• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,548 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.8 - Kindness

“Goooooooood evening wasteland! Are you lost, confused, unable to function from day to day without a daily reminder of just how damn screwy this damn world is? Well we have the tallies, we have the down and dirty, we have the news that matters to you!

Or are you just missing DJ Pon3? Because if you are I just can’t help you, because yeah baby, heeerres Rusty Needle with the news! Suck it up haters!

Well in our leading story, two of our living legends have sadly left these shores for sunnier climates, bringing peace treaties to the Zebra nation no less! Yes, I’m talking about Spike and Fluttershy, our trusty wasteland watcher flying the venerable elder statesmare across the sea as we speak.

Now for those who were drooling in history class, Fluttershy has quite a connection to this particular venture. She was always the Ministry Mare most opposed to war, and four years ago revealed that during it she had actually been in contact with elements inside the Zebra nation in search of a way to end the conflict. It was through these contacts that she passed on her ministries’ research into the Megaspells, and as we all know it was the consequences of that action earned her title of ‘Mare of the Apocalypse’.

So yeah, I’m gonna get some hate mail for this one but should we preparing our ‘We Love Zebra’ signs or getting us some new fallout shelters? Fluttershy is known for her cross species negotiation skills but has a lot of personal stake in this one, stake that could possibly affect her judgement? Because negotiation went oh so well last time...

But then shoot me if I claim to have believed the Hellhounds could be living peacefully amongst us ten years ago. And fuck me with glorious irony if I end up more likely to be shot by an Applejack Ranger with an itchy trigger finger than a damned legionnaire of Caesar. So go on you tough old mare, suprise us once again!

And that’s about it for that story! Let’s get a little music on, and come back in half an hour for the skinny on our little un-civil war! Chao wastelanders!”


“Good evening NCR, this is Swift Feather, with the news at five.

Our lead story tonight, Arbiter Regina has finally given her blessing to the joint Follower Ranger peace mission to the Zebra Empire. Having previously voted against dedicating official resources towards the effort, her turn around has attracted comment from political commentators across the board. Several put her opposition to the project down to political rivalry. Lonesome Pony is quoted as questioning her frequent opposition to Elder Fluttershy of the Followers, notably her refusal to vote for her civil rights act for hellhounds six years ago. ‘Eye on You’ magazine instead put the blame on the involvement of Councillor Silent Steel, a notable rival for the position of Arbiter.

Things appear to have progressed too far for the Arbiter to ignore however, with reports coming in that peaceful contact has been made with two nations in the area. The implications for the Equestrian Economy were explored by respected publication ‘Gold Dust’, who noted that zebra fuel could revitalise the faltering industrial sectors in Chicacolt and Fillydelphia. However they also warned that the plentiful food reserves and widening job market in Equestria could lead to a huge surge in immigration, leading to potential security concerns. Elder Peach Tree of the Applejack Rangers...”

“What the fuck! He’s completely distorting what actually happened, that feathered little prick!”

“Calm down Zenai.”

“I will not...!”

“I actually agree, so lower your voice.” Dust sighed as he pushed himself off the sofa, staring out through the window of Caesar’s palace to the city below. It was a beautiful sunny day, rain the previous day leaving the area a wonderful healthy green. It was way too nice for the shit they were being forced to deal with, “You’re right. I’m not sure when exactly Swift Feather got his head stuck up Silent Steel’s rear end, but he’s not exactly being very subtle.”

Star immediately giggled, Zenai raising an eyebrow as she turned to the reclining mare, “Star Swirl... did you just laugh at Dust Kicker saying ‘rear end’?”

She blushed fiercely, sinking her head into the cushion, “Sorry, still heavily medicated.”

Zenai shook her head, returning to the discussion at hand, “Anyway... above everything else he’s a total hypocrite. He criticises Regina for opposing Fluttershy’s hellhound rights bill, yet she did that because she believed there were security concerns in granting total freedom of movement to the Hellhounds. He then goes to say that very same thing about zebra immigration!”

“Technically he was quoting others.” Dust cut off her protest with a swiftly raised hoof, “He’s not exactly blameless in that either though. He used a quote from Lonesome Pony to criticise Regina, yet if I know Lonesome he was more likely to be criticising Fluttershy. That’s why Swift Feather couldn’t use a direct quote, Lonesome Pony likely shares a mind with Rusty Needle, fearing she’ll give the zebra another world destroying artefact.”

Zenai growled, still totally incensed. She had actually quite liked Swift Feather, not as much as DJ-Pon3 of course but she felt he was fair and balanced. To see him show such blatant bias, especially against someone she liked felt like a blade to the heart, “That that little... feathered...”

“Hey, no specisim. Griffons can be jerks at easy as anyone else.” Dust chuckled at her, giving her a warm grin as he stepped across the veranda, “Silent Steel has amped up his application to the arbiter position it seems.”

Zenai furrowed her eyes, “He’s behind this?”

“Swift Feather specifically singled him out as a rival to Regina and candidate for Arbiter, and a supporter of this little venture.” Dust shrugged, “Regina is unpopular among the chattering classes but she still enjoys massive support from the working pony, she’s seen as a tough talking straight shooter who gets things done. Therefore the best way to attack her is to make her seem weak or ineffectual, in this case make sure she can take no credit from establishing relations with the zebra lands. By painting her as being opposed to the project and a rival to Fluttershy and Silent Steel she comes across as a hindrance, even when it’s achieved while she’s in office.”

Zenai fumed. She wanted to travel back there right now, shoot both Silent Steel and Swift Feather in their big, smug faces, “That’s... totally underhanded! Funding projects by letting independent groups sponsor them is perfectly common, it’s not like she blocked the peace movement!”

“That’s politics.” Dust gave her a searching look, “Which brings up the question of why you were working with him if he’s such a bastard?”

“He was a known quantity, with money and support.” Zenai huddled into the sofa sulkily, not seeing any reason to lie about this at least, “I needed to leave Equestria quickly, before the Followers worked out what we were doing.”

“You told him?!”

Both of them looked round at the now totally awake Star Swirl, silence reigning for a few seconds before Zenai gave a slow nod, “He pretty much figured it out.”

Dust grinned like a jackal as he closed in, “So the question is... why did you have to do this? Trick the Followers and Silent Steel, come here?”

“Because vested interests were always looking to hijack the project, pervert its aim into profit and political power.” Zenai glared at Dust with as much sincerity as she could muster, figuring that it wasn’t technically a lie. Indeed if he didn’t question what the ‘project’ was it wasn’t a lie at all, “I couldn’t let that happen.”

To her instant fury, Dust clapped, “Good show.”

“You... total asshole! This isn’t my fault!”

Dust sighed, turning away from the furious little zebra. He shook his head a couple of times before speaking, slow and serious, “Really Zenai, you have good motives... but this is an object lesson. You’re not good enough to get one over these ponies. Velvet Remedy is the leader of one of the most powerful yet still determinedly charitable organisations in the NCR. You honestly thought you could do a better job than her of keeping power out of the hands of the corrupt?”

Zenai glared for a moment more before speaking, her voice low and sharp, “Velvet Remedy is a fat old mare just sitting on power she’s long forgotten how to use.”

Star’s eyes widened in horror at the insult to their founder, “Zenai!”

“It’s true!” Zenai jumped off the sofa, striking the cobbles beneath and straightening out her neck to its full height, “You’ve already mentioned it, the hellhound rights movement. Fluttershy herself proposing it, putting her name behind it. Did Velvet Remedy support her?”

Star Swirl spoke quietly, apologetically, “The hellhound rights bill was unpopular, Velvet Remedy thought the political fallout could damage the good work of the Followers...”

“There was a time when we stood for something!” Zenai whirled on Star Swirl, stalking forward like a tiny predator, “Recruiting the alicorns was ‘unpopular’. Would Velvet Remedy really take such a chance on you today Star?”

Star Swirl wavered, looking left and right in an attempt to avoid her gaze. Eventually she just let her head fall in defeat, “Yes, yes she would. She’s a good pony Zenai.”

Zenai glared back, “You’ve never even spoken to her Star.”

“Yes I have.” Star glared back, a little incensed, “She spoke to me, back when I first joined. She earned my loyalty, same as she did with all my sisters.”

Zenai took that as a sign to back off. Star Swirl’s ‘legendary’ temper was mostly an informed attribute used for self flagellation and excuses, still she did get rather intimidating and shouty when riled up, “I... I’m sorry Star, I’m taking my own frustration out on you.”

She gave Zenai a gloomy look, “It’s not me you’re taking it out on.”

Zenai cursed her own loose tongue, wondering when she had gone from distrustful of politics to hateful in general of anyone in power. Of course Velvet Remedy wasn’t a bad pony, just cautious and savvy. Zenai could hardly criticise a mare for qualities she herself did not possess, “Star, it’s in my nature to be wary of authority figures. Still I trust you, if you say Velvet Remedy is a good pony then she’s a good pony.”

Star Swirl winced, giving a grin, “We’re trusting my judgement now? We really are doomed.”

Zenai smirked, same old Star, “You don’t get to say that anymore, you saved all of us back at Estelle remember?”

“I... think the saving was pretty equal.” Star closed her eyes, sinking her head into a pillow, “And I wish I hadn’t, I still hurt all over.”

Zenai was just about to reply when there was a knock at the door, an elderly zebra peeking inside. He entered fully at Dust’s wave, giving a bow and delivering his message, “I have been told to inform you that the dragon the NCR instructed us to watch for has been spotted off the coast. Fluttershy’s arrival should be within the next two hours.”


Pretty much everyone was outside, Caesar looking like he had assembled his entire army here. Hundreds of zebra in gleaming armour stood stoically in formation, Zenai noting a selection of shiny, polished war machines among them. A whole air wing was also in attendance, at least seven dozen bloodwing zebra and pegasi along with the arrow shaped robots, another third their number had flown out to meet Spike on his approach.

It was all very impressive... and feudal. Zenai wondered what Fluttershy would think of it. Caesar himself had once again chosen to surround himself with Oteka and Chigaru, dressed in his finest silks and jewels as he stood at the forefront of his army.

Things were quiet for a little while, Zenai choosing to close her eyes and allow her mind a little rest from her constant thinking over the last few days. It had certainly been difficult the last couple of months, difficulties Fluttershy’s presence most likely wouldn’t ease. Fluttershy and Velvet Remedy were close friends, and by all accounts Velvet Remedy was inconsolably furious at Zenai. Suffice to say she didn’t expect a warm reception from the elderly pegasi.

Murmuring and far off cheers woke her from her mediations, looking to the purple form silhouetted against the sea haze. Its form became more and more distinct as it approached, Zenai finding her heart warmed slightly as the brutish, one eyed face of the great watcher of the wastes came into full vision. He had spoken to her once, the one child not afraid to approach the fearsome looking creature. He had been kind, shy, polite. In all this uncertainty he was a welcome memory of her childhood.

Spike hit the ground gently, but gave a fierce and somewhat unnecessary flap of his wings as he landed that sent dust clouds billowing outwards. Caesar used his cloak to shield himself from the debris, advancing past his two bodyguards to approach the great dragon. Chigaru and Oteka were both still brushing sand grains from their eyes as Caesar smiled in greeting, raising his voice to a shout, “Great titan of the sky and sands, we welcome both you and your illustrious passenger to these lands! I am Caesar, ruler of the Golden Coast!”

Spike glared at him through his one good eye, not looking particularly pleased. He paused long enough to unsettle Caesar before speaking, his booming voice shaking the sands, “You think it’s appropriate to welcome a great peacemaker with a parade of weapons and soldiers? Is this your pride as a ruler, the ability to cause more death?”

Caesar hesitated, taken off guard, “I...”

“Forgive a dragon’s anger your highness.” The voice, regal and piercing, sounded out a second before its owner appeared in a flash of magic. She was a fraction the size of Spike but still stood out against the mighty dragon, a stern and imperious looking blue alicorn with a quill and scroll cutie mark and sweeping robes in a high formal style. She turned back with a grace and dexterity that all too evidently distinguished her from Star Swirl, opening the door of the cabin perched upon Spike’s back with her telekinesis. Zenai noted this too, the alicorn was well outside a unicorn’s normal range, she was obviously quite powerful and skilled.

She was prepared to see Fluttershy emerge, as shocked as everyone else when the lanky, dangerous form of a hellhound eased itself through and leapt, hitting the ground below in a fierce looking crouch. Pretty much the entire army tensed as he straightened out, Zenai impressed to see Caesar instead take a step forward in awestruck curiosity. Zenai herself quickly recognised the hellhound, even before she got a good look at the medical kit slung across his shoulder and the three butterfly armband on his left bicep.

The alicorn shared a look with the hellhound before speaking once more, her tones clipped and upper class, “It is my pleasure to announce Ambassador Fluttershy, Elder of the Followers of the Apocalypse and member of the Low Council of the New Canterlot Republic.” With that her horn ignited once more, taking the next figure in its grip as soon as she exited the cabin. Its touch was impossibly gentle, the descent slow and controlled and the figure’s green dress hardly ruffling as the alicorn brought her to the ground. The hellhound moved aside, watching the descending mare with concern as she came down beside him.


Zenai wanted to say that she was just another mare, disliking the attribution of supernatural attributes to what were just brave, caring ponies. She couldn’t help but be awed by the mare’s sheer charisma though, even standing there before hundreds of well built, heavily armed zebra, a hellhound, dragon and alicorn she stood out. Her face was lined with age and her once famous hair was grey and tied back into a bun, still she was always Fluttershy. She stood with a slightly apologetic confidence, reassuring and approachable, her often painful experience in every wrinkle but with a soft, youthful twinkle still evident in her eyes. She wore an elegant green dress that covered now useless wings and other health concerns, still she trotted forward with strength and barely a sign of the limp in her back leg. The hellhound observed her carefully for a moment before giving a happy smile and falling into place next to her.

Spike turned to glare at Fluttershy as she passed, grumpily meeting her gaze before pointing a claw at Caesar, then at her, then to his mouth. Zenai was close enough to see Fluttershy’s wide grin before she replied, a little louder than really necessary, “No Spike, you can’t eat them.”

Nervous laughter rippled outwards, soon turning more genuine. Caesar seemed almost absurdly joyful, rushing forward with robes streaming to fall to his knees in front of Fluttershy, “My lady, it is... an honour.”

“You don’t have to kneel Caesar.” Her voice was twinkling and kind, even amplified by the alicorn’s magic. She bowed her own head before offering a hoof to help Caesar up, the zebra taking it with obvious awe. She smiled warmly before nodding to the proud looking hellhound beside her, “May I introduce my friends. This is my nurse and personal assistant Steel Marrow, Senior Scribe Silver Quill of the NCR council and Spike, noble dragon of Equestria.”

Silver Quill? Zenai seemed to remember she was a natural born alicorn, one of the first. Not being one of the Followers explained why Zenai didn’t recognise her. She did know Steel Marrow, and had occasionally fetched books and other documents for him. He was always businesslike, but also unfailingly polite and patient. He also explained why Fluttershy had travelled with such a small entourage, with a hellhound, alicorn and dragon Fluttershy had pretty much the three most dangerous sentient creatures yet known at her back. All she needed was a Canterlot ghoul and she would have the full set.

“My lady, you must be tired from your long journey. May I escort you to your rooms?”

“Thank you Caesar, that would be wonderful.”

Zenai watched them leave, Caesar looking like a lovesick teenager. It seemed his respect for the mare was genuine at least. She watched them for a moment longer before silently slipping away, wanting to be alone with her thoughts.


The palace gardens were beautiful as expected, Caesar’s interest in botany clear. Zenai couldn’t even identify some of them, and others were incredibly rare or thought extinct. It was obvious that the NCR would gain greatly from an alliance for these alone, let alone all the other benefits.

Zenai had wandered the halls of the palace for two hours now, not having gained any great revelations or sudden flashes of insight during that time. Mostly her thoughts had been going in circles, realising that she had been hit harder by what happened in Estelle than she thought.

Was it their fault? The massacre had obviously been planned in advance but Zenai got the impression their presence had accelerated their schedule. And what would have happened if she hadn’t knocked Abartili out, or if she had killed that ugly Pegasus?

Likely nothing, but it still... “Who’s there?”

She looked around, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck prick up. She was being watched, but from where? The garden was thick and there were a lot of places to hide, Zenai finding herself wishing for her barding and weapon as she backed away. The shadows seemed to grow, Zenai’s heart racing as her eyes darted about...

“You should stop walking alone.”

Zenai looked across at the approaching Dust Kicker, the old stallion trotting towards her. She instantly sighed in relief, never more glad to see him, “Was that you watching me just now?”

He gave her a warning look, eyes carefully moving round to scan the bushes, “I meant what I said. I think I’m going to have to take my role as guardian a bit more seriously in future. Now come on, Caesar wants to see us.”


“I thought you would be eager to meet with Fluttershy your highness.”

“Any other day, yes, but to my increasing frustration I am hardly in the mood for entertaining!” Caesar was absolutely livid, stalking around his strategy room in rage. Zenai could hardly blame him, the events of Estelle still clear in her memory. She was hopeful they could put all of it behind them for a moment considering Fluttershy’s arrival, as it seemed was Caesar. No such luck, “I mean, listen to this... pata’k!”

“To all those residing in the golden coast and beyond, I bring you terrible news. Eight years ago you rose up against the forces of Star Fall, trusting to a new future under the warlord Thasan. His rule was a brutal one, but you endured in the hope of a more hopeful future.

And where is that hopeful future now? Thasan’s children have both proven the corruption of his line, Isoko a murderer and rapist and Incuata a cross dressing fop. And Incuata has proven to be far worse than anyone suspected.

A few months ago the independent trading town of Estelle decided to cease paying tribute to Caesar, seeking a deal from the traders whose borders it resides in. Such a thing would inspire anger, fierce diplomacy, maybe a military take over at worse. Instead it provoked a massacre.

Throughout your settlements zebra appalled by this horrific crime have started handing out photographs taken by those few brave souls who survived Caesar’s wrath. They speak of Caesar’s true colours, not as a liberator or a visionary, but a psychopathic foal in a stallions body who has only begun to expose the true horrors he is capable of.

Rise up, rise up against this tyrant for the sake of all of us. Otherwise your towns will be next.”

Caesar slammed a hoof down onto the table, staring about wildly, “Do you see now, do you?!”

“We need to send the army out, grab a few of these concerned citizens and prick them till they squeal.” Chigaru spoke up, lounging lazily as he absent mindedly played with the mountains on the map in front of him, “We need to find the ringleader and shut him down.”

Dust snorted noisily, “Yeah, that’s not a predicable response. They’ll know nothing, likely believe the pack of lies they’ve been fed. All we’ll do is confirm the rumours if we start disappearing zebra. Besides, we know who’s behind it.”

Caesar clenched his jaw, growling out his next words, “Star Fall...”

“Themba.” Zenai corrected him, eager to stop this going the way she thought it was, “Golden Dawn is still committed to peace, and she has to have influence if Themba is getting worried enough to do something so... extravagant.”

“The fact that only one of the four rulers of Star Fall is massacring innocent zebra and blaming it on me does not make me any more sympathetic toward them.” Caesar trotted over to the map, prodding the little volcanic spike off the golden coast, “The fourth member of their ruling council and admiral of their fleets is Themba’s son, so I’m not betting on him being any friendlier.”

Pangaea. He was the only one Zenai hadn’t met, making her wonder what he was like. Still this news was rather worrying, Caesar was likely right about him. Considering Mint Engine described himself as ‘apathetic’ their list of allies was getting low, “Well we just need to do something about Themba for now...”

“On it sir.” Chigaru chuckled, the sound reverberating in his breathing apparatus, “What do you want, knives, guns or good old fashioned brute force?”

Caesar gave his lieutenant a weary look, “Beyond the fact that Themba never leaves the island these days and has faced you in combat before, killing him will hardly solve all our problems. His death will make him a martyr for a zebra just as hostile to me, and likely only reduce Golden Dawn’s influence.”

Zenai was encouraged that Caesar at least was considering peace a possibility, “So you would be willing to listen to Golden Dawn if we did get rid of Themba?”

Caesar grimaced, “I... personally have little love for the mare, she made her initial fortune from the suffering of my people and I am still convinced she sold arms to both sides during the conflict between my father and Star Fall. Still her father is Patriarch Lanark from the Church of the Holy Flame, a very respectable zebra of great wisdom and honour. Surely the apple cannot have fallen so far from the tree?”

Star Swirl suddenly spoke up, for the first time so far, “Isn’t Golden Dawn a pony?”

Zenai shot her still drug addled friend a withering look, “The stripes didn’t give it away?”

“But she was yellow and had a cutie... oh, of course.” Star Fall dropped her head, blushing fiercely, “Sorry, I’ll be quiet.”

Caesar closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying a moment of serenity before speaking, “Her mother is a pony, Ebon Sands. Quite the scandal among the less evolved among our population. Anyway, it is true that I have needed to add a competent merchant to my court for a while. Golden Dawn wouldn’t be my first choice, but then I dislike merchants in general.”

Dust seemed to consider for a moment before speaking up, “Mint Engine will go with whatever will keep civilians safe.” He paused before continuing, “You might also be able to tempt him with the opportunity to extend infrastructure across the golden coast.”

“So that’s two council members I can tempt. Hmm...” Caesar didn’t look any happier but Zenai could see a plan forming in his eyes. After a little while a small smile etched itself across his face, Caesar looking back down at the map before him, “If we could expose Themba to the other council members...”

Dust nodded, “That would be my plan. It would remove him without making him a martyr.”

“Would it?” Caesar looked up at Dust, frowning, “He controls the army, a dangerous position for a zebra under political pressure. We believe Star Fall might even have a Megaspell still stored away, there’s no telling what he would do if we try to force him out of power politically.”

Zenai wasn’t sure what Caesar was getting at. He had seemed like he had a plan before, “So what do we do?”

“Expose him to Mint Engine, and have him disable Star Fall’s automated defences.”

Zenai’s ears perked upwards, her jaw dropping in shock, “We... invade Star Fall?”

“Yes. It is the one gambit Themba would never expect, a repeat of my father’s gambit. Unexpected force against a target who believes himself secure.” Caesar chuckled, striking a hoof against the little black mountain, “Go on the offensive, hit the most well defended fortress in the world and hit it hard!”

Dust hesitated, “Even with the automated defences disabled...”

“With the anti aircraft guns down I have clear air superiority, my dragoons can drop anywhere in the city to seize control of key areas. Despite their boasts their heavy weapons and armour won’t help them in Star Fall itself, urban combat would favour my troops’ fast close combat capacities.” Caesar laughed, “With luck I will be able to seize control of the primary hub quickly, have Golden Dawn and Mint Engine implore the army to surrender.”

Zenai personally thought Caesar was overestimating his skill at persuasion. Support a peaceful truce maybe, but she doubted Mint Engine and Golden Dawn would help him in a full invasion. She felt she should remind him of that before he badly overreached himself, “Um, I’m not sure Mint Engine would ever trust you enough to disable the defences between him and you.”

Dust nodded, not looking convinced either, “Plus, it’s doubtful that he would have the ability to lock down all the defences. Themba is in charge of defence, it’s very likely he has overriding access.”

Caesar frowned for a second before his face lit up once more, staring at the three of them in sly expectation, “But they’re all running on Equestrian Military systems. Systems you must know the access codes to?”

“If we did then the Enclave would have shut them down years ago.”

“Agh, fine.” Caesar placed a firm hoof down upon the map, muttering under his breath before giving his command, “Leave me, I need to think.”

They all bowed with varying enthusiasm and filed out, Zenai moving from the room with a tiny bit of extra pace. She didn’t want Caesar to see her expression. Indeed she couldn’t believe the... predestination of it all. She had exactly what Caesar wanted sitting in her bedroom, Star Fall’s downfall contained within that single suit of armour.

True, she didn’t know if it would work, especially since Rainbow Dash had commanded Star Fall at one point. As demonstrated with the Ministry of Awesome systems she had either known about or suspected the backdoor built into the rest of Equestria’s information network and patched it. Of course the other possibility was that Star Fall was still using the zebra network from back when the base was theirs, or had redesigned the central processor. Really she was now wishing she had spent more time examining Star Fall’s systems when she was there. The radio towers had been using a zebra system, but the defence guns had been stripped from an Equestrian warship. Surely it would have made sense to bring over the firing controls too?

She didn’t know. All she did know was that things were due to get much more interesting.

“This is the right thing to do you know.”

Zenai turned to Chigaru, standing a short distance away. He was inscrutable as always, his face mask tightly clinging to his masked face, “Invading Star Fall?”

“We replace a pirate nation with one controlled by an enlightened dictator, one interested in peace with Equestria. The general population remain safe and secure, it’s only the thugs and raiders who will get hurt.” Chigaru turned his head to her, his tones smooth as silk, “Anyone who could facilitate such a change would surely be hailed as a hero.”

How did he know? Face to face with this masked abomination Zenai wanted little more than to say he was wrong, buck him in the face... but his words made sense. And this was something she could do, turn the weapons of the corrupt against them, “I... I’ll have to think about it.”

Chigaru’s voice was gentle and soft, “Take your time.”


She had never been up here before, the peak of Caesar’s palace a flat, featureless stone platform with four grates on each corner to expel excess heat from the water pump beneath them. Its dull rumble shook the rock at her hooves, a thin mist in the air from the falling water just beneath her.

The view was incredible. Even if this wasn’t her home, even if she fought to deny it... this was the land where her species had been forged. The dusty, tough earth, the burning sun, the soaring peaks of orange stone... this was a hard land, much in the same way as the original homeland of the ponies in the cold, frosty north. The zebra differed in that they were too proud, too stubborn and too damn cussed to abandon the land of their fathers, instead becoming hard, bold and resourceful for every new hardship.

She could see the Kokido Mountains, the capital city located somewhere in its valleys. Upon its slopes however lay something that rendered her immediately speechless, Zenai left staring into the vast empty sockets of a truly titanic dragon skeleton. It had fallen spread-eagled upon the mountainside, Zenai unsure of its exact dimensions but judging that it was at least twice the size of Spike. It was completely intact too, it hadn’t broken up at all and she couldn’t see any damage to the vast bleached bones.

Was this... the Allmother? Mother of all dragons, slain by Rainbow Dash right at the end of the war? The creature’s size seemed to suggest it, she couldn’t imagine anything bigger than the creature before her.

“That... is the All-mother isn’t it? It’s so sad, to see a creature like that just lying there in the open.”

Zenai recognised the voice immediately. She knew it was coming, though she hoped to put it off as long as possible, “I don’t want to talk to you.”

She hadn’t put much force into it, and indeed the response was a soft chuckle, “I know. Crooked Staff very accurately captured Velvet Remedy’s feelings I hear.”

Crooked Staff was one of Velvet’s aides, and the one who had told her that she had been kicked out. Velvet Remedy was apparently too angry to even tell her in person, or more likely far too important to waste time on a peon like her, “I was put under the impression that none of you wanted to talk to me again.”

“That’s not true.” Fluttershy moved to Zenai’s side, standing a few leg lengths away as she smiled softly at the zebra, “Velvet Remedy doesn’t feel that you can represent the Followers any more, but we are still your family.”

Zenai frowned, feeling like she was being good copped bad copped. Still if she was being nice... “Then you can let Star Swirl back in?”

“It’s not that easy.” Fluttershy looked out over the balcony, the wisps of her silver hair blowing in the wind. She sighed as she stared at the vista before her, eyes misty, “We need to understand Zenai. Why didn’t you feel you could talk to us?”

“Because... it wasn’t your fight.” Zenai grimaced, feeling like she was being pried into with an iron bar of kindness, “You’re right, I stole your name and resources and used them for my own purposes. But it wasn’t something I could get you involved with.”

“Why did you think that?”

“Because...” Zenai’s muzzle wrinkled, turning her head to glare at the perfectly innocent looking Fluttershy. Too innocent, and she wasn’t stupid enough to underestimate the old mare, “Look, I know you’re a psychologist, and I know your fancy little mind games. Don’t you dare try to trick me.”

Fluttershy turned her head away, dropping her eyes sadly, “I’m not trying to trick you Zenai, I’m just trying to understand. This whole event made us feel like we aren’t listening hard enough, like you didn’t trust us.”

Fluttershy was good at this. Zenai felt her feelings clear up just talking to her, what Star Swirl and Dust said earlier springing to mind, “I... it’s like when Velvet Remedy didn’t support you about the hellhounds.”

“You thought it would be politically dangerous for us?”

“I don’t want you to become politicised at all.”

Fluttershy sighed again, now looking Zenai in the eye, “Is it something to do with the Twilight Society and Applejack Rangers?”

“I told you, it’s none of your business. Especially yours.” Zenai hesitated for a moment before speaking her mind, figuring she needed to get it all off her chest, “You do a lot of good Fluttershy. I didn’t agree with you about the hellhounds, but you were right in the end. You were right to try and stop the war, even if it didn’t work. You can make peace here as well, get Star Fall and Caesar to stop this stupid fighting and realise that they’re both being manipulated.”

Fluttershy smiled kindly, “You don’t want me to get distracted?”

“Yes.” Zenai frowned, annoyed at how easy this was. She expected more fighting, more shouting. She had snuck into Fluttershy’s office and stole her identity, and now the mare was being absurdly nice. She hated it, it felt like she was being condescended to, “I forged your signature you know, lied and used your mail address to pretend I had the Follower’s backing. I was...”

“The cleaner. I remember.” Fluttershy chucked into her hoof, giving Zenai a soft smile, “I remember thinking how pretty you were.”

“And you didn’t realise that I was lying?”

Fluttershy frowned, the first even vaguely angry look Zenai had seen on the mare, “I... I did think that you weren’t the normal mare that did it, I looked up who you were.”

She had? “Then how...”

“You were a Follower Zenai, you came to us as a child and were noted to be loyal to our ideals. You were creative and perceptive in your work as an archivist, you were into conservative politics and your only misdemeanours were for talking out of turn and curfew violations.” Fluttershy looked away, “I thought I was just being paranoid, put it out of my mind.”

“And I betrayed you.”

“Yes, and I consider your guilt to be an acceptable apology.”

Zenai’s jaw dropped open in shock for a moment before she clamped it firmly shut, looking away quickly and seething privately. How... dare she? This was Fluttershy, she was a celebrity, a big shot, so far above a simple archivist that the very idea of this conversation felt ludicrous. It was insulting, Fluttershy talking to Zenai like she knew her, like they were friends. Not even Star Swirl would talk to her like this, “I... it’s not that easy! I’ll do it again!”

Fluttershy looked back at the zebra, smiling, “Or you could just tell me what’s going on, let me help. Isn’t that why this all went wrong in the first place?”

Zenai wanted to glare back but she couldn’t even face the pegasus, “I told you, I don’t want to get the Followers involved.”

Fluttershy chuckled, giving a sly little smile, “I’m not even a High Elder Zenai. If you want to get technical I’m higher ranking in the NCR than I am in the Followers of the Apocalypse, and even there I’m only a Shadow Councillor and Senior Ambassador. I don’t have to tell Velvet Remedy anything if you don’t want me to.”

Zenai turned her head, daring a tiny peek at Fluttershy’s eyes. They were still clear and kind, undaunted by age. It felt weird to be this close to the mare, so famed throughout their whole organisation, “I know you’re not that ignorant about what you are.”

Fluttershy gave a sad little smile in response, “I’ve heard that answer before.”

Zenai smiled back, reassured that she had won some small victory over the elder pegasus in making her look unsure even for a moment, “You should just go for it you know. Take power, do good, save people. You know you could.”

Fluttershy chuckled, though the sound didn’t sound very mirthful, “I’m still in therapy myself Zenai...”

“So’s half the wasteland.” Zenai pouted, pressing her advantage, “When you won the bill of rights for the hellhounds, do you think you made the wasteland a better place?”

Fluttershy gave the zebra an affectionate smile, “Yes, I did.”

“And when you led the Marefields sanctuary to safety during the Enclave attack?”


Zenai nodded firmly, planting both hooves on the ground, “You only did both of those things because no one else would. What would happen if you started sticking to your principles full time? You could do so much more.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “I’m not afraid Zenai, you’re wrong about my motives.”

“I...” Zenai hesitated for a moment before setting her jaw once more, “I think you are. Of what you did...”

“I don’t feel guilty over what happened during the war.” Fluttershy looked back at Zenai, absorbing her glare with an expression of gentle calm, “There’s a time and place for heroes Zenai, and a time and place for normal ponies talking out their differences as equals.”

Zenai frowned, “You don’t think this is a time for heroes?”

“No, I don’t. Not in Equestria.” Fluttershy sighed briefly before adopting a more serious expression, straightening out her back as she spoke, “The Twilight Society and Applejack Rangers are both in the thrall of heroes. They want to force a confrontation for the future of the NCR. Because that’s what heroes do, they inspire conflict to change society.”

Zenai lowered her head. She did want to fight, she did want to change things, “Maybe that’s what we need.”

“No, it’s not.” Fluttershy nodded softly, “The Arbiter position has been in political uncertainty for years, the NCR not able to last half a decade without a major catastrophe. The Element of Magic is gone along with two of our most famed heroes. The NCR’s founder is dead, and the ghost of one of the wasteland’s most famous villains is attacking our settlements.”

“And that... doesn’t need a hero?”

“No, it needs normal ponies talking out their differences as equals” Fluttershy gave Zenai a firm, serious look, “You force a confrontation and the NCR is going to collapse. Things are too unstable, everypony too unsettled. That’s what they want Zenai, for the government to collapse. They want things to go back the way they were, when force and superior technology decided everything. Do you?”


“I know you think you’re doing good, but provoking them won’t end well for anypony.”

“This...” Zenai clenched her jaw, frustration boiling in her. Fluttershy just didn’t understand, didn’t see what they were trying to do, “If I hadn’t done anything...” She paused, clamping her mouth shut, unwilling to let this secret go, “It doesn’t matter.”

Fluttershy was left standing in expectation, “What do you think would have happened Zenai?”

“I...” Zenai couldn’t say, couldn’t let it out. She didn’t even know why, why she couldn’t even share it with Star Swirl, why she kept this secret clutched jealously to her chest. Why couldn’t she expose the Applejack Rangers, expose exactly who they were behind the chivalric names and shiny armour?

Because she liked being a step ahead of everyone else? Because she wanted to be a hero more than anything else in the world? No, she wasn’t that petty, she wasn’t! She...

Her pipbuck buzzed, Zenai looking down at the scrolling alarm plastered across it. Somepony was in her room, trying to access the suit! “Sorry Fluttershy!”

“Wait... Zenai!”


Fluttershy might have been a living legend easily able to manipulate her in conversation but she was not in any way fast on her feet, Zenai easily outpaced her as she rushed to her room. The door was open, the first indication that something was wrong, and as she approached she saw a stream of water and some shards of broken glass by the opening. Its source was quickly confirmed, somepony had knocked the waterjug off the table. It had likely on exit considering it had broken across the door, indicating they had left in a hurry.

The rest of the room looked untouched, Zenai looking about for any signs of foul play. The most obvious clue was the floorboards near to the cupboard containing the armour were burned, the tell tell green glow of plasma discharge still staining a couple of them. She rushed over to the cupboard and threw the sliding door open, noting that the lock had been disengaged.

“Good morning miss Zenai.” The sweet, youthful voice echoed from the suit of armour inside, a small pink face appearing on the attached pipbuck, “Don’t worry, I scared the bad pony away.”

Zenai was relieved, she would love to have seen their face when the suit had suddenly opened fire, “Who was it?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. They had some shield around them that protected them from my sensors.”

“Which also stopped the plasma bolt.” Zenai looked down at the burn mark on the floor, it had obviously hit the target and bounced off onto the floor. She could still smell... wait, that wasn’t plasma discharge. It was harsh and acidic, and it made her nose tickle, “Wait... there’s a smell in here, can you tell what it is?”

“Okidokiloki! Scanning now Miss Zenai!” A spinning icon on the pipbuck appeared for a few seconds before the pink pony appeared once again, “My scans indicate that trace amounts of Littlehorn Agent are in the atmosphere.”

Zenai almost bolted there and then, “Pink gas!?”

“Please don’t panic, it’s not concentrated enough to be harmful Miss Zenai.”

Zenai was confused, why on earth would someone be carrying around pink gas? The stuff was incredibly dangerous, and she couldn’t think of any reason why they would need it for breaking into her room, “How big was the figure?”

“Um, waitaminute, let me see... the shield was about 170 centimetres in diameter.”

That was rather large. She already had her suspicions, given that they had chosen to break in now and not when she was at Estelle, “They didn’t download anything from you?”

“Nopies. They connected up a pipbuck, but I easily beat up those bad programs.”

That’s what you get for trying to hack an AI designed for hacking. She was glad now that she ordered the suit to fire on anyone who attempted to move or manipulate it, worried at the time that she would end up vaporizing some cleaning mare. It had certainly sent the intruder into swift retreat, which meant they might not have covered their tracks... she trotted over and swung the door shut, inspecting its surface, “What prints can you find on this door?”

“Scanning now... a small zebra, a larger, older zebra and an alicorn.”

Interesting, “Did the alicorn have a small cleft in her left hoof?”

“Nope. Actually... it looks like she had a hooficure recently.”

So it wasn’t Star Swirl. The older zebra was likely the cleaner, making the culprit obvious... “Thank you, you can go back to sleep now.”

“Okie dokies! Goodnight Zenai!”

Zenai frowned as the suit powered down. It seemed from what she said that she needed to go look up a few details on this Silver Quill alicorn...


“Silver Quill?” Steel Marrow gave what looked like a grin, shining a set of very sharp teeth. He lacked the prominent accent of most hellhounds, still his guttural rasp of a voice still set Zenai on edge, “She is representative of NCR, senior scribe. Very polite, but not very friendly.”

“You’ve never met her before?”

Steel Marrow gave her another long grin as he loped over to the medicine cabinet in Fluttershy’s room, long claws sorting through the rows of bottles with impressive dexterity, “That’s classified, heh.”

Zenai frowned at him, “Don’t mess me around.”

“Why not? You are not Followers anymore, don’t have to tell you not’ing.” He turned, observing her with an amused smirk, “You want info, speak to Miss Fluttershy.”

Zenai shivered slightly at that look, trying to hide it. She really didn’t want to let on how much an unfriendly hellhound unnerved her, even if his every grin did make her want to wet herself, “You can’t make the decision yourself?”

“We play to our talents. I defer to Miss Fluttershy on matters relating to diplomacy or mission param’eeters, she defers to me on matters of medicine. It is a most rewarding system.”

Zenai frowned in frustration, knowing that it was very hard to argue round that decision, “Isn’t Fluttershy a doctor too?”

“Of orthopaedics. Fortunately Miss Fluttershy does not have much opportunity to treat herself in this area of medicine, very healthy, very strong bones.” Steel Marrow grinned at her again, “We diamond dogs respect such things.”

“I... see.”

“Now I must continue setting out Miss Fluttershy’s room. Please go speak to her if you want information.”

Zenai reluctantly acquiesced to his ushering, finding herself out in the corridor with little more information that when she began. From Steel Marrow’s tone it was obvious however that she was an addition to Fluttershy’s party rather than part of her normal entourage. That raised the possibility that she was placed there by the Rangers or Twilight Society, mostly likely the Society given that the Ranger representative would likely approach her directly.

She... would have to speak to Fluttershy, and she really didn’t want to have that conversation now. She was actually relieved as she spotted Star Swirl emerge from around a nearby corner, the alicorn’s eyes lighting up as she spotted Zenai and cantered over. Zenai moved to meet her, hoping Star Swirl could distract her from her present concerns at least for a moment, “How are you feeling Star Swirl?”

The alicorn actually blushed, hesitating and wiggling her hoof as Zenai stared. Now she was closer she could see that Star Swirl was clearly bothered about something, boasting the overly serious look on her face that she often sported when around strangers. That she had to say worried Zenai, Star Swirl only did that to her when she had done something dumb and was working herself up to admitting it. Her voice too trembled as she spoke, “I’m... still a little sore, and my magic still hasn’t come back. I’m ok though.”

Zenai narrowed her eyes, “Star Swirl, what aren’t you telling me?”

“Nothing! I...” Star Swirl deflated, breaking her mask like expression to deliver a nervous smile, “I was just wondering if you want to go out to town... um, we could eat there, and see things?”

“And you would buy dinner?” Zenai frowned, “What are you buttering me up for Star?”

Star Swirl shook her head, giving a slightly exaggerated look of hurt, “Nothing. I just... miss it being the two of us. We haven’t had much time alone lately.” She grinned cautiously, her jokey tone somewhat spoiled by the stammer in her voice, “I...I’ll s..still buy dinner if you want?”

Zenai grinned, Star Swirl could really be very sweet when she wanted to be, “We’re on a joint budget Star.”

“It’s the thought that counts?”

Zenai laughed, glad that her friend was getting her sense of humour back after her somewhat unsettling nervousness. Indeed it inspired the same feelings as Star Swirl, they really hadn’t spent enough time together lately. Chatting about politics as they sorted the scrolls, dinner in the break room at the end of a long afternoon, waking up on the other’s floor surrounded by books and bottles of wine... it inspired more homesickness, but she reassured herself that one big part of home was still here, “Sure Star, lead on.”


“Well, I simply think they underestimate how much influence the desert nations had within the golden coast.”

“Now perhaps, but the pre-war camels never traded this far west. Zebra civilisation was destroyed, it comes to reason that the camel’s migrated in this direction so they would have a reliable trading partner. Without Equestria’s influence it would stand to reason the golden coast would look to their nearest successful neighbour for inspiration.”

“But much of the city is built in the camel style. Those are pre-war buildings.”

“It’s a necessity of the heavy stone in this area, they had to build squat and strong. It’s not so much a camel style as a dustland one.”

Star Swirl sighed, looking defeated. Zenai quickly offered her an encouraging grin, the alicorn perking up with a soft chuckle, “You’re so smart Zenai.”

“I know.” Zenai smirked mockingly, shifting her glasses up with a hoof and reclining against the table, “And please, go on. After the last few days I need my ego flattered a bit.”

Star Swirl gave the zebra a wistful look, averting her eyes to stare sadly around the restaurant. Feeling a little adventurous they had chosen the most ethnic place they could find, both of them quickly deciding that for all Equestria’s advances in agriculture zebra still managed to beat them when it came to cooking. It helped that Zebra still seemed very vegetarian in general, Zenai had never felt her stomach feel so secure on a field trip before.

Star Swirl eventually spoke, sounding a little sad, “It’s so exciting being in another country isn’t it? All this new history and culture...”

Zenai looked askew at the alicorn, the worry about the mare’s mood returning, “You don’t look exited.”

“Oh, I am.” Star Swirl brought her head up quickly to give Zenai a reassuring nod before letting her eyes drop once more, “I’m just... tired.”

“Are you still in pain?”

“A little.” Star Swirl admitted, twitching slightly at being reminded of it, “I’m ok, it’s just... a long time since I took that kind of punishment. Or fought like that.”

Zenai looked at the alicorn in concern, knowing full well just how deep Star Swirl’s emotional scars lay. Unfortunately it was one of the few things she understood about them, as she had to admit to still being befuddled about most things regarding the alicorn race. Most of them seemed to regret the Unity’s loss at a deep level, and though Star professed different herself Zenai wasn’t sure how honest that was. It didn’t matter that it had taken control of them, forced them to fight and kill, turned them into alicorns in the first place. Zenai figured they missed the security it gave them, but knew deep down that she would never truly understand. And Star Swirl felt it harder than most, “You had to fight back there...”

“A... little. I liked it...” Star Swirl shook her head, puffing out her cheeks a little and looking firmly across at Zenai, “They were bad ponies, and I needed to protect you and Dust Kicker. I... didn’t hurt any of them, not directly.”


“I mean it.” Star Swirl stated firmly, still sounding like she was trying to justify it, “I’m... proud of myself.”

Really? Something was bugging the alicorn though, Zenai could tell. She remembered her expression when the demon alicorn had fallen, her pleas against harming her, “Do you... regret hurting Luna?”

“She wasn’t Princess Luna.”

“It’s the best name we have.”

“I... a little.” Star paused, letting her head drop, “She was confused, trying too hard. I don’t think she’s a bad pony.”

“She helped massacre an entire settlement.”

Star Swirl looked back firmly and resolutely, “I didn’t see her lift a weapon to attack them. Helping Nazir was wrong yes, but it doesn’t make her irredeemable.”

Zenai wanted to agree with her friend, still her gut just wouldn’t let her. It churned to think of her getting away with shedding so much blood, “You and me have different ideas about redemption.”

Star Swirl narrowed her eyes, her voice cold, “I killed a lot more innocent ponies than she did back there. And I did it with my own hooves.”

This again? “You were under the control of the Goddess, that was her, not you.”

“There are a lot of ways to control someone.” Star Swirl glared for a moment more before her expression softened, “She told me that she had been trapped here, and that zebra were still capable of terrible things. I think... she’s suffered abuse at their hands.”

“So that’s reason to kill them by the bakers dozen?”

Star gave Zenai a warning glare, Zenai figuring she deserved that one, “No, but it’s a reason why she might believe a pack of lies from somepony like Nazir or Themba.”

Zenai... didn’t agree. But at that point she realised it didn’t matter, “You know, I spoke to Fluttershy today.”

Star Swirl hesitated, slightly taken aback by this change of direction, “How... how did it go?”

“I told her she could do so much good if she just stopped holding back and did what her heart told her.” Zenai gave Star Swirl an affectionate smile, “And I think the same thing of you Star. You’ve got a heart five times the size of mine at your most cynical.”

“I... I’m just naive and prone to wishful thinking.” Star Swirl blushed, averting her eyes quickly to hide her embarrassment, “Takes more than that to be a hero. It takes... drive, and cunning, and the will to succeed even when others doubt you.” Star looked up at Zenai, giving a nervous, trembling little smile, “It... takes someone rather special indeed...”

Zenai laughed, not about to lose her cool by blushing so easily. Instead she gave a confident, cheerful grin, throwing her mane back with a firm, rakish flick and shooting Star Swirl a smirk, “With very good friends.”

“I... I do my best.” Star Swirl stammered, suddenly looking rather claustrophobic as she stared around, “You know... can we go outside? Take another look around town?”

“Sure Star.” Zenai smiled warmly at the alicorn, “Let me just pay and we’ll go look around the river. How about that?”

Star Swirl gave a nervous little nod of her head, “That sounds... wonderful...”


The river in question ran down the side of Caesar’s palace and through the city in a roaring torrent, eventually feeding into the irrigation below. Its power drove many water wheels situated along the hill, a vision of truly impressive industry and power. Zenai stared up at the edifice as it loomed in the darkness, wondering where they really got it all from. A water talisman, or something more mechanical? She would have to ask next time she had the chance...

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

Zenai looked round at Star Swirl, pausing for a moment to enjoy the lights and sound of Demonivore in the dark as Star Swirl was. The city was still alive, the sound of laughter and shouting from the bars, the warm glow of light from the houses. Caesar’s palace soared above, a squat, hardy spire of power and majesty, “Yes... it is.”

“I was really worried. When you went off alone like that.”

Zenai turned and looked round at Star Swirl, grinning as she saw the mare in turn steadfastly avoiding her gaze. Was that what was really bugging her? “I’m sorry Star. And thank you, for saving us all.”

Star Swirl looked up in shock and horror, “Me? I didn’t...”

“Then who did? I seem to remember being unconscious.”

“I... I couldn’t have done it without Dust Kicker.” Star Swirl gave a slightly wistful, dreamy smile as she continued, her hoof wiggling slightly in nervousness, “I feel more confident with him, I’m glad he’s here. He’s a... good stallion.”

Zenai almost snorted, only just holding herself back. Was that what was bugging her? Zenai wasn’t certain she could maintain a straight face at Star Swirl confessing a crush on the old mercenary “Hmm, seems like he’s really captured your attention...”


“I’m actually being serious Star.” Zenai tried to look it as well, though she couldn’t keep the grin off her face. To be honest the idea of them together was enough to make her want to cackle, the bulky and aging stallion forced to scale a mare twice his size, “You two do seem to be growing much closer lately. You really don’t have any feelings for him?”

Star Swirl looked surprised for a moment before giving a firm shake of her head, “I don’t.”

Zenai was... disappointed. She was surprised at that reaction, realising how much it would have pleased her to see her friend finally paired up, “Star... I want you to be happy.”

“I am happy.” Star Swirl blushed again, looking even more nervous than before, “I... I’m happy being here with you.”

“That’s not what I mean.” Zenai sighed, feeling like an iron weight around the mare’s neck. Was this her fault? Was she dragging Star Swirl along with her, denying her the chance of happiness? Her cause was hers alone. Seeing it hurt others like this just made it feel all so... selfish, “I’m so glad you value our friendship enough to follow me here, and there’s no one I would rather be at my side... but you need someone to be with you at night, to take away your worries and comfort you. I can’t...”

“I love you Zenai.”

“Huh... I mean...”

Star Swirl gazed at Zenai with a haunted, pleading look, her apprehension and fear clear across her face, “I’m here... because I love you. Because... I want you to be with me.”

Gargle blargle vouz? Zenai struggled to parse that sentence into something more sensible, failing miserably. She wondered if she could just put it down to a hallucination, but there was Star Swirl, still staring at her in expectation. She... didn’t know what to say, “Ha... ha... you’re kidding Star.” She added, a little more desperately, “You... you like stallions. Don’t you?”

“I... I don’t think it matters.” Star smiled desperately, “You’re beautiful, smart, kind... you were nice to me, and you’re trying to make the world a better place. I... wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”

“That... that’s just... friendship. I mean you don’t want to...” Zenai looked around in desperate horror, looking for an escape route from this terrible terrible conversation, “You’re not physically attracted to me are you?”

Star Swirl froze up, predictably, her head falling and her eyes opening wide and fearful. Mind you, Zenai wasn’t much more adept in processing the thought of them... having sex. Dear holy ick, the idea just made her shiver. Not to put anything against Star Swirl or anything, but she just didn’t... like mares, and Star Swirl was a whole lot of mare. She...

She had just leaned forward and kissed her.

At least that’s what she thought she was trying to do. She would have to give the poor mare lessons, shocked into paralysis for a moment before shoving the mare roughly away, “Ngh... get off Star!”

Star Swirl quickly disengaged, looking mortified. It wasn’t a second before tears filled her eyes, her voice choked, “I’m sorry, I just...”

“I... I’m sorry. So sorry.” Zenai wanted to throttle the mare. It wasn’t a fair reaction she knew, but... now? She had spring this now, with everything else? What was she, stupid? Zenai had never stuck to one partner, she wasn’t the girlfriend type. And every single one of her partners had been male, and Zenai had spoken at length on her affection for the gender. How could she possibly...?

But here she was, faced with the tearful face of her best friend as she struggled for words, “I... don’t like you in that way. I’m sorry.”

Star Swirl hesitated, her eyes filled with tears and her lip quivering pathetically, “You might try...?”

“Star... no. No. Never.”

“Ok.” Star turned slowly and robotically, trotting away with a wavering, almost drunken gait. Zenai didn’t move to follow as her friend disappeared into darkness, heart firmly broken into a thousand tiny shards.


Footnote: Level up! (6)
Perk Acquired – Loremaster
“I’ve read several books on the subject.”
You have studied all the prewar sciences, and know how to counter them. You gain a 5% damage increase against uncommon pre-war tech, as well as special options in dealing with it.

Quest perk added – Heartbreaker
“Oh come on!”
You have become adapt at destroying the hopes and dreams of others. You gain an extra 5 point bonus to your speech skill when trying to break the will of another.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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