• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 15(The Golden Land)-1: Silver Banks' Rescue

Arc 15: The Golden Land

Silver Banks’ Rescue

“You mean to tell me that you failed many times to capture Twilight Sparkle, and you got humiliated by Princess Wanda Young when you came close to assassinating Princess Celestia?”

Those words came from an agitated Queen Chrysalis, who sat in her throne, glaring down at Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator. Next to her was Princess Chrysalis II, also casting a glare down the Predacon trio. The three bowed before the Queen and Princess in shame.

“My apologies, my Queen,” Inferno said. “But we were unprepared for the friends of Twilight Sparkle. One of them had a stare that could pierce through the heaviest of rock.”

“And then there was one who rocked us three times with her party cannon,” Quickstrike said.

“And one mean colt kicked me where it really hurts,” Waspinator whined.

“I do not WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES,” Queen Chrysalis said with a powerful yell that shook the interior of the hive. “YOU FAILED IN YOUR ATTEMPT TO BRING ME TWILIGHT SPARKLE, AND ALL YOU BRING ME ARE EXCUSES!”

But when the shaking stopped from Chrysalis’ yelling, Princess Chrysalis II looked down, and saw something odd.

“This is strange,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “The Predacons are not quivering in fear like they normally would.”

Queen Chrysalis looked down to see Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator continue to bow their heads in shame.

“Seriously?” Queen Chrysalis said in an awkward tone. “You’re not….fearing for your lives?”

“No offense, my queen,” Inferno said. “ But I’m afraid your royal voice has been…how I should say this…refreshing compared to the screech of Princess Wanda Young.”

“Refreshing?” Queen Chrysalis said, confused and slightly offended. “Since when was my voice meant to be….refreshing? I’m the queen of the changelings. I was meant to inspire fear into my subjects.”

“I’m afraid your minions are right. Your voice pales in comparison to Princess Wanda Young.” Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II looked to their right to see Coldnelius Snap emerge from the shadows and approach the duo.

Queen Chrysalis sighed and said “Go ahead and amuse me with your story, Bad Mr Frosty.”

Coldnelius Snap laughed and said “I didn’t just see it with my eyes, I heard it with my ears. When your Predacons stood over Princess Celestia and were on the verge of killing her, something within that Man’s Cub snapped. She blasted down the trio as if they were mere minions before yelling right at the trio, demanding that she never wants to see them again. Her voice was loud enough to shake an entire planet.”

“Louder than even the likes of my voice?” Chrysalis said.

“Yes,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Louder than yours.”

Queen Chrysalis slammed her hoof on the armrest of her throne and said “Then why didn’t you aid them when Princess Wanda threatened them?”

“It was on them,” Coldnelius Snap said. “They made the decision to anger Princess Wanda with their decision to assassinate Princess Celestia. Besides, I know you don’t truly trust me. You would assume that I would take the Man’s Cub for myself and use her power to create an eternal winter.”

“You have a fair point,” Chrysalis said.

“Mother, please let me at Twilight Sparkle and Princess Wanda,” Princess Chrysalis II asked. “I’ll show them what royalty can do.”

But before Queen Chrysalis could speak, Coldnelius Snap said “That would be unwise, young lady. For you see, those Predacons somehow were able to draw off some of Princess Wanda’s rage towards my Windigo power.”

“And what does that mean,” Princess Chrysalis II said.

“The Windigos feed off of anger, hate and spite,” Coldnelius Snap said. “For some reason, due to her feelings towards her friends and family, Princess Wanda Young’s anger towards your Predacons fed into my Windigo Magic. Surprisingly, while I didn’t help them, they helped me with my own agenda.”

“I’m rather surprised,” Inferno said. “To the fact that the very fear we felt from the Man’s Cub became your power source. You have a lot to explain about.”

“In due time,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But now, all I need is the spark of hate and anger. And I know just the pony to take care of that.”

Coldnelius Snap held out his hoof and a crystal ball materialized right out of the cold air around him. He held the ball into the air as the image of Gold Banks materialized right in the image.

“Who in my mother’s name is that?” Queen Chrysalis asked.

“Gold Banks,” Coldnelius Snap said. “The wife of Silver Banks, and the one who calls the shots when it comes to propaganda across Equestria. She’s been using your image as a means of fear mongering ponies into fleeing the capitol. But lately, she’s been having a major fallout involving what’s left of an orphanage in Canterlot, and her issues with her henpecked husband.”

Queen Chrysalis looked curious as she got up from her throne and said “Ooooh. Tell me more.”

“I see with my eyes that her mentor Magistrate Creme Dream has had a fallout with Gold Banks over the orphanage land not because the deed to the land was a forgery,” Coldnelius Snap said, “but to the fact that she wants Princess Celestia to be rendered helpless, and what Gold Banks did somehow caused many ponies to cheer for her.”

“So that means,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “She’s going to take her anger out on her husband before her mentor thought what she did was a bridge too far.”

“Waspinator like this,” Waspinator said. “Now Waspinator knows there is someone suffering worse than Waspinator.”

“Correct you both are,” Coldnelius Snap said. “I will journey to Manehattan to acquire the spark of hate from Gold Banks at that right moment, and then the snow storm of the millennium will cover Equestria in pure cold. It will halt all traffic, cause ponies to retreat into their homes, and it will make them easy targets.”

Queen Chrysalis laughed before she said “I like how this plan is turning out. Carry it out, and make sure Equestria enjoys a dish best served…cold.”

“It will be my pleasure, my queen,” Coldnelius Snap said before bowing to Queen Chrysalis and departing the room with the crystal ball in his hoof.

Queen Chrysalis walked back to her throne and laid back on the cushion and armrest, looking up at the ceiling. Princess Chrysalis II turned to the Predacons, who were focused on the departing Coldnelius Snap.

“Mother,” Princess Chrysalis II, turning towards Queen Chrysalis. “If Coldnelius Snap should fail, do you have another plan?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Queen Chrysalis stated. “Word has it that a stallion named Buck Withers is going to marry Lemony Gem, here in Canterlot. And I intend to crash the party and take all that sweet love. But it will require every changeling, Predacon included, to assist me with this plan.”

Princess Chrysalis II turned to the Predacons and said “You heard her. Prepare for the next plan in case Coldnelius Snap fails. Got it?”

Quickstrike and Waspinator saluted the Queen and Princess before Inferno bowed and said “It will be a pleasure.”

And with that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew out of the royal chambers and into another part of the hive, leaving Queen Chrysalis and Princess Chrysalis II all by themselves.

“By the way,” Queen Chrysalis said. “If it’s true that Princess Wanda Young made her voice sound scarier than mine, then I may need your help in making my voice shake the foundation of this planet. What do you say, my daughter?”

Princess Chrysalis II just sat there with a scared expression on her face, horrified at the words of her mother.

Meanwhile, in Manehattan, at the top of a towering skyscraper where a penthouse suite stood, Gold Banks climbed out of her private chariot, steaming angry. Behind her was her husband, Silver Banks, who looked frantic.

“The nerve of that Creme Dream, undoing the deed I forged for that land,” Gold Banks snarled. “Does she realize what good this would have done to the job market?”

Silver Banks pulled out a newspaper and said “With all due respect, you did attack Princess Celestia’s daughter in daylight. As a result, and the way you bullied Princess Celestia, ponies actually expressed sympathy towards the royals. And not to mention that your mentor didn’t approve of stealing the property. It was privately owned by Princess Celestia.”

Gold Banks turned towards Silver Banks and said “As far as I’m concerned, everything in Equestria belongs to me. Not the Princesses, not the chancellor, and especially not my so-called mentor. And every pony in Equestria, be it Earth Pony, Pegasi and especially Unicorn, should be kneeling before me.”

Silver Banks was at a loss for words from his wife’s words. Though he tried to turn his head away, Gold Banks grabbed him and pulled him close.

“Don’t you dare turn away,” Gold Banks said. “When I am speaking, I demand attention, and you will listen to me. Do you understand?”

All Silver could do was nod his head in agreement. Gold Banks released her hold on her husband as her angry tone returned to pure calm.

“That’s better,” Gold Banks said. “And now that’s out of the way, I think it’s time for me to retire.”

Gold Banks marched towards the entrance of the penthouse suite and walked through the door. Silver dusted himself off and followed Gold Banks from behind.

“Honestly,” Silver Banks said. “It cannot get any worse than this.”

But as Silver Banks approached the entrance, the door was shut in front of him. He looked inside to see Gold Banks stare out at him.

“Since I’m still in a bad mood,” Gold Banks said with a grin on her face. “You’ll stay outside for the time being. Good night.”

Gold Banks turned around and walked away from the entrance, leaving Silver Banks outside and alone. He glared at the doorway before turning around and walking towards the chariot.

“Well good riddance,” Silver Banks said. “I think it’s time I head back to Canterlot and spend some time there.”

But when Silver approached the chariot, two members of the Debt Collectors stepped in front of the rich stallion.

“Gold Banks’ orders,” one of the troops said. “You are to remain here until further notice.”

“Also, don’t bother taking the escape ladder,” the other troop said. “We’ve locked it off so you don’t escape.”

The two Debt Collectors boarded the chariot and locked it, leaving Silver Banks on the roof as the pegasi attached to the chariot pull it away from the penthouse and the building, flying westward away from Manehattan. Silver Banks reached out towards the chariot, jaw opened and motionless.

“My…” Silver Banks said. “My ticket away.”

Silver Banks slumped back towards the small staircase and sat down. He looked down at the group as snow fell downwards.

“What did I do to deserve this?” Silver Banks said to himself. “I’ve been faithful to my wife, and now this is what I get. Worst off, I’m stuck in this horrible place. What am I going to do now?”

The sun began to set as more snowflakes settled down in the area. Silver Banks looked up to see clouds cover the evening sky. He let out a sigh, staring upwards at the cold winter air.

“So this is it,” Silver Banks said. “This is where I suffer in my loneliness. Once I was a great aristocrat, and now I’ve become a shell of my former self. Might as well let this snow grant me this cold sleep I deserve.”

But as Silver Banks began to lie down, he noticed a light nearby. Silver banks got up and walked towards where the light shined.

“What is going on?” Silver Banks said to himself.

When he approached the light, he noticed that a portal had formed in the middle of nowhere. Silver’s frown turned into a smile at the revelation.

“I think I know who’s here to help out,” Silver Banks said.

Emerging from the portal was none other than Princess Luna. Silver Banks looked up at the alicorn princess and smiled.

“Princess Luna,” Silver Banks said. “It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you as well, Silver Banks,” Princess Luna said. “Though I’m not surprised that your wife is treating you like this.”

“Well I wish I could divorce Gold,” Silver Banks said. “But if I did, Gold Banks would waste no time demonizing me with her connections towards the news media.”

“It’s okay,” Princess Luna said. “Right now, I’m concerned about your daughter.”

“Golden Lace?” Silver Banks said. “What happened?”

“I’ll explain everything,” Princess Luna said. “Right now, you need to come with me.”

Princess Luna turned towards the portal and walked through, with Silver Banks following from behind. When the duo disappeared through the portal, it shrank down and popped out of existence.

But nearby at a window, Gold Banks had observed Princess Luna take Silver Banks away. She smashed her hoof on the window still in anger.

“Blast that Princess Luna,” Gold Banks said. “I’ll scar her image if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

Gold Banks turned around and marched towards a nearby room before slamming the door shut. Outside, the snow fell peacefully as Coldnelius Snap looked up at the penthouse from a nearby rooftop. The smile on his face felt of satisfaction for the leader of the Windigo’s Guild.

“The spark has been lit,” Coldnelius Snap said. “And now, only a matter of time before Equestria experiences its first, eternal winter in ages.”

Meanwhile, at Daisy Joy Tech, the entire boarding school appeared to be locked down. But there was not a single soul in sight. It was as if the entire place was abandoned. But it was not the case. Inside a single dorm room, locked down tightly, Golden Lace laid down in her bed, depressed and saddened. Next to her was Juniper Montage, who stared up at the ceiling with a sigh.

“Why did they lock us here?” Juniper Montage said. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

“That’s Miss Honey Twist in a nutshell,” Golden Lace said. “She’s been treating me this badly since I was forced into this miserable school. And as a matter of fact, she didn’t even let Mr Argyle Starshine stay with us.”

“I wonder what happened to him?” Juniper Montage asked.

Golden Lace signed and said “I don’t know where he is. But I hope he’s not stuck in his classroom just for Miss Honey Twist’s sadistic pleasure. Though I do wonder what happened to the rest of our friends?”

“Let’s just say Miss Honey Twist made them leave,” Juniper Montage said. “I saw it with my own eyes.”

Golden Lace got up and said “She did that? That’s horrible.”

“I thought being separated from my uncle Canter Zoom was bad,” Juniper Montage said. “Now to just see friends of mine departing without me just breaks my heart. Wallflower, Vignette, Gloriosa. I miss them all.”

“At least you don’t have a parent who’s a mean-spirited monster,” Golden Lace said.

Golden Lace laid back on her bed as Juniper Montage stared at the ceiling. But just then, a light shined on her left cheek.

“Wha?” Golden Lace said. “What in the hay is going on?”

Golden Lace sat up and turned to her left to see a portal form next to the wall with Juniper Montage following suit. Emerging was Princess Luna and Silver Banks. Golden Lace’s face beamed with excitement.

“Daddy,” Golden Lace said as she jumped out of bed and into the arms of her father. “You’re here.”

“When Princess Luna told me about you and your friend,” SIlver Banks said. “I had no choice, but to rush here and pick you up.”

“But daddy,” Golden Lace said, releasing her grip from her father and dropping to the ground. “What would mother do if she found out?”

“I already have a lawsuit planned just in case she does,” Princess Luna said. “What she and Miss Honey Twist are doing to you is considered youngling neglect.”

Silver Banks looked up to Juniper Montage and said “You’re a friend of my daughter, correct?”

“Yes I am,” Juniper said. “And I take it you’re the father.”

Golden Lace turned to Juniper as SIlver held out his hoof and said “If you wish for your freedom from this horrible place, come with me.”

Juniper looked at Silver Bank’s hoof with a hesitant look on her face. Golden Lace turned to Juniper and said “Don’t worry. You won’t be alone if you come with us.”

Assured by Golden Lace’s words, Juniper reached out and grabbed onto Silver Bank’s hoof. She turned to Princess Luna and nodded to her.

“There is one last place I need to go to in this school,” Princess Luna said. “And I know what pony needs our help. Come with me.”

Princess Luna turned towards the portal and jumped through, disappearing without a trace. Juniper Montage released her grip from Silver Bank’s hoof before jumping off her bed and running through the portal.

“Come,” Silver Banks said. “A teacher that you look up to needs your help.”

“Are you talking about Argyle Starshine?” Golden Lace asked.

“Yes,” Silver Banks said. “Princess Luna told me about his predicament.”

Golden Lace walked alongside Silver Banks as they both went through the portal. As soon as they disappeared, the portal shrunk down and plopped out of existence.

Somewhere within the school, deep within a classroom, Argyle Starshine read through one of his textbooks. He looked both bored and depressed, turning the pages of his book. His eyes shifted to a photo that was mounted on a small frame on his desk. On the phone was a younger Argyle Starshine, alongside a filly his age, his parents and various uncles, aunts and cousins.

Argyle let out a sigh and said “I wish I could see you all again. But that monster Honey Twist has me locked up while the rest of the school is out on leave. I wish there was a miracle.”

No sooner did Argyle finish his speech, than a nearby portal materialized out of nowhere and expanded so that it was bigger than a doorway. Emerging from the portal was Princess Luna, Juniper Montage, Silver Banks and Golden Lace.

“Princess Luna,” Argyle Starshine said. “I never thought I would see you again. And you rescued Golden Lace and Juniper Montage.”

“And for a good reason,” Princess Luna said. “I got a report from Chancellor Cinch that Miss Honey Twist was dismissing the entire school for a few weeks. However, she told me that one teacher and two students were on her blacklist of dismissals.”

“And once she found out that my daughter Golden Lace was on that list,” Silver Banks said. “She wasted no time looking for me so that I could get her, Juniper and you out of the school.”

“I appreciate everything you’ve done,” Argyle said as Golden Lace ran up and gave him a hug.

“Just because we’re breaking out for the time being,” Golden Lace said. “Doesn’t mean we don’t want you left behind.”

“Now that being said,” Princess Luna said. “I have some bad news. “I learned that Miss Honey Twist has placed a tracking spell over your family home. If you try to step hoof there, she will find out. Though I was able to nullify the tracking spell of this school, I’m afraid the tracking spell there is too powerful to remove.”

Argyle Starshine slumped down and said “I knew it. She assumed I would go there the moment I escaped.” This caused Golden Lace to release her hold on Argyle and look up at him.

“So what can he do about it?” Juniper asked.

“The good news is that there is no such spell at the castle,” Princess Luna said. “ I can take you there for the time being. In fact, we’re heading up to a place known as the Golden Land.”

“Wait,” Argyle Starshine said, slowly getting up. “Did you say…Golden Land?”

“It’s a place we go to for healing, be it for the body, the mind, or the soul,” Princess Luna said. “Would you like to join us?”

Argyle Starshine got on his four hooves and said “Yes. I wish to come.”

“Then let us make haste,” Princess Luna said. “To the palace.”

Princess Luna turned around and walked towards the portal, with Juniper Montage, Golden Lace, Silver Banks and Argyle Starshine following from behind.

“Hey Lace,” Juniper said. “Do you think they’ll follow us to where we’re going?”

“No idea,” Golden Lace said. “But at least, I’ll be able to see Cozy Glow once more.”

“I hope this Cozy Glow is as nice as you describe,” Juniper said.

“She is,” Golden Lace replied. “But she’s got issues with her mother: Magistrate Creme Dream.”

As they spoke, Golden Lace and Juniper Montage followed Princess Luna and jumped through the portal, disappearing. Silver Banks followed from behind and jumped through. But Argyle paused for a moment.

“My father told me all about the Golden Land when I was a colt,” Argyle Starshine said. “If only he was still around to see it.”

Without a second thought, Argyle Starshine jumped through the portal, disappearing completely. The portal then shrunk down and vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile, at an unknown location, the events that transpired at Daisy Joy Tech were being relayed to Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty through a magical projection. A smile cracked on the Magistrate’s face, observing and hearing everything.

“The Golden Land,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I never thought I would see the day where I can experience it with my own eyes.”

“So what is this Golden Land?” Majesty asked.

“It is a sacred place that only a select few have discovered,” Creme Dream explained. “The magic of this land is powerful enough to cleanse the mind and body of all toxins. Luckily, I have the one pony who can tell me all about it.”

“You mean,” Majesty said. “When my sister doesn’t even realize it.”

“That’s right,” Creme Dream said. “I placed a spell on Cozy Glow to observe the world around her. Her real goal was to show us the way to the Golden Land, even though she’s unaware of it. And once we have the coordinates, we will take it over and draw out its magic for our own gain. And then, Princess Celestia’s usefulness will finally end after more than a thousand years.”

“For a pony with a rook for a cutie mark,” Majesty said, “Cozy Glow is more of a pawn.”

“Now that being said,” Creme Dream said. “You’re wondering what to do about Miss Honey Twist’s escaped delinquents.”

“Ooooh,” Majesty asked. “Are you gonna tattletale on them?”

“No,” Creme Dream said with a sinister smile. “After that stunt Gold Banks pulled with forging a deed to the land under the ruins of the orphanage, I’d figure keeping her and Honey Twist in the dark would be a proper punishment. But for now, let us retire for the night. Tomorrow is a big day, and we will learn the location of the Golden Land.”

With a cackling laugh, Creme Dream stepped away towards the door with Majesty following behind, as the magical project shrinks down and vanishes without a trace.

To Be Continued in…

Forward to the Golden Land

Author's Note:

You know, I haven't done super long arcs in a while. So I have made a proposal. Arc 13: The Golden Land, will be a super long arc similar to the Ponyville Providence Fair Arc of "Life in Canterlot." But the big difference is that each arc will not only focus on certain characters, but others will be involved as well.

The next part will focus on everyone's journey to the Golden Land, and getting everyone settled in.

Oh and on a side note, following the completion of "Trials of Friendship," I will be doing some cleanup to this and Life in Canterlot.

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