thank you Princess.” A slim black and brown unicorn stated as he led his unit over to Luna’s side, “I won’t let you down.”

“You only arrived a short time ago and you’re already one of my most valued commanders Dusk Sable. I am honoured to be escorted by such a noble young stallion.” Luna gave him a warm, encouraging smile before turning about, extending her wings to cover both the groups at her side, “Now, let us see what this legendary city has to offer us!”

They made their way inside, Zenai’s heart pounding in her chest as the huge, empty chamber opened up before her. It was totally quiet, as expected a city of the dead. Not a thing moved.

Luna stopped a short way inside, looking around cautiously, “Seems clear.”

Light exploded under their hoofs, glowing runes blazing with fury. A dark, powerful voice boomed out, screaming words in some forgotten language. Zenai had a second to translate.


Luna turned, her expression panicked and her horn already throwing up a shield, “Everypony out! Ou...!”


Zenai... had teleported. She was sure of it, having felt the sensation before. She could hear the shouts of others in the distance, clicking on her pipboy light and illuminating her surroundings.

It was a plain, square stone room, with a stone bench and what looked like a latrine at the far end. A doorway led outside, some flimsy metal shards sitting in a pile of dust nearby. Obviously it had used to be the door.

“Hello, anyone there!?”

“I’m here.” Zenai stated as she stepped out to see Briar standing in the corridor with a blob of light at her horn, “Have you seen the others?”

“I’m here.” Swift Crimson stepped out of his own cell, rubbing his eyes, “What happened?”

Zenai looked around, noting the metal spikes in the wall, upon a few of which rusty keys still hung, “That trap must have teleported us all to the prison cells.”

“We’re probably lucky it didn’t just incinerate us on the spot.” Briar quipped, shrugging her shoulders, “And that the doors weren’t as durable of the rest of the structure.”

Zenai noted that with interest, not being an expert but pretty sure it was unusual for the walls to be in such good condition where all the doors and furniture had long since turned to dust. Magic? She didn’t know, not being a unicorn.

“Where are the others?” Swift Crimson looked around, “We can’t be the only ones here.”

“Um... I’m here.” Blue Wave stepped out of one of the cells, leading a rather scared looking Xani carefully by the hoof, “Any idea why our flashlights aren’t working?”

The little zebra Xani nodded firmly and empathically, clearly a little distressed, “It’s very dark.”

Swift Crimson pulled out his own and toggled the switch, to no avail. He glared at Zenai’s pipbuck suspiciously, “How come yours still works?”

“Um... well it’s pretty well shielded I guess, and very hardy.” Zenai looked at the device, seeing nothing obviously wrong with it... and considering it was at least two hundred years old that was quite impressive, “Maybe that teleport shorted out all our electronics, or the building is dampening them somehow. Briar, can you detect anything?”

The unicorn gave an embarrassed grin, “Me?”

“You’re a unicorn.”

“I’m a terrible unicorn.” She chuckled, “I use my telekinesis to make my big guns shoot things. I barely got this light to work.”

“Hmth...” Zenai grunted, “Ok then...”


They all turned, Swift Crimson advancing cautiously into the darkness, “Bleak, where are you?”

The light shone across the steel bars, and the familiar form of Bleak Fields struggling against them. He gave them an embarrassed grin as they approached, “Little help? These won’t budge, and my flashlight isn’t working.”

Swift Crimson inspected the bars, narrowing his eyes, “We might be able to shoot the lock off, or maybe...”

Zenai moved forward, taking her lockpicks in her teeth and leaning down to work. It was so loose and rusty that it didn’t take a moment, the door swinging open as she spat the picks back into her bag. She turned, glaring at Swift, “I’m useless huh? No call for lockpicking on this mission?”

“Smugness doesn’t suit you.” He commented simply, nodding his head towards the exit, “Let’s move. The others could be in trouble.”


The adjoining rooms were very similar, long corridors filled with ten cells each, along with a couple of rooms that looked like they had been housing for the guards. From these they found a few intact lanterns, Zenai and Xani cleaning them out and using her medical supplies to create makeshift candles, attaching them to their saddlebags. There wasn’t much else there except for some useless weaponry, and certainly no sign of the others.

“Where are they?”

Zenai noted Swift Crimson sounded increasingly panicked, moving to calm the Pegasus, “The spell might have failed, it was pretty old. It might have only had enough power to teleport us.”

“Or they could have been teleported to another location.” Briar suggested, “Either way, they can take care of themselves. I say we do what we came here for and explore. Try and find the exit, and anything valuable to scavenge.”

“I agree.” Swift Crimson tightened the straps on his weapon before waving them on, “Let go. Keep that light burning Briar, we’ve not likely to see the sun for a good while yet.”


The place was eerily empty. A few bone fragments and rusted blades were all that told of a battle talked about in legend, rooms that had once held wonders now just full of dust and ash. Zenai shuddered as she cast her eyes across a mural depicting hoards of dirty looking zebra, fighting, stealing or just lazing around. The next panel displayed the image of a star falling to the ground as they looked on in awe, the story continuing on to depict a great city of happy looking zebra with a angelic looking figure at the centre.

It made her feel sick.

“Hey, where’s Blue Wave?”

Zenai turned at Bleak’s observation, scanning the corridor behind her. It was empty, “He was behind me a second ago...”

“I know he was... BLUE WAVE!” Bleak shouted out, his voice echoing into the darkness. No reply came, “Fire be damned, I knew that dreamer would wander off.”

“We turn around.” Swift Crimson stated grimly, turning to give them all very serious looks, “No pony gets left behind.”

Zenai wasn’t going to argue, finding herself leading the way as they made their way back in the direction they had previously came. The area was totally silent, Zenai acutely aware of her own heart beat as the walls seemed to close around her.


Zenai turned, Xeni looking down at the dusty floor. Swift Crimson spoke first, “Xeni, what is it?”

“The tracks. They reduce from six to five here.” She lifted her head, her voice shaking ever so slightly, “This is where he was taken.”

“Everyone, on guard...”

Something lunged out of the darkness, which was immediately all consuming as the approaching creature waved a claw and sent Briar’s light and the two lanterns winking out of existence. Briar cursed and sprayed gunfire in its direction, Zenai hastily setting her pipbuck light to full intensity and sending it beaming down the corridor. The creature roared and reared backwards, obviously sensitive to the light after so long down here.

It was massive. Near seven ponies in height, its snakelike body was robust and powerful looking, wicked claws on its two front paws and a set of sharp horns atop its head. Its head was roughly pony shaped, but with a mouth full of jagged teeth not meant for dining on vegetable matter. After seeing so many goofy looking pictures of the race’s most famous member, nothing prepared her for seeing this thing in the flesh, “Dragonequis.”

It screamed a piercing deafening challenge and lunged at her, flying through the air on deceptively fragile looking wings. She fired on it but it was too fast, veering around the attack and diving in for the kill.

“Fucker!” Swift Crimson shot it once in the side before kicking it away with a flying charge, the beast lunging at him instead but snapping against nothing but air. He attempted to land a bullet against its forehead but the creature roared at him, stunning him long enough to gore him in the side with a horn. Swift quickly flew backwards, cursing as he quickly took down a healing potion.

The others got their act together, attacking in unison. Zenai tried to keep her light on it but it was fast, constantly zooming round, looking for shadow and darkness to attack from. Bleak landed a few shots that seemed to wound the creature, it however managed to whip its tail round as it retreated and knocked him sprawling. Xani’s crossbow bolt just bounced off the hard scales at the belly, the zebra looking shocked as she ran for cover. Briar finally scored a decisive blow, three shots on the shoulder that sent the creature howling back into the darkness.

“Score!” She stared in the direction the creature had retreated, “Did we get it?”

It lunged at her from the side, razor teeth shining in the darkness. Damn it was quiet.

Briar span on a single leg and sprayed the corridor with automatic weapon fire, yelling out a challenge as it closed. Zenai shouted a warning as she saw the creature fly upwards and skim the roof, desperately firing a shot of her plasma pistol that missed entirely. It swooped down with a horrific grin on its face and opened its jaws, Briar unable to angle her weapon that high. Her weapon sprayed the roof uselessly as it closed on her.

It fastened its jaws around her, the mare giving a piercing scream as it carried her into the air and shook her tiny body from side to side. Zenai managed to land a shot this time and singed its side, the beast sweeping its tail around to send her spinning to the ground with enough force to knock all the wind out of her.



A crossbow bolt lodged itself in the creature’s eye and it roared, a second before Swift Crimson struck it in the head with a flying buck that knocked it from the air. Briar slammed down a few feet away, Zenai struggling to her feet and half limping over to the mare.

She squeaked and covered her face as the dragonequis swung its tail at her from its fallen position, only for the creature to pause in thrashing distress as Bleak Fields galloped forward and pumped round after round into its prone body.


The beast screeched, jumping up and lunging at him. Zenai sized it up and fired a bolt of plasma down its throat, the dragonequis clawing at its throat for one brief moment before Bleak Water blew its brains out of the top of its head. This finished it, the beast crashing into a limp heap.

Swift Crimson swooped down, his horrified look not boding well. Zenai galloped over, noting that at the very least Briar was still moving...

Blood coated the floor. It was clear at least one of her arteries had been severed. Its teeth had tore most of the side of her neck away, and neatly severed a leg. The fall had broken her back. She gasped and sobbed, Zenai swallowing her horror as she walked over and injected a vial of med-x into the suffering mare’s leg.

“What are you doing?!” Bleak galloped over, his voice shaking, “Give her a healing potion!”

“Shut up Bleak.” Swift Crimson spoke with barely restrained emotion, having to look away after a moment and walk straight towards the advancing Bleak Fields, “It’s not going... it’s not going to work...”

“What... that’s not...”

Zenai held the mare’s hoof as her eyes slowly dimmed, her desperate attempts to take a breath finally fading away and her body falling still. She closed the mare’s eyes, trying her best not to throw up right there and then. She felt guilty, angry, scared... and none of her emotions could find any real target to latch to.

“No! NO!” Bleak screamed out, flinging his weapon to the ground and backing away from Swift Crimson, “Game over! Fuck this, we’re totally screwed!”

“Pick up your gun solider!”

“I’m not a damn soldier Swift! I’m thirteen years old, I joined because you let me carry a gun and had some nice looking mares in your group!” He backed into a wall, hyperventilating now, “We’re children, we can’t fight these things!”

Swift Crimson yelled his response, “We can and will!”

“No we can’t.” Bleak shook his head, eyes wide, “We just lost two ponies man, and Briar was one of our best.”

Swift Crimson advanced on him in anger, “She was... she was... fuck... fuck...” His body sagged, the energy draining from his voice, “Damnit Briar...”

Zenai watched him loose it with a trembling heart, their grim, swearing leader going quiet and limp as the full extent of their situation dawned. Zenai looked to Xani, the little zebra scanning the area for danger without any attempt to acknowledge the scene behind her. It was good that she was freaking out usefully, though it confirmed her lingering suspicions that she was not one to look to for leadership.

She turned back to the group, taking a deep breath and speaking, “Bleak, I understand, but if you freak out now we’ll never get out of here.”

He turned to her, eyes still wide, “That’s pretty much a given now! Look at what they did to her!”

“Look what we did to it.” Zenai waved a hoof at the dragonequis currently cooling on the stone, “You’re the first stallion to kill a dragonequis in a thousand years. Together, we just killed a god. Briar would be proud to fall in combat against something like that, and I know I’m proud to have killed it.”

Swift Crimson spoke grimly, “There’s probably a lot more of them down here.”

“Then let’s kill them too.”

“...fuck yeah.” Bleak Fields responded, his eyes moving around restlessly for a moment before settling on Xani, “Xani, get over here.”

The zebra turned, confused for a moment as Bleak trotted over and looked down at her with a strange, awkward expression. He paused there, chewing on his words for a moment before finally releasing his clumsy syllables, “You... you’re going to... stay close. Be careful.”

She looked deeply confused, “I am? Eeek...”

He hugged her clumsily for a moment before stepping away, blushing and trying to hide his face, “Ah shit... let’s just go, ok?”

Swift Crimson snorted, “Your overactive libido is a fucking embarrassment Bleak.”

“Screw you Swift.” He stated bitterly, shaking his head, “I just don’t like seeing mares get hurt ok? And... look at her. She’s adorable. I might just go to pieces if... if anything happens to her.”

Swift Crimson stared at Xani’s avoidant, quietly blushing face for a moment before a tiny smile moved across his face, “She’s twice the fighter you are Bleak. Worry about your own ass.”


They passed through the rooms and corridors in silence, sure the murals and decoration were deeply fascinating but not remotely in the mood. Still Zenai quietly marvelled as they observed the depictions of things she had only heard about in books, first hand records of things from a time before ponies had descended from the northern mountains.

She felt it was sad that the earliest depictions of the zebra showed them as slaves to these dark masters. Zebra talked about the glorious first empire, but really all they had was guesswork and second hand accounts. The Star Demons had wanted the zebra to only know servitude, to fashion the zebra into a race of obedient chattel. She was proud to say that they had failed.

The damage they had done however had been significant. Ponies had a lot to be thankful for. A history. And most importantly, peace under the guidance of Celestia. It often seemed amazing that pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns had managed to be in the same room together, let alone form a working state. Often times they hadn’t, and history was full of moments where Celestia had to step in and bash heads together. The zebra had never had a leader like that, and in the end their history was a long litany of failed states and warfare.

Zephyr and his most trusted companion Zenophilious had defeated the Star Demons and become heroes, united zebra kind behind them as one. Zenophilous had mastered the elements of harmony, become immortal and vested in divine power. They had been given the chance to lead their people out of darkness... and they had refused that honour. Allowed lesser zebra to take control.

Just like Littlepip had.

She should have taken Red Eye’s offer. Become a Goddess.

In her heart Zenai knew, that the NCR would eventually go the way of the zebra nations because of that mistake. The zebra nations. So called because they had never even been able to decide on a name for their land, so divided had they by their petty distinctions.

“Eyes peeled. There’s something ahead.”

Zenai looked up at Swift Crimson’s command, indeed seeing something in the distance. As they got closer she recognised the forms of Dragonequis, though they seemed to be unmoving upon the ground. Their suspicions were confirmed as they drew closer, noting the charred scales and broken bodies of the creatures. Zenai looked down at her pipbuck, noting the lack of their presence on her display, “They’re dead.”

“Three of them... beaten to death by the looks of it.” Bleak moved over, as incautious as ever as he inspected the bodies, “Looks like something cooked them good as well.”

Relief filled Swift Crimson’s voice, “Those burns, those are wounds from black lightning. Princess Luna has been here, she’s the one who killed them.”

“Three of them at once?”

“You saying she’s not capable?” Swift stated grumpily, looking around for a second before yelling out, “PRINCESS! PRINCESS LUNA!”

Nopony answered. Bleak let the air rest for a moment before commenting, “She’s not here man. These guys were probably beaten to death by their own, for not being evil and scary enough or something.”

“Fuck you Bleak.” Swift Crimson stated, staring angrily into the darkness, “She’s down here, and we’re going to find her.”

“If you say so...”

They continued, onwards, passing through empty halls and silence. Occasionally they heard things, the roar of creatures, maniacal laughter, voices, speaking both modern tongues and that of ages past. Still they saw nothing.

Eventually a light was seen in the distance, flickering and weak. They made their way towards it, eventually emerging into a medium sized cave... that contained nothing they had ever expected.

Zenai paused, taking in the room with wide eyes, switching to a calm assessing gaze as she tried to figure out what exactly she was seeing. At first she reasoned that it was from the Lost Legion, or from Starhammer’s forces... but it all looked like it had been here for years, some of it actually totally rusted and falling apart. Unless their understanding of history was really wonky she also doubted it dated back more than a thousand years to when this place was originally sealed either.

This room was full of computer equipment and other tech, along with racks of guns and cots for sleeping. It all looked to date around the time of the war, Zenai noting that the guns were top of the range models from the late stages of the zebra campaign.

“Whoh... looks like someone beat us to it...”

“So where are they?” Zenai looked to the tables, still laid out with cutlery and dusty bottles, “Looks like they left in a hurry.”

“Or they all got caught by the scaleys.” Bleak trotted over to the weapon rack, unstrapping his rifle and dropping it to the ground before taking one from the rack and studying it with growing awe, “You know that this single gun is likely worth more than half our inventory? It’s loaded with top of the range antipersonnel ammo too.”

Xani gazed around dreamily, “Do they have any crossbows?”

“How high-tech can they make a stupid crossbow?” Bleak picked up another rifle in his mouth and spat it at the zebra, his tone abrasive, “Please, stop being weird and pick up a damn rifle. You’re an awesome shot, and you waste it on... stone age rubbish.”

“Shut up Bleak.” Swift Crimson looked over the weapons, nodding thoughtfully after he had inspected them in detail, “They were definitely worried about the dragonequis, all these weapons are suited for big, hard scaled targets. They’re also all top quality, so whoever was down here was obviously pretty fucking important. And this is all clearly pre-war.”

Zenai’s suspicions were confirmed as she studied the computer equipment, noting the symbol plastered all over the paperwork lying around, “They were from the zebra academy of science.”

“Those creepy motherfuckers, perfect. I suppose it figures, isn’t their headquarters directly above us?”

Zenai looked up, it honestly scaring her a little to think there was about a billion tons of unhewn rock above her head, “More or less, about a mile or so directly upwards.”

“Can you get any of this junk running?” Swift Crimson stated commandingly, looking to Xani and Bleak, “Xani, keep an eye out. Bleak, help me clean and bag these weapons.”

Zenai didn’t think that was really a priority, “Swift, they’ll just slow us down. Just take what you need.”

“Concern fucking noted, but this haul is worth enough to buy us an entire fucking mercenary company if we had the mind. I’ve no idea whether we’ll have the opportunity to come back, so we take our chances now.”

Zenai supposed that was fair enough. She wandered over to the computer equipment and connected her pipbuck, glad to see that these machines were in much better condition than the computer in the cave. The encryption was strong, still she was getting much better at this and it didn’t take her long to crack it.

Log Entry 1 – 11.43, 4th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD - Authored by Doctor Zephat
Our entry into the cavern system itself occurred at 8.23, breaking through into what was most certainly a constructed structure, a large corridor, several meters across. The walls were stylised, though the designs and method of construction do not match up with any examples on record. We decided further study could wait and set off in search of a base camp, soon uncovering an empty square chamber large enough to set up equipment and living quarters. So far we have uncovered no remains or artefacts, likely both have been long since taken by time. The condition of the caverns themselves are remarkable however, so a study of the rock was undertaken. Results will be back by tomorrow.

Log Entry 2 – 10.00, 5th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD - Authored by Doctor Zephat
The results of the mineral analysis came back, showing something truly remarkable. The rock is the same as the surrounding mountain, with no imported stone at all. The composition of this stone is unremarkable, and indeed could even be described as soft and brittle. The secret of its longevity is in fact a subtle, but magically astounding enchantment. Namely, this rock does not age. It does not change state, unless it is placed under significant stress. It is frozen in time. The rock in question was picked from an area where the wall had crumbled slightly, we determined that the enchantment had weakened in this area. In others it is still remarkably strong. Automatic weapons fire into the walls simply cancels out the majority of the impact, kinetic energy is lost and the bullets fall to the ground. I can only imagine the possibilities, and have set my scientists to studying this effect while we look of anything else of interest.

Log Entry 3 – 11.20 5th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD - Authored by Doctor Zephat
The enchantment process has been studied, but its methods are so alien as to be incomprehensible. The spells are literally woven into the very matter, by what art I cannot guess. I have sent samples up to you, so that they made be studied in greater detail.
On a more worrying note, some of us have reported seeing strange creatures watching them, quickly retreating when spotted. Though I have not seen any myself I have no reason to doubt them. Something is studying us. I have set more guards on watch, and conducted a two hourly headcount.

Log Entry 4 – 9.05 6th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD - Authored by Doctor Zephat
One of the scientists is missing. He was gathering more rock samples the last anyone saw him, thirty minutes before his absence was reported. His communicator is offline, and all magical attempts to track him have failed.
I have cancelled further ventures into the cave and put all my guards on full alert. It is clear that we are not alone.

Log Entry 5 – 13.24 7th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD – Authored by Doctor Zephat
We have killed one of the monsters, though at the cost of two of the security team. It is clearly a Dragonequis, despite the years of isolation it is similar to other demonspawn in that it has evidenced very little evolution. Fortunately enough they are not bulletproof, though they can suffer serious wounds before expiring and are both strong and fast. They also evidence some limited magical abilities, though they never attempted to communicate with us or display any other signs of intelligence.
I am formally requesting reinforcements. We will be unable to perform further research while these things continue to attack us.

Log Entry 6 – 16.00 8th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD – Authored by Doctor Ziles
These things are smarter than we thought. Smarter than us anyway. They attacked the side of the camp, and the guards moved to defend us. They kept their distance, never allowing a clear shot... and after they had left we discovered it had been a diversion. Doctor Zephat and four other members of the research team are gone. We never even heard them cry out.
We desperately need reinforcements. We cannot maintain this position.

Log Entry 7 – 12.32 9th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD – Authored by Enter Name Here
Zebra zebra zebra slave all live in darkness we hunt slave kill eat change all slave slave slave.

Log Entry 8 – 9.23 12th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD – Authored by Dragonequis Kill Kill Kill
Zebra all our slaves. Live in darkness years years years. Live in darkness no more, live in sun sun sun kill kill kill.

Log Entry 9 – 11.30 14th, Sunrise, 1512 ECD – Authored by Enter Name Here

Log Entry 10 – 12.34 8th, Sunrise, 1516 ECD – Authored by Enter Name Here

Zenai stopped reading, the entries bellow much of the same. It confirmed the research team’s suspicions that the Dragonequis were semi-intelligent at least, though the one who seemed to evidence some ability to learn their language and communicate still hardly seemed the sort for a pleasant chat. She switched folders, moving instead to the inbox.

Message sent by High Scientist Zenospira at 19.00 8th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD
I am sorry that your expedition has come to an unfortunate end. Accordingly we have sealed off the tunnel and posted guards, clearly we cannot risk these things escaping. Your sacrifice in the name of science will be recorded, and your families compensated as laid out in your contracts. Thank you for your loyal service.

Message sent by High Scientist Zenospira 12.30 12th, Moonfall, 1454 ECD
I will make it clear now that however powerful and great you think your master was, he is nothing compared to me. You conquered some insignificant slice of an insignificant land, stole it away from dirt farmers with sharp sticks. The wonders I have wrought could and will burn the world barren for the next thousand years, and when trees bloom once again it is my creations who will rise dominant over it. Dare come to the surface and I will see you open on a table, a cold corpse for my scientists to study.
I trust I have made myself clear.

Zenai moved away from the console, pretty sure she didn’t want to meet the author of those messages. She was really glad that he at least died a long time ago. She was reminded, not for the first time, quite how many kooks the war had shaken from the rafters, “Are we all ready?”

Swift Crimson nodded, saddle harnesses laden with weaponry, “Whenever you are.”


Though the scale of the corridors and rooms were impressive, built to accommodate beasts much larger than zebra, after a while they all began to become used to it. It was even becoming rather dull, with all furniture, artefacts and bodies long since turned to dust.

Their sense of wonder was ignited once again by the great hall that opened up in front of them.

For one thing, it still had light. A sequence of twenty dragonequis statues flanked the central pathway towards the far end of the hall, each of them different but all holding somewhere a torch burning with a bright blue flame that went some way to illuminating the cavernous interior. Short walls divided up most of the floor space, breaking it into manageable chunks. Though these days they generally used movable versions Zenai figured these were used for crowd control, easily herding the audience into their required places without too much pushing and shoving. That impression was further cemented by the raised podium at the far end, a great throne standing upon its highest point. The throne was decorated with stars and other mystical symbols, gemstones still clearly seen upon its face. The most impressive mural yet seen rose above it on the wall behind, displaying a crowned dragonequis, his features far more zebric than the more draconic traits of the others they had seen. His two long clawed forearms extended outwards, one clutching a sphere containing a single six pointed star and five other smaller stars circling around. The other clutched a wavering, jagged shape, filled with lines of varying sizes that made it rather hard to look at, “Is that...?”

“I guess that’s Phyilidos, yeah.” Swift Crimson observed the mural with distaste, “What’s he holding?”

Zenai observed it with interest, eventually having to go with the obvious conclusion, “The central star, that looks like the element of magic. I guess the other smaller stars represent the other five.” She looked across to the other object, “So... that must be chaos. Harmony and chaos, he’s demonstrating his control of both.”

“Arrogant fucker.”


The moved towards the end of the room, their plodding steps echoing through the chamber. Maybe it was because of the light, but this place felt a lot more alive and threatening that the others. Zenai’s ears tingled, her fur standing on end. They passed through a series of stone tables and the feeling only got worse, closing her eyes and trying to slow her breathing.


Zenai opened her eyes to chaos, a table exploding into shards in front of her. Her eyes flicked over to one of the entrances, a troop of well armed zebra pouring through with weapons trained and already firing.

They broke formation, Zenai glad of her small stature as she ran through a series of stone tables, keeping her head low as she closed the distance. She ducked under one and blew the hooves out from one of the soldiers, his companion just about to return fire when a crossbow bolt took him through the neck. She took further attack but managed to roll away, watching as the others engaged their own attackers. Bleak Fields was showing his stuff, taking small little potshots that hit nothing but attracted their full attention, keeping his head low as the other two snuck round for a better viewpoint.

Swift Crimson leapt upwards, his wings unfolding as he arced round and fired his revolver into their ranks from above, taking down one and wounding two more in a matter of seconds. They fired back but he was already diving down back into cover, rolling behind one of the great pillars. A crossbow bolt lodged into the head of one of the wounded soldiers and he dropped silently, though another covering his companions immediately twisted about and fired a burst that hit Xani and knocked her out of cover. Another burst dropped her, striking her twice in the chest.

“Damnit!” Bleak Fields stood up and fired on full burst, sending most of them scurrying to cover. One at the side managed to score a hit on him but he swung his rifle around and hit the zebra with four straight rounds, setting him alight and dropping him screaming to the floor, “Zenai, get...!”

A zebra soldier moved out of cover and unloaded a shotgun into the buck, sending him flying backwards with a gasp. Fortunately the soldier’s own head was immediately holed, Swift Crimson leaping out cover and scoring an impossible hit from range before diving back behind a stone table. Zenai stood and blasted another zebra soldier with her pistol, burning his side and throwing off his aim as he returned fire. His companion was not so inconvienanced, he hit Zenai with a shotgun burst that tore up her side and knocked her to the floor.

She couldn’t help it, she screamed. The pain felt like a white hot noise filling her thoughts, her heart slamming against her chest and her lungs burning from the overexertion. She knew she was going to die, watched the soldiers train weapons on Swift Crimson’s position...

A crossbow bolt flew under tables to cripple one of them, their panic just giving Swift enough time to dart out from cover and put two bullets into the first. The second returned fire but Swift opened his wings around flung himself sideways, emptying his gun and striking his attacker three times in the chest. The final soldier desperately tried to pull the bolt from his leg but he just couldn’t reach, squealing in terror as Xani walked up to him and placed a crossbow bolt through his eye.

“Oh... shit. Xani, are you alright?”

Xani turned, quickly holding out a hoof to stop the limping Bleak from approaching. She then nodded and gave a little smile, “Yes... are you ok Bleak?”

He took a deep breath before looking down at his ruined vest, “Tore up my armor.”

Swift Crimson grunted as he walked over, not looking happy, “You deserve it you idiot! Leaving cover during a firefight, wasting an entire clip shooting the furniture!”

“Sorry boss.” He rubbed his head with a hoof, “I thought they had killed Xani...”

“Idiot!” Swift slapped him across the back of his head, glaring at him, “She can look after herself! And if she was dead, what would getting yourself killed prove?!”

“Sorry boss...”

Swift Crimson took, a deep breath, slapped him again and stalked off to retrieve the dropped sack of weapons, “I swear...”

Bleak coughed a little, lowering his head and giving a weak chuckle as Swift departed, “Man... I’m really not sure I’m cut out for this...”

Zenai approached, confirming her original suspicion. The buck was crying. She moved over to his side, keeping her voice low, “It’s a stressful situation Bleak, I think we’re all reaching our limits. I know I’m freaking out, and I seem to be in these sorts of situations constantly lately.”

He chuckled, wiping away tears, “Xani and Swift seem to be doing alright.”

“I think they have their own way of coping.”

“Yeah, pissed off, and medication addiction.” Bleak sighed, “I’m just a dude you know?”

“You’re doing pretty well for just a dude.” She drew him in for a hug, feeling him relax against her chest, “Just a little longer, and we’ll be out of there.”

He chuckled as she drew away, clearly blushing and with a very evil look in his eye, “Man, a few more of those and I’ll be ready to take on another few dozen of those snake dudes. And that was an invitation, you know?”

“Down boy.”

He grinned, biting his lip, “Hey, if we get out of here in one piece, how about a kiss? In celebration of all we’ve been through and the camaraderie we’ve shared?” He noted her withering expression, taking a pleading, cheeky tone, “One kiss... heh, unless you beg for more...”

She rolled her eyes, sighing. What the hell... “Ok, so long as you don’t pull any more reckless stunts. I need you to be calm and focused.”

“Hell yeah!” He whooped, “Now that’s the kind of inspiration I’m looking for! Not slaps across the head!”

Zenai shook her head. At least she was using her powers for good.

Her friends would never let her live this down.


They decided to continue down the path Starhammer’s troops had emerged from, figuring it had to be some sort of exit. Evidence of his invasion lay all around, dead Dragonequis and plenty of his own slain, along with a few war machines of the lost legion. Gunfire could still be heard in the distance, along with... “Can you hear... laughter?”

Swift Crimson nodded as he led them forward, “Yeah. Fucking creepy, but it’s coming from the other direction at least.”

Zenai nodded and continued on, keeping a watchful eye out for danger. They were likely heading straight for Starhammer’s camp, hoping that it was mostly unoccupied by now. It was a fools hope, but it was better than being lost in here.

She saw something dart past, taking a moment to realise it was a huge dragonequis. She had no idea how it had suddenly appeared, only that her reaction was the highly embarrassing ‘scream like a girl and fall on ass’. The others shouted in a little more of a dignified way, spinning around and unloading on the beast.

It disappeared into smoke the moment the bullets touched it.

“What was that?” Bleak finally ventured, “We can’t all have imagined it could we?”

Swift Crimson considered the matter grimly before waving them on, “We must have. Come on, we need to keep moving.”

Zenai sighed to release the tension, brushing herself down and turning to follow the others. They had only gone a few steps when it happened again. She opened her eyes wide as a strange white mist solidified into shapes, not quite believing what she was seeing. The images that flowed before her were just unreal enough to look out of place in the cold starkness of the tunnel, their forms a little blurry, their clothes muted. They walked through the darkness, a troop of zebra in traditional epic era battlegear, a large, powerful looking stallion leading them. He was in his middle years but had aged very well, handsome and rugged with a huge cleaver like blade strapped lightly to his back. He spoke, Zenai recognising it as old Isoko... very rough old Isoko, but still recognisable. His voice was full of authority, “It makes me nervous, true enough. Still, the more of his troops we kill, the less of a threat he’ll be.”

The zebra next to him, slim and androgynous and wearing a harness of potions and fetishes around his shoulders, replied, “According to the commanders any zebra who has attempted to breach the inner sanctum has yet to return, and the soldiers report hearing screams and manic laughter.”

“Manic laughter huh? That really doesn’t sound like Phidious.” The big zebra snorted, smiling grimly, “There isn’t a colder fish in all the seas.”

“Well that’s what worries me...”

The shadowy figment of a dragonequis appeared from the adjoining corridor, the kids all aiming weapons before they realised this too was a figment. It roared and dived for the group of zebra, their big leader holding out a hoof to stop them charging, “Just one. I’ve got this, just watch out for more.”

He then turned back to the charging beast, his face contorting into a terrifying, manic grin. His hoof slipped into the leather strap of his sword, shifting it to his side and halfway out of its harness. He then charged, galloping forward and effortlessly rolling aside as the dragonequis slammed its tail down upon the stone floor. He jumped the instant he was back on his hooves, drawing his blade and using its weight and momentum to send himself into a curving arc that slipped straight through the monster’s slashing claws. The sword flashed through the air, the zebra spinning and curving like an acrobat before slamming down behind the monster with a satisfied grin.

The dragonequis gasped briefly before collapsing into smoke. It billowed outwards, consuming the scene, spreading across their hooves. Zenai darted back, as did Xani. Bleak and Swift stared grimly into the shadows, unmoving as a pair of dark figures appeared within. Zenai hesitated as she scanned their silhouettes, a big stallion with a sword slung across his back and a smaller, more feminine pony beside. At first she thought the illusion was still active, that they were still witnessing some scene from the far off past.

But their hooves were echoing upon the stone floor.

“Well, well. Look what we have here. Some brats, out after curfew.” The mists shifted around the big stallion, his ugly, heavy scarred form only superficially alike to the vision Zenai was sure must have been Zephyr himself. He carried the same blade however, his prowling form filled with the same hint of potential power. The figure beside him was also a zebra, delicate and female, her hooves moving to push the mists aside as her companion focused fully upon their group, “I’m actually quite impressed you managed to survive down here so long. That unit that we just lost contact with, was that you?”

Zenai shivered, certain this stallion would not be as easy to kill as those before. The others were similarly hesitant, Swift Crimson however stepped forward proudly, “Yes, it was.”

“Brave lad.”

“Well I know something they don’t.” He stated, lifting his revolver to his shoulder and giving the pair a grim, resolved glare, “First, that you are Starhammer, leader of the forces that want to wipe us out. And second, that I’ve totally got you at range motherfucker. Got any firearms stashed away there, or do you really intend to take us on with that sword?”

“Truth be told, I’m a pretty rubbish shot.” Starhammer stated casually, “So if you really think...”

Swift Crimson drew and fired in one swift motion. The bullet sang through the air, struck a shield of air in front of Star Hammer and deflected into the dust. The zebra grinned and burst into motion. His hooves span impossibly fast as he darted from one position to the next, ducking, dodging and weaving as he closed the distance. Swift fired another shot and Star Hammer ran straight into it, angling his sword against the bullet with a twist of his hoof. It ricocheted sharply and flew back at their lines, Bleak taking it in the shoulder and hitting the ground with a yell.


Star Hammer laughed, leapt into the air to avoid a plasma bolt from Zenai and used the momentum of his blade to spin himself. The hilt whipped out and struck Swift with a mighty clang, sending the Pegasus bouncing along the floor for quite a distance. Zenai desperately twisted her weapon to bear but Star Hammer’s weapon was surprisingly long, the zebra swinging it about his head by the strap and striking her pistol from her mouth. She was left choking on coolant, her damaged weapon sailing away into the darkness.

“Should know better kiddies... woah! Ha ha!” Starhammer jumped back and leaned his head upwards as a crossbow bolt flew just under his chin, turning his head to look at Xani with amusement. She dropped into a low, slinking stance, her eyes narrowed at him. He took it in for a moment before giving her a rather impressed smile, “The Naineti Shadows?”

She blinked, her eyes widening.

“I’m quite a fan of historical warriors, and you are really very good. You have the stance, the costume, the weapons... and you don’t go off talking too much like this fool.” He motioned his head to the fallen Swift Crimson, “I really am impressed... though try and kill me again and I’ll break your fucking hooves. Now put down your weapons.”

Xani considered this for a moment before slowly and reluctantly moving back into a standing position, unbuckling her crossbow and her knives and throwing them to the floor. Disarmed and disheartened, she moved towards them, shooting worried looks at the silent Swift Crimson and the swearing Bleak Fields. She moved over to Star Hammer’s side...

And struck up at him with a knife that slipped from a hidden compartment in her armor, slipping it into her hoof and driving it towards his heart!

He caught her with a grin and a chuckle, breaking her nose with a powerful headbutt and flexing his weight downwards to disable the leg with a horrible snap. The zebra screamed, especially as he caught her by her other front hoof and snapped that too, seizing her neck in his teeth and hoisting her into the air.

“Stop it!”

Star Hammer looked across at Zenai as she screamed at him, then turned to stare back the way he came at his zebra companion. He immediately ceased his attack and flung a whimpering Xani to the ground, chuckling as he wiped the spittle from his chin, “I did warn her.”

“You evil little...!”

“Ah ah ah.” He waved a hoof at her, a toothy smile on his face, “Don’t insult the zebra who could still kill all of you before you could blink.”

Zenai would have preferred it if he wasn’t so polite. This... casualness just made it worse, “They’re children!”

“And they’re not dead. That’s about the only charity I’ll willingly offer them.” Star Hammer snorted, grinning cruelly, “It would have been a worthy death though. Not many show such bravery, determination, resolve... I’d rather kill a six year old foal who shows me a bit of dignity before he dies than some adult jackass barely worthy of bearing his stripes.”


“Life in the wastes. And before you say anything else...” He grinned aggressively, angling his brutish face to the side, “You’re an adult, you’re an enemy, and you just tried to kill me. Why shouldn’t I slice that pretty little head from your body?”

“Because... I surrender.” She stated, quickly and shakily.

“Good choice.” He chuckled, “Now hitch your friends up and follow me. We’re going to have a little word with your princess.”


Footnote: Level up! (9)
Perk Acquired – Plasma Spaz
You have a particular affinity for magical fire attacks. Action point (AP) costs for all plasma weapons and spells (including grenades) are reduced by 20%.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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