• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 512 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Trials of Friendship" - SaburoDaimando

One month after the events of Life in Canterlot, Wanda will undergo new hardships, including having to separate from friends.

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Arc 17-5: Conflict of Love

Conflict of Love

Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II and Locust ran as fast as they could down the hallways of the underground changeling lair. Right behind them, Demon Sunset pursued the changeling trio, advancing on them with every step. Neither changeling is able to turn their head out of pure fear.

“What the hay is that?” Princess Chrysalis II yelled.

“An actual demon,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And it’s not the first time I came face-to-face with these monstrosities.”

“Not the first time?” Locust yelled.

“Long ago before your time, I accidentally stumbled upon a colony of these demon ponies,” Queen Chrysalis explained. “They were sentient beings like all of us. But they were also territorial and defensive around their kind. A few of them nearly killed me back then.”

“I think I recall reading about these demon ponies,” Locust said. “From what I understand, they’re supposed to be extinct.”

“Exactly,” Queen Chrysalis responded as she ran as fast as possible. “Long after I came face-to-face with those abominations, someone figured out how to wipe them off the face of this planet. And as a matter of fact, not even a fragment of bone remains of the demon ponies. Whoever is responsible did too good a job at ensuring their extinction.”

“If they’re supposed to be extinct,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “Then why do we have one pursuing us?”

“I have no idea,” Queen Chrysalis replied. “All I can think of is to keep running. As long as we stay far away from it, we’ll be alright.”

“I have a better idea, my queen,” Locust yelled out, pointing to a nearby doorway. “It can’t follow us there.”

“Smart idea, Locust,” Chrysalis said. “Let’s make it to that doorway.”

Queen Chrysalis, Princess Chrysalis II and Locust ran even faster than before towards the nearby doorway, just as Demon Sunset advanced further towards the trio.

“We’re almost there,” Princess Chrysalis II said. “I can finally get that demon out of my face.”

Suddenly, Demon Sunset leaped in the air and landed right in front of the doorway, knocking all three changelings to the ground. As they got up, the trio saw Demon Sunset roar in their faces. Locust and Princess Chrysalis II held onto each other, shivering in fear, but Queen Chrysalis slowly got up and faced the giant, demonized filly.

“Locust,” Queen Chrysalis ordered. “Take my daughter and get through the doorway. I’ll distract this beast.”

“My queen,” Locust yelled. “No.”

“I’ll be alright,” Queen Chrysalis said. “Right now, you need to keep her safe. That’s an order.”

Locust looked up and saw Demon Sunset direct her gaze at Queen Chrysalis, who ran to the side and fired some magic blasts into the air. Locust turned to Chrysalis and nodded.

“Good luck, my queen,” Locust said, getting himself and Princess Chrysalis II up. “Glory to the changeling horde.”

As Queen Chrysalis lured Demon Sunset away, Locust held onto Princess Chrysalis II and ran towards the doorway. But the younger princess reached out in despair.

“MOTHER!” Princess Chrysalis II yelled. “DON’T LEAVE US!”

“Our queen is doing what she can to ensure your future,” Locust said. “Don’t let it be in vain.”

“NOT WITHOUT MOTHER!” Princess Chrysalis II yelled.

As Locust took the distressed Chrysalis II through the doorway, Queen Chrysalis ran as fast as she could, firing blasts at Demon Sunset, who chased her through the underground lair.

“You may have gotten me, you abomination,” Queen Chrysalis said. “But you will never take my hive, nor my daughter.”

Queen Chrysalis leaped onto a nearby cliff and turned towards Demon Sunset. Before the demonic pony could leap at her, Queen Chrysalis fired a blast of magic right in the demon’s face, temporarily blinding it. Demon Sunset fell to the bottom of the cliff, landing face-first on the surface.

“As much as I want to gloat about this,” Queen Chrysalis said, “I know one thing about demon ponies. They have a lot of stamina for a species.”

Queen Chrysalis immediately leaped off the cliff and ran off as Demon Sunset opened her eyes and saw the changeling queen make her escape, to which she slowly got up and chased after the queen once more, roaring loud enough to shake the foundation.

“She doesn’t know when to give up,” Queen Chrysalis said.

Demon Sunset continued its pursuit of Queen Chrysalis, who jumped through a nearby doorway. As Demon Sunset came to a stop and looked down at the doorway, Chrysalis peeked her head out, looking up at the demonic pony.

“At least she can’t follow me through this gap,” Queen Chrysalis said.

Demon Sunset opened her mouth wide, and Chrysalis’ eyes began to shrink down. Energy began to form from the back of Demon Sunset’s mouth as if it were charging up an attack.

“I know where this is going,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And I’m not in the mood to stick around.”

Immediately, Queen Chrysalis ran far away from the doorway and hid behind a nearby boulder. She stuck her head out and observed as light began to form in the corridor.

“Demon ponies have the ability to fire magic out of their mouths instead of their horns,” Queen Chrysalis said. “And to think, I didn’t believe the Predacon brothers when they mentioned this.”

With a powerful explosion, the walls that shaped around the passageway exploded into a powerful light. Queen Chrysalis ducked back beneath the boulder as the rocks sped past her, holding her hooves atop her head to shield herself from the debris.

“This girl is like a living weapon of destruction,” Queen Chrysalis said as the smaller bits of rock fell on her. “And there’s no telling what she’ll do next.”

But as Chrysalis finished talking, another blast of energy hit the boulder she was hiding under. The impact caused the boulder to explode, knocking the changeling queen into the air. Demon Sunset immediately leaped towards Queen Chrysalis and smacked her hard enough to send her falling downwards. With a loud thud, Queen Chrysalis hit the floor.

“Uggh,” Queen Chrysalis said. “How long can I take this?”

Queen Chrysalis quickly turned towards Demon Sunset, who roared loudly into the air. The demon leaped into the air and dove right towards the changeling queen.

“OH BUG OFF!” Queen Chrysalis yelled as her horn glowed brightly.

With a powerful blast of magic, Queen Chrysalis hit Demon Sunset dead-on, knocking the former filly out of the air and sending it crashing nearby. Queen Chrysalis immediately got up and looked down at the dazed demon pony.

“That will only buy me some time,” Queen Chrysalis said. “I must hide before it awakens.”

As Queen Chrysalis turned around and ran off, Demon Sunset slowly opened her eyes and struggled to get back onto its four paws. But her eyes saw Queen Chrysalis run off, and she roared loudly. She rolled back onto its belly and slowly got itself up. Demon Sunset then ran off after Queen Chrysalis, roaring loudly.

Queen Chrysalis ran as fast as she could. Though the roars of the monster were enough to shake the lair once more, the changeling queen was not deterred.

“If that monstrosity thinks she can beat me,” Queen Chrysalis panted. “Then she’s got another thing coming.”

Suddenly, Demon Sunset leaped right into the air, flying over Queen Chrysalis. The queen came to a stop as Demon Sunset landed in front of her before turning around and roaring once more.

“That’s it,” Queen Chrysalis roared as her horn glowed brightly. “I’ve about had it with the likes of YOU!”

Demon Sunset charged up more magic in her mouth as Queen Chrysalis’s horn glowed even brighter with power. The two fired off beams of magic at each other, hitting at the separate ends of the streams. The impact was enough to envelope the room in a bright light.

Meanwhile, above the surface, fighting broke loose between the ponies of Canterlot and the changeling horde. While some ponies were fleeing the changelings, others were fighting back. Some used their unicorn horns to fire back with powerful blasts of magic. Some used their hooves either to hit the changelings directly, or to summon plants to strike the changelings when they least expected it. Others used their wings to create powerful gusts of wind to send the bug ponies flying.

Emerging from a nearby hole, Buck Withers rode through the city towards the castle with Wanda Young riding on top of him, dodging attacks from the changelings or stray projectiles from their allies.

“Looks like Queen Chrysalis ordered this attack on all of us,” Wanda yelled.

“She did,” Buck Withers said. “Right now, our only hope is to return to Canterlot Castle and warn everyone of Queen Chrysalis, and of the perils of your sister Sunset Shimmer.”

“I just only hoped that they didn’t get to our friends, my mommy, aunt and sister, and your bride,” Wanda said.

“Even though this was a trap set for Queen Chrysalis,” Buck Withers explained, “I still care for Lemony Gem. At first, I was disappointed that your sister Princess Cadance couldn’t love me as much as I used to love her. But after spending some time with Lemony Gem, I realized that love doesn’t have to be bound to royalty. She cared a whole lot about me, maybe far more than I do with her. That is when I realized just how love shouldn’t be forced upon others. It has to take its natural course for two lovers to bond together.”

“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Wanda said. “But then again, I don’t know if I can find anyone to love, considering that I’m a human in a world full of ponies.”

“You will, one day,” Buck Withers said.

But Buck Withers came to a stop and looked around. Changelings began to advance towards his position.

“They’re onto us,” Wanda said as she pulled out her slingshot from her dress’ hidden compartment.

“Brace yourselves, lass,” Buck Withers said. “We’re in for a long fight.”

Wanda jumped off Buck Withers and aimed her slingshot at a couple of the advancing changelings while Buck Withers pulled out his whip from his coat pocket, eager to fight. But before one changeling could sneak up behind Wanda, Karen the Alicorn Bulldog appears out of nowhere and bites the changeling in the leg. The poor fool jumped into the air, screaming his lungs out, and causing the others to turn towards the dog.

“They brought an alicorn bulldog into the fight,” one of the changelings yelled.

“RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” Another shouted.

Immediately, the changelings that surrounded Wanda and Buck Withers ran off as fast as they could. The changeling, still with the dog’s teeth sunk into its leg, transforms the part into an octopus’ tentacle. The slippery surface of the tentacle caused Karen to lose her grip and fall to the ground. Once the tentacle was free, it transformed back into a leg before the changeling flew off.

“Karen,” Wanda said, approaching the bulldog. “How did you get here?”

“You can thank us, your majesty,” Wanda, Karen and Buck Withers turned towards a nearby street, where Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse walked up to the trio.

“So this is the infamous Alicorn Bulldog that gave you all a hard time,” Buck Withers said.

“It was,” Score said. “Until the monkey figured out how to tame her. Then her owner decided to muzzle it as punishment for not being vicious.”

“Chancellor Cinch told me how horrible her owner is,” Buck Withers said. “But judging by your story, that may be scratching the surface.”

“I take it you both want to get to the castle,” Rolling Thunder asked.

“Of course,” Wanda said.

“Then follow us,” Rolling Thunder said. “We, the Scrappies, will lead you through.”

“Not yet,” Flam said. “We have more trouble coming this way.”

Wanda and Buck Withers looked up to see a number of changelings dive towards their location.

“You’re right,” Buck Withers said. “Do you have any means to counter this?”

“As a matter of fact,” Flam said. “We do.”

Flim and Flam pulled out a pair of blunderbusses attached to what appeared to be tanks attached to their back. They aimed their weapons at the incoming changelings and fired, emitting a powerful stream of soapy water right in their faces. Drenched from the suds on their wings, the changelings fell to the ground as they belched out bubbles.

“I know it shouldn’t be right to quote Danged Spell,” Wanda said. “But they’re all washed up.”

“Real cute with the puns,” Short Fuse said.

“Come on,” Hoops said. “Let’s make it towards the castle.”

Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder lead Wanda, Buck Withers and Karen down the path towards the castle, all while Flim and Flam soaked each changeling that tried to attack the group. But atop the roof, Princess Luna looked down at the group, and began to worry.

“I see Wanda is alright,” Princess Luna said. “But Sunset Shimmer is not with them. I hope she’s alright.”

With that, Princess Luna leaped from the roof and ran off in the opposite direction of the group.

But in another part of the city, Gad Zookes ran as fast as he could, with his own whip wrapped up on his right shoulder. Behind him were a triage of changelings chasing him down.

“This is the second time that these pests are getting on my nerves,” Gad Zookes said. “I don’t know what it will take to finally get them off my back.”

Gad Zookes pulled the handle of his whip, unwrapping it from his shoulders. He whipped a nearby lamp post and swung around as the changelings flew past. As he swung behind the group, he released his grip from the whip and extended his right leg out, hitting the changeling right behind him and knocking him to the ground. Gad Zookes flipped forward as he landed on his hooves and ran up to his whip.

“Even the hydra was not this annoying,” Gad Zookes said as he removed his whip from the lamp post.

Suddenly, Gad Zookes noticed a changeling fly out a broken window and land in a nearby trash can. His ears picked up the sound of someone yelling “DON’T YOU DARE INTRUDE ON MY CAFE, AGAIN!” Gad turned to the building, where Helga Hearthsoup emerged, clutching a frying pan with her right hoof.

“Bug trouble, ma’am?” Gad Zookes asked.

“That’s an understatement,” Helga Hearthsoup said. “I’ve been serving food to the ponies of Equestria and these changelings had the gall to crash their lunch.”

Seeing the changelings surrounding the duo, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup stood back-to-back as they stared down the insect ponies.

“I heard rumors that you cook up a mean meal,” Gad Zookes said, brandishing his whip.

“Mean is an understatement,” Helga Hearthsoup said as she twirled her frying pan and smacked a changeling that tried to attack her. “It’s been in my family’s legacy to dedicate myself to the ways of cooking.”

“That explains,” Gad Zookes said, grabbing of the changelings with his whip and slamming it to the ground. “I’ve heard tales about your great-grandfather Hasenpfeffer Hearthsoup, and the legend of his cooking.”

“Aye,” Helga Hearthsoup said, smacking another changeling with her frying pan. “It was his cooking that got the blessing from Princess Celestia, which made him famous across Equestria. Since then, the traditions of the Hearthsoup family have been passed down to his children, and to his grandchildren and now to us. He may be gone, but we Hearthsoups will take up his tradition to keep his legacy alive.”

“I’d say it’s a legacy worth keeping alive,” Gad Zookes said.

But as a changeling attempted to attack the duo, Gad Zookes grabbed it with his whip before swinging it around and releasing it from the whip’s grip. The changeling went flying until it landed right on a rail, crotch-first. The changeling screamed in agony before it fell over, holding its crotch in pain.

“Well you know what my father always said when it comes to cooking,” Helga Hearthsoup said, smacking a few more changelings out of the way. “You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.”

“Worthy advice,” Gad Zookes said, grabbing another changeling with his whip, jumping into the air and slamming it into a nearby fountain.

As more changelings advanced on the duo, they were suddenly surrounded by an aura of magic. The magical aura lifted the changelings into the air before throwing them into a nearby dumpster. Helga Hearthsoup just watched with confusion as the dumpster lid shut tight.

“This isn’t what I mean by taking out the trash,” Helga said.

“You’re right. It isn’t.” Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup turned to see Princess Luna approach the duo.

“I didn’t expect you to assist us, Princess Luna,” Gad Zookes said.

“Like I wasn’t going to miss out on the fun,” Princess Luna smirked. “On a side note, I just found out that Buck Withers and Wanda Young have escaped from Queen Chrysalis. But I am worried about Sunset Shimmer.”

“That is worrisome,” Gad Zookes said. “If Sunset is still down there, I fear Queen Chrysalis still has her held captive.”

“If those pests think they can take the sister of one of my favorite diners,” Helga Hearthsoup said, spinning her frying pan like it was nothing, “Then they have another thing coming.”

Suddenly, three changelings ran down the road as if they were screaming for their lives, leaving Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup confused.

“What…just happened?” Helga asked.

“Since you’re new to this phenomenon,” Princess Luna said. “It’s something called the Wolf’s Breath curse, and a certain colt happens to have it.”

Immediately, Danged Spell ran down the street in pursuit of the changelings, barking wildly with his teeth bare and his eyes glowing yellow.

“Told ya,” Luna said.

Just then, another set of changelings ran down the same street, screaming in agony. Behind them was Golden Lace, chasing after them in the same condition Danged Spell was in, leaving Helga Hearthsoup surprised.

“That was Gold Banks’ daughter,” Helga Hearthsoup said. “Why was she acting like that?”

“Well, believe it or not,” Princess Luna explained in an embarrassed tone, “Golden Lace also has the Wolf’s Breath curse like Danged Spell does.”

“Shouldn’t we go after them, just in case?” Gad Zookes asked.

“Good idea,” Princess Luna said. “Come on.”

With that, Princess Luna, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup went in pursuit of Danged Spell and Golden Lace.

In another part of town, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo and Juniper Montage were fighting off the changelings. Despite being smaller than the invaders, they were able to hold them at bay.

“How do you suppose Twilight and the others are handling this?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s hard to tell after the chaos spilled out from the castle,” Applejack said, holding a pot handle as a makeshift shield. “But Twilight did say she’ll be fine.”

“Of course she’ll be fine,” Rainbow Dash said, kicking a few changelings away. “She’s got a brother who’s Royal Guard material. You think they’ll let those morons get their hooves on her?”

“I don’t know,” Rarity said, blocking the changeling’s magic blast with her magical shields. “There’s a good chance that Queen Chrysalis could send one of her own stooges to swipe her while he’s busy.”

“That’s a pretty good point, Rarity,” Applejack said, knocking one of the changelings back. “Rainbow, your take on this?”

“Hogwash,” Rainbow Dash said. “I don’t believe for a moment that Queen Chrysalis could sneak in one of their own to kidnap Twilight. You heard what she said about her ransom demands.”

“I don’t know,” Ditzy Doo said. “I think it would be possible for Chrysalis’s meanies to take Twilight.”

“Hey speaking of meanies,” Pinkie Pie said, “Guess what’s coming down this way.”

Immediately, six changelings ran down the street as fast as possible, screaming for their lives. Behind them, Danged Spell and Golden Lace chased after them, barking wildly with their teeth bare and their eyes glowing white.

“Golden Lace told me about her Wolf’s Breath Curse,” Juniper said. “But I never expect it to be like that.”

“It’s something that only applies to certain unicorns,” Trixie said as she held an attacking changeling in the air and threw ‘em into a stack of trash bags. “Those two are prime examples, and Princess Celestia is also the third.”

“Wait,” Juniper Montage said. “Princess Celestia has the curse?”

Just then, the fleeing changelings took to the air towards the sky, leaving Danged Spell and Golden Lace barking at them.

“They are, darling,” Rarity said as she slowly approached Danged Spell and Golden Lace. “I don’t possess the curse, though I wonder if it’s either a good thing or a bad thing. After all, when their curse is in play, they are far more ferocious.”

Princess Luna ran up from the street towards Danged Spell and Golden Lace, approaching the two Wolf’s Breath younglings. Behind her were Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup, who saw the rest of the younglings defend themselves against the remaining changelings.

“Seems the youngsters in this city have the audacity to fight back against these cretins,” Helga Hearthsoup said in an amused tone. “Though I have to say they might as well be declared far more dangerous than they make themselves out to be.”

As Princess Luna approached Danged Spell and Golden Lace, she touched the foreheads of both younglings with her horn. The eyes of both Danged Spell and Golden Lace returned to normal as they ceased their wild barking.

“Wow,” Golden Lace said as Danged Spell shook his head. “So that’s what you’ve been going through lately with this curse.”

Danged Spell looked up and saw Princess Luna look down at him with a smile on her face.

“Guess I owe you, Princess Luna,” Danged Spell said.

“You don’t need to,” Luna said. “Besides, I was the backup plan in case Princess Celestia was not around.”

As the other younglings approach Danged Spell and Golden Lace, Rainbow Dash tackles Spell and gives him a hoof noogie on the head.

“Aren’t you the vicious little wolf?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Baaaaah lay off, Arr Dee,” Danged Spell said, brushing Rainbow Dash off of him.

As the younglings embraced Danged Spell, Golden Lace approached Princess Luna, Gad Zookes and Helga Hearthsoup.

“By any chance,” Golden Lace asked. “Did you see Buck Withers, or Wanda and Sunset?”

“I actually did see, Buck Withers,” Princess Luna said, causing the other younglings to gather around Princess Luna. “He was able to escape Queen Chrysalis with Wanda on his back, and he’s heading to the castle with Hoops, Dumbbell and Score and their buddies leading the pack.”

“Never thought those three would end up being heroes,” Rainbow Dash said. “Guess they did shape up to be better.”

“Yeah,” Applejack said. “But what about Princess Sunset Shimmer?”

“I didn’t see her, unfortunately,” Princess Luna said. “I think Queen Chrysalis still has her held captive.”

“Or maybe Sunset Shimmer’s demon form kicked in and she’s pursuing Queen Chrysalis underneath our hooves,” Pinkie Pie said with a grin.

Everyone turned towards Pinkie Pie with a confused look on their face.

“What?” Pinkie Pie said. “I am the reincarnation of Discord.”

“Well,” Gad Zookes said. “Reincarnation or not, we have to head back to the palace and hope that Wanda and Bucky are alright.”

“Understood,” Princess Luna said. “The others should be back there by now.”

WIth a kick of dust in the wind, Princess Luna rode off towards the palace with Gad Zookes, Helga Hearthsoup, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, Ditzy Doo, Danged Spell and Golden Lace following from behind.

“Do you think Sunset has become her demon form again?” Trixie asked.

“I think so,” Ditzy Doo said. “But then again, I think her demon form scares me worse than Spell’s Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

“Scary or not,” Danged Spell said, “I just hope that Sunset does make it out.”

Meanwhile, back at the grand foyer of the castle, Princess Celestia held her ground, firing off magical blasts at the invading changelings led by Inferno and Quickstrike, all while a hole was torn into the corner of the ceiling and the wall, exposing the foyer to the outside. Lemony Gem, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor joined in on striking back with Twilight Sparkle hiding in a nearby corner, holding Abigail and Spike close to her. Next to Twilight were Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Cozy Glow, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“Any sign of the others?” Princess Celestia asked.

“No,” Princess Cadance yelled. “Ever since Chancellor Cinch, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar went to go look for any signs of my sisters and Buck Withers, these changelings have become ruthless.”

“I’m tempted to go out and find them,” Shining Armor said.

“No,” Princess Celestia said. “It’s too dangerous to look for them.”

“But what if Chrysalis did something to them?” Shining Armor said, blasting down a changeling that nearly grabbed him.

“Stick with the plan, Shining,” Princess Celestia said. “If my instincts are correct, they should be out of there by now.”

“I just hope you’re right,” Lemony Gem said. “I’d hate to imagine my Bucky becoming a slave to Queen Chrysalis’ magic.”

But back up in the sky, Inferno and Quickstrike continued to fire upon the ponies below, holding nothing back.

“Look at them,” Inferno said. “They’re a sitting duck”

“Too bad Waspinator’s missing out on all the fun,” Quickstrike said. “This is easier than taking candy from a baby.”

“Indeed, Quickstrike,” Inferno said. “Soon, it won’t be long until they surrender Twilight Sparkle and their kingdom.”

Suddenly, Quickstrike was hit on the back of the head by a stray pumpkin seed. His face turned hot as he raged into the air.

“OKAY!” Quickstrike yelled, looking around. “Who’s the varmint who pelted me?”

In almost a flash, a stray changeling soldier went flying right into Quickstrike, knocking him out of the air and sending him falling into the royal garden nearby. Inferno looked behind him and his jaw dropped in disbelief.

“I don’t believe it,” Inferno said. “Those two escaped the royalty.”

At the front of the gate, Wanda Young rode in on Buck Withers, holding out her slingshot, while Buck had his whip in his right hoof. Running alongside the adventurer were Karen the Bulldog, Hoops, Dumbbell, Score, Flim, Flam, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse.

“Nice shot, Mr Withers,” Wanda said.

“My pleasure,” Buck Withers said.

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score flew up to Inferno, who looked as if he were ready to belch out fire.

“You three,” Inferno said as flames emitted from his mouth. “I remember when you joined those miserable brats in that humiliation at your pool party. But this time, I will make you three pay for what you did.”

“Come and catch us, ya loser,” Hoops said while Dumbbell let out a raspberry while Score wiggled his behind at Inferno.

“NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!” Inferno yelled

Inferno belched out a stream of fire from his mouth, extending to around thirty feet. Hoops, Dumbbell and Score quickly flew out of the way before turning towards the Predacon and sticking their tongues out.


Hoops, Dumbbell and Score flew off towards the skies above the capital, causing Inferno to chase after them in pursuit. But below, as Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Lemony Gem fought back, Buck Withers ran through the front garden of the palace grounds until he reached what’s left of the front door. Once he stepped inside, Wanda jumped off Buck Withers and landed in front of them.

“MOMMY!” Wanda yelled, catching Celestia’s attention.

“Wanda,” Celestia said before she blasted another changeling.

Wanda and Celestia ran up to each other before Celestia picked up her adopted daughter and held her tight.

“I’m glad you made it in one piece, my darling Wanda,” Celestia said.

“I’m glad as well,” Wanda said.

But as Wanda embraced Celestia, Quickstrike pulled himself up and saw the Man’s Cub with the alicorn. His face grew sinister as he transformed into his Beast Predacon form.

“So it looks like that man’s cub escaped the queen and is now reunited with her mother,” Quickstrike said, pointing his snake arm at Celestia’s torso. “But not for long.”

Suddenly, Quickstrike was hit by a powerful blast of magic, sending him flying back before he transformed back into his changeling form. He slid before slamming his head on the concrete pillar, knocking him out.

Inside, Twilight Sparkle stood next to Princess Celestia and Wanda Young with the tip of her horn smoking hot, all while the two looked at her.

“Not on my watch,” Twilight said.

“I think I’ve become too careless as a parent,” Celestia said.

“That’s a lot to think about,” Wanda replied.

Buck Withers ran up to Lemony Gem before picking her up and swinging her in the air. Lemony giggled loudly as Buck brought her up close.

“So how did it feel to trick that queen into thinking you were under her control?” Lemony Gem asked.

“It felt treacherous and deceitful,” Buck Withers said. “But it all paid off in the end, and you wouldn’t guess what’s going on.”

“I’m just glad you made it out,” Shining Armor said as Twilight ran up and gave her brother a hug. “I’m also glad Twili here made sure that Predacon didn’t strike down Princess Celestia.”

“Aww, I just had to make sure nothing happened to them,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Well as long as we’re all together,” Princess Cadance said,” We’ll be fine.”

But as the other younglings came out, cheering for Wanda, Cozy Glow noticed something odd.

“Hey Wanda,” Cozy Glow said. “Not to be a critical downer, but where’s Sunset Shimmer?”

Suddenly, everyone felt a powerful quake go off, followed by the sound of Queen Chrysalis screaming in agony and a roar of a demon.

“Oh that,” Buck Withers said. “Sunset Shimmer’s demon form, or whatever that was, forced itself out and fought against Queen Chrysalis.”

“She might need our help,” Princess Celestia said. “Come.”

Everyone ran outside to see changelings take to the side as Queen Chrysalis laid in the grass nearby. On the opposite side, Demon Sunset emerged from a newly-formed hole in the ground, roaring as if it were victorious.

“She left herself behind so she could deal with the queen?” Princess Cadance said in shock.

“She had no other choice,” Wanda said. “Her demon form kicked in when the queen tried to trap us. She chose to use it against Queen Chrysalis.”

“Judging by the damage she’s gone through,” Lemony Gem said, pointing to Queen Chrysalis, “I’d say that’s saying a lot.”

As Demon Sunset roared in victory, Queen Chrysalis slowly got up and pointed her horn at the demonic pony.

“I should have done this right from the start,” Queen Chrysalis said as her horn glowed.

In one shot, Queen Chrysalis fired a bolt of magic right at Demon Sunset, hitting her directly. Everyone’s face turned pale at the shot as Queen Chyrsalis began to approach to once demon pony..

“SUNSET!” Princess Celestia yelled.

Demon Sunset’s body shrank down and shapeshifted. Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ran up to Sunset Shimmer as she transformed back into her filly form. The little one collapsed as Princess Cadance grabbed her just in time.

“Sunset,” Princess Cadance said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Sunset said. “Just lost my powers.”

Despite her exhaustion, Sunset Shimmer slowly reached out and gave Princess Cadance a hug.

“Don’t scare me like that again,” Cadance cried. “I was so worried about you.”

“Now I’m glad we’re back together,” Shining Armor said before turning his attention to Queen Chrysalis. “And just in the nick of time, too.”

As Queen Chrysalis stood tall, despite her exhaustion, Princess Celestia walked up in front of Sunset Shimmer, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, staring down the changeling queen.

“You…,” Queen Chrysalis said. “You set me up from the very start.”

“I did,” Princess Celestia said. “I knew you would try to target this wedding as payback for the humiliation you went through at the Grand Gallopin Gala. You never seem to quit.”

“I will never quit, Princess Celestia,” Queen Chrysalis snarled.

Nearby, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Karen the Bulldog, Flim and Flam walked up to Wanda Young, Twilight Sparkle and Cozy Glow while they stared down Queen Chrysalis. Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, Abigail and Spike all walked up to the others, getting a look at Queen Chrysalis.

“Can’t believe your own sister did that to Queen Chrysalis,” Starlight said.

“You can’t believe it,” Short Fuse said. “None of us can.”

“I guess the plan is working far more than expected,” Cozy Glow said. “But what happened?

“I’m not so sure,” Wanda said. “Someone broke in while we were held captive, Buck Withers broke us out, we used their Majordomo as a captive to get us out, Chrysalis tried to block us off, and then Sunset transformed into a demon and fought against her. What a day we had.”

“Let’s just hope Celestia can finish what we started,” Buck Withers said, walking up to the younglings with Lemony Gem by his side.

“The wedding,” Twilight asked. “Or the queen’s capture?”

“Both,” Buck Withers and Lemony Gem said.

But Karen looked outside and barked madly at Queen Chrysalis, all while the tired changeling queen stood there, glaring down at Princess Celestia.

“You have a lot of nerve to send those three clowns into tricking me,” Queen Chrysalis said. “No longer do I just want revenge on Twilight Sparkle, but also your daughters and Buck Withers.”

“Your desire for revenge is slowly consuming you,” Princess Celestia said. “Furthermore, you are in no shape to demand revenge against Wanda, Sunset or Buck Withers. I suggest you rethink your words, Queen Chrysalis.”

“Do not tell me your false lies,” Queen Chrysalis snapped. “Now you will surrender your daughters and Twilight Sparkle, if you want to see the light of a new day again.”

To Be Continued in…

Rematch: Princess Celestia vs Queen Chrysalis

Author's Note:

After a couple of days off, I have finally uploaded a new part to this fanfic. What a long rush.

And judging by the title of the next part, it's happening. Princess Celestia will rematch Queen Chrysalis. But I must warn you: It may not be a fair fight. In fact, it could end up going the way of one of these two combatants. Who will get the advantage? Stay tuned.

That being said, I think I can say that there are only two parts left of this arc. The next one will be long and will have a conclusion to the fight. The following one after will wrap the arc up.

Edit: Added some parts to make sure Karen the Bulldog was still in the fanfic.

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