• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 8(Pool Party Crashers)-1: A Heat Wave in the Fall

A Heat Wave in the Fall

Queen Chrysalis laid on her bed, deep within the catacombs of the Changeling Hive. Spots of her body were covered in a green ooze, indicating the injuries she suffered. Her mood was completely sour despite the calm, relaxing atmosphere. Nearby, Princess Chrysalis II stood there, looking a bit nervous.

“Daughter,” Queen Chrysalis said in a cold tone. “Would you come here for a sec?”

Princess Chrysalis II slowly walked towards Queen Chrysalis, shaking in fear at the sight of her own mother.

“M…mother,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “You’re still mad about what happened that night at the Gala.”

“OF COURSE I AM!” Queen Chrysalis yelled as she grabbed a nearby lamp and threw it at the wall, shattering it to pieces, causing Chrysalis II to hide under the bed. “I’m still bitter about what Twilight Sparkle did to me, and my injuries have yet to heal completely.”

Princess Chrysalis II pulled herself out from under the bed and said “Well. Ever since that incident, there have been a lot of ponies moving out of Canterlot out of fear that you will strike once more.”

Queen Chrysalis placed her hoof on her face before she said “Those idiots? They don’t know the difference between safety and cowardness. I’m only upset that Twilight Sparkle has yet to move away from Canterlot.”

“Well,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Why not send the Predacon brothers to try to capture her?”

Queen Chrysalis stared down Princess Chrysalis II, who scooted back a bit without keeping her sight off her mother. The elder changeling relaxed herself as she lifted her head away from her daughter and cracked a smile.

“You know,” Queen Chrysalis said. “That actually is a good idea.”

Queen Chrysalis placed her hoof on a crystal ball on her nightstand and waved it around. The image of Locust appeared within the orb, standing ready.

“My queen,” Locust said. “You call for me?”

“As I have,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Send the Predacon Brothers into my room this instant. I have an assignment for them.”

“As you wish, your majesty,” Locust said before his image disappeared.

Princess Chrysalis II got up on her four legs and walked towards her mother. But before she could say anything, the doors to Queen Chrysalis’ bedroom swung wide open, with Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator marching right in.

“You called for us, Royalty?” Inferno asked.

“I have,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Do you remember the events of the Grand Gallopin Gala and a certain lavender unicorn that bested me in battle?”

“You’re not talking about that Twilight Sparkle brat,” Quickstrike said. “Are ya, boss?”

“I am,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I want you three to sneak back into Canterlot, kidnap Twilight Sparkle and bring her here. But ensure that no harm is caused to her. I want her alive. I want to turn the filly who bested me into a changeling out of spite.”

“Oooh,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator like that idea. Force filly bug into true bug.”

“And what about the Man’s Cub?” Inferno asked.

“If you somehow bring her to me alongside Twilight Sparkle,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Then I will give you three a reward beyond your wildest dreams. Now go.”

“At once, My queen,” Inferno said as he bowed before Chrysalis.

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator turned tail and walked towards the bedroom entrance. Princess Chrysalis II looked at the trio with glee before turning towards her mother.

“So,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Did you hear about their new transformations?”

Queen Chrysalis slowly got off the bed on her four hooves and said “Transformations?”

“Oh I can’t wait to tell you,” Princess Chrysalis II said as she stood by her mother.

“Tell me all about these new transformations of the Predacons,” Queen Chrysalis said. “On our way to the ooze baths to help heal my wounds.”

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II walked out of the bedroom, laughing in unison.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Cozy Glow, Spike the Dragon, Abigail Albright, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie and Ditzy Doo all laid around in the youngling’s bedroom. Some of them were sweating from the heat of the sun. Wanda was wearing her swimsuit. Sunset was fanning herself with her right hoof. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings to keep some of her friends cool.

“I don’t get it,” Wanda said. “If this is supposed to be the fall, then why is it so hot?”

“Beats me,” Sunset said. “But I know one thing: I cannot stand this heat.”

“My wings are starting to wear out,” Rainbow Dash said in a weak voice. “I don’t know if I can keep this up.”

“I don’t think you can,” Rarity said. “I don’t see much of a difference.”

“So now what?” Cozy Glow asked. “How do we keep cool?”

“Pinkie,” Applejack said. “You’re the reincarnation of Discord. Can’t you conjure up something to help keep us cool?”

“I…can’t,” Pinkie Pie said. “Too….weak.”

“Well so much for that,” Fluttershy said.

Wanda’s ears perked up at the sound of hoofsteps. She tapped Sunset Shimmer and pointed to the open doorway as Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance walked in.

“Mommy?” Wanda asked. “What’s going on?”

“Just so you know,” Princess Celestia said. “Princess Luna and I will be away in Manehattan for a diplomatic meeting with the yaks of Yakyakistan. Princess Cadance will look after you while we’re gone.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna moved aside as Princess Cadance walked in. Nearly every youngling in the room got up, amazed by Princess Cadance’s presence.

“So,” Rainbow Dash said. “You’re going to watch all of us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That’s right,” Princess Cadance responded. “But I won’t be doing this by myself. Shining Armor’s coming over with the others and I have a great idea.”

“Ooooh,” Trixie said. “What’s it going to be? Experimentation in the kitchen? Explore the basement of the castle? Or maybe a magic show starring me, the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

Princess Luna laughed as she said “Actually, since the weather has been hot even with this time of year, I’d figure you guys could enjoy a good dip in the pool.”

“That’s even better,” Ditzy Doo said as she flew up with excitement.

“Maybe Ma can come down and swim with us while Pa rests his leg out on one of the lounge chairs,” Applejack said.

“Great idea,” Princess Cadance said. “I’ll let them know about this.”

While most of the younglings gathered around Princess Cadance, Wanda walked up to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“Mommy,” Wanda asked. “Are you sure we’ll be alright?”

“You’re still worried about what happened last time, my darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said as she reached down and placed her hoof around Wanda.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “And not just to the fact that I got sick.”

“I also remembered what happened when Gold Banks tried to take you away,” Princess Cadance said. “It was the reason why I filed that restraining order. Too bad Magistrate Creme Dream overrode it.”

“But don’t you worry,” Princess Celestia said. “You’ve already gotten better resilience against the Hay Fever Virus, and we’ll make sure the Banks won’t bother you.”

“Besides,” Luna said. “The Banks will be present at the meeting with the Yaks of Yakyakistan. So they won’t be anywhere near the castle.”

Wanda’s face burst with excitement. She jumped high into the air, cheering loudly. Many of the other younglings chuckled at Wanda’s excitement.

“Oops,” Wanda said as she slowly landed on the ground, blushing with embarrassment. “Sorry about that.”

It didn’t take long for Celestia, Luna and Cadance to laugh alongside the other younglings as Wanda blushed even brighter. The little Man’s Cub placed her arms behind her back and moved her left leg as she grinned with embarrassment.

“Well,” Princess Celestia said as she struggled to contain her laughter. “I believe that a certain someone is expecting us at the pool. Come. We should greet them.”

Immediately, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance stepped out of the room with the younglings following from behind. Wanda picked up Spike and walked out with Abigail right behind her.

“Hey Spike,” Wanda said. “Are you looking forward to taking a swim in our pool?”

“Yeah,” Spike said.

“Swim,” Abigail said as she walked alongside Wanda.

“You too Abigail?” Wanda said. “Wow. Guess not all cats are afraid of water.”

With that, Wanda stepped out of the room holding Spike while Abigail walked alongside her.

Meanwhile, somewhere in an alley in Canterlot, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score laid down nearby, looking up at the sky. Despite their content tone, they looked pretty bored and a bit anxious.

“Hey Hoops,” Score said. “Do you think since we had to attend that Man’s Cub’s birthday party as a punishment, we’re starting to get a little soft?”

“Yeah,” Hoops said. “I’m beginning to think that way. I wonder what the Flim Flam Brothers, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse are doing back at the abandoned Coltsom Detention Center?”

“Maybe we need to start getting our act even further,” Dumbbell said. “Maybe kidnap that purple dragon that they have and make them really mad at us.”

“Oh that sounds good,” Hoops said.

“So how are we going to sneak back into the castle?” Score asked.

“That’s easy,” Hoops said. “Those guards are too arrogant to notice us. We can sneak on by and get to them.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Score said.

“Come on, boys,” Hoops said as he got up on his four hooves. “Let’s take their dragon and really get them riled up.”

Hoops flapped his wings as fast as possible before lifting himself off the ground. He pointed towards the Castle before flying off with Dumbbell and Score following from behind. But nearby deep within the alley, three of the nearby trash cans shapeshifted into Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“Did you see those brats take off to the castle?” Quickstrike asked.

“Seems they have an interest in a purple dragon,” Inferno said. “I heard that the dragon belongs to Twilight Sparkle.”

“That means if we find that dragon,” Quickstrike said. “Then we find the pony that Queen Chrysalis has been looking for.”

“Ooooooh.” Waspinator said. “Maybe we kidnap dragon bug alongside Twilight bug and human bug for Queen Chrysalis. Waspinator would be happy if Queen Chrysalis is happy.”

“Excellent idea,” Inferno said as he began to flap his wings. “Come. Let us follow those three to the castle, kidnap Princess Wanda, Twilgiht Sparkle and the purple dragon that they were talking about. For the glory of the royalty.”

And thus, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew off after Hoops, Dumbbell and Score and towards Castle Canterlot, all while Waspinator laughed menacingly.

Outside of the castle in the back area, there was a giant pool that was around one hundred meters long. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance stepped out of the entrance with the younglings following from behind. Wanda stepped out from behind Sunset Shimmer and Cozy Glow before taking in a huge breath and exhaling.

“I can’t wait to go for a dip,” Wanda said.

“The same can be said for the rest of us, Wanda.” Wanda’s ears perked up over the voice of what sounded like Shining Armor. She turned towards the right to see Shining Armor waving to the group. Next to him was Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell.

“Shining Armor! Everyone!” Wanda cheered as she as Sunset ran up to Shining Armor and the other Unicorn younglings, with the rest of the youngling group right behind them.

“We were wondering if you would show up,” Shining Armor said as Wanda leaped into his arms. The big stallion proceeds to give Wanda a noogie on her head.

“Me?” Wanda said as she giggled over Shining Armor’s head noogie. “I was hoping you and the others would show up.”

“Well that’s my big brother in a nutshell,” Twilight Sparkle said. “He sure knows how to put on a surprise.”

Twilight turned towards Princess Cadance, who waved towards her. She happily skipped towards the teen alicorn in a giddy tone.

“Princess Cadance,” Twilight said.

“Twilight,” Princess Cadance said.

Wanda opened her eyes and saw Twilight and Cadance standing in front of each other. Her face looked like it was about to go sour.

“Oh no,” Wanda said as she covered her ears and closed her eyes. “I know what’s going to happen next.”

Immediately, Twilight and Cadance danced together as they chanted “Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

Sunset Shimmer just stared at Twilight and Cadance before turning her head towards Wanda, who kept her eyes closed and her ears covered.

“This again?” Sunset said.

“What’s wrong with Twili and Cadance’s chant?” Shining Armor asked.

“It’s so cheesy,” Sunset Shimmer replied while rolling her eyes.

“Yeah,” Wanda said as she opened her eyes and looked up at Shining Armor. “There’s no way you’ll catch me and Sunset reciting something like that.”

But just as the La Maresa ponies were laughing, Princess Celestia tapped on Applejack’s shoulder, catching the attention of the apple filly.

“I believe there is someone who I asked to also help out with Princess Cadance’s foalsitting duties, and they’re right over there,” Princess Celestia said as she pointed towards the lounge chairs, where Bright Mac and Buttercup sat.

“Mom, dad,” Applejack said in a cheerful tone before she ran up to the two parents.

Buttercup took her sunglasses off as Applejack ran up to her parents. Bright Mac still had a cast on his leg, but he was in good spirits. Right next to the group was Majordomo Kibitz, who looked content.

“I’d figure since you all are going to enjoy some time out here,” Buttercup said. “We’d join you poolside.”

“Yeah,” Bright Mac said. “Sure my leg is still healing from that accident. But at least I get to see you all in good spirits.”

“I do miss being back in La Maresa, with Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom, and back on the farm,” Applejack said. “But at least I’m glad to see you happy.”

Applejack leaped into his father’s arms, who proceeded to give his daughter a hoof noogie, causing the little filly to laugh. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked up to the group, to which Bright Mac and Buttercup turned to the princesses.

“So,” Bright Mac said. “I take it you’re not taking an escort out to Manehattan.”

“Considering that we’re still going to be in Equestria,” Princess Luna said. “That won’t be necessary.”

“And in case something happens to Wanda or the others,” Princess Celestia said. “Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be back here, lickety split.”

“You can count on us, Princess,” Buttercup said.

Princess Celestia turned to Princess Cadance and said “And I hope you can do a great job in watching over your sisters and their friends.”

“Watch over them?” Princess Cadance said with a raspberry. “I watched over an entire nation when you two were trapped in a sandstorm. This should be a breeze.”

“Then with that,” Princess Celestia said as she extended her wings out. “We’re off.”

With that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew upwards, away from the pool yard and away from Canterlot Castle. Everyone looked up, watching as the two alicorns flew eastbound towards Manehattan before they were nothing more than a spec in the sky.

“Well. There they go,” Moondancer said.

“Will they be okay?” Sunburst asked.

“Considering that it’s not outside of Equestria,” Moondancer said. “They’ll be alright.”

“Will we be alright?” Sunburst asked.

“Are you kidding me?” Moondancer said with a laugh. “We can face anything that comes at us. Be it cultist or changeling, nothing can truly stop us.”

Suddenly, a splash of water drenches Moondancer from behind, causing Sunburst to freak out. The space geek stood there, clenching her teeth.


Moondancer turned towards the pool where Ditzy Doo emerged from the water. She looked up at Moondancer and blushed a bit.

“Oops,” Ditzy Doo said. “My bad.”

Moondancer breathed a sigh of relief as she shook the water off her fur, getting Sunburst wet.

“Hey,” Sunburst said. “Not around me, Moonie. People are going to laugh.”

“I don’t know,” Danged Spell said, walking up to both Sunburst and Moondancer. “I’d say Moondancer’s not known for dry humor. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The younglings yelled before laughing out loud.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance watched the younglings laugh from nearby as the sun shone on their warm faces. Their smiles blended in with the sun’s radiance.

“So big boy,” Princess Cadance said. “Think you can help me with raising my sisters and their friends?”

“Oh I am so ready,” Shining Armor said with a chuckle. “Besides, compared to Gold Banks and her Debt Collector Squad, this is actually a piece of cake.”

Princess Cadance laughed before she said “Then let’s have some fun in the sun. Even in the midst of fall.”

With that, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran up to the youngling group, who cheered while Wanda, Sunset, Abigail and Spike danced around in excitement.

But behind the wall that separates the pool from the city, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score peeked from atop. Their eyes were set on Spike the Dragon and they all let out a quiet, yet sinister, laugh.

“There he is,” Hoops said. “The purple dragon that belongs to that purple egghead.”

“So how are we going to get it with all those snowflakes surrounding him?” Dumbbell asked.

Hoops turned to Score and said “Bring out the secret weapon.”

Score salutes Hoops before diving behind the wall and bringing up a water balloon.

“One water balloon?” Dumbbell said in disbelief. “How is that going to distract them?”

“Oh it is one water balloon,” Hoops said. “Out of thousands.”

Dumbbell looked underneath him and saw what looked like crates and crates full of water balloons. His face beamed with excitement.

“No kidding,” Dumbbell said. “Where’d you steal that from?”

“Call it a gift from the Flim Flam Brothers,” Hoops said. “Now when I give you the signal, you pelt the pony that’s a nice target with that balloon. Got it?”

Both Score and Dumbbell saluted as they said “Got it.”

“Good,” Hoops said. “Only a matter of time.”

But nearby at the entrance, a couple of guards stood in front, observing the city for anything out of the ordinary. Their eyes spot three Royal Guard patrol troops coming this way.

“There’s a problem at the south entrance,” One of the incoming patrols said. “They could use your help.”

“What about the castle gate?” One of the two guards asked.

“Don’t you worry,” Another patrol said. “We’ll make sure no one slips by us. You go take care of the mess at the city entrance.”

“You got it,” Another guard said as he and his companion sprinted down towards the city with their spears by their side.

The three Royal Guard troops watched as their two companions ran into the city. The three smirked before shapeshifting back into Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“Those iggits fell for it, hook line and sinker,” Quickstrike said.

“Princess Celestia must have low standards when it comes to the Royal Guards,” Inferno said. “Then again, the same can be said of any Pony warrior. Not worthy of facing the Predacon Brothers or the royalty.”

“So what do we do next, big brother?” Quickstrike said, salivating the moment.

Inferno looked around at the front of the castle and at the various walls that surrounded the vicinity. Their eyes caught Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, who were peeking over the wall. Beneath them were crates full of water balloons.

“There,” Inferno said, pointing to Hoops, Dumbbell and Score. “That is where we will make our stand against the ponies of Equestria.”

“But what about the two Alicorns?” Waspinator asked. “Surely they won’t fry Waspinator.”

“They won’t,” Inferno said. “I caught them flying due east. Which means the occupants in there are unguarded and ours for the taking.”

Waspinator rubbed his hooves in anticipation as he said “Ooooh. Waspinator likes this. Waspinator anticipating the kidnapping.”

“Me too, little bro,” Quickstrike said as he wrapped his left arm around Waspinator’s back and pulled him tight. “We’re gonna show those brats not to mess with the Predacons.”

“Then come,” Inferno said. “While those brats distract each other with pointless toys, we will make our move and grab the Man’s Cub, the baby dragon and the one known as Twilight Sparkle. For the glory of the Royalty.”

Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator laughed out loud as they ran through the front courtyard of the castle and towards the wall where Hoops, Dumbbell and Score were observing the rest of the pool partiers.

To Be Continued in….

Predacons Terrorize

Author's Note:

This is going to be a three part arc. Mainly what this is going to do is that it's going to temporarily phase out Hoops, Dumbbell and Score and replace them with the Predacon Brothers: Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator. Unlike the boy bullies, the Predacons are far more dangerous, and far more antagonistic. Not to mention one of them is Beast Wars fan favorite Waspinator, who's the butt monkey of the team.

What kind of ideas do you want to see when it comes to Waspinator's mistreatment by the ponies of Equestria? Reply with your own comment, and I may consider it for this or future Sagas.

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