• Published 12th Aug 2012
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Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 5.3 - The Crownless King

Easu strolled through the camp, grinning at the slavegirls as they rushed back and forth carrying supplies and repairing uniforms. This time they had learned their lesson it seemed, to his frustration he wasn't even able to get one of them to look his way. He briefly considered ordering one of them to look at him, still that rather felt like cheating.

"My Prince!"

He turned to the young soldier who now approached him, barely older than Easu himself and clearly still just a raw recruit. That such a lowly minion should address him was reason enough for anger, that he would do it so loudly and crassly all the more infuriating, "What?"

"My Prince..." The recruit gasped out as he hurried over, "Your father wishes to see you right away, he requested..."

He fixed the zebra with an angry glare, "Are you telling me what to do?"

The recruit shook his head, "No my Prince..."

"Do you believe scum like you is even worthy of addressing me?"

"No... I mean..."

"Now go back to your centurion and tell him you are a worthless piece of scum, unable to succeed in your assigned mission." Easu grinned broadly, starting to enjoy himself now, "And if you do that, I might think better of ordering your ears cut off for insubordination."

The recruit went pale, "My king..."

Easu snorted, "I'm the prince you imbecile..."

"He was talking about me."

Easu turned round, feeling his heart skip a beat as the looming form of his father strode towards him. The Warlord Thasan was clad in full armor and his rifle and sword hung at his side, every inch the conqueror. He waved a hoof at the recruit, "You performed your task well. You may go now."

"Yes sir!" The zebra cried as he quickly made his exit.

Thasan barely gave him a look, simply turning and striding back towards his tent, "Walk with me."

Easu did, reluctantly, dragging his feet as they entered the warlord's tent. His father had walked in silence and Easu knew better than to provoke him, simply deigning to remain in similar silence. Oteka was there to welcome them as they entered, giving a crisp salute.

"Oteka." His father spoke in firm tones, "My son has been disrespectful. Teach him the consequences."

"Yes my lord." She stated without hesitation, moving forward with intent. Easu lifted his hooves in shielding and cried out but she battered him to the ground regardless, delivering a series of vicious welts across his body before his father raised a hoof. Oteka instantly stepped away, giving a bow and returning to attention.

"A warrior does not dash his sword against the ground before battle." His father instructed firmly, "Yet today I caught you abusing one of your soldiers. Why?"

Easu stood with some difficulty, enduring the blow to his pride as much as any physical pain. He muttered his answer, "You told me yourself, how they're just disposable tools with no purpose but to die for our glory..."

"As are our blades. A thousand may brake in battle, because we have many more." His father instructed, "But I do not throw them away needlessly, I do not feel the need to break them over my knee to show my strength. Like any weapon or tool those who serve you must be cared for, maintained and respected, and only damaged or destroyed to serve our future success."

"I don't get it." He whined, this nothing like he expected, "Every zebra calls you a ruthless warlord, yet you’re telling me to be nice and respectful?"

"Those who can be of use to you, show respect and offer them a choice of servitude or death. Those who cannot are free to do with as you wish. And those who oppose you..." He nodded to Oteka, who took down a blade from the rack and hoofed it over to Easu. His father watched as Easu strapped it to his side, giving a slow nod as he finally got it buckled, "Good, now follow me."

Easu didn't understand, "Where are we going?"

"To the prison pits."


His father didn't pause, "To show you what to do to those who oppose you."


Easu awoke to the sound of marching troops, for one moment sure he must have still been dreaming. It was an impression further reinforced by the silk sheets, the royal clothes upon the rack, the icons of kingship upon the wall. But they were not those of his father's kingship, not of the Golden Coast.

They were those of Starhammer. They were those of his own dominions.

He grunted and slid to his hooves, quickly washing and dressing before setting out into the courtyard. There he was faced with what he had heard upon waking, the sight of marching soldiers and their chants as they went through their morning drills. They were all dressed in full formal empire style gear, shining steel and colored plumes, all the better for getting them used to marching and fighting through both encumbrance and heat exhaustion.

Their drill instructor called out as he spotted Easu, "Full halt!"

They all slid to attention with impressive speed.

"Turn to your king. Annnnnnd... salute!"

They did so, hooves whipping upwards almost in total unison.

"Not bad! Now fall out and continue your workout, no slacking!" The drill instructor demanded as he marched across the courtyard towards Easu, hobbling on his metal peg leg and still looking every inch the warrior. The pony's face opened up in a big grin as he drew close, "They're looking incredible out there, though don't let them know that."

"Dust Kicker."He replied with respect, "Where did you learn zebra military drill?"

"I drilled under the Talons and Red Eye you know?" He mentioned, grinning cheerfully, "And I've been reading up on Great War zebra tactics. Did you know I can read and speak zebra?"

"Iwako." Easu corrected, noting the common tongue he was speaking of, "And yes, you learned it during your travels here."

"Interesting how I didn't forget that huh?" Dust Kicker pointed out, rubbing the scar on his head, "I think its coming back you know. Not the memories themselves, but the things I learned, the emotions, the skills."

"I'm glad it's helping." Easu expressed with genuine warmth, "But don't overwork yourself. You're still healing."

Dust Kicker paused at this, his face falling, "You know I had a friend once, who received a serious head injury." He shrugged, "He just... wasted away. Lost all motivation, all personality. Just... a shell at the end."

"Then you were very lucky." Easu acknowledged with a proud nod, "For you are still every inch the stallion I knew."


He had spent very little time in Clendel during his life, even finding reasons to excuse himself on the few occasions Tradash had reason to visit. Tradash had always found that rather amusing, and Easu had honestly never been able to explain exactly why. He just... never felt like he belonged there, somewhere so happy and peaceful.

The fact that it was mostly in ruins made it worse. He couldn't help but feel they had brought the destruction there, that they should have intervened before it came to that. He knew that was ridiculous of course, but he still felt the city weigh even heavier upon him than before.

He did his part of course. He assisted King Zane in rebuilding, spent long hours in his office rallying Starhammer's resources to his banner and putting them to work. Still, in his downtime he liked to leave the cities boundaries, head up to the hills nearby and just stare out at the raw, wild nature that stretched all around.

And he often found himself with company there. Another king, and another whose new title weighed heavily upon their shoulders. He looked up at the powerful form rising above, purple scales shifting with flashes of glorious light yet in many ways seeming more vulnerable than him. Easu studied him for a moment before speaking, "You seem unusually pensive today."

"They..." Spike started, before choking on his words. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before speaking again, "They want me to take a mate."

Easu smirked, "Something they fortunately have not asked of me yet. My experiences with the opposite sex are... mixed."

"I've spent my entire life among ponies!" Spike protested sharply.

"Hmm..." He admitted that was a point, "Have you ever...?"

"I'm not talking about that." Spike quickly corrected, looking a tiny bit offended. That slowly deflated, hanging his head in remorse, "It's just dawning on me that... this is permanent you know? That this is... change. I thought I would just put a crown on, gain some allies and help my friends... but it's more than that."

Easu understood. That was dawning on him too, "You cannot just quit and go back to your old life."

"The dragons are in trouble. There are just over two thousand of us left, and we're creatures who measure their life cycles on geological timescales." Spike explained, "A dragon egg takes a hundred years to hatch, and only full adults can conceive them. All forty adult dragons participated in the battle back there, those are the only ones in existence who can birth a new generation... I'm one of the only dragons in existence who can birth a new generation."

Easu paused, that not making sense, "But you said there are two thousand dragons..."

"Dragons are weird." Spike explained, trying to order it in his head for a moment before explaining, "Most dragons never get pass sub-adult. We grow due to circumstance, not age. I only got to this size after becoming 'Watcher', basically claiming all of Equestria as my territory." He opened his claws wide, sounding frazzled, "Adult dragons normally require vast territories, only meeting up briefly to mate and fight for dominance. Our low numbers have forced us to band together, and that... doesn't come easy."

Easu noted some of the other dragons had been seen fighting and rough housing in the areas around Clendel before Spike had dismissed them. He admitted that it looked less than friendly, "They need strong leadership."

"Twilight would be proud of me." Spike stated with a smile, "I've been teaching them about friendship, and a lot of them are really listening to me. I'm making a real difference out here."

Easu nodded, "And so you have to stay."

"And leave Equestria behind." Spike confirmed with grim resignation, "I've lived there all my life, with ponies. I find it difficult to even think of myself as a dragon." He gave a pained, embarrassed grin, "And in response to your earlier question, girl dragons... they're not really what I'm used to."

Easu smirked, for several reasons, "We struggle with many of the same problems Spike. I may have been born a Prince, but I left that world behind long ago. It's a world I am deeply uncomfortable with." He wanted to make a joke of the next part too, but found it quickly robbed him of his smile, "And my first experience of female company in a long time was an alicorn, a race I found rather intimidating... and daunting to say the least when it came to that."

Spike picked up his mood, looking concerned. His response was soft, "You'll convince her to stop all this Easu."

"You think so?" Easu responded, unable to shake off the belief that he would likely end up having to plunge a sword into her chest.

"I dealt with Nightmare Moon you know? Brought her back to sanity." Spike pointed out, then gave a laugh, "You dealt with Nightmare Moon!"

Easu admitted that was a good point. Still, "We don't have the elements of harmony."

"I doubt they would be very effective. Pro tip, they only really work on forces of chaos." Spike pointed out, before shrugging cheerfully, "For your more 'well intentioned' breed of villain... well that’s when those key words come into play."

Easu looked up at him, "What are they?"

"Friendship is magic."

Easu couldn't hide his doubts, "I make nice with them?"

"Well we normally bucked the bad guys in the floor, then made nice. But don't be too quick to resort to violence." Spike advised, "Your brother, Star Swirl... you have to ask yourself what they want."

Easu thought on that, "My brother wants... glory. He wants to be Caesar, to unite the world under his enlightened rule." Easu sighed, "Because deep down, the contempt both our father and I held for him still rings in his ears."

"And Star Swirl?"

"She's different." Easu asserted, feeling his old bile build up, "She's not well intentioned, she's possessed. Just like Nightmare Moon, Charaxies has corrupted her into evil."

"So what does Charaxies want?"

Easu thought on what he had heard of her actions as 'Celestia', "She's a Star Demon through and through. She wishes to save us from ourselves, perfect us, guide us, protect us. It's in her make up, she can't even conceive of us as anything more than problems to be fixed."

"It can't be that simple." Spike argued, "You've spoken yourself how Puppysmiles..."

"Puppysmiles is different." Easu argued, "She was given an artificial conscience by the scientists back in the NCR, brainwashed using the latest technology, and kept from inhabiting the bodies of others. She has admitted it herself, that even she would be corrupted if she inhabited another pony for any length of time."

"So you need to separate them."

Easu sighed, "Easier said than done."

"You'll figure it out Easu." Spike reassured, "If you really love her, you'll work out some way of fixing this."


It wasn't all talks with Spike however. He still had a lot of work to do, some of which... he admitted he had been avoiding.

The morgue was situated in the Temple of Golden Dawn, and as expected had gotten a lot of use over the last month. Most of the bodies had now moved through the building, most cremated as was the zebra way. The slabs were now mercifully mostly empty, the signs of battle cleared away...

...except for the two bodies before him, still unclaimed after all this time.

Kunari was an angel in death, her small form full of innocence. He was aware that in front of him was a mare possibly more to blame for all this than Starhammer himself, but seeing her like this it was so easy to forget.

Starhammer on the other hoof had a face that made his role all too easy, even in death holding a certain prideful, brutish quality. He was smaller than normal, Kunari's magics having worn off and returned his form to it's normal state. All the same he was strong, his features demanding respect.

He deserved respect, "I have decided."

The shaman standing in watch straightened out, "Sire?"

"Starhammer is to be dressed in the robes of his station and taken to the field of skulls outside Incatha. There he will be burned in full ceremony, alongside Kunari."

"Sire..." The shaman began hesitantly, "It is the view of many that he should be burned in secret, in order to reduce the risk of..."

Easu looked at him as he paused, his expression emphasizing that he wasn't the sort who liked being stepped around, "What?"

The shaman sighed, "Well... celebrating him. Encouraging others to forget the terrible things he did."

Easu looked back at the body of the would be Caesar. A few months ago zebra were celebrating him, "Greater kings have committed more unforgivable sins. And he is a king."

"But..." The shaman started, still deeply reluctant, "Who would speak for him?"

"I will." Easu answered.

In truth, he felt he needed to. Even if he did not know what to say, stood over the grave of a tyrant.

Perhaps he needed to learn.


And then it was there, right there in front of him. His destination.

It was a farm like many others in this region. A way from the more fertile areas, it inhabited a bleak and rather depressing spot on the brown slopes of the god's spine mountains. Places like this sprung up in the unpleasant location due to the fact that the soil and altitude were perfect for the tough, chewable roots that made up an important part of the zebra diet, with the result than you could become quite rich on the proceeds... which is why so many rich ponies from Clendal brought up the land and employed others to farm it.

It certainly looked like that was the case here, judging by the rather worn appearance of the buildings. Though it was a large complex with many outbuildings, none of them looked like they were getting the proper maintenance. The workers were all pretty sorry specimens too, most looking like they weren't eating nearly enough for the hard work they were engaged in.

A couple of rough looking specimens approached him, both mounting guns and clearly trained in 'looking unfriendly to strangers'. They observed him suspiciously, "What do you want?"

He nodded officially, trying to embody the weight of his position as he held out his writ, "I'm here to see the Rootborn family."

They observed the writ with suspicion at first, then dawning fear... and weary understanding, "You have a writ from King Zane."

"I do."

"Then we'll take you to the foreman."

They led Easu through the complex, all looking as it had seemed from the outside. Clearly some attempts had been made to fortify the place, logical given the war that had only recently ended, though honestly the walls wouldn't have lasted long. Eventually he laid eyes on one of those he was seeking, the resemblance obvious. The old man shouting at the workers was fat and bearded, but his brutish face and physical stature were clear giveaways. He looked over as they approached, sneering at Easu, "Who are you?"

"I am King Easu, of the Northern Mutum." He stated softly, bowing his head in formal greeting, "You are of the Rootborn family?"

"I'm the only Rootborn." The zebra grunted in reply, grimacing hatefully, "Have you come to take this farm from me too?"

"No, I haven't." Easu confirmed, "And I'm sorry to hear about your family."

"Wife drank too much, always said it would kill her in the end. Daughter ran off with some rich merchant, he was good enough to deliver her body back to me after he got her killed."

Easu nodded, he had heard as much, "And your son?"

The zebra fixed eyes on Easu for a long moment before answering, "Boy ran away to become a hired gun. Likely ended up dead in a ditch."

Easu felt pity for the old man, despite his demeanor, "It's a hard life. Do you mind if I ask you about him?"

"Boy was a stupid dreamer, always looking at the skies instead of what was under his damn hooves." The old zebra spat, "And he was a lazy good for nothing, never understood hard work. Always playing the fool, looking for attention. Never was happy with what he had, never had any respect for honest toil."

Easu nodded, everything as others had told him. It was a simple, common story, "Thank you."

"Don't you patronize to me boy!" The old zebra replied with a growl, snorting loudly, "Thinking you're above all of us because some entitled bastard threw you a crown! It's folks like you that ruined this nation, thinking that fighting and killing makes a great zebra, rather than honest hard work!"

The two zebra guards both looked at each other nervously, "Boss..."

"Quiet!" The old zebra shouted, before facing off with Easu once more, "You lured my son away with your lies! You made him think the only way he would ever amount to anything would be to run around the wasteland acting the fool!"

Easu watched the old zebra's fury and couldn't help think of his father. It was an ironic comparison, as he was certain the two would despise each other with a deep passion. All the same, that pride, that refusal to consider any other path but their own... he bowed his head, keeping his voice firmly neutral, "Your son's body..."

"I have no son!" The zebra spat, before turning and walking away without a second glance.


"Themba finally shows his true desperation. Cowering behind women and children."

Easu looked up at his father as Thasan stared out at the city on the horizon, his generals surrounding him. Karakivore was one of the historic three ports of the zebra, relatively intact and thriving due to being the historic hub of Star Fall activity upon the coast. Its palaces, factories and docklands still demonstrated the glory of the old world, where many of its inhabitants still worked the same jobs and living in the same houses that their families did before the war.

Taking it would clearly claim the victory in this war. Cutting Star Fall off from the mainland, seizing the historic and practical capital of the Golden Coast, the birthplace of Zephyr Stormstrung and the ancestral holding of Caesar Remicon. And they had been so close...

"I advise negotiating terms my Warlord." One of his father’s generals started, "With all of the area's civilian population gathered within the city, an assault would have us literally climbing over their bodies. But Themba shows his desperation by using them as shields, he is eager to end this with at least the slightest dignity. If we give it to him..."

"I give my enemies nothing but death." Warlord Thassan answered in a low growl, glaring across at the city beyond, "This is the final battle, this is where I make a statement!"

The generals all looked at each other, "What statement is that my Warlord?"

"Turn the guns on the city. Wipe it from the map."

"But... my Warlord!" They objected, all looking aghast, "The civilians, the city...!"

"Subjects breed, cities are rebuilt." Thassan answered, cold and firm in his conviction, "But stories live forever. They will all tell of my ruthlessness here today, none will dare test my wrath. I will crown my glory with a rain of blood and destruction, wipe the world clean and rebuild it in my image!"

The generals all looked to each other before one by one they nodded their ascent, "Yes my Warlord."

"Remember this son." Thassan stated as they moved to carry out his orders. He looked down, cold eyes assessing and judgmental as he fixed Easu in his gaze, "This is how you earn respect."


The zebra kingdoms... what a difference a change in perspective made.

He had seen this view from above in books, both illustrations from the Classical Era and Wartime. Once this whole area had been covered in trees, the great Jerus river running from the tip of the Mutum right down to the sea and branching out in all directions. Time had passed, the forest had retreated in the face of the great cities of the zebra, the river had become polluted and full of barges plying their trade... but it had still been life, still been so vibrant.

Now there was no river. No trees. The great cities stood as empty ruins.

He saw Ebonlode fortress, where he had fought beside Star Swirl. Dusklight lay just behind the mountains that shielded it, Easu hoping the children had all reached it safely and were even now moving to establish governance over the area. Far, far off he could see the tip of his birthplace, Demonivore.

Below... the city of kings lay covered in blue flowers. The Institute of Science tower stood on the southern tip as he remembered, it's metal skeleton now so covered in growths that it looked like nothing more than some great oak. The cities generators on the other hoof shone with light and showed the clear signs of repair, the anti air defense guns following them in as they approached. Spike circled around for a moment more before diving, coming down with a smooth flick of his body and landing upright on his back claws with barely a shudder of impact. Easu leapt down carefully from his harness, landing down upon the platform and looking around at the shocked and exited looking faces that peered out from behind whatever cover they could find. Easu admitted that it was quite the entrance, though he had merely taken the offer for the sheer convenience, "Thank you Spike."

"You know, I've been here before." Spike commented, his neck rotating as he peered about, "I was smaller then."

"King Spike, King Easu." A ghoul spoke as he approached, clad in a heavy coat laden with scientific equipment. His head fell into a practiced bow, "Welcome back to Kirshin. I am Doctor Iradus."

"How are things here?" Easu asked, noting the landing pad seemed to be clean and well maintained at least. Boxes of supplies lay neatly piled up, a working restaurant serving hot food nearby, "I heard you were making good progress."

"Adequate." Doctor Iradus corrected, "The city is one of the most well preserved pre-war settlements outside of Garm or Demonivore, and unlike those two cities was a haven of scientific progress. Still it provides its own difficulties, the... unusual ecology most of all."

Easu nodded, looking at the blue flowers and small skittering animals. He was resistant to radiation, still he had packed Radaway just in case, "Are the creatures dangerous?"

"On the contrary, they might be a little too friendly." Doctor Iradus responded, "Some of the team made the mistake of feeding the animals, and now they associate us with free food. They've been chewing wires, getting into the supplies... couple that with the fact that there doesn't seem to be a single carnivorous creature here and we may soon have a problem on our hoofs."

Easu admitted that would be a problem, "I was just about to recommend importing predators, but then..."

"...even the hardiest wasteland creature would fairly quickly die from radiation sickness on a diet of these creatures, yes." Doctor Iradus concluded.

"What about manticores?" Spike recommended, leaning his great head down to speak, "They're immune to radiation."

"I think they were considering something... smaller." Easu pointed out, "Manicores would eat the staff."

"Well just get tame ones."

Easu looked at Spike, reminding himself that the dragon was much, much older than him, and had seen more than he dreamed existed. Still... "You can't tame a manticore."

"Fluttershy is obviously being humble again, because she's tamed three at last count." Spike declared, giving a big (closed mouth) smile, "And it's hardly unique to her. They're easily semi-intelligent, and only attack when provoked."

"Doctor Drift Strider of my team claims to have observed them in the wild. Apparently if you approach without a weapon and keep a respectable distance, they will not attack." Doctor Iradus stated, giving a cheerful chuckle, "I assumed he was full of rubbish."
"When we get back to Equestria I'll find some books on the subject." Spike offered, "Until then... well... how do you feel about dragons? Little ones I mean."

Doctor Iradus shrugged, "Provided they don't set any of us on fire..."

"Good." Spike concluded with a thoughtful smile, "They could do with some hunting practice."

"Well ghouls, dragons, and manticores." Doctor Iradus commented with a big grin, "Quite a little community we're building here!"


The route between the airport and the palace had been cleared, still it was a rather depressing trip all things considered. He had declined an escort and Spike had flown off on other business, meaning he made his way alone. Whereas the city had looked unsettling before, now in its overgrown and partially ruined state it was just... sad. Like a newly dead corpse, laid with flowers.

A monument stood ahead, outside an innocuous looking ice cream shop. It was a simple stone slab, proclaiming that this was the site of the West Kursiyin Stable... and that all of its eight thousand inhabitants had been gassed shortly after entering. Easu once more felt glad that they had killed Zenospira, and regretted that it hadn't been slower.

The palace soon came into view, the doors now open. A pair of ghouls stood at the entrance along with a customized sentry bot, the inactive turrets on the guard posts now moving to track him. He greeted the two ghouls as he approached, "Hail."

"Welcome King Easu." The larger of the two ghouls responded, a plasma rifle slung across his back, "I'm afraid Invictus is helping down at the generators, but the historian is here to help you with any inquiries."

Easu looked to the entrance as a smaller ghoul stepped out of the shadows, peering in for a closer look, "The historian?"

"Welcome back Easu." Caesar Remicon answered warmly as the light fell across his form, now clad in an unassuming hemp robe, "How can this humble servant serve you today?"


"The construction of the palace, and the city around it was started in 64BC, shortly before Zephyr Stormstrung retired his sword. It was completed in 8BC, in time for the coronation of High King Paranius late in that year." Remicon lectured in soft tones as they walked the corridors of the palace. His voice echoed in the empty spaces, making it all the more apparent that they once rang with the voices of those great figures from the past, "Ironically given your transportation, it was in part an attempt to copy the great caves of Drakehome Mountain where King Spike now rules. A mountaintop fortress and beacon, visible to and uniting all zebra as one."

"Hence all the dragons." Easu stated, once more noting the dragon obsession of the classical era zebra and tracing the carving of one across the wall.

"They helped build the city. Transported materials, forged the steel that supported the great structures that still dominate today." Remicon explained, "And famously, the All-mother herself forged the crown that was to be used to crown Prince Paranius as High King of the Zebra."

"The office that would soon become known as Caesar."

"Yes, after High King Caesar ended the seven years of strife." Remicon acknowledged, "He was actually the fifth High King to sit upon the Dragon Throne."

Easu tried to keep up. Tradash had taught him all this, but much of it had been a little vague and full of conjecture. So much history had been lost, and it left him feeling... inadequate. How could he be king, if he knew nothing of those before him? "Your new role suits you well."

"Well, it is somewhat of a specialty of mine." Remicon replied, chuckling softly, "And I spent a very long time wandering these halls. They are literally lined with the history of our people."

Easu looked across the carvings, laying eyes on one clearly depicting Celestia kneeling before the Dragon Throne and its Caesar, "Perhaps I should do the same."

"In truth, it is appropriate you came here." Remicon replied, looking up at him with his burnt, fleshless face, "All new kings of the zebra were once required to travel here to learn the knowledge of their forebears. There are rooms in this Palace unlocked to you now Easu. Rooms designed to prepare you for your role."

He frowned, the idea still uncomfortable, "Because I am a king?" He looked to Remicon, "How does it know?"

"No zebra knows." Remicon answered with a smile creasing his features, "There are tales of kings who were refused, only to return home and find another had taken their throne."

Easu firmed his jaw, "Then let us see if I am worthy."


Easu stood within the chamber of kings.

It was... underwhelming.

He stood looking at the empty room, looking about the featureless walls, the single burning torch. Remicon had to use two separate keys to open the door, preparing Easu for something truly momentous. Now he felt like some zebra was playing a practical joke on him, "Hello?"

There was no answer, but the air seemed to become heavier. Easu noted the smell of old paper, and conversely the total lack of dust in the room. He took a single step forward...

"Greetings to you, King Easu of the Northern Mutum, successor of King Starhammer."

Easu looked around, the voice seeming to have come from inside his own head, "You know who I am?"

"You are the son of Warlord Thassan of the Golden Coast, Brother to King Incuta."

"How can you know what occurred out there?" Easu questioned firmly.

"The answers lie within you." The voice replied, "You wear no crown, but your blood and soul are that of a king."

Easu wondered how far back that went. His father had been uncle to the King of the Entitidi, great grandson of warlord Kashati, who in turn had claimed royal decent, "Tell me, is it the blood of the Silver Imperious?"

"Yes." The voice replied, "Your blood descends from Loraag the Upsurper, descended from a illegitimate child of Caesar Domitian the Cruel."

Easu wasn't sure how he should react. Domitian the Cruel was Caesar's grandchild, "I am a descendent of the first Caesar?"

"Domitian the Cruel sired an estimated forty seven illegitimate children, mostly with those of common stock. The entire Apple family of Equestria descends from him, as do many others of lesser note." The voice paused briefly before continuing, "All zebra are eligible to become Caesar, this was written by the first Caesar himself. Blood does not ensure quality. Your bloodline is one of strength of power, but you are descended from heroes and monsters in equal measure. And it does not make you a king."

Easu lowered his head, a grim feeling settling across his heart, "What does?"

"Know those who have come before you, and find understanding." The voice answered, the torch going out and the room plunged into darkness. It was lit a second later as a ghostly figure appeared before Easu, a proud, handsome zebra crowned in gold, fine robes wound around his body.

"I am Paranius." The specter spoke with a weary resignation upon his echoing voice, "First High King of the Zebra, I was loved and respected by all. Chosen for my charisma, intelligence and benevolence, the Dragon Crown was forged for my head, and to me was given the chance to lead us to the future. For these reasons I spoke harshly to my brother, accusing him of having no ambition or drive, threatening to disinherit him for bringing shame upon me in his failure." Paranius lowered his head, "And as I felt the knife slide into my neck, I knew it was my failure to understand him that had led to my downfall."

The specter faded away, replaced with another. Smaller yet fatter, with clear similarities to Paranius but a weak copy in all ways. His expression was haunted as he spoke, "I am Inius, forgotten and worthless brother to a great zebra. I killed him in order to prove my worth, yet I proved nothing. As I faced down the blades of my rivals and knew I possessed nothing to match, I understood that virtue cannot be earned with treachery."

He faded, replaced by another, proud and strong, a warrior through and through. Even his voice was commanding, gruff and loud, "I am Thickstripe, greatest of the Roaming Knights! With my mighty hoof I cut down many demons, and it was my greatest honor to bring down the kinslayer Inius! I invited all my enemies to my coronation, so that they could understand the folly of standing against me!" His proud tone then faded, his eyes becoming hollow as he looked up at Easu, "And as I felt the poison on my tongue, I realized the folly of one who relies upon strength alone."

He disappeared, replaced with a far thinner and more calculating figure. His voice was calm, controlled, "I am Pavus, richest and most influential in all the lands. There was no zebra whose price I did not know, no office beyond the reach of my many friends." He smiled then, cold and resentful, "And as I stood before a simple zebra of simple honor, my offers of power and gold only seemed to anger him more. And so a common spear, thrust by a common soldier, ended the life of a king."

He faded away, replaced by a hollow eyed and broken looking zebra, middle aged and shaggy bearded, "I am Rufi, Soldier King, the broken victor. I took the crown because I had seen it take so much from me, hoping that a simple zebra with no desire for power could stop the war that had ravaged our land for so many years." He shook his head, removing the crown and holding it out towards Easu, "But not all possess greatness within them. Sometimes the only thing you can do, is recognize the one who does."

And then he faded away, Easu holding his breath. The next figure was tall and slim, angular of features with commanding intense eyes and an air of firm authority. His voice was surprisingly clear and youthful, his enunciation precise, "I am Caesar, first of my name." He swept out a proud hoof, "I waited for seven years, seven years of war and strife, refusing to take a side. They told me to speak up, to do something, but it was not time. Yet when the right time finally arrived I acted firmly and decisively, because I knew history would turn upon that moment. The country united behind me as a unifier after so many pretenders had fallen, because when the chance came my blade was sharp and ready. I recognized the threats to my rule and prepared in advance, allowing them just enough time to test the loyalty and competence of my empire before moving to resolve them personally. My enemies fell in line or were destroyed, my friends contributed or saw their privileges stripped away. I treated all with fairness, and demanded the same. I built an empire of discipline and order, and all agreed it was good."

Then he too faded, replaced with a smaller, leaner copy, lacking the firm charisma of the first and replacing it with an uncomfortable nervousness, "I am Caesar Janius, scholar, scientist, but never king. And I understood this, as did my advisors. They wed me to a zebra of the greatest worth, a shining star who none could speak ill of. I built her a throne, I gave her a crown, and together we forged a golden age. I invented the means to irrigate our lands and she covered them in farms, I invented new sails and she built a fleet that mapped the world. In time I know the name of Zemir the Wise will be spoken of more than my own, but I am blessed to have such a mare beside me." He smiled, nodding warmly, "Find zebra of worth, treat them with respect, exalt their deeds. And thus does the realm prosper."

And then he was replaced once again, by a smaller zebra but one possessing far more the look of Caesar. Muscle rippled under his fur, scars marking his flesh. He spoke roughly, his voice a harsh growl, "I am Domitian the Cruel, scourge of Equestria, the demon of Kursiyin. I took our armies and plundered the world, bringing the spoils of war back to our shores and building cities and monuments that will be forever remembered. I allowed no laziness, no entitled attitudes. You served my ambition one way another, as an asset or a warning. And thus I am remembered as the greatest of the zebra kings, and died happy and satisfied, lulled to my rest by the screams of my enemies." He grinned broad and wicked, "You do not have to be good to be great."

And he too faded, replaced by a similar looking figure, clearly a member of Caesar's family... but this time fat and unhealthy looking, with ungroomed, greasy fur and a wild look in his eye. Said eyes searched desperately before settling on Easu, his voice a whisper, "I am Havous, last of the line of Caesar. I could not help it you see, I couldn't..." He shook his head, tears running down his face, "Every time I cried my father would beat me, and when I heard my own children cry... I had to make them silent, or father would be mad. And I wanted so much to make him happy. I knew he liked blood, so I ordered the deaths of every third zebra in the city. I knew he liked war, so I declared war on ever nation upon the planet. And as I starved to death inside my cell I wept, as I knew that I had failed to fulfill his expectations of me."

Easu continued to watch, the parade of zebra both great and terrible. Some he recognized, some he had never heard of. Some had reigns lasting decades. Some had held the crown for months. Some had been exalted. Some spoke in hollow tones of their crimes.

"I am Ulan, the last of the Caesars." A husky zebra sporting a luxurious beard spoke with firm authority, seeming to test Easu with his stare, "One flawed mortal cannot decide what is right for a million just like him. The title of Caesar and this crown both are covered in the blood of the innocent, and thus I hurl both down. From this point on the council will serve supreme, representing the common zebra in a way the Caesar's never have!" He took his crown, hurled it to the ground, and nodded, "And so ends the age of kings."

Easu watched as he faded, knowing exactly who was next. And so he appeared, hatchet faced and skinny, a familiar sight by now. His voice was tired, but still determined, "I am Remicon, and all the world burned because I sought justice, because I wanted fairness, because I believed in honesty." He shook his head, resigned, "And in the end, it all turned to pride and excess. I killed innocents because I hungered for the blood of the guilty. Destroyed the world in vengeance for acts of petty brutality. Created monsters to combat simple selfishness and greed."

And then he faded, leaving there upon the stone... the Dragon Crown of Caesars. It's mirrored, coppery surface shimmered with what almost looked like flames, smooth curves completely unmarked despite its vast age. Easu reached forward, looped his hoof through the hole...

...it was heavy. Far too heavy.

"That should be mine boy."

Easu turned, his eyes growing wide as he saw Starhammer stalking behind. His sword was slung across his back, straps loose in preparation for battle. Easu shrunk back a step, "You're dead."

"And who's fault was that?"

Easu paused, leaned back in towards the zebra and spoke firmly, "Kunari's."

"Please. What kind of zebra do you think I am?" Starhammer answered with a smirk, "It was my fault. What was it, do you think, that killed me in the end? Think about it, and consider what you've learned about me?"

Easu considered for a moment. To be honest he could have answered this long ago, "The desire for attention."

"For validation." Starhammer corrected, shrugging his mighty shoulders, "I never really felt like I knew who I was. It was only by playing a role for others, only through being what they wanted me to be that I could feel like I had purpose and worth."

Easu sighed, wishing it had been different, "I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Starhammer answered sincerely, before giving a firm, serious nod, "Learn from my mistakes Easu. You are as much a slave to others as I was."

Easu took a deep breath as the vision disappeared, only to be replaced by another nearby. This vision remained silent, Easu already somehow knowing who it was. He turned and had his suspicions confirmed, looking into the eyes of his father, "I often wondered what I would say to you if we ever met again."

"You have your chance." His father answered simply.

"I..." Easu shook his head softly, "Nothing. I can't hate you, I can't love you... you were what you were. All through my life, you were nothing if not consistent." He looked up at his father, at that proud face lined with... frustration, "But you could never move forward could you? You conquered the Golden Coast, you beat Star Fall... and got old."

"I tried to turn you both into strong zebra."

"The one battle you couldn't win." He smiled at his father, so proud, so firm, "You know... you really did love me didn't you? You thought I would come back a better zebra, that I would learn my lesson and become the son you wanted."

His father shook his head, "I wanted you to become the zebra you were capable of being."

"You were mistaken father." Easu answered, "I was never as strong as you thought I was."

His father simply dropped his head, faded, and vanished into the darkness.

"You're right. You are weak."

Easu looked up in shock, already knowing exactly who it was. The shadow that fell across him was proof enough, the rage and frustration hidden behind a thin venire of serenity. He turned and looked up at her, his heart beating faster as he was once again faced with Star Swirl's mighty alicornian form, "Star Swirl..."

"I understand, you know? As Justicar, I was to conquer the wasteland for the Goddess. All her hope was pinned on me, her greatest warrior, most pitiless executioner." Star Swirl stated, proud and cold in a way that emphasized her alien appearance, "Just as your father tried to turn you into a weapon in his name."

Easu nodded, "But we both ended up running from that destiny."

"Running from our responsibility!" She shouted, power collecting in her horn and flooding across her body, "You have the blood of kings, stand before the steps of the throne of all zebra, only need to take the Dragon Crown and claim your destiny! You know what they need, you know you must only offer it to them!"

"Hope." Easu breathed, "A grand story to follow."

"You heard Caesars words! The right time is now! Take your throne, and save the world!" She shouted with fierce passion, looming over him close enough for him to smell the familiar scent of sweat and balefire that he remembered, "I have. I sit on the throne at Star Fall, Empress and Goddess. All worship my name, because they know I carry them into the future!"

"You sound like Starhammer... like my brother." Easu stood before her without fear, knowing that this wasn't Star Swirl. Just another wound from his past, just another truth he needed to confront, "You don't have a plan, not really. You are certainly not a god."

"Then what am I?"

"Another lost soul, trying to make the world make sense." He shook his head, "I will not build myself upon legends and stories. If I am to rule, let it be because they see my true qualities. Let it be because they forgive my weaknesses. Let it be because they see a zebra like them, that they can believe in and aspire to emulate." He looked her in the eye, "Not because my insecurities demand their supplication."

Her anger faded, her body straightening out and her expression fading into something far more gentle, "They need something to believe in Easu."

"They need something real." He replied firmly, "Any world I help create will NOT be propped up on lies!"

And with that, the room faded away. Star Swirl, the walls... and in its place...

The throne stood before him, flanked by the five great pillars symbolizing the elements. The room, once dark and cold, was now lit by the splendid blue flowers that coated the walls. The flags of the united zebra territories hung proudly beside them.

He approached, looking down at the Dragon Crown of Caesars sitting upon the throne before him. He picked it up, noting that he now barely even noticed the weight. He turned as he heard cheers behind, looking across the crowd around him. Zane, Radhi... all the kings stood before him, along with their followers. Decimus stood proudly before his praetorians, Myrtus and Invictus now among them.

He knew then, that they all wanted him to put on the crown. Needed him. It was his duty.

He looked again at the crowd, unsettled. There was something missing there, something important...

He looked at the space where he knew the King of the Golden Coast should stand and saw a stranger. He looked to his side at the Zebra Throne of the Consort and saw only an empty space.

He looked back at the crowd. Fluttershy, Dust Kicker, Ace Gold... Puppysmiles. None of them were here.

He turned and put the crown back upon the throne, the light and crowd instantly fading away into darkness. In the next moment the throne and crown were gone too, and all was plunged into shadow.

...until a flickering torch lit the gloom, and he was once again in the chamber of kings. He observed the flames for a moment more before turning and stepping back out through the door, Remicon standing expectantly in the corridor beyond.

The old Caesar smiled at Easu, "Congratulations, I can tell by your expression that it went well. Did it help you reach understanding?"

Easu nodded, now sure of the the path before him, "Yes, it did."


So this was it. His dominion. Traveling here straight from the capital put into sharp relief how small and basic Starhammer’s lands were. Still, he was duty bound to celebrate and protect it.

He looked upon his throne and considered all he had learned.

It was an old judges chair from the pre-war courts, decorated with struts of enclave armor, the pelts of great beasts and the skulls of old enemies, Easu even spotting some equestrian power armor and combat barding hanging upon one of the spikes. The throne of a warlord, though he knew his father never owned anything so gaudy.

It sat in the stripped out operating theater of what had once been a hospital, set up in the viewing section to stare down at the hall below. The rest of his palace was one gaudy display after another, paintings of the kings that had ruled here set up in what had once been wards and medical facilities. Most were of Rashid, the king that Starhammer had deposed, "I'm surprised Starhammer didn't have them taken down."

"He didn't spend a lot of time here to be honest." Wenn, the elderly zebra mare that served as major domino here explained, her hoof lightly sweeping the dust from the throne, "It wasn't two weeks after killing Rashid that he was off again, marching against Princess Luna." She gave a deep, theatrical sigh, her wrinkled features dropping, "I hear you will soon be leaving too... to fight Princess Celestia no less. Hmm, appropriate I suppose."

Dust Kicker gave the mare a charming smile, his tone kind, "You seem to be holding things together alright."

"Yes, that's what they all say." She complained, "Rashid's father was a fine zebra, was making something really special of this area. But when he died... ah, Rashid just left me to deal with everything for him. And so did Starhammer... hmm..." She gave a long, tired shrug of her shoulders, "I'm good with numbers, but I'm not what you would call..."

Easu fought back the urge to finish that sentence with 'inspiring', but was once again saved by Dust Kicker. The old pony chuckled genially as he answered, "A born leader."

"Hmm, yes." Wenn agreed, wrinkling her nose, "I had all these great ideas, but the others all just sort of wandered off doing their own thing. Rather frustrating, but I'm used to it by now."

Easu considered the matter, looked around the throne room that was theoretically his. Even with the egotism on display, it spoke of history, something that he felt the zebra really needed right now. It was easy to look down his nose at the area, safely tucked away, mostly consisting of farms, even its famous inhabitants vocal in describing it as the dullest place on the planet.

But it was dull because Rashid's father had decimated the monster population, worked to secure the borders, succeeded in making a place where children could grow up bored enough to dream of fame and fortune in the big city. Yes Rashid himself had been a spoiled brat and petty tyrant, but he had been able to be that because of what had been built here.

He looked to Wenn, fixing her with a firm stare, "You are unhappy in your role? You would like a more behind the scenes job, advising a more charismatic leader?"

She shuffled nervously for a moment before nodding, "...yes?"

"Then you will be chief advisor, and I will bring in another to serve as my regent." He declared, thinking back to what he had learned of zebra history, "Another throne shall be set up beside mine, bearing all my authority in my absence. Upon it I will place a zebra of proven quality, to be my voice and strength."

Wenn looked nervously up at him, but after a moment she offered a cautious smile, "...that would be nice."

"Wenn, so much of the zebra territories has been destroyed and damaged by war, a war that has bypassed this area entirely." He continued, "We must lend our aid, and in return we will demand treaties for future development and trade. This area is sheltered from attack, yes?"

She nodded, "Yes?"

"Then this is the perfect place for future investment. If we are to continue assisting in the rebuilding of our civilization, we must be given the tools to do this. Industry, science, agriculture... this land could be so much more."

Wenn's smile slowly grew, and eventually she broke into a big smile, "I... I will go draw a few things up!"

She scurried off with surprising speed considering her age, Dust Kicker waiting a moment or two before speaking, "What was that you said about having no talent for ruling?"

"I have no idea if any of that is plausible Dust Kicker." Easu answered, hoping he had made a wise gamble there, "Those words were mostly stolen from Zemir the Wise."

"In my experience, a lot of leadership is inspiring quality in others."

He wasn't so sure, "My brother would have known if that was plausible. He would have already have thought up ten ways to improve this area, and drawn up a thirty point plan to achieving it."

"Your brother is also a tyrant." Dust Kicker observed, giving a soft grin, "He might have the brains to do all that, but he never thinks to consider if he should."

Easu looked at him, surprised, "Are your memories returning?"

"Perhaps... I've mostly just read up on your brother, along with what you've told me of him." Dust explained, "But some part of me looked your brother in the eye and saw what he was."

"And what is that?"

Dust Kicker's expression grew grave, "A stallion who never doubted the righteousness of his cause. I've met plenty of those, and let me tell you... accelerating full speed straight ahead might get you some impressive looking progress, but it will eventually take you straight off a cliff."

"If doubt makes one a good leader, then I am very much qualified." Easu admitted, looking back at his throne, "And I can only hope I can teach my brother that virtue, before the chasm takes him."


They stood before the funeral pyre, Starhammer wrapped in slowly blackening cloth as the flames consumed his body. Shaman chanted their rites, the crowds bowing their heads in silence as Easu watched on.

He had heard from Starhammer's closest associates that he had burned Tradash's body in ceremony, given him the respect he was being shown now. Easu remembered how Starhammer had expressed regret for his mentor’s death, tried to deny even having killed him... had it truly been unintentional? Had Starhammer done it on purpose, and simply regretted it later? Was he simply a coward, unable to own up to his own actions?

Maybe they would never know. Maybe the history books would forever debate that question. All he knew was that at the end of it all, he found it hard to hate Starhammer. The stallion had killed innocent children, murdered his mentor, burned his homeland... but maybe he saw a lot of his brother in him. An insecure child, trying to prove his quality.

He had been that way once. He had been worse. If things had gone better Starhammer could have been the hero he wanted to be, where as his old self would have never considered being anything other than a brute.

Fluttershy had told him his scars had made him stronger. That suffering had stripped the ugly qualities from his soul, even as it deformed his physical body. As much as he hated to agree with the philosophies of a monster it was hard to disagree that she had a point.

Starhammer had become more impressive, more powerful, more outwardly heroic. He had been given charisma, an aura of heroism, a carefully managed tale of glory... yet it had corrupted his soul, his character. He had heard tales of the heroes of Equestria, of Littlepip and Xephyr. He had grown up hearing tales of Tandia and Tradash. All had come from nothing, unimpressive and forgettable survivors who had eventually grown into heroes through their suffering.

"Starhammer wanted to be a hero." Easu spoke, using all he remembered of what his father had told him about public speaking, "It is a noble goal, but it does not make one noble. Sometimes it's quite the opposite."

He looked around at his new subjects, all watching in expectation. They were willing to listen at least, "For Starhammer, being a hero was about being respected, being powerful, being a grand story. And indeed that drove him to great things, but ultimately the weakness in his spirit was unable to bear the weight placed upon him. And that weakness in his spirit was his desire to be a hero in the first place, that desire to earn your love, your respect. Ultimately he was fighting for himself, fighting because it allowed him to feel greater than he was." He bowed his head in respect, "He was talented, intelligent, skilled and strong. He could have been a good zebra... but was destroyed by wanting to be a great one."

"And what would you advise instead?" Dust Kicker asked, turning warm eyes to him.

Easu took another moment before answering, looking his subjects, meeting each gaze, "Be good. Be true, be honest and brave and daring. Do good, do right, and accept what you get in return with dignity. And if that is greatness... shoulder that burden for what it. Responsibility, and a duty to those who now rely on you."

The zebra smiled, traced the holy symbols in the air, called to the holy fire. Many looked more thoughtful than the others, a certain impatience in their hooves like they couldn't wait to get moving. Easu hoped his words had inspired some, given others pause, was glad that they had understood his intent enough to think on his words rather than cheer.

He stepped down, met with a half dozen elderly zebra all sporting expectant looks. Wenn was with them, giving them a rather awkward wave, "Um, King Easu. May I introduce the patriarchs of the six families... ah, community leaders around here."

Easu bowed in respect, the elders returning the greeting and introducing themselves. The first to speak after that was a rather skinny old stallion called Iwenda, grinning wide and sounding exuberant, "Can I say, quite an honor to meet two of the heroes of Clendel."

"Thank you." Easu answered, Dusk Kicker giving a cheerful nod to concur, "Honestly, it is as I said. I simply tried to do the right thing, and was lucky enough to have it end in my favor."

"We know." Another of the elders noted, the gruff zebra giving a thin but genuine smile, "We fought against the ice demons at the end of the world. We were young boys, both full of conviction and scared out of minds... and despite our best efforts, we all survived."

"I have no desire to ever again shed blood." Easu confirmed, feeling like he had half as much vitality and strength as these elders despite the difference in years, "I want to stay here, and do good for this land."

"But you have a responsibility. We heard your speech." Iwenda confirmed cheerfully, "We've held this place together this long, we can keep it ticking a little longer."

"And it was a good speech." The gruff zebra added, "Starhammer tried to speak of battle and glory, but he had never seen true war. The families here pride themselves on their long memories, and we remember what it was like to stand face to face with death. I get the impression that you two know that feeling better than he did."

"I do." Easu confirmed, feeling the chill in his chest as the feeling bubbled up again.

They wished each other well after that and dispersed, Dust Kicker waiting a moment more before speaking in a soft, thoughtful tone, "You know... I've been faced with that feeling many times as well, staring into my own death." He shrugged, giving a sheepish grin, "And I've... always loved it. And I'm going to miss it, however much I realize I'll never be up to combat again."

"And yet, I feel in many ways you are a far better stallion than me." Easu responded, pondering this. After a moment he came to his bitter conclusion, "It is because you are better. Every time I kill, every time I make war... I do it in part because of the hate that dwells within my heart."

"Don't give me too much credit." Dust Kicker responded, his cheer evaporating for a moment, "When I was younger I was just like Starhammer. A young puke, looking to prove myself by whatever means possible. My every action, no matter how noble, made a monument of my own ego. Age and hard knocks beat that out of me in time, and I've already seen it do the same in you."

"I hope so." Easu whispered, "This world has seen enough of the egos of tyrants."



Str - 7 End - 8 Dex – 3 Int – 4 Per - 7 Cha - 3 Lk - 5
Level 18


Tough hide Level 3 – You have an extra 9 damage threshold.

Burden to Bear - You can now carry an additional 50 pounds of gear.

Roughin' It - Any time you sleep outside, you gain the benefits of being Well Rested, even if you don't own the bed.

Home on the Range - Whenever the user interacts with a campfire, they have the option of sleeping, with all the benefits that sleep brings.

Life Giver Level 2 – You have an extra 40 health points.

Rad Resistant Level 2 – You gain +20 rad resistance.

Gun Fu - Do 25% more damage to your second V.A.T.S. target and beyond.

Shaman Level 1 – You can now use basic level zebra magic.

Bone-Strengthening Brew - Your limbs only receive 50% of the damage they normally would.

Purifier - You do +50% damage with melee and unarmed weapons against abominations.

Walker Instinct - +1 Perception and Agility when outside

Local Leader – You gain additional options when leading organisations.

Medic Level 1 - Stimpaks restore 30% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 30% of radiation.

Eye for an Eye - For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% damage.

Pariah of the Wastes - The way of the Pariah order is a hard one, but few so fully understand the darkness as the Lampbearers of Garm. You gain a 5% bonus to all non-aggressive actions related to abominations.

Heavy Handed - You swing harder, not better. Your attacks are very brutal, but lack finesse. Your Melee and Unarmed damage is increased by 20%, but your Critical Hit damage is reduced by 60%

Blood of the Conqueror – You descend from the Silver Imperious, blood of the first Caesar and scion of demons. You gain +15% to social checks involving domination or forceful action, and -15% to those regarding diplomacy or compromise.

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