• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 27(A Dog Gone Revelation)-1: The Return of Karen the Bulldog

Arc 27: A Dog Gone Revelation

The Return of Karen the Bulldog

One night, at a house located within the middle of Canterlot, an unknown pegasus was on the phone talking with someone. Outside, Karen the Alicorn Bulldog was chained up to her post, now with a muzzle covering her nose and mouth. While Karen looked depressed, the pegasus stallion inside the house was furious.

“What do you mean you won’t pay up?” The pegasus yelled. “You lost the match and your dog was not worth its weight in bits. Don’t give me that excuse. I demand payment as early as tomorrow. Either you do that or I’m taking your dog away. Do I make myself clear?”

Immediately, the audio on the phone’s speaker clicked before it returned to a mere dial tone. The pegasus stallion just looked at the phone before slamming it on the table, and the sound was so loud that it caused Karen to yelp in fear.

“What does that deadbeat think she is?” The pegasus yelled. “All I ask is for the money she bet on and what do I get? NADA! ZILCH! ZIP!”

The pegasus picked up a nearby table and tossed it at a nearby wall. The sound of the impact caused Karen to yelp even louder as she began to pull on her chain.

“I’ll deal with that deadbeat mare first thing tomorrow morning,” The pegasus said. “No good, rotten renegers. All of these dogs have become horrible in these bets recently. Even that stupid Karen is losing her luster in these dog fights. I should just put her out of her misery when I get the chance, and find me a new dog to replace her. But then again, it’s not the first time that I, Wild Bet, have replaced a stupid mutt. They’re nothing more than a bit a bunch.”

As Karen pulled on her chain, the magic in her horn lit up and surrounded the chain in magic. Karen kept pulling until the chain broke. Once she was freed from her chain, Karen flapped her wings and took off into the air before disappearing into the night.

The next day, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were walking down the street together in the middle of Canterlot. Everyone seems to be minding their own business on this beautiful morning. But while the citizens were content, Celestia looked worried.

“Sister,” Luna said. “You’re not thinking about having to move Wanda back to Evevanya, are you?”

“It’s all I can think of, sister,” Celestia said. “I still remember what Gold Banks said to me when I confronted her on Mount Aris, that no matter where I take Wanda, she will be there to take her back to Daisy Joy Tech. The fact that I couldn’t beat her, even with Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap by my said says a whole lot.”

“We’ll figure out a way to nullify her so-called Alicorn Amulet,” Princess Luna said. “But that being said, you’re so eager to move Wanda back to Evevanya, that you wouldn’t understand what that would do to her psyche.”

“I’m afraid she’s right, Princess.” Chancellor Cinch walked up to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, worried for the former’s well-being.

“Chancellor,” Princess Celestia said. “For one who was critical of my daughter back then, you don’t seem to like the idea of her returning to Evevanya.”

“I don’t,” Chancellor Cinch said as she walked alongside Celestia and Luna. “You’re making a big mistake by not only separating her from the mother who cared for her, but also from the friends who stood by her, even the ones who still remain in Canterlot.”

“But what can I do?” Princess Celestia asked. “Her life is in danger as long as Gold Banks has that necklace of hers around her neck. I can’t just let her stay here and risk having Gold Banks take her away for good.”

“This is something that isn’t as easy to decide on as you think,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Not only is your own daughter in danger, but so is every colt and filly in Equestria. If you separate the Man’s Cub from her friends, they would lose more than just their friendship with her. They could lose their freedom. After all, Banks said she would put every Colt and Filly in Daisy Joy Tech if given a chance.”

Princess Celestia turned her head away from Chancellor Cinch, looking down at the surface of the ground as a tear fell from her eye.

“This will not be an easy decision,” Celestia said. “In fact, I’ll also admit that my own life is in jeopardy as long as Banks is out there.”

“Take some time and think it over before you make your final decision, sister,” Princess Luna said. “You don’t want to make a harsh mistake that you will live to regret.”

“Right now,” Chancellor Cinch said as she pulled out a parchment paper, “There is another matter to attend to. I have a search warrant on the very owner of that Alicorn Bulldog.”

“The same one who splashed a bucket of water in your face when you told him to keep Karen on a leash?” Luna asked.

“Yes,” Chancellor Cinch shrugged. “His name is Wild Bet, and I’ll never forget how rude he was.”

Celestia’s head lifted up as she said “I also received complaints about him when his yelling and screaming kept others up all night.”

“The real reason is because of reports about him neglecting his own dog,” Cinch replied. “After reports came out about her mistreatment, I was able to get a court to sign off on a search warrant, and now we’re heading over to his place to investigate.”

“Word also has it that he’s already out and about,” Luna said. “Now may be a time to go check the place out.”

“If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s an animal abuser,” Celestia said in a stern tone. “I’m game.”

“Then come,” Chancellor Cinch said. “We have work to do.”

Chancellor Cinch ran off in another direction, leaving Celestia and Luna to run off after her.

Meanwhile, at the Canterlot Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie was already mixing up some delicious goods in the kitchen while a baby alligator helped out by pulling freshly-baked cakes and pies out of the oven. At the nearby tables, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Golden Lace were busy enjoying their delicious desserts with Spike and Abigail sitting next to them, enjoying a pie together. But Wanda was sitting next to Sunset, barely eating her cake.

“Yum,” Twilight Sparkle said. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Strawberry shortcake with a delicious creme frosting.”

“That’s nothing,” Danged Spell said. “This tartarus food cake is worth every bite.”

“What do you know, Spell?” Moondancer laughed. “The germane cake is worth every bite.”

“I’m more of a fan of the carrot cake,” Starlight said.

“I’m with you on that,” Sunburst said.

“Personally, I happen to enjoy a simple cheesecake,” Golden Lace said.

Twilight turned to Misty and said “Hey Misty. What’s the cake like at the Crystal Empire?”

Misty just laughed before she said “Oh that’s something I’ll be embarrassed to talk about.”

“Aww come on, tell me,” Twilight said. “What is the best cake to have at the Crystal Empire?”

“Alright alright,” Misty laughed. “Believe it or not, the Crystal Empire is known for the weddings they host. Mainly it’s because of its scrumptious wedding cakes. Big brother has always been a fan of them and when he hosts a wedding, he encourages his top level chefs into baking the most delicious wedding cake for the guests to enjoy.”

“Wow,” Moondancer said. “Guess the Crystal Empire really has a thing for its wedding and its cakes.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said in a smug tone. “It’s love at first bite.”

“Danged Spell,” most of the younglings yelled before breaking into laughter.

“Come on,” Danged Spell smirked. “You know it be true.”

But as the group laughed, Twilight turned her attention to Wanda, who took small bites at her cake and was drifting off.

“Wanda,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Are you alright?”

Yeah,” Wanda said.

“Are you sure about that?” Twilight said.

“You remember what happened with Wanda a few days ago?” Sunset asked.

“Oh yeah,” Twilight said. “You told me that Wanda was kidnapped by Princess Skystar, they were in the middle of a conflict between the hippogriffs and the alliance between the changelings and the Windigo’s Guild, Wanda had a short conflict with Queen Chrysalis before she was kidnapped by Gold Banks. Then Princess Skystar shielded her mother from an attack, and for some reason….Wanda killed the soldier who attacked Skystar.”

“She did that?” Misty said, surprised.

“She did,” Starlight said. “And she didn’t mean to do that. In fact, she had a nightmare last night about the very Debt Collector soldier whose life she took.”

“Wow,” Misty said. “To have taken a life by accident. Poor Wanda.”

“Yeah,” Moondancer said. “If anything, that mood is a dead giveaway.”

Danged Spell just glared at Moondancer and said “Too soon, Moondancer. Too soon.”

Moondancer looked at Danged Spell, whose look was dead cold. She turned towards Wanda, who looked a bit offended by Moondancer’s comment.

“Sorry,” Moondancer said, ashamed. “Didn’t mean to say that.”

Suddenly, everyone in the room heard the sound of a door being scratched. Wanda turned towards Pinkie Pie, who walked up towards the door.

“Now who could that be?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Pinkie Pie opened the door to her shop, and looked down. In front of her, Karen the Alicorn Bulldog stood there, whimpering loudly.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Remember that bulldog that gave you a hard time?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said as she got out of her seat. “What’s up?”

“Well for some reason, she’s outside my shop,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Bring her in,” Wanda said. “It’s been a long time since we last saw her.”

Pinkie Pie scratched the back of Karen’s ear with her hoof. The bulldog slowly got up as Pinkie Pie led her in. When Wanda saw Karen slowly make her way in, she looked down and noticed something odd.

“Karen,” Wanda said as Abigail jumped off the table. “Are you alright?”

Abigail walked up to Karen the Bulldog, who just stood there before lying down on her belly, whimpering in pain.

“You hurt?” Abigail asked.

But all Karen could do was whimper in silence.

“This is serious business,” Moondancer said. “The owner of that dog has a lot of nerve to neglect her.”

“I’ll say,” Danged Spell said. “If I had anything to say about the owner, it would be that he must be a despicable monster to treat Karen like this.”

Sunset Shimmer got out of her seat as she walked up and placed her hoof on Karen’s side. Her hoof vibrated for a moment before she pulled it away.

“She hasn’t had anything to eat in a while,” Sunset Shimmer said. “We’re going to need some dog food for her.”

“Luckily I have an emergency stash of dog food,” Pinkie Pie said as she walked back to her kitchen.

“Pinkie,” Twilight laughed. “I’m surprised that you have an emergency stash of dog food.”

“Well you can thank Fluttershy for suggesting it,” Pinkie Pie shouted from the kitchen pantry. “Besides, I had a feeling that Karen the bulldog would show her face again.”

In an instant, Pinkie Pie pulled out a bag of dog food and a dog bowl from the kitchen pantry before she walked back out into the dining area. She opened the bag and pulled out a cup with some kibble in it before pouring it into the bowl. Once it was full, Pinkie Pie sat it in front of Karen, who raised her head and smelled it.

“Do you think she’ll eat it?” Sunset asked.

“She will,” Pinkie Pie said. “Dogs are suckers for this kind of meal.”

Karen stuck her tongue into the dish before pulling out a single kibble and sticking it into her mouth. After chewing for a bit and swallowing the kibble, Karen slowly got up and began to eat the rest of the kibble from the dish. Abigail got up and rubbed her head against Karen’s leg, causing the dog to turn to the kitty cat.

“Feeling…alright?” Abigail asked.

Karen responded by licking Abigail on the cheek before panting a bit. Abigail reached out and rubbed Karen once more before she purred.

“Awww,” Pinkie Pie said. “They’re enjoying this moment so much.”

“To think,” Wanda said. “Karen used to try to eat us long ago.”

“And she almost made us miss your birthday party, sis,” Sunset said.

Wanda walked over to Karen before she squatted down and held her hand out. But the only thing Karen did was jump on Wanda before licking her face, causing the Man’s Cub to giggle.

“Aww cut it out,” Wanda laughed. “That tickles.”

But as Karen continued to lick Wanda, Twilight walked up to Sunset, looking a bit worried.

“There’s something that’s been bothering me,” Twilight Sparkle said. “What about her owner?”

“It’s because of the way he’s been treating her, correct?” Sunset asked.

“WIthout a doubt,” Twilight Sparkle responded.

“Why would anyone treat a dog like that?” Starlight said as Karen stopped licking Wanda and turned to Twilight. “It’s just not right.”

Twilight placed her hoof on her chin and said “I believe there’s a word on Planet Earth that would describe individuals like that. It would be called inhumane.”

“Inhumane?” Starlight responded.

“One who lacks compassion, or is inherently cruel,” Twilight responded.

“I’ve read about examples of ponies being what you call inhumane,” Sunburst said. “Some ponies are inhumane because they enjoy tormenting them. Others are inhumane because they see those that suffer as a threat.”

“And you remember those stories I shared with you about how some humans can be inhumane,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“I have,” Sunburst said. “It’s scary how we ponies have much in common with humans when it comes to being vicious and cruel. And we all know one pony who would fit that to a tee.”

“If you’re talking about my mother, you’re right,” Golden Lace agreed. “I used to imitate her back when I was a bully, when I gave you all a hard time. But sometimes, she scolded me for not being harsh enough. Even more so, sometimes she took a lot of pleasure in verbally abusing me for being weak, even as the biggest bully in the class.”

“That’s horrible,” Misty said. “How could anyone find amusement in abuse?”

“Even I can’t seem to understand just how sick and twisted my mom is,” Golden Lace said.

“No one should have a mommy that would be that sick,” Wanda said. “Just like how no dog or cat should ever have a companion who’s that mean. A real companion cares for the dog, cat or another animal that we would look after.”

“You’re right on that, sis,” Sunset said.

“But that being said,” Pinkie PIe said, “What would happen if we did run into the owner?”

“That’s something I hope doesn’t happen,” Sunset Shimmer said. “But if it does, then mother needs to know right away. A pony like that is too sadistic for our society.”

Directly outside of the Sugar Cube Corner and across the street, the pegasus stallion known as Wild Bet observed the younglings and Karen through the window. He smashed his hoof against the wall in anger.

“So those brats think they can take away my prized dog,” Wild Bet said. “I’ll teach them a lesson they will never forget, even if two of them are the adopted daughters of Princess Celestia.”

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch happen upon the home of Wild Bet. The gate was swung open as if someone had ripped the top hinge off. The door to the inside of the house looked like the knob was pulled off.

“Someone has a short temper,” Princess Celestia said.

“And there’s no sign of any dog outside,” Princess Luna said. “What do you think happened?”

“Right now, that’s the least of my worries,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Come. Let us go inside and uncover the truth.”

Celestia and Luna nodded before they followed Chancellor Cinch through the front gate before heading up to the door.

“As long as we’re careful,” Cinch explained, “We should be able to get in and out with any evidence that points towards animal abuse.

But the moment Cinch placed her hoof on the door, it tipped over and fell inside the house.

“That’s not being careful, Cinch,” Celestia joked.

“Real funny, Princess,” Cinch responded sarcastically.

As the princesses and the chancellor stepped inside, they observed the entire living room of Wild Bet, though Chancellor Cinch had to turn her head away.

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” Princess Celestia said. “Just a typical pigsty that wouldn’t fit in La Maresa.”

“These couches look so old and disgusting,” Princess Luna said. “And the material seems to be a cheap form of jute.”

“And who uses a shaggy red-orangish carpet nowadays?” Princess Celestia replied.

“Not to mention an old CRT TV with a wooden frame,” Princess Luna said. “So tacky.”

“And all this food on the ground,” Princess Celestia said. “He sure doesn’t take care of his place very well.”

“Will you two knock it off?” Chancellor Cinch said. “You’re making me nauseated.”

“Sorry,” Celestia laughed. “Just giving you a hard time.”

“Nevermind that,” Cinch said. “We need to gather as much evidence as possible.”

“Right,” Luna said. “I’ll check out the kitchen.”

“And I’ll check his bedroom,” Celestia said.

As Celestia and Luna walked off, Cinch took a look at a nearby shelter with a broken mirror. Shards of glass lay on top of the shelf with one of the drawers smashed open.

“This buffoon looks like he’s asking for twenty years of bad luck,” Chancellor Cinch said.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Princess Luna gasped at what she saw. A phone nearby looked like it was smashed to pieces with a table shattered in two. Dishes scattered on the floor in pieces.

“Whoever this guy is, he sure has an anger management problem,” Princess Luna said.

Luna carefully stepped around the remains of the table and the plates on the floor, keeping her eye on the floor to avoid touching her hoof on the sharp wood of the table or the porcelain of the broken plates. She used some of her magic to shove the broken plates to the side to make it easier for her to walk through.

“A pigsty is too generous of a definition,” Luna said as she stepped next to a fridge. “But at least it can’t get any worse.”

Princess Luna turned to the fridge and opened it. But when she looked inside, her face turned green and she began to gag.

“That…horrible stench,” Princess Luna said as she closed the fridge. “I can’t…stand it.”

Princess Luna immediately pushed the broken pieces of the table aside with her magic before she ran out of the kitchen and towards a bathroom. Inside, Luna slammed the door and hurled within an open toilet.

“I am not putting my nose in that fridge ever again,” Luna yelled.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia walked towards the bedroom before opening the door. One look inside and she just twisted her face to the side. The cover of the bed was coming loose, and the mattress looked extremely worn out. Blankets were tossed to the side. A pile of clothes was placed in a corner. Furniture was tipped over as if Wild Bet had thrown a fit.

“Uggh,” Princess Celestia said. “Why oh why did I have to choose this place?”

Princess Celestia walked into the bedroom, struggling to hold her nose back. She struggled to look in the room, disgusted by just about everything.

“Hasn’t this guy ever heard about proper cleanliness?” Princess Celestia groaned. “Even chickens have better standards.”

But as Celestia walked forward, she tripped over some clothes on the ground and stumbled before she fell right into the pile of clothes. Immediately, she stuck her head out, gasping for air.

“THAT DOES IT!” Princess Celestia yelled. “I’VE HAD IT WITH THIS FILTH!”

In a bout of anger, Celestia picked up the pile of clothes and tossed it all on the bed in a huff. She looked at the clothes before coughing a bit.

“I am going to need a bath when this is over,” Princess Celestia snarled.

But as Celestia turned to where the clothes pile was, she noticed an odd square shape on the floor that was slightly bigger than her.

“Strange,” Celestia said. “Was this the reason why there was a pile of clothes on the floor?”

As Princess Celestia placed her hoof on the square-shaped floor panel, it activated and moved downward, much to her surprise.

“GUYS!” Celestia yelled with a load of reverb in her voice. “I THINK I HAVE DISCOVERED SOMETHING! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT!”

Immediately, Chancellor Cinch ran into the room with Princess Luna, who looked a bit groggy, followed from behind.

“Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “What did you find?”

“Whatever it is,” Princess Luna groaned, “It better not be as bad as what I found in the fridge.”

“Take a look down here,” Princess Celestia said. “For some reason, I discovered a secret elevator that leads downward.”

“Now what do you suppose he’s hiding down there?” Cinch asked.

“I don’t know,” Princess Celestia said. “But whatever it is, I don’t think I’ll like what we’ll discover.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia jumped down into the newly made hole with Princess Luna and Chancellor Cinch following from being. But down below, everything was pitch black.

“I don’t think I can see my face in all this darkness,” Princess Luna said.

“Neither do I,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Someone turn on a light.”

Princess Luna immediately lit her horn up, creating a small light for Celestia, Cinch and herself to see.

“That’s a little better,” Princess Celestia said. “But we need to find a light switch, this instant.”

“Roger that,” Princess Luna said.

Princess Luna turned her head and noticed a light switch on a nearby wall. She walked up to it and placed her hoof on the switch’s toggle.

“Prepare for the worst,” Princess Luna said. “Whatever it is, it won’t be pretty.”

Princess Luna flipped the light switch, lighting up the entire basement of the house. But when Celestia, Luna and Cinch looked around, their jaws gasped in horror at what they saw.

To Be Continued in….

A Risky Wild Bet

Author's Note:

This is an arc that is going to dive into a dark side of Equestria, one that unfortunately has similarities to real life. There's also going to be a moral attached to this arc involving animals. Part of this arc's inspiration also came from the Betty Boop short: Be Human.

Part 2 is where the madness will dive down, while Part 3 will serve as Wanda and the Unicorn 8's last major team up of the arc.

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