• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 22-6: The Big Break-Out

The Big Break-Out

In the skies above eastern Equestria, a royal carriage flew through with the pegasi pulling it with grace. Inside, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker talked with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Eleanor Young.

“I still can’t believe you found out where they were,” Firelight Glimmer said. “What a relief.”

“And as promised, we’re going to get them out,” Princess Celestia explained. “My nephew Prince Blueblood is already infiltrating the school as I speak.”

“This nightmare is going to be over once we get them out,” Princess Cadance said. “I miss my sisters Wanda and Sunset, plus little Abby.”

“And I can’t wait to snuggle Twili again,” Shining Armor said. “Spike will also be glad to be out of there.”

“What’s the plan?” Firelight asked.

“Blueblood is going to try to break everyone out of their dorms and get them all to the courtyard of the school,” Princess Luna explained. “Once we see them, we will pull them out ASAP.”

“And what if they do not show up at all?” Starseeker asked.

“Then I will put my own reputation on the line and break in myself,” Princess Celestia said. “Eleanor agreed to back me up.”

Eleanor nodded in agreement. But Firelight looked worried.

“These are dangerous times, your majesty,” Firelight Glimmer said. “If something goes wrong, we could all end up as fugitives on the run, even if it is for noble purposes.”

“We are aware of that,” Princess Cadance said. “But regardless, we have to get your daughter and every friend of hers out of there. Afterwards, we’ll deal with Gold Banks.”

“Very well,” Firelight said, holding his hoof out. “I’m in.”

“So am I,” Starseeker said.

“Then let us make haste,” Princess Celestia said. “We have younglings to save.”

“At least we will beat Gold Banks with the speed of our flyers,” Princess Luna assured.

With that, the carriage made its way above the skies of Manehattan as it inched closer to Daisy Joy Tech.

But back at Daisy Joy Tech, Junior Warden Wanda along with the guards stood in front of the doorway leading out of the detention cells, trapping Prince Blueblood, the Scrappies, Cozy Glow, Abigail and Spike, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust.

“What happened to the inmates?” Rolling Thunder yelled. “Where are they?”

Wanda held up her supersonic blaster and said “It was as easy as taking candy from a baby. They’re back in the cells and I’ve changed the locks to make sure your key has no effect on it.”

“Wanda, you are not the monster you appear to be,” Prince Blueblood said. “Your mother misses you. Your sisters and your friends are worried for you.”

“Friends?” Wanda laughed. “What are friends? A miserable little pile of secrets!”

With that, Wanda pointed her blaster at Prince Blueblood and the other younglings before firing it off at them. Every one of them dropped to the ground, screaming in agony.

“This…pain,” Blueblood winced. “What is it?”

“That’s…..used to….torture us all….with pure fear,” Marcie Pan said.

“A portable version….of Ms. Honey Twists…torture chambers,” Fawn Doo said.

As the younglings were pinned to the ground, Wanda approached Prince Blueblood with a smirk on her face.


“I feel….NOTHING!” Blueblood yelled as his horn glowed bright.

But before Wanda could react, Prince Blueblood shoved her aside with a powerful burst of magic, knocking her and the guards to the ground. He immediately cast another burst around himself and his companions, re-energizing them all back on their legs.

“I don’t know what Ms. Honey Twist did to her,” Prince Blueblood said. “But we have to find everyone else, and fast. We’ll break her spell later.”

The rest of the group agreed as the Scrappies, Adagio Dazzle, Lightning Dust, Cozy Glow, Abigail, Spike, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo followed Prince Blueblood out the door, leaving Wanda and the guards to slowly get up.

“Don’t just stand here,” Wanda commanded. “After them.”

Outside of the cell, Prince Blueblood noticed that all of the doors were shut tight and there were only guards on the other side.

“What are we going to do?” Short Fuse asked.

“Something I should have done the first time around,” Prince Blueblood said as his horn glowed brightly.

With another pulse of magic from his horn, the detention cell doors swung open and the delinquents poured out of their cells once more. The guards held themselves hard as the inmates pushed forward.

“Well that did it,” Lightning Dust said. “Now what?”

Suddenly, Cozy Glow pulled one of the supersonic blasters from an unconscious guard and said “Why not put these to good use?”

“Excellent idea,” Prince Blueblood said. “Grab as many as you can and clear a path through the guards.”

Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Marcie Pan, Fawn Doo, Adagio Dazzle and Lightning Dust each pulled a supersonic blaster from the respective guard before following Prince Blueblood, Cozy Glow, Spike and Abigail down the hallway. The moment the students saw Prince Blueblood and his group march onward, they stepped aside and allowed them to pass on through.

“They’re up ahead,” Rolling Thunder said.

“Leave that to me,” Lightning Dust said.

Lightning Dust aimed the blaster at the guards and fired. The supersonic waves caused the guards to collapse onto the ground, wincing in pain as the group bypassed them.

“Where to now?” Prince Blueblood asked.

“There’s a dorm room where everyone else is being held,” Marcie Pan explained. “To make up for everything we’ve done to the students, we’ll lead you to your friends.”

“Good idea,” Prince Blueblood said. “Let’s do this.”

As Prince Blueblood led his group through, the students of the detention area cheered in unison as they pushed back against the guards. But emerging from the cell, Wanda glared up at her cousin, still clutching her supersonic blaster.

“That’s right, Blueblood,” Wanda said. “You’re going to be the bait I need to finally assert control over this pathetic school.”

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie sat in their dorm rooms, completely bored out of their mind.

“Twilight, Starlight, Misty,” Pinkie Pie said. “Are you still there?”

“We’re here,” Twilight said on the other side of the wall. “But we’re bored out of our minds.”

“We don’t even know what those monsters will do today,” Sunset said. “Nor what Wanda will do to us.”

“I only hope she can snap out of her trance,” Misty said from the other side of the wall.”

“What about Adagio?” Sonata Dusk yelled from behind the other wall. “Aria and I miss her.”

“I don’t know,” Sunset said. “And frankly, I’m starting to lose faith in escaping at all.”

“I’m with you on that,” Pinkie Pie said. “If only a miracle could open the way.”

Suddenly, the dorm room entrance swung wide open, catching Sunset and Pinkie by surprise. Entering the door was Prince Blueblood.

“Prince Blueblood,” Sunset and Pinkie said.

“Come with us if you want to live,” Prince Blueblood said as he held his hoof out.

Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer walked towards Prince Blueblood, who took them out into the dorm halls of the school. Nearby, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score pried opened the other dorm rooms where Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Misty Brightdawn, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia, and Gloriosa Daisy all came out. The moment they saw Adagio Dazzle in front of them, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk screamed in harmony.

“Sister,” Aria and Sonata screamed as they gave Adagio a big hug.

“I’ve missed you both as well,” Adagio Dazzle laughed. “Detention was the pits and I don’t ever want to be there again.”

“That makes the three of us,” Aria Blaze said.

Twilight Sparkle ran up to Spike and picked him up before cuddling the little dragon, who cried at the sight of her friend.

“I’ve missed you so much, Spike,” Twilight said. “You don’t know how hard it was without you.”

But nearby, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo hid behind Prince Blueblood as Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Juniper Montage turned their attention to the two sisters.

“They’re with me,” Prince Blueblood said. “They promised to help break you out after they were betrayed by Ms. Honey Twist.”

“I’m not so sure we can trust them,” Golden Lace said. “I still remember the painful memories of being tormented by those two.”

“We can argue about that when we escape,” Prince Blueblood said. “Right now, the guards are on their way.”

“Actually, we’ve arrived.” Every youngling turned towards the far end of the hallway, where Ms. Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt, Officer Blue Heat, Junior Warden Wanda Young and a number of guards stood in front of the group.

“You,” Prince Blueblood snarled. “You treated my cousins like trash, turned one of them against her sister and friends, threw your own former Junior Wardens into the hoosegow, and now you have the audacity to block us off?”

“You’re right on all counts, traitor,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “But I’m afraid you’ve overplayed your hand. As I speak, I am pushing propaganda on the Canterweb, accusing you and your new companions of breaking into our dear school and destroying all order here. Your reputation is gone.w”

“I care little for my reputation,” Blueblood said. “Push it anyway. I’ll be back to make sure this school ceases to exist.”

“Then you have crossed the line that you cannot atone for,” Ms. Honey Twist said. She reached her hoof out and shouted “SEIZE THEM!”

The guards marched towards the youngling group, armed with shields and batons. But as the younglings pointed their supersonic blasters at the incoming guards, Sunset stepped forward.

“Break the cuff off my horn,” Sunset said. “I’ll let my demon form deal with this.”

“Sunset, don’t,” Blueblood protested. “I’ve lost one cousin. I don’t want to lose another.”

“If you don’t cut me loose,” Sunset said. “You could lose your freedom.”

Blueblood paused for a moment before he said “FINE! Make it worth it.”

Immediately, Prince Blueblood charged up his horn before stomping the ground, creating an aura that shattered the cuffs around the earth pony’s arms, the pegasi’s wings and the unicorn’s horns, especially Sunset.

“Something I should have done from the start,” Blueblood said. “Now buy us sometime.”

As Prince Blueblood led the other younglings away, Sunset Shimmer approached the guards as her eyes began to glow.

“What is going on?” Warden Steel Bolt said.

“That’s my sister’s own personal curse,” Wanda explained. “She’s slowly shifting into a demon.”

Sunset Shimmer began to shapeshift and grow in size, much to the surprise of the guards. They retreated back to Ms. Honey Twist as Sunset Shimmer fully transformed into her demon form. She roared into the air before turning her attention towards Ms. Honey Twist and her group.

“Nobody told me about this before,” Ms. Honey Twist said.

As Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat stood their ground with the other guards, Wanda stepped forward and approached Demon Sunset.

“Stand back,” Wanda said, brandishing her blaster. “I’ll deal with my former sister, myself.”

Wanda and Demon Sunset stared down at each other as the guards, Ms. Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat backed off.

“What is she doing?” Ms. Honey Twist said.

“I think she’s going to try to break her down,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“If she does,” Ms. Honey Twist said, “I may consider giving her a commendation award for her duties.”

“If she can win,” Officer Blue Heat said.

As Wanda stared down Sunset, the demon charged up fire within her mouth and breathed it towards her sister. But Wanda only smiled as she pointed the blaster at the fire and blasted it away, quenching it completely.

“You just messed with the wrong former sister,” Wanda smirked.

Meanwhile, down the hallway, Prince Blueblood, Twilight Sparkle and Golden Lace led the youngling group as fast as possible towards the exit while a number of guards followed from behind.

“What’s the plan, Prince?” Starlight Glimmer asked.

“We’re going to blast our way through the front door and into the light of Manehattan,” Prince Blueblood said. “IF we’re lucky, Princess Celestia could swoop in and rescue us all.”

“Princess Celestia is coming to get us?” Twilight said as Spike cheered atop her back.

“Yes,” Prince Blueblood said. “You’re all going home.”

“Home,” Misty said. “To see my big brother King Sombra again.”

“What about Wanda and Sunset?” Golden Lace asked.

“Our first concern is for all of you to escape,” Prince Blueblood said. “Once I inform Princess Celestia about Wanda and Sunset, we’ll run back in and rescue them.”

“Do you think she can go find out where my parents truly are?” Vignette Valencia asked. “Because I still believe they may have been locked away in an insane asylum when I was separated from them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Prince Blueblood said. “Right now, we’re almost home free.”

Immediately, Prince Blueblood and the younglings made their way out of the dorm room and into the open garden of Daisy Joy Tech, where the giant, metallic statue of Daisy Joy the Elephant towered over the school. In front, the steel doors kept the school locked tight.

“Your majesty,” Golden Lace said, holding her supersonic blaster. “Allow me to clear a path.”

“Do it,” Prince Blueblood commanded.

Golden Lace ran up to the statue of Daisy Joy the Elephant and fired off her blaster. The soundwaves pierced through the structure of the status before it tumbled backwards into the gate. Golden Lace then charged up her horn and used it to shove the statue directly into the gate. With a loud crash, the statue crashed right through and smashed the entrance open.

“Open sesame,” Flim said.

“I’ll have to admit,” Hoops said, approaching Golden Lace. “You have a lot of spunk.”

“Thanks,” Golden Lace said before she holstered her blaster. “Ironically, I do get that from my mom.”

“Come on,” Prince Blueblood commanded. “We’re getting you out.”

But as Prince Blueblood led the younglings towards the now-opened entrance, a number of guards jumped out from the walls and landed in front, holding up their own blasters.

“Stand down, this instant,” one of the guards shouted. “You are completely surrounded.”

Prince Blueblood and the other students pulled out their supersonic blaster as they pointed them at the guards.

“I can’t believe it’s come down to this,” Gloriosa Daisy said.

“As long as we stand together,” Cozy Glow said. “We’ll get through.”

“Unite,” Abigail meowed.

“Everyone, brace yourselves,” Prince Blueblood said. “We’re in for a long fight.”

Suddenly, a number of guards are knocked out of the way as the royal carriage pulled up. The other guards took notice and retreated behind the trees and other foliage. Twilight Sparkle looked at the carriage and squeed in harmony.

“They’re here,” Twilight cheered.

“Princess Celestia,” Spike shouted.

As the carriage came to a stop, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Eleanor Young, Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker emerged from the door. One look at Shining Armor caused Twilight to run up to him.

“BIG BROTHER!” Twilight cheered. “We’ve missed you so much.”

Spike leaped off Twilight Sparkle as they both jumped onto Shining Armor’s arms and gave him a big hug.

“Twili, Spike,” Shining Armor cried. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“We’ve missed you as well, Big Brother,” Twilight cried.

Immediately, Starlight ran up to Firelight and Starseeker before giving them a hug.

“MOMMY! DADDY!” Starlight cried. “I’m glad to see you again.”

“We were worried sick about you,” Firelight cried.

“Even worse, your uncle’s grave was destroyed,” Starseeker said.

“I know,” Starlight said. “I felt it on the day before yesterday. But what matters is that we’re all out.”

As Starlight embraced her parents, Princess Luna hugged Misty Brightdawn, who looked a bit relieved.

“King Sombra told me you were coming here,” Princess Luna said. “I’m surprised that they held you here.”

“They did,” Misty said. “But thanks to Prince Blueblood, we’re finally free.”

“That you are,” Princess Luna said.

Nearby, Princess Celestia walked up to Golden Lace, who had Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia and Gloriosa Daisy by her side.

“Princess,” Golden Lace said. “I’m just glad to see you, once more.”

“I am as well,” Princess Celestia said, noticing Wallflower, Vignette and Gloriosa. “And I take it these are your new friends.”

“Old friends who I haven’t been in touch with for a long time,” Golden Lace said. “Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia and Gloriosa Daisy.”

The three fillies bowed to Princess Celestia in friendship, much to her delight.

“Well it’s an honor to meet you three,” Princess Celestia said.

Immediately, Celestia turned towards Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse, who stood by Prince Blueblood.

“So you all risked your freedom to save them,” Princess Celestia asked.

“We did just to cause a little chaos in that school,” Hoops explained. “But it was worth it.”

“More than that,” Princess Celestia said. “You all deserve a medal for saving all of these ponies, including Wanda and Sunset.”

“Speaking of which,” Princess Cadance said, nervous. “Where are Wanda and Sunset?”

“I’m afraid I have bad news,” Prince Blueblood said. “Ms. Honey Twist altered Wanda’s mind and turned her against her friends as their new Junior Warden, replacing Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo.”

“And she tortured me and Starlight Glimmer to make her turn,” Misty explained.

“This is horrible,” Princess Celestia said.

“Even worse,” Prince Blueblood said. “Sunset Shimmer used her demon form to buy us some time to escape. I fear they may have captured her.”

“We’ll have to go back inside and get them both out,” Eleanor said.

“Right,” Celestia said before turning to Prince Blueblood. “Nephew. You lead the way.”

Suddenly, the front door to the school exploded and Demon Sunset went flying out of control before landing near the group. Demon Sunset struggled to get up as she growled at what was in front of her.

“Sunset,” Celestia yelled. “What happened?”

But when Eleanor looked in front of her, she saw Junior Warden Wanda Young emerge from the smoke with Ms. Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat by her side.

“Well done, Junior Warden,” Ms. Honey Twist complemented. “Now show it who’s boss.”

“With pleasure,” Wanda smirked.

With one blast from Wanda’s blaster, shockwaves fired off against Demon Sunset, causing her to roar in agony before reverting back into Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia ran up to her adopted daughter and picked her up.

“SUNSET!” Celestia cried.

“Mommy,” Sunset said. “You’ve made it.”

“Save your strength,” Celestia said. “I’ll bring Wanda home.”

As Celestia set Sunset down, she looked up at her adopted daughter with Eleanor and Luna by her side.

“Princess Wanda Young,” Celestia commanded. “You come here this instance.”

“I beg to differ, for you are no longer my mother,” Wanda smiled. “In fact, you are Princess of Equestria, no longer.”

Wanda, Honey Twist, Steel Bolt and Cold Heat pointed their supersonic blasters at the entire group and fired. Some tried to flee and some tried to stand their ground. But the waves that emitted hit the entire group and brought them down to their knees.

“WHAT IS THIS?” Celestia cried. “WHAT IS GOING ON?”

“It’s my newest invention, your majesty,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “It tortures their minds and makes them relive their worst memories, possible. But it also doubles as an effective weapon.”

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker, the pegasi guards, Eleanor Young, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Abigail Albright, Spike the Dragon, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage,Misty Brightdawn, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Lightning Dust, Marcie Pan, Fawn Doo, Cozy Glow, Prince Blueblood, Wallflower Blush, Vignette Valencia, Gloriosa Daisy, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse all laid there on the ground, aching in agony as they struggled to get up.

“How…could you?” Firelight Glimmer snarled. “Taking my daughter away…and tormenting her for your own amusement.”

“It’s all apart of what makes us Daisy Joy Tech,” Ms. Honey Twist said as she, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Cold Heat walked up to Princess Celestia. “And Gold Banks will be happy when she finds out we caught you all right where we want you.”

“Why are you doing this to us?” Misty yelled. “What did we ever do to you?”

“You were born,” Warden Steel Bolt smirked.

“And you existed to have fun,” Officer Blue Heat said.

“I will order my troops to gather you all up and lock you back in your cells,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “But I have a little surprise for your rescuers. I will make them the first adults to attend my school. Actually, the first Alicorns to do so. Once Gold Banks finds out, she will be happy I did the stunt for her.”

“You’re out of your mind,” Prince Blueblood yelled.

“Tell it when we plan your first lesson and fail you,” Ms. Honey Twist said.

Ms. Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat all walked up to Princess Celestia, standing over the weakened Alicorn.

“How does it feel to know that you will join your daughters in our school, Princess?” Ms. Honey Twist asked.

“You’re out of your mind,” Princess Celestia said.

“Oh and we’re going to close down your School for Gifted Unicorns and transfer your remaining students here,” Ms. Honey Twist said. “We’ll even rehire a certain Stallion who walked out on us. There’s nothing you can do to stop us, because we are invincible.”

Suddenly, shockwaves hit Ms. Honey Twist, Warden Steel Bolt and Officer Blue Heat. The trio screamed loudly before collapsing on the ground, much to Celestia and Blueblood’s horror.

“What…just happened?” Ms. Honey Twist said.

Miss Honey Twist turned her attention to Wanda, who walked up to her, holding her blaster at her face.

“You,” Ms. Honey Twist snarled. “You traitor. You did this.”

“Guilty as charged,” Wanda smiled. “And you said you wanted to turn my former mother into your new student. You’re as pathetic as the very colts and fillies you force into your own school.”

“Wanda,” Celestia cried. “What have you done?”

“You can thank these fools for making me see the error of my ways,” Wanda said. “As a result, I’m taking over this school and making it my new throne of power.”

“You forget one thing,” Ms. Honey Twist shouted. “Gold Banks is on her way and when she finds out what you did…”

“Let her come,” Wanda interrupted. “Let her come indeed. I’ll be laying a trap for that bureaucrat and when she makes her first move, I will take her down. She will be the first step in my total conquest over all of Equestria. And soon, you will all bow to me: Wanda Young, Empress of all that you see.”

As Wanda Young cackled loudly, the entire group just laid there, helpless and without hope. But Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo immediately turned towards the weakened Ms. Honey Twist.

“Look what you did you idiot,” Marcie Pan yelled.

‘“Thanks to you, Equestria’s doomed to that trigger-happy monster,” Fawn Doo yelled.

“Oh shut up,” Ms. Honey Twist yelled.

“They’re right,” Golden Lace said. “If it weren’t your desire for perfection, you wouldn’t be in this mess at all. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.”

While Ms. Honey Twist growled helplessly at Golden Lace, Marcie Pan and Fawn Doo, Eleanor reached out to Wanda, who walked away with a devilish grin on her face.

“Wanda,” Eleanor said, reaching out. “Please come back to us. We’ve all missed you.”

To Be Continued in…

The One True Heart

Author's Note:

On the subject of Prince Blueblood: Remember when I said I wanted to make him a bit more like James Bond sans the womanizing? Well now I took it up a notch.

On the subject of being rescued by Princess Celestia and the others: I was gonna wait until a bit later when everyone was outside. But I'd figure now would be the time for it to happen. But this brings up the final point.

On the subject of Wanda betraying everyone: This idea popped up in my head. What if the brainwashed Wanda decides to double-cross her new employers just for her own personal gain, like Starscream to Megatron? This does get expanded upon in the next part. But then again, there are only two parts left in this arc.

So how will they make it out of this mess? Stay tuned.

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