• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 1.7 - Darkness Falls

Chapter 7 - Darkness Falls

The black alicorn advanced on Star Swirl with a swaying, sultry gait, thick black smoke curling around her. Star Swirl only backed away faster, totally unprepared for whatever this... thing was.

It wasn’t an alicorn. Among their many senses was an extremely acute sense of smell, and none of her fellows could hide the IMP and dark magic that made them all brothers and sisters together. Even the natural born alicorns had it to some extent, along with unique scents of their own of course. This thing however smelt of something rotten and unnatural, a heady dark scent that trigged a bedwetting terror somewhere deep and primal.

And it was familiar somehow, though she wasn’t sure from where.

“Amazing, you really... were you created by the Goddess herself?”

Star Swirl answered the mare truthfully, not sure what else to do, “Yes, I was. My name is Star Swirl.”

“And I am Princess Luna.” The alicorn spoke it with a flourish, grinning wide as she brought a hoof up to her face, “It is a pleasure to meet one of my famed progeny after all this time.”

Star Swirl felt a hot lance of anger at the alicorn’s words, blocking out the terror, “I’m not one of your progeny.”

“Oh, but you are. Twilight Sparkle after all made you in my image, a mighty eldritch army to bring the power of the stars upon the zebra heathens!” Princess Luna laughed heartily, looking lost in her own imagination as she ranted cheerfully, “Oh, how I wished you could have been unleashed! Sadly we had to settle for a far less elegant end to our foes, though the megaspells certainly did their job.”

Star Swirl’s felt the anger grow in her chest, the adrenaline taking the pain from her aching horn and side. She wanted to scream, to attack, to tell whatever this thing was she was not fooled for a second by her act. Princess Luna was a good pony, she wouldn’t do these things! “I’m not powered by dark star demons or black magic, or anything but zebra alchemy and unicorn spellcraft. But you are, I’ve just remembered where I remembered that scent around you from.”

Princess Luna chuckled, “And where is that?”

Star Swirl still remembered it, from when she had met Littlepip at the landing platform outside Maripony. It was only for a moment but she still remembered how the mere presence of Rarity’s black book had made her feel, “The black book of dark zebra magic. It smelt just like you.”

“You have a black book!?” Princess Luna hurried forward, eyes wide and filled with need. She tapped the ground childishly with a hoof, her ebony body seeming all the more alien as it arched forward, “Where is it!? I need it!”

Star Swirl crouched slightly as the thing stared in terrifying want, trying to keep her emotions under control and her voice calm, “It was destroyed. By a megaspell.”

Luna’s face filled with awestruck horror, actually seeming to physically shrink a little from the shock, “How... how could you!? That book held vast power, with it in your hands you could have conquered Equestria!”

“I didn’t destroy it, somepony else did.” Star Swirl frowned, giving the alicorn in front of her a careful look. It was hard to tell if she was imagining it or not but she certainly seemed to change and shift in tune with her emotions, in comparison to her fearsome alien look a moment ago she now seemed far younger and more delicate. After a moment of concentration she detected what might have been part of it, the alicorn radiating a powerful but subtle physic field, “Why did it smell like you?”

Princess Luna glared, looking rather offended and a little whiny, “I do not smell! How dare you accuse me of such things!”

Of course not. She had no nose, to reference an old joke. Star Swirl took a moment to block out the psychic field, rather disappointed when she didn’t notice any instant change. She unfortunately hadn’t enough experience the psychic abilities of her race to tell what its intended effect was, “I... we can smell the magical fields around things.”

“You can? That’s dumb, why can’t you feel them through your horns like normal unicorns?”

Because casting your own magic blocked out your perception of other spellcasters that way. Star Swirl wasn’t in the mood for scholarly debate though. Her eyes moved to Dust Kicker, the stallion seeming down for the count. She was also incensed to see Zenai nearby, the zebra curled into a tight ball, “Why did you attack my friends?”

“Because the zebra tried to run, and your stallion friend had a shotgun.” Princess Luna sighed, looking rather peevved as she stared across at Dust, “I would have just sent in him to sleep, but for some reason he’s immune to my magic.”

“And me?”

“We’re chatting. Isn’t it nice? I’m having fun.” She smiled, her sapphire blue eyes shining with what seemed to be genuine enthusiasm, “It’s so nice to meet someone I can really relate to. An actual alicorn, with spells, and wings! Not like me of course, but almost. Why are you called Star Swirl? Are you named after Star Swirl the Bearded?”

“I... yes.” Star Swirl really didn’t know how to react, not only was she talking to a non-Unity alicorn claiming to be Princess Luna, the mare was clearly cracked. Still she decided to play along for now in the hope of getting some information, “Why are you here, in the zebra lands? What happened to you?”

“It’s a long story, let’s just say I’ve been left powerless and trapped for a very long time.” Princess Luna’s face darkened, the mare drawing away and her feathers fluttering dangerously in some non-existent wind, “And it hasn’t been pleasant. These zebras... they’re nasty bullies, they always have been. They destroyed Equestria didn’t they, burned it to the ground with balefire?”

Didn’t she know? But then, maybe she wouldn’t, “That was a long time ago.”

“They haven’t changed.” Princess Luna lowered her voice, the deep bass in her throat full of pain and hurt. She moved an eye up to look at Star Swirl, bitterness in those icy depths, “Nazir said you’re working for Caesar. Is that true?”

Star Swirl hesitated, really not wanting to negotiate with insane, dangerous alicorns. That was Zenai’s job, her role was to stand in the background and occasionally interject with obscure trivia. But she was the only one standing, “Do you... not like Caesar?”

“He’s a zebra, he’s just looking for a chance to betray you and finish what they started.” Princess Luna smiled suddenly, straightening out and looking imperious as she delivered her proclamation, “You know Star Fall is the last bastion of the Equestrian Army don’t you? You should ally with them instead, help them to defeat Caesar!”

Star Swirl... was really confused now, “We... we’re working for Star Fall. They want an alliance with Caesar.”

“They... lies. Lies!” Princess Luna looked shocked for a moment before rearing forward in anger, her voice raised to a piercing shout. She struck the ground with a hoof, the tiles shattering against what must have been incredible strength, “Themba wouldn’t do that! He knows what they are!”

Star Swirl almost corrected Princess Luna and say that it was Golden Dawn who had given them the task. Something stopped her at the last moment though, realising that would likely only draw a target on the one council member actually angling for peace. This was more complicated than she realised, judging from the Princess’s statement... she knew Themba. How? Why? She had to play this smart, “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think. He is a zebra.”

Princess Luna gave her a harsh, searching look, eventually nodding and lowering her head in brooding anger, “True... maybe zebra really are all evil. I can only trust ponies, they’re the only ones who understand...” She suddenly looked up at Star Swirl, giving a wide, pleading smile as she stepped forward expectantly, “Ponies like you! You might be working for Caesar but you have to realise what he is! He even took the name of the zebra who destroyed Equestria, if you give him what he wants he will do it again! Join me, help me to conquer this land! I promise that when I return to my rightful throne I will grant you all with noble titles that will be the envy of the whole nation.”

Star Swirl’s reply was instant, unable to continue with this madness, “Princess, if that really is you... you have to realise that what you’re saying is insane, evil. Let us help you, you’re clearly sick.”

“Help? You really think I believe you want to help me? You’re working with Caesar to destroy Equestria! You’re traitors, all of you!” Luna bristled, shadows streaming off her as her wings expanded to their full size. Her wingspan amply demonstrated the difference in size, Star Swirl might possibly had the advantage in weight but that was down to storing a little more on her hips that was strictly necessary. Princess Luna was a sleek predator, longer and taller by some margin and clearly possessed of vast magical power, “Come on, I will make you BOW before your Princess!”

Star Swirl’s face twisted in anger, “YOU’RE. NOT. THE. PRINCESS!”

Princess Luna braced herself as Star Swirl thrust her horn forward, a cruel, arrogant smirk on the black alicorn’s face. Star Swirl growled in response and fed all her anger into her magic, feeling the all too familiar tingle of surging power as she called on all her reserves of stored radiation. Her horn crackled briefly, Star Swirl focusing that energy before firing an arc of eldritch lightning at the Princess. Luna took it straight on, black shield flickering as the bolts grounded themselves around her. Luna smirked at the effort, “This is all you have?”

“Ngh...” Star Swirl forced herself against the alicorn but her shield held fast, realising just how foolish this was. Star Swirl wasn’t feeling it, and the magic just wasn’t coming. She felt herself hold back, felt the absence of all her old skills and rage like a great hole in her chest. Weak as she was she had no idea how powerful Luna was in comparison, her magic was hardly even touching her.

“This is pathetic. This is what they call an alicorn?” Princess Luna stomped a hoof on the ground, black light taking Star Swirl in its grasp and suspending her helplessly in the air. The black alicorn gave a mad chuckle before thrusting her horn forward, “This is an alicorn!”

Great surges of black lightning streamed off the Princess’s body, shattering the stone and metal about the corridor and only just missing Dust Kicker as the floor nearby was torn apart by a bolt of dark energy. Princess Luna cackled madly at the sight, conveniently distracted as Star Swirl teleported back into existence behind the alicorn. She hated doing this, but if she was going to save Zenai and Dust Kicker she would have to fight. All she had to do was distract Luna long enough to bring the two together, then she could teleport them all out.

She gritted her teeth, galloped forward and swung herself round in a powerful buck to the back of the Princess’s head. Her hooves hit her shield with a solid clunk, Star Swirl feeling her left hoof crack and the barrier totally fail to yield at all. In fact the force of her blow was so much that she pushed herself forwards to smack face first into the ground, with teeth jarring force.

Luna turned in a whirl, briefly shocked before a grin spread across her face, “What... was that? HAHAHAHAHA! THAT WAS HILLARIOUS!”

Star Swirl didn’t appreciate the mockery, especially since her hoof now hurt a lot. She was pretty sure she had broken it, which didn’t bode well for further confrontation. She was starting to wonder if Luna was really what she said she was, that shield was incredibly strong, certainly a rival for the strongest alicorns.

But she couldn’t give up. Star Swirl pushed herself to her hooves, wondering if she could levitate Zenai and Dust Kicker over to her and teleport out before Luna had finished laughing. Star quickly erected a shield around herself, charging her magic for the rapid combination of complex spells involved...

Luna stopped laughing instantly, horn glowing bright, “No more fighting. KNEEL!”

What happened next was... pain. Her shield failed instantly against the assault, her horn vibrating from the pressure on her magic reserves. Every nerve in her body screamed at her as she dropped, feeling warm urine run down her leg and something hot and sticky drip from her ears. She sprawled to the ground, breathless and broken, her lungs burning like she had been without air for whole minutes.

“Do you submit? Do you admit that I am your Princess, now and forever?” Princess Luna trotted over, admiring Star Swirl with distain, “I am a forgiving Princess, provided I am given the proper respect.”

Star Swirl grunted something, her jaw locked up from the excruciating spasms that still ran through her.

“What was that?”

“I... never... stop fighting...” Star Swirl located the reserve of radiation that Sunshine Ivory and Blaze had spoken of, hiding right at her core hidden from the medics at the Follower’s encampment. It was only now everything else was gone that she could sense it, and she fed it all into one final spell. The single most basic spell she had, which some ponies learned even before telekinesis. The one thing she knew the Princess wasn’t immune to.

She cast her light spell in one mighty burst, right in Princess Luna’s face.

Seconds later she was still trying desperately to get her own sight back, the burst blinding her even with her eyes shut. The momentary pause gave her time to realise that most of her body hurt like hell and she couldn’t even feel the rest of it, her concussed mind further distracted by a terrible wail that echoed off the walls. It sounded for all the world like a filly having a tantrum, which made it all the more disturbing given the circumstances. She gasped as she made it to her hooves, stepping gingerly on her injured leg as she slowly opened her eyes...

Princess Luna was on the ground, screaming and crying in pain, her legs kicking out as tears ran down her cheeks. Star Swirl couldn’t help staring in horror and amazement as the alicorn princess wailed like a newborn, repeatedly striking herself in the face with her hooves and screaming for someone to make it stop. Star Swirl tore herself from the scene reluctantly, finding it hard to not just pick the alicorn up and hug her better. She looked so... fragile.

But she was down for the count, and Star had friends to rescue, “Zenai...” She staggered over to the unconscious zebra, trying to blink through the pain, “Zenai, wake up...”

Damn... Damn! She was out of magic, seriously injured and totally out of ideas. She couldn’t do anything like this, and someone had to have heard the commotion. She gingerly moved her head over to her saddlebag, throwing it to the ground and grabbing a healing potion from inside. Unfortunately it didn’t do much, Star Swirl figuring much of the damage was to her nervous system. Her heart was racing about a hundred and ten times to the beat, all the worse for a large creature such as herself. She quickly took a vial of Med-X and injected it into her canon, controlling the pain at least a little. After a moment she decided to risk it and injected a vial of Dash too, very relieved when she felt her heart rate slow a little and the pressure in her chest ease. Though it seemed counterproductive Star Swirl had read about it being used this way, Dash wouldn’t combat the tachycardia but it wouldn’t make it worse, and it forced the body to release the hormones allowing a pony to maintain it without any catastrophic side effects. She would feel it later on of course, but they would have time for proper medical attention then.

Star Swirl knew she wasn’t the best doctor however, moving over to Zenai and quickly inspecting her for injuries. The most obvious was a nasty wound to the side of her head that was bleeding heavily, Star Swirl forcing a healing potion down the zebra’s throat that immediately started to work on the damage there. She was just about to break the Dash out for her too before Zenai’s eyes slowly fluttered open, the Zebra looking about in confusion, “What... happened...?”

“You were...” Star Swirl heard her voice come out in a husky wheeze, coughing a little to clear her throat, “...we need to get out of here.”

Zenai’s eyes widened at Star Swirl, clear concern in her expression, “Star, you’re really badly injured! What happened?”

Star Swirl motioned to the whimpering heap on the floor nearby, realising that from the reduction in noise from the alicorn she was likely recovering fast, “We really need to go. Dust... over there.”

Zenai only hesitated for a moment more before snatching a healing potion from the kit bag and delivering it to Dust. It quickly started to work on the wound to the top of his head at least, though the stallion still didn’t stir. Zenai eventually looked to Star Swirl in alarm, “I’m not sure I can wake him up Star, not safely, not with what I have here.”

“Ok... then we carry him.” Star Swirl trotted over as fast as she was able, taking Dust Kicker in her mouth and throwing him onto her back with a mighty heave. She felt a muscle in her neck twinge a little and her back flex, still she kept her balance even with her injured hoof. Dust was really rather heavy, Star Swirl making a point to ask him to diet just in case she ever had to do this again. It was fortunately really that Star Swirl was still unusually strong even among her fellow alicorns.

“Star, are you sure you’ll be ok?” Zenai trotted along beside the alicorn for a moment before leaping up and grabbing her bag, slinging it across her shoulder and retrieving her plasma pistol. She looked up at Star Swirl, concern in her voice, “I should help you carry...”

Star Swirl felt herself becoming irritated, the pain piercing through even the med-x, “My magic’s gone, I need you to protect us. Besides, not much more... space...”

Zenai sighed, shrugging her admittedly underdeveloped shoulders, “Ok, true.”

The dark rasp echoed behind them, “You’re... going nowhere...”

Damn. Star turned, Princess Luna heaving herself off the floor. Her eyes were still swollen shut and her body still hung heavy on trembling hooves, still she exuded angry menace. Star Swirl motioned for Zenai to retreat but the zebra had already turned, plasma pistol trained on the black alicorn, “Star, she said she’s Princess Luna!”

They really didn’t have time for this, “I know.”

“I am Princess Luna! And you two are... traitors, thieves!” Luna staggered a little, one of her legs failing for a moment, “How... how dare you hurt your princess? You... I’m... I’m supposed to be invincible! How dare you hurt me like this!?”

Star Swirl shook her head, motioning Zenai on, “We really have to go Zenai...”

“Shouldn’t we... finish her off?” Zenai sounded unsure, her weapon wavering across Princess Luna’s body, “She’s vulnerable now, and we might not get another chance.”

“You would... agh!” Princess Luna’s front hooves failed completely and she hit the floor with a thump, promptly bursting into tears. The childish reaction shocked both Zenai and Star into silence for a second, long enough for Luna to scream angrily at them, “Both of you are terrible, horrible! It’s not supposed to be like this, you’re supposed to love your Princess! How could you hurt me like this, how?!”

Star Swirl knew Zenai was right, but she couldn’t... “Are you really going to shoot that?”

“No... I’m going to regret it, but I guess not.” Zenai sighed, turning away from the uncomfortable sight, “Let’s get out of here.”


Star Swirl was starting to wonder if she shouldn’t have listened to Zenai and at least dropped some of their less vital equipment. It wasn’t even far they had to run, they had sent out a call for Oteka and her guard and were now just looking for a window to facilitate easy pick up. Still every step was excruciatingly painful, her broken hoof shifting and grinding against the softer tissue above and her muscles all cramping up from the nervous damage. She was tempted to take more drugs, but if med-x wasn’t working then she doubted anything else would touch the pain.

“Star Swirl, are you...?”

“Keep moving.” She gasped out the words as Zenai slowed and looked back, knowing her legs might fail on her if she stood still. Zenai nodded and turned back to look ahead as they passed a t-junction...

“Shit!” Zenai froze, shouts echoing from down the side corridor in a language Star didn’t recognise. She reached the corner a second after Zenai, spotting a unit of the sports gear clad guards rushing towards them. One finally slowed enough to fire the pistol in his mouth, the shot sending concrete dust raining down on them as it clipped the wall. Zenai cursed again and fired a couple of shots of her plasma pistol, the green light giving everything a creepy glow that sent the poorly trained guards into retreat all by itself. Zenai paused a moment to see if she had done any real damage, unfortunately her shots didn’t seem to have been any more accurate than theirs, “Come on, that won’t scare them off for long!”

Star Swirl nodded and hurried after Zenai, a small moment of hope filling her heart as they burst into a plush bedroom looking out onto a tree lined garden. She gave herself a final push to get herself through the door before flopping down upon the bed, letting herself just sink into the cushions. She almost fell unconscious right there and then, if it wasn’t for the shrill squeaking.

“Get out, get out! This is our hiding place!”

“Let go of me you... ow, don’t pull my hair!”

“This is your fault, your fault!”

Star Swirl looked up reluctantly, Zenai struggling desperately with one of the concubines as another two cowered in the corner. Unfortunately the one fighting Zenai was considerably larger and fatter than the little Zebra and was quite easily winning, Star Swirl attempting to rise and help her friend.

“There they are!”

The concubine’s eyes went wide for a second before bullets tore through her and Zenai, the other two concubines screaming in terror as their companion fell dead across the ground. Zenai managed to fall behind a table with a bullet hole through her shoulder, grimacing in pain as more weapon fire struck the wooden surface.

“Idiot! That was one of the girls! His majesty will have you strung up for that!”

“Stupid bitch got in the way. We will just say Nazir’s mercenaries killed her. Now come on, let us rush them so we can take out the big unicorn and get to safety!”

“Ok, that is a good plan. We will have a place to hide until this is all over, and the two dead mercs will make us look like heroes. One, two, three...”

Zenai bounced onto her hooves, plasma pistol firing as the guards entered the room. The first gave a look of suprise as his chest melted, the second screaming in terror and losing his gun as he jumped for cover. The third and forth came in firing wildly, their shots inaccurate but deadly in the enclosed space. One of the concubines was hit in the chest and fell across her whimpering companion, Star Swirl paying for her large size by taking one in the thigh and one in the buttock. Zenai was struck across the forehead, shredding her ear, before her counter attack melded the culprits head away. She was heavily outnumbered however, taking another shot in the forehoof and ducking back into cover with a gasp.

Star Swirl stood, with what energy she had no idea. She flung Dust onto the bed to protect him, gasping and feeling her body fail as two more bullets struck her in the side. She already knew that she had hit her limit, she was tough... but not that tough.

She felt her heart slow in her chest, her blood pressure drop. Her hooves collapsed under her.

The glass suddenly shattered, a spear flying across the room and nailing a guard to the wall. Another dropped against a pinpoint burst of submachine gun fire, another getting but a brief moment to face this new threat before Oteka touched down before him and struck his head off with a sweep of her glaive. She flicked the blood away before shouting swift orders, “Kirok to the wounded! Others clear that corridor!”

“Sir!” Bloodwing zebra rushed forward and swept through the door, submachine guns firing in quick bursts that were responded to with screams and thumps. Star Swirl let her head fall, almost instantly feeling a healing potion forced down her throat and some kind of salve applied to her wounds. She opened her eyes to a elite guard member, his cloak discarded and a saddlebag of medical drugs slung upon his flank. He looked up at her, words firm and simple, “Be still, you are badly injured. What drugs have you taken?”

“Uh... Dash and Med-X...”

“Very well. Wait there while I attend to the others.”

“Yeah...” She had no intention of moving, watching as he rushed over to the second concubine, her companion clutching her desperately as she gasped in pain. The first was unfortunately quite dead, that much was obvious.

Oteka was already attending to Zenai, binding her wounds before heading over to her and Dust. She gave both a look over before bowing her head ybefore Star Swirl, closing her eyes, “This is my sin, I sent you to terrible danger.”

Star Swirl actually managed a smile, “No... you just saved us from it.”

“You are kind. Securing the compound now.” Oteka looked a little disturbed as she looked round to the sound of distant gunfire, “Too easy. Abartili guards poorly trained, cannon fodder against real soldiers.”

“What about the mercenaries?”

Oteka narrowed her gaze, “A couple of tougher hired muscle, not enough to turn tide.”

Star Swirl frowned, she had counted at least thirty or forty of the mercenaries out in the streets before, “A couple?”

“Yes, troops spotted two or three on the approach...”

“Captain!” A zebra guardsman rushed in, looking noticeably unsettled for such an elite solider, “You’ve got to come see this.”

Oteka glared at the zebra, “Report on what you saw, do not make me guess!”

“They... they’re killing them captain.” The zebra wavered noticeably before rushing away, Oteka giving Star Swirl a worried glance and following. Star Swirl couldn’t help her own curiosity, overpowering even the pain as she rose and staggered towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

Star looked towards Zenai, propped against the table with a pained expression on her face, “I... have to go look.”

Zenai frowned, “We’ve done everything we need to Star. Go sit down, you look terrible.”

“I... sorry Zenai.” Star shook her head before following after Oteka, unable to shake the feeling that this was the one conscious decision that would set her up for so much future disaster. Personally she blamed Dust Kicker.

“You leaving me behind to go be the hero Star?”

Star Swirl darted back, eyebrows raising as Zenai’s comment. The Zebra was smiling, pained and a little sad, “Of... of course not.”

Zenai chuckled, “I was joking. Go see what’s happening Star.”


Oteka and two other guards stood on a balcony looking out over the town, Oteka turning as Star Swirl arrived. Her expression was obviously disapproving, moving to block her access, “Leave. You do not need to see this.”

“Sorry... didn’t stagger up a flight of stairs just so I could turn away.” Star limped over, amazed how sassy she was getting hopped up on pain meds. Maybe she needed to use them more often. She heard gunshots ahead, wondering why Oteka wasn’t moving to engage. As she expected the zebra just moved aside as Star approached, finally understanding what had everyone so rattled when she reached the balcony.

The streets... ran with blood. Civilians lay dead all around, Star looking left and right at Caesar’s guard as they just looked on in horror, “What happened? Why aren’t you doing anything?”

“We... them.”

Star followed the guards hoof, spotting the cluster of mercenaries near the entrance with sniper rifles trained on the palace. One of them was Nazir, looking slightly the worse for wear but still alive and intact. But that just raised further questions, “Why aren’t they firing at us?”

“They indicated they wanted us to stay here and watch.”

Star Swirl looked at the guard who had spoken, “Watch what?”

Oteka moved over, nodding down to the street bellow, “That.”

Further gunshots rang out, Star Swirl spotting a group of zebra running across the street in terror, escorted by one of Abartili’s guards. A whirr of spinning machinery was followed by a series of loud cracks, the guard looking back and desperately firing his pistol as a stallion and mare were both torn apart by a barrage of bullets. Star looked back along the firing arc, horrified to see Calope marching down the blood stained dirt with bullets bouncing off her armour and autocannon flashing. The guard didn’t stand a chance, falling with a scream seconds before Calope drew her fire across the rest of the civilians. She was a good shot, they all were dead within seconds.

Calope looked up at the palace as she checked the bodies, blowing Star Swirl a kiss before marching off towards the other mercenaries.


Oteka shook her head, “I don’t know. I’m sorry for this, but... look to the side.”

Star did as she was told, gasping in horror as she saw Abartili hanging across the front of his palace, a thick rope about his neck and his trunk pierced by many bullets. Star Swirl was no stranger to death but... seeing him like this made her want to vomit, tears running down her face, “Why! Why!”


Princess Luna’s voice rang out across the compound, Star spinning round to spot her standing behind Nazir. Both alicorns shared looks of mutual loathing, almost distracting Star Swirl from the mercenary beside snapping photographs. Her mouth dropped open at the realisation, “Oteka, this was a trap!”

“For whom?”

“For you! They took pictures of you coming in, and you standing beside Abartili's corpse and the slaughtered civilians!” Star Swirl turned to Nazir and Princess Luna, both of them looking smugly pleased with themselves, “You... just slaughtered a whole trading post because they wouldn’t bow to Caesar!”

Princess Luna’s evil chuckle was easily identifiable even at this distance, her horn glowing briefly before her and the mercenaries winked out of existence, leaving only blood and death in their wake.


Level Up - Level 5 reached.

New Perk Acquired – Alicornian Aptitude Level 2
While an alicorn is only capable of learning a few special abilities dictated by their template, your connection to the unity has enabled you to learn the skills of your sisters. You now have a perfect grasp of these skills, and suffer no penalty for cross template spells and abilities.

New Ability Acquired – Telepathy
Granted by Mosaic and Gestalt, this allows the user to join their mind to others. Reading moods, easy co-ordination of spellcasting, long range communication and even the domination of minds is possible with sufficient skill in this ability.

New Quest Perk Discovered – Shine The Light
Somehow the basic make up of your spellcasting has mutated slightly, with the result that all your normal spells now have the ‘Light’ element. Those with the ‘Dark’ element now are of ‘Neutral’ element.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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