• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Land Ho!

Eragon Shadeslayer was sailing east of Alagaesia on the Talia in the midday. He was just sitting in the front of the boat on a bench. His appearance did not change, except that his hair has become a little longer. Saphira hardly changed as well. He gave out a depressed sigh and said out loud to himself. "Oh, Arya. I wish I can come back to Alagaesia, but I can't. At least we had a good time seeing eachother one last time". He thought about his older cousin, Roran. Eragon remembered the bellowing cry that Roran shouted when Eragon departed from Alagaesia for eternity, making Eragon quietly sob about his cousin's depression. Next, he thought about Murtagh, his half brother who went into self exile into Du Weldenvarden, the home of the elves with his dragon, Thorn. He thought about everyone he loved, Orik, Nar Garzhvog, Katrina, Nasuada , and others. It was very clear that Eragon will never see any of them again. However, He remembered what he said to Murtagh, and what Murtagh said to him.

Flashback: One Month Earlier

When you no Longer wish to be alone, come find us. You''ll always be welcome at our hearth, wherever that may be." Eragon said to his half brother

"We will. I promise." Murtagh replied to Eragon

Present time
Eragon thought to himself "I really hope I do see him again. We are brothers after all." He also remembered what Thorn told him before they left to the Wilderness. "May the wind and sun always be at you're back". that sentence from what Thorn just said, was stuck in Eragon's mind. For the first time, he had heard Thorn's voice when he saw Murtagh for the last time. What he didn't realize was that Saphira, his blue dragon, and Blodhgarm, one of the many elves that accompanied Eragon on his journey were right behind him, with Blodhgarm holding Glaedr's eldunari

"Eragon, what's the matter?" asked Saphira in a caring voice, telepathically.

"N...nothing, Saphira." Eragon lied. "I...I'm fine."

Blodhgarm then walked up, sat next to him, and put an hand on his shoulder. "You miss all of the ones you love, don't you, Shadeslayer?" He said

Eragon couldn't lie anymore. He looked at the blue-furred, musk smelling elf and said "I admit it. Yes, I miss them all." He began to sob a little louder now.

"No need to shed any tears, youngling." said Glaedr from his eldunari. "You have me, Saphira, the eldunaris, and the elves on board."

"Including me and my eleven helpers." Blodhgarm added.

"They are right, young one." said Saphira. "I will admit it, I miss everyone too. You would not believe how much I miss Firnen."

Eragon then got up with a huff, took Blodhgarm's hand off of his shoulder, and said "Look, I thank you for trying to cheer me up, but I just need some time alone."

"Come now, Eragon." said Saphira. "We just want to help you."

"I know, but...please just...leave me alone." Eragon then walked away from the two, and into the boat, angrily walking to his room. He began to sob and keen very loudly into a pillow. His tears were already making it wet. "I feel so alone." He wept. "Why did I have to leave now?" He continued weeping into the pillow until he heard a voice.

"You are never alone, Eragon." said the voice. To his surprise, Eragon looked up and stopped his weeping. He saw where the voice came from and his mouth went agape to see, his father: Brom. Right next to him was Oromis, his teacher. Hrothgar, the king of the Dwarves before Orik. Lastly there was Ajihad, Nasuada's father and the past leader of the Varden. They were all glowing a blue, ghostly color.

"Father?" said Eragon in surprise. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Eragon. I am here." Brom replied.

"How..how did you all..."

But before Eragon could even finish his sentence, Oromis answered "We may be dead, my pupil, but we live on inside of you."

"We all know how you you feel, Argetlam." Said Hrothgar "We understand that leaving all of your kin, and your loved ones is an unbearable sight."

"But try to understand: it might be a path that you would have to follow, dragon rider." said Ajihad.

Eragon then looked away from the four, and covered his head with his arms and legs, both in sadness, and in anger. "It isn't fair." he said. "Why did the prophecy say that I had to leave my own home?" He then felt a chill down his spine to feel Brom's ghostly hand on his shoulder.

"I understand, Eragon. Life isn't fair, I concur, but you must always remember that you are not alone."

The young rider however, wasn't very convinced, and gave out another depressed son.

Oromis joined in and said "Your father speaks wisely. I am sure that wherever you settle, there maybe a warm welcome for you, a warm kvetha from the inhabitants. You should also never forget that Saphira, Glaedr, the elves on this vessel, and the dragons from the past will be with you as well, as well as some of the future riders the baby dragons want to to hatch for."

"Listen Eragon. If you ever need any guidance, or any help if you are ever lost in your own paths, We will always be there to guide you." Brom said in his fatherly voice.

"Look...I thank you for your concern, but...I just don't know if i'm ready for this journey just yet." said Eragon

"I know you are, my son." said Brom. "You just need understand what I just said."

"We are very certain that all of your friends and your family back home miss you as well, and they will always remember you." said Ajihad

"Indeed. You will always be a family member to mine clan, Shadeslayer. I sense that Orik is very proud of you right now. You will never be forgotten from mine, and the other clans of the Dwarven family." Hrothgar added

"You must also understand that I love you, Eragon, and so did your mother. Atra esterni ono thelduin." At this, Brom and the other three began to vanish into thin air

"No, no, father. Wait! Don't leave me!" Pleaded Eragon

"We will meet again, my apprentice. I promise." said Oromis. The ghosts vanished completely, leaving Eragon alone again

"Father? Oromis? Anyone?" he called, but no answer came back to him. He gave out a frustrated shout and punched the wall of his bedroom. He began to knelt down, covered his face, and sobbed.

After one hour, he calmed himself, and eased his weeping. He wiped the last of his tears, and walked out of his room. When he got back on the deck, he saw Saphira sitting and waiting for her rider to come out.

"Saphira?" said Eragon

The blue dragon lifted her head after hearing Eragon's voice

"Young one! Are you feeling better?" asked Saphira

"For now, Saphira. Yes." Eragon replied.

"I am glad to hear that." the blue dragon said. "What were you doing down there?" she asked him with concern

Eragon thought of the the ghost of Brom, Oromis, Ajihad, and Hrothgar. He decided not to talk about it, so he lie to Saphira by saying "I was just trying to think things through."

"I understand." Said Saphira

"Land Ho!" said the elf steering the ship.

Eragon and Saphira rushed to the very front of the ship, and saw that there was a big beach, with a big delta. It could possibly mean a new home for the dragon rider and his dragon, along with the future riders. The elf controlling the steering wheel looked for any part of the delta that would fit the Talia, and saw one at the perfect size for the ship. As they went further into the delta, they saw that the ground was turning into beautiful green grass, and lots of trees.

"This looks so beautiful." said Eragon in awe

"I do say." said Blodhgarm also in amazement.

However, they didn't see any intelligent lifeforms yet, so they kept on going down the river. Eragon was just looking around the place with beauty. Ice capped mountains, many bushes, flowers were blooming in the grass. They saw rabbits, deer, bears, many species of birds, including sparrows and finches. However, the bears were not like the Urzhad that Eragon saw fighting Nagra in the Beor mountains with Nar Garzhvog, the Kull Chieftain that ran with him To Farthen Dur. The bears were alot smaller than urzhadn, and just the size of any other bear found outside of the Beor Mountains in Alagaesia.

After thirty minutes long have passed, away from the shorelines, the elf navigating the vessel shouted to the three "Here's a nice spot".

"Very good, blaethr." called Eragon.

The ship stopped at the destination, Eragon grabbed Glaedr's eldunari, and his sword Brisingr tied to his waist, into it's sheath, and Saphira got off board with Eragon on her back. It felt very good for the two to enjoy walking on land again, the enjoyable feeling on grass.

"It feels so good walking on grass, doesn't it Saphira?"

"Aye, that it does." replied the blue dragon. "Don't you agree that the landscape around here looks so beautiful?"

"Aye, I haven't seen anything like this in a long time." said Eragon. "Sure, Alagaesia can be beautiful, but not like this."

"Eragon." said Glaedr

"Yes, Ebrithil?"

"I would hate to forget about the scenery, but you should probably look for any civilization this moment."

"You're right. We should probably look." Eragon replied. He put Glaedr's eldunari in his bag. He went back to the ship, raised his head and called "Blodhgarm?"

The cat pelted elf showed himself to see Eragon. "Yes, Shadeslayer?" the wolf-fanged elf called back

"Please keep an eye on the other eldunari and eggs until I return, understand?"

"Understood." shouted blodhgarm to Eragon, and then he went out of sight from Eragon again, on the ship

"Shall we, Saphira?" said Eragon to her in his mind

"Yes." the blue dragon replied. "Let us be on our way."

"Good, but don't fly just yet, It might scare anyone that we will eventually come across with."

Saphire let out a reluctant groan, but she said "Fine, but if we don't fine anything soon, I am going to hunt."

"Very well." said Eragon

The rider and his dragon walked onward to the mysterious land, to look for any traces of any civilization. for a while, they looked from side to side, but, no luck. They saw many types of the animals they saw, but they kept their distance, because of Saphira. They just stared at Eragon along with Saphira. Obviously, they have never seen anyone like the young rider before.

"I wonder why they keep staring at me?" he said in his mind. "Sure they stare at Saphira, but they pay more attention to me."

"I am pretty sure that there is any civilizations in this land." said Saphira telepathically. "We just need to go further."

One Hour Later

Eragon and Saphira still didn't find anyone, and they stopped for a little rest. The rider gave out a sigh and said "Alright, Saphira...you can go hunt now."

"Finally!" said Saphira in excitement. "You remember how to find me, right?"

"Always." said Eragon.

"Good." Saphira flew away, into the sky to look for food. Eragon watched his dragon flying away from his sight, and when he couldn't see Saphira, he continued onward. "Well Ebrithil, looks like it's just you and me." said Eragon

"Indeed." replied Glaedr telepathically.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Eragon was already tired, so He decided to stop for a rest. He sat on the tall grass, and said cynically "It's no use. It's probably just an uninhabited continent that no one has ever discovered yet."

"Don't give up hope, youngling." said Glaedr. "Youngling?"

"Yes, Glaedr?" said Eragon.

"Do you still feel depressed over leaving your loved ones?" asked Glaedr

Eragon gave out a sigh and said "Yes. But, I am sure that I will get over that."

"I noticed." said Glaedr

"Wait!" said Eragon. "I...I detect life." said Eragon

"How could you be so sure, Eragon?" the golden dragon's spirit asked

"I don't know, Glaedr. I...I just feel like-"

"Feel like what?" said a high pitched girly voice.

Eragon gave out a startle yelped, along with seven voices. He unsheathed Brisingr with a tight grip on Glaedr's eldunari on his other hand. He turned back to see six small colorful horses. Two had wings, one was a unicorn, one had both wings and a horn, and two had neither. "Like I am being stalked." he said

The horse with a straight purple mane, with light purple fur walked up and said " We are so sorry to scare you. Please, put your sword away. We mean you now harm." It was a beautiful, feminine voice. Eragon still had Brisingr in his hand, and he got a good long look at the horses. Besides the purple Allicorn, there was a blue furred pegasus with a rainbow colored mane with a rainbow colored lightning bolt on her flank. Next to her was another Pegasus, but her fur was light yellow, and her mane was long and pink with butterflies on her flank.

The yellow pegasus walked up with a smile and went to observe Eragon. "It's okay. We are nice ponies." She said in a voice that sounded calm and soft.

"Ponies? That's what they are? And they can talk? Astounding!" said Eragon in his mind. "They look nothing like the ponies back in Alagaesia." After hearing the soft voice, The elf/human rider lowered Brisingr very slowly. Finally, he slowly unsheathed it.

"Sorry." said Eragon. "It's just that I am not from this land, and I have never seen anyone like you before."

"That's okay." said the yellow pegasus.

"Well, now that you realize we are not enemies. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Twilight Sparkle.' said the purple Alicorn.

The blue furred pegasus stood next to the two ponies. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest Flyer in all of Equestria." she said in am arrogant voice

"That's what this land is called 'Equestria'?" asked Eragon

"Yep." said the six Ponies and repltillian creature in unison

The white unicorn with a dark purple mane walked up and said in an elegant voice "My name is Rarity."

"I'm Fluttershy." said the yellow pegasus

"I'm Applejack." said the earth pony with a cowboy hat.

"And I am Pinkie Pie!" said the excited pink earth pony while shaking Eragon's hand

"I am Spike." said the reptillian creature. "I am Twilight's number one assisstant, and a baby dragon

Eragon looked at Spike with surprise, and walked up to observe the baby dragon. "Wait. Something is missing about you." he said

"What's that?" asked Spike. However he said in his head "I bet he's going to ask,'where are your wings?' I just know it"

"Where are your wings?" asked Eragon

"Aha! I knew it!" exclaimed Spike.

"What? I don't mean that in an offensive way." said Eragon.

"Don't worry about him." said Twilight. "I know you didn't mean that in an offending way. So, what's your name?"

"My name is...Eragon, Eragon Shadeslayer." said he. "What do you all want from me?"

Twilight was a little offended of what he asked, but she answered by saying "Well...Eragon, We were all wondering. "What are you exactly, where are you from and...

"Why are you here in Equestria?" Fluttershy added

Eragon had a look on his face. He didn't want to tell them that he was starting a new life with new dragon riders, otherwise they would have kicked him out of Equestria.

"Glaedr." he said telepathically to the eldunari. "What should I tell them?" He was kind of panicking at the moment

"Do not worry, youngling. I am pretty sure they will understand." said Glaedr

"Eragon?" said Twilight who interrupted his mind speaking with the golden dragon

He gave out a small sigh and said "Well...I...I..I was sent by a king. Yes, a king. he wanted me to send me some alchemy ingredients to this distant land. Now, if you excuse me. I need to continue my delivery. hehehe." he chuckled nervously, and then he paced walked the other way, but Applejack stopped him by standing right in front of them.

"Not so fast, partner." said Applejack. Eragon could easily tell that she was not fooled. He looked at the other ponies and Spike who looked the same way as Applejack.

"I'm telling you all the truth." Eragon lied

"Look, Eragon, is it? I recognize lying when I see em." Applejack said In a suspicious voice

Rainbow Dash then flew over his face and said "Look. Just tell us why you're here, alright?"

Eragon couldn't hide it any longer he said "Alright. I'll tell you all the truth. I just went into self exile from my own home, Alagaesia."

"Alagaesia?" Asked Fluttershy

"Never heard of it." Said Rarity

"We'll I'll tell you all about it later, the point is. I am a hybrid, half human, half elf, and I'm a..." He gulped and finally blurted. "Dragon Rider." The ponies and spike couldn't help but look surprised by hearing the word "Dragon Rider"

"A dragon rider?" said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"You ride dragons?" asked Twilight in awe

"Well...no, I just have one blue female dragon named...'Saphira'. But I can assure you all that she is a very gentle dragon." Eragon answered

"That's so...so...Awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash from a tone of shock to amazement.

Spike stepped up and said "Yeah, I always wanted to meet another dragon."

Eragon smiled slightly and said . "I'm glad you all understand." he crouched down to make eye contact with the baby dragon. "Spike...can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What?"

Eragon gave out a sigh and asked "Where are your parents?"

Spike's smile then turned into a frown as soon as Eragon asked him the question. The other ponies looked at the baby dragon with concern. "Well....I...I...I don't know. I've just been found as an egg, but Twilight is like a mother to me."

"Oh. Well...I also sorry if I hurt you." Said Eragon

"No, it's okay. The ponies are my family." Said Spike. The six ponies were touched by that comment and hugged Spike. Eragon was touched to see that, but she saw a sad look on Fluttershy's face.

"Fluttershy?" What's the matter?" Asked Eragon

The ponies and Spike stopped their hugging and looked at Fluttershy with concern.

"Well...I...I'm scared of dragons, okay?" She replied

"What?" Said Eragon in surprise. "But...what about Spike? You're not afraid of him."

"That's because he's a baby dragon, not a full grown one." Said Fluttershy

Eragon had a thought and said to her "how would you like to meet Saphira?"

A look of horror came upon Fluttershy's face and squeaked "I'd rather not."

"It's alright, Fluttershy." Said Eragon softly. "Saphira is the kindest dragon that you will ever meet. I promise that she will never eat you."

"Don't mind Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash rudely. "She's just scaredy cat" all of a sudden, Twilight smacked her at the back of the head. "Ow!"

"Rainbow! Be nice!" Said Twilight sternly

"Sorry. Sorry." Said Rainbow Dash

Eragon then had an idea. "I'll get her."

"Saphira must be far away right now. There's no way for you to call her."

"Actually Rarity. The dragons back home are able to hear your thoughts, even when they are far away. You can communicate with these dragons with your mind.

"Wow." Said Spike and the ponies in unison

"I'll call her." He looked the other way and thought "Saphira? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one, I am here." Answered Saphira

"I want to tell you that I have found a civilization." Said Eragon

"That's good, Eragon. I'll be right down there." Said Saphira

"I should probably remind you that they are not what you think they are. They are colorful ponies that look adorable, so please don't eat them up." Said the rider a little worried. "Also there is a baby dragon with them, and it talks with it's mouth."

"Talking Ponies?" Saphira said in disbelief. "And a baby dragon that can talk like a human can? Do not worry, Eragon. I will not eat them."

"Thank you." Said Eragon with relief. He turned back to the group and said "she'll be here."

Spike and the pines smiled, except Fluttershy who squeaked with fear.

Eragon put a comforting hand on Fluttershy and said very softly "It will be alright. Saphira will not hurt you."

"Well. While we wait, could you tell us about Alagaesia?" said Twilight. The other ponies and Spike made comments agreeing with Twilight. There were many "please?" and they were all begging.

Eragon chuckled and said "Alright, alright. I guess I can you about the four main races first. There are the humans, Elves, Dwarves, and finally, the Urgals."

Spike and the ponies gave out an "Ooh". However, Eragon's explanation of his home was cut short, due to a roar from Saphira. She caught the attention of the ponies and Spike all at once. She landed on the ground next to the group. Fluttershy then made a small scream and hid behind Eragon. The group was truly amazed by Saphira's appearance.

"Girls, Spike, Meet Saphira." said Eragon showing his arms to his dragon to the group.

"She's beautiful." said Twilight

"Did you see the way she flew?" Added Rainbow in awe.

"And look at those shining blue scales." Rarity added.

"I have never seen any dragon like her before." said Pinkie

"Neither have I. She looks very majestic lookin, doesn't she?" said Applejack

"Yep." said the other ponies.

All of these compliments made Saphira blush, and she began to paw at the dirt with her mighty claws.

Eragon looked at Fluttershy, smiled at her and turned his attention back to his blue dragon. "Saphira? Can you please talk to this one?" said Eragon telepathically. "She's deeply afraid of dragons, and I want you to show her that you are not what she thinks you are."

"Of course I will, young one. I wouldn't dare eat someone like here. She looks to adorable to be eaten." said Saphira

"Good." Eragon replied. He turned his head back to Fluttershy and said "Go on. Go to her. Also I should tell you that if you want to talk to her, talk to her with your mind, but you got to really focus on it.."

Fluttershy gave out a quiet squeak and said very quietly "Okay." She slowly motioned towards Saphira, who crouched down on all four limbs to make eye contact with the yellow pegasus. She looked back at Eragon with a look of fear on her face.

"It's alright." said Eragon softly. "She's not going to hurt you."

Fluttershy gave out a deep breath to relieve her stress, and slowly continued towards Saphira. Finally, she was close to her now. She tried to use her mind to communicate with the blue dragon. "Saphira?" said Fluttershy with a little fear. "Can..can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one. I can hear you" said Saphira.

Fluttershy widened her eyes to hear her voice. It was a very motherly tone to her, almost like Princess Celestia. "Good." she said.

"Do not be afraid of me. I will not harm you. I wouldn't even dream of hurting a softhearted pony like you." said Saphira warmly. She then lowered her head, and sniffed her a few times. "I sense a very good heart inside of you. A very kind one."

Fluttershy blushed and said "T..thank you. I...I'm sorry if I'm afraid of you."

"Do now be sorry, Fluttershy. Some people are afraid of dragons back home as well." Saphira said. "could you tell me about yourself?"

"Well...I love to take care of animals, and I care deeply about them." Said Fluttershy telepathically.

"That is good. Like I said You have a very kind heart, youngling."

"So...what are dragons like in Alagaesia?" asked Flutterhsy with curiosity

Saphira felt a little unconfortable, but she said "Dragons from my home don't talk like Spike does, but we use our thoughts to communicate with other lifeforms. Sadly, There aren't many dragons in my home as there used to be." She bowed her head in sadness.

"What happened to the other dragons?" asked Fluttershy, concerned.

Saphira gave out a sad growl and said "I would rather prefer if I didn't talk about it. If you want to ask a question such as that, then you should ask Eragon."

"Oh. I see." Said Fluttershy. She walked up to Saphira and gave her a hug. "I am so sorry if you feel this way." she said kindly.

Saphira gently hugged her back with her arm, Squeezing her very gently. "No need to be sorry, little one." she said

The sight made Eragon, the other ponies, and Spike to say "Aww.."

Fluttershy stopped her hugging, as did Saphra, and askedWell, Saphira, is there a reason how a dragon and and the riders communicate?"

"Yes. There is a special gem called, an Eldunari, where the dragon's conciseness goes when they die." said Saphira.


"Yes, Fluttershy. That's what it is called in the ancient language."

"Ancient Language?" asked a very curious Fluttershy.

"Indeed." Saphira replied.

Meanwhile, back to the group, Rainbow Dash hovered close to Eragon's ear and whispered. "What do you think's going on right now?"

"Saphira and Fluttershy are just having a very good conversation, I believe." answered Eragon.

"Looks like it. I have never seen Fluttershy hug an adult dragon before." said Rarity.

"I know. They're getting along just fine." added Spike.

"So Eragon, why don't come over to-" Before Applejack could say anything, she was interrupted by Fluttershy

"Eragon?" said Fluttershy. "Can you tell me what happened to the dragons in Alagesia?"

Eragon looked uncomfortable, but he was about to say "Well..I-" but he was cut off from Applejack speaking.

"The dragons on your home were extinct?" asked Applejack

"Well...not entirely, but...look. I want to settle down in some kind of house before I can tell you anything." Eragon replied

"Oh, you're in luck, we were going to ask you if you would like to stay in Ponyville with us." said Rarity

"That sounds perfect." said Eragon. "Let's go." Saphira, Spike, the ponies, and himself went to Ponyville. When they arrived, it wasn't anything like Eragon had seen back in Alagaesia. "Very nice architecture." he said.

"Thanks." Said the ponies and Spike

When the three walked to Ponyville, there were many screams from every-pony because of Saphira. "DRAGON!!" exclaimed a mare, sh went into her house locking the door. Panic overtook every resident around Ponyville. However, Twilight came to the rescue with a very loud Air horn being lifted by her magic.

"QUIEETTT!!!!" she screamed. Just like that, Everypony stopped right where they were. "Now, This dragon is very friendly and not scary, and if you are all wondering who he is." she pointed to Eragon. "He is from a different land, and not Equestria so don't be mean to him."

"Well, you're the princess, your majesty, so we believe you." said a stallion. Every-pony then made comments in agreement, and went back to their normal tasks.

"Thank you." Twilight announced

"You're a princess?" asked Saphira telepathically to Twilight

"Yes." The purple allicorn replied

Eragon then bowed down to Twilight and said "Please forgive me for being so formal."

"Oh, Eragon, you don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Twilight." she replied softly

"Oh, good. Where should we talk?" asked Eragon

"At my castle would be nice." said Twilight

When they arrived at the castle, It was a beautiful sight to Eragon and Saphira.

"What an amazing Castle." said Eragon in amazement.

"Thanks." said Twilight.

"Saphira? can you please stay on the balcony, We will talk on there?" said Eragon

"Of course, I will meet you there." Saphira replied. She then flew on the big balcony and rested herself on it, and waited for the group to come

They entered, down the hall and into the throne room. It contained six thrones, and one had a smaller throne right next to it. They all had different symbols, the same ones that were on the ponies flanks, except for the smaller throne, which had to be Spike's.

"Girls, Spike, can we talk on the balcony?" asked Eragon

"Sure." Twilight replied. Eragon founded the group to the upstairs balcony, where Saphira was waiting for them. They closed the door, but all of a sudden, it reopened in a very fast way. There was a large red stallion with a big green apple on his flank.

"Applejack!" said the stallion trying to catch his breath. "Dragon."

"It's alright, Big Mac. She's a friendly dragon." said Applejack.

"Are...are you sure?' asked the stallion.

"Yes." Applejack replied

"Oh" said the stallion. He looked at Eragon and walked up to him to see what kind of creature he was. "Who is this?" he asked while smelling him

"My name is Eragon. Eragon Shadeslayer at your service.

"And I am Saphira?" said the blue dragon, which made the red stallion yelp in surprise. "You can read My thoughts." he said with astonishment.

"Yes, and I am a very friendly dragon." Saphira replied.

"Eragon." Big Mac said to him "What are you exactly.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, mister..."

"Big Macintosh, Applejack's older brother, but you can call me Big Mac." he said to the young rider.

"Well, nice to meet you, Big Mac." said Eragon. "I was just about to tell the ponies about where I came from, and what I am like."

"Can I hear you out?" asked Big Mac.

"Of course, just find a place to sit down." said Eragon

Every-pony huddled to eachother, and then sat down on the floor To here Eragon's past.

Author's Note:

In case I get in trouble, these sentences from the past go to Christopher Paolini.

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