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Of Child of Mine,
And the Daughter Of Laughter,
Daughter of Sun and Daughter of Night,
I ask of thee,
What have you done?

Words and actions can sometimes hurt more than we know, sowing betrayal and hatred where friendship and innocence lies. A single thoughtless action can be a tipping point, one fallen domino setting off hundreds. Look back, and answer me.

What have you done?

(Brand-spanken new) TvTropes page here
Story theme is Chronophobia

Chapters (6)

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M in the castle of the two sisters heck even I've read a bunch of them. They were always my favorite with a normal guy trying not to get blasted by rainbows for having the same body as some villain.

But never thought that could happen to me!

Now my hair is on fire, I'm most likely 6 years old and this castle I woke up in looks an awful lot like a certain one that located in the magical land of Equestria.

But that's only fiction right?

Well if there is one positive thing about this...I got to keep my hands.

(level 4 anthro)
Previous Cover art from my friend Sonata Dusk951 Send him some Love :heart:

Now with Editors HeBogin and The-Hidden-Fox :heart:

:yay:(IT HAPPENED AGAIN SQUEEEEEE 21/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(AGAIN WOOOO 23/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(10k VIEWS 25/01/2021):yay:

Chapters (24)

A middle aged brony inexplicably replaces Chrysalis as a new changeling queen some decades before the fruition of a certain pony prophesy. Now the new queen must figure out how to manage a kingdom that has been in a slow, seemingly irreversible, decline for the past several thousand years.

Chapters (11)

Celestia finally pays a visit to Equestria's resident human down in Canterlot Labs in hopes to finding the answer to what went wrong.

Chapters (1)

Ganondorf, King of Thieves, Lord of Darkness, Master of Evil and Wielder of the Triforce of Power, had long since grown thoroughly and completely bored with the path the gods had decreed for his destiny.

Time after time it was always the same, try and unite the Triforce, plunge the world into darkness for a time, search out and then kidnap Princess Zelda, watch his minions be defeated one after another and then finally battle Link for supremacy. Rinse and repeat.

All the while knowing that regardless of winning or losing, that no matter what he did or didn’t do, that in the end everything would end up repeating itself in another time and place afterwards, again, and again and again, in an utterly pointless never ending cycle.

Having decided that enough was finally enough, and refusing to continue to be a simple pawn at the hands of the gods, he vowed he would find a way to escape from his cumbersome destiny, a way to start anew far beyond the meddling grasp of the gods, a way to reach a realm upon which he could be the master of his own fate.

And after years of careful planning he had finally succeeded.

Sure, the fact he had to drag the know-it-all Princess and the green obsessed Hero along for the ride for his plan to work was a minor inconvenience, but he knew that sometimes sacrifices had to be made. And the fact that this new realm apparently decided to turn him and his two unwilling companions into miniature pastel colored ponies upon arrival also wasn’t exactly part of the plan, but he could cope.

After all, that was a negligible price to pay in achieving his deepest wish: freedom.

In this story Ganondorf, having grown sick of following through the motions his destiny placed before him as the eternal bad guy to be defeated time after time, seeks out to escape from his fate by breaking through the void between dimensions and running away from Hyrule to another realm entirely, Equestria, all the while dragging both Link and Zelda along for the ride.

Arriving long before the founding of the country, back before the events of Heart’s Warming Eve and at the highest point of the conflict between the Three Tribes, he and his two new companions will have to deal with a whole new world and it’s wonders and dangers. All the while this new magical world will have to learn to deal with its three new strange inhabitants in kind.

Just a warning: This is NOT a Displaced fic. All three main characters are the actual characters from the Zelda series that have been taken to Equestria due to Ganondorf’s master plan, and not humans turned into them.

Beta Reader: The Amazing Emtu!
Cover Art: The Incredible swagmu!
Proofreader: The relentless TranquilClaws! (From chp I - XXV)

Featured for the first time! 07/06/2018 to 07/11/2018

Now with a TvTropes page!

Edit: Crossposting at Royalroad where I have the same username.

Chapters (32)

Anon was rather surprised to wake up in a world of magical talking horses. He was even more surprised to discover that said horses already knew him from a TV show.

Inspired by some old prompts in the RGRE thread. Cover art by Nignogs.

Chapters (23)

This is the story of "I" a random human with no recollection of my name and stuck in the body of Nightmare moon.

Join me, breaking fandoms, smashing the 4th wall, and rewriting my little pony as you know it. Because of course, there's more than one way to live a Nightmare.

Chapters (10)

Coverart belongs to PostScripting and can be found here. Thanks to Pickle Tickler for PMing me the link.

My week has gone from bad to worse. First I get a horrible cold that leaves me bedridden and unable to sleep for the last two nights. Then, as I was listening to a reading of a fanfic, I suddenly find myself in the Everfree Forest, in the body of a Changeling, feeling like my whole body is on fire.

Worse, I've apparently got a egg entrusted to me by Chrysalis from before the invasion that's about to hatch and it's a Royal Egg.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about my cold anymore.

Sex tag for sexual references.

In Popular Stories 30/12/2019? A surprisingly nice gift for the end of the year. thanks, everyone

Chapters (9)

Normally in fanfiction, the human gets to Equestria and gets to shag loads and loads of mares. Unfortunately for Devin, he gets thrown off course, landing square into the Frozen North, where the snow is aplenty, the lack of life is high, and the only ones to save him, are yaks. They like to smash...

...and smash again.

Hopefully Devin will survive the initiation ritual, or die trying.

Another idea that was inspired by FamousLastWords's brainstorming session. Maybe he needs to write more HiY/HiE on his main instead of shipping an aged-up Spike with every female character in the show. Nah that's not going to happen.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's New Assistant

He makes Discord look sane. Most ponies resent him. He is the most chaotic thing to ever live.

Will he save Equestria? Will he doom it? Will Citrus Fruit be involved? More then Likely. Beware, he is...The Human.

"I simultaneously want to know what's going through your head when writing this, and don't want to know what could inspire this." -Love the Changeling

"MOST. RANDOM. STORY. EVER." -jackofalltradez

"I mean... stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares into you, and the abyss has skittles apparently" -ShadowsAndDust

Chapters (5)