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Kamen Rider Build, the briiiiliant physicist Sento Kiryu, has found himself in Ponyville with no memory of how he got there. However, he quickly finds that new Smash are here, too, created by a mysterious villain named Faust who quickly steals all of his Full Bottles. Now Sento has to "build up" a new arsenal of Best Matches and fight back, but what is this Faust really after?

Are You Ready?

(Kamen Rider Build crossover, from a gap in the middle of episode 13.)

Chapters (3)

Timber wolves, creatures of the Everfree forest. They're made of sticks and dark magic, but who made them? It was centuries ago, before the three ponies tribes were even dealing with the Windigoes...

Chapters (1)

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M in the castle of the two sisters heck even I've read a bunch of them. They were always my favorite with a normal guy trying not to get blasted by rainbows for having the same body as some villain.

But never thought that could happen to me!

Now my hair is on fire, I'm most likely 6 years old and this castle I woke up in looks an awful lot like a certain one that located in the magical land of Equestria.

But that's only fiction right?

Well if there is one positive thing about this...I got to keep my hands.

(level 4 anthro)
Previous Cover art from my friend Sonata Dusk951 Send him some Love :heart:

Now with Editors HeBogin and The-Hidden-Fox :heart:

:yay:(IT HAPPENED AGAIN SQUEEEEEE 21/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(AGAIN WOOOO 23/05/2020):yay:
:yay:(10k VIEWS 25/01/2021):yay:

Chapters (24)

With time ticking out, and no other options left to them, the rulers of Equestria turn to the lone human in Equestria to save them from Chrysalis' plot.

Warning, this story contains discussions of torture.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Discovers Nuclear Explosions

Grogar has returned to take his rightful place as King once more, along with the other villains. No, he's not Discord. Also, Starlight was there.

However, Twilight gets informed by Discord and decides to make this the greatest explosion ever, even if it gets her the largest reconstruction bill she'll ever need to pay.

Set in "The Ending of the End, Part Two". Not to be taken seriously.

This is the final in the series. Thank you all for your continuous support!

If you want to chat to me, we have a discord server here!

Chapters (1)

Discord has given up. Defeated so easily? It's time to retire. But he can't just leave Equestria without chaos can he? So he selects a random human to take up his mantle and to create a new reign of chaos.

Can this human manage new powers? Will he go mad or he will he end up as a statue for foals to gawk at? Is there a third option? Not very likely but with this much power he's going to try his best to create chaos and harmony at the same time.

Link to the picture I used: http://karzahnii.deviantart.com/art/Discord-s-Game-322137800%0A

I do promise to try and keep this light hearted and relatively comedic. Oh right I wrote this in response to the 50 000 word pony story contest. I failed horribly but I thought I'd post what I've got up here. I do plan on finishing this and it being around 50 000 words in the end.

A little warning for you in that the prologue is written very differently then the rest of the story. Also it is mostly unnecessary if you want to skip it altogether. The other thing I promise is that the romance is between ponies only and ponies that appear in the show.

Chapters (15)

Queen Chrysalis likes it when I boop her on the nose. It helps her relax. However, one day, Princess Twilight Sparkle bursts in, thinking that Queen Chrysalis has put a spell on me.

Surely, when I explain to her that I boop her, she'll understand. Right?


Inspired by a delightful flash game that can be found here.

Featured on August 28th, 2016. This is as unexpected as it is amazing.

Chapters (14)

Minecraft – or Overworld commonly – is a world like any other, however unlike others, it is mostly cuboid and gravity is a tad wonky, sometimes things fall, other times blocks would float without reason. There is various beings living in this world, but there is only one certain creature of it’s kind.

Steve – the Last Crafter – has been around for a long time, and there have been times he died… but he always comes back. Whether it was appearing from the start, or on his bed, he would just poof, come back and start swinging once more. He fought many creatures, faced the Ender Dragon, defeated the Wither… but he’s never tried this next challenge before him.

A mysterious portal has appeared before him, without warning, said portal suddenly sucks up him and whatever belongings he’s carried. Now in a strange world, he has to find out where he is… and survive.

At least he has his belongings, and the laws of physics – for him that is – hasn’t changed… though the purple pony would disagree.

Inspired by these stories: A Crafter's Dream
My Little Minecraft: At the End

10-24-19 - 10 likes, okay not a big deal, but this story hasn't been out that long, and I've only written two chapters so far, I consider that an accomplishment.
03-11-21 - 1000+ views on the first chapter, sweet! Also 50 likes, awesome!
05-03-21 - 5000+ total views, alright!

[Disclaimer] Based on lore and objects from the game itself, the story will be updated based off the latest version, so newer updates won't be added to the story until the official update is out. Meaning any teasers or trailers of new material won't be used until available in the game.

Chapters (7)

During the Canterlot Changeling Invasion, Drone 1074 was on the front lines against the Canterlot Royal Guard when the love spell flung the Changeling forces from the pony capital. However, due to a series of odd and unexpected events, the lone drone finds himself in an unexplored and unknown land. Join him as he explores, trying to find love, shelter, and his hive. These are the journals entries and logs of Drone 1074, Also known as Iota, as he struggles to survive in this land seemingly without love.

This is a Minecraft crossover. I had this Idea when I was playing hardcore mode with several mods installed. Among them were the Mine little Pony mod. For whatever reason, I had a Book & Quill, and decided to role play as this changeling. This is what came to my mind when I started doing it, and I thought it would be a good story to write.

Special thanks to KyroKing for the art.



Chapters (15)

Coming across an artifact while exploring a forest cave, a young teen gets whisked off to a strange new land. unfortunately for him, this artifact did more than just transport him, landing him immediately in the world powers proverbial blade tip. Trapped in stone, this is how he spends his time.

Yo! I'm not dead! I'm not done with Amnesiacs tale, just taking a bit more of a break from it. I had this idea floating in my head and i had to catch it. this story will be a lot shorted than I intend Amnesiacs tale to be so I should be back to it soon!

Featured on 11/26/2018! never thought it would happen, but here we are. thank you all.
Featured again on 12/7/18!
Featured yet again on 12/17/18!
Featured once again on 1/26/19!
Featured once more on 3/3/19!
Featured again on 3/25/19
1k views! Heck yeah!

Chapters (12)