• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,558 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.1 - A Pilgrims Progress

Chapter 2.1 - A Pilgrims Progress

Star Swirl was... in a military camp. The Equestrian flag flew over the tents and shacks that formed it, soldiers milling about preparing for whatever battle was to come. Star Swirl attempted to orientate herself, figuring from her tactile senses that she was a pegasus mare. There was a rather distracting ache in her wing and a tightness in her side that suggested her host had been through a few battles, though she could feel the strength in every step. She was nervous about something, approaching one of the tents with a cautious, hesitant gain, a persistent tightness in her throat.

She took a deep breath and plunged through the curtains, instantly drawing herself up proudly as she strutted into the rather plush interior. The downy cushions at the side were certainly not a military issue cot, and there was a full length mirror and grooming station that someone had clearly spent a lot of caps on. A grin marked the pegasus’s face at this, turning her eyes up to meet the radiant form of Princess Celestia standing at the corner of the room, “Hey Princess, we’re going to battle, not a ball.”

Princess Celestia did not show the slightest hint of anger at the rather blunt statement, merely sly amusement as she turned to her guest. Her voice was unlike it had been in the other memory, cool and cautious, here it was soft and full of warm affection, “My dear Rainbow Dash, I’m afraid for all your qualities you have never understood the importance of making a good impression.” She chuckled, “You do know that everypony in Canterlot thinks you do nothing but sit around on clouds all day, and that your ministry is a running joke in society circles?”

“Aww, let them talk. I prefer to fly under the radar anyway.”

“Rainbow Dash, you have never flown under the radar in your life.” Celestia chuckled, though her expression was somewhat sad all the same, “But I do you little credit. And maybe it is I who has forgotten how to lead, how to inspire. Those soldiers out there, they look upon your unkempt hair and your dirt stained coat and they see someone who’s fighting with them, who understands what they’re going through. They look upon me with awe, but I am always above them. At worse, uncaring.”

Rainbow Dash’s voice was thick with sympathy, “You’re here aren’t you?”

“Yes... yes I am.” Celestia sighed, trotting over to the great spear that hung above the manikin bearing her golden armour. Star Swirl instantly recognised the spear as being the same one that had been inside the dragon heart, the golden armour however was a new and very impressive sight, “I have not worn this armour in a very long time. You would have thought I had forgotten how to defend my little ponies.”

“Princess...” Rainbow Dash tensed in frustration, letting it boil up for a couple of seconds before finally releasing it with an angry grunt. She stiffened, looking straight at Celestia with a firm, intense glare, “Twilight has been talking crap about everypony, and what the hell are you doing listening to her anyway? You’re Princess Celestia, you should be above all that!”

Celestia paused for a moment before speaking, soft and resigned, “I’m not.”

Rainbow Dash’s anger disappeared, replaced by a sick, heavy feeling in her chest, “Everypony is hurting princess. But none of us are broken, not yet. We can end this, we can get back what we’ve lost.”

Princess Celestia considered her words quietly, finally giving a soft smile and levitating the spear off the wall. She twisted it experimentally, though her heart was obviously not in it. Eventually she spoke again, it impossible from her tone of voice to tell whether she was being sincere or not, “Twilight Sparkle is going to save us all.”

“With some horrible doomsday weapon?”

“It’s... unexpected. Unsettling.” Celestia looked down at her hooves, her apprehension clear, “But it may well have... wonderful applications, long after the war has finished.”

Rainbow Dash grunted, “I doubt it somehow. Nothing Twilight has created in the past four years has been good for anyone except killing ponies in new and exciting ways.”

Celestia turned her head to smile at Rainbow Dash, her warm benevolence making Star Swirl do backflips inside her head and even giving Rainbow Dash a little nervous flutter in her chest. Celestia’s smile widened, the princess taking a deep breath, “Maybe she has recovered from her brother’s death after all.” She nodded primly, “It is not death that she works with now Rainbow Dash, it is life. Sometimes just as scary... especially for me. But full of wonderful possibility.”

Rainbow Dash spoke cautiously, “Is that what you argued about?”

“Yes... yes it was. Perhaps it is arrogance, perhaps I am taking it too personal, when no attack was intended. Perhaps it was intended to flatter me.” Princess Celestia shook her head, sighing, “But I fear my instincts were right. Twilight Sparkle now knows I will never give her what she wants, and this has given her motivation to find the weakness within me. And finding that weakness so openly apparent has only fuelled her resentment, at ever having trusted me in the first place.”

Rainbow Dash tensed with quiet anger, “Twilight is a little too quick to deliver her judgement on everypony these days. You’re twice the pony she is Princess, and you shouldn’t have to worry about what she thinks.”

Celestia paused for a moment before nodding her head, resigned sadness in her eyes, “Yes... yes, of course. Twilight will win this war for us Rainbow Dash, her latest project is a wonder indeed. And when it is over... well, Equestria will change as it must. Nothing lasts forever.” She sighed as she looked to her spear, swinging it sharply with a burst of magical power. She balanced it in mid air, moving over and cupping it in her forehoof, “Except war it seems. War never changes.”

Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment before speaking, cautiously questioning, “I’ve been meaning to ask actually... is that all you’re taking with you?”

Celestia turned, uncomprehending, “I believe I am fully armed and armoured, yes.”

Rainbow Dash grinned despite herself, “For fighting dudes with sharp sticks maybe. Has that armour even been tested against gunfire?”

Celestia gave a slightly flustered look, “It... it stood up quite well against the silver lances of Thascara, I’m sure...”

“Princess... they have armour piercing rounds and guided missiles out there.”

She gave a blank, slightly sheepish look, “I’m... not entirely up to date with the weapons used these days maybe. But after a few pointers I’m sure it will prove not so different from how battle has always been waged.”

Rainbow Dash just shook her head in resigned exasperation, “Yeah, this is going to be a long day...”


Star Swirl emerged from the memory orb into pain. Reassuringly it was less pain than before.

She checked around herself to make sure nothing had snuck up while she was inside, still the radiation around the tunnel seemed to be warding off any predators. She had dragged herself here as soon as she was able, detecting the tell tell smell of life giving radiation and the warning signs indicating a fuel dump was nearby. Alicorns were generally warned against using rads to heal themselves, still in a pinch there was little better. She was even starting to regain a little tingle in her horn, though she still couldn’t levitate anything. She had settled for collecting up the items within the heart with her teeth, placing them into her saddlebag.

Unfortunately they had none of them been as impressive as the spear, still they were certainly interesting finds. The most striking for her had been a titanium necklace, holding a warped and mostly unreadable dogtag and a damaged locket. The dogtag was standard Equestrian armed forces issue, still the markings of the Ministry of Awesome and the small cutie mark tag at the bottom made its original owner unmistakable. The locket outright confirmed it.

It was a very nice piece for a start, carved with cloud and lightning symbols, with a very heavy duty lock and solid construction. It had been heavily damaged and much of the surface had been burnt, the lock broken open by some kind of brute force impact. It had damaged part of the picture inside too but two of the ponies there could be easily identified, and the third didn’t take much guesswork. The first was a filly, about eight or ten years of age, a bold blue in colour with a crimson mane, her smile one of pure energy and joy. Next to her was a middle aged stallion, steely grey with a black mane and an abacus cutie mark, wearing a pair of neat spectacles and a look of calm dignity.

The mare next to him only had her tail and foreleg showing, still the rainbow coloured hair was unmistakable. That meant that this... was Rainbow Dash’s family? Was the filly her daughter? She could certainly see the resemblance.

Not much was known about Rainbow Dash’s personal life, and although it was known that she had children and long term partner she seemed to have gone to great lengths to keep them out of the public eye. Indeed this might have been the only picture left of them, it was certainly the first Star Swirl had ever seen.

A long knife thick with dried blood also stood among the items, high quality with a custom mouth and hoofgrip. It was a well forged weapon of war, if the fake Rainbow Dash had been wielding it against her Star Swirl was certain the fight would likely have ended a lot quicker. It was unfortunately also quite blunt and brittle from age, but Star Swirl made sure to wrap it and store it. A collector would likely pay a fortune for a weapon actually used by one of the ministry mares.

It made her tremble once again as she stared at what was once a golden crown tiara. It wasn’t much anymore unfortunately, crushed and warped by some terrible impact, stained with dried blood. Star Swirl had seen it before though, she knew well what it was. Princess Celestia’s tiara... damaged beyond repair yes, but still an object touched by her each and every day.

Unlike the others, the next item was perfectly preserved, save a long crack travelling through one of the lenses. It was a pair of gold and brown spectacles, very nice quality, with an inscription written across the two arms. Star Swirl had to get quite close to read it, but eventually deciphered the text as, ‘When you have the gift of words, you will never be without a friend T.S.’ Star Swirl tried them on, the correction light but noticeable. She wondered if they belonged to Celestia or Rainbow Dash.

That left books. A copy of Princess Luna’s “Sidereal Metaphysics” with annotations seemingly by Celestia’s own hoof, likely itself worth a small fortune. “Canter in the Sky” by an author called Jade Singer. Twilight Sparkle’s “Elements Abridged”, signed and again annotated, this time by Luna, Celestia and Twilight herself. A very dogeared copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone. A signed copy of Fluttershy’s “What Dreams May”, a failure that only managed a single print run, and of which only two known copies still remained. “Elemental Mechanics” by Rain Seeker, heavily doodled with cartoons, flowers, sketches of buildings... and what looked like a diagram of the Single Pegasus Project, along with details of its construction haphazardly scrawled in the margins.

This was a treasure trove, seemingly donated from Rainbow Dash and Celestia together. She wondered what the intentions had been. To leave so many personal items in such an inaccessible place, in the heart of the zebra lands no less. It didn’t seem to make any sense.

She looked out to the wastes as the wind started up, getting to her hooves and advancing to the cave entrance. The air filled with a faint mist of swirling dust, Star Swirl shielding her face as she peered outwards. She felt like there was something out there, a strange tugging at her chest that seemed to be coming from nearby. She stood, staring out in the direction she thought it was coming from. In this visibility it was futile however, she couldn’t see anything.

And then she realised what it was. Somepony else was calling on the power of the sun.

It was an odd feeling, somewhat like what she felt from the unity. It was far larger and far more powerful, yet less insistent and harder to get a good grip on however, slipping away the moment she lost her concentration. On the other hand grasping too hard hurt and blinded, the experience somewhat like trying to light a fire with a hot coal. Struck by inspiration she tried to expand her senses like Celestia had in the memory, marvelling a minute or two later when she felt something.

Ok, it wasn’t much. The ground sense Celestia had demonstrated was totally absent, proving once again that she was no earth pony. The wind she could feel, but it still retreated from her touch, alien and unloving.

In the distance however she felt a ray of sunlight, striking down upon a single white pony, radiating forth to break the dust storm before her. She felt the magic in the storm, that it wasn’t natural, that the sunlight yearned to break it. She felt the white pony search for her, connecting with her through their shared affinity. She felt the pony’s heartbeat, calm and steady, a feeling of total resolution and proud virtue.

And then she was blocked by another figure. She hadn’t noticed him at first but his presence burst into her senses the moment he ignited his magic, also of the light but strange and alien none the less. It pressed against her sun sense, made the air around him unwelcoming and cold, his very presence harsh and unnatural. His heart beat faster, frailer, he was afraid, older and less sure of himself than the white pony. The white pony stopped before the figure, her heart hardening, growing hot.

Flame burst forth, countered by rays of silver light.

Star Swirl tested her strength and balance, making sure she was at least recovered enough to move. Her legs seemed secure for the moment, Star Swirl taking a deep breath and trotting towards the battle as fast as she felt able. It was getting hotter with every moment, the raw power of the white pony countered by the subtle tricks of the dark figure. She knew something important was happening, knew she had to reach the battle and see for herself...

“That’s a poor idea.”

She turned, a figure standing a few feet away. He was wreathed in a long dust cloak which hid most of his body, his face bandaged so that only his calm, yet intense eyes peaked through. He moved towards her slowly, Star Swirl spotting barding beneath the cloak, a hint of flashing silver. She circled a little, ready to bolt at any sign of aggression, “Who are you?”

“My name is Esau.” He spoke in a low, guttural growl, like something had torn at his vocal cords, “I’m not your enemy unless you make me so.”

He didn’t seem to say that like a threat, merely a statement of fact. She still wanted a little clarification, “How would I do that?”

“The normal way. Hurt the innocent, destroy the just. Either through strength or weakness.” He regarded Star Swirl with a low, piercing look, amplifying the gravity of his gravely tones, “There is a mare out there with a grand destiny for you, one of glory and power everlasting. Such things can be used in many ways, and I cannot make your decision for you. I can however advise that I do not think you are yet ready to make it.”

Star Swirl looked out towards the battle beyond, the dark figure drawing the white mare away as he dodged about her attacks with cautious manoeuvres. She had to admit that she wasn’t eager to fight them just yet, “So when will I be ready?”

“When you know yourself. When you take the pilgrims path, that so many have walked before you.” Esau looked out across the wastes, the wind whipping at his cloak, “Among these dusty mountains lies understanding. Your benefactor walked it once, as did I and my fathers and teachers. They say that long ago Princess Luna herself walked the lonely road.”

Star Swirl... wasn’t really very good at mysticism. She had once tried meditation, but found her thoughts constantly drifting to food. The sermons of the Elders tended to make her nod off or giggle at inappropriate moments, “What? I... just wander around the wastes?”

Esau gave her a low, slightly disappointed look, “Traditionally you end the road at the great city of Garm. But I believe you already have a destination.”

That was right. She had wanted to come out here after all, “I needed to find Tradash the Black, and stop Caesar’s curse.”

“Tradash the Black is close by, if you accompany me then I will take you to him.” Esau nodded his head towards the mountains beyond, “Come.”

Star Swirl didn’t really have anything better to do, and she was lost, and tired, and injured... she sighed and started out after him, the battle fading behind until both figures were lost to her.


They walked for some time, the sun eventually coming back out over the sands as the storm cleared from their path. It revealed a stunning vista of rolling mountains leading out onto a valley of broken rock, the signs of a long evaporated river and burnt out settlements below leading towards what looked like a destroyed city, “Wow... quite a view.”

“You should have seen it before the bombs dropped.” Esau spoke deadpan, turning to look down at the ruins, “That was Kashu, one of the richest cities in this land. The zebra there were richer than princes, through their money halls the entire empire span its cogs. Didn’t save them.”

Star Swirl found that unlikely. Money talked, “I would have expected they would have built stables.”

“Oh, they did. Seventy years later, a tribal warlord employed Chigaru to tear the doors off, lead an army of murdering, raping thugs into their marble halls.” Esau turned away, “Wasteland justice.”

Star Swirl felt anger ripple through her, “Doesn’t sound like any kind of justice to me.”

“The wasteland changed a lot of things.”

Star Swirl advanced on him, hot blood pumping through her as she raised her voice, “And you’re ok with that?!”

Esau turned to her, his eyes still as intense and unreadable as they ever were, “Don’t make assumptions of those you barely know.”

She glared, quickly finding this zebra totally impossible, “Give me a straight answer!”

“I never offered one.” He turned away once more, continuing along the path, “There is no point boasting of my moral code. A creature proves itself by its actions.”

She snapped, though she knew she was being unfair, “And have your actions been just?”

“No.” He looked over to her with his piercing eyes, his voice deathly calm, “Have yours?”

Star Swirl paused, shocked into silence by his counter. She... no. She had killed hundreds, how could she say different? She had betrayed Dust Kicker and Zenai, used brute force to get by Rainbow Dash. What was she? “I... I’m a terrible pony.”

Esau paused in place, still and silent. After a moment he spoke, a note of hot emotion finally creeping into his voice, “Then change.”

“I can’t...”

“You must.” He glared hotly at her, his eyes burning behind his bandages, “Will you continue your weakness, allow others to suffer because of you?”

Star Swirl lowered her head. She was determined to do the opposite, “Can’t I remain weak... and just stay out of everyone’s way?”

“Is this what you have been doing?” He grunted, his eyes angry, “Is this why you slump your shoulders, flop your ears, never look anyone in the eye? Why you act the fool, when we both know exactly what you are?”

Star Swirl looked him in the eye now, angry and a little scared. How did he know so much about her? Had he been watching her? “And who is that?”

He stated it bluntly, “Justicar, lieutenant of the Goddess.”

She couldn’t help trembling a little, “That was a long time ago. And I was under the Goddess’s power...”

“Half truths have no bearing here.” He squared off against her with grim determination, “You were given far greater independence than your fellows because of your willpower, intelligence, magic and strength. Your fellow lieutenant is now Twilight Frost, leader of your whole race. Why do you not stand beside her?”

“Because her talents are actually useful!” Star Swirl let her temper burst, slamming a hoof into the dirt and shouting the words, “Twilight Frost was the speaker, the negotiator. She knew how to talk to those outside the unity, how to convince others to even consider aiding some crazy abomination. After Red Eye died she was the one who spoke to Velvet Remedy, convinced her and Littlepip to give a race of monsters a chance.” She snorted, shaking her head, “She was always a terrible fighter, barely adequate at magic. I think that actually makes it easier for her. She never had to kill, she never had to live with the guilt. She was able to just... walk away, and continue doing what she had always done.”

Esau stared stoicly at her, his anger gone, “And the strength to fight is not useful?”

Star Swirl’s ears pricked up, her jaw clenching, “Do not... screw around with me.”

“I was not. It was a serious question.”

She snarled at him, anger filling her breast, “Plenty of ponies deserve killing, I’m not naive. But I’m not smart enough to know which ones, and I’ve had more than enough of being a weapon for some.... wannbe wasteland saviour!”

“Star Swirl.” His gruff voice was calm now, gentle and understanding, “If you feel that way you should have stayed in hiding. Out here there is pain, suffering, injustice that will move the strongest of hearts. You will not be able to turn away, and in the end you will fight. And you are not yet ready for that. You do not understand what you are, what you could become.”

She growled, “I know who I am. I’m a killer.”

“Far less than you are Star Swirl, the shy, clumsy clerk.” Esau nodded gravely at her, “But you are neither of these things. They are an affection, a role enforced and a defence mechanism respectively.”

Star Swirl let her head fall. She had to admit to not really feeling much like either at the moment. She felt the strength of her limbs, the anger fuelled focus that told her how to break a pony in but a few short moves. But she also felt her scholarly curiosity, her earnest desire for the love and affection of those around her, “That says everything about me. Without the Goddess, I could only run and hide.”

“And what were you before the Goddess?”

Star Swirl perked her head up, instinctively looking back at her cutie mark. To her suprise it had changed, shifted to become clearer and less blurred. It looked like a... stick, breaking a rock? She still couldn’t tell, it was too unclear, “I don’t know. I don’t suppose you know that too? You seem to know everything else about me.”

“My master can only divine the present, what drives you here and now.” Esau looked firmly at her, “This past self is meaningless, and yet in that it has strength. You could have been anything, anyone. It was a life without this twisted identity that was forced on you, a life you can decide. You must be who you make yourself to be, nothing more, nothing less.”

Star Swirl thought that sounded like a load of old rubbish. She was... this. This standing here. There was no other, “And how do I do that?”

“See the world. See others.” Esau nodded, “Follow the seven, the three. Understand others, understand yourself.”

Star Swirl paused, wondering if they were thinking the same thing, “The seven... elements of harmony?”

“Compassion, integrity, devotion, optimism, charity and oneness.” Esau nodded, “They are known to the zebra, yes. Celestia learned how to focus them like no other before her and commanded the physical manifestations of their strength, but the idea predates her.”

“So... I have to get... seven friends.” Star Swirl couldn’t help but be cynical. She had... two. Perhaps. And she had no idea which of the seven they represented, “And then I become a Princess?”

“With absolute command of the seven, and the three... and even then, perhaps.” Esau spoke cautiously, “Do not let your form fool you Star Swirl. You are a long way from that goal, though at least you may more easily understand the way.”

Star Swirl paused at that. She could actually become a Princess? Was that possible? She figured Luna and Celestia must have come from somewhere, but still... and the three? She couldn’t think of three anything that seemed relevant, “What are the three?”

“Earth, sky and aer. All existence is expressed as one of these three, and to understand them is to understand existence.” Esau spoke slightly relevantly, openly believing in his words, “By understanding both this and of the purity of life expressed in the seven, it is said that one may achieve complete mastery of spirit. Immortality, incorruptibility, command of the heavenly realms themselves.”

Star Swirl thought that was a nice story, though she could already see a few holes, “Luna wasn’t incorruptible.”

“Indeed.” Esau admitted with regret, “But she was not a normal pony, and she did not age as we do. There is power there, even if the stories exaggerate.”

“I suppose so.” Star Swirl opened her wings, feeling the warm air rush across the feathers, “Well I already understand sky, and aer is magic right? I know a little bit about magic... that just leaves earth.” She looked across at Esau, ignoring his slightly disapproving stare, “And you’re a zebra. You can teach me about earth right? Are... zebra earth? Like earth ponies?”

“We are not creatures of earth alone, no. Only ponies are so specialised.” Esau shrugged his shoulders, “Some say that a great shaman split a group of zebra in three back in the days before history, wishing to create a race unified by mastery of each realm of existence. He is said to have eventually killed himself in shame when his creations went to war with each other, resenting the existence of those not like themselves.”

Star Swirl hadn’t heard that one, “And they were ponies?”

“Does it not seem strange to you, that the three tribes are so alike, yet distinct? That you are related to us enough that we can breed true, where as you cannot with donkeys?”

Star Swirl paused, “Those are... fair points.”

“It is just a story. But the truth is there. We are all one species, and you cannot understand the one without the whole.”

“I guess.” Star Swirl decided not to mention that alicorns didn’t breed true with other pony races, and barely with each other. Did she really have a true connection to the others? Did she...

She could do this forever. She was freaking exhausted from all this walking and talking, and her mind was going strange places, “Is it much further to camp?”

Esau nodded, his eyes softening, “Apologies, I forgot you are still recovering from your wounds. Here, there is a cave not far distant.”


“That smells good.”

“Chokmor. Seed of the Chokebush and leaf of greenvine, soaked in the juices of the plains apple.” Esau finished his cooking, bringing her over a bowl, “First lesson you should learn of this land, what is edible.”

Star Swirl smiled. She wasn’t really hungry, having soaked in enough radiation to sustain herself for days, still it didn’t hurt to get some real food down, “I’m actually quite a keen agronomist.”

Esau gave her a sideways look, “What is this, agromy?”

“Um... it means the science of farming.”

“So you are a farmer?”

She shook her head, “Oh no, I’ve never planted anything in my life. I just study how it works.”

Esau stared at her for a little while before shaking his head, “You would get along well with my master. He too studies things that are not studied.”

Star swirl grinned, happy that she managed to find a real personality trait under the zebra’s inscrutable aura. Ok, yes maybe she was a uselessly theoretical scholar. She enjoyed it, that’s what mattered, “Who is your master?”

“You will meet him soon.” Esau nodded to the bowl, “Eat, then sleep.”

No more questions then. She was okay with that, she was pretty tired. Indeed she was only halfway through her bowl when she was forced to just lay her head down for a little bit, close her eyes. It felt nice to rest, it felt...


Star Swirl awoke, her eyes fluttering open to a strange, cloying heat, the air still and dead. Her body felt strange, her mind felt strange. There was a tug, a pulling... something wanted her...

She looked around at her surroundings. This... this was the Equestrian wasteland. It looked a little like Splendid Valley in fact. That didn’t make sense.

It made less sense when she looked up and saw Canterlot rising up a few miles distant, partially ruined but still looking generally intact. The sky behind was the inky blue of night, but no stars could be seen and the sun and moon hung together on different sides of the sky in perfect symmetry.

Where was she?

She started walking, not really knowing what else to do. Something was calling her, away from Canterlot and towards a set of yellow stone pillars rising up in the distance. She briefly considered flying there but her attempts to open her wings revealed her next big surprise.

They weren’t there. She still had her horn, she was still... unusually lanky, but she had no wings. She wasn’t an alicorn anymore.

And something still tugged at her, something familiar and yet unsettling. Like an old friend, with a false face.

“Sister... you’ve come at last...”

Star Swirl looked up at the nearby rock outcropping, gasping at what she saw there. It was an alicorn mare, but not just any alicorn. Green in colour, with a gemini cutie mark, she had glowing green eyes and radiated a aura of powerful magic. Star Swirl recognized her after but a few brief moments, “Mosaic?”

Mosaic teleported with a flash and appeared in front of Star Swirl, her expression pleading as she advanced on the shocked mare, “Justicar, we’ve missed you so much.” She spoke it with very little emotion, all the more unsettling given her over the top body language. Her head was angled, eyes wide and pleading, something desperate and needy in her every twitch and turn, “Come. Singer and Nightseer are already waiting. We all want to welcome you.”

Star Swirl backed off from the abomination, not about to get suckered by this... ghost. She wasn’t ready to join the Goddess and her sisters just yet, “I... I think I’m staying right here thanks...”

“You... you’re abandoning us again?” Mosaic looked sadly down at her hooves, “Running away, leaving us to die?”

“I didn’t leave you...”

“LIES!” Mosaic looked up and for a moment Star Swirl saw the visage of the Goddess in her eyes, moments before she was picked up and hurled against a stone outcropping. Star Swirl grunted and forced herself up, jumping aside as another bolt of magic shattered the stone into a cloud of shrapnel. Mosaic was raging now, her form shifting into something dark and terrible, her magic sparking around her, “I CREATED YOU! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED WITH ME!”

Star Swirl wasn’t quite sure what to do, not even sure if this thing was real. Was she really under assault by Mosaic’s angry ghost? If so then fighting was pointless, even without the full powers of the Goddess Mosaic was a very powerful magic user all on her own, “Mosaic, stop!”

“NO!” She lifted her head and green tentacles broke through the ground at Star Swirl’s hooves, grabbing hold and twisting her painfully as they carried her upwards. Star Swirl struggled but it was no good, Mosaic stepping forward and charging a bolt of green lightning at her horn, “You will join us! You will be with us!”

And just as Star Swirl was preparing for the strike a zebra jumped down from overhead, her hooves slicing through the tentacles and dropping Star Swirl sprawling to the ground. The zebra landed perfectly, bracing herself before flicking up a cloud of dirt and tracing a runic symbol in the floating dust with amazing precision.

Mosaic hesitated at the sight, her magic failing as she stepped back, “No! Get away!”

The zebra just nodded, body taut and prepared for combat, “Then leave the living to the living.”

Mosaic... feared this zebra. Star Swirl didn’t understand why, but she stood carefully behind her anyway. Mosaic’s eyes flicked to Star Swirl before returning to the zebra, drawing herself up aggressively, “You stand against me little zebra? I spent my life dreaming up ways to kill you...”

“You are a long dead mare, speaking of a long dead war.” The zebra nodded, her eyes firm and resolutely calm, “Return to your dreams, try and remember happier things. Let Mosaic’s memory rest.”

“I... I cannot.” Mosaic’s eyes actually teared up, the mare’s body tensing in pain and distress, “Please... come back with me... I’m so lonely, so cold...”

Star Swirl took a single step forward, “Mosaic...”

The zebra held out a hoof to stop her, turning her face sympathetically to Mosaic, “She cannot help you.”

“I... I hate you for leaving me like this... I hate...”

Mosaic was gone, her body fading into the darkness beyond. Star Swirl watched for a moment, her heart racing. She wanted to help the mare. Mosaic had always been the most gentle of the songs of the Goddess, the quietest, normally only ever heard in concert with her sister. It hurt to see her still suffering, “What was that? Was it really...?”

“I do not think so.” The zebra turned, Star Swirl realising with a little shock that she looked barely out of her teens. All the same her face held a calm wisdom and the signs of experience and suffering, her manner firm yet pleasant, “In this place, our dreams take form. A powerful will, bound to magic, can leave echoes here. It is said the Goddess resided here even when she still lived, and her death only led to her breaking into her component parts. What this means, and whether a dead ponies’ spirit can remain trapped here with their memory... I do not know for sure.”

“Can’t we do something? Free her?”

“I do not know how I’m afraid.” The zebra shook her head, “I have killed both her, and Twilight Sparkle. It does not seem to take.”

Star Swirl looked down at the young zebra in surprise, “You managed to kill Twilight Sparkle?”

The zebra smiled broadly, “Not as impressive as it sounds. These ghosts of the dead can be fragile, providing you know the right techniques.” She gave Star Swirl a stern look, “If you’re going to spend any amount of time here you should remember that. The dead fear you, fear the spark of life within you. Normally they will only attack if angered or shown weakness or fear.”

“Right...” Star Swirl turned her head, giving the zebra a questioning look, “Where... is this exactly?”

“I don’t know what to call it.” The zebra smiled softly, looking about, “I call it the dream. I’ve heard others call it the veil, tartarus, the valley... but you want to know what it is, yes?”


The zebra nodded, looking up at the spires of Canterlot, “I do not know for certain, but I have been here a while now. This is a place where our dreams and our cultural identity leaves echoes on the landscape, where the memories of old empires are persevered, a shared memory of what we are, what we were.”

Star Swirl looked about with sadness. This place seemed desolate and barren, “It’s seen better days.”

The zebra nodded, echoing her expression, “Our histories were forever altered by the bombs. That is why Canterlot is ruined, why the lands beyond are barren.”

Star Swirl looked up at the edifice, “There are ponies inside? Is...Equestria still there?”

“I don’t know. I am a zebra. I entered a couple of times, but I was quickly made to feel unwelcome.” The zebra sighed, a note of frustration in her expression, “There is something there, something I’m looking for. But the Goddess stalks the outer ring, seems intent on keeping me out. Inside the streets are full of Steel Rangers and Enclave Soldiers, none of which hesitate to use me as target practice.”

“What are you looking for?” Star Swirl looked the zebra over, sure that she looked familiar somehow, “Who are you?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t?”

The zebra smiled, shaking her head, “Spend too much time here and it takes its toll. I know I seek something I lost, I can hear it calling to me. I do not know what it is however, only that it’s important, a part of who I am.” She sighed, “And I remember other things. That I once had a name. That I once travelled with another. That this is not my waking form.”

Star Swirl felt the sudden need to get out of here before the same thing happened to her, “I used to be an alicorn.”

The zebra smiled sweetly, “I know, it’s written on you, even if you can’t see it. Only the dead seem to be alicorns in here however, all others I have come across have become unicorns, like you.”

Star Swirl had to ask, “Is Celestia here? Luna?”

“I’ve heard them mentioned. I would guess they would be in the throne room.”


The zebra smiled, “I have sometimes seen the SPP on the horizon, but a path never opens up. Perhaps the NCR is too new. I do not truly know.”

Star Swirl could already feel that what she was looking for wasn’t in Canterlot, however curious she was about what was inside. Her mission pulled her elsewhere, “I’m looking for something too, a friend.” She looked in the direction the feeling came from, seeing nothing but more broken rock, “I think it’s that way.”

The zebra looked down at the ground, tracing a few marks on the ground. A faint rumble spread outwards, the gravel levitating momentarily... then falling back down. The zebra looked up, concern in her eyes, “What you are looking for is in the zebra territories.”

“Why is that a bad thing?”

The zebra shook her head, “It is impossible to reach. With the rift between Equestria and the zebra, and without having seen it or set hoof upon it... there is no path. You will only get lost, and that is inadvisable here.”

“But... I have set hoof on it. I came from the zebra wasteland.”

The zebra lifted her head in suprise, “What?”

“I... I’m part of a NCR delegation to the zebra territories.”

The zebra’s face lit up, clear happiness spreading through her eyes. She was very pretty when she smiled, easing off the rough edges and filling her tired expression with life, “That... that’s wonderful news. Maybe we will at last have a chance to make up for our mistakes.”

Star Swirl couldn’t help smiling, “I hope so.”

“Then with that pull as a guide, you might be able to make it.” She gave a regretful smile, “But I cannot come with you.”

Star Swirl’s face dropped. She really didn’t want to face this place without a guide, and this zebra appeared very knowledgeable about the place, “But... I could show you the way.”

“It doesn’t work like that. I would get us both lost.”

“And... you’re a zebra yourself.”

“And a citizen of the New Canterlot Republic.” She smiled warmly, “Blending in is one thing, knowing the way another. Ironic really, considering here I’m stuck outside the city.”

That seemed awful. Star Swirl didn’t see why she couldn’t just... carry her on her back, the physics of this place be damned, “I don’t want to leave you behind in this place.”

The zebra gave a happy grin, “That’s very sweet, but I’ll be fine. I might not be able to remember them, but I know I have good friends still thinking of me back home.” She placed a hoof on her breast, her eyes resolved, “A pony with good friends is never alone, no matter how far she roams.”

Star Swirl dropped her head. Did she still have friends? After she had clumsily confessed her feelings for Zenai and Dust, after she had abandoned them? Were they thinking of her with anything but anger? “I’m a little worried about myself now... I’m not sure I really have any friends.”

“Then will you accept my friendship?” The zebra touched a hoof to her breast, coming away with a glowing symbol inscribed there. After a second Star Swirl realized it was the mare’s cutie mark... the zebra symbol for community. She drew back a little as the zebra moved to touch her, still she balled her resolve and let the hoof press into her chest. She instantly felt the connection flow between them, a beautiful feeling of love and friendship of a sort she had never experienced before.

She also felt the pain and loneliness inside the strange zebra, knew that she had been here a very long time. She felt the great void within her at having no knowledge of her name, purpose, friends or family. She felt the resolve and surety of their existence filling it, a vast pool of incredible strength and power.

“You are much more than you know Star Swirl.” The zebra smiled as she withdrew her hoof, a playful grin dancing upon her weather beaten features, “There are ponies out there who need you, just like you need them. You can’t run away from that.”

Star Swirl sighed, “I try...”

“Star Swirl... know this.” The zebra looked grave, her gaze hard and assessing, “There is desire in you. I worry that if you do not find the right path... you will be tempted towards the wrong.”

Paths seemed to be mentioned a lot lately. She was wondering if the universe was trying to tell her something, “Like the path of three, or the path of seven?”

The zebra smiled softly, “You do not believe in the paths?”

“I didn’t...”

She chuckled lightly, “It is written on your face. It’s kind of sad that a pony who believes so hard in the Princesses and Equestria should be so cynical about friendship.”

“Well, I...” Star Swirl hesitated to explain herself, worried she would sound stupid, uninformed. She liked to portray a fairly uncomplicated face to the world, believing in kindness, love, tolerance and all that good stuff, possibly a bit naive and a bit innocent... but in truth she was far from innocent. She talked about that good stuff because she knew what the world looked like without it, and deep down...

She would like to believe it. But in the cold hard light of day, “The elements of harmony... died. They failed. They couldn’t save us.” Star Swirl sighed, hating having to say it out loud but... “The element of magic did this to me. And Celestia... she was lonely, she didn’t have any friends, not really. She had subjects. She endured the loneliness and isolation, and that’s what made her strong.”

The zebra just gave her a sad smile in response, “Twilight Sparkle created the alicorns, to embody what she felt a Princess was Star Swirl. I just ask you to think on that, and what it means.”

Star Swirl tried. As stated before however she was no good at mysticism, it just confused her, “I don’t understand.”

“Hopefully you will.” The zebra gave a regretful nod of her head, “Good luck Star Swirl. May harmony watch over you.”


As the zebra said the road was confusing, anything so mundane as navigation impossible. The road constantly shifted, confusing images and sounds in the darkness beyond, Star Swirl doing her best to keep moving towards the things she recognized from zebra culture and history. Even with this she still felt herself stumbling off the path a couple of times, having to hide and sprint across a vast battlefield full of zebra and ponies locked in deadly conflict. She looked behind her as she finally found the path again, shivering as she watched them all disappear in explosions of green balefire.

And finally she recognised the terrain around her as that of the zebra badlands, hearing a roar above and looking up to see a great golden dragon circling the sky. The All-mother... she only hoped the drake wasn’t hungry.

She continued on a way, trying to locate the feeling that had been guiding her. Now she was here however it was vague and indistinct, leaving her to aimlessly wander through the towering crags. She saw a city distant, dominated by a vast domed palace, to her frustration it was blocked by towering cliffs that she saw no way around. She focused her eyes as she spotted a figure standing up there, an elderly zebra in an elaborate sari, her face painted in bold swirling patterns. Star Swirl called out to her but the zebra simply turned aside, looking like she was speaking to another figure nearby. She was just trying to lip read when the other figure stepped forward, a shrunken, sickly looking zebra wearing royal robes, pink gas drifting lazily about his form. He glared coldly at Star Swirl for a moment before walking away, the elderly mare following with a single look of continuing curiosity.

Figures from zebra history she supposed. Star Swirl knew that it was likely a bad idea to get distracted here, but still this was all very fascinating to a scholar like her. The tattoos on the mare had been zebra cutie marks, the ones she recognised being ‘one who knows’, ‘to see the hidden’ and ‘dedicated to ideals’, the last due to it being Zenai’s cutie mark. Star Swirl could pick out at least three others, though they had been blended together too tightly to read accurately at this distance. Star Swirl racked her brains but she couldn’t remember any tradition that promoted the branding of cutie marks like that, though having manifestations of one’s destiny on your face was certainly striking. The sari had been in the style of the far eastern mountains, of the remote villages and caves at the edge of the known world.

The other zebra? He had been surrounded by pink gas, and his appearance was almost ghoulic. The royal robes had seen better days too, as rotten and uncared for as the zebra himself. She couldn’t even guess where he had come from.

She froze in place as she saw yet another zebra a little way to her side, standing there grinning as he observed her from afar. She turned to him and approached the zebra cautiously, ready just in case he proved dangerous. He was certainly intimidating, fierce and tall, with scars across his face and a lean muscular body, clad beneath thick furs and wielding a great, primitive yet deadly looking broadsword strapped across his back. He gave her a roguish smile as she approached, eyes twinkling, “Hail traveller! You look of pony blood, but there is something strange about you.” He chuckled, a dangerous twinkle in his eye, “Beware, if you be demon in mortal form know that I am savvy to your tricks.”

She shook her head quickly, not really wanting to see what he could do with that sword, “No, no... I... I’m am a unicorn. Sort of. I just...” She hesitated, not really wanting to explain what an alicorn was. Still she realised she would have to go on now she had started, “Well, I got... changed with magic. A long time ago. A demon did it I guess.” She paused, not sure if that was a good thing to admit, “But I’m not evil!”

The zebra laughed, his dreadlocks shaking as he shook his head in cheerful mirth, “Well then, you are in good company. All have suffered at the hooves of these creatures, and many more will continue to suffer. Do you stand against them?”

Star Swirl nodded emphatically, especially since she had just been reminded of how nuts the Goddess had been, “Yes, I do.”

“Then well met!” He bounded forward, slamming a powerful hoof against her side and causing her to stagger a little. She offered a slightly embarrassed and pained grin, returned with a broad smile and rolling laughter, “Hahahaha! You quiver and quake, but I can tell you are of good character. Pony or zebra, any mare that stands up to tyranny is a friend to me!”

This zebra was very cheerful. She was sure she had never met him before, he seemed like he was the shade of somepony from history. He certainly seemed to be playing a role at least, “And... um, what should I call you?”

“Zephyr, Stormstrung, paladin of Garm.” He bowed enthusiastically, “At your service my lady.”

Now she knew who he was. She had to say, it was quite an honour, “You’re the one who drove the Star Demons back, restored peace to the zebra nations!”

“Nay.” He shook his head, his boisterous personality fading for the first time, “We are the ones who drove them back. They all remember me, but I was just the zebra that inspired them to greatness. The greatness was always their own.”

Star Swirl smiled at him, already liking this zebra, “I guess that’s how legends grow.”

He nodded, his grin spreading, “Aye. Being a hero sometimes just means being an inspiration. Heroes die, but an ideal you can instil into society? That is what will change the world.” He chuckled and waved a hoof to the lands behind, “The zebra lands accept you stranger. Go, and follow the pilgrims road! I will guard the way.”

Star Swirl nodded appreciatively, “Um... have you got any advice? I mean I’m a pony, not a zebra, and...”

“The path is for all life.” Zephyr nodded empathetically, “And I could not provide you with a map, any more than you could me. Stay true to your heart, guard it against falsehood, remember those who came before you. That is all I can say.”

Star Swirl looked towards the path before her. She could see them, shades of zebra... and a few ponies, it was true. She even saw Luna there as Esau had said, her head bowed, clad in a black robe of mourning, “Princess Luna walked this path?”

“Three hundred years after my death, yes.” Zephyr sighed, “Is she clearer to you than the others?”

Star Swirl hesitated, “Is that... bad?”

“Not at all. She completed her journey, found her way to Garm and was titled a master shaman.” Zehpir nodded firmly, giving her a wide grin, “Follow her. You will achieve nothing by standing here speaking to me. My time here ended long ago.”

Star Swirl nodded back, “I... thank you.”

“Ha, it was always my pleasure.” Zephyr chuckled deeply, turning back to the path behind. Star Swirl gave him one last glance before setting off into the sands beyond, feeling just a little more confident in her destination now.


Star Swirl looked around with a little bit of trembling fear as she advanced, having never liked this aspect of zebra culture. She had just never understood it much.

Masks stood everywhere, nailed to rocks, trees, glaring out at her with their hollow eyes and needle toothed snarls. Star Swirl knew they represented Star Demons and other evil spirits, meant to ward away their influence by displaying the only thing they feared... each other. In practice they were just creepy, and seeing so many in one place gave her the chills. What part of the path did these represent? Was she meant to learn something from them?

Those questions ended abruptly as she heard a high pitched scream from nearby.

She charged towards the source of the yell, tensing as she spotted a group of five flaming figures, alicorn shaped skeletons wreathed in orange fire. They snarled and snapped at a small, filly sized pony, whimpering as she hid desperately behind one of the masks. Star Swirl didn’t really know what she was doing but she charged into the fray anyway, jumping beside one of the beasts and... sort of flinging it away with a hoof. It flew through the air and thumped onto its back, the others backing away with low growls.

And now she was surrounded. Great plan Star.

The first leapt at her and old reflexes kicked in, Star Swirl booting it in the chest and sending it flying back into another of its fellows. A second jumped in and she stepped to the side, whacking it with a hoof as it came by and flinging it hard into the ground. She circled around, keeping a wary eye on the stunned creatures and the two still standing, daring them to try again. They were surprisingly slow and clumsy for such sleek creatures, one tried to come in low and she simply stamped on it before kicking it away.

The filly grabbed her leg, clutching it tight as she whimpered pathetically. Anger rippled through the creatures and their flames all roared brighter as they leapt at once, claws extended for the kill. Star Swirl knew she couldn’t take them all but no fear came, only resolve. Her magic pulsed through her, her shield expanding with a crack of energy. The creatures hit the far walls with yelps of pain before quickly sprinting away, defeated and chastened.

Star Swirl took a deep breath, looking up at her horn. Her magic was working again. At full strength it seemed.

“Thank you...”

Star Swirl turned as the filly stood gingerly, her mane hanging bedraggled and her small body weak and malnourished. Even through that she still looked striking however, with pure silver white fur and a flowing soft pink mane, this being the second mare to make her do a double take at her resemblance to Celestia. Indeed Star Swirl looked down at her flank, half expecting a golden sun. She was disappointed however, the fillies cutie mark instead a vivid spread winged butterfly surrounded by a cloud of stars. Star Swirl leaned in close, speaking quietly so not to scare her, “Are you ok?”

The filly looked up, revealing at even her eyes were the same light pink colour as Celestia’s. They... were odd too, a little too deep and somewhat artificial. They gave her a somewhat fey, unnatural aura, added to by her soft but resonant voice, “I am... injured, but I will recover swiftly.” She nodded, gentle and very polite, “I am very grateful for your aid. They intended to kill me I’m sure.”

Star Swirl withdrew slightly, this filly just a tiny bit creepy, “What were they?”

“A spell... a trap.” The filly sighed, taking a deep breath, “I was incautious, and all too curious. Silly, silly me. Old, precious things always have traps.”

Star Swirl frowned, “Precious things? What were you looking for?”

“A memory... of a long lost acquaintance.” She turned her head up at Star Swirl, giving a happy smile, “My name is Char.”

“Star Swirl.” She hesitated for a moment before asking the question that had been at the front of her mind ever since she had met this strange filly, “You’re... not actually a pony are you?”

Char looked up at Star Swirl, her eyes nervous and pleading. She was obviously scared of what her answer would bring, rolling the words around her mouth for a moment or two before speaking, “I was not born like you, no. Long ago a zebra once dreamed of bringing peace to a land torn apart by war, torn apart... by these.” She indicated the masks around them, now seeming far more shadowed and dangerous, “That zebra eventually died, but she passed on that dream. It’s that dream that formed me.”

"You're a... spirit of some kind?"

"Of some kind, yes."

Star Swirl looked down at the little filly, so young and innocent looking. If what she was saying was true, if she had fought against the star demons... she would have to be more than a thousand years old. Older than Luna and Celestia. That invited... questions, “Why do you look like Celestia?”

“Because that’s who I want to be.” She nodded seriously at Star Swirl, “That’s why we found each other Star Swirl. We share that dream.”

“I want to be like Celestia?”

Char giggled sweetly, “Of course you do.”

Star Swirl looked down at herself sulkily, “Well I still look like myself.”

“Manipulation of my astral form is one of the very few advantages of not having a physical one.” Char smiled kindly at Star Swirl, stepping forward and angling her head up at the distant sun, “Oh, how I wish I could alter more than just how I look.”

“You’re an admirer then?”

Char nodded gravely, “She was one of the most pure hearts I’ve ever encountered. To me... that means a lot.” Char hesitated for a moment before explaining, “I told you I was created to bring peace yes?”


“I grant power, and will. I offer it to brave souls, so they can bring peace to this world.” She frowned deeply, her eyes growing dark and angry, “And every one of them has fallen short. They felt to their own impure hearts, and the world remained as it is.”

Star Swirl felt genuine anger from the filly. She sympathised, she knew what it was like to fall short of your ambitions, “I’m sorry.”

Char shook her head, looking kindly up at Star Swirl, “You have come to me Star Swirl, another seeker, looking to continue Celestia’s legacy. You saved me from those things, you met me in this place. You are the one I’ve been looking for, you will become the icon of peace I seek.”

Star Swirl was now certain she had the wrong mare, “I’m not pure. Not at all.”

“You do yourself no credit.” Char nodded cheerfully, her eyes shining, “There was one mare I was sure would be my chance to change the world, like me a follower of Celestia, pure, kind and regal. I spoke to her, tried to convince her to take me and heal the world in her name. She said no.”

Star Swirl leaned forward, thinking that sounded like somepony she knew, “Who was it?”

Char grinned, “Her name was Sunshine Ivory, now the leader of the Church of Celestia. Even wonderful as she was, she told me that she was not the one, that the chosen one was still to come. So I waited, waited for the one she would send.”

Star Swirl… gulped. It was true, Sunshine Ivory had been the one who had sent her to the dragon heart. Could she really think Star Swirl was… worthy? She had hinted as much back when they had first met, but she thought the mare was just being nice, “Me? Are you sure?”

“She was.” Char nodded, “And so am I.”

Star Swirl still knew better than to accept offers from strangers, especially ghost strangers in creepy dream worlds, “Still, I’m not interested in any power or will but my own, ok?”

“I… I only amplify your own…”

“I don’t want it.” Star Swirl looked down at the panicking, nervous little filly for a moment before realizing she was being too harsh. She hadn’t done anything to deserve it, not yet anyway, “But you can come with me if you want. It might be nice to have someone to talk to in here.”

The filly instantly cheered, “Of course, I’d be happy to! I’m very knowledgeable about magic and history, and my power is always here if you ever need it.”

“Right.” Star Swirl hesitated, wondering if this was the right idea. Still she wasn’t about to turn her back on somepony just because of what she was, or being a little creepy. The gods of irony wouldn’t let that pass, “Just behave yourself.”

“Of course, I…” Char paused, alarm passing across her face, “Star Swirl, wake up. There is a dangerous zebra approaching!”



Star Swirl looked around the cave with bleary eyes, a little confused as to where she was for a second before realization dawned. She was with Esau, at the edges of the valley, “Ungh…”

“You heard it too?”

She looked up at Esau, standing watchful at the edges of the now cold fireplace. His cloak was open slightly to reveal a silver plated hoofgrip sticking out from a leather holster, along with a set of well cared for police barding and a silver half moon symbol hanging around his neck. He made no move for his weapons yet, just silently waiting, “I think there’s someone dangerous coming.”

“You know something I do not?” Esau shook his head, “Quiet.”

They waited, the sounds of approaching hoofsteps eventually reaching their ears. Two of them it sounded like, one large, one small.

The large one appeared first. The zebra emerged out of the darkness with a friendly, casual grin, his face scared and weatherbeaten, wearing leathers just as battle scared as he was and wielding a long, cleaver like blade upon his back. The second followed behind, cautious and making certain to stay behind her companion, a teenaged zebra with soft, feminine features and large, expressive eyes, wearing a simple dust jacket and no visible weapons. The big zebra chuckled as he moved forward, raising a hoof, “No harm intended I promise. You can keep those pistols in your holster.”

Esau glared, “Then what do you wish?”

“What else?” He looked at his companion, “Me and the girl have been traveling a long way, both of us are mighty weary.” He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, “Spare a bed for the night?”


Level Up - Level 7 reached.

Lost Trait: Tired of Blood

New Perk Added: Super Slam
“Rarity catch me!”
You’ve learned how to knock your foes off balance. All unarmed and melee weapon attacks have a chance of knocking down your opponent. The chance of knocking an opponent down is 15% while using an unarmed weapon or a one handed melee weapon, and 30% if using a two handed melee weapon.

New Quest Perk: Emerging Mark
“But I want it naooow!”
You’ve taken the next step towards understanding your cutie mark. You gain a 5% chance of instantly killing a wounded or off guard opponent, and a 5% bonus to damage with unarmed or melee weaponry.

New Quest Perk: Touch of the Butterfly Queen
"I grant power, and will."
You have accepted the assistance of Char, and have gained some of her vast knowledge. You gain +1 intelligence and +5 medicine.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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