• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.5 - Old Dreams

Chapter 2.5 - Old Dreams

Fluttershy offered a smile to the guard as he opened her gate for her, receiving a smart bow in reply. She stepped through to the familiar and welcome sent of flowers, taking a deep breath and grinning down at Angel beside her. He was as grim and watchful as ever, though even he softened a little at her gaze before stiffening up once more.

The mansion was as controversial and as out of place as she sometimes felt, which was part of why she had fallen in love with it. Sitting in the middle ring of the city in a place normally reserved for the middle class, it dominated all around it. It also stood dramatically opposed to the stark, clean white and gold of the rest of the city, instead a rustic, colorful red brick building covered in ivy and flowers, surrounded by only nominally tamed vegetation. Fluttershy had often longed for the serenity of her home in Ponyville, but she knew well that she was either needed here, or at the front. She needed this place, a small slice of home in the middle of somewhere so very foreign.

The door opened at her approach, her butler Worthy stepping back to allow her entry. She offer a smile to him too and he smiled back, a playful sparkle behind his half moon glasses and regal demeanor, “My lady. Welcome home.”

“Any messages for me Worthy?”

“Several Miss Fluttershy. We have had more correspondence from those you wished not mentioned.”

Fluttershy grunted, feeling an uncharacteristic vindictive hatred seep through her. She didn’t like it, which is why she didn’t entertain even considering their names, “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“Very good Miss.” Worthy bobbed his head, not missing a beat, “Your daughter, Miss Lucky has also left a message, asking you to contact her at the earliest convenience.”

“Earliest convenience?”

Worthy nodded, “Yes Miss. She was inquiring as to no particular subject, merely seeking discourse.”

Fluttershy sighed, warring with herself momentarily. She was aware that she would eventually live to regret her decisions, that history books would paint her in unflattering tones... but they would live to regret them, and historians would write their books. Talking with her children only distracted her, upset her, made her doubt herself. She couldn’t let that happen, not now, “Could you tell her that I’m too busy at present?”

“Of course Miss.” Worthy bowed, no judgement in his genial manner, “Miss Rarity still wishes your response in regards to scheduling your next meeting.”

Meeting... Fluttershy tensed angrily, detesting such dancing around. Worthy wasn’t stupid, so she wasn’t sure exactly what purpose such weasely language served. Maybe Rarity liked it like that, liked the subterfuge of it, the lies and half truths.

Of course she did. And it ‘was’ dishonest, underhanded, illicit. Maybe in a way Rarity was being more honest that she was, “I... ask me later Worthy. After tea.”

“Very well. Will you be taking tea in the sitting room?”

“Yes, thank you Worthy.”

“My pleasure Miss.”

She continued down the corridor, her hooves echoing through the empty house. She liked it empty. She had always lived on her own, and her brief attempt to be a family mare to be honest had grated on her a little. She liked being alone, with just her animals for company. She found other ponies confusing and tiring, drawing out her worst qualities. More and more she felt it was a mistake, oftentimes just wishing her children would just forget her and move on, find somepony more worthy of their affections. She wished they would just be happy, move on and enjoy the life she was fighting to give them.

She moved into the sitting room and relaxed upon the soft cushions at the side of the room, the enchantment on the fireplace sending flickering warmth across her as a soft blaze consumed the wood stocked there. The warmth sent a mild incense drifting outwards, Fluttershy smiling contentedly as she shifted over her copy of ‘Gardener’s Weekly’ and happily planned out her next gardening project.

Not that she had time anymore, but she could dream. She took a little comfort in the fact that her children weren’t the only ones who suffered from this dreadful war. For the last three years it sobered her to realise that she hadn’t taken care of one animal, or planted one flower. Her days were spent tending to ponies, or more often these days stamping paperwork and attending meetings. By Celestia, she had made more speeches than gardening projects over the last few years. Her! Standing on a podium, speaking to ponies who loved her, who stood in the rain to listen to her speak!

War had made fools of them all.

She sat like that for some time, Angel napping with one eye open on an armchair nearby, Worthy arriving to deliver the evening tea before leaving with a polite bow. The silence and contentment allowed Fluttershy’s worries to slip away, the troubles of the war seeming a long way off now. She allowed herself to sink into the cushions, letting her shoulders relax...

“Miss Fluttershy!”

Angel sat bolt upright as Worthy charged into the room, the pony’s eyes wide and terrified. Fluttershy swiftly followed, bounding off the sofa and rounding on her panicking servant. She tried her best to sound calm and reassuring, even though she had never seen Worthy look so flustered, “Worthy, whatever is the matter?”

He took a second to compose himself, straightening his tie before addressing her seriously, “Miss Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash has entered the residence, she is in your study right now.”

“What?!” This took her off guard. It hardly made any kind of sense, Rainbow Dash was barely out of hospital after her stunt back in the zebra empire, Fluttershy hadn’t even been aware that she was back in Equestria. And in her house, without asking her first? It was a poor thing, when mares of the ministry became burglars, “Why didn’t the guards at the gate inform me?!”

“My lady...” Worthy gave her a flustered, confused look, wiping his brow, “She had a warrant to search your premises, and... and arrest if needed.”

Fluttershy felt something cold sink through her, freezing her heart solid and forcing it to lay in her chest like a lead weight. It didn’t make sense...

It made perfect sense. The records of her conversation with Prince Nashar were in her study, the drafts of the Zebra letter of surrender and the Equestrian response. The details of her plan for peace between them...

And under the current laws, proof of treason, “Angel, guard the front door.”

The bunny cocked his head, chittering.

“If you have to. But I am going to the study, to talk to her myself.”

Angel glared, chittering again.

She sounded braver than she felt. Still, nothing good could come of that, “No Angel. Alone.” She shook her fear away, reassuring herself how stupid it was, “If I have anything to fear from Rainbow Dash... no, never mind.”

Angel crossed his arms, beating a foot against the floorboards.

“She’s not a changeling. Or Sombra, or a zebra spy.” She stated it firmly, not sure how she could be so sure but still not thinking it likely. There were plenty of easier ways to get close to her, “Worthy, please go with him.”

The butler nodded, watching her regretfully as she departed, “Yes my lady. Please be cautious.”


Her study was a small place, she really only worked there when dealing with one of her ‘secret’ projects, which for obvious reasons didn’t call for a lot of compromising paperwork. Most of what did exist was stored in a secret drawer under her desk, Fluttershy noting to her disquiet that it had already been found and forced open. The likely culprit was indeed currently standing behind the desk, her eyes moving over was looked like a transcript of one of her conversations with an aide of Nashar’s.

It was Rainbow Dash.

She looked terrible.

The pegasus looked up from the paper, her eyes linking with Fluttershy. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, Fluttershy wavering but quietly indigent all the same, Rainbow Dash tired but with an increasingly furious flame in her eyes. She eventually spoke, her voice harsher and scratchier than it used to be, “Fluttershy. Sorry for not knocking.”

Fluttershy looked across her friend, this being the first time they had spoken face to face in months. Rainbow Dash had lost a lot of weight, and quite a bit of muscle too. It made her look gaunt and old, made the burn scars that still covered parts of her body even worse. She had grown slack in dying her hair and the vivid colours were faded and greying in areas, giving her a dark, grim appearance. Fluttershy gulped down her nervousness at seeing her friend so unfriendly and gaunt, falling back on indignation, “Why didn’t you?! Why break in like...?!”

“Didn’t want to give you a chance to hide these.” Rainbow Dash jabbed a hoof at the papers in front of her, “Pinkie told me about them a long time ago you know. You’re no criminal mastermind.”

Fluttershy gave her a low, accusing stare, “I wasn’t trying to be.”

“All harmless huh?” Rainbow Dash stepped casually round the desk, moving over to the window and staring across the gardens, “I even agreed with you a little. I hate this war too, we all do.”

“Then why do you fight in it!?”

It was a mistake and Fluttershy knew it instantly. Rainbow Dash’s eyes snapped round, eying her with increasing fury as she turned and advanced on her with slow, purposefully steps, “You’re such a... child! No, the zebra aren’t evil. But Caesar is. He hates ponies, he hates Equestria, and we will not be safe until he is defeated!”

Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash a slightly apologetic look, but quickly followed it with a hard glare, “That’s what I’m trying to do. You saw the letters.”

Rainbow Dash paused, hesitant, angry... “You gave them the megaspell equation.”

Fluttershy felt her legs quiver. Still, she would not be daunted, “I gave Prince Nashar the equation. He will be able...”

“The zebra academy of science already has it Fluttershy! They’re already studying it!”

Fluttershy shivered. How, why...? But it didn’t matter, it didn’t! “Good! Then we cancel out. They have shields that can stop any weapon, so do we. They have spells that can cure any wound, so d...”

Rainbow Dash slammed her hoof down hard, “They’re going to weaponise it Flutttershy!”

“They can’t!” Fluttershy screamed at Rainbow Dash, the anger getting too much. She wouldn’t be lectured to like this, she wouldn’t! She was RIGHT! “Megaspells can’t be weaponised, they’re too powerful, too destructive! You could barely get one small enough to take out a city, they have no tactical value!”

“No tactical value in taking out a city?”

Fluttershy’s heart froze, tears running down her face at the very concept. Her words were slow and purposeful, full of anger, “Ponies... zebra don’t work like that. They’re only fighting to protect their homes, their pride. They are not monsters, and neither are we!” She slammed her own hoof down, raising her voice further, “I refuse to believe that any creature would willingly destroy a whole city, kill millions of civilians. And if they could... then maybe they should, and wipe us all out!”

Rainbow Dash stared long and hard before she spoke again, “High Treason is punishable by execution.”

Fluttershy laughed. She couldn’t help herself, “Are you going to execute me Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, not a drop of emotion in her voice, “I’m going to give you to the Royal guard, they’ll execute you. I’ve already drafted up the order to disband the Ministry of Peace, merge what we can into the army.”

Fluttershy took a step back, waiting for the joke, “Be serious...”

“You’ve never seen me more serious Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash dropped her head, moving forward with slow, tired steps, “You’re a traitor, working for the death and destruction of everything I swore to protect. I’m the element of loyalty, and I cannot look the other way any longer.”

Fluttershy shook her head. This wasn’t happening, “Then be loyal... to me...”

Rainbow Dash looked up, dark hatred in her every twitch and glare, “You stupid, selfish mare.” She tensed, teeth grinding, “You think I want to arrest you, send you to the firing squad, watch you die in disgrace? You think your family wants that?”

Fluttershy snapped at the low blow, “Don’t bring my family into it!”

“YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT!” Rainbow Dash galloped forward, taking Fluttershy in a tackle and slamming her into the wall behind. Fluttershy gasped as her windpipe was blocked by Dash’s elbow, her right forehoof forced behind her back. Spittle struck her face as Rainbow Dash leaned close, the smell of alcohol on her breath, “You haven’t even spoken to them in months, haven’t spoken to me! You don’t care about any of us, that’s why you did this! You only care about being right, proving that we were all stupid fools for not joining hooves and singing our troubles away!”

“You... are!” Fluttershy’s anger snapped completely, filling her body as she threw her full weight against the mare. Rainbow Dash was helpless again the difference in size, overbalanced and sent toppling over. Fluttershy made sure to land with full force upon the mare, causing her to gasp as the air exploded out of her lungs.

Unfortunately it then became a wrestling match, and Rainbow Dash became a military veteran. It took barely seconds for her to get Fluttershy into a chokehold, bending her hoof at an angle that rendered it useless and extremely painful, “What exactly is your plan Fluttershy? Beam with radiant magnificence so brightly that we’ll all eventually come around? No, wait! It’s ‘give us weapons so powerful we’ll realise how horrible war is’!”

“As if... it wasn’t... obvious!” Fluttershy eventually broke free, staggering onto her hooves and kicking out as Rainbow Dash closed once more. Her clumsy blow was blocked and she was swept onto her back, striking out to grab Dash’s shoulders as the pegasus leapt on top of her. She grunted, struggling against her friend as she spat her words, “Look at you, buying into their lies! You used to hate the war, used to hate killing!”

“I. Still. DO!” Rainbow Dash punched her three times in the face with swift, military precision, sending Fluttershy’s head ringing. The final blow cut her face and sent her slumping back, Rainbow Dash panting heavily from the exertion, “But sometimes...they only stop when they can’t... fight... ugh!”

Rainbow Dash’s grip had slackened and her strength had faded, Fluttershy able to maneuver herself over and fling the pegasus sideways. Rainbow Dash yelled out as she struck the desk wing first, genuine pain and shock on her face. Fluttershy wasn’t about to let her recover, charging forward and slamming herself into her friend with all her strength. It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t in any martial arts books, it ended up hurting Fluttershy quite a bit...

But Rainbow Dash yielded like a wet rag, crashing over the desk in a rain of flying paper and thrown into a glass fronted bookcase. It cracked against her weight and she sprawled down, Fluttershy stamping on her chest and punching her hard in the face. Again she felt her hoof sting from the impact but she didn’t care, furious... not at Rainbow Dash she realised, but at... life.

She punched the war, she punched Caesar, she punched Luna, she punched her demanding family, her aging body, her lost aspirations... she punched herself, for being too weak to make a difference, for it having come down to this.

Eventually she realised Rainbow Dash was just covering her face with her hooves, her body heavy in her grip. She let the mare down to the ground slowly, shock numbing her as she stared at the results of her anger. Rainbow Dash opened her hooves to reveal a bloody muzzle and a black eye, chuckling softly at Fluttershy’s expression before being interrupted by a fierce cough that flecked her lips with blood. She winced in pain before speaking, voice horse, “It would save you.”


“I haven’t kept records of my evidence, told anypony where I was going tonight.” Rainbow Dash gave a pained but cheerful grin, “Kill me now, and it all goes away.”

Fluttershy backed off a few hoofsteps in panic, “I didn’t...”

“You weren’t going to kill me? Then what were you trying to do, huh?” Rainbow Dash gingerly got back onto her feet, glaring at Fluttershy through her swollen eye, “Beat me up until I said sorry? Lock me... gah... lock me in the dungeon?”

Fluttershy stepped back, now realising that... she had just beaten Rainbow Dash in a fight. She really hadn’t considered where to go from here, simply not wanting to go without resistance. She didn’t think it was possible to actually win, “What happened to you?”

“This stupid war happened.” Rainbow Dash looked down at the fallen papers at her feet, her eyes full of frustration and pain, “Unlike you I actually care about other ponies, and I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to protect them. The least I could do is make sure they could live in peace, stop all this death.”

Fluttershy glared softly, still feeling vindicated, “I will.”

“No you won’t. You could, but you won’t.” Rainbow Dash limped towards the door, wiping her bloody lip with a hoof, “With the megaspells this war would already be over and we could have started patching things up. But you refused to give them to us.”

“Because you would have used them to kill!”

Rainbow Dash turned her head, her blooded face screwing up in volcanic anger, “I would huh? You really think that of me do you? That I’m just a mindless killer interested in slaughter?”

Fluttershy... had to be honest. It surprised even her to admit it, “Yes...”

Tears dripped down Rainbow Dash’s face, her jaw clenching in absolute fury, “Then that’s it. Because I think the same of you Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy growled, “You think I’M a killer!?”

Rainbow Dash averted her gaze, her voice a cold, angry drone, “Caesar’s going to fire those megaspells at Equestria, we all know it. I doubt you even bothered to read his psyche profile, mass suicide by cop is written all over that guy. That’s why Equestria is creating their own megaspell weapons, to retaliate if he fires.”

“Then stop them!”

“You would let the zebra wipe us all out?”

Fluttershy stuttered at the very concept, “It would mean... somepony would survive... that we didn’t stoop down to their level...”

“A moral victory huh?” Rainbow Dash turned away, continuing to the door, “You would let my family, my friends, everyone you ever loved die for a moral victory?”


“Yes you would.” Rainbow Dash’s hoof paused at the door handle, looking round at her with smouldering rage and hate, “I don’t know what happened to Fluttershy, but I realised what you were a long time ago. A crazy, selfish, self righteous bitch who would rather see the world burn than be proven wrong. Just didn’t want to admit it to myself.”

That... that wasn’t true... tears started to flow as she reached out for her friend, “Rainbow Dash...”

“Get away from me.” Rainbow Dash turned her face away, “You’re not my friend, and you never were. You’re a selfish monster, and if I had you executed earlier then I might have been able to stop you.”

Fluttershy gave a sob, not wanting to believe Rainbow Dash could be right... but feeling doubt creep into her heart, feeling her certainty begin to give way, “I... I am your friend Rainbow Dash...”

“Don’t insult me.” She turned one last time, her tears dry, her voice low and cold, “When I get back I’ll tell the Princess everything. I’ll watch you die by firing squad, and I’ll enjoy that brief moment of justice before your actions kill us all.”

Fluttershy lifted her hoof, tried to say something... but her words froze, and Rainbow Dash exited through the door and was gone. It felt like forever.

She remained in that position for some time, tears flowing, her heart numb.


“Is that your defining memory of Rainbow Dash?”

“It’s the only one that matters.”

“But she never spoke to the Princess?”

“No... or at least, they never said anything. The military police never knocked at my door.”

“Then her words were simply the result of a grieving heart, no more. Can you not consider that maybe she forgave you, even if she never found the courage to tell you so?”

“No. Not for what I did. She was simply... the better mare.”

“What you did was wish for peace through words and compromise. Is this an evil thing?”

“It is when it’s... unjustified.”

“Are zebra really so bad?”

“Yes. They killed everyone, they always kill everyone. They always will.”

“It was not always so.”


The sun was warm, stiflingly so, as Fluttershy made her way through the streets of Karabivore. The smell of the sea was fresh and invigorating, the locals dressed in robes of beaming color to ward off the sun. The sight of them chatting, hurrying and hawking their wares almost distracted her from admiring the great docking pillars for which the city was famous and the glorious hanging gardens that divided the streets. Birds flew back and forth between them, sometimes landing on Fluttershy’s hoof for a moment to chat before flitting away once more. Having only visited the much less grand Demonivore it was certainly impressive, the jewel of the golden coast easily the equal of Manehatten even with less than half the population.

“So Fluttershy, enjoying the sights?”

Fluttershy turned to the female voice who had spoken, soon picking out the familiar face in the shadows of the awning. She looked surprisingly groomed and elegant, having taken well to the zebra love of heavy jewellery, “Lightning Dust... um... it’s great to meet you.”

The pegasus smirked, stalking over with a leonine grace, “Still so shy Fluttershy? You’re going to have to be tougher than that if you’re really serious about stopping this.”

Fluttershy set her jaw, “I am tough.”


Fluttershy glared at Lightning Dust, reminded why she had originally disliked the pony so much. She really did remind her of Rainbow Dash, and not in a good way. She was sick of her convictions and courage being doubted, just because of her social anxiety!

Lightning Dust laughed, turning back to the route ahead, “You don’t have to glare, I was only teasing. It’s great to see you again too, and you look good.”

“Really?” Fluttershy announced, feeling her vanity pricked just a little.

“Like you don’t know it you little tease.” Lightning Dust grinned, flicking her hair back slightly, “Age flatters some more than others it seems. Almost worried about letting you see my husband, especially given your previous relationship.”

Fluttershy coughed, not sure she would describe it like... that, “We never had a... relationship...

Lightning Dust cackled briefly before reigning herself in, shaking her head at the pegasus, “Didn’t he propose to you?”

Fluttershy went bright red, choosing to remain quiet on that point.


The palace of commerce was a very rich and well decorated place, as expected from the city’s wealth. Fluttershy couldn’t say she was best placed to appreciate it, she knew little of art or architecture, but she looked around in rapt interest regardless.

“Stop staring around with your mouth open Fluttershy. You look like a ponyville rube.”

She glared at Lightning Dust, the grin she received in turn informing her that the double insult was very much intended. She sighed, really looking like a naive young girl was not a charge she was unfamiliar with, “I haven’t been here in a while. It’s a nice building.”

“Zebra aesthetics certainly have a certain... flair.” Lightning Dust chuckled as she looked around the place with a quietly satisfied expression, “Canterlot and Cloudsdale, so impressive, so big, and so... white. Zebra know how to use living color at least.”

Fluttershy had to admit that she felt more at home in the zebra cities compared to that of her home. It wasn’t as if Canterlot didn’t have vegetation, but what it did have was so controlled and artificial. Here the very stonework seemed alive, “You like it here.”

“Beyond Nashar? Yeah, it’s ok.” She gave Fluttershy a cautioning look as she led her towards the royal chambers, “Don’t get too romantic about it though Fluttershy. Zebra can be as ignorant, cruel, selfish and unpleasant as any pony, and the ones squatting out in the dirt? They’re not thinking ‘I’m a proud and noble plains zebra’, they’re thinking, ‘I’m poor as shit and sleeping in mud, this sucks’.”

Fluttershy knew that already, that’s what she was trying to change, “If we had just shared the wealth, given the zebra a better deal...”

Lightning Dust snorted, “Fluttershy, most of those rich merchants plunging their nation into economic disaster are zebra. And those in power were quite happy to look the other way, so long as they received the required bribes and got invited to the big parties. Caesar only stood up to them because he knew he could use the popular support to gain power.” She shrugged dismissively, “Ponies are selfish, all our motives are either greed or vanity in the end. You need to learn that, and then maybe we might have a chance.”

Fluttershy thought that was terrible thinking. She thought Lightning Dust had changed, that marriage had tempered her. Obviously not, “And what’s your motivation then? Nashar’s?”

Lightning Dash chuckled, “Nashar’s a romantic, he loves playing the rebel prince, fighting for his people. The excitement of being censored, forced to operate under the radar, it excites him. Makes him think he’s important.” She shrugged, “And I follow him because I love him. Seeing him happy makes me happy.”

Fluttershy... thought that was just ascribing cynical motives to noble actions. It made her angry, “And what’s my motivation then?”

Lightning Dust turned her head to Fluttershy, staring long and hard at the pegasus with a quiet, knowing smirk on her face. Finally she grinned and turned away, “I’m not you Fluttershy, only you can tell me that. Maybe you can think about it, we can discuss it at dinner.” She motioned to the door in front, falling into position beside it, “And here we are. The Prince awaits.”

Fluttershy moved forward, opening the door with a hoof and passing inside. She gave Lightning Dust an unfriendly glare as she passed, the mare answering it with another knowing smirk.

She sighed to divest herself of the tension the mare’s accusations had brought up, distracting herself by looking around the room she had entered. The rooms reserved for a visit by the high ranking nobility of the zebra lands (the rankings and social standing of zebra nobility were even more complicated than in Equestria, if that was possible), they were naturally appointed in the very apex of luxury. A huge double bed wreathed in hanging cloth and covered in overlapping silk sheets dominated, along with an exquisitely carved dining table and many bright and rather psychedelic wall murals. The end of the room opened onto a balcony looking over the city, a familiar looking zebra standing there. He turned as she entered, brushing past the hanging curtains and moving in to meet her.

She had to admit a flush in her cheeks as he emerged, the hale young buck of her memory replaced by a handsome, solidly built stallion in the prime of his life. He had his father’s solid jawline and square shoulders, though he tempered it with a gentleness of bearing. He wore the traditional shoulder cloth of his tribe, elegant purple rimmed by gold chain, embroidered with the golden dragon over sands of his father’s house.

Prince Nashar smiled warmly at her, only making her heart race further, “Lady Fluttershy, an absolute pleasure to see you again.”

“Um, I’m not a lady...” Was all she managed to squeak, cursing herself for her lame answer. This wasn’t exactly some fancy formal occasion where such things matter after all...

“Really?” Nashar chuckled in his smooth, zebra accent, “You defeat Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changling army and Sombra and they don’t even offer you the most minor of noble titles?”

“Um... no.” Fluttershy stated, a little ruefully. She didn’t exactly do glory and fame but a little bit of nobility wasn’t... an unattractive proposal. A minor title like Nashar said, maybe a bit of french silk, a few handsome stallions to help her in and out of carriages, maybe a very small tiara... Rarity however had proven just how difficult it was to break into that world, and Rarity had trained for it from birth, “I don’t mind though. I didn’t really do that much anyway...”

“Really? I remember you staring Ahuizotl down all by yourself... saving some little princeling who’s name I can’t recall...”

Fluttershy blushed deeply at the memory, recalling fully the event that started all this. She fully remembered that little princeling’s offer afterwards as well, an offer that she was beginning to regret not accepting. But she had known then that he had the false impression of her, and that he still maintained it, “Um, I sort of cowered through the fights with Nightmare Moon and the Changelings... and Discord and Sombra both turned me evil.”

Nashar laughed, “I can’t imagine you evil. They mustn’t have had that much to work with.”

Poor buck, if only he knew. Still she was eager to get to business, “I don’t care about being famous. I’m more concerned that everypony is happy and safe. That’s why I’m here.”

Nashar grew serious, trotting over the balcony and staring out across the city, “To business then? Very well, who is behind you?”

“Rarity is. And Applejack... I think.”

“You think?”

She was aware that it was a pretty short list. For all her skills at bringing animals together she was no leader, to be honest she had been too nervous to even ask most of the ponies she knew, “Applejack thinks it’s inevitable, that sometimes two ponies have to fight. But I don’t think she really means that.”

“This isn’t a brawl between two farmhands.” Nashar commented dryly, “What about the others?”

“Rainbow Dash is spoiling for a fight as normal.” Fluttershy stated, with a little more venom than she intended. She blushed at her slip, turning her head away, “That is... no, that’s not fair. She’s just scared, like everypony is. She’s just had her second child, and well... recent events have hit her hard.”

Nashar smiled warmly, turning his head to her, “Congratulations to her then. And how is your youngest Fluttershy?”

“Full of possibility.” Fluttershy replied fiercely, “And I’m not going to let him grow up in a world where ponies and zebra are fighting each other over... pride!”

“Pride is a powerful thing. Those without it will never be happy, no matter what else they have. Those with it can keep going when everything is taken from them.” Nashar sighed, turning back to the balcony and returning to practical realities, “I have to admit my own efforts are going little better. I fear convincing our nations to cease their aggression is increasingly becoming a foolish dream.”

Fluttershy didn’t travel all this way to hear that, and she wouldn’t accept it, “Then what do you recommend? Can you convince your father to back down?”

“Can you convince Luna?”

Fluttershy shivered, really not wanting to have that conversation. As expected the Princess had been... angry... over the death of all her students, most of her closest friends and most of her dreams for the future. She hid it very well, which made it all the more terrifying, “She... would never back down without blood...”

“Then can you not depose her?”

Fluttershy trembled yet further at incurring the wrath of Celestia as well. Fluttershy was close to the Princess, and she knew well how touchy she was about any questioning of Luna’s right to rule, “Celestia wouldn’t stand for it.”

Nashar sighed, the first signs of anger in his voice, “She is far more reasonable than her sister. She tried to stop this.”

“She failed.”

“It might not be so... if my father wasn’t in charge. If I sat on the throne.”

Fluttershy was starting to get increasingly uncomfortable with this. It all sounded... rather treasonous, “How... would you do that?”

Nashar lowered his head, staring down at the tiles under his hooves, “Are you willing to debate a thought experiment?”

“Um... yes...?”

“Accidents at the top would serve both our nations, allowing more reasonable candidates to take command.”

Fluttershy stomped her hoof down, her heart trembling and her throat tight. She would not even... debate this! “I... I will not! Princess Luna is my friend, no matter what else she is...!”

“And Caesar is my father.”

“Then you are a terrible zebra!” She advanced on Nashar, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning around to face her. He gave a shocked look as she forced him backwards with a furious glare, Fluttershy focusing her rage like a scalpel as she spoke, “We can’t build peace with more killing!”

Nashar glanced around, trying to avoid her gaze, “Sometimes one death...”

“NO!” She stomped her hoof once more, “I won’t! I said I would find a better way, and I will! If they won’t listen to reason, then maybe zebra and ponies should go to war! Maybe that’s what they deserve!”

“Fluttershy...” Nashar, stared at her, eyes pleading, “It’s not about morals or ethics for me. I just don’t want to see the ones I love dying. If I had to damn myself a hundred times over so no other zebra had to kill someone they might have called brother... then I would. I would kill my father a hundred times over. I would kill Lightning Dust. I would kill you.”

Her gaze faltered, “You would?”

He nodded sadly, “For peace.”

Fluttershy just shook her head. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, “There is a better way Nashar. And we will find it.”

He sighed, looking her in the eye with a resigned, weary expression, “I hope so Fluttershy. I truly do.”


Garogue continued his rounds about the village, swinging his shotgun around with slow, careful sweeps as he set his sharp eye across the shadows for danger. He couldn't help feel a little nervous after the pony visitors the previous day, or when one of them still slept in the Seer's hut just a short distance away. They looked like the type who brought trouble with them.

It was an easy enough job however. Normally just his presence was enough to scare out the mutated animals that occasionally made their way here, a few good shots with his trusty weapon normally enough to make them the next day’s lunch. Fortunately most critters in this area were still quite small, though the destruction of the local tribe had let a few of the nastier ones drift back into the area. He was well aware that there would be little he could do to one of them, or a remotely determined bandit group for that matter, hoping that the weapons and armor that group of wanderers had given them would convince the others to give him some deputies. That would be cool, having a few lackeys to order around. He was the one risking his life to keep them safe after all...

He saw something move near the gate, almost dropping his weapon as he aimed it swiftly in that direction, “Who goes there?!”

“A simple priest, seeking rest and refuge.” The female voice replied, coming into the light. Garogue had to admit his heart beat a little faster seeing her, a beautiful soft white pony, wearing a white cloak. Of course he wasn’t really into ponies, so soft and weak, still an occasional dalliance or two was no wrong thing right? She reinforced those thoughts with a warm, charming smile, “Have you an inn I can use?”

“Uh... right...” He pointed down the road towards the mayors house, which pretty much served that purpose on the rare occasions they had guests. He noted her cloak as she came closer, the symbol of a golden sun on the hem. It was inscribed on the combat shotgun she carried too, looking to be a rather expensive custom model, “You’re a member of the Church of Celestia?”

She nodded sweetly, “I am.”

“Most of the folks here are followers of the Holy Flame...” He quickly berated himself for sounding unfriendly to such a beautiful lady, amending his statement, “...but I bet you could convince a few zebra.”

“Thank you. I’m not really here to evangelize, but maybe I will find time for a few sermons.” She nodded her head politely, “Good night sir.”

“Um... good night...” He watched her go, eyes noting the flow of fabric across her hindquarters and wishing there were a few zebra with manners like hers.

The rest of the night after that was rather dull, his heart really not in it. His eyes kept drifting to the mayors house, imagining that pretty little pony sleeping there in bed, the covers draped across her soft white form... oh the things she could do to her...

“You must be the night watch. You should keep your mind on the job, let it wander any further and I may blush.”

He clamped a hoof about his jaw to stop himself screaming, attempting to clumsily turn to face the voice as he did. He didn’t make it, something hard sweeping his hooves out from under him and send him crashing to the ground, his shotgun bouncing away to land under a pale, wrinkled hoof. He looked up at the owner, standing a little way away with a cruel grin on her face.

This one wasn’t so pretty. It was another unicorn, like the priestess pale and almost luminous in the moonlight, still this one looked terrifyingly old and withered, in worse condition that his grandmother. That was not a good comparison, seeing as she spent her time drooling and throwing objects at his father. This pony however stood tall and proud, wrapped in a heavy purple cloak that concealed most of her form. Garogue had to admit trembling slightly before her, “What... where did you come from?!”

“The wastes, outside. I entered through the gate. It was unguarded.” The pony chuckled, sweeping his gun back towards him with her hoof, “I would look after this. A lot of strange ponies about tonight.”

“Uh, yeah.” He snatched his shotgun back up, rather embarrassed. He just hoped this unicorn wasn’t a gossip, “You want the inn lady?”

She shook her head, her expression rather sinister, “No, I can find my way. Just a little business and I’ll be out of your hair, don’t you worry.”

“Alright lady...” He watched her pass with trembling hooves, just watching as she made her way to the Seer’s house. He hoped he wouldn’t live to regret it, really not wanting to mess with that mare. There was something about her that convinced him it would be a really bad idea...


Dream Star felt the dreams of Fluttershy, the magic of the seer, cutting through the realms of waking and peering through the flow of mana that surrounded this place. They congregated at the element of kindness, her semi-divine presence a beacon among so many of her lessers. She chuckled as she was faced with the masks of Star Demons at the seers hut, old memories of threats long since passed. There were new demons on the prowl tonight.

Her telekinesis ignited, tearing off the door and flinging it to the side. An elderly zebra in furs was standing next to the table bearing the sleeping form of Fluttershy, at Dream Star’s entrance she gasped and quickly scurried to a cabinet of potions. Dream Star let her, taking the time to let out a delightful cackle, “Don’t resist old woman, your tricks are nothing against me.”

“Tricks indeed.” The zebra spoke in Iwako, Dream’s translation spell instantly decoding it. She grabbed a potion from the shelves and broke it, a light magic resistant shield enveloping her. A second hoof gripped a blue vial, hurling it at Dream, “The powers of the fire of life are mine to command!”

The potion exploded in a fireball as Dream had hoped, allowing her to tear the flames apart and send them spinning about her withered form as she advanced, cackling as her magic stripped the protections from the mare and bound her in chains of dark magic. She flung the bound seer to the ground with enough force to hurt, turning her attentions to Fluttershy. She lay there, sleeping fitfully, unaware of the danger... “So vulnerable Fluttershy, so alone. Tell me, what do you fear?”

Dream Star plunged into her dreams, dismissing the images of disappointed friends and dead family. They simply depressed her, hardly fears at all but instead depressing truths. She wanted power, terror, majesty, “Show me Fluttershy, show me something SCARY!”

It finally came. Shadows, corruption, broken crystal and shattered elements. Dream Star laughed at the opportunity, “How appropriate Fluttershy. Then awake and face your demons! AWAKE!”

Fluttershy screamed in terror and sat bolt upright, her eyes wide and her echoing screech still shaking the air. Her bloodshot eyes focused on Dream Star, wide and full of childlike uncertainty. Dream Star laughed and sent tendrils of smoke and shadow lancing towards her, seizing the Pegasus in their vice like grip and carrying her into the sky. Fluttershy screamed and tried to struggle but Dream clamped a tentacle across her mouth, sending an illusion of herself cloaked in the regalia of the crystal empire up to meet her.

She stared at her own creation for a second, attired like a princess and aged down towards the prime of her youth. Not for the first time she was confronted by her resemblance to her great grandmother, sending a sharp, unpleasant taste to her throat. Her mouth curled into a frown and she sent a tentacle currently masquerading as her hoof to slap Fluttershy across the cheek, taking out her anger on the poor pegasus, “Answer me quickly, I have little time for games! Where are your friends, where is the zebra Zenai!?”

Fluttershy shivered, terror and confusion fighting for dominance, “I.. I... don’t know... where am I...?”

Dream Star growled, grabbing her head and forcing her closer to the shadowed illusion of her face, “Tell me, or I’ll tear the information from your skull!”


Garogue knew she shouldn’t have let the old mare pass, hearing the screams and the roar of combat as he approached the seer’s hut. You could never trust a pony, especially a unicorn, and that particular unicorn had ‘evil enchantress’ written all over her. He saw the broken door to the seers hut and skidded to a halt in the doorway, his shotgun ready.

The whole place was full of smoke, the witch at the center of it. The old yellow pegasus was suspended in the air, the seer collapsed stiffly upon the ground. It was clear what he had to do, “Stop right there and surrender, or I will...”

The witch didn’t even turn, just shooting him a withering look over her shoulder. Her magic flared once, all his senses fading into suffocating black.


Sunshine Ivory felt the magic from all the way across the other side of the village, by Celestia she would have likely felt it across the other side of the continent. Whoever it’s source was made no effort to hide it, indeed the magic signature was bold and aggressive in a way that suggested it wanted to be seen. Her magic could hardly hope to match up even if the sun had been up, still she was more than confident in her skill and the amount of solar power she had stored. She placed a little of it into her hooves as she sped across the village, sending them sparking across the dirt as tiny sunflowers bloomed behind her.

She soon found the source, wincing as she saw the guard zebra she had met at the gate fall under a burst of magic. Nothing was left at its withdrawal but a humble pot plant, Sunshine Ivory hoping he was still alive in there as she drew all the light inwards, hopefully concealing her presence from whoever had transmogrified the poor guard captain.

What she saw inside didn’t inspire confidence, the waves of magic radiating from a cloaked pony in the center off the room, Fluttershy suspended in the air before a vast illusionary pony made of smoke and shadow. Everything there was covered in multiple overlapping magical constructs, as much a testament to the pony’s skill as anything else.

But shadows? Shadows were a poor choice against her.

The energy burst from her horn with a roar, a beam of white hot sunfire forged from Celestia’s heart. It burned straight through the shadows, evaporating them instantly as it arrowed its way straight towards the unicorn at the center. She of course couldn’t miss the very obvious attack, turning and charging her magic as it hit her, horn blazing with pink light as she braced herself. Impressively she managed to resist, for a moment at least. The ball of white fire hovered suspended before her, spitting and raging as it strained against her shield.

Then the unicorn leapt, her cloak rippling as she propelled herself upwards and her magic tore away the roof with a roar of energy. She span in mid air and the sunfire was flung away to explode through the wall behind, houses exploding in flames. Zebra screamed and Sunshine Ivory desperately swung her horn upwards to create a ball of magic that sucked the heat away, relaxing a little as the flames died down at her touch. She returned to the fight, taking a fragment of that heat and forming it into two flames that she flung upwards in curving angles towards the mare above.

The old mare surrounded herself in a bubble of pink energy that suspended her in midair, the flames spinning about to settle at her sides. The mare grinned and brushed her hoof across the front of one of them, staring cheerfully at Sunshine Ivory as she spoke in a magically enhanced purr, “Very cute little priestess. You are actually rather powerful, though you lack flexibility.” Her horn flared briefly, the twin flames splitting in two, once, twice, three times... she smirked as dozens of them rotated around her body, flinging her hoof down in a swift chopping action, “And scale!”

Sunshine Ivory tried to draw the heat from the fireballs as they rained down, it however swiftly proved an effort to even drain one. Instead she was forced to dodge, feeling her cloak and fur singe as they missed by inches. She fired her shotgun twice with pinpoint accuracy, the mare however deflected the shots with magically enhanced sweeps of her hoof. Sunshine Ivory fired another burst of sunfire but the mare took it straight on, struggling for a moment or two before shattering it apart with a determined surge of magic.

Sunshine Ivory took the impact hard on the horn and was staggered for a moment, allowing the old mare a chance to cast. Runic symbols appeared around her and her magical protection was instantly stripped away, leaving her totally vulnerable as the mare cast a spell that knocked her sprawling to the ground, “Ungh!”

“So weak, just like all the others.” The mare touched down lightly in the ruins, her cloak falling heavy upon her body as she gazed at the fallen priestess with disdain, “Can you still stand priestess, or are you done?”

Sunshine Ivory grimaced, that strike proving she wasn’t quite as young as she once was. Once upon a time she would have just got back on her hooves without any problem, now her whole body ached from the abuse. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get up fast enough to avoid the inevitable reprisal, and that so far this strange mare was proving to be far too much for her anyway...

“You... evil little toad! Dream Star!”


Dream Star turned as she was addressed directly, a wide grin spreading across her face as she stared into Fluttershy big cyan eyes. She let her magic drop, the remaining shadows fading away as she smirked at the pegasus, “Well, I must have really pissed you off. Normally passive aggressive is as much as you can manage.”

Her eyes opened so wide Dream Star swore they were about to pop out, her face contorting in rage, “I always knew you were up to no good! And sure enough here you are, hurting ponies for your own sick amusement!” She stomped her hoof, eye twitching, “And here, I don’t have to take your shit!”

Ah, so it had finally happened. Fluttershy had snapped, her pretty little mind shattered all across the zebra territories. No matter, she was far more entertaining like this, “And what are you going to do about my shit exactly?”

Fluttershy spat upon the floor, stomping the spittle into the ground as she sized up on Dream Star, “Look at you. Puffing your chest out, dancing around like a dime store diva on amateur dramatics night! Trying desperately to hide the fact that you’re a sad lonely failure, who will never continue her house, never bring herself to glory! Mugging for the camera as the curtains close!”

Dream Star couldn’t look away, those eyes fixing her in place. Even as Fluttershy said the words she knew they were true, the image of her disappointed mother coming unbidden into her mind, her heart sinking and a tear slinking its way down her cheek. So this was what it was like to be on the receiving end of the Stare was it? It was certainly an impressive weapon, she saw now why it was so famous. It required almost all her willpower to charge her magic and stun Fluttershy’s optic nerve, rendering the mare temporarily blind.

“Gah! Agh, help, help!”

Fluttershy’s desperate screams should have cheered her up, it seemed her stare was enough to even take the joy out of that. Indeed she was tired of this little game, though that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to skimp on a memorable exit, “Having a problem Fluttershy?” She swept the mare off her feet with a burst of telekinesis, the mare grunting in pain as she hit the ground, “I already have everything I want from you, you were really most co-operative.”

She had nothing of course, still playing with the mare’s sense of guilt was good for a laugh and provided suitable final words. With them out of the way Dream Star looked about, satisfied that the broken glass and dust provided her suitable medium with which to work. She narrowed her eyes in concentration, breaking apart the key components of a teleport spell and casting it four times, infusing each into glowing runes formed from the debris around. The magic already fought to escape from the very inadequate settings, still Dream Star held them together with sheer force of will as she span her head around and carved the networks of interconnected lines around them, drawing all the magic in the area and concentrating it into a orb at the centre. It grew and finally surged with concentrated energy, Dream Star letting it seep into the network around it and grinning as the megaspell activated. She laughed and stepped back into the opening portal, deciding now was as good a time as ever to deliver her trump card...


Sunshine Ivory grunted as she made it to her hooves, watching the old pony disappear into a swirling vortex of magical power. It proved once and for all how outmatched she was, she had never seen so much power concentrated in just one spell. Was this common of Equestrian unicorns? She hoped not.

Either way she let her go peacefully, simply watching as the vortex closed with a roar and left but a burnt scorch mark upon the ground. She couldn’t relax however, already feeling more teleportation spells activate above. She drew her shotgun and crouched into cover...

Proven a sensible precaution when three very angry looking manticore popped into existence, hitting the ground with heavy thumps and looking around for something to kill as they rose. One spotted the cowering Fluttershy, still blind and helpless, advancing forward with murderous intent.

Sunshine Ivory wasn’t going to wait a second longer, raising her shotgun and blasting it into the side. It got the beast’s attention and it turned to her, Sunshine Ivory kicking her hooves into action and racing forward to deliver another shot to its face. It roared and jumped at her, Sunshine Ivory rolling away and spinning her weapon around to deliver another shot to the side of its head. This one put it down.

The other two teamed up, coming at her from either side. She had expected this, dropping her shotgun and charging her horn, delivering a pinpoint blast of magical energy that set the first alight. It roared in pain and reared away, Sunshine Ivory using her telekinesis to draw her weapon back up to fire at the second.

It dodged with impressive dexterity, her shot missing. It leapt forward and swiped her with a paw, knocking her weapon flying and brutally tearing the flesh across her forehead. Blood poured into her eyes, Sunshine Ivory trying to back away as the pain overwhelmed her. She was pretty sure she screamed, and she certainly did so as the beast leaned down and took her in its mouth, shaking her from side to side.

Panic surged through her as she saw her end approach, dinner for this simple, base creature. She activated her magic and forced her body to radiate with heat, the manticore roaring and hurling the now unpalatable morsel aside. She hit a wall and slumped down, unarmed, half her side missing and her horn badly mauled, watching with blurred vision as the creature recovered and began to advance on her with hungry eyes.

And then it shuddered as a shotgun blast hit it in the side. It turned with a snarl but another hit it in the leg, then another tore apart it’s ear. It leapt for whoever was firing but a final shot blew its head off, the creature sprawling into the rubble.

And then it was silence, apart from the sound of sobbing and panic from the ruined houses around. Sunshine Ivory grunted in pain as she grabbed a healing potion from her robes, drinking one to simply enable herself to move and another to return her to something approaching working condition. She fought through the remaining pain and rose, attempting to make her way to the seer and Fluttershy.

One of the sobbing sounds was nearer than she originally though, the origin revealed as she passed a fragment of ruined timber. There lay Fluttershy, the shotgun at her side and the dead manticore at her hooves, sobbing bitterly as the ash settled upon her coat.


Fluttershy Level up 30%

Trait Lost – Element of Kindness

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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