• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 15-5: The Library and the Wing

The Library and Wing

“So you’re telling me that the waters were as clear as sapphires. No wonder why they called it Sapphire Lake.”

Those words came from Bright Mac, who was on the video tablet alongside Buttercup. Sitting on the table and watching the screen was Applejack, with Rarity by her side.

“It wasn’t just that,” Applejack said. “There’s some kind of magic in the lake that allows one to float above with no trouble. Furthermore, one can actually breathe underwater without gills.”

“Wow,” Buttercup said. “I have never heard of breathing underwater without gills. You’re right. There is some kind of magic in that water.”

“But I take that’s not why you’re calling us up, Applejack,” Bright Mac said.

“It isn’t,” Applejack replied. “I’m still worried for Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. I just hope they’re alright.”

“Funny you should say that,” Buttercup said. “Because there is someone who wishes to speak to you.”

Applejack’s jaw dropped to the floor as Bright Mac and Buttercup stepped away from the screen.

“Wait,” Applejack said. “You don’t mean to tell me…”

Immediately, Granny Smith appeared on the screen from the left side and sat down before looking down at the screen.

“Granny Smith?” Applejack said. “You made it?”

“Not just me, Applejack,” Granny Smith said. “Big Mac and Apple Bloom also made it to Canterlot.”

As Granny Smith finished her sentence, Big Mac walked up next to his grandmother, carrying Apple Bloom in his arms.

“You,” Applejack said, ecstatic, “You all made it.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

Tears flowed from Applejack’s eyes as she looked at Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. She wiped the tears from her eyes as her smile shined brightly.

“I’m glad you all made it,” Applejack said. “I don’t know what would have happened if you all were lost in that snowstorm.”

“What matters is that we’re all safe, Applejack,” Granny Smith said as Big Mac held Apple Bloom up. “Even Apple Bloom missed you.”

“And I’ve been missing Apple Bloom ever since we got stranded up in Canterlot,” Applejack said. “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Ditzy Doo may have the ability to fly back to La Maresa. But they chose to stick around because they care alot about us as friends. Still, I wish I could come by and give you all a lending hoof.”

“Well don’t you worry about us,” Granny Smith said. “You have a good time there with your friends. And tell Sunset Shimmer that I hope she gets better.”

“Truth be told,” Applejack said, “She might be on the mend from her illness. I think as early as tomorrow, she’ll be ready to play with us.”

“That’s terrific,” Granny Smith said as Big Mac and Apple Bloom cheered alongside her. “If you see her and Wanda, tell them I said hi. And you take care of yourself.”

“I will Granny,” Sunset said. “I will.”

Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom wave at Applejack before they disappear from the video tablet. Applejack placed the table down with a smile on her face before staring upward.

“What a relief,” Applejack sighed. “To know that your own family is safe in Canterlot.”

“Hey Applejack.” Applejack turned towards the doorway where Sunset Shimmer and Spike the Dragon stuck their heads in.

“How y'all feeling, Sunset?” Applejack asked.

“I think that hot spring really did the trick,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Even Spike enjoyed it.”

“Relaxing,” Spike cheered.

“By the way,” Applejack said before turning to face Sunset. “I heard Wanda’s going with Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Care to fill me in on it?”

“Wanda is going to fly with Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Ditzy Doo,” Sunset explained. “And Twilight is taking Cozy Glow, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Sunburst down to the infamous Ruby Library.”

“Ruby Library, eh?” Applejack said. “You know, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check the place out. But that being said, I do have one thing that’s been scratching at my brain.”

“Oh?” Sunset asked. “What would that be?”

“Why is it that Wanda, being a human and all, is capable of flying like a pegasi?” Applejack asked.

“You know,” Sunset answered, “I’ve been asking that question as well. Even I don't even know why she can fly.”

But Spike just looked up and said “Fly.” Applejack and Sunset looked down at him and just giggled.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Golden Land, a giant building that shined as red as the ruby towered over Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Next to them were Abigail Albright, Cozy Glow, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Spitfire, Ditzy Doo and Wanda Young, who stared up at the monstrous structure.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said. “So this is what Princess Celestia was talking about.”

“Starswirl the Bearded and the pillars of Old Equestria built this place in the Golden Land before they disappeared,” Twilight Sparkle said as she hopped with excitement. “Some consider it a gift of knowledge. Others consider it a historical site. I think it has to be both, considering the design of this magnificent building and the treasure trove of books that lie inside. I can’t wait to go in.”

“Hey you crazy cerebrum,” Danged Spell said. “Pipe down. You’re scaring all of us.”

Twilight Sparkle paused before turning to face all of her friends, who just looked at her with either an awkward or a hilarious tone.

“Oops,” Twilight blushed. “My bad.”

“That’s okay,” Ditzy said. “I usually say that when I mess up.”

“But that being said,” Twilight said, looking back up at the building, “I have never seen a library like this before.”

“Sunset and I used to go here during my previous times at the Golden Land,” Wanda said. “All the books that are lined up. You could be there for years.”

Those words caused Twilight’s excitement to jump ten folds. The violet pony danced around and around in anticipation, with Cozy Glow glaring down Wanda.

“Smooth move, Princess,” Cozy Glow said.

“Well that being said,” Moondancer said. “I think we should consider going inside and checking the whole place out.”

“You guys go on ahead,” Wanda said. “I promised Rainbow Dash I would fly with her and the other pegasi.”

“Are you sure about that?” Twilight asked. “We’ll miss you.”

“It’s okay,” Wanda said as she rubbed the back of Abigail’s ear. “Abigail can look after you all while we’re out flying.”

Twilight looked down at Abigail as the little kitten walked up to the unicorn filly and rubbed her body on the filly’s legs, purring gently.

“Well, you are friends with Spikey-Wikey,” Twilight said as she picked up Abigail. “So why not? Welcome aboard, Abby.”

Abigail let out a playful “YAY” as Twilight gave the kitty cat a hug.

“Well Twilight,” Wanda said. “Hope Abigail will keep you comfy. In the meantime, it’s time we took off.”

With that, Wanda’s insect wings formed on her back as she, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Ditzy Doo took off for the skies, leaving Twilight Sparkle and Abigail Albright with Moondancer, Sunburst, Danged Spell and Cozy Glow.

“You know,” Sunburst said. “I always wonder why Wanda is able to form those kinds of wings on her back.”

“Wanda told us that she doesn't even know why she can fly,” Moondancer said. “So right now, we’re all clueless as to why she can fly.”

“You’re right,” Twilight said as she placed Abigail down. “Let’s head inside and see if we can find anything that can teach us more about Wanda.”

Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Abigail, Sunburst and Danged Spell nodded before Twilight Sparkle began to walk towards the door. But just as the group was about to step inside, Twilight stopped for a moment.

“Wait,” Twilight said. “Spell, weren’t you supposed to make a pun about this moment?”

“Don’t look at me,” Danged Spell said. “Not every moment is meant to be punny.”

With that, Twilight, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Sunburst and Abigail broke out laughing, with Danged Spell standing there, confused.

“Note to self,” Danged Spell said. “Stop being the number one source for puns.”

A little later inside the Ruby Building, Twilight Sparkle pushed open the front door and walked inside with everyone else right behind her. She came to a sudden stop and looked all around in awe.

“Oh my gosh,” Twilight said. “This place is amazing.”

All around the interior of the building were shelves and rows full of books that stretched all the way to the sky. Staircases and rooms separated the shelves from each other. While Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer and Cozy Glow were intrigued, Twilight Sparkle couldn’t stop staring as if her excitement level was going through the roof. As she began to shake, Danged Spell and the others began to take notice of Twilight’s mood.

“Uh-oh,” Danged Spell said. “HIT THE DECK! SHE’S GONNA BLOW!”

Danged Spell, Cozy Glow, Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail were quick to hide under a nearby table as Twilight Sparkle rocketed up into the air before reaching the top and yelling out “THIS IS THE BEST PLACE EVER!” Her words rocked the foundation of the Ruby Building.



Twilight looked down from above and gulped for a second before falling down from top. She screamed loudly as she plummeted towards the floor of the library.

“I got this,” Cozy Glow said, flapping her wings.

Immediately, Cozy Glow flew up towards Twilight Sparkle, who was still descending downwards. But before she could hit the floor, Cozy Glow quickly grabbed her by the back, stopping the unicorn in mid-air.

“Cozy,” Twilight said. “You saved…”

But Twilight looked up and saw Cozy Glow struggle to hold the unicorn filly up. The only thing Cozy Glow could do was to slow her descent towards the floor and release Twilight Sparkle from her grip.

“Sorry,” Twilight said. “Guess I got too carried away.”

“That’s okay,” Cozy Glow said, stretching her back out.

“But you’re an alicorn,” Twilight said. “How come you struggled to carry me?”

“I may be an alicorn,” Cozy Glow replied. “But for some reason, I’m not as strong as I’m supposed to be, like Majesty is.”

“That’s rather unusual for an alicorn,” Sunburst said as he, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Abigail ran up to Twilight and Cozy Glow.

“Oh it’s not just that,” Cozy Glow said. “I also stink at magic despite being an alicorn. Flying is the only thing I’m capable of doing.”

“An alicorn whose strength is only in flying,” Danged Spell said. “Talk about a horrible way to live.”

“She wasn’t the first to have that kind of disability.” Everyone turned towards the entrance to see Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Argyle Starshine enter. Argyle Starshine had his journal in his right arm and a saddlebag on his back.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight cheered as she ran up to the alicorn princess.

“How’s it going, my faithful student?” Celestia said as she muzzled with Twilight. “I take it you’re surprised by the Ruby Library.”

“I’ll say,” Twilight said. “This makes all the libraries in Equestria pale in comparison. Boy I can’t wait to pull a book out at random and spend all day reading it.”

“As much as we want to do that,” Luna said. “There is one secret wing of the library that you should check out.”

“A secret wing?” Twilight said, shifting her hooves in anticipation. “I can’t wait.”

Argyle Starshine laughed before he said “I take it Twilight Sparkle has a thing for books.”

“That’s an understatement,” Princess Celestia said. “The first time I introduced Twilight Sparkle to the royal library, she spent a whole week there. Wanda had to use an encyclopedia to lure her out.”

“I’ve heard of younglings who aren’t keen on reading,” Argyle laughed. “But a filly who’s obsessed over books? That’s a new one.”

“Oh believe me,” Princess Celestia said as she walked up towards a random bookcase. “The moment she sees the books in this secret wing, she’ll want to camp out here for days.”

Princess Celestia lowered her horn towards one of the books before lighting the tip of it with her magic. The book was covered in a magical aura before flying out and opening up, turning the pages until an ancient set of words were displayed. The words glowed brightly, causing the bookcase to shake.

“What the hay’s going on?” Sunburst said as Abigail hid behind the colt.

“Watch and learn,” Luna said with a smile on her face.

Slowly, the bookcase moved to the right, revealing an open doorway that’s larger than Princess Celestia. The moment that the bookcase was completely on the right side, the room lit up. Twilight Sparkle looked inside the doorway and her jaw dropped with excitement.

“This,” Twilight said, “This is unbelievable.”

“Oh no,” Moondancer said. “I think Twilight’s lost it.”

Twilight Sparkle revved up her back legs before dashing into the room. Inside, there were even more shelves full of books than outside in the main hall of the Ruby Building. Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, Abigail and Cozy Glow looked inside to see Twilight Sparkle pull a few books off the shelf before placing them on a nearby table.

“Thanks alot, Princess Celestia,” Danged Spell snarled, turning his head towards the alicorn. “You just made your prime student’s book addiction far worse. I hope you’re proud.”

“I am,” Princess Celestia said. “After all, you just took the words right out my mouth.”

The other younglings groaned as they said “Ugggh, Princess Celestia.”

“Well Princess Celestia has a point,” Argyle Starshine laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with being addicted to books, or to reading. In fact, I’m proud that you have a student who is fascinated with books, which is saying a lot compared to most of the students at Daisy Joy Tech.”

“Indeed,” Princess Celestia said. “And as a matter of fact, I believe we should all go inside and check out the wing of the Ruby Library.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walked through the doorway leading to the secret wing of the library. Behind them, Argyle Starshine, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Cozy Glow and Abigail Albright followed the duo in anticipation.

Inside, the younglings were quick to run up to Twilight Sparkle, who was extremely focused on one of the books she was reading. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Argyle Starshine stood back and watched Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail sit next to Twilight while Danged Spell and Cozy Glow explored the entire wing of the library. Sunburst looked down at Twilight, still with her eyes on the book.

“Twilight,” Sunburst said. “Equestria to Twilight. Are you there?”

“That’s Twilight in a nutshell,” Moondancer said. “The moment she has her eyes in a book, she can’t let go.”

Nearby, Danged Spell and Cozy Glow looked around the secret wing of the library, exploring every nook and cranny within, and scanning every book on the shelf.

“I wonder why Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want us to explore this part of the library,” Danged Spell asked. “After all, there are plenty of books around in this place.”

“Maybe it’s because there might be some juicy secrets to uncover,” Cozy Glow said with a devilish grin.

“Oh please,” Danged Spell said. “If I want juicy secrets, I would follow a conspiracy theorist.”

“Come on, Spell,” Cozy Glow said. “Aren’t you a bit on the curious side?”

“Like I would find it here, kid,” Danged Spell replied.

As Danged Spell scanned the perimeter of the wing of the library, he saw a stack of books piled high nearby.

“Wow,” Danged Spell said. “If anything, Princess Celestia needs to do a little rearranging.”

“I’m surprised with all her obsession with books,” Cozy Glow said, “Twilight never thought to stop and look at this stack.”

“No kidding,” Danged Spell said. “I’m surprised that Twilight’s not having a meltdown over this.”

As Danged Spell observes the stack of books in front of him, his eyes catch a title name on the spine of a book at the bottom.

“Hey, Dracoltula,” Danged Spell said. “I haven’t read this in a while. I wonder if Celestia won’t mind me borrowing this for a bit.”

“One problem,” Cozy Glow said. “You pull that book out and the entire stack falls down.”

“You’re right,” Danged Spell said. “But maybe moving some of the books out of the way won’t hurt.”

Danged Spell lit his horn up and surrounded the top part of the books with magic. He lifted the books carefully off the top of the stack and placed them to the side. Then he carefully levitated another set of books off the top of the stack and placed them on the side.

“Seriously,” Danged Spell said. “What were the Princesses thinking in stacking them like this?”

But as Danged Spell was about to lift another set of books, he felt a tickle in his nose and began to huff and puff.

“Oh no,” Cozy Glow said. “You just inhaled dust, didn’t ya?”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “I’d run if I were you because I’m about to sneeze.”

Nearby, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail just stood by while Twilight was too focused on her book.

“So what do we do now?” Moondancer asked.

“I dunno,” Sunburst said. “Maybe join in with a book of her own.”

Moondancer looked around on the table, scanning the cover of every book. Her eyes suddenly caught a book with a title that said “The Secrets of Evevanya.”

“Hey Sunburst,” Moondancer said. “See that? Does that strike you as intriguing?”

“It does,” Sunburst said. “As a matter of fact, I should take care of it.”

But as Sunburst began to light his horn up, he heard the sound of Danged Spell sneezing in the distance. Sunburst looked up and saw a huge stack of books fall right on top of the Secrets of Evevanya book. The nose was enough to rile up Abigail, who meowed loudly. But Twilight was still fixated on her book as if nothing happened at all.

“DANGED SPELL!” Sunburst yelled. “I NEEDED THAT!”

“SORRY!” Danged Spell yelled from afar.

Moondancer placed her hoof on her face and said “Just what I need, Danged Spell acting like a total goofball.”

Twilight looked out from behind her reading and saw a massive amount of books piled up in front of her. She just smiled and said “Wow. Guess the books are begging me to be read. I know that makes me glad. But I wanna focus more on this book.”

Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail all looked at Twilight with her eyes focused on the book.

“She’s a brave soul to ignore that kind of danger,” Sunburst said.

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Moondancer said.

“Catastrophe,” Abigail meowed.

Back up near what was the stack of books, Danged Spell just looked down at the top of the list, where the copy of Dracoltula stood ready to be picked up. But he still felt shaken up from the complete collapse of the tower of books.

“Okay,” Danged Spell said as he sniffled a bit. “I didn’t expect all that dust to get me shaken up.”

“Way to go, moron,” Cozy Glow said in a snarky tone. “Next time, aim your sneeze away.”

“Oh come on,” Danged Spell complained. “How was I supposed to know that this place was dusty?”

“That’s actually our fault. We forgot to rearrange the books before we brought you here.” Danged Spell and Cozy Glow turned around to see Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Argyle Starshine approach them, with Argyle still holding his book in his right arm and still carrying his saddlebags.

“No kidding,” Danged Spell sneezed. “I was trying to be careful and fate caused me to sneeze those books off.”

Luna smirked before she said “Well guess that dusty moment just knocked you down a peg. Get it?”

Danged Spell growled like a wolf at Princess Luna before he picked up the Dracoltula book with his teeth and marched off.

“Someone’s a little grumpy today,” Luna said.

“Of course he is,” Cozy Glow sneered. “Considering the dust that got in his nose and the mess he made.”

“Well look on the bright side,” Celestia said. “At least Twilight is going to be enjoying more books.”

Argyle watched as Danged Spell marched down the staircase with the book in his mouth, still a bit steamed.

“I think I better cheer him up,” Argyle Starshine said.

With that, Argyle Starshine followed Danged Spell down the staircase, leaving Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Cozy Glow behind.

“You know,” Princess Celestia said. “It’s amazing that we have younglings who just want to enjoy life as it is.”

“Indeed,” Princess Luna said. “But alas. Some individuals like Creme Dream, Gold Banks, Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis don’t see it that way. Poor kids can’t enjoy themselves thanks to today’s sociopaths.”

“Maybe what we need is some filly to find six artifacts and use them to drain the magic of Equestria,” Princess Celestia joked, causing Cozy Glow’s eyes to pop out a bit.

“Say what?” Cozy Glow said in shock.

“Great idea,” Princess Luna said. “As a matter of fact, I think Cozy Glow would be the perfect pony for the job.”

“Now wait just a minute,” Cozy Glow demanded.

“Oh agreed,” Princess Celestia said. “Maybe she could use Daisy Joy Tech as a conduit to send all that magic to another dimension.”

“But what would happen if she were caught and sent to Tartarus for her crimes?” Princess Luna asked.

“Then maybe we should break out you-know-who,” Princess Celestia said. “And have him pretend to be the most powerful villain in Equestria. Then we break Cozy Glow out from Tartarus, find a powerful artifact, enhance our strength and take over the world.”

“Hah, brilliant,” Princess Luna said. “It sounds evil, but I’m game.”

“HOLD IT!” Cozy Glow yelled, finally catching Celestia and Luna’s attention. “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU TWO ARE PLANNING. BUT THIS IS TAKING IT TOO FAR!”

As Cozy Glow fumed from her ears, Celestia and Luna just stood there, laughing out loud.

“Oh Cozy,” Celestia laughed. “It was only a joke. We didn’t mean to rile you up.”

“But,” Cozy Glow said. “What you said…”

“We were just messing with you,” Princess Luna said, hugging Cozy Glow closely. “Mainly because we’ve been fed up with both villains hounding us and politics as usual.”

“Besides,” Celestia said. “We wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way like that.”

“Good,” Cozy Glow said. “Although the idea of draining magic from Equestria sounds interesting.”

“Tell you what,” Celestia said. “If it ever comes to this and Luna and I are left with no choice, we may let you in on our scheme.”

“Deal,” Cozy Glow giggled

“By the way,” Luna said. “I think Twilight’s going to be here for a while. Do you think we should have a slumber party here?”

Celestia laughed before she said “Sounds like a great idea. We should find Wanda and tell her about this.”

Meanwhile, Danged Spell was outside of the secret wing of the library, reading Dracoltula nearby. Argyle Starshine walked out of the wing and up to Danged Spell before setting his book aside and taking his saddlebag off.

“Danged Well, was it?” Argyle asked. “How are you doing?”

“Dusty,” Danged Spell sneezed. “And a little annoyed.”

“From all those books?” Argyle asked.

“Sometimes, it’s from the Princesses,” Danged Spell said. “And that’s saying a lot considering that I’m a bit of a smart aleck.”

“Oh I’ve heard you are a bit of a class clown,” Argyle said. “But sometimes when you’re on the receiving end, it’s okay to take it in stride.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “But sometimes while I do resort to these kinds of puns just for fun, what I get feels a lot worse than what I dish out.”

“A lot worse?” Argyle laughed. “Oh believe me. During my time at Daisy Joy Tech, I have seen students that are outright mean-spirited. They treated some of my students like Golden Lace and Juniper Montage a lot worse than you could have imagined. They threw tomatoes at her, dumped lumpy milk on her, and one time kidnapped her in the middle of the night and tied her up to the Daisy Joy Elephant statue. And the worst part about it, is that Headmistress Honey Twist encourages this kind of behavior.”

“Wow,” Danged Spell said. “I’ve heard stories about that kind of school. But coming from you, that is just mean-spirited taken to eleven.”

“What matters is at least Princess Celestia is teaching you the right things and not to be as cruel and vicious as Miss Honey Twist,” Argyle said as he opened his book up. “As a matter of fact, you just gave me inspiration to write down in my journal.”

“Your journal?” Danged Spell said as Argyle pulled out his ink bottle and quill from his saddlebag.

“Yes,” Argyle Starshine stated. “I write down my own personal thoughts about the Golden Land. But I also write down the experiences that we all share together. And I think this one is really special.”

“I can’t wait,” Danged Spell said in excitement.

Argyle Starshine opened his bottle of ink before dipping his quill into the well and placing the tip onto the paper.

“I have seen libraries in my life when I was a colt,” Argyle Starshine wrote. “But never on the level of the legendary Ruby Library. Books as far as the eye can see in various rooms. One important wing of the library that is hidden away contains even more than I can imagine. Some tell tales like Fiction or Fantasy. Some reflect on real life from Non-Fiction. Some will tell you the facts about the world and the very wonders that surround us. Even in the age of the Canterweb, a simple book is still a close friend that can show you more than you can imagine.”

“More than we can imagine,” Danged Spell said.

“That’s not all,” Argyle stated.

Argyle Starshine dipped his pen into the inkwell again before placing it onto the paper.

“But what makes me proud are the younglings willing to read just to learn more about the world,” Argyle wrote. “The very students that Princess Celestia taught showed me their own fascination for books. One happens to like a tale called Dracoltula, showcasing the fascination with the villains, their motivations, charms, depths and, in some cases, how they are defeated.”

“Nice,” Danged Spell said, observing Argyle’s writing. “I think you nailed that to a T.”

Argyle just laughed before he dipped his pen into the inkwell and wrote again.

“Others are extremely obsessive with books,” Argyle wrote. “And that’s not a bad thing. One desires to learn, to grow, to become the leaders that will help shape the future of our planet. And because of that, it does give me hope for all of Equestria. And I hope that one day, more and more younglings can learn about the benefits of books and the wonders that they can bring.”

With that, Argyle Starshine placed his quill down and blew into the page, causing the ink on the page to set.

“Kinda wish I had a journal of my own,” Danged Spell said. “Imagine what the future would say of our tales.”

“Imagine that,” Argyle Starshine said.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a door opening. Danged Spell and Argyle Starshine turned to see Rarity and Applejack step through from the entrance, with Applejack carrying her video tablet in her right arm.

“Sorry we’re late,” Applejack said. “Rarity and I couldn’t decide if we should go hiking with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance through the Emerald Woods, or come by to the Library.”

“A shame that I have to miss out on those beautiful forests,” Rarity said. “But I figured the Ruby Library must be so divine.”

“Well you haven’t missed out much,” Argyle said. “I believe there may be some interesting books that could catch your attention.

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “With Applejack being a fan of farming and Rarity a fan of fashion, I’d say your day should be….BOOKED! GET IT?”

It didn’t take long for Argyle Starshine, Applejack and Rarity to laugh as the two fillies walked up to Danged Spell.

“Never change, Spell,” Applejack said. “We like you for who you are.”

“Yeah,” Rarity said. “And we wouldn’t want anything otherwise coming from you.”

“Aww thanks guys,” Danged Spell said. “The feeling’s mutual.”

To Be Continued in…

Lost in the Emerald Woods

Author's Note:

Yeah. Things are going to go a little slow because I have other stuff to take care of. But I'll try to continue to put these out biweekly. The next part will focus more on Wanda, Rainbow Dash, Ditzy Doo and Spitfire.

Also, originally, there was going to be more parts after this. But after some thought, I will do three more parts, and they will tie into the next arc.

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