• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,560 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 3.9 - Fallen Angel

Star Swirl watched Zenai drop, the words of her apology still on her lips. Star Swirl's telekinesis took the zebra's limp body in its grasp before she hit the floor, her magic scanning her injuries.

She... Star Swirl scanned her again and again, praying, hoping that in a moment there wouldn't be a hole where her brain stem used to be, that her heart was still beating, that every organ wasn't simultaneously going into shock. That Zenai wasn't...

A stun grenade exploded overhead, Star Swirl screaming in pain and shock as she dropped Zenai sprawling and her own legs collapsed under her. She heard Dust Kicker grunt in pain, looking round to see him struggling to aim with a bloody hole in his chest.

Then she looked round at Nazir and her body reacted all by itself. She teleported forward and came out of it with a kick that propelled him straight through the plaster wall behind.

He came out of the wreckage rolling, his heavy pistol discharging against Star Swirl's shields. Her rage only built higher as the bullets bounced uselessly away, feeling the deep well of radiation stored at her heart. He had no idea what an alicorn could do. He had no idea what SHE could do.

He didn't stick around to find out, running to the side and darting down a side corridor. It took Star Swirl a second to disengage her shield and follow, running full tilt into a range of complex, twisting passageways. She expanded her senses and found him just a short way ahead, her horn bursting with power as it plowed a huge hole straight through the wall in front.

Nazir looked up in shock as she came straight through the smoking rubble, drawing up his pistol once more. It discharged with a crack but Star Swirl simply summoned her spear and struck the bullet aside, a stunning blast of her horn numbing Nazir's jaw and her telekinesis tearing the gun from him. He staggered back with a note of fear, grasping for his saddlebags... Star Swirl slammed him back with the full force of her telekinesis, plastering him against the floor, "Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you?!"

"Revenge?" He chuckled weakly, still trying and failing to look confident as he lay defenseless before her, "What would your friends think of you, eh?"

Star Swirl shivered, trying to lock down the well of feeling within her before it overwhelmed all sense. But all the same... she just didn't know how to process this information. That after all they had done, all that they had fought and bled... "Zenai was my best friend... and... she's dead." She gasped, feeling a mighty weight where her insides should be, "You... killed her..."

"Kill me, and you'll never find out who hired me for the hit."

Star Swirl's head jerked up, "Somepony... paid you to kill her?"

He grinned, "Somepony paid me to kill her in front of you."


"Oh no, not until..."

She levitated him into the sky, everything within her screaming for revenge. He was a fool to try and reason his way out of this. She probed with her magic, found his nerve endings, and twisted, "TELL ME!"


"TELL ME!" She leaned forward with eyes glowing a sickly green from the radiation burning within her, horn flashing to cook his flesh with bolts of stinging electricity. She eased the pain for a moment to look him in the eye, "Who hired you! NOW!"

He stared in utter fear now, his arrogance melted away, "It... it was Starhammer... he wanted revenge..."

He couldn't hide the twitches, the hesitation, the excessive blinking, "YOU'RE LYING!"

"No, please!"

A disturbance ahead forced her to look up, eyes narrowing as a beefy young zebra emerged from just down the corridor. He drew up a heavy machine gun and opened fire, Star Swirl's shields enough to save her from damage but not enough that she could do anything to keep Nazir from shrugging out of her telekinesis and getting away. She watched in frustration as he ran towards the zebra and safety, suddenly pausing to turn and slip something from his saddlebag. He gave her a cruel grin as he twisted and hurled it at her, "It's been fun kaz'an, but allow me to leave a parting gift."

The satchel charge landed at Star Swirl's hooves.


Star Swirl knew she should have considered this more. Should have thought about the consequences. But thinking was just something she could not do right now. The only thing that didn't hurt was action. So she took action. She took action as the explosion tore through her shields, as the roof collapsed down upon her. As she saw Nazir flee from justice with a grin on his face. She took the action she had been warned against a hundred times, because it was the only one who made sense at the moment.

She had absorbed enough radiation that she glowed in normal light conditions. It was time show them all what an alicorn could really do.

Her head tore through concrete and steel, horn carving towards the sky as she kicked aside chunks of rubble and barged her shoulder through the outer wall. She saw Nazir fly, tumbling down the tide of debris dislodged by her advance. He recovered just in time to see her advance on him, his face a perfectly satisfying look of utter terror as her hooves shook the ground. Power surged off her body, eighty feet tall and crackling with dark energies.

The stocky zebra from before opened up with his heavy machine gun, Star Swirl wincing as a couple of rounds hit home. A full body shield was impractical at this size so she erected a partial shield instead, the wounds quickly healing as she turned her head and used her telekinesis to bring a large chunk of rubble down upon his head. The zebra disappeared from view, a trickle of blood from underneath attesting to his fate.

"Hit her you foolz! You can't exactly MIZZ!"

Star Swirl turned as Nazir rustled up more of his mercenaries, firing upon her with a mix of rocket launchers, heavy rifles and small arms. She tanked a couple of shots before expanding her wings with a shockwave that knocked them all flying, charging forward and slamming her hooves into the hapless mercenaries. A single kick at this size tore free vast chunks of earth, the mercenaries not even standing a chance. Her horn flashed with the fury of suns, it's increased size allowing her to fully command the balefire within her. A group of snipers squatting in the ruins ahead learned this the hard way, vaporized as she swept a beam of glowing energy across their position. A whole building ahead collapsed as the shockwave expanded outwards, Star Swirl shielding herself from the rubble with her telekinesis.

Her eyes then swept across to Nazir, messing around with some rocks as Star Swirl was distracted with his followers. She adjusted her eyes to magnify her vision, easily spotting the satchel charges he was placing underneath the ground.

So he thought he was clever? She expanded her magic, using it to trigger the charges prematurely. His eyes went wide as the charge at his hoof activated.

Her ears rang, shaking the numbness off and avancing forward to view her handiwork.

"Ugh... uh... agh..." Nazir gasped as he lay bleeding upon the rocks, his body torn apart by the explosion. His hoof reached out desperately for his gun as Star Swirl's heavy hooves shook the floor, Star Swirl taking it in her telekinesis and hurling it away. He looked up at her furious expression, cracking a smile, "You little bitch... they sure didn't tell about thiz..."

Star Swirl leaned her head down, horn already crackling with energy arcing barely inches away from him, "Tell me what I want to know or I'll show you what it really is to suffer."

He gasped a chuckle, "You think that'z enough to make me betray my employer?"

Star Swirl sent a wave of pain lancing through his hooves with barely a moment of effort, watching him scream with grim satisfaction, "I was implanted with a star demon, I now possess all her knowledge of how to modify ponies to my will." She loomed closer, horn stabbing nearer and nearer to his chest, "I can carve off your hooves, stitch your mouth shut and render you able to derive sustenance from radiation! You'll lie there a very long time, a miserable, broken cripple!"

He laughed, something sparkling in his eyes as he looked past her towards the sky, "Too late... look, the sun's out."

She frowned in confusion as she looked up, the sun indeed continuing to shine through the clouds above. But as she watched it the sun did indeed seem to get brighter, the light shifting...

A beam of intense, blinding fury shot down, slamming into Star Swirl with such fury Star Swirl swore she must have just been hit by a megaspell. Nazir was vaporized mid laugh, it all she could do to keep herself from the same fate. Her shields failed quickly despite the balefire she fed into them, instead pumping magic into her skin to resist the heat and impact. She shrank her body back to it's original proportions to better ride the energy downwards, slammed into the ground with bone shuddering force...

Ungh... she was still alive...

"She killed the boss, get her!""

Her eyes flicked open, anger focusing her through the pain and concussion. After everything, still they tested her? Still they DEMANDED punishment? A minotaur charged out of the smoke with his heavy rifle readied, Star Swirl not even rising as she used Celestia's spear to cut open his torso and tear out his lungs with her telekinesis. The next zebra to emerge was briefly distracted by his gurgling comrade and took a horn blast to the face, powered by raw hatred it took off half his face. She finished him off with a single stab of her spear as she charged out, clearing the dust from the air with a blast of telekinesis, "WHO, WHO WAS IT!?"

Three zebra stood around her, the first down before he could even react. His head rolled away, the zebra beside him finding her gun batted aside by the end of Star Swirl's spear as she brought it back round. The zebra desperately ducked away from the spinning blade, only for Star Swirl to drive forward and impale her through the eye with her horn while she was distracted.

The final zebra attempted to run, Star Swirl hurling her spear through the air to nail him to the floor. He begged pathetically as she came forward, only angering her more, "She wanted to live too, did you give her a chance?! And she was worth a hundred of you!" She slammed her hoof down, breaking his neck with a sharp crack and letting him slump as she drew her spear back out and flung the blood to the ground.

Her magic alerted her to more life signs, mostly grouped in the building straight ahead. She brought her wings to her side, concentrated her shields in front of her and advanced forward at a slow purposeful pace. Every part of her vibrated now, powered by purpose and understanding. Was this what harmony felt like? To know exactly what you were, and what the world should look like?

She burned off her excess body fat, using it to construct new proteins. Her eyes she adapted for telescopic sight, muscles repositioned for greater agility in close combat. The Goddesses' clumsy work she perfected into what it should have been, pure and completely designed for purpose.

A rocket flew at her, Star Swirl flinging it away with a blast of telekinesis. A zebra sighed up with an anti tank rifle, Star Swirl teleporting to his position as he fired and driving her spear down into his back.

And in front of her was the building she had seen, the bottom floor occupied by former showrooms now loaded up with munitions and supplies, surrounded by dozens of terrified looking zebra and minotaur in mercenary colors. Star Swirl advanced forward, ready to finish this...

But... they weren't even armed. She saw the carts set up beside, saw the medical bands on some of the mercenaries... these were non-combatants, support staff. Star Swirl hesitated, then dimmed her horn. No matter what, killing them was...

A zebra drew a pistol and fired, the bullet easily deflecting off Star Swirl's shield. Her eye twitched, horn spinning round and firing a blast that tore his side away and sent him crashing into a toppling heap of boxes. The others all screamed and scrambled for their own weapons, Star Swirl wincing as a heavy bullet cut across her forehead, "GAGH!"

They had made their decision then. Star Swirl snarled in anger and used her magic to find the triggers on the weapons and explosives within the building. Her magic charged, hotter and hotter... and then she trigged it with one final burst, grenades, mines and missiles all detonating with a roar. A moment later and boxes of chemicals ignited, incandescent balls of flame tearing through the dust and smoke as everything within was wiped from existence. The building came down with a crash, toppling some of those nearby in one destructive shockwave.

They were dead, they were all dead. She had... done it...

Her eyes flicked up. No. She saw several figures flying away from the ruined building, desperate to escape the destruction. She almost let them go, but then she saw the griffon. That smug, familiar face, grinning down at her.

Star Swirl shattered the ground beneath her hooves as she flung herself into the air, magic and radiation sparking out around her as she located her enemies.

Only four. The first was a zebra, opening fire on her from a pair of frail bloodwings. She span around his fire, the spear of Celestia carving him in half as she blasted another zebra from the sky with a flaming horn blast.

Heavy machine gun fire rattled against her shield, Star Swirl looking up to Arick Grimfeathers just beyond her reach. She gave a scream of rage and soared straight at him. He shouted something, lost to the wind. The wind battered against her form, all sound lost to her as she closed...

Something approached from the side and she swept her head around to unleash a horn blast, only to be hit by a firm blast of compressed air that sent her spinning. She tried to regain her balance but was swept up by a cyclone, stinging bullets striking in the sides as she her wings flailed desperately for stable currents.

Her magic flared, shattering the wind against her with such force that that pain ran through her horn. But what was revealed beyond the dying winds hurt all the more, "YOU!"

"Stopth this now." Clear Skies insisted, her deformed features unusually grim as she hovered before her, "I donth wanth to figth."

Star Swirl charged forwards with a scream, her wings angled and the spear of Princess Celestia slashing out. Clear Skies simply moved her wings ever so slightly and she dropped, spinning as Star Swirl passed over her and kicking the spear from her grasp. Star Swirl cried out, reaching for it once more with her telekinesis, "NO!"

"Shouthent rely on weathon in your telekith!" She shouted as she snatched Star Swirl's wing in her back hooves and flung her downwards to spiral gracelessly through the air. She drew her pistols, shooting Star Swirl through both wings, shredding pinion feathers and leaving her struggling for altitude, "And you need thoth work on you'rth flything."

Clear Skies dropped, delivering a kick that knocked the wind out of Star Swirl's lungs and sent her plummeting. Arick soared past, opening his pack and sending a whole bushel of grenades raining down after her. Star Swirl attempted to throw them back with her telekinesis but before she had a chance she hit the roof of the building below and tore straight through it. She did the same to the next floor, clearly fracturing her back and breaking her wings, a moment before the grenades went off as one. The building gave a single whine before falling in on itself, Star Swirl screaming in impotent rage as her broken body fell ever further into a collapsing vortex of dust and stone.


It was dark, and cold, her broken body racked with pain, her radiation and magic gone. Her mind had long since collapsed into despair and self loathing. She had killed so many, and for what? They had still escaped, Zenai was still dead, and she was... a dying mass murderer. No better than Justicar.

It was better to die now. She... couldn't leave Zenai behind. Not Zenai, not her best friend, not her... rock, in a world of terrible uncertainty. She heard her friend call just beyond the range of hearing, tears running down her face as she prepared herself.

Then the rocks lifted from her shattered body, waves of warmth traveling through her ruined form. The darkened cavern lit up in sunshine light, a healing potion floating by to inject itself into her broken flesh.

She spoke a single word through a ruined throat, "Who...?"

"Oh Star Swirl, I saw what happened and I just had to help." Sweet tones of concern answered, speaking from a beautiful, smiling, kind face peaking through robes of pure white and gold, "I know your pain, believe me."

Star Swirl looked up, desperate for purpose, for direction, "You... know..."

"I walked this land, I saw what it does. Takes the innocent, empowers the cruel." Sunshine Ivory smiled, warm and caring, "I think it's finally time to do something about that."


Level Up - Level 16 reached
Perk Gained - Grim Reaper's Sprint
You will not stop until they’re all dead. Landing a killing blow will immediately restore all Action Points, allowing the beginning of a new series of attacks immediately.

Trait Gained – Callous
You have been exposed to the horrors of the wasteland and it has made you hard. You lose 2 points of Charisma, and gain 2 points of Endurance.

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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