• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 21(A Friend in Need)-1: The Healing Powers of a Friend

Arc 21: A Friend in Need

The Healing Powers of a Friend

Wanda wandered in the middle of the night, this time surrounded by a barren wasteland. There was no other soul around her. Wanda aimlessly looked around helplessly.

“Sunset? Starlight? Big sis? Mommy? Aunt Woona?” Wanda called. “Where are you?”

“They can’t help you at all,” someone shouted.

“You,” Wanda cried. “I thought banishing you to the moon a thousand years ago would keep you out of my head.”

“It didn’t,” The voice said. “In fact, it’s the reason why I’ve been in your head you stupid human.”

“Come on out and reveal yourself, Pony of Shadows,” Wanda cried.

Immediately, everything around Wanda turned black, leaving the Man’s Cub wandering confused. She looked like she was on the verge of breaking down crying.

“What’s going on?” Wanda cried. “Where am I?”

“Oh you are nowhere, and everywhere,” the voice cackled.

“This isn’t funny,” Wanda said. “I want to see everyone again. I wanna see mommy. I wanna see Sunset and Starlight.”

“Oh you won’t anymore,” The voice laughed as the Pony of Shadows appeared in front of Wanda. “And I heard rumors that you’re going to a new school.”

“No I’m not,” Wanda said. “I still attend the School for Gifted Unicorns with my sister, Golden Lace and my Glimmy.”

“That’s what you think,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “Not even your mommy will have a say in your fate. You will be taken away from your friends and family, and become an outcast at Daisy Joy Tech. Everyone there will hate you because of who you are: a hideous monkey amongst the ponies.”

“No,” Wanda cried. “That’s not true. That’s impossible.”

“Search your feelings,” The Pony of Shadows laughed. “YOU KNOW IT BE TRUE!”

Wanda got down on her knees and yelled out “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Immediately, Wanda woke up from bed, panting loudly. The sun was barely showing itself on the east side of the land. Sunset and Starlight slept in the bed next to Wanda while Abigail slept in her little bed next to Wanda. But as Wanda slumped back in bed, she looked up at the ceiling and reached out.

“Mommy,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want to leave you.”

Hours later when the morning sun shone across Canterlot, Firelight and Starseeker Glimmer, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer, Trixie and Pinkie Pie emerged from the ground bridge portal from La Maresa. They looked around as the portal behind them disappeared. The citizens looked distressed as they had their eyes glued to their video tablets.

“I take it they’re paying attention to Gold Banks’ demand to make Wanda attend Daisy Joy Tech,'' Moondancer asked.

“That’s what I assume,” Sunburst said.

“Maybe we should talk with one of them,” Starseeker said.

Firelight Glimmer nodded as he walked up to one of the citizens, who had her eyes glued to the video tablet.

“Excuse me,” Firelight asked. “But could you tell me what’s going on?”

“It’s Gold Banks,” the citizen said. “She wants to force Princess Wanda into attending the School for Gifted Unicorns. In fact, she’s already tearing Princess Celestia up on the debate stage.”

“Gold Banks is doing what?” Moondancer yelled.

Firelight Glimmer pulled out his video tablet and tapped the screen a number of times. A video of Gold Banks debating a weakened Princess Celestia appeared on the screen, causing Firelight’s jaw to drop in horror.

“What in the world?” Firelight Glimmer said. “What is Gold Banks doing?”

On the video screen, Gold Banks stood her ground in front of the entire Equestrian Senate. Celestia attempted to speak, only for Gold Banks to shut her down.

“So you want that snot-nosed brat to be relegated to only a few friends?” Gold Banks debated. “You want her education to suffer and as a result, you want her to be nothing more than a juvenile delinquent?”

“That’s not true,” Celestia said, attempting to fire back. “She doesn’t just have two sisters by her side, but a good number of friends who will continue to have her back.”

“Hogwash,” Gold Banks laughed. “What you refer to as her friends are no substitute for interacting in a real society compared to Daisy Joy Tech.”

“They are as much,” Celestia said, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“Is that a fact,” Gold Banks said. “In fact, I heard the father of one of her friends decided to let her stay with you because he’s too much of a coward to raise that little chickadee.”

“Mrs Banks,” Chancellor Cinch yelled. “Stop resorting to badgering. You are in a debate, not a reality show.”

“Why should I?” Gold Banks said with a smirk on her face. “Is it so you can continue to make excuses for this disgrace of a princess? And I’m not talking about Princess Celestia.”

As the Senate murmured on the video screen, Firelight Glimmer pulled the tablet back and looked as if he were about to yell out in rage.

“What does this Gold Banks think she is?” Starseeker said, pulling the video tablet away before Firelight could swing it upwards. “We left her there because of the threat she made back in Harvestia.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Firelight roared as he slammed his hoof on the ground. “She doesn’t get to threaten to take my daughter away and get away with it. Why isn’t anyone protesting this?”

“Actually,” another citizen said, pointing in another direction. “That’s why.”

Firelight looked in the direction where the citizen was pointing. In front of a giant building, a huge crowd of protesters marched around the block, chanting “Make her go. Make her go. Make her go.”

“The Gold Bankers,” Pinkie Pie said.

“You’ve heard of them?” Danged Spell asked.

“Heard of them?” Trixie said. “They were causing a whole lot of trouble prior to your arrival, trying to force their despicable views down our throats. They only disappeared three days prior to your arrival.”

“Are you kidding me?” Sunburst said. “Those fools actually pulled a stunt like that? It’s as if we can’t live anywhere in Equestria without any form of danger lurking about.”

“Sadly, you’re right,” Danged Spell said. “But in my view, we don’t run and hide. We fight to the very end.”

Suddenly, someone shouted “What are you guys doing here?” Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer turned around to see Twilight Sparkle and Golden Lace ride up to them with Spike atop Twilight’s back.

“Twilight,” Moondancer said. “How’s your father’s leg?”

“Starting to heal a bit, but he’s still not done,” Twilight said. “But that being said, you guys left for La Maresa a couple of days ago. Why are you back here?”

“We came here because we heard the news about Wanda being forced to attend Daisy Joy Tech,” Trixie said. “But you can thank Glimglam’s daddy for wanting to come here.”

Golden Lace looked up at Firelight Glimmer, who was still seething with anger by looking at the Gold Bankers.

“Mr Glimmer,” Golden Lace said, catching the attention of the patriarch of the Glimmer family.

“You’re one of Wanda’s friends, correct?” Firelight asked.

“I am,” Golden Lace said. “Unfortunately, I am also the daughter of Gold Banks. And I know what you’re thinking after what she tried to do to Starlight Glimmer.”

“I don’t blame you for what your mother did,” Firelight Glimmer said, getting down on one knee and placing his hoof on Golden Lace’s shoulder. “I also know what she did to you by shipping you to Daisy Joy Tech long ago, which in my mind is not okay. You’ve proved to at least be a far better pony than your mother turned out to be.”

“Thank you,” Golden Lace said.

“Well that being said,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I take it you’re here to confront Gold Banks.”

“I am,” Firelight Glimmer, getting back on his four hooves. “I need to talk with Princess Celestia, and let her know that I want to debate Gold Banks. This is personal.”

“Come with us,” Twilight said. “We were on the way to the castle to check up on Wanda.”

“That’s a great idea,” Danged Spell said.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Golden Lace said as she and Twilight turned towards the palace. “Let’s head there.”

Firelight Glimmer followed Golden Lace and Twilight Sparkle with Spike on her back to the castle with Starseeker, Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, Trixie and Pinkie Pie following from behind. But as soon as the group went through the royal gates, the portal materialized within the arch and Eleanor Young emerged from it before it disappeared right behind her

"I just hope I am not too late," Eleanor said turning her attention towards the palace.

Inside the castle at the Grand Foyer, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor wandered back and forth, totally worried, looking up at the TV screen and watching the events unfold at the Senate building.

“Gold Banks is making Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch look horrible,” Princess Luna said. “That should have been me on the debate stage.”

“Easy, Aunt Luna,” Princess Cadance said. “This is Wanda we’re talking about.”

“I know,” Princess Luna said. “But I just wanna verbally tear Gold Banks apart for what she’s blabbering about in terms of Princess Wanda and my sister.”

“The only thing we can do is wait,” Shining Armor said.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, but the three ponies were too anxious to go near the door. Majordomo Kibitz emerged from the back door and walked up to the front door.

“I’ll get it,” Kibitz yelled.

Majordomo Kibitz opened the door, where Firelight Glimmer, Starseeker, Danged Spell, Sunburst, Moondancer, Golden Lace, Twilight Sparkle with Spike, Trixie and Pinkie Pie stood.

“Mr Glimmer,” Majordomo Kibitz. “I’m surprised that you’re here.”

Kibitz’s words were enough to catch the attention of Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, who all walked up to the front door.

“Firelight Glimmer, what are you doing here?” Princess Luna asked.

“I know why I’m here, Princess Luna,” Firelight Glimmer said as he and his group entered. “We found out about Gold Banks’ plan to force Wanda to attend Daisy Joy Tech, and I have a grudge against her.”

“Mr Glimmer, are you out of your mind?” Princess Luna said, startled. “You try to get up on that debate stage and she will tear you apart.”

“This is personal,” Firelight Glimmer snapped. “After what she tried to do to my Starlight, I’ve got every reason to tear her apart for even thinking about taking someone else’s child away. Right now, I want to see Starlight and let her know I’m gonna fight for her friend.”

“Starlight Glimmer’s upstairs with Wanda Young and the rest of the younglings who live with us,” Princess Cadance said, pointing upstairs to the doorway.

But before Firelight Glimmer could step forward, Princess Luna stepped in front of him, stopping the stallion in his place.

“I’ll take you to Starlight,” Princess Luna said.

Firelight Glimmer nodded as he followed Princess Luna upstairs with Starseeker and the other younglings following from behind, with the exception of Golden Lace and Twilight Sparkle, the latter who stood there before turning towards her big brother after he tapped her on the shoulder.

“Twili,” Shining Armor said. “I thought Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer were in La Maresa.”

“They were,” Twilight Sparkle explained. “But they came back here after finding out about what Gold Banks’ desire to force Wanda to enroll at Daisy Joy Tech.”

“And what about Trixie or Pinkie Pie?” Shining Armor asked.

“Trixie I believe is because of Starlight’s bond with her,” Twilight explained. “I don’t know about Pinkie. But I have the feeling she wants to cheer up Wanda.”

“I hope you’re right,” Shining Armor said. “Because I fear this might be the last time that Wanda gets to see her friends.”

“Right now,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Princess Celestia will need a major miracle.”

“I’ll say,” Golden Lace said. “After what my mother is doing to humiliate Princess Celestia in the Senate, she really needs a miracle in spades.”

Spike looked at the other younglings walking up the stairs and said “Help us.”

Meanwhile, Wanda Young stared out the window while sitting on her bed, sighing quietly. Behind her, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Abigail Albright, Cozy Glow and the Dazzlings stood there, helplessly.

“First she had that nightmare about the Pony of Shadows again and now Gold Banks wants to ship her off to Daisy Joy Tech,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“What are we going to do?” Sonata Dusk asked.

“Even I don’t know what to do,” Starlight said as she struggled to hold her tears in. “She’s locked her mind out and is just staring out like her life’s being torn apart. It makes me wanna just….just…”

With that, Starlight broke down crying and her tears formed twin waterfall gushers, soaking Sunset Shimmer, Cozy Glow and Abigail Albright.

“Starlight,” Cozy Glow said, annoyed. “Not around me you silly.”

“It’s alright,” Sunset said. “We’ll think of something.”

“Think of something?” Adagio Dazzle said. “We’re about to lose Princess Wanda and you don’t know what to do? It’s going to take a miracle to lift her spirits.”

“Then call me a miracle.” The familiar voice that said those words caused Starlight Glimmer to stop crying and her tears to shrink down to mere droplets. She turned around with the rest of the group to see Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker standing in front of the door with Princess Luna by their side.

“Daddy? Mommy?” Starlight said, surprised.

“We’ve missed you, sweetie,” Starseeker said, holding her arms out.

Starlight Glimmer sniffled a bit before she ran up to her folks and jumped right into their arms, hugging them warmly.

“I’ve missed you both as well,” Starlight cried.

“Mr Glimmer,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I’m surprised that you and your wife are here.”

“They aren’t the only ones who arrived,” Princess Luna said with a smirk.

Princess Luna stepped aside as Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer stepped through the doorway. Sunset Shimmer’s face beamed at the sight of her old friends.

“You…You’ve come back,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“We did,” Danged Spell said. “After all, we weren’t really gone with the wind now, were we?”

But the only thing Sunset Shimmer could do is run up to her three friends and give them all a hug.

“You three,” Sunset Shimmer cried. “I’m glad you came back.”

“This may be the last time we get to see Wanda,” Moondancer said. “That’s the main reason why we all came back.”

As Firelight placed Starlight down, Trixie ran up from behind Princess Luna and gave Starlight a big hug.

“Trixie,” Starlight laughed. “I didn’t know you would be here as well.”

“Well the Great and Powerful Trixie missed you, Starlight,” Trixie said. “And she wanted to make sure you’re doing fine.”

“I am,” Starlight said. “But Wanda’s not doing so well.”

Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell and Trixie all looked at the bed where Wanda sat there, paying them no attention. Pinkie Pie pulled herself out from behind Princess Luna and saw the Man’s Cub sit there, depressed.

“Woah,” Pinkie Pie said. “Guess that meanie Gold Banks really brought her mood down.”

Firelight Glimmer walked up to Wanda Young, who continued to stare out the window, paying no attention to anyone around him.

“Wanda,” Firelight Glimmer said. “Are you alright?”

But Wanda said nothing as she stared out the window. Pinkie Pie immediately ran up to the bed and jumped on while Firelight sat down with her.

“Wanda,” Firelight said. “It’s me, the father of Starlight Glimmer. I came here to check up on you.”

But as Wanda continued to stare off, Pinkie Pie got off the bed and looked up at Wanda.

“Wanda, are you going to let that meanie Gold Banks put you down?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes,” Wanda said in a bored tone.

“Woah woah woah,” Pinkie Pie said, backing up. “Don’t you realize that there are tons of ponies who care about you?”

But Wanda ignored Pinkie Pie’s words and continued to stare out of the window.

“Wanda,” Pinkie Pie said. “You don’t seem to care about what I said. Well what if I told you that they’re with me?”

“I don’t mind,” Wanda said. “Maybe they’ve come to say good-bye.”

“They’re not,” Firelight Glimmer said. “They’re here because they’re worried about you.”

Firelight Glimmer whistled to Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer, who ran through the room and jumped onto the bed, sitting next to Wanda.

“Wanda, it’s us,” Sunburst said. “We’ve been worried sick about you after what we’ve heard this morning.”

“Hi,” Wanda said, keeping her eyes out on the windows.

“Wanda, we know you’re not alright,” Moondancer said. “And we know why. Gold Banks wants to make sure you never see us again.”

But Wanda paid no attention. She just continued to stare at the window, nearly motionless.

“This is more serious than I thought,” Danged Spell said.

“I know,” Sunburst said. “Whatever Gold Banks said must have really brought her mood down.”

“Actually, I can explain,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Last night, I overheard the shouting of a Pony of Shadows from Wanda while I was asleep. I assume she had a nightmare about that beast again.”

“Oh wait a minute,” Pinkie Pie said. “That Pony of Shadows that Wanda went back in time and helped Princess Luna banish it to the moon with the Elements of Harmony and she befriended a filly unicorn named Misty Brightdawn?”

“Wait,” Cozy Glow said. “How did you know that she helped defeat the Pony of Shadows and all that stuff?”

Sunset Shimmer turned to Cozy Glow and said “She’s the reincarnation of Discord, remember?”

Cozy Glow slammed her head on her hoof and said “Doh. I forgot.”

Pinkie Pie immediately turned towards Wanda, determined as ever.

“Listen,” Pinkie Pie said. “You were able to help Princess Luna beat back the Pony of Shadows a thousand years ago. We can help you beat it back again and make sure that Gold Banks never take you away. In fact, Mr Firelight Glimmer here has volunteered to debate Gold Banks at the Senate today and teach her a lesson she won’t forget. And no matter what happens, we’re gonna stay together as the best of friends.”

Wanda’s face suddenly popped up before she turned towards Firelight Glimmer.

“Wait,” Wanda said. “You’re going to confront that mean Gold Banks?”

“I am,” Firelight Glimmer said. “For your sake and for Starlight’s sake. After what she did by demanding I enroll my daughter into Daisy Joy Tech, I’m not going to sit by and let her bully you around. You have my word.”

“And I’m glad that daddy came back,” Starlight said as she jumped on the bed and gave Wanda a hug. “We’re all here for you, and we’re gonna stand with you until the end of time.”

Wanda looked at all her friends, who looked up at the Man’s Cub with pure sympathy.

“I….I’m sorry I pushed you aside,” Wanda cried as Danged Spell, Sunburst and Moondancer all gave Wanda a hug.

“It’s okay,” Sunburst said. “We’re here for you.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “It’s okay for you to cry. But Mr Glimmer will make sure Gold Banks has some cheese with her usual whine.”

“Danged Spell,” Moondancer said as she, Starlight and Sunburst broke out into laughter.

“I’ve really missed you guys,” Wanda cried. “I’m just glad you all came back once more.”

“We’ll make sure it’s not once more,” Pinkie Pie said, jumping on the bed and joining in on hugging Wanda. “Pinkie Promise.”

As Firelight Glimmer smiled, he reached over and playfully rubbed Wanda on the head. She looked up at the stallion.

“Thanks for bringing them back,” Wanda said. “And I hope you tell off that meanie Banks.”

“I will,” Firelight Glimmer said. “For you and for your new sister Starlight Glimmer.”

“Wait,” Starlight said. “Wanda’s my new sister?”

“Though I will come by to check up on you,” Firelight explained, “I will allow you to remain here with Wanda. And you’re welcome to come down to La Maresa when you get the chance.”

“Oh daddy,” Starlight said before she gave Firelight a hug.

But as everyone on the bed embraced each other, they heard a pony clear up her throat. Princess Luna walked on in and approached Firelight Glimmer, whispering something in his ear.

“Princess Celestia is here?” Firelight said. “Well where is she?”

“She’s down the hallway with Princess Cadance,” Princess Luna said. “Explain everything to her and tell her you want to debate Gold Banks.”

Starlight Glimmer released her hold on Firelight Glimmer as Princess Celestia appeared from behind the doorway with Princess Cadance and Golden Lace. Celestia looked at everyone and her face lit up.

“What are all you doing here?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I brought them back for two reasons,” Firelight Glimmer said, approaching Princess Celestia. “One, I heard about what’s going on with your daughter Wanda, and I wanted to make sure she sees her friends again. Two, I’ve got a grudge against Gold Banks and I wish to debate her.”

“I appreciate you doing this,” Celestia said. “But debate Gold Banks? That’s crazy.”

“I’m aware of that as well, your majesty,” Starseeker said. “But it’s far more personal with my husband. Remember during that time in Harvestia when Night Light broke his leg, and Gold Banks demanded that our Starlight attend Daisy Joy Tech?”

“I do remember,” Celestia said. “But still, are you sure about wanting to debate Gold Banks? She really made a mess out of me on the Senate floor.”

“I am,” Firelight Glimmer said. “After what she did back in Harvestia, I’m not going to back down and let her get away with these shenanigans. And besides, I’m also doing this for your daughter. I owe her for nearly splitting her from her friends.”

Celestia looked up at Firelight and said “Alright. I was given an hour break to refocus myself. But thanks to you, I think we can handle this. Come with me.”

But before Firelight and Celestia walked out the door, Golden Lace walked up to Firelight Glimmer and tapped on his arm.

“Mr Glimmer,” Golden Lace asked. “Can I go with you?”

“Young lady,” Firelight said, turning to Golden Lace. “You’re putting yourself in harm’s way if Gold Banks saw your face.”

“I know,” Golden Lace said. “But I want to see how badly my mother gets humiliated on stage once you show her how much of a coward she truly is.”

“Very well,” Firelight said. “Come. It’s time we taught your mother a lesson she won’t forget.”

But before Firelight walked out, he turned towards Wanda and Starlight with a smug look on his face.

“Hey Pumpy-Wumpkin,” Firelight said. “Promise me you’ll make sure Wanda says happy?”

“Promise daddy,” Starlight said. “Now go kick Gold Banks’ butt.”

“Oh I will,” Firelight said with a hearty laugh.

Firelight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Princess Celestia stepped outside with Starseeker following from behind. As they walked down the hall, Princess Cadance walked alongside them. Meanwhile, Wanda turned to face the doorway with a slight smile on her face.

“Do you think your daddy will be able to teach Gold Banks a lesson she won’t forget?” Wanda asked.

“I’ve seen how vicious my daddy is if he saw someone intentionally make me cry,” Starlight said. “And believe me, it’s not pretty.”

“Oooh I can’t wait,” Pinkie Pie said, pulling out a carton full of popcorn from her mane. “I heard Firelight Glimmer is a tough-as-nails debater.”

“Hey Pinkie,” Danged Spell said. “I think we’re going to need more popcorn.”

“Whoops.” Pinkie Pie said. “Forgot that you guys are in on the fun.”

Meanwhile in the hallway, Princess Celestia walked alongside Firelight Glimmer and Starseeker on her left, and Princess Cadance and Golden Lace on her right. While Celestia started to look a little more optimistic, Cadance looked worried.

“Mother, are you sure about this?” Princess Cadance asked. “Putting our fate in Firelight Glimmer?”

“I believe so,” Princess Celestia said. “He said he wants to make things right after unintentionally breaking Wanda’s friends up, and he also has a grudge against Gold Banks. Plus, there is a kind of fire I’m seeing within his eyes.”

“Should I let the Chancellor know that you’re going to end the recess soon?” Princess Cadance asked.

“That won’t be necessary,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll go to her and let her know that I’ll be ending recess and that we have a new ally on our side.”

To Be Continued in…

Firelight vs the Gaslighter

Author's Note:

While Wanda has reunited with her core friends, she's not yet out of danger as her own fate will be decided in the next part. That being said, I am taking some cues from the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars when it comes to the Equestrian Senate. No, there won't be any detachable pods for the Senate seats. But I promise that the debate between Firelight Glimmer and Gold Banks will be fierce and ugly.

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