• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 513 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17-8: Happily Married

Happily Married

It was outside the walls of Canterlot Castle in the evening as repairs were being made around the front entrance of the palace. Ponies sat down in an open reception with a makeshift altar at the far end with Princess Celestia serving as the minister. Buck Withers stood nervous, and yet sad, with Prince Blueblood, Shining Armor, Chancellor Cinch, and Gad Zookes stood by him, once more.

“Something up?” Shining Armor asked.

“It’s about Queen Chrysalis,” Buck Withers said. “She chose to reject our offer in hopes of ending this thousand year feud between our kind and the changelings.”

“Judging by what she said, I’m afraid she’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Even though she was traumatized by what happened as a youngling, what Queen Chrysalis did through those years can’t be forgiven by any court. And even if they could, there’s still the news channels that would demonize anyone who did pardon her and the changelings.”

“Sometimes, I wonder if we are doomed to forever fight the changelings,” Shining Armor said.

“Not quite,” Chancellor Cinch said. “If I recall, Ocellus, along with her parents, represents what may be the one glimmer of hope for the species. And I believe there may be more who want no part in Chrysalis’ desire for revenge. It may not only be a way to save the species, but also to save Queen Chrysalis from herself.”

“Well,” Buck Withers said. “Here’s to the future of their species. Let’s hope it is not too late.”

“It might not be,” Prince Blueblood said. “And as a matter of fact, I think the bride should be coming down soon.

Suddenly, the organist played ‘Here Comes the Bride,’ loudly for the ponies of Canterlot, catching everyone’s attention. The audience looked up the aisle to see Twilight Sparkle walk down, once again throwing flower petals into the air and onto the ground. She looked at her mother Twilight Velvet and her father Night Light before she smiled right at them.

“That’s our daughter,” Twilight Velvet said. “I hope one day, she can have a wonderful wedding of her own.”

Right behind Twilight Sparkle came the bridesmaids, which included Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, and Princess Cadance. But now joining them was Helga Hearthsoup, right beside Novo and Skystar, while Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream rode atop Novo’s back.

“It’s too bad about what happened to the castle, mother,” Princess Skystar said.

“Don’t worry about that, my daughter,” Queen Novo said. “From what I heard, they should have it repaired before you know it.”

Right behind the bridesmaids, Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer walked together down the aisle, once again carrying a pillow each with a ring atop of it. Behind them, Princess Luna walked Lemony Gem down the aisle. Everyone turned to the bride, oohing and awwing at the design of her dress.

“Still can’t believe you got that dress patched up,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Oh darling,” Rarity said. “I had to make a new dress for her and got it to match the only one, one hundred percent.”

“Rarity,” Trixie said. “I’m sorry I have to say this, but you’re a diamond in the rough.”

“A diamond in the rough, huh?” Rarity said. “Now that’s a praise I could get used to.”

“Don’t let it get to your head, Rarity,” Applejack said. “Even diamonds can have their rough edges.”

“Oh hah hah,” Rarity laughed in a sarcastic tone. “Real funny.”

Princess Cadance, Helga Hearthsoup, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar approached the altar and stood by as Wanda and Sunset brought the rings up, all while Ocellus and Silverstream waved to the sisterly duo. Once they took separate sides, Princess Luna stepped aside and allowed Lemony Gem to walk up to the altar, where she and Buck Withers bowed to each other before turning their attention to Princess Celestia.

“Dearly behooved,” Princess Celestia said. “We are gathered here today, to join this stallion and mare in harmonious matrimony. But early ago, we all used this wedding in an attempt to capture Queen Chrysalis, and help assimilate the changelings into society, once more. Unfortunately, the plan was doomed to the very end when Chrysalis turned down our offer, stating that we are bound by fate to hate each other. Even if her words were true, there is still a glimmer of hope that resides not just in those who took our side, but also those whose hearts ring true, with these two.”

Everyone clapped at Princess Celestia’s words, though some felt saddened by her speech.

“I’ll say,” Bright Mac said. “What will it take to end this madness?”

“I don’t know,” Granny Smith said. “Even our own news stations would rather we continue our hatred of the changelings and the guild.”

Princess Celestia looked down at the book and took a deep breath.

“Even despite all we have gone through,” Princess Celestia said, “The ceremonies will still commence. When the vows are read, two lives will become intertwined into one family. And as a family, we are one together. That being said, if there is anyone who objects to the marriage of these two, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Immediately, someone yelled out “I OBJECT!” Everyone turned towards the back end of the makeshift wedding aisle to see a furious Gold Banks stare down everyone.

“Gold Banks,” Prince Blueblood said. “What’s she doing here?”

Wanda got a good look at Gold Banks and immediately hid behind Queen Novo.

“Save me,” Wanda cried. “I don’t want her to take me away.”

Gold Banks marched down the aisle to the horror of everyone within the vicinity, which included both Buck Withers and Lemony Gem. But Princess Celestia glared down at the wealthy diva.

“Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia yelled. “What is your objection to this marriage?”

“I’ll tell you,” Gold Banks said. “I came down here to teach my husband a lesson for allowing my daughter to be expelled, and not to mention taking her away to be punished for her arrogance. But thanks to those parasites called changelings, I have been humiliated ten folds. So just for that, I’m calling the wedding off regardless if you agree or not.”

“Gold Banks,” Celestia snapped. “You have no authorization to call off anyone’s wedding.”

“That’s what you think,” Gold Banks yelled. “By my power that exceeds yours, I hereby declare this wedding null and void. Which means not only will the marriage of these two be invalidated, but they will not see each other again, and they cannot marry anyone else either.”

The crowd was horrified. They muttered towards each other over Gold Banks’ words.

“Gold Banks,” Celestia snapped. “Are you crazy? Forbidding two love birds from even getting married? You’re overstepping your boundaries.”

“I have no boundaries,” Gold Banks said. “And to prove it, I demand you also give me that snot-nosed brat of a man’s cub, this instant.”

Princess Celestia stood next to Wanda Young and Queen Novo before she said “Get off the altar this instant. You will not invalidate the marriage of these two souls and you will not take my daughter.”

“I’d back off if I were you,” Queen Novo said. “Nearly every pony in this vicinity would take sides with Princess Celestia over you.”

“Do not talk back to me,” Gold Banks demanded.

Suddenly, Silver Banks got up out of his seat and marched towards Gold Banks, leaving Golden Lace to hide underneath her chair where Cozy Glow, Spike and Abigail were also hiding.

“Gold Banks,” Silver said. “Back off this instant. We do not need any more of these shenanigans.”

Gold Banks turned to her husband and said “Don’t you dare talk back to me. I’m the one who calls the shots in this household, not you. In fact, you better kiss our daughter good-bye, because you won’t be seeing her again.”

As the crowd muttered even more, a familiar figure marched down the aisle and tapped Gold Banks on the shoulder. Gold Banks turned around and it was none other than Magistrate Creme Dream.

“I’ll deal with Gold Banks,” Creme Dream said.

Everyone stood still as Magistrate Creme Dream led Gold Banks to the back end of the makeshift aisle before pulling her near a fountain. Even Princess Celestia was confused. This also caused Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Spike and Abigail to peek their heads out in curiousity.

“What just happened?” Celestia asked.

“I don’t know,” Buck Withers said. “And personally, I don’t even want to know.”

Back near the fountain, Creme Dream glared down at Gold Banks, whose anger turned to fear.

“Now you listen to me,” Creme Dream said in a cold tone. “I was the one who authorized your daughter’s expulsion from Daisy Joy Tech because I was getting tired of your antics, especially towards your husband.”

“YOU WERE THE ONE WHO…” Gold Banks yelled before Creme Dream placed her hoof on Gold Banks’ mouth.

“Do not talk back at me,” Creme Dream said. “Now because of the foolishness you displayed, you’ve left me no other choice, but to authorize your husband to allow a restraining order against you until further notice. Do not test my patience again, and leave them alone for the time being. Do I make myself clear?”

Gold Banks said nothing, but nodded in fear.

“Good,” Creme Dream said before she released her hold from Gold Banks’ mouth.

Princess Luna walked up to Creme Dream and said “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s all been settled now,” Creme Dream said with a smile. “Carry on with your wedding.”

Luna turned towards Princess Celestia and nodded, causing the latter to clear her throat, catching the attention of everyone at the wedding.

“Now, I ask of you to hold hooves together, and affirm your willingness to enter this joining of these two,” Princess Celestia said.

Without hesitation, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem held each other’s hooves in excitement.

Celestia turned towards Buck Withers and said “Buck Withers, do you, take this mare to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Buck Withers said with a warm smile on his face.

Immediately, Celestia turned to Lemony Gem, who looked extremely eager.

“And do you, Lemony Gem,” Celestia said, “take this stallion to be your husband? To love and comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

Immediately, Lemony Gem jumped into the air and yelled out “YES!!!”

The crowd burst out into laughter. Everyone could barely keep themselves together. Even Wanda, who was hiding behind Queen Novo, placed her pillow down before rolling on the floor and giggling loudly.

“Oops,” Lemony Gem said in embarrassment. “I mean I do. My apologies.”

“No need to apologize, Lemony Gem,” Celestia laughed. “But it does show your honesty when it comes to the dedication to your new husband.”

Celestia turned towards Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young before she gave them both a nod. Sunset, still with one of the rings on the pillow, walked up to Buck Withers. Wanda slowly got herself back up from the laughter and picked up the pillow with the ring on it before walking up to Lemony Gem.

“And now,” Princess Celestia said. “With those rings, these serve as a reminder of your vows to each other, a bond that cannot be broken for as long as love is strong. You may place the rings on each others’ hooves.

With that, Buck Withers picked up his ring from Sunset Shimmer while Lemony Gem picked up her ring from Wanda Young. They each held out each other's hooves before placing the respective rings on their partner’s arm. Their bands glowed brightly in the afternoon sun as the crowd cheered.

“It is done,” Princess Celestia said. “By virtue of the authority within me, Princess Celestia Del Sol, ruler of Equestria and protector of the ponies, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Lemony Gem looked at her husband with a beautiful smile on her cheek, and diamonds glowing in her eyes. Buck Withers reached out and kissed Lemony on the lips. Everyone within the vicinity cheered for Buck Withers and Lemony Gem as they embraced each other.

“I can’t believe it,” Sunlight Starscout said. “They’re finally a couple, after all this time. Isn’t marriage wonderful?”

“It is,” Argyle Starshine said. “But it’s sad that some ponies do not see love within one another.”

“I know,” Sunlight Starscout said. “After what we saw with Gold Banks, I’m afraid some ponies will have their marriage end in divorce, a sign that they do not truly love each other. Love is a thing that cannot be explained. But it represents what’s in the heart. And that’s what matters the most, my son.”

Later that evening, everyone in Canterlot was partying the night away. The crowd was wild. Some danced to celebrate the moment. Others enjoyed the food like punch, sandwiches, vegetable platters, tacos, burritos, pickled vegetables, salads, cookies, ice cream, and even wedding cake.

On the dance floor, Twilight Sparkle started moving around like a crazed pony, moving her legs up and down while shaking her hooves. While some ponies looked at Twilight oddly, others were curious about her dance moves like the Dazzling sisters.

“Hey,” Aria Blaze said. “Dig what Twilight’s doing.”

“Ooooh,” Sonata Dusk said. “I want in.”

Sonata Dusk immediately ran up to Twilight and started dancing alongside her. Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze just shook their heads in amusement.

“That’s pretty typical of Sonata Dusk,” Adagio Dazzle laughed. “But then again, I think she can pull off dance moves better than Twilight can.”

“Is that a fact?” Aria Blaze replied. “Well two can play at that game.”

Aria Blaze ran up onto the dance floor and proceeded to dance alongside Sonata Dusk and Twilight Sparkle, much to the surprise of the crowd. All Adagio Dazzle could do was place her hoof on her face in embarrassment.

“With sisters like that,” Adagio Dazzle said, “Who needs clowns?”

Nearby, at the food tables, Danged Spell, Moondancer and Sunburst were all enjoying some of the grub. Spell was eating a tomato and cucumber sandwich, Sunburst was having some of the vegetables with ranch dip while Moondancer drank some punch.

“When it comes to the food selection,” Sunburst stated, “The princess spared no expense.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “What a smorgasbord of options.”

“Danged Spell,” Moondancer laughed. “You nearly got punch to shoot out from my snout.”

“Well that’s what I am,” Danged Spell said. “A real party animal.”

Suddenly, confetti flew out from a nearby corner, covering Spell in some of the sparkly decorations. Spell looked to her right and saw Pinkie Pie with her party cannon, having pressed the button.

“Hold my cannon,” Pinkie Pie smirked.

Danged Spell glared at Pinkie Pie and said “You pink parasite. Why I oughta….”

But Spell was interrupted when a powerful stream of fruit punch shot right at his face. Danged Spell turned to Moondancer, who was laughing out loud.

“Way to go, Spell,” Sunburst said. “You just made Moondancer shoot fruit punch out of her nose.”

“Are you kidding me?” Danged Spell roared. “Now I know what it’s like to be punched.”

As Spell was soaked in fruit punch, he heard the sound of laughter. Danged Spell turned back to Pinkie Pie, who was on her back, laughing out loud.

“Punched,” Pinkie Pie laughed. “Now that’s a good one.”

Danged Spell just looked at Pinkie Pie and said “Why me?”

Nearby, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, were on the side, speaking with Hoops, Dumbbell and Score. Karen the Bulldog sat right next to the group.

“You sure you don’t want to come back to La Maresa with us?” Applejack asked. “The mayor heard about your deeds, and she’s willing to give you a second chance.”

“No way,” Hoops said. “Sure you may forgive us, but we still see ourselves as irredeemable rogues.”

“Yeah,” Score said. “Once this party is over, we’re heading outta here and taking the rest of the boys with us.”

“You’re really making a big mistake on this,” Rarity said. “Even Bright Mac and Buttercup are willing to help you out if you need it.”

“Yeah,” Fluttershy said. “Even after you’ve learned your lesson, you three still want to distance yourselves from all of us?

“Yeah,” Dumbbell said. “I hate to say this, but even if we did accept Bright Mac’s proposal, we would still be labeled as juvenile delinquents to the Equestrian community. So it’s better to just return to the shadows and barely show our faces again as outcasts.”

Just then, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse walk up to the group before Rolling Thunder tapped Hoops on the shoulder.

“Not to interrupt your friendly conversation,” Rolling Thunder said. “But the rest of us have decided we’re going to head back to Coltsom.”

“Already?” Hoops said.

“Yeah,” Short Fuse said. “As much as we want to party all night long, we just want to get back to that hole in the wall.”

“Guess you’re right,” Dumbbell said. “Might as well return this mutt back to where she was before we go. Luckily, the owner was out of town for the time being.”

But all Karen could do was whimper to Dumbbell.

“I know you wanna go with us,” Dumbbell said, petting Karen on the forehead. “But sadly, you have an owner of your own and we heard some bad things about that guy.”

“Well it’s been fun,” Applejack said. “Stay outta trouble.”

Hoops just laughed before he said “Like that’s a possibility.”

As Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse and Karen walked away from the group, Bright Mac, Buttercup, Big Mac and Granny Smith walked up to Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy, with Buttercup pushing a stroller with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in it.

“Pa,” Applejack said. “I don’t get it. We want to see them better themselves, and they don’t want to take it.”

“I also don’t understand their reasoning,” Bright Mac said. “But sadly, it is their choice. It’s a shame that they chose to stay down this path.”

“It is,” Granny Smith said. “Not long ago, they were a nuisance to the ponies of La Maresa, and even banishing them only made things worse. Princess Wanda was able to point out the error of their ways, and yet parts of society would still cast them as outcasts. Sometimes we can be a cruel species.”

“Cheer up, Applejack,” Buttercup said as she pulled Apple Bloom out. “We’ll find a way to get them integrated back into society, propaganda be damned. And besides, you have a family that cares alot about you and shows you the right and wrong about life. No matter what, we’ll back you up, one hundred percent.”

Big Mac stood tall and said “Eeyup.”

“Thanks y’all,” Applejack said. “But that being said, I’m not so sure about Flim and Flam. Something about them feels rather off.”

Bright Mac just gave Applejack a hoof noogie and said “Oh Applejack. Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

But as Bright Mac and Applejack laughed together, Rainbow Dash, who looked really ecstatic, was walking alongside Spitfire and Captain Airazor nearby.

“You really mean it?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The Junior Wonderbolt camp?”

“You really demonstrated your skills as a Wonderbolt during these last few days,” Captain Airazor said. “Especially when we had to evacuate some of the ponies to the Golden Land.”

“Oh my gosh,” Rainbow Dash said. “I can’t wait to tell my folks about this.”

“Oh I’ve spoken with them and they really want you to jump in,” Captain Airazor said.

“Yeah,” Spitfire said. “I wanna see you advance as a Junior Wonderbolt. In fact, I hope we end up becoming equals as Junior Wonderbolts.”

“And with the Wonderbolts coming back together,” Captain Airazor said, “I’d say our future looks brighter than ever.”

“Aww yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m so ready to show them that I can be a Junior Wonderbolt.”

“Oh and that being said,” Captain Airazor said. “Your parents weren’t just excited for your future, they were really cheering you on.”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash’s ears picked up the sound of someone cheering for her. She turned and saw Bow Hot Hoof and Windy Whistles hold up signs with her face on it.

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash said. “Did they have to do…this?”

“Consider it a complement,” Spitfire said.

Rainbow Dash covered her face in embarrassment as her parents cheered her on.

“Let’s hope they don’t sign up for Wonderbolt cheerleading,” Rainbow Dash said in a cold tone.

But nearby, Golden Lace was giving Juniper Montage a hug while tears slid down her cheek. Next to them were Canter Zoom, Cozy Glow, Filthy and Spoiled Rich with Diamond Tiara in a crib, and Silver Banks.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving back with your uncle,” Golden Lace said.

“I know,” Juniper Montage said. “I’m gonna miss you.”

“Cheer up,” Canter Zoom said. “Maybe in the future, you could invite your friend to my new movie studio in La Maresa.”

“Would I?” Juniper Montage said with excitement.

“That’s a great idea,” Golden Lace said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “If daddy will let me…”

“Oh I’m down with that,” Silver Banks said. “A shame my wife would object to that.”

“It’s more of a shame that my sister would resort to that kind of low,” Spoiled Rich said. “Interrupting Buck Withers and Lemony Gem’s wedding for her own selfish reasoning.”

“I’m actually considering divorcing Gold Banks,” Silver said. “Her antics are starting to get under all of our skins.”

“No doubt I will be banning her from my studio, Mr Banks,” Canter Zoom said. “As much as I do appreciate your daughter, your wife would be a real pain to deal with.”

“Daddy,” Golden Lace said. “I hope we can make the trip down to La Maresa, one day.”

“We will, my daughter,” Silver Banks said. “Maybe even bring the others with you.”

“Did you hear that?” Juniper Montage said. “I bet they will be so excited.”

“If you’re on your best behavior,” Canter Zoom said, “Maybe I’ll let you shoot a movie of your own in my studio.”

“That sounds great,” Juniper Montage said, squealing with excitement.

“I dunno if I can join you guys,” Cozy Glow said, “Considering that I have to put up with my own mother and daughter.”

“Don’t you worry,” Golden Lace said. “If Princess Celestia can figure out a way, I can get you there.”

“Aww, thanks Lace,” Cozy Glow said, giving Golden Lace a hug.

Filthy Rich looked at the three youngsters and said “Sometimes, I really miss the days of being young.”

“So do I, honey,” Spoiled said as Baby Diamond Tiara giggled with glee.

Nearby, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem were dancing together on the stage as a spotlight shined down on the married couple. The duo enjoyed every moment on that dance stage.

“So,” Buck Withers said. “Excited about what our honeymoon will be like?”

“If you’re talking about that vacation at the Bridlewood inn and spa,” Lemony Gem said, “That’s a bit on the boring side compared to the beasts that lurk nearby.”

“You’re right,” Buck Withers said. “That was the reason why we went with that place. After all, adventure doesn’t rest for anyone, but us.”

“It sure doesn’t,” Lemony Gem said. “By the way, take alook at Wanda and her friends.”

Buck Withers looked to his left to see Wanda playfully dancing with Starlight, Sunset dancing with Trixie, and Ditzy Doo twirling around like a silly pony. The only thing Buck Withers could do was laugh.

“This is why I think younglings are the most innocent and pure of us all,” Buck Withers said. “In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that it’s these moments that keep me going forward.”

“Bucky,” Lemony Gem said. “If we had kids of our own, do you think they would be up for adventuring?”

“IT’s a long and hard process for a son or daughter,” Buck Withers said. “But I promise I’ll make him or her a full bonafide adventurer.”

But as Buck Withers and Lemony Gem danced together, Wanda and Sunset swapped partners. Now Wanda was dancing with Trixie while Sunset danced with Starlight.

“You know,” Wanda said. “It’s too bad you and the others are going back to La Maresa.”

“Well you and your friends are welcome to come by,” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will put on a show for the Grand and Glorious Princess.”

“Oh please,” Sunset said. “You know Wanda doesn’t like those kinds of titles.”

“I know,” Trixie said. “But it wouldn’t hurt to at least have some major recognition.”

“Hey by the way,” Starlight said. “I hope we get to meet your father when we come back down to La Maresa.”

“Oh you’ll be in for a treat,” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will show you the Greater and more Powerful father: Jack Pot.”

“Well I can’t wait to meet him,” Starlight squeed.

“Oh you’re in for a treat,” Ditzy Doo said.

“But I just said that,” Trixie yelled.

“Oops,” Ditzy grinned. “My bad.”

Later that evening, the crowd gathered around as Buck Withers and Lemony Gem entered a luxurious carriage, waving back to the crowd.

“Don’t worry about me,” Gad Zookes said, waving from the crowd. “I’ll catch up when I get the chance.”

“Oh I expect you to arrive when you can,” Buck Withers said.

“Oh I almost forgot,” Lemony Gem said, holding the bouquet.

Lemony Gem swung her arm back before throwing the bouquet into the air. In front, many of the bridesmaids, like Novo, Skystar and even Cadance looked up, hoping to catch the bouquet.

“I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” Princess Cadance yelled.

Suddenly, Helga Hearthsoup jumped into the air and grabbed the bouquet with her arms before landing on the ground. Princess Cadance looked at her, completely stunned.

“I knew I should have used my wings,” Cadance said as she hung her head low.

“Now now,” Queen Novo said. “I believe you already experience true love of your own.”

Princess Cadance looked to her left to see Shining Armor approach her.

“She’s right,” Shining Armor said. “Maybe one day, we’ll have a wedding of our own.”

“You might be right,” Princess Cadance said.

As Princess Cadance and Shining Armor embraced each other, Gad Zookes walked up to Helga Hearthsoup.

“Congrats on grabbing the bouquet, Miss Hearthsoup,” Gad Zookes said.

“And congrats on grabbing the garter, Mr Zookes, “Helga laughed.

Next to Queen Novo, Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream observed the two love birds as Queen Novo picked them up.

“Well I hope you’re about to get ready,” Queen Novo said. “We’re heading back to Mt. Aris.”

“Miss Novo,” Baby Ocellus said. “I can never truly understand love. What is it?”

“Well,” Queen Novo said. “It’s something that can’t truly be explained, but it is a magical experience.”

“Yeah,” Princess Skystar said. “Too bad I don’t think I can find someone who can love me.”

“Oh you will, my daughter,” Queen Novo said. “You will.”

“So,” Gad Zookes said, rubbing the back of his legs together. “Do you think…we?”

“Will be a couple together?” Helga responded. “You are pretty cute, and you do respect the legacy of the Hearthsoups. So it’s a possibility.”

“Aww,” Gad Zookes said. “Thanks.”

Back at the carriage, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem waved good-bye to the guests as the coach took off. Wanda, Sunset, Abigail, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Prince Blueblood and Argyle Starshine gathered together to wave good-bye to Buck Withers and Lemony Gem.

“Well there they go,” Pinkie Pie said. “Two lives have been united as one.”

“Guys,” Wanda said, turning to the La Maresian ponies. “Thanks for all the time you had with me. I won’t ever forget this moment.”

“Aww thanks, Wanda,” Applejack said. “It’s a shame that we are going back home tomorrow.”

“But I think what we won’t forget are the memories we made together like last time,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Memories,” Abigail meowed.

“Wanda,” Pinkie Pie said. “Whatever you do, don’t give up this kind of happiness. It’s the one thing that keeps us all united together.”

“She’s right,” Prince Blueblood said. “I think we can go a long way compared to the more cynical sides to us.”

“On a side note,” Argyle Starshine said. “I have some good news. Princess Celestia has accepted my application into the School for Gifted Unicorns. So starting tomorrow, I will be teaching at your class.”

“That’s great,” Wanda said.

“Yayyy,” Spike cheered.

“She also picked out a house for me, my mother, and sister to live in,” Argyle Starshine said. “After all that I’ve been through from Daisy Joy Tech, I’m glad to be given a second chance here.”

“Maybe one day,” Sunset said, “We could find you a girlfriend you can call your significant other. And maybe you could have younglings of your own.”

“Aww,” Argyle Starshine blushed. “Thanks.”

“Oh and Rainbow Dash,” Wanda said. “Congratulations on getting into the Junior Wonderbolt Camp.”

“Thanks, Wanda,” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe one day, you should sign up for the camp as the first winged human.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Wanda said. “I like it more down here.”

“Yeah,” Sunset said. “Not to channel Danged Spell. But Wanda’s far more relaxed when she’s grounded.”

And thus, every youngling in the vicinity, along with Spike, Abigail and Argyle, broke out into laughter. But directly outside of the vicinity and out of sight of everyone else, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch and Eleanor Young observed the younglings’ moment.

“Thanks for pitching in with our attempt to capture Queen Chrysalis,” Princess Celestia said.

“I’m sorry that it didn’t turn out that well,” Eleanor Young said. “But I’m proud of my daughter for showing kindness to her.”

“Queen Chrysalis claimed that she’s irredeemable, considering that she still suffers from what happened to her mother: Queen Papilionoidea,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And I thought she was irredeemable. But I think this will take time to finally convince her and the changelings that they can be good, in the end.”

“I’m hoping so,” Princess Luna said. “I don’t want to force our people into a war that would lead to so much death and destruction.”

“By the way,” Eleanor Young said. “I did some reading into the Crystals that power the Ground Bridge portals. By any chance, was Starswirl the Bearded an Alchemist?”

“He was,” Princess Celestia said. “Perhaps one of the greatest ever in Equestrian history.”

“Believe it or not,” Eleanor Young said, “I happen to know alot about Alchemy. And I’ve figured out what goes into a ground bridge portal crystal. All I need are crystals from the Golden Land and a few bits of magic to test this out.”

“Is that so?” Princess Luna said. “I can’t wait to see how it turns out.”

“Don’t you worry,” Eleanor Young said. “Once I get the ground bridge portal working, you will want to show all of Equestria the results.”

“Eleanor,” Princess Celestia said. “Thanks for being by our side.”

“And thank you for looking after my daughter,” Eleanor Young said. “Maybe one day, I’ll have the courage to tell Wanda that I am her mother.”

And thus, everyone laughed together as the sun set in the west.

To Be Continued In

Arc 18: Shadow of the Past

The Ground Bridge Portal

Author's Note:

I have kept my promise and completed this arc before the end of this month.

As of now, Buck Withers and Lemony Gem are truly married, and there may be a spark between Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup. Furthermore, after this part, the La Maresian Ponies(Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie and Ditzy Doo), the Scrappies(Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse), and Juniper Montage are no longer in Canterlot. So this reduces the crew to Wanda, Sunset, Abigail, Spike, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. However, things may change even further.

Also, I have decided the names for the final 13 arcs of this saga. Here they are:

Shadow of the Past
Friendship Shattered
La Maresa Blues
A Friend in Need
Prisoners of Daisy Joy Tech
Wrath of the Gold bankers
Hive Under Siege
The Demon's Grasp
Showdown at Mount Aris
A Dog's Cruel Owner
Princess No More
The Golden Burden
Operation Daisy Joy(Final Arc. Like the last saga, this one will be the longest of the arcs)

This last stretch is going to be a tough one. Wish me luck.

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