• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 28-3: Retreat into the Golden Land

Retreat into the Golden Land

Princess Celestia ran down the now-empty streets of Canterlot behind the citizens as fast as she could, holding everyone’s luggage with her magic. Wanda and Abigail rode on top, not daring to look behind. Flying next to her was Cozy Glow, who held Spike close. Near the Princess was King Sombra, Misty Brightdawn, Golden Lace, and the Dazzlings.

"What the hay is going on?" Cozy Glow yelled. "Why aren't we heading to Evevanya?"

"I'm afraid Gold Banks have figured out where portals to other worlds are located," Celestia said. "I wanted to protect you all. But I realized that you will all still be in danger."

"Worry about that later," King Sombra said. "Your sister said we have to get to the castle."

"And for a reason," Celestia said. "There is a portal leading to the Golden Land. Once we get there, we will remove the crystal and sever the connection. It will lock us all in. But we will be safe there."

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Are you sure about that?”

“I am, my darling Wanda,” Celestia said. “For you, and for your original mommy Eleanor.”

Wanda nodded towards Celestia as she held her pearl fragment necklace close. In an instant, she jumped off of Princess Celestia, and transformed into a unicorn filly with the same mane style, but with a light blue coat, and her cutie mark had shifted from her shoulder to her hip. Her backpack transformed into a single saddlebag. Once she landed on the ground, she ran alongside Princess Celestia, much to the surprise of King Sombra, Spike and her pony friends. Abigail jumped off and ran alongside her companion.

“Wanda,” Misty said. “How did you do that?”

“A present from Aunt Novo,” Unicorn Wanda said. “From my previous time at Seaquestria.”

As unicorn filly Wanda ran alongside her friends, Princess Celestia eyed the two ground bridge portal arcs in front of her. Nearby, Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Maud, Limestone and Marble stood near the arc that led to La Maresa.

“Mr Pie,” Princess Celestia shouted. “Where are you going?”

“Back to La Maresa and then to the Rock Farm,” Igneous Rock Pie said.

“It’s too dangerous,” King Sombra shouted.

“We have a son who agreed to look after the farm while we said good-bye to Pinkie Pie,” Igneous Rock shouted. “I want to make sure he’s alright.”

Princess Celestia came to a stop in front of Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz. Unicorn Wanda, Abigail, Cozy Glow, Spike, Golden Lace, the Dazzlings, Misty Brightdawn and King Sombra Brightdawn also followed suit, looking up at Celestia Immediately, Celestia placed the luggage she was carrying down and approached the Pie family.

“Mommy,” Unicorn Wanda said. “What’s going on?”

“Get to the castle this instant,” Celestia said. “I’ve got some unfinished business in La Maresa. And don’t worry. Queen Eleanor will look after you if I fall.”

Without a second thought, Unicorn Wanda nodded to Golden Lace and they both picked up every piece of luggage on the ground with their magic. Once they were all grouped up, unicorn Wanda, Abigail, and Golden Lace ran off from Princess Celestia towards the Castle. Misty, Cozy Glow, Spike, and the Dazzlings followed her from behind, all while Celestia used her magic to open the portal to La Maresa. But King Sombra stood by Princess Celestia as she began to walk through the portal.

“I won’t be long,” Celestia said. “Look after the Pie family until I get back.”

“Right,” King Sombra said.

But before Princess Celestia could take one step into the portal, she immediately turned to her left and saw a blast of magic fly towards her.

“GET DOWN!” Celestia yelled.

Immediately, King Sombra transformed into a shadow and slid under Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Maud, Marble and Limestone before pulling them within. Celestia jumped out of the way as the blast of magic hit the portal arc, causing it to explode.

The shadow immediately moved out of the way as two crystals landed in the grass, unharmed. Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Marble, Limestone and Maud emerged from the shadow as King Sombra returned to normal. He looked up, and his face turned to horror.

“By my mother’s will,” Sombra said.

In front of King Sombra, both portal arcs were smashed to pieces, thanks to the blast of magic that hit it. Celestia got up and looked at what’s left of the arcs.

“It’s all gone,” Celestia said. “The ground bridge portals. The work that Starswirl the Bearded created, and it’s all gone.”

“Not all of it,” Igneous Rock Pie said as he picked up two crystals. “This is what we were able to recover.”

Celestia immediately picked up the crystals with her magic and said “Good work. We can salvage them with two new ground bridge portals at the Golden Land. Now hurry.”

Igneous Rock ran towards the castle with Cloudy Quartz, Limestone, Marble and Maud Pie right behind him. Immediately, Celestia ran after the Pie family with the crystals in her horn while King Sombra was in pursuit.

But in an instant, Demon Sunset landed out of control into the ruins of both portal arcs, having been hit from a blast. She got up and faced Gold Banks, who walked up to the giant demon.

“Is this the power of the demon ponies, Sunset Shimmer?” Gold Banks said. “Don’t make me laugh.”

Demon Sunset got back on her four paws and roared loudly before she fired a blast of magic at Gold Banks. The impact was enough to send the pony flying off. Demon Sunset roared once more before leaping towards Gold Banks.

“So the little Sunset isn’t taking any chances,” Gold Banks said as magic formed from her amulet. “A wise move. Or is it?”

Before Demon Sunset could strike Gold Banks, the amulet-powered aristocrat fired off a blast of magic right at the giant demon, knocking her into the water canal. Gold Banks swung around and dove right at Demon Sunset at top speed. Before the giant demon could react, Gold Banks hit her right in the chest area, causing Demon Sunset to scream loudly.

“How does it feel to know that you’re completely outclassed, Sunset Shimmer?” Gold Banks yelled. “HOW DOES IT FEEL?”

But immediately, Demon Sunset grabbed Gold Banks and pulled her up close before slamming her into the water. She held down Gold Banks under the water, who struggled to hold her breath.

But with one flash, Banks transformed into a Sea Pony and was able to break loose from Demon Sunset’s grip. Gold Banks swam as fast as possible before she jumped out and faced Demon Sunset, who charged up magic from her mouth and pointed it at the evil sea pony.

“Powerful, but still no match,” Gold Banks said as her amulet glowed.

Meanwhile, unicorn filly Wanda Young and Abigail ran up the stairs with Cozy Glow, Spike, Golden Lace, Misty, and the Dazzlings right behind her. Wanda carried most of the luggage while the rest was carried by Golden Lace. When they reached the entrance, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran up to her as Wanda and Lace dropped the luggage.

“Wanda,” Princess Cadance said. “Where’s Sunset, and why are you one of us right now?”

“Sunset’s fighting off against Gold Banks in her demon form, and I chose to transform so I could catch up with you,” Wanda said, gripping her necklace close.

Immediately, Wanda glowed with a bright light as she transformed from a unicorn filly back into her human child form, while her saddlebag transformed back into her backpack.

“Sunset is doing what?” Shining Armor said.

“And mommy let her do it,” Wanda replied.

“What was she thinking?” Princess Cadance said. “Leaving Sunset out there to forever be a beast? I’m gonna have a word with her.”

Immediately, Shining Armor placed his hoof on Princess Cadance and said “No time. Princess Luna has opened the portal to the Golden Land. We need to get there, now.”

“Not without both my sisters,” Princess Cadance yelled.

But before Princess Cadance could begin to run out, she saw Princess Celestia run through the garden and up the path with King Sombra, Igneous Rock, Cloudy Quartz, Marble, Maud and Limestone Pie right behind her. King Sombra held the two portal crystals with his magic.

“Mother,” Cadance yelled. “What’s this about Sunset Shimmer transforming into a demon again?”

“Sunset Shimmer chose to stay behind so she could hold off Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “It was her decision.”

“But that means we won’t be able to see Sunset again,” Princess Cadance said. “She’ll never transform back into her old self. What were you thinking?”

“What would have happened if I didn’t do what was necessary,” Princess Celestia said.

Suddenly, Demon Sunset crash-landed in the garden outside of the castle. Celestia looked up to see Gold Banks hover in the air in her sea pony form.

“SUNSET!” Cadance yelled.

Demon Sunset got back up on her four hooves as she fired a blast of magic at Gold Banks. The impact knocked her out of the air and onto the ground.

“Did that do it?” Igneous Rock said. “Did that stop her?”

But Demon Sunset immediately turned towards Princess Celestia and the others, growling loudly at them.

“I told you this was a bad idea,” Princess Cadance said. “Now she’s coming after us.”

Demon Sunset charged at Princess Celestia, roaring loudly. But before she could touch the stairs leading into the castle, she was stopped in mid-air, surrounded by magic. Demon Sunset was immediately pulled away as Gold Banks levitated into the air with her amulet glowing brightly.

“You’re right that it was a bad idea,” Gold Banks said. “But in a way that you never imagined. I’ve had my fun, but playtime’s over.”

Gold Banks used her magic to lift Demon Sunset in the air. The demonized pony struggled to break free as she roared loudly, all until she reached up to Gold Bank’s eyes.

“I know you possess great power within, and you have troubles controlling it,” Gold Banks said. “So I’m going to take it away.”

Gold Banks’ amulet glowed brightly as it siphoned magic out of Demon Sunset, who roared in agony. Everyone in the palace stood helplessly as Gold Banks took every ounce of magic.

“SUNSET!” Princess Celestia yelled.

“YOU LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!” Adagio Dazzle yelled

Adagio Dazzle ran out, only to be pulled back by Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“Don’t do it, sister,” Sonata yelled.

“It’s not worth it,” Aria yelled.

Adagio Dazzle slumped down for a moment, tears flowing from her eyes. She turned around and cried right into her sisters.

“Why?” Adagio cried. “Why does she have to suffer?”

As Adagio cried on Aria and Sonata, Gold Banks continued to drain the magic out of Demon Sunset.


Slowly, but surely, Demon Sunset shrunk down and her body began to return to normal, until she reverted back to being her old filly self, her body exhausted.

“I was….so close,” Sunset said.

“So close and so far,” Gold Banks said. “You sacrificed yourself and it was all for naught.”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia fired a blast of magic at Gold Banks, causing her to lose her grip on Sunset Shimmer. As Sunset fell helplessly towards the ground, Celestia jumped up and grabbed her with her magic. She landed on the ground and ran away from Gold Banks as she carried Sunset Shimmer towards the castle.

“Run all you like,” Gold Banks yelled. “Send all your goons at me. It won’t matter. I will capture you, and I will win.”

As Celestia ran inside, carrying Sunset Shimmer, Wanda looked up at her sister in horror.

“What did she do to her?” Wanda screamed.

“Gold Banks took all of Sunset Shimmer’s magic,” Princess Celestia explained. “She can no longer transform into her demon form again.”

“I assumed the worst for my sister,” Princess Cadance said. “But nothing like this.”

“No time to mope,” King Sombra yelled. “We’ve gotta get to the portal this instant.”

Immediately, King Sombra grabbed every piece of luggage off the ground and ran towards one of the doorways. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran off after him as Wanda looked outside, horrified at Gold Banks’ presence.

“Wanda, come on,” Princess Celestia yelled. “We need to get to the Golden Land, this instant.”

Wanda immediately snapped out of it and said “On my way, mommy.”

Instantly, Wanda ran down the hall with Abigail by her side. The Pie Family, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, Spike the Dragon, Misty Brightdawn and the Dazzlings followed from behind. Princess Celestia immediately pursued after the younglings, carrying the unconscious Sunset Shimmer, with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor running from behind. But outside, sea pony Gold Banks just watched on with a smile on her face.

“Maybe it’s time I showcased a more intimidating form,” Gold Banks said as her body was covered in a bright light.

In the vault of the palace, the ground bridge portal to the Golden Land was active. Standing next to it were Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch and Queen Eleanor Young. Starlight Glimmer looked ready to jump in. But Pinkie Pie looked down the halls with hesitation.

“Hurry,” Princess Luna shouted. “We don’t have any time.”

“Not without my family,” Pinkie cried.

“They’ll be here,” Starlight said. “Bet on it.”

“But I’m not leaving until I see them all again,” Pinkie Pie said.

Suddenly, someone shouted “Gold Banks is on her way.” Everyone turned to the end of the vault, where King Sombra ran down, carrying the luggage with his magic.

“King Sombra,” Pinkie cried. “Is my family coming this way?”

“Yes!” King Sombra yelled as he approached Pinkie Pie. “They will be here shortly, along with your friends. Now hurry.”

Immediately, King Sombra threw the luggage through the portal before turning back towards the opposite hallway. Immediately, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Cozy Glow, Golden Lace, Misty Brightdawn, the Dazzlings, and the Pie Family ran down the hallway and towards the group. Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up as she saw her mother and father.

“MOM! DAD!” Pinkie yelled. “YOU MADE IT!”

“Where’s everyone else?” Cloudy Quartz asked.

“They’ve gone through the portal to the Golden Land,” Chancellor Cinch explained. “Hurry, before it’s too late.”

“Come on, Pinkie,” Cloudy Quartz said. “We’re going through.”

“Thanks, mom,” Pinkie cried.

Pinkie Pie jumped into Cloudy Quartz’s arms as she and Igneous Rock jumped through the portal. Maud, Marble and Limestone followed behind before the entire Pie family was gone.

“Is everyone in the Golden Land?” Wanda asked.

“They are,” Starlight Glimmer said. “From Queen Novo to Argyle Starshine.”

“Alicorn mommy should be on her way,” Wanda said.

And with that, Wanda’s ears picked up the sound of hooves running on the ground. She turned around and saw Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor run through the vault halls, with Celestia carrying the unconscious Sunset Shimmer.

“What happened to Sunset?” Starlight yelled.

“Gold Banks drained her magic with that amulet of hers,” Wanda explained. “She can’t transform into a demon anymore, nor can she use magic at all.”

“What can we do about it?” Starlight asked.

“Starlight, take Sunset to the Golden Land,” Celestia commanded as she set Sunset Shimmer down. “We’ll make sure everyone’s inside.”

Starlight Glimmer nodded as she picked up the unconscious Sunset Shimmer with her magic and walked her to the portal before jumping inside. Both ponies disappeared without a trace.

“Do you think this is everyone?” Chancellor Cinch asked.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Celestia said. “I tried to get to La Maresa to pick up Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz’s son. But the portal arcs were destroyed. Only the crystals survived its destruction.”

“Then it’s time we all entered the portal,” Luna said. “Once we’re inside, I’ll pull the crystal out and shut the portal off. That way, she won’t enter at all.”

But before anyone could move, Wanda was immediately surrounded by a hazy aura. She struggled to break free as Eleanor tried to grab onto her.

“I got you, Wanda,” Eleanor shouted.

“Help me, Evevanyian mommy,” Wanda cried.

But the aura around Wanda pulsed so powerfully that it caused Eleanor to lose her grip on her daughter and knock the Evevanyian Queen to the ground. Wanda was then pulled away from Eleanor as she struggled to break free.

“MOMMIES!” Wanda cried.

Princess Celestia and Eleanor Young looked up to see what appeared to be Gold Banks on the opposite side reaching out and grabbing Wanda. But her appearance had changed. Instead of being an unicorn or even a sea pony, Gold Banks had taken on the form of a human. She now stood on two legs instead of four. Her hind hooves became feet with what looks like luxurious shoes. Her front hooves became hands. Her nose went from round to pointy. And her dress looked stunning and yet horrified.

“Banks,” Celestia yelled.

“What has she become?” Golden Lace said, horrified.

“Like my new look?” Gold Banks said as she held Wanda close to her. “I’d figure if I want to intimidate the Man’s Cub, I might as well resemble her.”

“Let her go, this instant,” Princess Celestia yelled as Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch, King Sombra and Eleanor Young lined up.

“Oh please,” Gold Banks said. “You can’t beat me. I’ll quash your combined magic in one blow.”

King Sombra turned towards Misty and said “Don’t worry about us. Get into the portal. We’ll hold them off.”

Misty looked at her brother for a moment before a tear fell from her right eye. She nodded reluctantly before turning towards the portal and making a run for it.

“Oh no you don’t,” Gold Banks said.

Gold Banks held her hand out and surrounded Misty Brightdawn in a hazy aura, causing her to stop in place. She helplessly swung her limbs as Gold Banks pulled her close.

“OH NO YOU DON’T!” King Sombra yelled.

As Gold banks pulled Misty close, King Sombra Brightdawn fired a blast of shadow magic at Bank’s magical tether. Upon impact, the tether broke, freeing Misty Brightdawn from the aura.

“You insolent fool,” Gold Banks yelled. “You’ll pay for taking what is now mine.”

Immediately, King Sombra surrounded Misty in a shadowy bubble and pulled her close. He swung Misty around his back and stood in front before the shadow bubble popped.

“I’ve got your back, sister,” King Sombra yelled. “Now go.”

Misty turned away from her brother before she jumped into the portal and disappeared. Gold Banks looked on and saw Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Spike, Abigail and the Dazzlings hide behind the group.

“If I can’t have that pony, I’ll take the rest,” Gold Banks yelled as she held Wanda tight.

Gold Banks fired off a blast of magic at the remaining younglings, only for Eleanor to fire off a blast of magic of her own. Before Banks’ magic could hit the younglings, Eleanor’s magic hit Gold Banks in the face, knocking her down and causing her to lose her grip on Wanda, and causing Banks’ magic to disappear.

“Wanda,” Eleanor yelled. “I’ve got you.”

Eleanor snapped her fingers as Wanda disappeared in front of Gold Banks, only to reappear next to her biological mother.

“Now Wanda,” Eleanor said as she kneeled down. “Jump into the portal. Get to the Golden Land, this instant.”

Wanda nodded to Eleanor before turning around and jumping through the portal. Cozy Glow, Spike, Abigail, Misty, and the Dazzlings followed Wanda through until they all disappeared. But Golden Lace stood by, glaring at her humanized mother.

“Is this what you want, mother?” Golden Lace yelled. “Forcing your own views down our throats?”

“Yes,” Gold Banks said as she got up. “It is. Equestria is too weak to survive. Too overeducated. Too complacent. Under my rule, I will turn Equestria’s colts and fillies into a force that obeys its eternal ruler: Me. I will bring every world under my hoof, and I will finally bring true peace.”

“If this is what you call true peace, then count me out,” Golden Lace said. “You are truly my mother no longer.”

Immediately, Golden Lace turned around and jumped into the portal before she disappeared completely, leaving Celestia, Luna, Cinch, Cadance, Shining, Sombra and Eleanor remaining.

“You’re not coming through, Banks,” Celestia snarled. “We will make sure you won’t get them.”

“That’s what you think, Princess,” Gold Banks said.

Immediately, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining, Cinch, Sombra and Eleanor charged up their magic and fired off a powerful combined blast at Gold Banks, hitting her directly. Banks screamed loudly as the stream of magic poured into her.

“Keep it up,” Luna yelled. “We need only to keep pouring magic into her before we can sever her connection to the Alicorn Amulet.

But as the group kept the stream of magic flowing, Gold Banks’ Alicorn Amulet glowed brightly. The stream came to a stop as it reversed course and flowed towards the group.

“Oh no,” Cinch said.

In a flash, the magic stream exploded, knocking Chancellor Cinch, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Eleanor Young and King Sombra into the portal, causing them to disappear. Celestia and Luna were knocked to the ground from the resulting blast as Gold Banks laughed out loud.

“Now you see why I’m superior and you’re not,” Gold Banks said. “Your combined magic was no match for the likes of me. Even if you had the Windigo’s Guild and the Changelings by your side, I will overpower you, and I will win. Now surrender each and every youngling to me.”

As Princess Celestia slowly got up, Luna was quick to get on her four hooves and stand in front of her sister.

“Luna,” Princess Celestia said. “What are you doing?”

“Sister, get into the portal this instant,” Luna said. “I’ll shut off the portal and deny her any access.”

“But,” Celestia cried. “I’ll lose you.”

Luna turned towards Celestia as Gold Banks walked up to the two alicorns.

“I know,” Luna said. “But Equestria still needs you, dear sister. You are their last hope.”

Immediately, Princess Luna picked up Princess Celestia with her magic. Celestia could do nothing but watch helplessly as Gold Banks made her way towards the two.

“I love you, sister,” Luna said.

“I know,” Celestia said as she turned away.

With that, Princess Luna threw Princess Celestia through the portal, causing her sister to disappear. She turned towards Gold Banks, who marched forward towards her.

“You may have taken our land, Banks,” Princess Luna said. “But I will ensure you don’t ever take our loved ones away, even if I have to die to your madness.”

Princess Luna focused her magic on the Ground Bridge portal crystal, surrounding it in a magical aura. She ripped the crystal out of the arc, causing the portal to begin to shrink.

“This is for you, sister,” Luna cried.

Gold Banks ran up towards Princess Luna as the alicorn threw the portal crystal through the shrinking portal. As it disappeared completely, the portal glowed a bright white, causing Gold Banks to come to a stop.

“What did you do?” Gold Banks yelled.

“Sacrificed myself so that the others will be safe,” Luna said with a smug smile. “You’ve lost.”

“No,” Gold Banks snarled as she stomped her foot on the ground. “This is only the beginning.”

With that, Princess Luna and Gold Banks charged at each other as the portal exploded in a bright light.

Directly outside of Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis and Coldnelius Snap stood on a cliff a couple of miles from the capital city, now surrounded by possessed royal guards and Debt Collector soldiers. Their faces looked as if they were defeated.

“So she did it,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Gold Banks has conquered Equestria.”

“Then it’s over,” Coldnelius Snap said. “It won’t be long until Gold Banks covers the entire planet in her eternal rule.”

“Not quite,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I have sent a few spies to infiltrate the mob of citizens that retreated into the castle. They will be responsible for contacting Princess Celestia and working out an alliance.”

“An alliance?” Coldnelius Snap said. “Have you seen what Gold Banks is capable of?”

“I am,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But at the same time, I believe that even the most powerful of ponies can be brought down.”

To Be Continued in…

Arc 29: The Golden Burden

Exiled to the Golden Land

Author's Note:

So as of now, most of the cast are banished into the Golden Land, locked away so that Gold Banks can't get to them. But they can't get to their friends and family, either. Furthermore, Gold Banks has captured Silver Banks and Princess Luna.

What do you suppose will happen? Stay tuned. Only two arcs remain: The Golden Burden, and the finale: Operation Daisy Joy.

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