• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,555 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.4 - An Evil Inheritance

Chapter 2.4 – An Evil Inheritance

They had been rather fortunate really, considering their rather brash approach to the situation. The leader of the kids they had approached, an earth pony called Bleak Fields, didn’t live up to his name fortunately. Enthusiastic about the situation the moment he recognised who they were, he gave command to his second and boldly volunteered to take them in himself. Dust was initially surprised that he willingly allowed himself to be alone with them, eventually having to laugh at his swaggering self confidence. He was quite open about leaving his back open and letting his weapon dangle, his manner glib and sarcastic. Dust had to say he quite liked the kid.

And then there was the surroundings. Dust had never even heard stories of this place. Even the zebra knew almost nothing of their homeland, separated by generations, wars and general apathy. Now he was here... it was beautiful. The orange sands lacked Equestria’s grey lifelessness and the mountains that loomed on every horizon dwarfed all he had seen before. And oddly there was another difference here, that Dust could easily say was for the better aesthetically speaking.

The craters where megaspells had hit were adorned in strange, twisted flowers of every hue imaginable.

“Aren’t they pretty!”

Dust smiled at Puppy’s giggly enthusiasm, “And mostly likely deadly enough to kill you in an instant?”

“Well I would have to perform a proper chemical analysis, but they are very radioactive.”

Dust figured as much. Most pretty things in this world were killers at their hearts. It left him in a melancholy mood, “Hey Puppy?”

“Yes uncle sir?”

“How did it feel, when I killed Caesar’s men?”

Puppy’s face dropped on his display, her voice going quiet for a long while, “Sad... that it had to happen that way.”

“But you accept that it happened?”

“I’ve read the Chronicles of Littlepip, I know that sometimes ponies kill other ponies...”

Dust sighed, feeling rather guilty now about doing it. He realised now he was pretty much carrying around a little girl on his killing sprees, and that certainly wasn’t cool, “I’m sorry Puppy.”

“For letting me see?”


Her voice perked up, her icon flashing brightly, “No... I’m sorry uncle. So much of this trouble is because of me, and I can’t protect myself at all. I don’t have to pull the trigger, I don’t have to live with having killed ponies.”

Dust’s heart dropped further. Was it really such a terrible thing? He guessed it was, “I don’t feel much of anything about it now Puppy.”

Her voice became chastising, “That’s not true uncle sir. If you didn’t feel anything then you wouldn’t feel sad for upsetting me.”

“Causing ponies to suffer upsets me Puppy. I learned that early on.” He took a deep breath, tapping his rifle against his side, “That’s why I became such a good shot. Killing people got easy real quick, and its best done quick and clean.”

Puppy’s voice was small and quiet, “You really don’t feel anything?”

Dust sighed, wondering if this was a bad idea. Still he wanted to be honest with the filly, “The defining moment of my life was shooting a filly who some of my friends were hurting. I knew that she was better off dead than living in this world.”

Puppy fell silent for a moment before speaking again, “That’s very sad...”

“I don’t think it is Puppy. Really it’s not.”

“It’s not?”

Dust shook his head, laughing to himself. Maybe he had lost his mind long ago, but to be perfect honest he was unsure if he was the one with the problem, “I’m a happy pony Puppy, because I don’t believe in anything. I don’t believe killing is wrong, sometimes it can be an act that brings a lot of happiness. I don’t believe in governments, so I don’t get bent out of shape when they end up corrupt and broken. I don’t believe in the bold frontier pony, so I’m under no illusions that most of them are dumb, mean and selfish.”

“Then... what is there to be happy about?”

Dust chuckled, “I believe that a sunny morning is twice as refreshing as the best night’s sleep. I believe that seeing ponies smiling makes me want to do the same. I believe that feeling the road under my hooves makes me as giddy as a newborn foal in anticipation about what’s over the next horizon.”

Puppy contemplated this, a little hourglass icon appearing over her head as she did so, “So... you only believe in what you receive through direct sensory input, and the emotional feedback you receive from it?”

Dust smiled, reminded once again that she was an AI, “Tried believing in the big things once. Never got the hang of it.” He nodded to the group in front, “Take Zenai. She believes in the big things so much that she barely even thinks about what’s in front of her. Has it made her happy?”

Puppy’s voice took on a slightly teasing air, “The mark of a civilised pony is that he puts the advancement of his community over his own happiness.”

He laughed, “Quoting political clichés will get you nowhere with me girl. Civilisation is a ponies’ happiness. A community built on mutual suffering inevitably becomes the plaything of those able to play the system.”

“So... suffering because of loyalty is... wrong?”

“Because of loyalty to an ideal, or a idea, or a country.” He shook his head, once again horrified by the entire concept, “It’s like an ant being loyal to a boot. It doesn’t care about you, and you’re too small to even realise its part of a much larger system. Get too close and you’ll likely to be crushed, whether it’s actively hostile to you or merely indifferent.”

Puppy too all this in with interest, creeping him out a little. Were his cynical, timeworn opinions really that interesting to a sweet young filly like her? Worse, were they actually convincing? She again offered no personal opinion however, just questioning further, “So you should only be loyal to friends, family?”

That second word made him wince. It made him realise how little he really knew, “I don’t know Puppy. You shouldn’t listen to me you know, I’m... old, and damaged. You wouldn’t want to end up like me.”

Puppy sounded disappointed, “But... if they were formed by experience, surely they must be better adapted to the world?”

So mathematical... “Not always. You work a muscle, it gets stronger. But you work it too hard, it breaks. And it’s never really the same again.” He sighed, “A lot of my opinions were created through pain, and I’m pretty certain they’re simply ugly scars in my head.”

“Celestia once said that the state was a lie. That it was the bonds of friendship, the web of kindness between friends, family, neighbours that formed Equestria, not the castles, councils and princesses.”


Puppy’s icon little up in a big smile, “See? Celestia agreed with you.”

“Well how about that?” He chuckled, doubting they really meant exactly the same thing. Still it was nice to think that the mare who had created a thousand year old empire might at least have some common opinion with him. He wondered what he would have become if he had lived under her rule, or what the NCR would become if she suddenly came back.

It also exposed his weaknesses, “I think my problem is that I don’t believe in family Puppy. Neighbours certainly, friends... I guess. But family seems like another con to me. I guess without that bond, it’s just too difficult for me to make the jump to building a country like Equestria on... friendship.”

Puppy’s face fell, her expression oddly evasive and far away. She spoke eventually, her voice restrained, “You don’t have any family uncle sir?”

“Oh, I had family. Mom, dad, brother and sister.” He tried to think back, but their faces and some of their names still eluded him. Showed how much impact they had, “I haven’t seen them in forty years. I honestly have no idea what happened to them, and I honestly don’t care. They all had the personality of a tire iron, and we were pretty much left to fend for ourselves.”

Puppy’s voice strained, “That’s so sad.”

“Not really. I told you, I don’t care about them.” He motioned a hoof at Ace Gold and Zenai ahead, “And look at the others. Zenai’s dad spent most of his time absent, eventually sending her to be raised in a monastery. Ace Gold... shit, I can barely guess. But his mom left when he was seven, and his dad obviously screwed up somewhere if he’s out here hanging around with sociopathic griffons.”

Puppy’s icon... disappeared. Dust frowned for a second before her voice eventually sounded out, quiet and rather pained, “My parents are called P7 and SolOS. They’re very smart and kind, and I love them very much.” Her voice wavered, “I don’t know where they are.”

Dust took a deep breath, “Where did you see them last?”

“The facility where I was born. Mr Lucky Days woke me up, put on this suit and told me that we were under attack. We hid for a little while, I heard my father’s voice on the announcer... and then something took out all the power, and my mother P7 uploaded herself into my suit through our network connection, told me the mainframe had been destroyed and the backup systems were wiping themselves. That we had to escape.” She took a deep (slightly unnecessary) breath before continuing, her voice speeding up into a stream of consciousness, “But then the facility exploded and Lucky Days was injured and I couldn’t heal him because the suit was too badly damaged, and my central processor started to lose power... I felt my program destabilise, felt myself losing data... I tried to back myself up but there wasn’t enough room...” She spoke the last words in a whisper, “My mother deleted herself from my systems to allow me to save myself.”

Dust remained quiet for a little while, not sure there was anything to say. Eventually he felt he had to advance something, though he wasn’t sure if he was just being ignorant, “They’re artificial intelligences like you?”


“Then they would have back ups at other facilities?”

Puppysmiles paused, her voice uncertain, “I think so... I’m unique, I can only run on one system at a time. But I don’t think that’s true for them as well.” She sighed, “I... don’t really know much about them. I don’t know.”

Dust shook his head, not really very experienced in cheering up young girls, “From what I hear not many ponies really know their parents that well.”

“I’m just worried because... I don’t know where they are.”

“I understand.” It was all he could say. Sometimes you did just want to set eyes on somepony, hear their voice. Even if you knew they got out alright, that they were fine... “You’ll see them again when this is all done.”

Her face lit up happily, “Thank you s.........zzzzzkkk...”

He paused, stopping in the middle of the path, tapping his pipboy for a status update. All he could hear was static, “Puppy?”

“Have no fear Dust Kicker, she’s merely taking a commercial break.”

Dusk gasped in a mixture of horror and... happiness at that voice, one he had not heard in seventeen years. Warm, regal and fatherly, it’s tones were something he’d never forget, “H... how?”

“A complicated answer, I assure you. I take it you did not truly believe?”

“No... it didn’t make any sense, why now, why out in the wastes, why...”

“Hey Dust!” Zenai had turned to look at him, concern in her eyes, “Are you ok?”

He nodded quickly and resumed the march, flustered at being so emotionally compromised. Especially over such an obvious trick. A voice synthesiser, a good actor who knew him well... anyone could do it, “It’s not you. It can’t be you.”

Red Eye laughed, his oh so familiar laugh, “What a wonderful statement. I can’t be me?”

“No.” Dust stated it cold and hard, “You’re an imposter.”

“Good Dust Kicker. Question, analyse, consider. You were always smarter than the others. Lacked their unfortunate vices too.”

Dust growled, the heat rising in his hackles “That proves it’s not you. Red Eye knows my vices all too well.”

“You mean young Cerulean?” Red Eye chuckled, “You still believe she is a vice?”

He knew. He knew about her. It broke his barriers, that name mentioned by that voice. It all came rushing back, those piercing eyes, that cutting tongue, “She... was a slave, so much younger than me. She couldn’t resist, I forced it...”

“It was always a battle between you two wasn’t it? She latched onto you, tempted you into claiming her. She knew you could be manipulated, that you could protect her.” Red Eye paused a moment before speaking again, softly questioning, “When you came to me, asked me to make her one of the unicorns used for my ascension... that guilt you spoke of. Was it yours?”

Dust couldn’t think straight, the shock of it deadening him. Red Eye had been the only pony present for that conversation, “My... own? Of course it was, who’s else could it be?”

“I agreed to your request because I could see what you could not Dust Kicker. That an affected innocence, offering subtle temptation and outward disdain, that these things can be used to manipulate a naive young stallion still feeling guilty for the work he is forced to do in my name.”

He dropped his head, gritting his teeth, “No.”

“Strange, how these little moments could change so much. I once saw some ponies selling their children into slavery so they could feed themselves you know? Right there and then, I decided the whole course my life would take, seeing those ponies sell the future so that the past could live. The course of my life before provided fertile ground for that seed of course, but it was that moment that still stays with me.” Red Eye paused, his voice becoming gentle, “Tell me if I’m wrong of course Dust Kicker, it’s been a very long time. But that mare, who convinced an aimless young stallion that he was intelligent, that he was sorry, that he wasn’t worthy of being loved... did she really change that young stallion’s life?”

Dust Kicker hadn’t thought about it for a long time. The memory was too painful, “Yes, she did.” His next words cracked, Dust almost unable to force them out, “What happened to her?”

“She died during Littlepip’s crash landing, upon her escape from the Cathedral. I’m sorry.”

Dust sighed, “I... I know. I did a little research afterwards.” He shook his head, still uncomprehending, “I looked for you too. Twilight Frost and the others, they all said they saw you die.”

“Twilight Frost...” His voice dripped with amused disdain, “The alicorns would not approach. They still feared me, even as I lay dying. It was Doctor Slaughter who bears the responsibility. He came upon the alicorns crowded around my body, declared that the mutations were fatal and recorded my death before forcefully removing my implants and handing them to Twilight.”

Dust’s ears twitched in surprise, “He never said anything.”

“Why would he? It is a minor point, and Slaughter and Twilight Frost are good friends. So many shared atrocities, so many lies, so many dead ponies, conveniently forgotten when the culprits are just so polite and smartly dressed.”

“We all have a lot of blood on our hooves...”

Red Eye chuckled, “Of course. But the point stands that no pony there that day should be trusted. Because do you know what happened when they went back later, to find my body, to dispose of it properly?”

Dust nodded slowly. He had taken great interest at the time, “They burned it, to deter worship.”

“They couldn’t find it.” Red Eye gave a low snort, “It was gone.”

“They lied?”

Red Eye laughed, “He’s a corporate baron, she’s a politician. They always lie... especially to themselves. They assumed... no, they convinced themselves that it had been eaten, stolen, that they had not betrayed their living master for the amnesty of Velvet Remedy and Gawd.”

Dust shook his head, “How... how could you survive all that?”

“How could the Goddess? I was immersed in IMP Dust Kicker, and who there could say what would happen to me? Twilight Frost? She is a coward, who sees what she wants to see. Doc Slaughter? He has no understanding of mutation, his interest in the biological is merely as a shell for the mechanical.” Red Eye chuckled, “The Goddess herself was no scientist, she meandered through by trial and error, never truly understanding her own nature. It was only Doctor Glue and I who ever truly unlocked the secrets of IMP, and now I have mastered it.”

“You’re an alicorn?”

Red Eye laughed heartily, “Oh I’m so much more Dust Kicker. How do you think I found this frequency, hacked into an artificial intelligence built for hacking? I have real power now Dust Kicker, the power to truly save this world.”

Dust was entrapped, hanging on his every word. He felt like a young stallion again, desiring affection, approval, the kind word and praise of that grand messianic father figure, “What do you want with me?”

“Nothing, yet.” Red Eye intoned, “Continue with your journey, learn more about this land. I will be watching... and we will talk again.”

The voice faded, leaving just the static of his passing. After a moment Puppy finally spoke up, sounding a little confused, “What happened? My feed just... are you ok uncle sir?”

Dust simply nodded robotically, “Yeah, fine.”


Their destination finally came upon them, as creepy as he had imagined the lair of Nightmare Moon to be. The archway, once brightly colored, now broken and grey, read ‘Land of Dreams’ in faded zebra script. Beyond was a depressing and unsettling graveyard of tentpoles and long collapsed carousels, the shattered remains of once cheerful dioramas lying in tangled heaps. Dust’s eyes moved up to the two long since broken heavy turrets mounted on the entryway, along with the rather heavy duty guard outpost and the electric fence around the outside, “Heavy security for a theme park.”

Bleak snorted angrily as he advanced, kicking aside a rusted helmet lying on the ground, “Didn’t want any dirty ponies getting in. You only got in here if you were a real high muck, apparently this area was once one of the richest in the zebra empire.”

“They must have wanted to make sure they could relax without having to worry about assassination or kidnap attempts from Equestrian Special forces.” Zenai moved over, her eyes moving over to the skeleton of one of the zebra guards. He lay slumped across the bones of a much smaller zebra, a long decayed dragon toy having rolled from its mouth. She bit her lip, her voice choked, “It really brings home the reality of war doesn’t it...?”


Dust deactivated the speakers to reply to Puppy’s tearful squeak, “What is it?”

“My sensors indicate... this park was targeted by a megaspell. They targeted a theme park for foals?”

Dust sighed. It was logical after all, “They wanted to take out the zebra leadership. You heard what Bleak said, this place must have been full of them.”

“But all those children...”

“Children are just undeveloped adults. Every zebra here would have been trained from birth to rule in the exact same manner as their parents.” Dust stepped into the park, turning his head to a large ‘Strive!’ poster on the far wall and taking a deep breath, “War is not a friendly game between gentlestallions, no matter how they might tell you differently.”

Bleak turned his head to Dust, his eyes moving to the poster, “Those things are everywhere. I tore most of them down, but that one seems to be stuck fast.”

Puppy’s picture suddenly disappeared from the top of the screen, a spinning hourglass replacing her for a second or two before she reappeared. To Dust’s surprise she now sounded exited, her eyes wide with childish enthusiasm, “Uncle sir, there’s an electronic storage device behind that poster!”

Ah, clever. Hidden behind a governmental poster that no one could remove. Dust grinned and inspected it, noting it was indeed printed on some kind of specially laminated plastic that was stuck hard to the wall, “You know, if I was them this would be exactly where I would hide treasure...”

Bleak’s eyes lit up quite hilariously, “Treasure?!”

Zenai sighed, “Be serious Dust.”

“No, really. Stand back.” Dust brought out his knife and jammed it hard into the brickwork, trying to lever the poster away. After a couple of attempts he managed to get into some kind of opening behind, getting a firm lever on the post and slowly peeling it away. Inside was a small hollow space, containing a memory orb, a data chip and a bag of zebra currency, “Hmm, treasure.”

“Damn, it really is.” Bleak grinned like a child as he was handed the coins, staring at them in awe, “That’s so cool.”

Dust left him to his cooing, taking the data chip and adding it to his pipboy. It didn’t take a moment for... line after line of total gibberish to fill his screen, “Well that was disappointing.”

Puppy interrupted politely, “Actually it’s encoded. Allow me uncle sir, it looks like a Ministry of Awesome code.”

Dust settled in for a wait, rather impressed when a loud ring almost immediately sounded out and the text was replaced by clear lines, “Wow... that was quick.”

Puppy replied with heartaching innocence, seeming to have gotten over her earlier sadness with surprising swiftness, “My pleasure uncle sir!”

Dust grinned and started to read through the document, it appeared to be a status report from one of the Equestrian spies in the country, a rather interesting find if not really relevant to their situation. Still, worth a read.

‘Report of Ministry of Awesome Operative Rancid Apple, Moral levels among the Zebra Command Structure.

For the attention of Operation Commander Cloud Abacus.

For easy categorisation the Zebra leadership can be broken down into four sections, the Merchant Families, the Royal Supporters, the Civic Authorities and the Academy of Science.

Caesar attempted to break the power of the Merchant Families early in his rule but the more pragmatic and careful among them managed to survive with their influence intact, and as expected they have expanded and gained more and more power as lucrative military contracts continue. This is the group most supportive of peace, almost openly observing that a loss by the Empire would not necessarily be bad for them.
Their assessment of their situation confirms what is suggested by Equestrian analysts. The war can carry on for another two more years before the zebra economy collapses. This is the loss condition for the Merchant Families, and therefore they are eager to ensure conflict ends before this point.

The Royal Supporters are Caesar’s inner circle, consisting of old nobility, the shaman of Garm and other members of the upper class. While they could be expected to be the true believers the truth is much more complex. Caesar himself commands much respect, but his stubbornness in the face of certain defeat leads many of the nobility to seek his peaceful deposition. They hope that once this is done they might sue for peace, and save their positions and status. The principle figure in this endeavor is the Prince himself, Nashar, but in this he might have unfortunately harmed his cause. He has built himself a reputation someone similar to that of Fluttershy, with a circle of devoted supporters greatly outnumbered by a much larger group of those who consider him disloyal and possibly traitorous. This has divided the deposition group, and unfortunately no other figure exists who could successfully unite them.

The civil authorities have borne the brunt of the war, and ironically are the most in support of it. They are now fighting for revenge and pride, and most have had the true extent of the Empire’s increasingly negative outlook hidden from them for so long that they now deny it. The Church of the Holy Flame is active in demonising Luna among the masses, and they view any peace between the zebra and Equestria as a trap or trick. Unfortunately this group has great influence, the nobility are mostly distant from their subjects and the merchant families actively distrusted. They will be the greatest threat to the chances of peace.

The final group is the most enigmatic, and indeed they seem to have very little interest in politics. What I have seen however convinces me that they have gone to significant effort to earn themselves the ears of the powerful and plenty of political favors. This group also has the clearest leader, Zenospira, who commands almost religious devotion among his followers. What is clear is that they have planned for any and all eventualities, benefiting greatly from the resources given to them while preparing well for the possibility of invasion. Many of their facilities, especially the central hub in the capital, are reinforced beyond that of any other facility. This is justified by the sensitive research carried out, however evidence suggests those defenses are designed primarily to deal with large scale assault, not espionage. It is quite likely that they intend to bar their doors and barter for a favorable position once an invasion comes. This also means they have little interest in peace, rather that they benefit from the war as long as possible. This group will need to be brought, at great expense most likely, before they will willingly agree to cessation of hostilities.

I have also included a memory orb, containing the details of Caesar’s ‘Hand of History’ speech. While it contains little new information, it offers another perspective on the event that may prove useful to the Ministry of Image’

“Anything interesting?”

Dust shook his head, tucking the data chip away into his saddlebag, “No, just old reports on zebra long dead. Can anyone access this memory orb?”

“Luna can.” Bleak turned, pocketing the coins as he continued on into the fairground, “Let’s go. Still a short distance yet.”

They continued on at his direction, passing through more broken remnants of once happy childhood memories. There were a lot of small skeletons here, the almost totally devastated ruins of a fortification built upon the mountain covered in colorful banefire flowers. Zenai grimaced as she stepped across the remains of a foal, half buried in the dust, “Why is this place abandoned? It’s defensible, it’s got standing structures, supplies...”

Bleak snorted cheerfully, grinning to himself, “It’s haunted. Every zebra knows it’s full of killer ghosts.”

Dust had heard that story before. He looked around carefully, spotting one of their ‘ghosts’ after a moment or two. The gleam of a scope, perched in the hollow shell of a dragon sculpture nearby. The classic ‘ghost’ deterrent, a silenced sniper rifle and a couple of deadfalls. He had seen it work, raiders were never too smart, “And why didn’t the ghosts eat you?”

“Because this place was made for us, back when we weren’t just disposable tools for thugs and monsters.” Bleak turned to look back at them, smirking at Dust, “You’re our designated adult I guess.”

Zenai’s response was predictable, “I’m an adult too you know.”

“Lady, I’ve taken dumps bigger than you.”

Dust ignored her irritated grumbling as they approached what seemed to be their destination. Built into the mountain that shielded the side of the park was what looked like a mine entrance, sporting rails, mine carts and a ticket booth, along with a large sign over it that read ‘Dusklight. Enter into Adventure!’, “Are we going down there?”

Bleak smirked, “Couldn’t turn down that invitation could we?”

They continued into the cave, darkness consuming them for a few moments before Bleak pushed open a large wooden door and led them into wondrous light. Fairy lights had been threaded along the cave walls, every now and then illuminating some colorful graffiti. Much of it was generic, slurs written in zebra script. Some however formed elaborate pictures of dragons, battle and all sorts of other topics, Dust immediately picking out a few in particular. One depicted a group of zebra legionnaires killing ponies, an arrow pointing to one of the zebra in particular. It marked him as ‘my brother’. Another depicted a large group of crying zebra surrounding a destroyed building. Another struck him immediately, Zenai giving a little squeak behind. A whole group of figures wearing what was clearly the same armor as Chigaru, pink smoke wafting from them to kill everything around.

Zenai spoke up eventually, her voice echoing, “These are all pre-war?”

Bleak snorted dismissively, “Guess so. We call this the hall of memories, Princess Luna wouldn’t let us touch them. Said it would be like destroying a book.” He shrugged in confounded disbelief, “What’s wrong with destroying a book? They burn pretty good.”

Zenai frowned at him, “I take it you don’t read.”

“Ebony tried to teach me once. Don’t much see the point, just a bunch of stupid stories.” He shrugged, “Already got enough book lovers down here. It’s making their heads soft.”

Dust Kicker was impressed, this making him a little better disposed towards them. He himself had only learned to read sometime after the day of Sunshine and Rainbows, and reading material had still been difficult to get hold of back then. He had treasured every book, “Is Princess Luna a fan?”

Bleak snorted, “She’s almost as bad as Radhi. She’s always in her library, nose in a book. Must be a unicorn thing.”

The area into which they emerged instantly caused Dust to tense in anticipation, wondering if it was intentional to make this place a total kill zone. The three exits, one on each side were all raised and reachable by a curving staircase, with a small landing in front of each easily big enough to support a trio of ponies. The natural advantages of the position had been reinforced with makeshift fortifications, fairground debris nailed together to form a rather impressive barrier to anyone stupid enough to charge down a dark cave after these kids.

There was also rather a large amount of firepower pointing out towards them, and though those wielding it were small Dust wasn’t about to underestimate them.

“Stars watching guys.” Bleak spoke the words loudly, stepping out in front, “They’re good, on our side.”

“That remains to be seen.” A thin, lithe young pegasus jumped down, his movements agile and dangerous as the rifle at his side hovered over them, “Adults have no place here! Why have you brought them Bleak?!”

Bleak pulled a rather offended looking face, pouting back at the prowling pony, “Hey, they know Luna alright? They’re the ones she’s been talking about.”

The pegasus let his eyes wander across the group... until they settled on Dust Kicker. Then he became angry, his tone thick with growled menace “You’re the one who shot the Princess.”

Oh great, so this was the resident ‘angry little thug’. Manning the guard station, typical, “She was attacking me.”

“And you got real lucky.” The pegasus growled, “Maybe I’ll pay you back for that right now.”

Dust remembered quickly where he was, this was a bunch of teenagers, and this was some cocky pissing match with a big shot who wanted to impress his peers by picking a fight with an authority figure. Dust had little enthusiasm for indulging him, it was both pointless and considering his recent experiments with getting into fights with those younger than him, likely to result in an asskicking. The pegasus had the same build as Ace, and was clearly an officer of some kind. He was likely to have earned that status, “I’ve no interest in fighting you.”

The pegasus snorted, shoving Dust lightly before darting away, crouched and ready “What’s the matter, you too good for us? Not wanting to make the little babies cry huh?”

Dust chuckled casually, “No, you’d likely beat the crap out of me. You normally pick fights with fat old farts?”

The pegasus paused, his expression cold and accusing, “You’re not that old, and you made Princess Luna bleed. Don’t you insult me by saying that was easy.”

“You said it, I got lucky.”

He growled, shoving Dust one more time, “Fuck you! You think I’m a joke? You think I’m funny? You think...”

Ace stepped forward, blocked the pegasus’s hoof, and slammed his own into the buck's face with a single quick thrust.

The pegasus hit the ground hard, rolled and leapt back up with a fearsome yell. He charged with a thrust of his wings, struck into the air by another hoof thrust from Ace. To his credit he recovered quickly from this one too, expanding his wings to halt his flight and diving back into the fray. Ace tried to strike him again as he came in but the pegasus dodged with impressive speed, hitting the ground rolling and diving under his guard to strike Ace hard in the chest. The unicorn grunted and recoiled away, allowing the pegasus to get a firm hold and bear him to the ground.

“Stop! What the hell Ace!” Zenai’s voice sounded out as the fight continued, stamping her hoof on the floor, “Are you listening!?”

“Shut up lady, this is great.” Bleak grinned at the pair as they rolled across the ground, punching and dodging, “I’m not even sure who I want to win. That Ace kid is great, and Swift Crimson getting punched never gets old.”

The pegasus kicked Ace away, giving him a second to catch his breath. He used it to glare darkly at Bleak, panting between words, “I’m kicking your ass next Bleak.”

“You’ll have to deal with me first.” Ace stated, diving back into the fight and bearing Swift Crimson to the ground with a hard tackle.

“For Celestia’s...” Zenai turned her glare to Dust, “Dust, stop this!”

“Boys will be boys...” He could only sigh, watching the fight with casual interest. This Swift Crimson was pretty good, and was getting thrashed slightly less impressively than Dust himself had been. Ace clearly had the upper hand still, but the pegasus had landed a few blows at least, “They’ll be finished soon.”

“You little...” Swift Crimson grabbed futilely at Ace’s hooves, trying to drive the unicorn back, “...let go of my...”

“Stop this at once!”

The words hadn’t been stated that loudly, but there was something about them that demanded attention. All the spectators instantly stared anywhere but the fight, trying not to look guilty, the fight however continued for a few more seconds before the young zebra who had spoken stopped before the two participants. Both eventually noted the silence and rolled away to stare at the new arrival, trying not to limp from their injuries.

Dust Kicker himself observed this new figure, seemingly commanding a lot of respect. And he did carry himself well, small and slim, but calm and dignified all the same. Surprisingly he was a zebra, pretty and soft looking, with large expressive eyes and a soft coat that hadn’t seen the hard living some of the others had. He spoke with a calm diction that spoke of education, his tone respectful but firm, “What is going on here? Who are these visitors?”



Swift Crimson glared at Bleak, “You keep speaking up, and so help me I’ll...”

The zebra glared, his voice sharp and precise, “Swift Crimson!”

The pegasus turned slowly to the zebra, looking chastised, “Yes Radhi... he started it.”

Ace snorted, sulkily rubbing a bruise on his face, “He was picking on us...”

“Both of you.” Radhi turned his eyes to Swift Crimson, giving a deep sigh before offering him a hoof, “I understand that you just want to protect her, but this isn’t the way to do it. It’s not worthy of you Swift.”

Swift Crimson let him help him to his hooves, looking embarrassed, “I’m sorry Radhi...”

“And I understand you’re looking after your friends, but we will not tolerate fighting here.” Radhi stared firmly at Ace, “Swift Crimson can get rough sometimes, but using your hooves to solve a dispute just makes things worse.”

Ace Gold actually blushed very noticeably at the chastising, looking deeply nervous as his eyes darted around the cavern, “M’sorry...”

“Good, thank you.” Radhi drew back, letting the tension out with a deep exhalation of breath. His bright, intelligent eyes now moved to Dust Kicker, nodding smartly and moving to meet them, “Did I hear right, you are the friends of Star Swirl that engaged Princess Luna in combat recently?”

Zenai stepped forward, eyes hopeful, “Is she here? Is she alright?”

“She is safe.” Radhi didn’t seem too confident of that, still he locked his face firmly, “She is with a mutual friend, whose identity I am not yet at liberty to divulge.”

Zenai’s face dropped, “A mutual friend...?”

“She is ok, I assure you. I made sure if it myself.” Radhi sighed, looking sympathetic, “I understand you are worried, the young lady has attracted the interest of many powerful figures. Still, none of them wish her harm, quite the opposite in fact.”

Dust looked across at Zenai, the zebra looking totally crushed. She had obviously convinced herself that Star Swirl was here, and the true extent of her worry was now made clear in her face. Dust turned back to Radhi, his tone questioning, “So your Princess contracts her services out now? To who? Star Fall?”

“National allegiance isn’t quite as clear cut as you might think sir.” Radhi answered gravely, “And the Princess isn’t a mercenary. Whatever services she offers, she offers out of her sense of justice and friendship.”

Zenai answered angrily, obviously still upset, “Friendship to who!? Themba!?”

Radhi gave her a disapproving glare, mirrored by an angry, protective look from Swift Crimson and the tensing of the ponies at the barricade, “Maybe you should just come and ask her yourself. The Princess will want to meet you.”


They moved through the caverns behind Radhi, an uneasy silence embracing them. Bleak had left them at the entrance, and now they had only the suspicious stares of the other foals they passed for company. Dust Kicker couldn’t help but feel like a prisoner, escorted to his fate under the watchful stare of disapproving civilians.

And then they emerged into the main cavern.

It was... beautiful, even to Dust’s old eyes. The cavern was awash with color, lit with endless rows of Hearthwarming style fairy lights in ever shade imaginable. Crystal baubles shimmered, vast murals scrawled across the walls in chalk given astonishing life by the spectrum of light around them. And the cave itself was breathtaking. A freshwater spring rushed across a pile of smooth rocks and into a river running through the centre, wooden walkways spanning the spaces between the huge stalagmites that dotted the cavern. Wooden structures housed sleeping and eating areas, a hive of bustling activity as young foals worked and played among the rock and stone. Other caverns led off from the main area, from the way they were lit Dust figured there had to be even more than he could see, “Pretty impressive.”

Radhi seemed pleased by the praise, nodding cheerfully and giving them a big, happy grin, “Welcome to Dusklight.”

Dust was pleased that the tension seemed to have finally disappeared, taking the opportunity to question the young zebra, “You’ve got it surprisingly figured out down here. No offense, but when I heard the group was run by foals I thought...”

“That we would collapse into anarchy?” Radhi chuckled as he led them through the cave, “It threatens to do so on occasion, but we have enough smart heads to keep everything together. Swift Crimson you’ve met, and please don’t hold that affair at the entrance against him. He can be hot blooded and hasty, but he has guided and protected everyone here with honor and fairness.”

Zenai couldn’t help sniffing a little, “He just doesn’t like us?”

“Is he not justified in feeling a little threatened? His family were killed by slavers, he himself captured and mistreated at their hands. Many here have the same story, and it has sadly colored their perception of adults.” A somewhat cheeky smile eased across his face, “And he is among the most protective of the Princess. He was the one who picked out the bullet that you hit her with, and it may be a long time before he forgives you for that.”

That seemed very medieval to Dust, “Don’t you have any healing potions?”

Radhi smiled back at them, “Princess Luna regenerates from all damage. She refused to waste a healing potion on herself, when we have so many others who need them. That is the kind of pony she is.”

Dust stored that away, feeling his perceptions of the Princess slip away. This place didn’t have the look of somewhere under a tyrannical rule, or a cult ruled by a madwoman. There was still so much that could be wrong with her, but she was no monster, “Do you have a lot of sickness here then?”

“They’re children.” Radhi sighed, shaking his head wearily, “Not all of us are that smart about what we eat and drink, and we lack well trained doctors. We do our best, Niyada was a household slave, she knows how to organize cooking and cleaning and is great with the young foals. Ebony looked after her alcoholic father and her younger brothers for years, she’s the calmest and most patient pony you'll ever meet, not to mention has a very smart head on her shoulders.”

Zenai nodded at him, “And you?”

He gave a shy smile, chuckling nervously, “I was apprentice to a tribal wise woman, an utter fraud who maintained her position with nothing but sugar water and a bit of theatre. She did however inherit a very large library, and though she had no interest in it I must admit to frequently neglecting my chores to hoof through those tomes. Her work also gave me some idea of what to expect, though it’s a never ending struggle to be sure. We have a large population, and not many of them possess useful skills.”

Dust Kicker could imagine. Many of the children he saw within the cave didn’t look too productive, though he saw some mushroom farming down below and others maintaining the lighting, “You farm?”

“Yes, though we’re struggling to diversify our diet. Unfortunately the land outside is irradiated, we’re still forced to rely on taxes from the other villages to support ourselves.” Radhi shook his head, “I wish it wasn’t so, it leads to bad blood as much as anything else. Not to mention you’ve likely heard reports of bullying, vandalism... they’re children, well armed children with plenty of anger to work off.”

Zenai shivered slightly, her voice strained, “That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Do you have guards, a prison system? How do you keep order?”

Radhi gave an exhausted sigh, “We’ve exiled three, and executed two. The votes were almost unanimous in both cases fortunately. That is... not the easiest part of my job. Fortunately Swift Crimson is happy to handle most of our law enforcement.”

“What did they do?”

“The exiled? One killed several innocents on a tax run, she tried to justify it but it was clear she was doing it out of simple undirected wrath. Another was just causing trouble, stealing and bullying and would not stop. The third raped a girl, it was her mercy that saved him from harsher judgement.” His face fell, “The executions? Murder, and rape. Both with little remorse, and little choice on our part. We do have a prison too, though we try not to keep ponies there long term. We talk to those who committed the crimes, try to help and guide them. Fortunately it seems to have worked, with only a few reoffending.”

Dust was... impressed by how well they had things organised, and how clearly they were making their decisions. Leadership of a band this size was hard enough, even without them being traumatised children. If Radhi was honest about their lack of specialised skills that was even more impressive, “I’m honestly not sure how you’ve held all this together.”

Radhi chuckled, giving him a somewhat goofy grin, “Because of Princess Luna. When one of the foals gets uppity with us, all it takes is one mention of her and they’re all too eager to do exactly what we say. She saved everypony here, she tells us stories about our past, teaches us how to live and behave... they all love her. We all love her.”

Zenai cocked her head, a mixture of tease and honest curiosity on her face, “You love her?”

“Ahah... not like that.” He gave a warm grin, deeply amused by the insinuation, “I was with her from the beginning, along with Swift Crimson. I’ve seen her struggle, find this place, find children to fill it. She’s dear to every creature here, and I’m honoured to really know the mare herself.”

“And what’s she like?”

“Dedicated, kind, motivated by compassion for the weak above all things.” He smiled warmly, “Often a little silly, and yes, rather vain. And she’s had a hard life, her world view is sometimes a little too black and white because of it.”

“Interesting metaphor there.” Zenai stated sharply, her tone accusing, “Considering she’s loudly stated that she hates zebra. Which makes me wonder why you’re in her inner council.”

Radhi sighed, looking depressed as he nodded his head. He wrestled with his words for several seconds, finally deciding what he wanted to say, “She has... suffered at the hooves of zebra, and Luna is sometimes slow to forgive. I hope that my friendship can change her mind on the matter, but it is a slow process.” He gave Zenai a kind, apologetic look, “She doesn’t really hate zebra, but she is still looking for something to blame for the state of the world. Zebra, adults, stallions... she has expressed dislike of all, yet I see little real sincerity in her words.”

Dust nodded. He had seen it before, in too many foals to count, “She’s hurt and lashing out.”


“That could be dangerous, paired with a big old chunk of alicorn.”

Radhi gave a firm look, standing a little straighter, “I admit, Luna was almost feral when I first encountered her. It took a lot of kindness, and a lot of time to make her the leader she is now. And no, she is not always even tempered, or considered, or beyond reproach. But this here? This is her true heart, her legacy. Happy children, living in safety.” He turned and smiled as they came towards a large, fancy looking door set into the cave wall, decorated with painted flowers and stars, along with a clumsy yet very sweet portrait of a large, black alicorn, “Here we are. She should be just inside.”

He wasn’t expecting what was behind the door, though maybe he should have. It must have been a staff room for the complex at one point as it departed from the cave decor for plaster and tile, obviously having been repainted and repaired quite recently. Now it was a library, and a rather impressive one all things considered. Bookcases of all designs and sizes were pushed up against the walls, each creaking under the weight of hundreds of books. A table sat in the centre, several tomes lying open there. Radhi smiled at their awestruck reactions as he cantered past, heading to one of the two doors at the far end, “Please, wait here. I will fetch Princess Luna.”

He exited, Dust getting but a brief glimpse of what appeared to be a study decorated in pink and black before the heavy oaken door slammed shut once again.

“Hey, take a look at this, she’s studying unicorn magic.”

Ace trotted over to the book Zenai was inspecting, turning it over so he could see the cover, “Oh, it’s Princess Luna’s ‘Empire Arcana’. It’s a manual for elite Unicorn soldiers, issued during the war. Pretty good so I hear, once you’ve got round her rather unique writing style.”

Zenai grimaced as she read through the text, “Is this even Equestrian?”

“You’re not a unicorn. High level spell casting is just like high level maths, and twice as incomprehensible to beginners.” He gazed over the book, his eyes quickly dropping, “But yeah, Celestia is a much better writer.”

Dust smirked, “Keep that to yourself Ace.”

He just snorted, “Yeah, yeah. I’m not about to cause a diplomatic incident by accusing our host of needing an editor and a smaller thesaurus.”

It was good timing, as it wasn’t a moment later before said host entered, her eyes floating imperiously across the three before her. She was exactly as Dust remembered her, tall, slim and alien looking, her fur pitch black and oddly shiny. She was wearing a rather over elaborate purple dress that made her look a bit like a liquorish allsort, still the copious ruffles did at least make her seem even bigger than she already was. Silence reigned for a moment or two before she spoke, voice magically amplified, “So, you have finally come before me.”

Dust stepped forward, aware he needed to be cautious, “We have.”


“Because you offered your hoof to Zenai once. Is that offer still available?”

Luna’s eyes grew dark and angry, “You rejected my offer.”

“You didn’t exactly make a great first impression.” Dust raised his hoof, casually pointing it out, “You’re dark and scary, and you work with psychopathic killers. It’s hardly...”

Luna stopped him with a warning look, almost shaking with anger. Radhi noticed her distress and moved to touch her but she suddenly whirled on him, her voice a sharp bark, “Radhi, leave us.”

“Luna, I...”


He sighed and did as she asked, sparing one last glance in their direction before the door slammed closed. Dust sighed at his exit, looking back up at Luna, “Now, can we talk seriously...”

He saw Luna’s horn surge, felt the magic seize him in its grip. He tried to fight but it was too strong, the magic forcing his hooves to his side and his head back, her horn sparking as his attempts to resist came to nothing. He was flung backwards, Zenai screaming as he was sent hurtling into the wall. Zenai shouted something at Princess Luna but the alicorn simply ignored her, sweeping her out of the way with a single hoof as she advanced on Dust. Her eyes burned with dark anger, her voice firm and warning, “Mention anything like that in front of my children again, and I will kill you. Is that understood?”

Dust grinned through the pain, forcing himself upwards, “Really huh...? How much... are you hiding from them?”

“The unimportant things.” Princess Luna’s head turned briefly to the exit, her teeth grinding, “Radhi grew up in a stable environment, learned about the world through books. He doesn’t understand the things we must do. The others? They’ve already seen enough.”

“That... that’s just excuses.” Zenai spoke up behind, quiet at first, but quickly growing in confidence, “All those ponies in Estelle, you killed them! For what?”

Luna frowned, dropping Dust to the ground and reluctantly drawing away from him. Her expression was still firm and proud, not letting away a hint of weakness or guilt, “I did not kill them, those dirty mercenaries did. The death toll would have been far higher if I was not there.”

Dust narrowed his eyes at this. According to reports the death toll had been near total, “How so?”

“I wandered through the dreams of the inhabitants there for several days, got to know them. Most were corrupt, money loving bastards, creatures no pony would miss.” She gave a proud regal look, her eyes daring the others to comment, “Some of the children could be saved though. I took them away long before the town’s destruction, wiped their memories and brought them here. I saved them.”

Ace spoke up now, his voice holding genuine shock and horror, “You wiped their memories?”

“Remembering their parents would have only caused them pain. I spared them that.”

“That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”

She glared, “Insult me again at your peril foal. What do you think I should have done?”

Ace just stared back undaunted, his tone harsh and uncensored, “Not work with psychopaths and loonies?”

Dust wouldn’t have put it like that, but the basic principle was there, “Themba doesn’t care about anything but his own advancement Princess. He’s just using you.”

“Themba?” She laughed with childish glee, “He’s a fool, a patsy, a pawn. He’s not in charge of his own bowel movements.” Her face darkened, “He’s also a thug, and a murderer. I’m looking forward to the day he finally gets his comeuppance.”

“So why are you working with him?”

Luna frowned, lip curling, “Because I’m not a child! We all have to do things we don’t like, work with those we don’t get along with. I was promised a new Equestria, where all these children can live in peace and happiness. If I have to work with... scum like Nazri and Themba to achieve that, so be it.”

Zenai shook her head, clearly not convinced, “You’re going to have to explain to me how slaughtering an entire town helps make a safer world.”

“And you’re going to have to realise I’m not going to explain my entire plan to the ponies who were shooting at me a few days before.” Luna glared at them, holding herself imperiously, “Did you really come here for my help? Because I think you’re just here because you want to learn how to stop me.”

Screw it. Dust decided to change his tactics, realising this mare wasn’t quite as foolish as he had thought. That meant a slightly different approach, “You’re right, we were.” He ignored Zenai and Ace’s incredulous glares, focusing instead on Luna’s ‘increasingly angry but still curious’ one, “But that was when you were just some lone killer working for psychopaths. Is it true what you said? Do you really care about these foals?”

Luna glared at him. Then she looked away, troubled and conflicted. Her lip quivered and she gulped down her nervousness, setting her face firm and speaking her words clearly, “More than anything. I would kill for them, I would die for them. I want a world where they can grow up happy and fulfilled, and I’m willing to do anything to achieve that.” She looked back at him, firm and angry, “And that is not weakness, that’s strength.”

Dust nodded, trying his best to look sincere. It wasn’t hard, even he couldn’t help but be moved by her dedication to such lofty ideals. They were ideals that justified madness and death, but that wasn’t her fault, not really. He had grown up a raider, he knew first hand that all the good intentions in the world could go astray without the correct upbringing. And if this was really Princess Luna... then she was very badly damaged, “Then you have my loyalty.”

“I...” Luna hesitated, obviously moved by his declaration. She blushed and looked away, hiding her face as she shook ever so slightly, “...thank you. Not many adults have ever... believed me. Wanted to help me. Cared.”

Dust figured now was as good a time as any to ask more questions, now that she was vulnerable. He had to know more about what they were working with here after all, “Those villages that were destroyed, those parents that were killed. What happened?”

Her head rose, eyes wet yet full of righteous anger, “That village, Kokroc... I sent one of my lieutenants down there, to announce the destruction of the ruling powers and demand tribute.” Fresh tears ran down her face as she continued, “Her name was Melody Waters, she was thirteen years old. She was my best friend.”

Zenai spoke in a choked whisper, “They killed her?”

“They did worse. And when they were done they dumped the bodies of her and her companions out in the ditch.” Princess Luna reared dangerously, her body radiating barely constrained power, “So yes, I killed them all, I strung their bodies up, I burned their houses. I did it so that every zebra knows just what I’m capable of if they dare hurt my children, so that I never have to... look at that again! As for the others I killed? If you had seen the condition of the children when I found them, you would not be so quick to judge me.”

Ace grunted, “You can’t just go around killing folks...”

“Why not?” She questioned sharply, “That is what this world is built on, kill or be killed. For too long the good, the gentle, the innocent have gone unprotected. I will kill for them, I will be judge and jury. It is what those bastards out there in the waste did, before I flayed them alive and left them cooling in the sun.”

Ace wasn’t daunted, “We need to be better than that.”

“I am better.” She waved a hoof, “You see those happy, laughing foals out there? That’s being better, that’s making a difference. Not sitting there, and letting them kick us around.”

Ace frowned aggressively, raising his voice, “That’s... what would this world be like if everyone did that?”

“Safer. Happier.”

“I...” Ace glared across at her, eyes uncertain, “...it’s not right.”

Dust gave Ace Gold a sympathetic look, understanding his concerns. Honestly there were issues he himself had with Princess Luna’s actions, but those were something he could address later. They could do a lot of good here, “We can discuss issues of morality later. For now, are we free to stay Princess?”

She nodded, “Yes. Just stay out of trouble, and don’t leave the cave without an escort.” She turned, looking troubled and a little grumpy, “Radhi will show you round.”


They emerged from the room, Dust quickly locating Radhi sitting on a cliff ledge staring out into space. He turned as they approached, a somewhat forced smile plastered across his face, “Is everything alright?”

Zenai nodded softly, “Yes... it’s not quite as simple as we thought. I think we’ve reached an understanding.”

“That’s good.” Radhi nodded without enthusiasm, “She’s a lovely girl.”

Dust noted the tone those words were said in. He was obviously still a little upset about his swift ejection, “I’m sorry for what happened in there, I...”

“Don’t...!” Radhi tensed up, his eyes warning, “...just... don’t.”

Silence reigned for a couple of seconds before Zenai spoke up, voice soft, “It’s not as bad as it sounded. We were just angry.”

Radhi sighed, pursing his lips for a moment in frustration. His voice sounded weary as he spoke, “I know she’s hiding things from me. Things I wouldn’t approve of.”

Dust answered him seriously, “She’s trying to protect you all, provide for you.”

“I’m not ungrateful. Or... judging her.” Radhi shook his head, looking heartbroken, “I’m worry about her. She’s my best friend, and a good, noble pony like no other I’ve met. And I’m worried she might lose herself, or get hurt. I’m worried that she can’t talk to us about the burdens she faces.”

Zenai nodded sympathetically, “Have you tried talking to her about it?”

“No, for the same reason I’m not asking you now!” He stared at them in horror at the idea, eyes suddenly wide and voice raised. Then he dropped his head, voice lowered once more to a saddened drone, “I’m a coward. Princess Luna knows me well, if she’s hiding it from me then she knows it’s something I would disapprove of. Something that would damage my respect for her, and our friendship. I... don’t want that.”

“I can understand that.” Dust spoke plainly and respectfully, feeling for the boy. He spoke like an adult, clearly had his head on straight. It was easy to forget he looked like he was fifteen at the most. Most adults wouldn’t be able to deal with these issues, “Now we’re here, we’ll do our best to keep her away from any bad decisions.”

Radhi looked up at them in amazement, eventually smiling wide and nodding, “Thank you... by the lords, it will be nice to have some more competent souls around here.”

Dust chuckled, “You seem to be doing all right.”

“Sir, I’m was an apprentice to a village wise woman, a village of dirt farmers and chicken herders. I learned how to deliver babies, treat a fever, set a bone.” Radhi shook his head in amazement, “Now I’m asked to advise on the running of a nation, at the bidding of a Princess. To say I’m not cut out for it is an understatement.”

“You are cut out for it.” Dust nodded seriously, “This stuff is hard, and the ponies who find it easy aren’t the sort you want in charge. Never feel embrassed that you need a little help from time to time.”

Radhi grinned, nodding gratefully, “Thank you Dust Kicker. I think you will all fit in just fine.”


Footnote: Level up! (20)

New Perk Added: Eye for Eye
Losing limbs just makes you mad. You gain a 10% bonus to damage for each crippled limb.

Puppy OS Level up! (1)

New Perk Added: Assisted Targeting Level 1
You are especially skilled at providing targeting data to your wielder. They can now add 10% of your weapon skill to their own.

Trait Discovered: Systems Master
You are on the cutting edge of electronic espionage. You have a 200% bonus to all hacking attempts, both resisting and attempting your own.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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