• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 5-2: Coltsom Prison Blues

Coltsom Prison Blues

“Welcome to the Coltsom Detention Facility. You will be staying here for a long, long time.”

Those were the words that came from a prison guard as he shoved Hoops, Dumbbell and Score into the same prison before shutting the cell grats shut and locking it tight. The trio grabbed onto the bars and watched as the guard escorted the other inmates to their cells.

“I can’t believe it,” Hoops said in excitement. “We made it. We’re in.”

“And to think,” Dumbbell said. “We didn’t need to go through a stupid court system just to get locked behind bars.”

“Yeah,” Score said. We’re the Scrappies, and we’re number one.”

“You guys didn’t go through a court system just to get in here?” Hoops, Dumbbell and Score turned their heads to the right.

“Who said that?” Hoops said in confusion. “Reveal yourselves.”

“We did,” another voice said.


Hoops, Dumbbell and Score just stood there, holding those bars before they let go and fell on their back, laughing out loud.

“So what are you two in here for?” Hoops said as he was laughing. “Horrible singing?”

“That was the worst thing I ever heard,” Dumbbell chuckled.

“How about you get some better singing lessons,” Score chortled.

At the cell next to Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, two unicorn colts sat there with a discouraged look. Both had a pale, light grayish olive coat with a moderate red with white stripes mane and tail. One had what appeared to be a piece of an apple for a cutie mark. The other an apple with a slice missing for a cutie mark, and had a fake moustache on his upper lips.

“And seriously. Flim and Flam?” Hoops laughed from the other cell. “That’s the weakest names I’ve ever heard.”

Flim got up on one of the cell beds and said “That’s not funny. Just so you know, we’re in here just because we were selling goods without a license.”

“Yeah, the nerve of some ponies,” Flam said. “All we wanted to do was to make an honest living, and they’re telling me we’re not allowed to do so at this age?”

“What kind of free market is this?” Both Flim and Flam yelled.

The laughter in the other cell amplified even louder. You could hear Dumbbell yell out “Free market? Honest Living? What a complete joke.”

“What next?” Score yelled in complete hysterics. “Getting thrown in prison for wanting to imitate the Wonderbolts?”

Immediately, another voice yelled out “Unfortunately, yes.” Back in the cell near Flim and Flam, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score stopped laughing as the look on their faces started to become dumbfounded.

“Wait,” Hoops said. “Jail time just for pretending to be a Wonderbolt?”

“Actually, it was because we wanted to be more than just the Wonderbolts,” A second, more squeaky voice, said.

“Hey,” Hoops said. “Who’s that over there?”

The first voice yelled out “My name’s Rolling Thunder. And my cell mate and friend here is called Short Fuse.”

In the cell to the left of the colt trio, were two Pegasi colts. The tallest one had a purple coat with a white, grey-bluish, curly mane. His cutie mark represented a thunderbolt emitting from a storm cloud. Right next to him was a short, pudgy, reddish colt with yellow spiky-hair, and no cutie mark.

“So you two are in here just because you want to be better than the Wonderbolts?” Hoops yelled from his cell.

“You’re darn right,” Rolling Thunder said. “In fact, our desire to double down on being better than these Wonderbolts increased after they disbanded.”

“No kidding,” Score said from the other cell. “And what about your partner?”

Short Fuse just rubbed the back of his left front hoof and said “I’m a baaaad boy.”

“No you’re not,” Rolling Thunder said. “In fact, you used to be disgusted, and now you try to be amused.”

“Yeah,” Short Fuse said. “Through those aerial tricks.”

“That ain’t nothing,” Rolling Thunder replied. “It’s a shame I can’t get you to do the same.”

“But Rolling,” Short Fuse said. “I’m scared of heights.”

“Since when was a pegasus afraid of heights?” Dumbbell yelled in the other cell.

“Long story short,” Rolling Thunder yelled. “He got grabbed by a roc and I had to save him.”

There was utter silence between the three cells for a moment as Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim and Flam stood there, completely at a loss for words.

“I take it you guys don’t believe me,” Short Fuse said as his tone went from scared to annoyed.

“Oh it’s not to the fact that it sounds like a tall tail,” Hoops said. “But I’ve heard stories about how little colts and fillies were eaten by rocs. I may be a tough pegasi, but even I fear those giant beasts.”

“Who doesn’t?” Flim yelled. “Some say only Alicorns are capable of bringing down an roc.”

“Well that doesn’t explain how a certain Buck Withers was able to conquer his own fear and save that human snowflake and one of her friends from that roc,” Score said. “He even put it out of its own misery.”

“Well I don’t care if Buck Withers brought down a rock.” Short Fuse said. “I’m afraid of rocs and I feel safer in dis here box.”

At the middle cell, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score huddled down and began to talk with one another.

“It’s apparently clear that we feel too much like the alpha in this prison,” Hoops said.

“Yeah,” Score said. “Too many of these inmates don’t look that tough. In fact, for some of these guys, they were in here for things that shouldn’t be considered a crime.”

“So what are we going to do, Hoops?” Dumbbell asked.

“It’s gonna take some time,” Hoops said. “But one thing is clear: This prison isn’t the nightmare we expect it to be when too many delinquents aren’t as brave as we are.”

“What do you mean brave?” Flim yelled.

“I meant tough like me,” Hoops yelled back. “And who gave you permission to jump into our conversation?”

But little do the colts know, a security camera pointed directly at them during their conversation. And even more so, there is a microphone buried deep within the walls of Hoops’ prison cell to pick up any recordings of the juvenile delinquents. Both the audio and the video were being transmitted to Steel Bolt’s office, where the warden watched and listened to the conversation with officer Blue Heat right next to him.

“Hmm,” Steel Bolt said as he scratched his chin. “Something about this Hoops brat seems like he’s got leadership material.”

“Compared to who I believe are his two brothers,” Blue Heat said. “I believe this delinquent is that kind of pony you’re looking for.”

“And what about Operation: Handout?” Steel Bolt asked.

“It should be ready by tomorrow in one of the Solitary Confinement cells,” Blue Heat replied.

“Excellent,” Steel Bolt said. He turned to Blue Heat and said “Get some sleep. Tomorrow will be the last day of this miserable dump of a prison.”

Blue Heat nodded and said “I’m looking forward to it, old friend.”

With that, Blue Heat turned around and walked towards the entrance of the room. Warden Steel Bolt reclined back in his chair, pulled out a bag full of shelled walnuts and popped one into his mouth.

“That’s the thing with state-runned facilities like this hunk of junk,” Steel Bolt said. “They’re not so easy to exploit compared to private facilities. After all, what’s the point of a penal system if you’re not making money off these losers?”

And with that, Steel Bolt let out a little chuckle, observing the pegasi trio up close and listening to their conversation, all while munching on walnuts

The next day, a number of prison guards opened the cells and escorted the juvenile inmates out. Hoops, Dumbbell and Score lined up with Flim and Flam in the front and Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse behind them. The trio got a look at both the Flim Flam brothers as well as the two pegasi behind them.

“I don’t think these guys are too bad,” Score said.

“That’s true,” Hoops said. “But at the same time, take a look at the rest of these clowns.”

Dumbbell and Score looked around, observing the facial expressions of the other inmates of Coltsom. Many of them looked down and depressed as if their lives were over.

“Wow,” Dumbbell said. “Talk about a pathetic state of mind.”

“Many of these inmates were locked up just for minor infractions,” Flam said. “Some even just for no reason at all.”

“No reason at all?” Hoops said, surprised by Flam’s statement.

“Yeah,” Rolling Thunder said. “Like we said last night. We’re in here just because we pretended to be Wonderbolts. Wanting to be the best of the best.”

“But they said that the Wonderbolts are disbanded,” Short Fuse said. “And we’re not supposed to be Wonderbolts if they aren’t around, anymore.”

“Talk about saying no to a bunch of washups,” Score said.

“Washups, eh?” Rolling Thunder said. “I like that.”

“So how come you guys never thought about escaping?” Dumbbell asked.

“They have some power dampening crystal that prevents us unicorns from using our magic in strong ways,” Flim said.

“And there’s supposed to be a spell cast above that prevents pegasi from escaping,” Short Fuse said.

“Well that doesn’t make any sense,” Hoops said, pondering to himself. “For a facility that claims to be escape proof, it didn’t stop us from getting inside.”

“Well how did you three get inside?” Rolling Thunder asked.

“We just simply hopped over the barbed wire gate,” Score said.

Those words caused Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse to drop their jaws in shock.

“You mean to tell me we could have FLOWN OVER THAT FENCE?” Short Fuse yelled.

Back in the warden’s office, Warden Steel Bolt watched on with glee with Officer Blue Heat standing right next to him.

“Is that the reason why you left that part of the anti-pegasi barrier open?” Blue Heat asked.

“But of course,” Steel Bolt replied. “After all, curiosity killed the cat.”

“So what’s our next course of action?” Blue Heat said.

“Split them up,” Steel Bolt said. “But make sure the leader of the group is outside. I want him to start something with Short Fuse, enough to get them locked up together in solitary confinement. That’s where Operation: Handout will play through.”

“And what would you recommend?” Blue Heat asked.

Steel Bolt let out a smug smirk and said “Provoke that brat into attacking you, by any means necessary. Once that’s done, cuff him and throw him into that special cell. There, he will discover the means to commit the crime. Do that, and Operation: Handout will be complete.”

“At once, sir,” Blue Heat said with a salute before he walked towards the doorway.

“And now,” Steel Bolt said, tapping his hooves in anticipation. “Let the fun begin.”

Steel Bolt let out a joyful, yet sinister, laugh as he observed the inmates being taken down from their cells towards separate rooms.

Later that day, we find Score and Flam in the library going through books. While Flam was reading a book called ‘The Life of the Merchant,’ Score was going through tons of books, struggling to find anything that would catch his interest.

“Hundreds of books and nothing good to read,” Score said. “What kind of library is this?”

“Will you please keep it down?” Flam said. “I’m trying to focus on this for when Flim and I get out.”

“But that’s just it,” Score said. “I don’t see anything interesting to read. I mean, where are the comic books?”

Flam let out a big sigh as he reached his hoof into a book labeled ‘Dracoltula’ and pulled it out. He then tossed it to over to the other side of the table where Score was looking through books. The moment the book slammed on the surface of the table, Score turned towards the title.

“Dracoltula?” Score said.

“It’s a book about a vampire pony looking to take over the world,” Flam said. “You may find him interesting if you’re into villains.”

“Now you’re talking,” Score said as he grabbed the book and opened it, focusing his eyes on the story.

Flam placed his focus back on his own book, reading each line slowly and carefully. He quickly shifted his eyes toward Score, who was focused on his own book. But as Flam shifted his eyes back to the book he was reading, he placed the book down and turned his head towards Score.

“Score, is it?” Flam asked.

But Score didn’t respond. His eyes were glued to the tale of Dracoltula, not once shifting his eyes towards the sales colt.

“Do you worry about your brothers?” Flam asked, finally getting Score’s attention.

“Yes,” Score said as his tone changed to a more depressed tone. “I do miss them.”

“I also worry about my brother Flim,” Flam said. “There are times when we are separated from each other, I wonder how he’s doing without me.”

Score let out a slight chuckle and said “Tell me about it. I wonder what Dumbbell and Hoops are doing without me. Sometimes, it does feel lonely without the other brothers to back me up.”

“Everyday, when I’m separated from my brother,” Flam said. “It does get lonely here. Sure there are other inmates like me. But they do not carry the same charm that Flim gave me.”

“You’re telling me,” Score said. “Hoops, Dumbbell and I enjoyed pulling pranks on those losers together. A pegasi with cross eyes. A unicorn who thinks she’s a great magician. And even a man’s cub who’s the daughter of Princess Celestia.”

“The daughter of Princess Celestia?” Flam said. “My word. I never imagined you and your brothers picking on her. Imagine the kind of wrath Princess Celestia would have shown if she caught you doing that.”

“Funny,” Score said. “We have yet to endure her wrath. But it’s that dumb apple farmer who’s far scarier.”

“A dumb apple farmer?” Flam replied. “Do you mean Bright Mac of Sweet Apple Acres?”

“That’s the one,” Score said.

Flam just laughed before he said “Father told me that farmers like him are some of the most gullible fools in the world for their inability to capitalize on their produce and max out their profit.”

“Heh. Who knew?” Score said.

Meanwhile, in the mess hall, every inmate sat down, eating the gruel that was on the table. Dumbbell sat alongside Flim and Rolling Thunder as the three slowly ate the food on the table. The expressions on their faces point towards dissatisfaction with the taste and texture, though Dumbbell was eating this stuff faster than the rest of the gang.

“It’s not so bad once you get used to it,” Rolling Thunder said as he struggled to eat the gruel.

“I’ve had worse,” Dumbbell said.

“How worse?” Flim asked.

“Do forest mushrooms ring a bell?” Dumbbell replied.

“Wait,” Rolling Thunder replied. “You’ve spent time eating mainly that stuff?”

“And anything we can steal,” Dumbbell replied. “After all, we’re outcasts from La Maresa.”

“How did you end up as outcasts?” Flim asked.

“Oh it’s a long story,” Dumbbell replied. “But believe it or not, one of our earliest stunts got us banned from the Ponyville Providence Fair. So the next year, we decided to crash the place just for our amusement. Even go after the Man’s Cub.”

“You mean the adopted daughter of Princess Celestia?” Rolling Thunder replied.

“Guilty as charged,” Dumbbell replied. “Of course, after we got caught many times, they made us clean the place up as punishment for not only sneaking in despite our ban, but causing even more trouble. So on the final day, we threw tomatoes at those dumb morons as payback for that punishment. And as a result, we were banished.”

“Banished from La Maresa?” Flim said. “You guys actually got banished fron La Maresa?”

“Oh we did,” Dumbbell said. “So if we couldn’t cause trouble in La Maresa, then maybe we should take our act across the nation. Case in point, we taunted this unicorn named Alpha Bittle, caused him to break down crying every time he hears the words Magic, Wing, Feather, or Mayonnaise. In fact, we even used a jar of mayonnaise just to prove our point. But then, there was our time in Canterlot.”

“I can only imagine the kind of chaos you three got yourselves into,” Rolling Thunder said.

“Oh plenty,” Dumbbell said. “We gave one of the Man’s Cub’s friends with an equal sign for a cutie mark a wild ride. We ruined the act of that La Maresa dum dum Trixie. We even decided to snatch one of Queen Novo’s chicks.”

Both Rolling Thunder and Flim looked at Dumbbell like they saw a ghost.

“You do realize that you might have suffered the wrath of Queen Novo,” Flim stated.

“Oh it wasn’t her wrath that the three of us had to deal with,” Dumbbell said. “It was that apple farmer Bright Mac, who was even more upset when he found out about what we did since our banishment. And so, he dragged all three of us back home, told the Mayor and forced us to work at Sweet Apple Acres to pay our debt to society. So we took a hike the moment he turned his back and ran off, and that’s how we found this place.”

“And you mentioned how you and your brothers broke into the Coltsom Detention Facility,” Rolling Thunder said.

“Yeah,” Dumbbell replied.

“You three never cease to amaze me,” Flim said. “But at the same time, I do worry for your brothers like I worry for mine.”

“Yeah,” Rolling Thunder said. “I also worry for Short Fuse. After all, he’s more of a timid tabby despite his name.”

“I heard that your brother Hoops is alongside Short Fuse, Dumbbell,” Flim said.

“My brother is the toughest of the tough,” Dumbbell said. “No one can mess with him and get away with it.”

“I hope you’re right,” Rolling Thunder said. “For Short Fuse’s sake.”

But meanwhile, in the field of the prison, every inmate was either playing basketball, volleyball, soccer, or even softball. All except for Short Fuse, who hid behind one of the benches and quivered with fear.

“Please let this be over, please let this be over, please let this be over,” Hoops whispered.

“Hey squirt. What are you doing acting like a coward?” Short Fuse jumped into the air and screamed loudly. When he landed on the ground, he turned around and looked up, only to see Hoops standing over him.

“Don’t scare me like that,” Short Fuse yelled. “You realize I’m extremely anxious.”

“I’m surprised that you’re not out in the field along with those losers,” Hoops said.

Short Fuse let out a big sigh and said “Truth be told, ever since that roc grabbed me, I have been afraid of the world. Been afraid of showing my face among the crowd of ponies, just out of fear that another roc would fly down and grab me.”

“I don’t blame you,” Hoops said. “Judging by your tone, you’ve got some trauma in your eyes.”

“How do you know about trauma?” Short Fuse said in a calm tone, surprised by Hoops’ statement.

Hoops paused for a moment, stunned by Short Fuse’s question. He turned his head away from the pudgy colt pegasi.

“That’s…something I keep to myself,” Hoops said. “It’s how I harden my heart.”

“Oh come on,” Short Fuse said. “I won’t say a single word to anyone. Promise.”

Hoops turned towards Short Fuse with a solemn face. He barely pulled his eyes away as if his face looked depressed.

But just as Hoops was about to open his mouth, he heard the sound of Short Fuse screaming. He turned to see a couple of guards throw Short Fuse down onto the ground.

“Yeah, how do you like that, you stupid little delinquent?” one of the guards laughed.

“You snobby little brats need to learn to respect us when we show our faces,” another guard laughed.

Hoops glared at the two guards picking on Short Fuse. His eyes turned bright red and steam poured from his nose. He bore his teeth out and scratched the surface of the ground with his hoof.

“This is why I HATE AUTHORITY!” Hoops yelled.

Immediately, Hoops ran up to one of the guards and ram right into him from behind, knocking him to the ground. The other guard turned and pulled out a stun blaster.

“FREEZE, PUNK!” the guard yelled with his blaster out.

Immediately, Hoops spun hard enough that he knocked the blaster out of the guard’s hoof with his tail. He then swung back and kicked the guard in the face, sending him flying to the ground. The first guard began to pick himself up, catching Hoops’ attention.

“Oh no you don’t,” Hoops said.

And with that, Hoops ran up to the guard, grabbed him by the shirt with his teeth, swung him around and threw him into a nearby wall, knocking him out cold.

Inside the Warden’s office, Warden Steel Bolt watched the incident play out on camera. He smiled with a devilish grin as he placed his hoof above a button on the panel.

“I love it when I throw these worthless grunts into the field,” Steel Bolt said. “That way, the real enforcers can do their job.”

And with that, Steel Bolt pressed the button on the panel. Immediately, a voice echoed from the speaker as it said “I read you, Warden. Loud and clear.”

“That punk’s taken the bait,” Steel Bolt said. “Lock him and his new friend up in that special solitary confinement cell. Then recall all specialized units to my quarters this instant.”

“Roger that,” The voice said before it shut itself off.

Steel Bolt reclined back in his chair and continued to watch Hoops beat the tar out of the two guards.

“What a shame to put such worthless trash on the line,” Steel Bolt said. “After all, they are doing this for a cause that benefits Magistrate Creme Dream.”

Back on the field, a deployment of prison guards moved out and surrounded Hoops and Short Fuse. While the angry pegasi looked ready to attack, Short Fuse held him back.

“Don’t do it,” Short Fuse said. “You’ll get yourself killed.”

In front of Hoops and Short Fuse, Officer Blue Heat emerged from the guards that surrounded the duo. He looked down at the two with a sickening smirk on his face.

“You two have made a big mistake,” Blue Heat said.

“Yeah, so what?” Hoops said. “You’re all the same.”

“And you may be right for the wrong reasons,” Blue Heat replied. He turned to one of the guards and said “Escort these two to solitary confinement cell number one zero one six.”

“Yes sir,” The guard said.

Immediately, The guards held down Hoops and Short Fuse and placed hoof cuffs around their arms before escorting them off the field and towards the prison.

“Now we’re gonna get it,” Short Fuse said as he shook in fear. “Solitary Confinement. We’re in deep trouble.”

“I’ve been through worse,” Hoops said in defiance. “I’d say…bring it.”

“Are you crazy?” Short Fuse said, completely shocked. “What kind of maniac would say something like that?”

“A maniac that has lived on the lamb for a long, long time,” Hoops replied.

And thus, Hoops and Short Fuse were marched by the guards into the detention facility’s main building with every juvenile inmate in the vicinity watching out of curiosity or fear.

That night, both Short Fuse and Hoops were sharing a Solitary Confinement cell. Hoops just lied down on the cot all while Short Fuse banged on the locked door, having gone haywire.

“LET ME OUT!” Short Fuse yelled. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I was set up by a pair of bully guards.”

“Relax, okay?” Hoops said. “We’ll be fine.”

“We’ll be fine?” Short Fuse said as he turned towards Hoops. The pudgy pegasus colt then yelled “WE’RE LOCKED AWAY IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT AND WHO KNOWS HOW LONG WE’RE GOING TO BE HERE, AND YOU’RE TELLING ME TO RELAX? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MARBLES?”

Hoops just laid back on the cot and said “Look. I just had to go after those punk guards because I don’t like authority. I don’t like the big grown ups telling us kids what to do. And I didn’t want you to suffer that way. At least they won’t harass you while we're here.”

Short Fuse’s jaw dropped to the ground. He turned towards a nearby wall and slammed his hoof against it. Hoops just laughed a bit until Short Fuse pulled his hoof back.

“Hold it,” Hoops said.

“I don’t think so,” Short Fuse said. “I’m done being calm and collective. I’m tired of getting in trouble.”

“Not that,” Hoops said. “Look at the wall. You must have some kind of super strength.”

“Say what?” Short Fuse said as he calmed down.

Short Fuse turned his attention to the wall that he threw a punch at. A deep imprint of his hoof had dug itself into the structure with cracks forming. Short Fuse’s face turned to amazement.

“Wow,” Short Fuse said. “I didn’t know I could do that.”

Hoops got up and placed his hoof on another part of the wall before he tapped it. The sound made from the tapping echoed through the room and perked up Hoop’s ear.

“This wall is poorly made,” Hoops said. “Sounds like someone botched up the construction of this building. Oh well.”

Hoops swung his hoof back before delivering a powerful punch that shattered the wall in front of him and Short Fuse, whose face turned to complete surprise.

“Honesty,” Short Fuse said. “I did not know that could happen.”

“Neither do I,” Hoops said. “Now come on. Let’s take advantage of this screw up.”

But as Hoops and Short Fuse jumped through the newly-made hole in the wall, a security camera was catching everything and submitting the broadcast to the warden’s office, where Warden Steel Bolt, Officer Blue Heat and a good number of guards watched in anticipation. Nearby, Magistrate Creme Dream’s face appeared on a monitor, also observing the actions of both Hoops and Short Fuse.

“Everything is going according to plan, Steel Bolt,” Creme Dream said.

“That’s right,” Steel Bolt said. “But the purpose of this plan isn’t just to destroy the reputation of this pathetic excuse for a public facility. It’s also to feed propaganda towards your media partner The Stallion News Network.”

“And so far, I like what you have brought to me,” Creme Dream said. “Once the Coltsom Riot has claimed this building, I will have Neigh Nanners air this on the network and point out the dangers of failing Juvenile Detention Facilities, all while talking about the miracle of newly-made Private Facilities.”

“Those suckers won’t know what hit them,” Blue Heat said. “Even more so, their faces will be broadcast live across the nation. They will be hated by every Earth Pony, Unicorn and Pegasi on the planet.”

“Only a matter of time before those two find the secret cache of goods,” Steel Bolt said. “But are you sure they won’t trace it back to us?”

“Oh they won’t,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “Thanks to the work of a confidant that disguised herself as a changeling and snuck it in here, the plan will work and we can also blame this on the Changelings and the Windigo’s Guild as well.”

Steel Bolt laughed as he said “Two birds with one stone. I love it.”

“Now then,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I will give you some time to record as much footage of the riot as possible. When I give you the signal, activate the escape mechanism. That way, you and the other Debt Collectors will make their escape while they tear this run-down dump to the ground.”

“Consider it done,” Steel Bolt said with a salute.

To Be Continued In…

The Inmates Revolt

Author's Note:

This was a hard story to write, mainly because I am new to the whole "Prison story." And I don't think it will be as great as any of those infamous prison fanfics. But still, there is something sinister about what Warden Steel Bolt is doing and why he's willing to throw an entire Juvenile Detention Facility down the toilet.

The next part, the riot will play out. But Steel Bolt's plan will be complete.

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