• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 19-2: Big Brother's Burden

Big Brother’s Burden

“Are you out of your mind, father? Move back to Vanhoover?”

Those words came out of Shining Armor, who stared down at both Night Light and Twilight Velvet, deep within the middle of the night.

“Shining, I know you want to be Royal Guard material,” Night Light said. “But the dangers presented by the Windigo’s Guild are far too great for you.”

“And besides,” Twilight Velvet said. “They haven’t reopened the Royal Guard academy since the Gala, and they may reopen it at all.”

“But it’s not fair,” Shining Armor said. “Not just for me, but also for Twili. We had futures planned for our lives in Canterlot.”

“And that future was wiped out by the Windigo’s Guild,” Night Light said. “We’re trying to ensure that you at least have a future, even if it means having to return home to Vanhoover.”

“Well if that’s the case,” Shining Armor yelled, “I don’t have a future here, not with you.”

With that, Shining Armor swung the door open and slammed it, leaving Night Light and Twilight Velvet behind.

“SHINING!” Night Light yelled. “SHINING GET BACK HERE!”

Night Light ran up to the door before he opened it and ran out the door, leaving Twilight Velvet all by herself.

“What has our family become?” Twilight Velvet cried. “Why do we have to suffer this much?”

Outside, Shining Armor ran as fast as he could through the streets with Night Light following from behind. But in a nearby house, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker peeked their heads out.

“What is going on with those two?” Starseeker Glimmer asked.

“I don’t know,” Firelight said. “But I better check up on them to see if they’ll be alright.”

Firelight Glimmer ran up to the door and swung it open before running out through the doorway. Starseeker looked through the door and watched as her husband ran after Night Light and Shining Armor.

“YOU BE CAREFUL, DEAR!” Starseeker yelled.

The next morning, Wanda walked alongside Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Spike and Abigail. Their moods looked pretty low as they walked through the city streets.

“I still can’t believe you both have to leave Canterlot,” Wanda said.

“It’s even worse to the fact that I have to head up to Vanhoover while Starlight and the others will be traveling to La Maresa,” Twilight said. “It’s not fair.”

“I have to agree,” Princess Cadance said. “Mother was upset over Firelight Glimmer and the other parents’ decision to move out. They’re putting themselves in danger with the Windigo’s Guild.”

“Well I only hope that big brother was able to talk some sense into daddy,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Knowing Shining Armor, he’s willing to fight to the very end.”

But the moment the group arrived at Twilight Sparkle’s house, Twilight Velvet came running out the door in a hurry.

“Mom?” Twilight Sparkle said, confused.

“Twilight,” Twilight Velvet said. “Have you seen your dad or your brother?”

“No,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “I haven’t seen them since yesterday.”

“Then I fear the worst,” Twilight Velvet said. “Your brother got into an argument with your father last night about moving to Vanhoover. And in a fit of rage, Shining Armor ran off with your father in pursuit. And now both of them haven’t been seen since.”

“WHAT?” Twilight Sparkle yelled.

“That’s horrible,” Princess Cadance said. “All this over the move to Vanhoover.”

“I know,” Twilight Velvet said. “If something happens to both of them, then I don’t know what to do.”

“That’s your father and brother,” Wanda said. “We have to find them before it’s too late.”

But Twilight Sparkle was at a loss for words. She looked at her now empty house while Spike snuggled up to her.

“Twilight?” Wanda said. “Twilight are you alright?”

“I’m afraid my Twilight won’t be able to do anything with her brother and father gone missing,” Twilight Velvet said.

“Then I have an idea,” Princess Cadance said. “I’ll look after your daughter and Spike while you take Wanda and Starlight to look for Shining Armor. I’ll also let Princess Celestia know of the recent developments.”

“Thank you,” Twilight Velvet said. “I’ll do what I can to keep Wanda and Starlight safe.”

“Are you sure, Miss Velvet?” Starlight asked.

“I am,” Twilight Velvet said with a nod. “Now come. Take Wanda and Abigail and come with me. We’ll find them and bring them back.”

Wanda and Starlight nodded before they followed Twilight Velvet down the street with Abigail following from behind. Princess Cadance watched the group disappear while she held Twilight Sparkle and Spike close to her.

“Just when things couldn’t get worse, they happen to get worse,” Princess Cadance said.

“Princess Cadance. What happened?” Princess Cadance turned around to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walk up to her with Starseeker Glimmer next to her.

“Mother,” Princess Cadance said. “You’ll never realize what happened. But Night Light and Shining Armor have gone missing.”

“That explains why my husband had to go out that night,” Starseeker said.

“What are you talking about?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Last night,” Starseeker said. “I overheard the sound of hooves running down the street. When I looked outside, Shining Armor was running down in a hurry with Night Light following from behind. My husband also took notice of this and went down to check on them to see if they were alright.”

“So now not only is Twilight’s father out somewhere,” Princess Cadance said. “But Starlight’s father is going after them.”

“Where’s Wanda and Starlight?” Princess Luna asked.

“Twilight Velvet has decided to look after them when she went to go look for Shining Armor and Night Light,” Princess Cadance said.

“That’s pretty reckless of Twilight Velvet to do that,” Princess Celestia said. “But at the same time, our main concern is to find Shining Armor, Night Light and Firelight Glimmer to make sure they’re alright.”

“Princess Cadance,” Princess Luna said. “Could you watch over Twilight for just a bit longer? We’ll go find out what happened to the three.”

“I will,” Princess Cadance said.

With that, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Starseeker Glimmer ran off, leaving Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle and Spike behind.

“You be careful, mother,” Princess Cadance said.

“Broken,” Spike cried.

But nearby, Gold Banks observed everything from afar with a sinister grin on her face. A couple of Debt Collector guards stood by her, ready for orders.

“Well,” Gold Banks said. “Seems there’s a lot of drama going on over the move from Canterlot. Interesting. But it won’t do them any good if their younglings are taken away.”

“My lady,” one of the grunts said. “What should we do about Princess Cadance and Twilight Sparkle?”

“Let’s put them to good use as bargaining chips,” Gold Banks said, grinning evily.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Canterlot, Twilight Velvet ran as fast as she could with Wanda, Abigail and Starlight running alongside her. The worry on their faces held strongly as they looked around.

“Where do you suppose they ran off to?” Wanda asked.

“The guard told me that they may have gone down to Harvestia,” Twilight Velvet said.

“Poor Shining Armor,” Starlight said. “I can’t imagine what has gone down between him and his daddy.”

“I know,” Twilight Velvet said. “I can hope for the best. But I can also imagine the worst that could happen.”

“What could happen, Miss Velvet?” Wanda asked.

But before Twilight Velvet could speak, her ears picked up the sound of Firelight Glimmer screaming for help. Twilight Velvet looked in front to see Firelight Glimmer run up to the group, which also caught the attention of Wanda, Abigail and Starlight. The group came to a stop as Firelight Glimmer approached them.

“Daddy?” Starlight yelled.

“Pumpky-Wumpkin?” Firelight Glimmer said as he came to a stop. “What are you doing here?”

“We came here looking for my husband and my son,” Twilight Velvet said. “Have you seen them?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Firelight Glimmer said. “Shining Armor’s okay, but he’s really worried now because a building in Harvestia collapsed and Night Light’s leg is trapped under it.”

“WHAT?” Twilight Velvet said as she froze in place, horrified by Firelight’s words.

“You mean Mr Light’s hurt?” Starlight asked.

“That’s horrible,” Wanda said. “How did that happen?”

“I don’t know,” Firelight said. “What’s even worse was the fact that the building itself was stable. And yet, someone figured out how to collapse it. Other than Night Light, who’s hurt badly, no one else was in the building.”

“Take us there,” Twilight Velvet said. “I want to make sure my husband is okay.”

“First things first,” Firelight said before turning to Wanda. “Find your mother Princess Celestia. Tell her about Night Light’s injury.”

“Right,” Wanda nodded before her wings sprouted out.

“The rest of you,” Firelight Glimmer said, turning to the group. “Come with me.”

Wanda Young flew back towards the city as Firelight Glimmer lead Twilight Velvet, Starlight Glimmer and Abigail Albright back down the path.

Sometime later, Wanda flew above the city, looking down at any signs of Princess Celestia. Her mind was under stress as she continued to look around.

“She’s got to be around here somewhere,” Wanda said. “Mr Light depends on it.”

Wanda continued to scan the city frantically when she picked up Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Starseeker running through the street in a hurry.

“That’s mommy,” Wanda said. “And she has Aunt Woona and Starlight’s mommy with her.”

As Princess Celestia ran through the street with Princess Luna and Starseeker by her side, Wanda flew down towards the group, catching Princess Celestia’s attention.

“Mommy,” Wanda yelled.

“Wanda, I’m glad you’re here,” Princess Celestia said. “But where’s Twilight Velvet and Starlight Glimmer?”

“At Harvestia,” Wanda explained. “Firelight Glimmer told me that Night Light’s legs are buried underneath the ruins of a building when it collapsed, and Shining Armor’s worried for him.”

“The ruins of what?” Princess Luna said. “But how can a building in Harvestia collapse like that?

“If what Wanda says is true, and I’ve known her to tell the truth,” Princess Celestia said, “Then we need to head to Harvestia and make sure he’s alright.”

Wanda landed on Princess Celestia’s back and held on as she ran through the city with Princess Luna and Starseeker behind them.

“If you want to know why I came back alone,” Wanda said, “Mr Glimmer sent me here to tell you.”

“My husband was right to follow Night Light and Shining Armor last night,” Starseeker said. “I just hope it’s not too late.”

“You did the right thing, Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “But right now, after hearing your story, my concern is for Night Light.”

But as Celestia, Luna, Wanda and Starseeker made their way to the gate of Canterlot, Gold Banks stood in the shadows, observing the Princess make her escape.

“All this over a fool’s stupidity,” Gold Banks smirked. “Guess there are far more morons in Equestria than they make themselves out to be. Too bad this…building didn’t take them both.”

As she laughed, Gold Banks pulled out her video phone and held it up, where the grunt representing the Debt Collectors stood ready.

“My lady,” The grunt said. “What is your command?”

“Why don’t we pay Harvestia a visit,” Gold Banks explained. “We’ll give them an offer they can’t refuse.”

Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer, Abigail Albright, Twilight Velvet and Firelight Glimmer ran into the village of Harvestia as fast as they could. Of the entire group, Twilight Velvet was the most worried.

“Where is he?” Twilight Velvet asked. “I must see my husband.”

“He’s close,” Firelight Glimmer said. “And I must warn you. You’re not going to like this scene.”

“I don’t care,” Twilight Velvet said. “I just want to see my husband and my son.”

But when Twilight Velvet turned her head to the front, she came to a stop and her eyes shrunk down. In front, an entire crowd gathered around as Shining Armor struggled to get some of the heavy wood debris off of Night Light’s legs. The only thing that Night Light could do was to groan in pain as he struggled to pull himself out.

“NIGHT LIGHT! HONEY!” Twilight Velvet screamed in horror.

Twilight Velvet ran up to Shining Armor, who paused and looked up at her mother’s face.

“Shining, what happened?” Twilight Velvet asked, horrified.

“Dad and I had our fight again over our move to Vanhoover,” Shining Armor cried. “But during our fight, we heard the foundation of this place collapse. The next thing I knew, dad pushed me out of the way and tried to leap for safety, only for the pieces of this house to pin him down.”

“He’s right,” Night Light cried. “As much as we have our disagreements, he’s still my son, and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him. That’s why I pushed him out of the way. It’s my fault that he nearly died.”

Twilight Velvet walked up to Night Light and held him closely.

“It’s not,” Twilight Velvet said. “I don’t know what happened, but it’s not your fault, nor is it Shining Armor’s fault.”

As Twilight Velvet held Night Light close, Shining Armor attempted to push the wood off to no avail. But Firelight Glimmer, seeing Shining Armor’s struggle, placed his hoof down.

“I need everyone around me to help me get that debris off that stallion’s legs,” Firelight Glimmer announced. “His life depends on it.”

Immediately, Firelight Glimmer ran up to Shining Armor and helped him pull the debris off of Night Light’s legs.

“Mr Glimmer?” Shining Armor said. “You’re helping me out?”

“I am,” Firelight Glimmer said. “I’m not letting anyone suffer, not after what happened to my brother-in-law. Besides, this was something I should have done in the first place.”

As Firelight Glimmer helped Shining Armor pull the debris off of Night Light’s legs with Twilight Velvet comforting her husband, the townsfolk all ran up to help the two stallions pull the pieces of wood and stone off. During that time, Night Light groaned in pain, but Twilight Velvet held him close.

“It’s going to be okay, dear,” Twilight Velvet said. “I’m not going to leave your side.”

“Thanks,” Night Light said. “As long as you’re here, I won’t mind the pain.”

But as everyone began pulling the debris off of Night Light’s legs, Starlight Glimmer and Abigail Albright stood by helplessly and nervous.

“Poor Mr Night Light,” Starlight said. “I know I should let the grown-ups do the job. But I can’t stand by and watch them suffer.”

Eyeing a piece of stone that held Night Light’s legs down, Starlight had an idea pop up in her head.

“I know what to do,” Starlight said.

With a spark that glowed in her horn, Starlight Glimmer lifted the stone off of Night Light’s leg, moving it to the side. Firelight Glimmer paused to see his daughter move the stone off.

“Pumpky-Wumpkin?” Firelight Said, surprised by Starlight’s help.

“Daddy,” Starlight said as she placed the stone next to her. “I know you want me to be safe and I know we’re moving to La Maresa after this. But I want to help out because Mr Light is suffering badly, and it makes me sad to see him suffer.”

Firelight was at a loss for words. But Shining Armor looked him straight in the eye.

“Let her pitch in,” Shining Armor said. “At that distance, she can keep herself safe while moving the debris off of Night Light.”

Firelight nodded before he turned to Starlight and said “If you can use your magic to help us out, we can get Night Light out of there.”

Starlight nodded before directing her attention to some of the wood that held Night Light’s legs down. Abigail looked up at Starlight and clapped for her.

“Yaaaay,” Abigail cheered.

Meanwhile, Wanda Young held onto Princess Celestia as tight as possible as the alicorn princess ran down the hill with Princess Luna and Starseeker by her side. Wanda’s gaze was directed towards the town of Harvestia, where one of the buildings had already collapsed. Her eyes were quick to catch a number of ponies removing the stone and wood off of Night Light’s legs as they slowly pulled him out, which included Starlight Glimmer moving some of the stone off of Night Light’s legs.

“There,” Wanda pointed. “I think I see them.”

Princess Celestia turned towards the village and ran down as fast as she could, with Luna and Starseeker following from behind.

“This is worse than I imagined,” Princess Celestia said. “How can a building collapse like that?”

“I’ll investigate the incident once we arrive at the village,” Princess Luna explained.

“And once I get the chance,” Princess Celestia said, “I’ll make sure we get the Wonderbolts to airlift Night Light to the Canterlot Hospital.”

As Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Starseeker galloped down the path and towards the village with Wanda riding atop her adopted mother, they saw some of the ponies pull Night Light out of the debris and onto the grass. Starlight used her magic to hold up a wooden splint to one of Night Light’s legs while Firelight Glimmer wrapped it with some vines.

“They got him out,” Wanda said. “He’ll be alright.”

“Thank my husband and my daughter,” Starseeker said as she sighed with relief.

As Celestia, Luna and Starseeker came to a stop, Shining Armor walked up to his father, who laid there with his legs secured by the splint, medical wrap, and a couple of blankets to keep it protected. Starseeker saw her husband Firelight and ran up to her before giving him a hug while Wanda jumped off Princess Celestia to run up to Starlight Glimmer and Abigail Albright.

“I was so worried about you, honey,” Starseeker said.

“I’m fine,” Firelight said. “But I was more concerned with Night Light’s well-being. While I should have helped from the start, I had to make sure everyone knew about this.”

“What matters is that everyone is safe,” Starseeker said.

“And you can thank little Starlight for helping out,” Firelight said.

Starseeker turned to Starlight Glimmer, who waved towards her mother.

“My dear Starlight,” Starseeker said with a tear in her eye. “I’m proud of you.”

As Starlight got up, Wanda ran up to her and gave the twin-tailed filly a hug. Abigail cheered with a loud meow before Wanda and Starlight looked at each other.

“I’m glad everyone is alright,” Wanda said.

“I am,” Starlight replied.

But Starlight turned her head away from Wanda with a sad look on her face.

“Wanda,” Starlight said before facing Wanda. “I am going to miss you. But at least I will be alright in La Maresa. Maybe you could come to visit.”

“Maybe,” Wanda said. “But I am going to miss having you around.”

As Starlight and Wanda hugged each other again, Firelight Glimmer looked down at Starlight with a worried look on her face.

“My poor dear Pumpky-Wumpkin,” Firelight Glimmer said. “I know the move will be hard. But I will do what I can to help you adapt.”

Nearby, as Night Light laid on the grass and looked up with Twilight Velvet snuggling her muzzle around his, a remorseful Shining Armor walked up to him.

“Dad,” Shining Armor said. “This is all my fault. I wish I never ran out last night.”

“It’s not,” Night Light said. “I’m the one who’s to blame. All I wanted was to keep you safe. But who am I to do that when I can’t even keep myself safe?”

“Dad,” Shining Armor said, placing his hoof on Night Light’s mouth. “What matters now is to make sure we get you to the hospital.”

“And we will,” Princess Celestia said, approaching both Shining Armor and Night Light. “But what we want to know is how a building like that fell near you both?”

“That’s what I want to know,” Night Light said. “One moment, I was arguing with Shining Armor. The next moment, I heard a small boom go off inside the house. So I had to push my son out of the way and get to safety. But I tripped and fell, and my legs paid a horrible price.”

“Did you say…small boom?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I did,” Night Light said. “Like a firecracker going off.”

Princess Cadance walked up to what’s left of the building and looked around, observing the debris.

“Strange,” Princess Luna said. “The building is only a year old and the materials used are durable. But it went down like that as if it were a brittle structure.”

“Whoever owned that home will be compensated for a new structure, one hundred percent,” Princess Celestia said.

“Wait,” Princess Luna said, spotting some metal shards and gunpowder in the middle of the debris. “Take a look at this.”

Princess Celestia ran up to Princess Luna, who pointed down to the shards and powder near some of the debris.

“This explains why there was a small boom in the house,” Princess Celestia said. “Someone planted a bomb of some sorts inside.”

“But who could pull a stunt like that?” Princess Luna asked.

“I doubt it would be the Windigo’s Guild nor the changelings,” Princess Celestia said. “Coldnelius Snap would take over the village in an instant if he pulled it off, and it would be surrounded in pillars of ice. The same for the changelings if they were to pull that stunt off, except it would turn into a mini-hive of some sort.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia pulled out her video tablet from her mane and tapped the screen a few times.

“Contacting Chancellor Cinch, I take it?” Princess Luna asked.

“I am,” Princess Celestia said. “She’ll know what to do.”

The screen turned on with Chancellor Cinch facing Princess Celestia.

“Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Eleanor is fixing up the ground bridge portal to Equestria. It’s almost complete.”

“That’s not why I called for you,” Princess Celestia said. “Night Light has suffered injuries to his legs because of an explosion that brought a house down. I need you to send a medical team to Havestia to deliver him to the Canterlot Hospital, right away.”

Chancellor Cinch gasped loudly before she said “Right away. The Wonderbolts are on standby, and I will inform them of his condition. Chancellor Cinch out.”

As Chancellor Cinch disappeared from Celestia’s video tablet, Celestia tapped her video tablet a few more times.

“I better let Princess Cadance know of Night Light’s situation,” Princess Celestia said.

“And let Twilight Sparkle know as well,” Princess Luna said. “She needs to know that her father is alright, though with a pair of broken legs.”

But as Celestia tapped another part of her screen, an image that said “Princess Cadance not available” popped up.

“That’s strange,” Princess Celestia said. “Princess Cadance is not one to keep her phone off.”

Princess Celestia tapped her screen again, this time tapping on the button that said Royal Override. Once again, the screen popped up that said “Princess Cadance not available.”

“What is going on here?” Princess Celestia said, frustrated.

“Mommy,” Wanda said, causing Princess Celestia to turn to the Man’s Cub, Starlight and Abigail. “What’s going on?”

“I’m trying to reach out to Princess Cadance about Night Light’s status,” Princess Celestia explained. “But for some reason, she’s not picking up her calls.”

“That is really strange,” Princess Luna said. “Do you think she dropped her phone?”

“Oh no. I’m afraid she’s been permanently disconnected.” The laughter of a familiar voice caused Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to turn towards the entrance of the village, where Gold Banks walked in causally with a smile on her face. Everyone around the village booed at Gold Banks.

“Oh where are your manners?” Gold Banks said. “My own followers are far more civilized compared to you backyard trash rats.”

“What are you doing here?” Shining Armor snarled.

“Oh I overheard the commotion about a certain pony suffering from a little accident,” Gold Banks said. “Someone didn’t build their structures properly.”

“What happened to the father of two youngsters was no accident,” Firelight Glimmer said, marching a couple of steps towards Gold Banks. “And right now, we’re making sure nothing bad happens to him like what happened with my brother-in-law.”

“Oh is that fake news that I hear?” Gold Banks said in a mocking tone. “Surely you all need to return to reality.”

“I don’t know why you’re here, Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “But right now, we have no time for your shenanigans.”

“I’m afraid you do, Princess,” Gold Banks said. “In fact, I wish to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?” Princess Luna said as Gold Banks walked up to the two alicorns.

“Oh, just some insurance to make sure the dimwitted father of Twilight Sparkle makes it to the hospital,” Gold Banks said before she glared down at Wanda with a menacing smile on her face.

Immediately, Wanda and Starlight hid behind Princess Celestia, covering their faces in her tail.

“Get away from us,” Wanda cried. “You’re scary.”

“What do you mean by Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia asked in a harsh tone.

“Oh I overheard last night that a number of concerned parents wanted to pull their own offspring out of Canterlot and move them to La Maresa,” Gold Banks said. “Well as of now, I am officially canceling their trip and will instead relocate them to Daisy Joy Tech, without their consent.”

“Now you see here,” Firelight Glimmer roared, marching towards Gold Banks. “What I do involving the well-being of my daughter is none of your business, Gold Banks.”

“I beg to differ if you know what’s good for you,” Gold Banks said before she stomped her front right hoof twice.

The sound of ponies marching caught the attention of everyone in the vicinity, who turned towards the front entrance. A number of Debt Collector soldiers marched in, pulling a cage with Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Dragon and Princess Cadance inside. All three individuals were knocked unconscious while the horns of Twilight and Cadance had a clamp on them. Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor looked at the trio and their faces dropped in total horror.

“TWILIGHT, NOOO!” Night Light yelled as he laid there, helplessly.

“MY BABY!” Twilight Velvet screamed.

But as Twilight Velvet ran towards Twilight Sparkle, a number of soldiers marched out in front and blocked Twilight Velvet from advancing further.


“And who are you to command me, the real Empress of Equestria?” Gold Banks said. “You even think about stepping towards her, and I’ll teleport your sister to the depths of Tartarus, where you’ll never see her again.”

“Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia roared. “You’ve gone too far this time. When the Senate hears of what you did…”

“You forget one thing,” Gold Banks said. “I can easily blackmail the Senate and they will turn the other cheek. Your pitiful command is useless.”

“Get on with it,” Princess Luna said. “What do you want?”

“Here’s the deal,” Gold Banks commanded. “I want that stupid fool of a father named Firelight to tell the other parents to call off their move to La Maresa, and to immediately surrender their children so I may take them to Daisy Joy Tech. Do that, and I’ll ensure that these three don’t go to Tartarus. Fail, and I will consider it. The choice is yours.”

To Be Continued in…

The Fathers’ Decision

Author's Note:

Honestly, I thought I would put my focus on the parents, especially Firelight Glimmer and Night Light. But now the story has taken a new turn with Night Light injuring himself and Gold Banks holding Twilight, Cadance and Spike for ransom.

What do you supposed will happen? Stay tuned.

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