• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,548 Views, 280 Comments

Fallout Equestria : Black And White - Philweasel

Peace between the NCR and Zebra wasteland becomes a battleground between competing factions.

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Chapter 2.9 – Till The Day Of Thy Redemption

Chapter 2.9 – Till The Day Of Thy Redemption

Manehatten had never been Fluttershy’s favourite city in Equestria, standing in stark opposition to almost everything she valued and almost a dedicated monument to several things she hated. Still that made her mission here even more valuable, especially given the amount of wealthy donors who called the city their home.

Plus the food was good, Fluttershy sure she had put on an extra couple of pounds in the last few days of fundraising, hobnobbing and general socialising. It wasn’t the part of her job she found easiest, still so long as all she had to do was stand there, smile, look pretty and answer some easy questions she was happy to participate.

And things did seem to be moving. The merchants of the city, stung by reduced consumer spending, were eager for the war to end. The city’s sizable zebra population were hesitant to be directly quoted but were also clearly tired of the long conflict and eager to re-establish contact with their relatives. The manehatten branch of the Ministry of Peace was apparently making quick progress with the ‘Applied Magical Framework’ project, the details of which confused the feathers out of Fluttershy but she was assured would give her significant negotiating room with the Ministry of Magic.

Now it was almost time to return however, Fluttershy letting herself relax a little as she walked the route to her hotel room. Angel walked alongside, paranoid and watchful as normal of late. It amused her to see the tiny, cute little bunny taking her protection so seriously, wondering what exactly he was expecting to do against a real attacker. She wasn’t worried about that fact, unlike her friends she made a point of directing her efforts towards both sides, making it clear hers was a mission of peace. She couldn’t imagine anypony would consider her important enough to attack.

She passed a strange pony traveling the other way, clad in a long jacket despite the mild weather. She looked his way and he gave her a questioning stare back through his thick glasses, Fluttershy blushing and quickly looking away. Fluttershy couldn’t keep her mind off the strange pony as he continued past however, her head strangely light and her chest tight. After a moment she noticed a sharp, insistent pain, instinctively looking down. She didn’t understand why it hurt... why there was blood pooling at her hooves.

Somepony caught her from behind, grabbing her neck and hauling her upright, choking her as something metallic gleamed out of the corner of her eye. Fluttershy couldn’t react, couldn’t fight back. She was frozen in the moment.

She only screamed when she was thrown the ground, the strange pony who had grabbed her knocked staggering as Angel slammed both paws into his face. The strange pony threw his heavy sunglasses aside and drew his pistol, Angel dodging the shot with quick agile bounces before kicking the weapon spinning into the distance. The strange pony didn’t pause for a moment and stabbed at him with the knife on his other hoof, catching Angel on the side of his head and driving him back.

Fluttershy tried to rise as the strange pony lunged at Angel, her lungs desperately fighting for air, “Angel!”

Angel wiped the blood from his eye with a paw, taking a firm stance as the much large pony closed. His eyes narrowed.

He moved like water, flowing around the attack with ease. The pony overreached, Angel seizing his leg and snapping the bone with a sharp twist. The pony screamed and swiped for the bunny, Angel easily dodging under the clumsy attack and taking hold of the pony’s skull.

Then he jumped into a tight cartwheel, the pony following briefly before gravity and momentum fractured his neck with a loud, definitive crack.

Fluttershy gasped as she felt consciousness fade, her last memory that of Angel bunny, her most loyal, most dear companion, standing satisfied over his kill. It was the first time she had ever seen a pony die.


“They’re great for ponies like us, who can use charm and influence to get close. To be honest neither of us have time for heavy training, so most of our opponents are going to beat us on long range marksmanship.”

Fluttershy studied the heavy chunk of metal in her hooves with a weary heart, yet another ironic connection to her self styled heir. Velvet Remedy too had fought against taking a life, tried to live the pacifists path, she too had failed. Maybe it was inevitable. Maybe if she had fought sooner this would never have happened.

Fluttershy raised herself onto her backhooves, turning the combat shotgun into an upright position and resting it against her shoulder. She saw it there in her minds eye as she sighted up on her target, Princess Luna, her back turned, uncomprehending of the threat.

Would ending her really end the war? She had always argued against it, but... maybe she was wrong. Maybe Luna really was the key to letting it all unravel. Maybe the death of a good mare was an easily paid cost to stop the end of the world.

Fluttershy looked down the sights, taking a deep breath. The shotgun kicked back against her shoulder, a loud boom filling her ears. The target shattered, torn apart by the impact. Fluttershy couldn’t help but gasp, surprised that she had the guts to go through with it.

If that had really been Princess Luna, would it have gone the same way? The idea made her feel sick, but then Fluttershy reasoned that Luna died anyway, in a far more drawn out and painful manner than a simple shot to the back of the head. The personal consequences made her shiver, still she had wrestled for years with the guilt for the death of a whole civilisation. Maybe it was time to stop being selfish and do what had to be done, her squeamishness be damned.

“That was a very good shot. You are not a beginner at this are you?””

Fluttershy turned her head to Sunshine Ivory, rather glad of the distraction from her own thoughts. Sunshine had quickly proved a most reassuring companion in general since they had saved each other from Dream Star, Fluttershy finding something very calming about the priestess, “I’ve never liked fighting, but Rainbow Dash insisted I know how to defend myself.”

Sunshine Ivory once again paused in slightly unbelieving awe, her eyes wide and her smile glassy. She had been doing that a lot, Fluttershy once again realising that her survival was still something new and amazing to the zebra here. Sunshine Ivory hid her face for a moment and cleared her throat with a nervous cough, looking back up with a calmer expression, “Well that explains your skill then. It certainly must be an advantage, to have known such paragons.”

Fluttershy just smiled, letting her keep thinking that. She knew it was inevitable, that ponies would always consider the past heroic, special and better than the present. These were the myths they grew up with, and Fluttershy had learned not to challenge that by pointing out that there were three pegasi of the current era that could perform a sonic rainboom, or that Rainbow Dash’s job titles included ‘Stunt Flyer’ and ‘Spy’, not ‘heavily armed solider of fortune’. Rainbow Dash would have loved to have inspired such myths, but Fluttershy was pretty certain Calamity could have taken her, “A firing range is a little different from the real thing. I’m not sure if I could pull that off on a living target.”

Sunshine Ivory smiled kindly, placing a gentle hoof upon Fluttershy’s shoulder, “You’re a pegasi of incredible will and resolve Fluttershy, and I’m confident that you will find the courage to do what’s right.”

“And what is right?”

“Celestia was kind, gentle, fair and generous. But she was also a mighty warrior with an unmatched army, who claimed her nation as the spoils of battle.” Sunshine Ivory looked Fluttershy in the eye, her expression regretful but resigned, “Taking a life, bringing pain and suffering to the enemies of harmony... it is never pleasant. But it is the path of the brave, accepting the grief of the reluctant killer so that others may live free.”

Fluttershy... understood that. It was the reason she accepted the long term consequences of the drugs she took, that all the pain she inflicted on herself was nothing compared to the widespread benefits her enhanced performance could bring. For all her disagreements with Velvet Remedy the Followers had achieved great things with her at the helm, partially because she was willing to hurt feelings, ignore criticism and her own pain and weariness to do what had to be done. And of course she had eventually been forced to kill, and while her part during the battle of Neighvarro had been bloodless, it had been backed up by the military force of an army of alicorns. Once again Fluttershy wondered if they had truly been sent to learn from each other, a mirrored image to observe the flaws that threatened to destroy them both, “I’m not exactly Celestia. I’m hardly any sort of great warrior.”

“Do you have any idea how many great warriors I’ve killed by simply subverting expectations?” Sunshine Ivory chuckled, a slightly sadistic grin edging across her face as she trotted over to the firing range, “Approach some overconfident stallion with kindness and diplomacy and he will think you weak, reliant on words. Many of them lie dead now because they did not even consider I was willing to employ force if they proved unwilling to see reason.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but think that dishonest. Still she had been the one imagining shooting Luna in the back, “No one will see me coming.”

Sunshine Ivory laughed, her tones scarily similar to Celestia’s, “It’s in a way advantageous that the dominant religion in the zebra lands is the Church of the Holy Flame, their priests swear a vow of strict pacifism.” She took a deep, satisfied breath, “The Church of Celestia only decrees that our actions serve the greater harmony.”

Fluttershy squirmed slightly, once again slightly scared by the mare. She was talking sense of course, but still Fluttershy didn’t like the way her eyes lit up when talking about this stuff, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with killing ponies without warning.”

Sunshine Ivory turned, stern disapproval in her expression, “A fair fight is one you’ll lose Fluttershy.”

“Of course...” She bit her lip, drawing up visions of Rainbow Dash. She was never fond of a fair fight either, part of why she took easily to spy work despite her brash personality. Rainbow Dash would take whatever advantage she could get in a straight out unfriendly clash... and sometimes in a friendly one too, as Fluttershy had experienced several times. It was only right that Fluttershy followed her example, “This isn’t a game. If I hesitate, if I play by their rules... then ponies I care about will get hurt.”


“I’ll try.” Fluttershy looked down at her shotgun once more, raising herself back onto her back hooves and aiming down the sight. A push of the trigger later and the target shook once against, holed in a dozen places by her buckshot. It felt... empty, but not unpleasant, “I’ll try...”


They marched across the wastes, unforgiving and harsh but still beautiful. This region was one of the flatter parts of the area, still sheer faces of rock and great mountains of orange reached up to the skies in all directions. They said the great giants who had once ruled this world were imprisoned within, and though Fluttershy knew it was just plate tectonics at work she had to admit there was something mythic about this place. Back before the war it had been the zebra heartland, now almost all traces of them had been wiped clean.

“Forgive me for asking but...”

Fluttershy looked at Sunshine Ivory, the mare struggling with her words. It was a slightly odd sight, Sunshine always seeming so confident that the sight of her flustered was rather humorous. Fluttershy had seen ponies act like this before, and it didn’t take her long to work out what the mare was trying to ask, “You want to ask about Celestia?”

Sunshine Ivory looked grateful at her guess, nodding her head, “Of course. I have studied her in so much detail, yet have never had the chance to talk to someone who met her in person.” She smiled eagerly, clearly trying to reign in her excitement, “Did you know her well?”

Fluttershy wondered what Sunshine Ivory would do if she told her that she had spoken to Celestia not seven weeks ago. Naturally she restrained that curiosity, not really wanting to clean up Sunshine Ivory’s exploded head... and of course the horrible reality that last she heard Celestia and Littlepip’s current status were still unknown.

Instead she decided just to cover the period Sunshine Ivory already knew about, “I’m not sure how many ponies really knew Celestia ‘well’... but I think we were close.”

Sunshine Ivory looked gently concerned, “She was hard to know?”

Fluttershy wouldn’t say that. Actually she thought Celestia was too easy to know, so concerned with making others comfortable that she was always hiding something, “She was so selfless, she almost never talked about herself. I’m sure I annoyed her sometimes, but she would never show it.”

Sunshine Ivory seemed satisfied by this, “Yes, I imagined she would be so, from her writings and records.”

Fluttershy wasn’t a great reader, she had to admit she hadn’t read any of Celestia’s books. She had heard them paraphrased by Twilight so many times that she wondered if she really needed to, “I think we were close though. She liked gardening and rare animals, we would often walk around the gardens together. Towards... the end, I’m fairly sure I was the one who saw Celestia the most.” She sighed, “I’m still not sure I ever really understood her though..”

Sunshine Ivory looked impressed at this, eagerly questioning her statement, “You saw her more than any other?”

“That wasn’t exactly hard.” Fluttershy shrugged, often wondering if it was because she was too shy to ask the hard questions, “Celestia was very reclusive at the end of the war. She didn’t want to challenge Luna’s right to rule.”

“Did she support the war?”

Fluttershy hesitated to say. She still didn’t exactly know, she wondered if Celestia herself was really sure of her opinions back then, “I hoped she thought the same as me.”

“You didn’t ask?”

“I think... it would have ruined our friendship.” Fluttershy sighed, letting her head drop, “She must have known I was seeking peace, yet she always encouraged me to keep true to my beliefs. But then she turned around and said exactly the same thing to Princess Luna.”


Fluttershy cut Sunshine Ivory off, stomping the ground with a hoof and rearing up angrily. She was just so frustrated, so frustrated that she hadn’t been able to accomplish anything, “If only one of us had the courage to speak up! I should have gone out on stage and told everyone how stupid the war was, let them lock me up! But I just kept on being so... wishy washy! And Celestia was the same!” She tensed her muscles, shaking her body out to just dissipate some of the nervous energy that was flowing through her, “She had the power. She could have stopped the war with a gesture.”

“You’re learning from your mistakes Fluttershy.”

“No I’m not!” Fluttershy felt her heart cry out in pain, memories of lost friends consuming her. How could a mare lose so much and still retain her soul? Her only conclusion was that... she hadn’t, that she was just some lonely shade cursed to haunt the site of her ultimate failure, “All my friends are dead, and just when I thought I had managed to move on, make up for my failure, I lose Silver Scribe and Steel Marrow! I haven’t learned anything!”

Sunshine Ivory shook her head, looking out towards the distant sun, “We all lose things Fluttershy. Old friends drift away, we find new ones. Live long enough and you lose them too.” She looked back at Fluttershy, “How many ponies do you think Celestia lost? Did it break her?”

Yes it did. Celestia had been frightening when Fluttershy had met her again, a mass of barely concealed pain and rage. Every word that once spoke of hope and ambition had instead been tinged with despair and resignation. Her main feelings for the ponies of the wasteland had been contempt. She had got better, but still in their private moments together admitted just how much damage was still hidden behind forced smiles.

“You can’t give up.”

“Why not?” Fluttershy looked at Sunshine Ivory, just so damn tired by this point. Why not? What did she really have to offer this world? She was... like some broken pot in a museum. Some sad old relic for tourists to coo over, “What exactly am I here for?”

Sunshine Ivory just smiled, warm and beatific. Just that cheered Fluttershy up, compounded as she spoke in a voice like colored glass, “You’re special Fluttershy. You remained here for a reason, and continue to remain because your task is not yet finished.”

She smiled despite herself, feeling her face flush, “I wish that was true. That all this... had a point.”

“It does Fluttershy.” Sunshine Ivory nodded to the horizon, “And I’m here to make sure you’re ready for it.”

They carried on for a little while after that, Sunshine Ivory briefly considering a large group of heavily armed bandit types before mercifully deciding not to get them both killed. They quickly exited that area and moved to a nearby valley, Sunshine Ivory grinning as she located something standing behind some dead trees nearby, “Aha, perfect.”

Fluttershy looked over in the direction indicated, spotting a lone manticore a short distance away, “What are we going to do with him?”

“We are going to kill him.”

“What?! Why?!”

Sunshine Ivory turned, a perfectly calm expression upon her face as she explained, “Because it is a threat, and threats must be removed. Do you think you could make friends with it?”

Fluttershy would have punched the mare right now if she didn’t full know that was just another childish defense mechanism. Still... this was wrong, “No... but it still doesn’t mean...”

“Once all diplomacy has been exhausted, you must respond with violence.” Sunshine Ivory levitated her shotgun into firing position, “Or those you care about will suffer due to your inaction.”

Fluttershy dug her heels in. This was going against everything she believed, “He’s not even attacking!”

“Very well.” Sunshine Ivory turned her eyes to the manitcore, took careful aim... and fired. It’s ear exploded into a cloud of blood and flesh, the beast roaring in pain and turning a pair of enraged eyes towards them. Sunshine Ivory just nodded to Fluttershy and cast another spell, her form instantly disappearing from view. Only her voice remained, “Your move Fluttershy.”

“What!?” Fluttershy shouted at the empty space where Sunshine Ivory had been, charging forward to grab the mare but just passing through air. She turned her head to the manticore, charging towards her with murder in its eyes.

Their fault, not his! She couldn’t kill him, not after they provoked him to action, “Sunshine Ivory! Come out!”

There was no answer.

“Sunshine... oufff!” Fluttershy tried to turn as the manticore jumped, hesitating on the trigger as it barrelled into her, flinging her to the ground. She tried to move but it pinned her, digging its claws into her leg and roaring in her face. She near wet herself from fear, staring deep into his throat... his razor teeth, “SUNSHINE, HELP!”

The manticore dropped, his brains exiting the side of his head and his eyes rolling upwards. He struck the ground at a crazy angle, Fluttershy gasping as the claws were withdrawn. She just lay there panting for a second before Sunshine Ivory moved over to her side, injecting her with a little healing potion. She didn’t look happy, Fluttershy trying to look as apologetic as possible, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t... thank you for saving me.”

“I didn’t. I was still hopeful you could find the courage to save yourself.”

Another voice sounded out nearby, young and male, “What, before or after she got fucking eaten?”

Fluttershy looked over to the source of the voice, a young pegasus in combat armor angrily slinging his heavy revolver back into its side holster. He couldn’t have been more than eighteen, still he carried himself with confidence beyond his years. Sunshine Ivory didn’t seem happy to see him, her normal tone spoiled with quite a bit of anger, “I have healing potions and magic, the wounds would not be fatal.”

The pegasus snorted “Yeah, that makes some sense... if you were training a platoon of battle hardened stallions. Seriously, you’re using 1st legion training to teach your granny to fight?” The pegasus sauntered across, his eyes creased in lazy disapproval as he looked Fluttershy over, “Going to give her a fucking heart attack, if she hasn’t already broken her hip going down like that.”

Fluttershy was used to such flippancy, indeed the pegasus reminded her of Ace Gold a little. Still she was not in an entirely good mood, her tone tinged with warning anger, “I’m tougher than I look.”

“Not tough enough for this fucker though.” The pegasi waved a hoof at the cooling manticore, “Seriously, if you can’t handle it out here you should stay in the care home with the other grandmares. Hey... ow!”

Fluttershy tried to keep herself from laughing as his ear was suddenly illuminated in golden light, stretched out for a moment before being snapped back against his head. He winced and glared at the mare responsible, Sunlight Ivory addressing him in her normal breezy tone as she moved past, “I would ask you to show a little respect young man. A gentlestallion does not use such language.”

“Yeah, well all the gentlestallions are long dead and buried.” The pegasi grunted, stalking forward and looking around briefly before addressing Sunshine once more, “Fuck this shit... did you see a bunch of raiders go past?”

Fluttershy immediately thought of the figures they had seen earlier, “Yes actually.”

“Which way were they going?”


“Towards Greyload fortress.” Sunlight added.

The pegasi nodded, turning in that direction and stalking off with a dismissive wave, “Right, thanks.”

Fluttershy wasn’t about to let that go. Sure the buck was a bit of a... character, but there was clearly more going on that his casual demeanor indicated, “Wait.”

He turned, annoyed at the interruption, “What?”

“Are you seriously going to hunt down a gang of raiders by yourself?”

He snorted, turning back. He seemed briefly shook by her question however, no matter how quickly he buried those emotions, “Raiders are slow and stupid. I’m worth fifty of them.”

“I find that hard to believe young man, seeing as you must have thirty rounds at most in that saddlebag.” Sunshine Ivory pointed out, “Not to mention you have several holes in your armor that appear to have been made quite recently. Looking for a rematch maybe?”

“Looking to finish what I fucking started.” He grunted, scowling at the pair of them, “What’s it to you two anyway?”

Fluttershy knew it was an old mare cliché, but she was seriously starting to wish for some soap to wash out this buck’s mouth. Seriously, did they think it made them sound tough? She kept her smile intact through sheer force of will however, Sunshine answering for her, “What’s it to two experienced wastelanders, neither of who have any love for bandits?”

He snorted in amusement, “I’m not traveling with a couple of fucking old ladies. No offense.”

Fluttershy really didn’t know how Sunset Ivory kept so calm. Indeed Sunshine’s voice was still total sweetness as she replied, “Then that is another mark against your ability to handle them young man. It is a rather foolish warrior who declines help freely given.”

This caused him to pause for a moment... though his consideration faded as he looked over to Fluttershy, “She’s an experienced wastelander?”

“She’s a fine medic, a famous diplomat and a scholar of uncounted subjects.” Sunshine Ivory gave Fluttershy a warm, encouraging smile, “And once she has overcome her reluctance, I’m sure she will make a formidable warrior.”

“She’s like... fucking eighty years old.”

Seventy two actually... no...
Scratch that, only the vain lied about their age, “I’m two hundred and seventy seven actually.”

The buck paused, confusion, doubt and amusement all passing across his face, “Was that... a fucking joke?”

“No it wasn’t. And please stop swearing.” She stepped forward regally, not really sure what she was trying to achieve now. She couldn’t help it, her ego had taken on a mind of its own... and it was not happy. She did hate it when it got like this, her ego always got her into such trouble when it was allowed to run rampant, “It adds nothing to your arguments. There’s no need for it.”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled quietly to herself, “She’s got flavor, her best behavior, you got a bad mouth expect no favors...”

“What was that?”

The priestess gave an innocent smile, “Nothing.”

“Anyway...” Fluttershy regained her flow, “It makes you sound like a child.”

Swift Crimson gave her a look of sulky defiance, “I... am a child.”

She stared firmly at him, “Then I will take you back to your parents.”

He glared back, daring her to continue, “My parents are dead. I look after myself.”

“Then you aren’t a child.”

He paused, taking this into consideration, “Guess not.” He stared at the two of them for a few moments before turning back to the road the bandits had taken, starting on his way with arrogant, confident steps, “I’m following them. You can tag along if you want.”

Sunshine Ivory accepted his offer with a cheerful smile, “Excellent, let’s be on our way.” She moved alongside the buck, placing a hoof against her chest, “I am Sunlight Ivory.”

“Huh... I’m Swift Crimson.”

Sunshine Ivory seemed surprised at this for a moment before giving a big, happy smile, “Oh... really?”

He looked across at her suspiciously, “You know me?”

“Only by reputation.” Sunshine Ivory grinned, questioning further after a moment, “So why are you hunting these raiders down alone? I was under the impression that you commanded somewhat of an army, along with the protection of more... unique individuals.”

He glared questioningly, searching her face for a few moments more before finally answering her, “This is my responsibility. I’m sick of hiding under her fucking skirts all the time.”

“Hmm, that makes sense.” She chuckled, smiling encouragingly at him, “I admire your honor and bravery young man. And I imagine this will only encourage her respect for you.”

He looked away at this, Fluttershy catching an embarrassed but happy look on his face. He tried his best to hide the silly grin that followed, biting his lip to force himself back into his normal grumpy expression, “I fucking hope so...”

Fluttershy looked over to Sunshine Ivory, silently questioning her for some sort of idea as to what was going on. She just shook her head and Fluttershy reluctantly returned to the path ahead, figuring it was none of her business.

“And what’s your name, miss ‘two hundred years old’?”

She gave a squeak of terror as Swift Crimson questioned her, hoping he had forgotten about that, “I... um... I’m...” She realised he wasn’t going to go away, just getting on with it as quickly as she could, “I’m... fluttershy...”

He frowned, “What was that?”

She took a deep breath. This was silly, “I’m... Fluttershy.”

He cocked his head to the side, “What?”

“I said...”

“I know what you fucking said.” Swift Crimson looked her up and down, “I’m just wondering how exactly... holy fucking shit!”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled at his reaction, the poor buck standing there with his mouth hanging open, his eyeballs about to pop out of his head, “Something wrong young man?”

He shook his head, almost swaying in place from sheer shock. His voice came out in a tumble of words, “That’s... fucking Fluttershy. I totally fucking... I just swore in front of Fluttershy.” He looked down at his hooves, blushing furiously, “Several times...”

“More than several.” She corrected him, rather enjoying this, “But I forgive you, so long as you promise to stop. It’s neither big nor clever.”

“How are you...?” He looked up at her in confused awe, suddenly frowning, “You’re old. Really old.”

Yes. Yes she was, “I was trapped for a very long time, not aging. It allowed me to survive until now.” She bit her lip as she lied, “The only one, apart from Spike.”

He blinked rapidly as he took this in, “You’ve... aged normally since.”

Normally? She guessed so, “I was revived fifteen years ago.” She sighed, not really fond of being reminded of her age, “I’ve felt each one of those fifteen years like they were fifty.”

He looked dumbfounded, “How old were you when the megaspells dropped?”

“Um... fifty seven, I believe.”

“No fucking way.” He shook his head in disbelief, “I mean... you were beautiful.”

Fluttershy... wondered how she should take that. She didn’t feel like cuffing him about the head, which was a start. He after all was young and stupid, with no idea how to talk to mares. That was something to be pitied, not punished. Fluttershy was quite pleased with herself for that, agreeing with her ego that it was a very mature attitude.

She eventually decided to just circle the question, “You’ve seen pictures of me at the end of the war then?”

He nodded, his voice moving higher and his blush increasing in intensity, “Um... well... there’s the Cagari photographs...”

They... didn’t. Those... forgive her for being a hypocrite... fucking pictures had actually survived? She was going to hire an archaeological expedition to find Photo Finish’s bones, dig them up, hire the zebra to revive her with dark magic and kill her again. Painfully. Her voice she kept painfully neutral, “That... isn’t me.”

“It isn’t?”

She shook her head. Neutrally. “It is a mare called Butterscotch Candy.” Fluttershy eventually decided to add, “She’s a lot prettier than me. And eight years younger.”

“Oh...” The poor buck looked deeply disappointed, which oddly made Fluttershy feel kinda bad. She guessed she had likely kickstarted Swift Crimson’s puberty at some point. Or Butterscotch had at least... one of many no doubt. Swift Crimson eventually spoke again, challengingly this time, “What about your visit to Star Fall, talking to the soldiers there?”

“It was... Rainbow command at that point.” She answered lamely, “But yes... that was me.”

He blushed further, looking a bit sad at the same time, “You looked... good for fifty seven.”

“I was fifty six at that point.” She looked away, taking a deep breath to steady herself, “Have I really changed so much?”

“Um... I...”

“I feel it’s time to save both of you from this conversation.” Sunshine Ivory stated in an amused, sing song tone. She nodded to the horizon, where a mighty fortress rose above the mountains of orange rock, “Greylode fortress.”

“Headquarters of the zebra armies.” Fluttershy couldn’t believe it, it looked almost intact. A little bit of battle damage and some collapsed outer walls seemed to be all that was wrong with the building after two hundred years of neglect on top of the bombardment, “I assumed it would be a crater.”

“Equestria made a habit of underestimating the zebra.”

Sunshine Ivory had that right. Fluttershy remembered when the high council had declared a large proportion of the zebra population bearing arms as ‘troublesome but insignificant rebels’, or when they threw the whole Equestrian army at the zebra nations at the beginning of the war and declared Caesar would be off the throne within days. That obviously didn’t happen, and Fluttershy still remembered the reaction from ponies when all they got back was corpses, and two critically wounded Princesses. They had learned all the lessons but the most important from that debacle, and now it seemed they hadn’t even learned that, “Should it make me angry that the zebra lands are so intact, yet Equestria was a barren wasteland?”

Sunshine Ivory chuckled at the question, “That’s for you to answer Fluttershy. I guess you are closer to the issue than we are.”

“I don’t want to be close to the issue.” She muttered ruefully, “National pride got us into this mess in the first place.”

Swift Crimson’s face fell, staring at the ground for a moment or two before suddenly speaking up, “I’ve... always been told that Equestria was a great nation, and that the zebra were in the wrong and it was their fault. It was easy to believe, being a pony in a foreign land... but I could never really accept it. I’ve read the histories. Both sides were fucking stupid, and they both paid the price.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “It wasn’t their fault. I don’t think it was anyponies fault.”

Sunshine Ivory smiled softly, “Even yours?”

“I...” Was it. It was a good question, and really... she still couldn’t answer it. But she felt the question was a little clearer than before at least, “In the past it was always Celestia who drew her ponies back from bad decisions. If she had been at her best, she would have. I tried to do what she couldn’t but... I didn’t have the strength of character. They didn’t listen to me, and I don’t blame them.”

Swift Crimson sniffed quietly, still looking a little jumpy as he carefully observed Fluttershy out of the corner of his eye, “You kidding? You were the only mare with character in the whole of Equestria...”

Fluttershy pursed her lips and said nothing. She had thought that once, but that was part of the problem. Really she was no better than the others, retreating into her bad habits without her friends to pull her back. She had retreated into her pet projects, categorised anyone who disagreed as uncaring and actively hostile. Too many of her speeches had been addressed to those who already agreed, basking in shared moral superiority instead of trying to convince others. And... moral superiority? Was she kidding?

She had abandoned her husband and kids because she was intimidated by the commitment they wanted from her. When they had accused her of neglecting them for her duties as ministry mare... she had run away, proved them right. It had been easy, and at the time she had enough on her plate to distract her from the implications of her dereliction of duty.

How could Equestria ever follow her? How could she have led them to peace, the mare who had abandoned her own children because she couldn’t handle the commitment?

Sunshine Ivory noticed her mood, chiming in, “You can make up for your mistakes Fluttershy. You can save Equestria.”

Fluttershy looked down at her hoof, reminded of one of the many reasons for her continued survival in the face of suicidal depression. However lonely she was, she knew she could expect no kind of welcome from her family and friends on the other side. And however much the regretted all that had been said and done, they were dead, and her mistakes were set in stone, “No I can’t.”


“But I can do something to help, here and now.” Fluttershy nodded her head, determined once more, “Let’s go.”


“These bandits... who are they?”

“No idea.” Swift Crimson stated ruefully as they made it down the hill towards the fortress, “They’re smarter than normal, but beyond that I’ve no idea.”


“Perhaps.” Sunshine Ivory stated, “They’re not that active around here, but some of the less scrupulous lords in the camel territories are willing to buy forceful captures.”

Fluttershy shivered, continuing further down the hillside with all the care she could manage. Her bionic leg felt heavy and clumsy on these loose stones, Fluttershy longing for the day when she could have just flown down. She fluttered her left wing experimentally, the muscles stiff and wasted from underuse. The right didn’t move an inch as always, not even able to feel its presence anymore. It was tied back against her side under her robes, just to stop it dragging along the ground.

“Who is that?”

Fluttershy looked up, spotting the line of strange zebra heading inside. Her eyes couldn’t really pick them up at this distance, looking over to her younger companions, “Are they the bandits?”

“No... I don’t recognise...”

Sunshine Ivory interrupted Swift Crimson, her voice contemplative, “They are members of the army of Star Hammer.”

Swift Crimson looked surprised at this news, “The demon slayer king?”

“The same.” Sunshine Ivory considered this for a moment or two before a sharp, cunning little smile crossed her lips, “They have come for the bandits, obviously. We should help them.”

“A group of armed zebra, well out of their territory?” Swift Crimson grimaced, not seeming keen on that idea, “I want to know what they’re doing here before I start doing them favors.”

“First impressions count.” Sunshine Ivory stated cheerfully, giving him a knowing look, “And I believe your faction needs all the friends it can get.”

He frowned, “We don’t need friends. We’re fine on our own.”

“Swift Crimson.” Fluttershy spoke quietly, her voice kind, “You know that’s not true. Do you believe that your faction stands for evil, aggression and causing pain to others?”

He bristled, whirling on Fluttershy and openly trying hard to restrain his anger at her words, “Of course not! That’s all just lies, spread by those who intend that towards us!”

Fluttershy knew who he represented, it was fairly obvious. She didn’t know what quite to make of that yet, not even knowing what ‘Princess Luna’ really was. Not Princess Luna, unless something very unusual was going on. Celestia had told Fluttershy how she had felt the death of her sister through all her senses, magical and physical, and Fluttershy was inclined to believe her. She wondered if it could be the Nightmare Forces, but Luna and Twilight Sparkle had both confirmed no trace of them left after they had freed Rarity from their influence.

That left many possibilities, that she was in poor position to make judgement on. All she did know... was that friendship is magic, “If that is not true Swift Crimson, you must show it. Prove the lies wrong, with kindness and charity.”

“I... of course Fluttershy.” Swift Crimson shook his head, chastised, “Then lead on I suppose.”

They entered the fortress without incident, Sunshine Ivory casting a light reflecting spell upon them that allowed them to sneak past the soldiers' rear guard almost totally undetected. Fluttershy was nervous about being so sneaky about it, but the other two seemed to believe it was the best way to assess the situation. Personally she was worried that one of them was determined to make the situation worse, Sunshine Ivory still seemed a little too calculating for her peace of mind, and Swift Crimson wasn’t exactly hiding the fact that he had his own mission here.

They arrived along a side corridor to the room occupied by the majority of the group, some sort of meeting point that handily was well serviced by secret doors and peep holes. It was through one of the peep holes they now stared, Fluttershy spotting both the new soldiers and the bandits from before facing off against each other. Things seemed to be getting increasingly heated, and several on both sides were fingering their weapons.

“We could let them kill each other...”

“Are you crazy lady?” Swift Crimson hissed quietly to Sunshine Ivory, “You’ll get their captive killed.”

“Then we must... Fluttershy, what are you...?”

Fluttershy continued onwards towards the secret door, ignoring them. She had a... well, not exactly an idea, but an ideal. She opened the door cautiously and stepped out into a large room beyond, feeling her heart leap a little at the sight of dozens of zebra, all heavily armed. They all turned to her as she entered, Fluttershy drawing herself up and strutting into the center line between the soldiers and the raiders, “Please sirs, lower your weapons.”

A wave of mutters started up, a huge zebra at the head of the soldiers the first to speak directly, “Who the hell are you?”

“My name is Fluttershy.” She smiled at the gasps and whispered conversation, nodding her head to the zebra surrounding her, “I’m sure you’ve heard about my arrival into these lands.”

“Enough!” The big zebra shouted, “This is no place...!”

“Let the mare speak.” A young zebra in the raider ranks cut him off, his voice soft and casual but full of arresting authority. He nodded his heavily scarred face to her, smiling invitingly, “Please, tell us why you have come.”

She nodded, noting Sunshine Ivory and Swift Crimson had both entered the room and were looking at her expectantly. She smiled at them both reassuringly before speaking, adopting her best ‘statesmare’ voice, “If either of you intend violence, then you both must realise that it will not end well for either side. In this confined space, with so many guns... many will die, and for what?”

“I have no desire for violence.” The scarred zebra stated, shrugging his shoulder and giving an innocent smile, “Do you?”

The big zebra snarled, “Did you ever intend to negotiate? You stand there, heavily armed, ready for battle. Am I to believe this wasn’t just another trap? Do you have the prisoner at all?”

The prisoner! So that’s what they were here for! She had to get him out here... “If you are really just here for a prisoner exchange then I will mediate, to make sure there is no violence.” She looked between the two sides, “There is no need for all these weapons.”

“Weapons are always handy in any negotiation.” The scarred zebra grinned, looking across at Sunshine Ivory and Swift Crimson, “And you are a... ‘neutral’ party are you Miss Fluttershy?”

She nodded firmly, “Yes. I saw the two of you enter, and wished only to stop the bloodshed I was sure was about to result.”

The scarred zebra laughed, his tones warm and boyish, “Why would you do that?”

She frowned deeply, rather insulted by the suggestion she should have ignored it, “I don’t understand the question. Why wouldn’t I stop living creatures from hurting one another?”

The scarred zebra stared at her for a moment or two before a large, goofy grin spread across his face, seeming entranced by her words. Finally he spoke, shaking his head in wonder, “I don’t understand, and therefore I do... you are a wonderful mare indeed Fluttershy. Worthy of your legend.”

Legend? Well she wouldn’t go that far, “Um... so then, you will hand over the prisoner?”

“But not to you.” The scarred zebra grinned knowingly, “You think I haven’t noticed the other foal standing over there? Almost got him too, but he gave me the slip.”

Fluttershy looked over to Swift Crimson, the young buck blushing and attempting to cover his face, “What?”

“Clever move, trying to steal my prisoner, screw over both of us.” He clapped, “Nice moves. Almost had me fooled.”

Fluttershy... cursed under her breath. Of course Swift Crimson would be known to these zebra! Well she didn’t really have a plan for getting the prisoner away from two armies anyway. At least she figured he would safer with whoever these soldiers were than a bunch of raiders, “I... truly intended no deception. I am only interested in the prisoner’s safety. I’m willing to do anything I can to ensure that this exchange goes as smoothly as possible.”

The scarred zebra grinned at the big zebra opposite, “Well that’s one of you.”

The big zebra frowned, “What do you mean by that Ekundayo?”

“I mean that you never intended to trade anything but bullets, did you big guy?” Ekundayo smirked, “You came armed and with orders to kill me. I can see it in your eyes.”

The big zebra simply snorted, “Continue to pick a fight and you will get it bandit scum.”

Fluttershy realised she was losing them and raised her voice, pleading with the two sides, “Ekundayo, if these zebra have truly come to wipe you out, then you have nothing to lose by compromise. They are clearly better armed and better armored, at close range you wouldn’t have a chance.”

Ekundayo shook his head, snorting, “I don’t think our friend here means to negotiate.”

“I am capable of negotiation.” The big zebra stated, his deep bass echoing in the confined space, “Give us the child and we will discuss future allegiance.”

“I give you the child and you have us all killed.” Ekundayo grinned, waving his hoof dismissively, “I think I should just walk away.”

“Wait!” Fluttershy exclaimed, expression determined as she advanced forward. She couldn’t let them escape, her mind desperately spinning possible bluffs, “They likely have the place surrounded.”

Ekundayo turned to her with a smirk, making Fluttershy increasingly nervous. His words did not reassure her, “Then we fight our way out.”

She spluttered, “Against an army?”

Ekundayo leaned closer, “And what do you suggest?”

Fluttershy was sure her fear was showing, still she was committed now. She threw her first thought out there just to maintain momentum, “Give the foal to us and we’ll see to it that you are allowed to escape without harm.”

Ekundayo gave her a lopsided smile, moving a little closer, “I’m not seeing what I get out of this.”

“You don’t come out of this a winner Mr Ekundayo.” She nodded softly, “You either lose hard or lose soft. Think about it, and live another day.”

He lowered his head to consider her words, Fluttershy leaning forward in hopeful expectation. Surely he understood, that he was in over his head...

Metal burst from his hoof with a sudden flash of silver, Ekundayo grinning wildly. His muscles bunched and he moved like lightning, sweeping the blade up towards her chest, “I’ve never been sof...!”

Sparks flew as the blade hit a shield of magic that had suddenly surrounded her, Fluttershy screaming like a little girl as she staggered backwards. Her one good wing fluttered beneath the heavy robes, just watching as Ekundayo screamed his order and his raiders charged in to attack. It was madness, it made no sense...

Death for death’s sake. She screamed, standing upright and raising her shotgun to her eye. She pointed the sights at the charging Ekundayo, his smug face only fueling her rage. Her blood burned for his death, to see his head explode into bloody chunks, to be one less blight on the world!

Her heart burned. Her aim wobbled as pain shot through her forehoof, her shot merely cutting across his face. He leapt in for the kill as she staggered, unable to even move...

Something struck her in the side and she was swept away, instantly recognising the familiar touch of a pegasus in flight. She was placed on the ground and her rescuer moved to defend her, Swift Crimson swinging his pistol into firing position and taking down a bandit with a well aimed shot to the head. Another figure wrapped in bandages moved to support him and the two laid into the bandits with practiced fury, giving Fluttershy a moment to recover.

Her... heartbeat sounded odd in her ears, and a sharp angina pain burned in her chest. Arrhythmia, nothing she hadn’t dealt with before, though she needed to deal with it now. Any longer and she would start really feeling it, becoming just another causality in the middle of a war zone.

This was incredibly stupid. Apparently her brain was already becoming hypoxic, but however stupid it was she didn’t have a whole lot of other options on hoof. She pulled out a buck pill and downed it in one gulp, hoofing a syringe of healing potion and waiting for the medication to take effect.

She couldn’t miss it, feeling like someone had punched her in the chest and a incredible surge of pain flow outwards through her entire body. Step one, stop her heart. Excellent, it was all going as planned... she would be better in no time...

Fluttershy gasped and slammed the syringe of healing potion through her chest, desperately slamming down the plunger before she lost consciousness. She gasped as she felt her heart start up again, relief flooding through her as she felt the fast but regular beat. She was saf...

Swift Crimson fell back with a yell, a crossbow bolt impaled through his shoulder. Fluttershy got the hint, lifting her shotgun and firing from standing position into the hoard. It was very hard to miss at this range, striking one raider onto his ass and scattering the others. It gave her a clearing, allowing her to press her hoof into Swift’s shoulder and yank the bolt free with her teeth. Bullets struck their position and he pulled her down, Fluttershy’s robe ruffling as a shot deflected off her barding. She blasted the shooter off his feet and pulled out another vial of healing potion, injecting it into Swift’s shoulder.

He rose, attempting to lift his weapon without much success as a group of three big zebra charged in with heavy hatchets clutched in their teeth and hooves. He cursed, his expression slightly desperate as his hoof dropped limply, “Fuck, I think it’s some sort of poison!”

She grabbed a bottle of antitoxin from her bag and shoved them it into his hooves as she galloped forward to meet their attackers, taking a deep inhale of a vial of dash before gripping the strap of her shotgun between her teeth. They weren’t expecting her to charge so recklessly and it allowed her to get a hit in, striking the first with a Buck enhanced blow from the barrel of her shotgun that split his skull. She then span like she was playing baseball, her shotgun whipping round to crack the second about the muzzle and leave him spitting blood.

Even on Dash she wasn’t that fast. The third was already behind her, plunging his weapon into her flank. His first strike was stopped by her armor with just a bruise, his second however drove deep into her flesh. He used that to lever himself up her body, just about to plunge his weapon into her neck when Swift Crimson blew his head off. Fluttershy had a moment to feel relieved before another bullet penetrated her side, Fluttershy gasping in pain and injected the last of her healing potion before it got too much.

She was going through it pretty damn quickly.

“Share the candy?”

She looked across at Swift Crimson, the buck crouched down behind a makeshift fortification of bodies. She really didn’t feel this was appropriate action with a minor, but that gun was stopping them all from being dead after all. She took out a dose of Buck and Dash and hurled them over, the buck taking them eagerly as she dived into her own cover.

The battle was short after that, though Fluttershy doubted she would forget it in a hurry. She supported Swift Trigger as best she could, her shotgun knocking bandits to the ground and her medical skills keeping his wounds closed. They were charged again by machete wielding raiders and she fought them side by side with the foal, wincing and cursing herself every time she slammed her weapon into some stallions face. Eventually... the battle was over, what few bandits remained desperately surrendering to the tired looking soldiers.

Fluttershy collapsed, conclusively exhausted. She only looked up when Swift Crimson caught his own breath and hurried towards the back room.

The captive, of course! She had almost forgotten! She hurried after him as fast as she could manage, weaving past suspicious looking soldiers and out through the back door. This room was just as much a mess as the other, Fluttershy having to pull a double take on what looked like an alicorn struggling to her hooves. She recognised the mare after a moment, and it wasn’t as if there were many alicorns out here, “Star...” She gasped, realising just how out of breath she was, “...ah...”

“Fluttershy?” Star Swirl turned, her own expression widening in equal confusion. She limped over after a moment to reassure herself she wasn’t dreaming, deep concern on her face, “Um... elder... you’re hurt. And carrying a shotgun...”

“I’m not your elder anymore Star Swirl, we kicked you out.” Fluttershy stated with a satisfying tinge of malice. It was a little mean, but then the mare had some nerve just... turning up like this. They had all thought she was in trouble, or dead!


Fluttershy’s frayed neurons were still kicking, she made the connection after a moment, “You’re with Princess Luna? You met up with the others?”

“The others are with Princess Luna?” Star Swirl stated incredulously, “No, I’m...”

“Ugh, it doesn’t... matter...” Fluttershy shook her head clear, feeling like her skull was going to take flight and float away at any moment. She desperately looked around for anyone still alive, which seemed a fools errand among the mountain of corpses. Star Swirl gasped and limped over to the body of the bandaged zebra who had helped them earlier, collapsed on the ground next to a thick metal door. Fluttershy herself focused on the foal currently tied to a metal post at the back of the room, Swift Crimson there attempting to bite through the ropes with his teeth. She hurried over to help, “Is he... still alive?”

“I don’t fucking know! We need to get him down!”

Fluttershy looked at the foal, covered in blood and horrific wounds. They couldn’t have been battle scars, it looked like the raiders had attempted to skin his whole face. Horrific to think about, but they were the kind of wounds that took skill and intent to inflict. She took the foal carefully as the ropes came free and lay him down upon the ground, placing an ear against his mouth to confirm he was breathing. It was as she looked away that she noticed what was wrong here, the ruined face just a little too familiar...

The foal... it was...

Ace Gold.

She had to convince herself to be sure she wasn’t dreaming, brushing his blood encrusted mane from his face. Even cut up and covered in grime he was recognisable, Ace Gold broken and motionless at her hooves. She felt... numb. In shock. She wondered how, why, what... then she realised it didn’t matter.

She took his pulse, high and fluttery, Fluttershy concluding that they had dosed him with Buck to keep him alive. That was ok for now, though she gave him something to keep him calm. He was young so heart complications were unlikely, still she couldn’t rule out some undiscovered congenital problem.

Healing potions to the face were a nightmare, still she did her best. Fortunately there appeared to be no skull fractures, the raiders content to just flay the skin from his face. She injected three and they quickly got to work, Fluttershy rubbing in some cream to keep his wounds from scaring. The skin knitted together as intended, furless but with a good chance of regrowth by her judgement. He groaned and she couldn’t help smiling in relief, the buck opening his eyes and staring about in panic.

She caught his shoulders, only making the buck panic more. He was too weak to move much but Fluttershy was aware that he was a champion martial artist, quickly whispering to him before he kicked her in the face, “Ace Gold, it’s me, Fluttershy.”

He stared slightly to the left of her face, his voice strained and croaky, “Flutter... why can’t I see you...”

She looked into his eyes, unfocused and with a fragmented, misaligned iris. She waved a hoof but there was not even an attempt to follow it, Fluttershy cursing in rage and distress. The eyeball had been clearly damaged and had healed wrong, something that had only been made worse by the healing potions. The required action now would be to quickly refer him to a specialist before the healing fully set in, likely needing risky, complicated surgery to open up the eyes and repair what was wrong. Indeed for a case this complicated Fluttershy would certainly refer him to Scold’s Visual Centre in Manehatten, for immediate appointment with a qualified consultant.

That was a very long way away. Fluttershy’s own medical qualifications were a couple of decades out of date, in orthopedics! She had no idea how to treat an injury like this! “Swift Crimson... Swift, I need you to... ugh...”

The buck caught her as she swayed, “Fluttershy! You... you really need to lie down!”

She looked at his face, so concerned despite his tough demeanor. Such a sweet kid really, Fluttershy feeling a wave of protective fondness welling up inside her, “No... I’ll be fine. You need to find if there’s a doctor here who knows anything about eyes.”

Swift looked up at her assessingly, still concerned, “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Go.” She nodded softly and the buck gave her one last look before galloping off towards the front room, Fluttershy turning back to Ace Gold.

Truth of the matter? She was starting to feel bad, but she knew there were others here feeling worse.

Ace... looked a mess. How had it come to this? Blame everypony else she could, but she was ultimately in charge of this operation. She had been an element of harmony, allegedly a big shot. Allegedly. She still personally couldn’t think of a single moment where she hadn’t been a failure in the company of giants.

And Ace Gold... he was going to die. Another corpse upon the pile, another dear friend taken from her. And however much she wanted to join them the spirits knew she wanted to die, of course they wouldn’t kill her for her crimes! Instead they inflicted suffering on all those around her, punishing them for her sins! Her very presence in this world was causing them to suffer! This was her fault!


“Leave me alone! Monster!” Fluttershy turned angrily upon Star Swirl, that... insulting, twisted mockery of black science, colored in the image of her friend for the ultimate insult! Ugly, spiteful, evil little thing, a memory of the wasteland! Killers all of them, murderers and killers! “Why are you here!? Are you mocking me?!”

Star Swirl stepped back, honestly terrified at her outburst, “I’m... not...”

“I...” Fluttershy spotted Star Swirl’s cutie mark and realised the truth, that swirling mass finally revealing it to her. It was all ok, it was all a bad dream.

Twilight had been part of the Goddess after all. She had escaped, hiding right under her nose. Just like all her other friends! Celestia had survived after all, and Spike... they were all alive, just like her! Just like Twilight!

“Um... Fluttershy? Why are you looking at me like...”

Fluttershy shook her head. No more lies, “I know who you are now. Twilight... Twilight, I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me anymore...”

Star Swirl looked around the room, deeply confused. It was just more lies, Fluttershy realising the truth now, “Twilight, please... please come back to me... I need you.” Tears fell from her eyes, her pain and grief flooding out, “I... can’t do anything on my own, I’m not strong enough. I need you all, I’m helpless without you.”

Star Swirl’s head dropped, her voice shaking as she addressed the floor before her, “I’m not Twilight.”

“No... that’s not true...”

The bandaged zebra grunted in pain as he moved over, his dark ringed eyes cold and cruel, “Twilight Sparkle is dead.”

It hit her like a hammer. She felt her dreams crumble beneath her, “...everyone...?”

“They’re all dead. Stop living in the past.”

Star Swirl turned to him in fury, and not a little bit of amazement that he would go that far, “Esau!”

Esau snorted, wincing in pain as he did so. His voice was a growly mutter, “Should I let her hide herself in selfish fantasy, enjoy the comfort of delusion while a buck lies dying at her hooves?”

Fluttershy looked across at Ace Gold, his breathing raspy and labored. She moved to help him... but she realised she didn’t know how. She didn’t know what to do. He was going to die because she was a useless doctor... her hooves failed under her and she buried herself in his chest, sobbing bitterly, using him as a pillow as she howled her curses and distress.

Star Swirl gathered her up and clutched her close, Fluttershy allowing herself to fall into her embrace. She smelt of blood and IMP, but at least she was warm and soft.

She heard movement behind and turned her head, spotting a zebra medic tending to Ace Gold, Swift Crimson beside. She moved cautiously away from Star Swirl, Swift Crimson blushing as he looked over to her. He rubbed his head with a hoof, his face firmly set in a defensive frown, “...you ok?”

“I... think so.” Fluttershy had to admit she felt much better now, though her head still felt light and fuzzy. She couldn’t even remember what she had been so upset about, “I... um... you found somepony?”

Swift moved aside to admit the big zebra from before, alongside a frosty looking female zebra in glasses. Fluttershy noted the red armband and plentiful saddle bags, figuring she was the medic. She gave Fluttershy a cool look as she moved past, leaning down to inspect the fallen foal. This gave the big zebra an opportunity to speak, his tone not entirely friendly, “Your attempt to mediate was a foolish risk. You almost got yourself killed, not to mention ruined my battle plan.”

“Fuck that shit. She totally distracted them, you wouldn’t...”

The big zebra glared at Swift, the buck looking sulky as he went quiet. The zebra then paused a moment to regain his flow, “Admittedly, it could have been worse. The result would have been much the same either way.”

Fluttershy gave him her ‘stern schoolmarm’ look, “So you were planning on killing them.”

“Yes. They are criminals, who deserved nothing less.” He raised his head imperiously, “And I am General Icoxal of the army of the great lord Starhammer.”

“Ambassador Fluttershy, of the New Canterlot Republic.” She curtsied as best as she could, considering her physical condition, “I mean you no ill will General. Events beyond my control took me here, and I merely saw the chance to prevent violence.”

“And for this buck to retrieve his comrade.” Icoxal glared hotly at Swift Crimson, his nostrils flaring, “And take him back to his mistress.”

“Don’t know what your problem is big guy, but I didn’t do fuck to you.” Swift glared right back, putting a bit of space between them so he didn’t have to crane his neck to look him in the eye, “We teamed up, we put down a raider, I intend to get my brother here back home to rest.” He paused briefly before shrugging, “I guess I could muster up a reward or something for your help.”

“You’re not concerned about armed guests in your territory?”

“Only if you’re here to cause trouble.”

“ENOUGH!” Fluttershy shouted, having had just enough aggression for one day. She looked straight at Icoxal, hoping she still had enough in her to make her words convincing, “General, this young stallion aided you in battle at great risk to himself, it would be morally reprehensible to harm him now. I see you take good care of your uniform, the fabric pressed and the metal polished.”

Icoxal grunted moodily, “Of course.”

“Then do not dishonor it.” She looked down at Swift Crimson now, “And Swift Crimson?”

His grin faded as he saw her stern expression, “Yes Miss Fluttershy?”

She had to really steel herself to not smile as he looked up at her like a naughty foal, his demeanor totally changed from what it was before. She kept her frown up though, Fluttershy boasting years of experience at resisting the ‘cuteness counter assault’ gambit, “Nopony is ever going to respect you with a mouth like that. Please, address others with the respect they are due... and stop swearing.”

He frozen, clearly genuine in his shock, “I swore?”

Fluttershy sighed, grinning as she shook her head, “I see you are going to require intensive retraining...”

“If you are done, I have some news about the boy.”

They all turned to the doctor attending to Ace Gold, Icoxal nodding to the mare, “Report.”

“I can’t do anything for him without specialised equipment.” She shook her head, “But we don’t have time to get him back to my office, even by flight.”

Fluttershy racked her brain, sure there was some solution, “Surely there must be medical equipment here somewhere.”

The mare didn’t look too enthused, “I doubt it.”

“Can we at least look?”

Star Swirl strolled over shyly, standing there looking awkward until everyone turned to look at her expectantly. Star Swirl cleared her throat briefly before speaking, “Um, well... there’s a medical facility near here, marked on the map. You can access it now the power is back on.”

Icoxal grunted, weighing it up for a moment or two before looking to the two nearby soldiers, “You two, accompany the ambassador and good doctor to this facility. Make sure you take everything worth taking, and keep a good eye out for any hostiles.”

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief as they saluted and prepared to move out, thankful for small mercies. She just hoped Ace Gold could hold out until they got back.


Fluttershy had never been fond of post war ruins, or military facilities. She also couldn’t shake the overwhelming knowledge that she was walking through the zebra kingdom’s main military base, passing the skeletons of zebra who had once plotted the death of her friends. Still she kept her nerve, sweeping her eyes about the rooms they passed through and gathering up everything useful.

It was disturbing in here for other reasons, this not so much a hospital as a... lab. Potions with coded labels sat on the shelves, left well alone, charts graphically displaying battle wounds and the progression of virulent diseases. They passed through one room that made her lose her composure completely, screaming and slamming her body against the far wall.

“It’s contained, and by the looks of the concentration mostly degraded.” The doctor spoke coldly as she continued, “Your screaming is going to bring necrotics down upon us.”

Fluttershy glared at her back angrily, turning her eyes once more to the tanks of swirling pink gas and walking past with all the composure she could manage. The mare had obviously never lost a dear friend to this stuff, never had to see a whole cloud of it covering a city of a million ponies. She shivered as her last memory of Rarity flashed through her head, gulping it back and continuing on.

The next room looked... vaguely promising. At least it had room for a patient, a bed in the center, surgical equipment stacked away at the sides and several machines she didn’t recognise standing nearby, “Can you use this?”

“Maybe a specialist could, but I would require a microscope and x-ray machine to avoid just making the situation worse.” The doctor moved to route through the drawers, moving the contents into her bag, “Aren’t you a doctor yourself?”

As ponies kept reminding her. Physician, heal thyself, “I’m not a surgeon.”

“That seems uselessly specialised.”

It hadn’t been once, but back then she had a team to refer the more complicated things to. There were other concerns too, that she was as ever acutely aware of, “Um... I’m also a seventy two year old stroke victim. I haven’t had the co-ordination or eyesight for surgery in a long time.”


Hmph right back. She really didn’t like this mare, “Besides... what about these machines? What do they do?”

The doctor turned to look at them, her lip curling, “No idea.”

“Maybe one of them has an x-ray machine!”


“But worth trying!” Fluttershy answered impatiently, striding over to look at the machine in question. It didn’t provide her with much information, unfortunately she wasn’t a surgeon or a technician. She looked around for a manual or something before spotting a large monitor at the back of the room, “Maybe this will give us some clues.”

“Very well.” The doctor answered, waving a hoof at one of the soldiers, “Watch the corridor outside for intruders while we investigate this room.”

“Yes sir!”

The video screen activated with a buzz and a soft clunk as she pressed the button, Fluttershy’s heart dropping as the image displayed a stark and empty interview room she had not encountered. So much for instructions of how to use this place... two zebra in white suits stood at the table, Fluttershy spotting the infinite loop symbol picked out in serpentine scales upon the lapels. The symbol of the Department of Scientific research.

The door opened and another figure entered, this one most unlike the hard, military profiles of the other two. This zebra was chubby, balding and generally ill formed, looking rather like a stereotypical middle manager or network administrator. He was nervous, jumpy, standing before the table like a naughty schoolfilly paraded before the headmaster.

One of the white suited zebra spoke, “You are Zighyr, age 34, informatics administrator at the ‘Friendly Building Company’. Confirm.”

The chubby zebra nodded. His voice was soft, oddly high pitched, “Yes sir, that’s me.”

The white suited zebra nodded, “What happened to the company’s head office on forth of falling leaves?”

“We... we were occupied by members of the Equestrian Army.”

The white suited zebra nodded again, showing no emotion whatsoever, “Why was this?”

“From what I overheard, they suspected the company of being a branch of the zebra intelligence service in the Orange Strip.”

“Is this true?”

“I do not know sir. I am low placed in the company, I would not be privy to such information.”

The white suited zebra looked at his comrade for a moment, the second zebra promptly moving to ask his own questions. Fluttershy poorly understood why, they looked identical to her. He looked down at a device on his forehoof for a second before speaking, “You were taken somewhere by the soldiers?”

“Yes. A soldier and a unicorn technician. They took me and one of the senior managers down into one of the vaults.”


“They wanted her to use her pass to open it.”

The white suited zebra frowned, “And you?”

“I was bringing her lunch up from the canteen, so I was outside her office.”

The other zebra countered gruffly, “Looking for a promotion?”

Zighyr shook his head, slumping his shoulders, “No. I don’t have the management skills for a higher position.”

“Then why act as a runner for the senior management? It’s not exactly your job.”

Zighyr looked incredibly uncomfortable with this line of inquiry, “Because a manager ordered me to... and she is nice to me. She tells me when I’ve done good work, she brings in food for me sometimes, she tells me I am loyal. Her good little dog.”

“You like being a dog Zighyr?”

He nodded, “Yes. Dogs are loyal, smart, strong.”

“You value loyalty Zighyr?”

“Yes.” He answered simply, raising his head and looking a little proud, “I find abstract concepts to comprehend. If I didn’t have zebra telling me what to do I could hurt others unintentionally.”

The white coated zebra nodded, placing a single hoof upon the table and leaning forward, “And what happened down there, was it intentional?”

“Yes sir.”

“Tell me what you did.”

Zighyr nodded, his mood rapidly shifting from pride to nervousness, constantly glancing at the two zebra for reassurance as he continued, “She opened the vault for them, there were lots of boxes inside. The soldier didn’t like that, he knocked Nansha... my manager to the ground. The unicorn technician said it was wrong but the soldier didn’t listen. She just ignored him then, walked inside and started looking around. The soldier kept kicking my manager and shouting.”

“And then?”

“There is a gap in the neck of the equestrian power armor when the trooper isn’t wearing the undercoat, revealed when he leans forward.”

“He wasn’t wearing the undercoat I assume.”


“What did you do?”

Zighyr stated it with light confusion in his voice, as if he didn’t understand where this question was going, “He was hurting my manager. I had to stop him.”

“Of course.”

“I had a pencil in my pocket. I drove it into his jugular, used his armor as a brace and levered the side of his neck open.”

“And the unicorn?”

“The soldier dropped his weapon, a shotgun. I picked it up and shot her as she turned around.” Zighyr looked down, his voice sounded ashamed, “I am not familiar with the weapon, and it kicked hard in my hooves. It took four shots before she stopped moving.”

The white suited zebra shifted his position, unable to keep the interest off his face, “And after that you worked your way through the building?”

“Yes sir. They were disrupting the work of the company and hurting the staff.”

“What happened to the ponies on the third floor staircase?”

Zighyr gave a shy smile, “They were running up the stairwell, shouting at me. I was in the kitchens, so I got a pot of grease and poured it down the stairs. They were in heavy armor, a liability in uncontrolled falls.”

“And the ponies on the tenth floor?”

Zighyr lowered his head, “I triggered the sprinklers and increased the pressure to the pipes overhead, bursting them and flooding the floor. Then I linked the generator directly to the pool of water, electrocuting them all.”

“Where did you learn to do that?”

“A book.” Zighyr gave them a nervous look, “I wondered if it was possible, read up on the building’s infrastructure and planned it out. I never thought I would actually get a chance to test it out.”

The white suited zebra looked at each other for a moment before the first spoke, “You are aware you electrocuted two members of staff?”

“Yes sir. They were low ranked in the company. I thought the consequences of their loss were far less than the benefits of killing so many of the invading soldiers.” Zighyr looked nervous, and a little defiant, “My manager agreed.”

“How did it feel to kill so many Zighyr?”

Zighyr thought about this for a long time, his chubby, odd looking face scrunching up. He answered at last, his voice shaking a little, “Strange. Killing is wrong, but it was... living maths.”

“Living maths?”

“I work with numbers. They are predicable, give the same result every time.” Zighyr started, “Using it to kill those ponies though... it was chaotic, the rules constantly changing. It felt good when I was able to adapt, end their lives in the most efficient way. It was a challenge.”

“Have you ever killed before?”

Zighyr clammed up suddenly at the question, looking guilty for a long time, “Yes. It wasn’t my fault.”

“What happened?”

“The others took me out on the town, to acquire prostitutes. I wasn’t really interested, but I wished to fit in, so I paid a mare and she took me into a back alley.” His eyes darted around nervously, “She tried to mug me. She had a knife.”

“What did you do?”

“I took the knife off her. She tried to hit me.”


“I... stabbed her in the mouth. She bled quite a lot, choked to death.” He fidgeted nervously in his chair, “It felt wrong, bad. I knew it was against the law. I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone.”

The white suited zebra smiled reassuringly, “It’s ok Zighyr. Sometimes it’s ok to kill. Sometimes bad zebra need to be punished.”

He shook his head, disbelieving, “But how do you know when it’s ok and when it isn’t?”

“We will tell you Zighyr.” The white suited zebra nodded, a wide smile spreading across his face, “We can give you power, greater than any zebra has possessed before. We can tell you who to kill, when it’s right and when it isn’t.”

“You can serve your country.”

Zighyr considered this for a moment before nodding shyly, a little hesitant, “That sounds... good. I think I would like that.”

Fluttershy ended the video, her mind dull and blank. She couldn’t believe it, but it was right there. She knew Zighyr’s story about the prostitute, had heard it before. A stallion had repeated it at length, with great enthusiasm.

They had given Zighyr his power. And he had obviously become used to the killing in the end. The shy, chubby zebra went by a different name now.


She turned away from the monitor, stumbling and pushing a table out of the way. The remaining solider looked across at her, concerned, “Are you well Miss Fluttershy?”

“Yes... yes.” She looked at the doctor with regret, meeting her grim gaze, “Nothing here is going to help us.”

“Yes... I figured as much.” She repeated, placing her tools back onto the table, “This is not a hospital, not a frontline facility. This is a research lab for biological terrors.”

“You know what that video is about?”

“That zebra was being recruited as a Ghost Operative.” The doctor explained in blunt, clinical tones, “Zebra too weak for combat charmed with tales of power, brainwashed for absolute loyalty, fitted into environmental suits designed to keep them alive at any cost. Then they injected them with a thousand deadly drugs, pumped pink gas and high wave radiation into their suits without mercy.”

Fluttershy had been a doctor during the war, she had certainly come into contact with most of the zebra biological warfare. She had continued this informally after her revival, and her work with minorities within the NCR made her a minor authority on ghouls, “They were producing Canterlot Ghouls. Ghouls who regenerate from all wounds, who possess enormous strength and can’t be killed except by decapitation.”

“You are familiar with them?”

Fluttershy nodded. They weren’t exactly common in the NCR, but a few still survived despite the fear they inspired from others. Still that didn’t explain Chigaru. She had originally suspected he was one, but the kind of punishment they had hit him with would have killed even one of them, “I met a... Ghost operative recently, he didn’t die even when his head was destroyed, had the ability to escape from his body as a cloud of living pink gas.”



The doctor sighed, shaking her head as she washed her hooves at the sink, “Some Ghost Operatives displayed the ability to survive almost total destruction of their bodies, and they seem to get stronger as they get older. I doubt any zebra alive understands what they really are now.”

Fluttershy shivered. That wasn’t reassuring, she had been hoping for a nice simple explanation, “How do you kill them?”

“You can’t.”

“You can’t?”

The doctor shrugged, considering the finality of her words, “I’ve heard of one killed with magical energy weapons, but Chigaru has taken shots from them and regenerated none the weaker. Really most of them have been found just... dead, despite their suits being entirely intact.”

Fluttershy frowned, “Why?”

“I don’t know.”

Fluttershy lowered her head, debating on the possibilities. Maybe there were more records here, more clues as to what he was, how to stop him...

“Why are you so interested?”

Fluttershy nearly stated something like, ‘he’s dangerous’, but then that was a cheap answer. The doctor was right, the monster really had got under her skin, sparked a fear and anger that demanded she... remove him from her life. And indeed, she still felt like he was there, watching her, judging her, laughing at her every failure, “He tried to kill me... but he stopped at the last moment, telling me I hadn’t even begun to suffer yet.”

The doctor frowned, “You want to get him first?”

“I don’t know... I just hate feeling like I’m at his mercy.”

Silence reigned, the pressure in the room changing. One familiar voice rang out in the void, “You fear, because you are still intruders in this new world.”

The guard turned with a start as Ekundayo came up behind, not even halfway prepared before he was speared through the throat and dropped to the floor. Fluttershy had no idea where he had come from, or how he had snuck up on them so silently.

His wounds were all healed. Of course they were. He had likely been chugging back healing potions from the moment he escaped. Fluttershy and the doctor could only stare as he advanced, Ekundayo grabbing the doctor and twisting her into his embrace. Fluttershy cried out as the blade hovered against her neck, threatening to end her life with but the slightest movement, “NO!”

“Look at you, both so soft.” Ekundayo shook his head with great regret, his blade playing across the doctor’s face with smooth, careful movements,“You try to act, dress, believe like the world isn’t ended. You’re still oh so beautiful.”

The doctor’s cool personality was gone now, tears running down her face as her eyes hovered over the blade and the severed fur falling from her cheek, “Please, we’re no threat to you...”

“You don’t understand, I’m trying to help you.” He smiled warmly, kindly, his blade cutting a deep furrow into her cheek, “How can the world ever move on, how can you ever move on? You need to let go of your beauty, become ugly like me.”


“Sush... it will be ok...”

“Please stop...” Fluttershy’s voice shook as she lifted her shotgun, the weapon vibrating so violently in her hooves that she almost dropped it, “We... we don’t want this...”

He shook his head with regret, “I’m sorry, I can’t leave you like this. You’ll feel better once I’ve taken your face. I did the same thing to myself, these scars.” Ekundayo turned his soft, youthful eyes up at Fluttershy, giving her a lopsided smile, “He was the one who taught me that you know. Who taught me the true principles the Entitidi were founded on.”

Fluttershy’s heart caught in her chest, “Who?”

“Chigaru. I was so lost, so sure I could never live up to my father’s legacy. So shy, and weak, and so beautiful.” Ekundayo moved a hoof to his face, running along his scars lovingly, “He taught me that I failed because I was too beautiful for the wasteland. That if I wanted it to accept me, I would have to make myself ugly.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, not mentally ready for this. This stallion wasn’t evil, he was... very sick, and whatever Chigaru had really said to him hadn’t helped, “Look at all this. Your tribe dead, you trapped in this place by a vast army, almost killed less than an hour ago. All because of those scars. You need to come back Ekundayo.”

“No. I am still strong. I can do this, and no zebra can stop me.”


Ekundayo slammed his wrist blade into the doctor’s neck, the mare gurgling as blood filled her mouth. Her eyes opened in tear soaked terror for a few desperate moments before they rolled back and she pitched forward, sprawling limp across the tiles. He grinned, falling back down on his hooves and trotting casually past her, “See. You don’t have power like I do. You can’t do things like that and get away with it.”

He left her unharmed, just standing shaking in the middle of the medical room. She looked down at the doctor, her cool expression now one of frozen terror.

This wasn’t right.

Her hooves kicked into gear, slamming open the doors and skidding into the corridor. She stood on her back hooves, lifting her shotgun and staring down the sight. Ekundayo lazily turned his head to her as he continued away at the same unhurried pace.

Her hoof must have slipped. She couldn’t believe she could have done it intentionally. Her weapon had fired, kicking against her shoulder and catching Ekundayo across his back with a burst of blood and bone. The zebra was thrown forward by the impact, cartwheeling head over heels and ending up crumpled on his side.

She had killed him? Just like that?

Fluttershy wondered if he was dead for a moment longer before he finally coughed, muttering in pain.

She moved over to his side, stunned and blank eyed. Ekundayo looked up at her in awe and reverence, wetting his lips with his tongue before speaking. His voice was weak and croaky, “Are you really the one?”

Fluttershy looked down at the... pathetic creature. She felt both pity and contempt, “The one who kills you?”

“The beautiful one, bearing the true scars... I tried to copy them, but they were just failed reflections...” He grinned, even as the pain crept into his eyes, “The element of kindness, seared and made ugly by the fires. You are... the daughter of the wastes, mare of the apocalypse...”

“Quiet.” Fluttershy spoke it quietly but insistently, not wanting to hear it. That name had no place on his lips, and she had no desire to learn why it was there. Whether prophesy or auger.... no. She pulled out a syringe of Med-X, drawing closer, “Stay still.”

He pushed her hoof away, insistent, “No... we need the pain, both of us. It tells us who we are.”

“You’re going to die without it.”

“You know there is only one way to end this.” Ekundayo grinned, blood flecking his lips, “Do it.”

Fluttershy grew angry, “I’m not...”

“Has to be you. Only you.”

No. She wasn’t special, she wasn’t some... corrupted messiah. But it couldn’t be anypony but her, she couldn’t let others take the dirty work anymore. She couldn’t be a coward any longer. She had to... abandon her selfish morals.

But she could do it right. She leaned forward and hugged Ekundayo, taking his bloody face into her neck, nestling her cheek against his ear. Her knee came down upon his throat, gently pressing just enough to close his airway. He choked and struggled and she held him tight, pinning him to the ground as he gasped her last.

Fluttershy wept, tears pouring down her face in a torrent as she felt him finally go limp. She held on to him for a minute or two longer just to be sure, finally stepping away. She forced herself to look at that wide eyed, empty face, reminding herself that she had just broken every vow she had made on the day she became a doctor, that by doing that she was no better than every other scumbag in this world.

Maybe that was the point. Words like ‘better’ felt false now, elitist. They were all in the muck together. Indeed she wondered what Applejack would have said. She was never averse to getting her hooves dirty, thought little of those who considered themselves her betters.

She didn’t know anymore. Her friends were faint shadows in the darkness of her memory.

“Holy crap!”

She looked round at the guard who had been outside the door. She couldn’t even be bothered to ask where he had been.

“I... thought I heard something, went to investigate...” He looked at the corpse beside her with shocked confusion, “What happened?”

“Ekundayo’s dead. So is the doctor and the other guard.” She spoke clinically, her emotions deadened, “Let’s get back.”


She made it back to the others without incident, wordlessly busying herself with what she had to do. She waved off eager young bucks throwing healing potions around by the jug, using her supply of syringes to carefully treat only the damaged areas, setting broken bones and orientating torn muscle before they could heal incorrectly. The raiders had been using a fairly common poison fortunately, those struck with it had recovered quickly once anti-toxins had been handed out.

She felt her heart break once again at the almost total casualty rate on the raider side, many of the wounded having clearly been stomped to death. She supposed it would be hypocritical to question such things now.

“May I have your assistance Miss Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy turned to the bandaged zebra Esau, once again amazed he was able to stand. He was still covered in blood and dozens of wounds, yet despite a note of weariness in his voice and a pronounced limp didn’t seem particularly bothered. She observed him with wariness, getting an uncomfortable feeling from the stallion, “Wasn’t Star Swirl attending to you?”

Esau paused, clearly debating this point, “I... do not wish her to treat me at this time.”

She hadn’t become a psychiatrist by asking awkward questions, “Ok. Do you want to go to a back room?”

“That would be appreciated.”

He followed her into the side room, moving over to an empty metal table and stripping off his armour and bandages. Once again Fluttershy was amazed at the zebra’s resilience, clearly spotting areas of flesh coming away with his armour yet not even a sign of acknowledgement in his face, “Are you immune to pain?”

“It’s a zebra technique.” He spoke it calmly, his tone matter of fact, “It numbs my pain receptors.”

Once again she was amazed by what the zebra could achieve with natural methods, “That sounds very useful.”

“The total loss of my tactile senses is a great hindrance, and I am unable to accurately determine the location of my limbs without eyesight confirmation.” He closed his eyes, clearly swaying for a moment, “It also has... cognitive side effects.”

“Sit down, before you hurt yourself.” Her ‘doctor’ voice came easy to her, speaking it politely but firmly as she came over to inspect him more closely. Despite the full body bandages he wasn’t in too bad a condition, though he clearly lived a hard life to amass this amount of scar tissue at such a young age. His fur was coarse and patchy in a way that suggested that he had either some sort of skin disorder or that he had lost the top layer of his skin across much of his body, numerous blade and gunshot scars adding to the state of his coat. His spiral mark was a mess, somepony had clearly taken a cheese grater to it. She had seen such wounds too many times before, “Is this self inflicted?”

The zebra grunted, “Current wounds please doctor.”

“You fight with no regard for yourself.” She lectured him as she applied healing potions to the affected areas, “These wounds will add up eventually, you’re looking at crippling long term problems.”

“I don’t want your opinion.”

Fluttershy looked up at his angrily indifferent face. His guttural voice, clearly caused by trauma, made him seem much older than he looked. By his face she would make him no older than his mid thirties, possibly younger. He had been handsome once, a soft jaw and well defined cheekbones, a long nasty scar from his left cheek to the side of his mouth uncomfortable looking but not disguising what once was. His eye was burned around the socket, though fortunately he had managed to save the eyeball and the lid. That along with numerous other scars had rendered the face mostly hairless, saved only by small tufts of fur. It was a distressing sight, “Thank you for saving Swift Crimson.”

“The boy is one of Princess Luna’s. I wish I hadn’t bothered.”

“He’s a good boy.”

“He’s servant to a monster.”

She frowned, asking the question pointedly, “Why? What has Princess Luna done?”

“She’s a demon, and such questions will get you killed. Can you invite Discord to a dinner party? Can you trust a manticore to eat from your hoof?”

“I convinced a manticore to eat from my hoof on several occasions.” She stated firmly, not liking this stallion’s cynicism one bit and not even vaguely in the mood for patience with it, “And though I’ve never had the chance to invite him, maybe all Discord needed was somepony to give him the chance.”

Esau grunted loudly, “I’ve no idea how you’ve survived this long.”

“I’ve no fucking idea either.”

Esau looked round at her, honestly surprised and off balance, “What...?”

She grinned childishly, enjoying that a little too much, “Sorry, I think Swift Crimson is brushing off on me.”

Easu gazed at her, his eyes shaking. Fluttershy saw the guilt there, the desire to speak. Her suspicion was perked, her eyes boring into him, “What’s wrong?”


“What. Is. Wrong?” She stated firmly, not in any mood to be jerked around, “I know you’re hiding something from me.”

He wavered, Fluttershy seeing right through him. The fear, the guilt, the self loathing. She saw his pragmatism in combat with his ideals, his anger and aggression towards her a defence mechanism. He was... afraid of her. It only took a moment to break his will, his expression quivering as he spoke, “I’m meant to distract you...”


“While they take the two foals.” His voice broke, becoming a harsh whisper, “We were going to tell you that they had left already.”

“I...” She started, before realising she was wasting time. She turned her back on Esau and marched out of the room, leaving him standing there defeated. She heard him whisper something as she left, but she didn’t catch it. Hopefully it had been ‘sorry’.


“You bitche... ungh!”

She saw Swift Crimson fall to a blow to the back of the head, galloping into the room and glaring furiously at all those surrounding him. Star Swirl at least backed up a step in guilt, Icoxal however took her stare head on, “Ambassador, this is no place for you.”

“You’re kidnapping that boy!”


“I won’t let you!” Fluttershy screamed, even as her head swam and her vision blurred. She fought through it, steeling her reserves of strength and marching on the huge zebra with fury in her heart, “You punish a stallion who stood beside you? You’re a disgrace to your uniform!”

He took her glare like a brick wall, nose wrinkling, “War is not clean.”

“Dirty wars quickly become long, pointless, destructive wars!” She yelled, stomping a hoof, “Have you learned nothing from the apocalypse?! Breaking rules, making things personal... it blinds everypony to war’s true objective!”

“And what is that?”

“Peace!” Fluttershy stated, locking her knees to stop herself from swaying, “A war... a war is a way to convince one side or another to sit down at the table and work out a favourable deal. Acting dishonourably is one way to ensure that NEVER happens!”

The big zebra observed her quietly, actually sounding a little regretful as he finally spoke, “He is the servant of a demon. The only objective is to kill her, and wipe out her followers.”

Fluttershy took this like a hammer to the chest. Her mouth dropped open limply, her eyes searching his for deception, “They’re children!”

“They view Princess Luna with religious devotion, would die for her. They would certainly kill for her.” His deep voice was blunt and terrifyingly matter of fact, “The only way to peace is to kill them all. That makes things... personal.”

“You... you monsters!” Fluttershy started off in shocked disbelief, before her heart moved on to anger. She would not be a part of this, she would not sit by while they said these things! She grabbed at her shotgun, pulling it round...

A warm, calming light flowed through her body, muscles instantly going limp and flaccid as she slumped forwards, fighting to keep her eyes open as an incredible weariness fell upon her. She gasped as Sunshine Ivory came into view, reaching up to her...

She shook her head apologetically as the light faded away, her final words the last thing Fluttershy heard before darkness consumed her, “I’m sorry Fluttershy, but getting yourself killed now would be a terrible waste.”


Level up - Level 24 reached

Perk acquired - Lessons Learned
The wasteland has taught you some hard lessons, but you've remembered them all. You gain +1% to earned experience per level gained.

Quest Perk discovered – Briar Heart
Your time as a tree has some unexpected benefits it seems. You regenerate fatigue while standing on earth or in the sunlight, which reduces the amount you need to sleep. You also have +1 Con and are 25% more resistant to poison.

Quest Perk acquired – Fight the Power!
You've had enough of these so-called "authorities" pushing poor folks around! You gain +2 Damage Threshold and +5% Critical Chance against anypony part of an established governmental organisation.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.

Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.

If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.

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