• Published 10th Oct 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 15-2: Forward to the Golden Land

Forward to the Golden Land

It was a bright morning at the city of Canterlot. In one of the rooms at the palace, Applejack looked as giddy as a filly in a candy shop. But Bright Mac and Buttercup were completely focused on their tablet, talking to Granny Smith through the video chat.

“So you mean to tell us that you’re evacuating La Maresa?” Bright Mac said.

“I’m afraid so,” Granny Smith said as Big Mac walked in with Apple Bloom in her knapsack. “The good news is that the path to Canterlot is cleared up.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said.

“Oh dear,” Buttercup said. “And we were about to consider leaving here after Applejack is done with her time at the Golden Land.”

“I know you two want to go check out the Golden Land with Applejack,” Granny Smith said. “But right now, your concern is to ensure everyone from La Maresa is alright.”

Bright Mac turned towards Applejack, who still bounced around with excitement, and let out a depressing sigh.”

“Ma,” Bright Mac said. “What am I going to tell Applejack that her trip to the Golden Land is called off?”

“Tell her she’s still going,” Granny Smith said.

“Say wha?” Bright Mac said, turning back towards her mother.

“I know you made a promise to her that you would go to the Golden Land,” Granny Smith said. “But tell her the bad news, and let her know that she can go up with her friends. After all, she has Princess Celestia by her side.”

Granny Smith’s words were enough to catch the attention of Applejack, who walked up to her parents with a sense of worry on her face.

“Ma, pa,” Applejack said. “What’s going on here?”

Bright Mac turned towards Granny Smith on the video tablet, who nodded back at him.

“Tell her it’s going to be alright,” Granny Smith said. “She deserves that trip, one hundred percent. Then speak to me when you’re done.”

Once Granny Smith’s image disappeared from the tablet screen, Bright Mac and Buttercup looked up at Applejack.

“Applejack,” Bright Mac said. “We’ve got some bad news for you.”

“Wait,” Applejack said as her ears flopped downwards. “Are you trying to tell me that we can’t go to the Golden Land?”

“Granny Smith just gave us some news about the ponies of La Maresa departing to Canterlot,” Buttercup said. “And worse off, she’s asked us to help get them in here as soon as possible.”

“But does that mean,” Applejack said. “I have to cancel my trip and help out?”

“No,” Bright Mac said. “We can’t be with you at the Golden Land. But we want you to go there and have fun with your friends.”

“But Pa,” Applejack said. “I don’t think it will be right for you two to stay behind while we go to the land.”

“They will be alright. I promise you that.” Applejack turned towards the doorway, where Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch stood by.

“Princess Celestia?” Bright Mac said. “Chancellor Cinch?”

“We overheard everything about refugees coming in from La Maresa,” Chancellor Cinch said. “That being said, I have pondered something like this when the weather reported unusual snow storms across the land.”

“As a result,” Princess Celestia said. “We’re going to open the palace to the refugees until the storm dies down.”

“Oh bless your heart,” Buttercup said. “We’ll do what we can to keep them comfy. After all, they are our brothers and sisters in spirit.”

Chancellor Cinch turned towards Applejack and said “Come, little one. It’s time you head downstairs to the portal leading to the Golden Land.”

Applejack turned towards Buttercup with a frown on her face, only for her mother to smile back warmly.

“Tell you what,” Buttercup said. “We’ll accompany you to the portal vault where the others should be. I know you’re disappointed that we can’t come with you. But please be happy for your friends, and for your family.”

“I’ll,” Applejack said, “I’ll do it.”

“That’s the spirit,” Bright Mac said as he got up. “With that, let’s get you ready for the trip.”

Princess Celestia watched with a smile on her face as Applejack bounced around with excitement before Bright Mac and Buttercup cuddled her with excitement.

“Reminds me of when I used to be a filly,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Long before that incident in Harvestia.”

Princess Celestia turned towards Chancellor Cinch and said “Guess we better find Wanda and let her know that everyone is waiting for her.”

Chancellor Cinch nodded as she and Celestia walked away from the room and down the halls of the palace.

Not long after, Princess Celestia and Chancellor Cinch were in the lower halls of the palace. While Celestia looked ecstatic, Cinch looked rather worried.

“Are you sure about it? Going to the Golden Land when a snowstorm is on the verge of touching down here in Equestria?” Cinch asked. “Considering that there are refugees from La Maresa coming to the castle.”

“Sunset Shimmer’s been having more than just a mere cold,” Princess Celestia said. “I fear the demon within her is starting to take control, and she’s started to resist my magic. Plus, I also have my concerns for Wanda Young.”

“I heard what she did,” Chancellor Cinch said. “It was dangerous for the Man’s Cub to face those three. But it was also double dangerous for you to scold your daughter when you weren’t aware of your surroundings.”

“Noted for the third time,” Princess Celestia said. “But it wasn’t the fact that Wanda carelessly attacked those Predacons. She attacked them because of two ponies close to her.”

“Two ponies?” Chancellor Cinch said in a curious tone. “Who would they be?”

“The first one happens to be her close friend: Starlight Glimmer,” Princess Celestia said. “Wanda, Princess Cadance and Trixie prepared a special feast for her and Sunburst. But those three changelings decided to crash the party and chase after Starlight.”

“It appears they have gotten more bold in their attacks,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And vicious. But that being said, who was the other pony that caused her to become this reckless?”

Princess Celestia came to a stop as she placed her hoof on her chest and said “Me. Because of what they did to me while I had my back turned, Wanda lost her temper and struck them down. They fled as if they had seen a monster.”

Chancellor Cinch’s face turned into shock as she said “I feared it would come to this, ever since that day at the Gala when Queen Chrysalis almost killed you.”

“I know,” Princess Celestia said. “The trauma she gained from that incident must have given her a new fear: That everyone she knew would be gone, and she would end up all alone.”

“I’ve been harsh on her in the past in hopes that she would shape up,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But now, I can relate more to her because like you, I lost a particular someone in my past.”

“That would be your sister, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, correct?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Not exactly,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Not long after I told my story to her, I somehow ran into her many years after that fateful incident with the Ursa Major.”

“WAIT! SHE’S ALIVE?” Celestia yelled, only for Cinch to shush her.

“Yes, she is,” Cinch said. “I don’t know how she survived. But I’m glad she is. But that being said: It wasn’t the original loss of my sister Fizzie that makes me relate to the Man’s Cub. It was the loss of my own family.”

Celestia calmed down a bit before she moved her eyes up to Cinch and said “I know. You were all alone when I flew down there to Harvestia, all because of that fire that someone set to your place. I wish I could find the rest of your family, Chancellor.”

“After what the Man’s Cub went through,” Chancellor Cinch said. “It feels as if we have become sisters.”

Suddenly, they heard someone yell out “LOOK OUT MISS CINCH!” Celestia and Cinch turned to the nearby hall where Wanda Young, who was wearing her magenta swimsuit instead of her dress, was sliding out of control down the floor.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said in a gentle, yet concerned voice as she used her magic to grab Wanda and pick her up. “You need to be more careful.”

Princess Celestia pulled Wanda over and hugged her closely. But Wanda had a feeling of guilt on her face.

“Sorry mommy,” Wanda said. “I saw you and Cinch down the hall and I was gonna let you know that I’m ready. But I slipped on a nearby water puddle and slid down.”

Chancellor Cinch looked nearby and saw a small puddle of water on the floor next to a staircase. She immediately poked Princess Celestia on the shoulder.

“I’m afraid she’s right,” Chancellor Cinch said, pointing to the water puddle. “Someone didn’t clean that up.”

Celestia let out a sigh and said “I’ll talk with the Majordomo about this.” She placed Wanda down on the floor, who turned towards the puddle.

“Bad puddle,” Wanda said, pointing at it. “No bubble bath for you.”

“Now now,” Chancellor Cinch said with a laugh. “No need to antagonize the water puddle. It could be a bad omen.”

Princess Celestia looked down at Wanda and said with a giggle “Now come on, my darling Wanda. It’s time we made our trek to the Golden Land.”

Wanda jumped into the air and yelled out “YAAAAY!” She walked alongside Princess Celestia down the stairs and towards another part of the room. Cinch looked down and smiled at both human and alicorn, though she also started to worry.

“To think,” Cinch said to herself. “The Man’s Cub is willing to protect her own friends and family from evil. Though the Princess is right. What happened at the Gala changed her in a way where she becomes enraged if either friend or family is harmed. I can only hope that her time at the Golden Land will heal her mind”

Wanda Young and Princess Celestia walked through the castle and down the halls, diving deeper and deeper into the basement of the palace. Around them were treasures that decorated the walls of the vault. Some of them involved various gold, jewels and decorations. Others were completely oddball, as if they never belonged in Equestria in the first place. But the duo kept their focus on the door in front of them. With one wave of her magic horn, Princess Celestia pried open the door.

“There,” Princess Celestia said. “That should do it. As a matter of fact, they should be waiting for us at any moment.”

“You’re talking about everyone else, I take it,” Wanda said.

“Not everyone,” Princess Celestia responded.

.As the two stepped inside, Abigail Albright ran from inside the room and leaped onto Wanda’s arms. Wanda giggled as she scratched the back of Abigail’s ears.

“Abby,” Wanda said. “You were expecting me?”

“Everyone,” Abigail said.

“What do you mean, everyone?” Wanda asked in confusion.

Celestia tapped Wanda on the shoulder and said “It’s exactly as she said, my darling Wanda.”

Wanda looked up and her face beamed with excitement. In front of her were her friends Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie and Ditzy Doo. Next to them were Bright Mac, Buttercup, Captain Airazor and Spitfire.

“You’re,” Wanda said. “You’re all here.”

“Not all of us,” Starlight Glimmer said. “Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor have gone ahead to the Golden Land.”

“And your friends aren’t the only ones who will join us at the Golden Land,” Princess Celestia said. “In fact, I think they should be here, anytime now.”

And with that, a portal materialized out of nowhere, much to the surprise of nearly everyone in the room. Princess Luna emerged from the portal with Argyle Starshine, who was holding a book and some pens, by her side. But right behind them were Silver Banks, Golden Lace and Juniper Montage.

“We have returned,” Princess Luna said. “In time for our trip to the Golden Land.”

Golden Lace waved to everyone and said “Hey guys. Did you miss me?”

Immediately, Cozy Glow gets a glimpse of Golden Lace before jumping out of the group and glomping onto her friend in an instant. Wnada was also quick to run up to Golden Lace and hug her and Cozy Glow at the same time.

“Lacey,” Cozy Glow said. “I didn’t expect you to show up.”

“You can thank Princess Luna and my dad for this,” Golden Lace said. “Otherwise, Argyle, Juniper and I would be stuck in that horrible school.”

Princess Celestia walked up to Silver Banks and said “I’m surprised that you went out of your way for Golden Lace.”

“After what my wife did to me,” Silver Banks said. “It was the least I could do for you. Besides, I still have to make up for how cruel I was to Golden Lace.”

“So I take it you wish to join us in the Golden Land,” Princess Celestia asked.

“As honored as I am about your offer,” Silver Banks replied. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn it down. Right now, I just want to head into my mansion in Canterlot and just hide there for awhile.”

Those words caught Golden Lace’s attention, who turned her attention towards Silver Banks, much to Cozy Glow’s worry.

“Daddy?” Golden Lace asked, looking up at her father. “Don’t you wanna come with me?”

“I wish I could,” Silver Banks said. “But I still have a lot to do before I do feel like I have earned their trust, no matter what they say. That being said, don’t worry about me. You have good friends who will look after you while you’re up in the Golden Land. In fact, there is one who is really attached to you.”

Golden Lace turned back to Cozy Glow, who gave nothing more than a warm smile to her friend.

“Maybe he is right,” Golden Lace said. “After all, you stood by me before I asked you to return to Canterlot, only because I didn’t want Miss Honey Twist to cause harm to you.”

“I do miss you,” Cozy Glow said. “But at the same time, I’m glad you had me go to Canterlot, even if I do have the fear of my own mother breathing down my neck.”

But little do they know, the entire group was being spied upon by Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty. They were viewing everyone in the Canterlot Vault through a magical portal, through the eyes of Cozy Glow, at an unknown location.

“Aww,” Majesty said. “How sweet that sister cares so much about her friend Golden Lace.”

“And to think,” Creme Dream said. “I paid Miss Honey Twist just to look the other way so we can finally know the location of the Golden Land. After all, dear Cozy Glow cares alot about her best friend, and she wouldn’t want to depart to the land without her.”

“So,” Majesty said. “How long until Princess Celestia opens the ground bridge to the Golden Land?”

Creme Dream turned to Majesty and said “It will be a matter of time. After all, this ground bridge, or rather a more permanent portal, to the Golden Land was created by Starswirl the Bearded. But ever since his disappearance along with the rest of the Pillars of Equestria, the knowledge of creating the ground bridge has been lost. As a result, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been researching the development in creating similar ground bridge magic for a thousand years. But everytime, they fail at it, be it the crystals used for containing the magic or creating the focus for the portal, or other elements unknown to the Princesses.”

“Do you think they’ll succeed in creating the ground bridge magic?” Majesty asked.

“As much as I enjoy seeing them fail,” Creme Dream said. “I also believe that this ground bridge magic would be more of a benefit…than a burden.”

“So you’re hoping that they do succeed in recreating this ground bridge magic?” Majesty asked.

“And there is a good reason why,” Creme Dream said. “Princess Celestia knows how important ground bridge magic is when it comes to the safety and security of the citizens of Equestria. And there may be a way to tap into the fear of the ground bridge magitech and scare those ponies into thinking about the dangers all while tapping into its potential in secret.”

“I like how you’re thinking, mother,” Majesty said.

“Of course,” Creme Dream said. “A shame that Gold Banks couldn’t see things my way recently. And she was so good at being my apprentice.”

But back at the secret vault of the royal palace, every youngling gathered together as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stood in front of a large stone portal frame. Near the entrance, Silver Banks, Captain Airazor, Bright Mac and Buttercup stood nearby, watching as the younglings all awaited what lay ahead. All except for Applejack, who ran up to her parents along with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, who ran up to Airrazor.

“Ma, pa,” Applejack said. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go with us?”

“As much as we want to, we can’t,” Bright Mac said. “Right now, our focus is on the refugees from La Maresa. And Princess Celestia is allowing us to help shelter them till further notice.”

“Applejack,” Buttercup said. “You and your friends go have fun at the Golden Land. We’ll be alright.”

“But,” Applejack said. “I was hoping to at least share the place with you.”

“Another time, Applejack,” Buttercup said before she kissed Applejack on the forehead. “Another time.”

“You sure you can’t come with us, Captain?” Spitfire asked.

“A few Wonderbolts and I will stand by with the royal guard while you’re gone,” Captain Airazor said. “Go with Rainbow Dash and the rest of the younglings. We’ll be fine.”

“Aww,” Spitfire said. “I was hoping you would explore the Golden Land with us.”

“Don’t worry,” Rainbow Dash said as she placed her wing around Spitfire’s back. “We’ll be fine where we’re going.”

Near the portal archway, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are tuning the power crystal of the portal. But they came to a stop when they saw Argyle Starshine observe his empty book and pen.

“I take it you’re going to document your time at the land,” Princess Celestia said, nearly causing Argyle to lose his grip on the book.

“Yeah,” Argyle said, holding on to the book as tight as possible.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Princess Luna said. “After all, this is your first visit to the Golden Land, and so you want to talk about it in your own words about the memories you wish to share.”

“Wait,” Argyle said as he turned towards the alicorns. “Why do you trust me in writing down my own visit?”

“Many visitors who joined us in the Golden Land,” Princess Celestia said, “often kept journals to describe the memories of this place. Sometimes, we hold onto them as a means of remembering each individual who came by, who experienced the wonders of the Golden Land.”

“So what do you say?” Princess Luna asked. “Are you up for documenting your own journey?”

Argyle Starshine looked down at his book and pen for a bit. He turned back to the two princesses and said “Yes. I’ll do it.”

“That’s the spirit,” Princess Celestia said, who’s words attracted Wanda’s attention.

“Mommy,” Wanda said. “Are we ready to go?”

Princess Celestia placed her hoof above the crystal and said “Yes. It’s time.”

Back at the unknown location, Magistrate Creme Dream and Majesty watched from the viewing portal as Princess Celestia placed her hoof on the crystal.

“This is it,” Magistrate Creme Dream said. “I’ve waited more than a thousand years for this moment.”

“Ooooh what are you going to do with the magic of the Golden Land?” Majesty asked.

“It’s simple,” Creme Dream explained. “I will harness its magic to become stronger, and order the Debt Collectors to steal every inch of resource from the land. Once the shine of that land is no more, then I will make Princess Celestia beg to me for forgiveness and humbleness. Only then will we conquer Equestria and end the usefulness of that fool: Gold Banks.”

On the viewing portal, the power crystal fires a blast of magic right into the focusing crystal, amplifying its magic. A larger ray of magic fired out of the focusing crystal, hitting the portal frame and creating a small portal within the middle.

“Ooooh, they’re doing it,” Majesty said. “They’re opening the portal.”

Creme Dream and Majesty watched from the viewing portal as the portal to the Golden Land began to grow inch by inch, covering three fourths of the frame within the vault. Its size looked to dwarf Celestia and Luna.

“This is it,” Creme Dream said. “The knowledge of where the Golden Land is soon, nothing shall stop me from acquiring what shall be mine.”

Suddenly, the image of the viewing portal turned bright white, blocking out everything before it shrunk down and disappeared. Creme Dream and Majesty just stood there, dumbfounded.

“My….my knowledge of the Golden Land,” Creme Dream said. “What happened?”

“Did that bratty sister of mine figure out the spell you cast on her?” Majesty asked.

“No,” Creme Dream replied. “For some reason, that portal must have disabled my visual tracking spell.”

“Well can’t you just sneak in there and open the portal yourself?” Majesty asked.

“I’m afraid not,” Creme Dream said. “From what I’m aware of, the portal crystal can be altered to accept the magic of certain ponies, and judging from that crystal’s hoofprint, the magic of that ground bridge portal can only be activated by Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch, or the late Starswirl the Bearded. Right now, we’re out of luck.”

Majesty slammed her head on the table and said “Well that’s just great. Now we’ll never know the secret of the Golden Land.”

Creme Dream looked at where the viewing portal was and said “Very clever of you to have a safeguard, Princess Celestia. But no matter. One day, I will learn the secret of the Golden Land, and you will gravel at my hooves.”

Back in the deep part of the vault, the ground bridge portal has opened up completely, enveloping the room with its bright light, causing the younglings to awe at its sheer presence.

“That’s the portal to the Golden Land?” Starlight asked.

“It is,” Wanda said. “Mommy’s teacher Starswirl made this before he disappeared. We got there just to relax and unwind.”

“I bet there lies a swamp made of chocolate and trees that taste like peppermint,” Pinkie Pie said. “Or maybe a lake that tastes like a frosty soda or a forest that consists of lollipops.”

Wanda laughed before she said “Silly Pinkie. I think you were talking about Candyland.”

“Whoops,” Pinkie blushed. “That’s what I get for having that candy-coated dream last night.”

“Well at least you weren’t sugar coating it,” Danged Spell joked. “Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The younglings laughed.

“That’s pretty typical of him,” Moondancer chuckled. “He knows how to turn any moment into a punny moment.”

“Moondancer,” The rest of the younglings laughed.

But as the younglings all laughed, Princess Celestia cleared her throat, catching their attention.

“Fillies, gentlecolts, and my Darling Wanda,” Princess Celestia said. “The time has come to jump through the portal, and emerge into the Golden Land. Head on through and meet up with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Luna and I will catch up.”

With a loud cheer in the air, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Juniper Montage, Cozy Glow, the Dazzlings, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo and Spitfire ran up to the portal and jumped through, disappearing entirely. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turned towards Bright Mac, Buttercup, Captain Airrazor and Silver Banks, who stood at the entrance.

“We’ve heard about what’s going on with the ponies of La Maresa,” Princess Luna said. “It would be recommended to use the castle as a shelter.”

“And if anything happens, let Chancellor Cinch know,” Princess Celestia said. “She’s the only one who can activate the ground bridge portal to the Golden Land.”

“We’ll be alright, Princesses,” Bright Mac said as he took off his hat. “You go look after those young’ums.”

Princess Celestia nodded at Bright Mac before she turned to Argyle Starshine and said “Okay Mr Starshine. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Argyle nodded. “I’m ready.”

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Argyle Starshine turned towards the portal before running up to it and jumping through, disappearing entirely. The moment they were gone, the portal shrunk down and disappeared, leaving Bright Mac, Buttercup, Captain Airazor and Silver Banks behind.

“Now that I think about it,” Silver Banks said. “I do recall snow beginning to fall the moment I was forced to camp out in the yard of the Manehattan Penthouse. I think it might be a worse indication of what’s to come.”

“Then we don't have much time,” Captain Airazor said. “Come. We must see to any refugees that need shelter.”

“That I can do,” Silver Banks said.

With that, Silver Banks, Captain Airazor, Bright Mac and Buttercup ran out of the vault room, leaving it completely vacant.

Later that day, Bright Mac and Buttercup were back in their guest room, once again with their eyes on the video tablet with Granny Smith’s face on it. Right behind Granny Smith was Big Mac, packing as much goods into the wagon, which includes some bushels of apples, and Apple Bloom tucked in his knapsack on his back.

“Applejack has left for the Golden Land, as promised,” Bright Mac said. “That being said, I wish we could be with her.”

“It’s okay,” Granny Smith said. “What matters to her now is the fact that she’s happy and content there with all her friends.”

“Especially Wanda,” Buttercup said. “I heard she lashed out at the Predacon brothers because they came this close to killing Princess Celestia.”

“Oh dear,” Granny Smith said. “That poor kid, having to defend her mother like that. I sure hope her time in the Golden Land will ease her mind.”

“Now granny,” Buttercup said. “How long until the first batch of refugees will be here?”

Granny Smith squinted her eyes in seriousness and said “The first batch of refugees will arrive as early as tomorrow. Big Mac, Apple Bloom and I will be a part of this batch. Are you two able to handle it?”

“Ma,” Bright Mac said. “We’re up for anything that’s thrown at us. And that’s despite the fact that we have help from the Royal Guard, the Wonderbolts, and especially the Chancellor. You can count on us, one hundred percent.”

“That’s the spirit,” Granny Smith said. “We’ll see you tomorrow. Catch ya then.”

As Granny Smith and Big Mac’s image disappeared, Bright Mac and Buttercup turned towards each other with a worry on their face.

“Do you think they’ll all make it up here?” Buttercup asked.

“We’ll make sure they will,” Bright Mac said.

To Be Continued in…

A Golden Paradise at Last

Author's Note:

I was going to add in the scene where the group arrives at the Golden Land. But I figured I give Bright Mac and Buttercup some additional scenes that will set up the next arc for Trials of Friendship. So next part, you will see the arrival of the Golden Land. In fact, this will be a super long arc that will flesh out many of the characters, from Danged Spell and his past, to a side story focused on Twilight, Sunburst and Moondancer(Mainly to give Sunburst some time in the limelight)

Anyway, stay tuned. The next part is where they arrive at the Golden Land.

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