• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 14-2: The Fury of a Friend

The Fury of a Friend

“Wanda. Stay behind me. I’ll drive them off.”

Those words came from Princess Cadance as Wanda and Abigail hid behind her. The alicorn princess alongside Shining Armor stepped forward, confronting Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

“You have three seconds to leave now,” Princess Cadance threatened.

“I don’t think so,” Inferno said.

Inferno held his palms out and immediately fired two blasts of magic, one hitting Princess Cadance and one hitting Shining Armor, knocking them down. Wanda, Abigail and Trixie quickly moved out of the way as Shining and Cadance hit the floor.

“BIG SIS, SHINING,” Wanda yelled.

Trixie turned to the three Beast Predacons and yelled “WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?”

Quickstrike laughed and said “See for yourselves.”

Princess Cadance got up on her four hooves and said “You just made a big mistake, mister.”

Princess Cadance pointed her horn at Inferno and prepared to charge up. Only for nothing to come out of it. Cadence looked up in fear as she struggled to get any magic out.

“What’s going on?” Princess Cadance said. “My magic.”

“Mines too,” Shining Armor said as he struggled to get any magic out of his horn.

Inferno laughed before he said “You fools. I’ve devised a spell that prevents a unicorn or alicorn from casting any magic. Now you’re helpless without it.”

“But you still have me to deal with.” Inferno turned to his right to see Helga Hearthsoup stand in front of the special table with Starlight and Sunburst hiding underneath. She held up a metal tray, ready to strike the Predacon in the face.

“Oh no,” Quickstrike said. “Not this ham of a pony again.”

“Waspinator suggests teaching her a lesson,” Waspinator said.

Inferno laughed and said “So this is the pony that gave you both a hard time. Very well. Let me show her the fury of the Predacon.”

Inferno and Helga stared each other down with everyone standing in place. Starlight and Sunburst looked from under the table, shaking in fear.

“I don’t like this,” Starlight said. “What if those big meanies come after me?”

“Stay perfectly still,” Sunburst said. “As long as they don’t try to knock this table off, we’ll be safe.”

As Helga stared down the Predacon, anticipating an attack, Inferno quickly flew to the side, catching her off guard.

“Don’t even think about it,” Helga said, repositioning herself in front of Inferno.

“Nice move,” Inferno said. “Except you forgot one thing.”

“What do you mean by that?” Helga asked.

“I’m not the only one who can strike back,” Inferno said.

Suddenly, Helga heard the sound of a burst of magic firing off. When she turned around, Waspinator had fired a missile from his blaster that flew over her.

“Oh no,” Helga said to herself.

The missile collided with the table and exploded, knocking it to the side, and sending the spaghetti with oatballs and root beer floats soaring into the air before landing on the table. The table cloth was burnt by the explosion, the silver wear bent and the candles snapped in half with the flame extinguished. Wanda looked from next to Princess Cadance and her jaw dropped.


Inferno gloated as he eyes Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst, who held onto each other and shivered with fear.

“What do we have here?” Inferno said. “Two younglings who don’t belong.”

Helga stood in front of Starlight and Sunburst before she said “You will leave this place and never come back.”

“Lady,” Quickstrike said. “You’re in no position to demand.”

“My brother is right,” Inferno said. “As a matter of fact, I think a little negotiation is in order.”

Inferno pointed his blaster above Helga and fired another blast, creating a hole in the wall that leads outside, and scaring Starlight to the point where she loses her grip on Sunburst.

“You bully,” Princess Cadance said as she grabbed a vacant chair nearby. “I’ll make you pay for this.”

But as Princess Cadance swung the chair forward, Inferno grabbed it with his two hands and pulled it away from the alicorn princess.

“You resort to such childish attacks?” Inferno said, looking at the chair. “Pitiful.”

Inferno took the chair and swung it around with the intent of hitting Princess Cadance, who along with Helga Hearthsoup quickly dodged out of the way from the furniture. But Inferno laughed before letting go of the chair, causing it to smash into splinters nearby, scaring the customers. Starlight looked to her left and saw Quickstrike and Waspinator approach her

“I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!” Starlight yelled.

And with that, Starlight jumped out of the hole and made a run for it, down town. Quickstrike and Waspinator flew out of the hole and chased after Starlight Glimmer in hot pursuit, while Inferno laughed out loudly.

“Here’s your ultimatum,” Inferno said. “Surrender Princess Wanda or never see that filly again.”

Inferno suddenly felt something claw at his leg. He looked down and saw Abigail bite into it.

“Buzz off,” Inferno said before kicking the kitty out of the way, sending her near an emotionless Wanda.

“Oww,” Abigail said as she picked herself up.

And with that, Inferno flew out of the hole and joined his brothers in pursuit of Starlight Glimmer, leaving everyone in fear.

“Starlight’s in trouble,” Shining Armor said. “And we can’t fight back without our magic.”

“Magic or not,” Princess Cadance said. “We have to go after those Predacons and save Starlight Glimmer.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor nodded as they jumped out of the hole and ran off after Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator. But nearby, Wanda Young walked up to what’s left of the table and the food and got down on her knees.

“We worked so hard on this,” Wanda cried. “And now…it’s all…gone.”

Wanda placed her face onto her palms and cried into it. Sunburst, Trixie, Abigail and Helga walked up to the man’s cub, to which Helga place her arm around the human child.

“I’m sorry about what happened,” Helga said. “We worked so hard for Starlight and Sunburst, and those monsters had the nerve to ruin it all.”

“Yeah,” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie won’t let this injustice stand. We will try again and make a better table for Starlight and Sunburst.”

“You did this all for us?” Sunburst asked.

“Yes,” Trixie said. “Because you and Starlight cared for each other, and we wanted to do this for you both.”

But before Sunburst could speak, Wanda’s crying soon turned into an angry screech as she looked up with fire in her eyes. Sunburst, Trixie, Abigail and Helga backed off as Wanda turned towards the hole.

“Wanda,” Abigail cried.

“Those three ruined the dinner for Starlight and Sunburst, and now they want to endanger Starlight,” Wanda said. “THEY’RE GOING TO PAY!”

Wanda’s wings formed on her back as she flew through the hole and in pursuit of Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspiantor, leaving Trixie, Helga, Sunburst and Abigail behind.

“Come back,” Helga said. “You’re putting yourself in danger, Princess.”

Down the street, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were walking alongside Airazor, enjoying the calmness of the city and the ponies around.

“I’m glad you’re considering getting the Wonderbolts back together,” Princess Celestia said.

“We came here to find anyone who’s willing to try out,” Airazor said. “But we have our hooves full with those three Predacons.”

“Speaking of which,” Princess Luna said. “I heard Spitfire is with Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her La Maresa friends.”

“Not all of them,” Airazor said. “One of them believes the Predacons are still nearby, and is actively searching for them.”

“That’s pretty dangerous,” Princess Celestia said. “But considering how she was able to take one of them down, I’d say holding her back would be a mistake.”

“At least we don’t have to worry about those three,” Princess Luna said.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a filly screaming in terror. Celestia, Luna and Airazor turned to see Starlight Glimmer run past them in a hurry.

“Was that Starlight Glimmer?” Luna asked.

“That was,” Princess Celestia said. “But why was she running that fast?”

In a flash, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator flew past the trio and in pursuit of Starlight Glimmer. All three looked at the Predacons and they all freaked out.

“Oh no,” Airazor said. “Those three again. And they’re in pursuit of Starlight Glimmer.”

“Quick,” Princess Celestia said. “We must stop them and…”

But before she could finish speaking, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran past the trio, still in pursuit of the three Predacons.

“That’s Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,” Airazor said. “Guess they’re trying to stop the trio.”

“Still,” Luna said. “I think we should aid them so that they don’t take Starlight Glimmer away.”

But as Princess Celestia was about to say something, she saw something in the opposite distance. It was Wanda Young, who was flying at top speeds down the street. The expression on her face seemed to be of anger.

“Wanda?” Princess Celestia said.

But Wanda was undeterred. She flew past Celestia, Luna and Airazor and down the alley, inching closer to Cadance and Shining Armor.

“What just happened?” Princess Luna said.

“I don’t know,” Princess Celestia said. “But I think I better get to the bottom of this before Wanda gets hurt.”

Princess Celestia kicked her legs into the air and galloped off in pursuit of Wanda, leaving Princess Luna and Captain Airazor behind.

“Please don’t do anything reckless,” Princess Luna said. “You and my niece.”

“Still worried for her safety?” Airazor asked.

“After what Queen Chrysalis almost did,” Luna said. “Yes.”

Down the street, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran as fast as they could after the Predacons, who were chasing down Starlight Glimmer.

“HALT!” Princess Cadance yelled. “YOU LEAVE THAT FILLY ALONE!”

Waspinator turned around to see Princess Cadance and Shining Armor run after them in hot pursuit. He pulled out his blaster and pointed it at the duo when Inferno quickly grabbed the barrel.

“No brother,” Inferno said, pointing to a nearby steel water tower. “Shoot over there.”

Waspinator aimed at the water tower and fired right at its leg with the missile. It connected and exploded, sending the tower falling down between the Predacons and the pursuing ponies.

“LOOK OUT!” Shining Armor said as he and Princess Cadance came to a stop.

The water tower collapsed onto the ground, breaking open and spilling water all around as Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator continued their pursuit of Starlight Glimmer.

“Those good for nothing preds,” Princess Cadance said, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“If only we had our magic,” Shining Armor said. “Then we could blast through and resume our pursuit. Now what do we do.”

Princess Cadance noticed a red aura above her. She looked up and saw Wanda fly over the collapsed water tower. But when Cadance saw Wanda’s face, her eyes shrunk down in horror.

“That’s Wanda,” Princess Cadance said. “I think what those three did just angered her.”

“Oh no,” Shining Armor said. “No one told us that this would happen.”

“What would happen?” Princess Cadance and Shining Armor turned around to see Princess Celestia walk up to them.

Princess Cadance let out a sigh and said “We were treating Starlight and Sunburst to a magical dinner for each other with Wanda’s help. Suddenly, the Predacons attacked us, disabled our magic and ruined their dinner before going after Starlight Glimmer.”

“We didn’t expect Wanda to flip out and pursue the Predacons,” Shining Armor said.

“Nether do I,” Princess Celestia said. “I’ll clear a path. Let’s hope we can get to them before it’s too late.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor stepped back before Princess Celestia blasted the collapsed water tower, breaking the container in half and creating a path. Immediately, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran through and down the street.

But down the street, Pinkie Pie, still carrying her party cannon, saw Starlight Glimmer run down with Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator in pursuit.

“I knew it,” Pinkie Pie said. “Those Predacon changelings are after Starlight Glimmer.”

But before Pinkie Pie could move, Wanda Young flew past her in a fit of rage, still pursuing the Predacons. Pinkie Pie looked down and saw Wanda fly off in the distance.

“That’s not good,” Pinkie Pie said. “Something snapped within Wanda and she could put herself in danger. I’ve got to do something fast.”

Pinkie Pie turned to her right and ran off down the street, pulling the party cannon right behind her

Further down, Starlight Glimmer ran as fast as she could, trying to get away from the Predacons.

“GET LOST!” Starlight cried. “I want nothing to do with you three meanies.”

“Oh,” Inferno said. “But you have a lot to do. You’re our ransom ticket for Wanda Young.”

“Once we trade you for the Princess,” Quickstrike said. “The Queen will give us a nice reward.”

“Waspinator like reward,” Waspinator said. “So Waspinator will aid brothers in capturing mary sue bug.”

Starlight screamed as she ran as fast as possible, trying to stay one step ahead of the Predacons.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Starlight screamed.

Suddenly, Starlight tripped on a rock and fell down before rolling forward and hitting a wall. She fell onto the street and looked up, watching helpless as the Predacons approached her.

“Oh no,” Starlight said as she got up and backed herself into the wall.

“There’s no escape, missy,” Inferno said as he, Quickstrike and Waspinator landed on the pavement and marched towards Starlight. “You are our ticket to capturing Princess Wanda and bringing her to the Queen.”

“NO!” Starlight cried. “I don’t want to be your hostage.”

“You have no other choice, missy,” Quickstrike said. “So you best come quietly like the good little filly you are.”

Starlight held her hooves and closed her eyes, crying in the process as the Predacon trio approached her.

“YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER THIS INSTANT!” Those words caused Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator to come to a stop, completely confused.

“That sounded like Princess Wanda,” Waspinator said.

“You’re right,” Quickstrike said. “But does that mean she’s gonna surrender herself?”

Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator turned around to see Wanda Young stand here, glaring at the three Predacons.

“So,” Inferno said, stepping in front of his brothers. “You wish to turn yourself in for the sake of this filly.”

“That filly is my friend,” Wanda said. “You ruined her dinner with Sunburst, you scared her half-to-death, you disabled my sister and her boyfriend’s magic, and you KICKED…MY…ABBY!”

Quickstrike just laughed as he approached Wanda and said “Awww. What’s a little Man’s Cub like you gonna do to us? You’re nothing compared to us three.”

Wanda turned to her left and saw a trash can with a lid on it. She grabbed the lid and smacked Quickstrike in the face. The resulting impact caused his face to shake violently before he fell to the ground.

“Oww!” Quickstrike said. “Who sent that bull in my face? I wasn’t ready.”

Inferno and Waspinator looked up at Wanda, who held the trash can lid firmly in her hands.

“You have a powerful bite,” Inferno said. “I’m impressed.”

“Not Waspinator,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator thinks we should take her together.”

“Right you are,” Inferno said.

Inferno and Waspinator walked towards Wanda, who stood firm against the duo. She looked towards and wall before looking back at the two Predacons.

“This is for what you did today,” Wanda said.

Immediately, Wanda flung the trash can lid at high speeds towards the wall. It ricocheted off before flying towards Inferno and Waspinator, hitting them both in the head and knocking them to the ground.

“Oww,” Inferno groaned. “She’s really getting on my nerves.”

“She just gave Waspinator a headache in his whole body,” Waspinator said in an angry tone.

Inferno and Waspinator picked themselves up and shook their own heads. They picked up Quickstrike, who shook his own head out of his confusion.

“That kid’s asking for it,” Quickstrike said.

“Then join us in punishing her for the Queen,” Inferno said.

Quickstrike turned towards Wanda before he, Inferno and Waspinator marched towards the Man’s Cub, who only stood firm against the trio.

“You made the big mistake in giving up your means of defense,” Inferno said. “Now nothing can save you now.”

As Wanda looked up at the trio with the anger in her face not departing, a familiar party cannon rolled in before coming to a stop in front of Wanda. The three Predacons looked down at the cannon and began to freak out.

“Oh no,” Quickstrike said. “I know who that belongs to.”

Wanda looked down at the party cannon before looking up to Starlight Glimmer.

“Starlight,” Wanda yelled. “Move out of the way.”

Starlight quickly ran up behind a nearby trash can as Wanda pointed the cannon at Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator with a smirk on her face.

“Please don’t hurt Waspinator or his brothers,” Waspinator said as he got on his knees and begged. “Have mercy.”

“After what you three did,” Wanda said. “Never.”

Wanda slammed her fist onto the button of the party cannon. The barrel fires off a powerful cannon ball, colliding with the trio and sending them flying into a wall, causing them to crash through.

“That,” Wanda said. “Was for all the trouble you caused my friends.”

Starlight quickly ran out and jumped onto Wanda, giving her a big hug before crying into her.

“Wanda,” Starlight said. “Thank goodness. I thought I was done for.”

Wanda held onto Starlight and said “It’s okay. I’m not letting those mean Predacons take you away.”

“But where did you get the cannon?” Starlight asked.

“I can explain that.” Wanda and Starlight turned to their right to see Pinkie Pie bounce up to them.

“Pinkie Pie,” Wanda said. “You did this?”

“Of course,” Pinkie Pie said. “I was pursuing after the Predacons in case they were going to pull this kind of stunt. Luckily I noticed you were after them and I decided to lend you a hoof.”

“Well thank goodness,” Wanda said. “After what happened, at least the Predacons won’t be bothering us again.”

“Which is a lot to say considering how reckless you were, young lady.” Wanda, Starlight and Pinkie PIe turned around to see Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor approach the three younglings. Wanda’s smile turned into a frown as she stepped aside as Celestia approached her.

“I’m sorry, mommy,” Wanda said. “But I couldn’t bear to see those three harm Starlight Glimmer, or even big sis.”

“I know you meant well, Wanda,” Celestia said. “But you could have gotten yourself captured, hurt, or even killed. I’m disappointed in you.”

“But what if Starlight was captured?” Wanda cried. “What if the predacons hurts Princess Cadance and Shining Armor? What if…”

Before Wanda could finish her sentence, Princess Celestia placed her hoof on Wanda’s lips, hushing her.

“Wanda,” Celestia said. “There is a time to be brave, and a time to be cautious. It was reckless for you to go after those three, especially after one of them disguised him as a roc just to scare everyone.”

“But mommy,” Wanda said.

“No butts,” Celestia said. “We’ll discuss this at the castle and..”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia was shot on the side, sending her flying to the ground and causing her to scream in pain. Wanda, Pinkie, Starlight, Cadence and Shining Armor all gasped in horror.

“MOMMY!” Wanda yelled.

“MOTHER!” Cadence screamed.

“NOOOOO!” Starlight screamed.

Princess Celestia attempted to get up, only to be hit by another shot, causing her to yell in pain. She looked to her side to see the Predacon trio approach her, with Waspinator holding his blaster pointed right at her.

“You were foolish to scold your own daughter while not noticing us,” Inferno said. “And now it has come to bite you when you least expect it.”

“Waspinator shot you well,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator expects you to suffer with no way of fighting back.”

Princess Celestia attempted to cast magic from her horn, only for nothing to come out of it.

“My….my magic,” Princess Celestia said. “I can’t use it.”

“Don’t bother,” Quickstrike said. “Not only can you not use your magic, but even your Wolf’s Breath curse has been locked. You’re as helpless as a fish in a barrel.”

“No,” Celestia cried. “It can’t end like this.”

Princess Cadance watched as the Predacons approached the injured Princess Celestia.

“First my sister is in trouble and now mother is in trouble,” Princess Cadance said. “I’ve got to do something.”

But in a flash, Quickstrike pointed his snake arm at Cadance and Shining Armor and said “Stay put, unless you wanna suffer like your dear princess.”

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor looked at Quickstrike before turning towards each other.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Shining Armor said.

“I know,” Princess Cadance said. “Mother is down and we can’t use our magic. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life.”

Inferno stood over Princess Celestia and said “It’s a shame that you got yourself hurt and captured by our hands. I’m disappointed in you. There was a time to be brave and a time to be cautious. But like your fool of a daughter, you chose to be reckless to try to save her. You and that idiot of a chancellor taught her the wrong lessons. And what a pity. You won’t discuss this at the castle with her, because you’ll be dead, and your daughter will belong to Queen Chrysalis.”

Inferno pointed his blaster at Princess Celestia and began to cry.

“Luna,” Celestia cried. “I’m…sorry.”

Wanda looked at Inferno and her face began to boil red. Starlight and Pinkie Pie looked at Wanda and began to back off.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah,” Starlight said, shivering with fear. “Something within Wanda is about to go off, and I’m afraid of how this will end.”

To Be Continued in…

A Friendship that Stands By Each Other

Author's Note:

To be honest, I didn't want it to end like this. But because I'm having a swell time with this, I decided to end this part on this. Which means the next part of the arc will wrap this up. I've already begun on Part 3 of this arc.

How will Celestia and Wanda get out of this one? Stay tuned.

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