• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 11(Sunset's Sickness Blues)-1: No Thrill for the Ill

Arc 11: Sunset’s Sickness Blues

No Thrill for the Ill


Sunset Shimmer laid down in bed with a blanket covering her legs and torso area. She was blowing her deep red nose on some tissues before tossing them in the trash can. Atop her head was an ice pack.

“I hate being sick,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Even compared to transforming into a demon at random moments, this is the worst.”

“Well at least you got friends to look after you.” Sunset looked at the entrance of the bedroom, where Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk walked in with a hot bowl of soup on a metal serving tray. All three of them were dressed in maid gowns.

“Well that’s true,” Sunset said. “But at the same time, I’m disappointed that I don’t get to play with my friends today. Especially Wanda.”

Adagio Dazzle walked up to Sunset Shimmer with Aria Blaze placing a bedside table on Sunset’s lap. Adagio placed the tray on top of the table with the soup emitting steam from the surface.

“Well we’re not gonna leave your side while you’re sick,” Adagio Dazzle said. “So we brought you some spicy tortilla soup.”

Aria Blaze placed a soup spoon next to the bowl, to which Sunset used it to scoop some of the soup into her bowl before taking a sip. Her face turned red as steam poured from her ears. Immediately, she pointed her head to the side and breathed fire before fanning her tongue.

“That is one spicy soup,” Sunset said.

“Oops,” Sonata Dusk said. “Almost forgot.”

Sonata Dusk walked up and placed an empty cup on the serving tray before pouring some water into the cup. Sunset took a drink of the water before sticking her tongue out in relief.

“Thanks guys,” Sunset said. “I know it sucks that you’re not spending time with the others.”

“I know,” Aria Blaze said. “But it also sucks that you got sick.”

“You think that’s bad,” Sunset Shimmer said. “When Wanda got sick, she came down with the Hay Fever virus and she had to go to the Canterlot Hospital.”

“Oh dear,” Sonata Dusk said. “How bad was it?”

But before Sunset said a word, someone said “She almost died thanks to that virus. Even more so, Gold Banks almost took her away just as she was recovering.” Everyone turned to see Cozy Glow standing at the doorway, holding a small bottle of medicine.

“Cozy,” Sunset Shimmer said. “What brings you here?”

“Well I’m not gonna let the Dazzling sisters be the only ones to look after you,” Cozy Glow said as she flew up to Sunset with the bottle. “Besides, Princess Celestia asked me to deliver this.”

Sunset Shimmer looked at the bottle of medicine and looked like she was gonna gag.

“Uggh,” Sunset Shimmer said. “Not this stuff again.”

Cozy Glow poured a bit of medicine onto a clean spoon and said “Well it beats being hospitalized and having to wear an oxygen mask. That’s the last thing Princess Celestia wants to see you at.”

“Point taken,” Sunset replied.

Sunset lifted the spoon with the medicine on it from Cozy Glow and stuffs it into her mouth. She pulls the now empty spoon out and swallows hard. Her face turns purple as she sticks her tongue out in disgust.

“Nasty stuff, I take it,” Sonata Dusk said.

Sunset immediately grabs the bowl of spicy soup and chugs it down until there was not a single drop left. After swallowing the contents, she grabbed the water glass and drank every bit of it until it was empty. The moment Sunset opened her mouth, steam poured from it.

“Woah,” Aria Blaze said. “I don’t think that was a good idea.”

“It was better than having to put up with that nasty taste in my mouth,” Sunset Shimmer said as the steam in her mouth disappeared.

Sunset Shimmer attempted to lift the metal serving tray from the table, only for her to sneeze, resulting in the bowl and cup to fall off the tray and to land on the bed. Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk were quick to scoop up the bowl and cup before they rolled off the bed.

“That bad, huh?” Sonata Dusk asked.

“Yeah,” Sunset Shimmer said as she grabbed a tissue and blew into her nose. “That bad.”

“Sunset. Are you alright?” Sunset Shimmer, the Dazzlings and Cozy Glow turned towards the doorway, where Princess Cadance entered with Shining Armor by her side.

“No,” Sunset said. “It really stinks that I have to end up sick at this point.”

“It stinks that you have to be sick,” Shining Armor said.

“And in case you’re curious,” Princess Cadance said. “Wanda is going to have to sleep outside of this room until you feel better.”

“So why is it that Wanda and Sunset get to sleep in one room?” Cozy Glow asked.

“It’s because of how Wanda and Sunset support each other,” Princess Cadance said. “They lift each other when needed, and they often sleep together as if they want to protect each other. But for now, mother has allowed Wanda to sleep with her until Sunset’s health returns.”

“That says a whole lot,” Adagio Dazzle said. “In fact, I could compare it to how I see my own sisters. Until Sunset and I broke our friendship, I used to be willing to stand by my own sisters. But when I lost faith with Sunset, I became distant with Aria and Sonata.”

“Yeah,” Aria Blaze said. “And yet, even when you became distant, we refused to leave your side. As we said, we didn’t want you to be alone.”

“Guess that’s the major benefit of siblings,” Shining Armor said. “Without them, or rather without Twili, I would have been far more cynical and apathetic.”

Princess Cadance nodded towards Shining Armor. But when she turned to Cozy Glow, she saw the filly turn her head and sulk nearby, which also caught the attention of Sunset Shimmer.

“Cozy?” Sunset Shimmer said before sneezing to the side. “You alright?”

“I forgot,” Princess Cadance said. “You’re at odds with your mother and sibling.”

Cozy barely turned her head before she said “Odds is an understatement. And even though I’m now with all of you, it feels like they’re still lurking over me, like they’re mocking me for being with you.”

Princess Cadance placed her hoof on Cozy’s cheek and said “Now don’t say that. I know you have tons of major issues with your mother and sister. But as long as we’re here, we’ll make sure you’re happy and content. Never forget it.”

“I’ll try,” Cozy Glow said. “But it won’t be easy.”

Princess Cadance nodded as she removed her hoof from Cozy Glow’s cheek. Then she turned to the filly and said “We’re going to be doing a little shopping around Canterlot. If you need anything, let me know.”

“Thanks,” Cozy Glow said. “But I’ll be alright. Maybe Sunset could use something.”

Sunset turned to Princess Cadance and said with a slight cough. “That won’t be necessary. All I want is a little rest and relaxation.”

“Well if you change your mind,” Princess Cadance said. “I’m always here.”

Princess Cadance turned to Shining Armor and nodded to him. The two then walked towards the entrance of the bedroom and made their way out. Sunset Shimmer just laid back in her bed, coughing into her hoof while Cozy Glow and the Dazzlings turned towards her.

“If there’s anything we can get you,” Adagio Dazzle said. “We’re here.”

“Thanks,” Sunset said with a sniffle. “But right now, I feel like napping.”

Adagio nodded. She turned towards the entrance to the bedroom and walked out with Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk following from behind. Cozy Glow grabbed the tray, the dishes and the bedside table off from the bed.

“Sunset,” Cozy Glow said. “I hope you get better. Not just for your sake, but also for your sisters’ sake.”

Sunset Shimmer just smiled and said “Won’t be easy. But I’m not one to back down.”

Meanwhile in the Grand Foyer of the palace, Bright Mac sat in one of the chairs, looking at his electronic tablet, with Buttercup by his side. On the screen was a worried Granny Smith.

“So you’re telling me that the rock slide is finally cleared,” Bright Mac said. “That means we can finally come home.”

“Not so,” Granny Smith said. “The ponies of La Maresa are being called to bunker down because a snowstorm is going to hit. So if I were you and Buttercup, I would stay put.”

Bright Mac tossed his hat aside and said “Dagnabbit. Another obstacle that prevents us from returning to La Maresa.”

“Well if worse comes to worse,” Granny Smith said. “We may have to come up to Canterlot just to seek shelter from the coming snowstorm.”

“First we missed out on Nightmare Night in La Maresa,” Buttercup said. “Then we had to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve here in Canterlot, and now this. It will be way past Hearts and Hooves day before we can return.”

“Don’t you worry,” Granny Smith said. “The apples have been harvested thanks to help from other towns. And I have placed tarps over the apple trees so they don’t get caught in the frostbite. You stay put in Canterlot where you’re nice and toasty, okay?”

Bright Mac let out a sigh and said “Yes, mom. But I will say this: I miss you.”

“I miss you as well,” Granny Smith said. “And you take care up there. Tell Applejack that Apple Bloom misses her big sister, and tell Sunset Shimmer to fight that darn cold that’s holding her back.”

“Oh we will, ma,” Buttercup said. “We will.”

Granny Smith waved to both Bright Mac and Buttercup before her image disappeared from the tablet. Bright Mac picked up his hat and placed it on his head, discouraged by his mother’s words.

“Don’t you worry, Bright Mac,” Buttercup said. “We’ll be back in La Maresa soon with the younglings.”

“Truth be told,” Bright Mac said. “I am worried for Applejack and the others because they’ve been stranded here through no fault of their own.”

As Bright Mac placed his digital tablet to the side, he looked up and saw Shining Armor and Princess Cadance walking down the staircase.

“Top of the morning to you, Bright Mac and Buttercup,” Shining Armor said.

“Top of the morning,” Shining Armor said.

Princess Cadance looked out the front door and said “I don’t know if Wanda going out with a few of her friends is a good idea.”

“She’ll be fine,” Shining Armor said. “Besides, if that dog gets in her way, we’ll scare 'em off.”

“I hope you’re right,” Princess Cadance said.

Bright Mac just laughed and said “Okay you two. I know you’re going out to have fun, but be careful. Okay?”

“We’ll do, Mr Apple,” Shining Armor said.

Buttercup laughed before she said “You don’t need to call us that. Just Bright Mac or Buttercup.”

Shining Armor nodded to the apples before he and Princess Cadance walked up to the front door of the castle.

“So do you think Wanda will be alright?” Princess Cadance asked.

“Relax,” Shining Armor said. “And besides, the Chancellor is in town, and she may give that dog a piece of her mind if that happens.”

“I hope you’re right,” Princess Cadance said as she held onto the handle of the door with her magic. “Besides, it’s not like that dog will be in front of our faces.”

But as Princess Cadance opened the door of the palace, she looked in front and saw the Alicorn Bulldog in front of her. The dog growled at her as if it were ready to lunge at the princess.

“Caddy,” Shining Armor said as he stepped in front of her. “Stand back. I got this.”

“Shining, wait,” Princess Cadance said.

But before Princess Cadance could reach out, Shining Armor looked down at the Alicorn Bulldog before taking in a deep breath. His horn lit up, surrounding his throat with magic, before he exhaled what sounded like the deep roar of a dragon.

“Oh dear,” Princess Cadance said as Shining’s roar shook the foundation. “I forgot he could do that.”

The blistering sound of the roar was so great, the Alicorn Bulldog yelped in fear before turning tail and making a run towards the gate.

“The old fashioned imitation dragon roar,” Shining Armor said. “Works every time.”

“Next time, let me scare the mutt,” Princess Cadance said in a silly tone.

“Very well,” Shining Armor replied. “But nuff said. Let’s get going.”

Princess Cadance nodded as she and Shining Armor walked out the doorway and through the front garden towards the gate. Princess Cadance lit her horn up, closing the door behind her. But just as the door closed tight, Buttercup got up and looked up the staircase.

“We should check up on Sunset Shimmer,” Buttercup said.

“I was hoping you would say that,” Bright Mac said as he got up and picked up the digital tablet next to him. “And I know she’s Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter. But there’s no way we’re gonna let her suffer like that.”

With that, Bright Mac and Buttercup walked up the staircase and towards the doorway leading to the bedrooms.

Not long after, Bright Mac and Buttercup were walking down the hallway towards Wanda and Sunset’s bedroom, where Sunset Shimmer lay sick. Approaching them were the Dazzlings and Cozy Glow.

“How’s Sunset?” Bright Mac asked.

“She’s asleep,” Sonata Dusk said.

“And let’s just hope her illness doesn’t wake her up,” Adagio Dazzle said.

“It’s that bad, is it?” Buttercup asked.

“It sure is,” Adagio replied.

Cozy Glow looked at the entrance to the bedroom and said “It’s not as horrible as it was back when Wanda got sick. But I do hope that Sunset gets better.”

“I know how you feel about that,” Bright Mac said. “I still remember when Wanda got sick with the Hay Fever virus, and she had to go to the hospital. Poor thing almost died. Thankfully Dr Trotdale was able to heal Wanda in time and get her some resistance to that virus.”

“And I was told that Gold Banks tried to take her away,” Adagio Dazzle asked.

“Oh she did try it,” Bright Mac said. “And she went as far as to attack younglings, family members, close friends, and even Hippogriff royalty. It took Princess Cadance, and the help of a few friends of hers, to finally put a stop to Gold Banks. And though she put a restraining order on Gold Banks for what she did, Magistrate Creme Dream reversed it.”

The words of Bright Mac were enough to cause the Dazzling Sisters to drop their jaws in disgust.

“That’s just low,” Adagio Dazzle said. “I knew Gold Banks was despicable after what she tried to do to us. But to try to take Wanda away while she was sick?”

“She’s a self-centered lowlife who would harm anyone she wants for her own personal gain,” Cozy Glow said. “She even decided to punish her daughter Golden Lace because she was shown the error of her ways.”

“How is it that she can get away with this?” Aria Blaze asked.

“It’s the fact that she controls the entire news in Equestria,” Cozy Glow explained. “Newspaper, media, social networks. She has full control of every piece of propaganda that you can think of. And she likes to use the Princesses as her scapegoats.”

“All of a sudden,” Sonata Dusk said. “I’m starting to feel queasy just hearing that.”

But as Sonata Dusk finished speaking, everyone overheard the sound of Sunset Shimmer wincing in pain. Immediately, they turned towards the bedroom.

“Oh no,” Buttercup said. “Princess Celestia told us that Sunset will sometimes transform into a demon.”

“Go get Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” Bright Mac said. “If Sunset tries to transform, we’ll try to slow her down.”

Buttercup nodded, turned around and ran back down the hall, all while Bright Mac, the Dazzlings and Cozy Glow ran into the bedroom.

Inside, Sunset Shimmer was struggling to control herself, as her body began to shape shift. The Dazzlings and Cozy Glow stood at the entrance, scared for what’s happening to Sunset, while Bright Mac pulled a rope out of his hat.

“Guys,” Sunset said. “Get…mother. It’s…Back.”

“We’ve sent someone to do that,” Bright Mac said as he swung the rope over his head. “Right now, we’re going to try to get you under control until then.”

With a powerful swing, Bright Mac tossed the rope around Sunset and pulled it tight, just as the sick filly began to transform. Bright Mac pulled as hard as he could, holding Sunset Shimmer in place through her transformation. But as her body began to grow, the rope began to stretch out a bit.

“I don’t like where this is going,” Sonata Dusk said.

“Hang on,” Bright Mac yelled. “It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

Bright Mac held as tight as he could. But as Sunset Shimmer continued to transform, the lasso around her ripped, causing the rope to snap into two pieces and Bright Mac to fall on his back. Bright Mac pulled back the loose rope and looked at it.

“Not good,” Bright Mac said. “Her transformation was too much.”

“Don’t you have a backup rope?” Aria Blaze asked.

“I’m afraid that was my only set,” Bright Mac said.

Bright Mac, the Dazzlings and Cozy Glow stood helplessly as Sunset Shimmer transformed into her demon form. The demon immediately rolled out of the bed and roared into the air.

“I never thought I would have to see that again,” Adagio Dazzle said. “If only there was a way to bring her down.”

Suddenly, Demon Sunset paused for a bit before it inhaled uncontrollably. It huffed in, as if it were about to let loose a loud sneeze. Bright Mac looked up and began to panic.

“Everyone, out,” Bright Mac yelled. “It’s gonna be a big one.”

Bright Mac, the Dazzlings and Cozy Glow quickly ran out of the room as Demon Sunset huffed in even more. The moment the ponies hid behind the wall, Demon Sunset let loose a powerful sneeze, sending her flying backward right into her own closet door. The demon sneezed more and more, causing her to lose control.

Bright Mac took a peek from behind the doorway and saw Demon Sunset sneeze out of control. His face went from panic to sorrow as he watched helplessly.

“Poor Sunset,” Bright Mac said. “Even in that form, she’s still suffering from her cold.”

“Nevermind that,” Cozy Glow said, pointing to Demon Sunset. “Her body is shrinking. I think her illness is holding her demon form back.”

And Cozy was right. Demon Sunset’s form was shrinking down in size. Furthermore, she was reverting back with every sneeze. She sneezed again and again, until she transformed back into Sunset Shimmer. Everyone else just stood there, surprised by Sunset’s return to normal.

“Well this is a first,” Bright Mac said. “All it took was for her to get sick just to hold back her demon form.”

As Sunset Shimmer pulled out a tissue and blew her nose, Adagio Dazzle ran into the room and immediately hugged Sunset, crying right on her shoulder.

“Please don’t scare me like that again,” Adagio cried. “I don’t know what would have happened if you became that thing again.”

“I’m sorry,” Sunset said. “But at the same time, I’m surprised that I transformed back because I’m sick.”

As Bright Mac, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow all breathed a sigh of relief, the stallion felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Buttercup alongside Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“We got here as soon as Buttercup told us,” Princess Luna said.

“Well for some reason,” Bright Mac said. “Her cold undid her curse for the time being.”

Princess Celestia peeked into the room and saw Adagio Dazzle hug Sunset. She looked around the room and saw the broken remains of the lasso part of the rope. She also looked behind Sunset and saw the broken piece of the closet door.

“Well you’re absolutely right,” Princess Celestia said. “She did do some damage in her demon form. But I’m surprised that she transformed back without my help.”

“Which leads me to one question,” Sonata Dusk asked. “Is it true that demons are helpless against illness?”

“That is something none of us knows,” Princess Celestia said. “Not until now.”

Princess Celestia walked up to Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle. The sound of her hooves caught the attention of both fillies, who looked up at the princess.

“I..guess I can explain everything,” Sunset said.

Princess Celestia rubbed the top of Sunset’s head and said “No need. Seems even your demon form has its limits.”

Sunset laughed and said “If that’s true, then maybe being sick is more of a blessing for me.”

Princess Celestia picked up Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle before she said “Now Sunset. You can’t be sick forever. After all, we’re here in case that demon form of yours does get out of control.”

“But do you think you’ll be able to hold that back forever?” Adagio Dazzle asked. “I don’t want my friend to be a demon forever.”

“Oh I’m gonna make sure that doesn’t happen,” Princess Celestia said in a smug tone.

Princess Celestia placed Sunset Shimmer on her bed and covered her with the blanket until only her head and shoulders were sticking out. She placed Adagio Dazzle right next to the bed where Sunset laid down.

“Aren’t you worried about getting sick yourself?” Celestia asked.

“Not really,” Adagio said. “Even if I do get sick, then at least I know Sunset’s getting better.”

“Sounds like you really missed her,” Princess Luna said walking up to Adagio Dazzle. “Like with Wanda, you are more of a sister to Sunset.”

“Are you sure about that?” Adagio asked. “Even though I abandoned her long ago?”

“Yes,” Princess Luna said. “You care for her as a sister, just like you do with Aria and Sonata. Sure you may have your disagreements like I do with my sister. But it’s how you care for each other that makes you effective sisters. It’s something you should never forget.”

“Oh I won’t,” Adagio Dazzle. “Between Sunset and the other Dazzlings, I’d say it’s a bond that’s stronger than rope.”

As Celestia, Luna, Sunset and Adagio laughed, Bright Mac and Buttercup looked on with Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow by their side.

“I’m glad that’s been taken care of at least,” Bright Mac said. “But what could we have done if she did transform completely?”

Cozy Glow looked up at her forehead and said “While I am an alicorn, I don’t think I have the capabilities to revert Sunset back to normal should it happen again.”

“Well,” Buttercup said. “Maybe we will need to rely on Princess Celestia.”

Suddenly, Bright Mac felt another tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Majordomo Kibitz stand outside.

“Pardon the interruption,” Kibitz said. “But there is someone who wishes to see Sunset Shimmer at this time. She had to pull away from her friends to check up on her.”

Bright Mac looked to the side of Kibitz, where Pinkie Pie stood there, waving to Bright Mac and Buttercup.

“I know I’m not Applejack,” Pinkie Pie said. “But my Pinkie sense, and my Discord soul, told me that Sunset Shimmer tried to transform into a demon again, and she could really use a bit of cheering up.”

Bright Mac, Buttercup, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Cozy Glow all looked at each other, pondering Pinkie Pie’s words.

“Wasn’t she with Twilight and the other La Maresa ponies?” Cozy Glow asked.

“She was,” Buttercup said. “But it seems some friends need more help than we realize.”

To Be Continued in…

Diagnosis from the Pie

Author's Note:

I think there was one last thing I forgot to add with my last Author's note: These characters will appear in all four arcs.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor

The Alicorn Bulldog

Pinkie Pie

and yes: Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator.

You will see the Predacon brothers make a cameo appearance at the end of the next part and the conclusion to this first arc.

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