• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Calraeli and Vaodidr

Skalmo was just about finished settling in his new house. It as not really what it would expect, but he supposed it will have to do.

"I love this little shelter." Said Gridgorn. "Rather cozy inside."

"Good to 'ear," the dwarf replied to his dragon companion. H decided to head on out in the fresh air, and took his falchion rider sword just in case. He saw Murtagh and looked at him with contempt and hatred. Nevertheless, he ignored him for Eragon's same.

"Let it go, Skalmo." Said Gridgorn. "Give Murtagh and Thorn a chance. He is Eragon's older sibling after all."

"Did he give Hrothgar a chance?" The dwarf argued.

"Please. Just please go enjoy some fresh air and ignore their every move."

The dwarf gave a huff "very well.." Then he walked away. Then he noticed the group of ponies, the same ones who were with Eragon earlier. Having a conversation with Thorn. He did scare them a little with his revenge on Murtagh. He decided to go over there and apologize for almost losing control over himself.

The dwarf rider waddled to them, and the other ponies and Saphira noticed him "Pardon me." he said in a low, semi-gruff voice

"Oh, hello, Skalmo." Said Applejack. "How do you like your new house?"

"Hmm, it is alright, but I wish that it would have a little more..... Dwarven decor to say the least. Besides that, it is enough for me to call it my new home in Equestria"

"Good. So, what can we do you for?" Asked Twilight

"Listen, I wanted to apologize for almost losing my anger not too long ago." The dwarf replied "I just cannot stand to even look at him." He head has blood boiling mildly within him again just thinking about Murtagh.

"It's alright." Said Spike. "Just please try and give him a chance. Murtagh as changed"

"Look, youngin', I might not make any promises. Hrothgar meant everything to me, and all of mine clan back home. A brave and honorable dwarven king he was."

"We understand." Said Fluttershy. "Just try and let it go, okay?"

"Ah, very well."

"Besides, you know that Orik, Eragon's closest dwarf cohort is the new king, right?" Twilight asked

"Aye of course. Indeed, Orik would make a fine king for all of mine clan, and Dwarves across Alagaesia. Of course, I am very well aware that he is Eragon's cohort, i have not forgotten the day Hrothgar made Eragon and Saphira apart of the family."

"There you go." said Applejack. "So we think you should redo the favor to Eragon by putting your trust in Murtagh and Thorn."

The yellow haired dwarf looked over at the red dragon interacting with Twist, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and a bunch of other children that wanted to meet him. he thought about what he was trying to do earlier, and realize that it was the rider that was to blame, not the dragon himself. It wasn't really the dragon that he had so much animosity towards. Sure, he was the one that burnt Hrothgar in the first place, but most of his animosity was at Murtagh. "Very well. I will try

"Good." Spike said.

"I would like to say that your sword looked a little intriguing." Said Rainbow.

"Oh yes. My new sword." Then he pulled out the falchion. "Behold, the weapon that will be my life along with Gridgorn: Knurl."

"Knurl?" Said Pinkie

"Aye. It means rock or stone in mine and dwarven tongue. I think it suits me perfectly." Then he put his falchion away in it's scabbard.

"Did you meet Artvazh yet?" Asked Twilight curiously. "Eragon said he would take you there."

"No. As a matter of fact, I am waiting for Shadeslayer to come out here right now." The dwarf replied. "And.... I promise. I.... Will put my difference aside with the urgal."

They all smiled "good. Maybe knowing him will do you good."

"I would hardly think that, Applejack. The relationship can be mutual, but not TOO mutual for me, that would it for sure." he took a loud breath out. "I suppose that it will pass soon. Perhaps you might all be right, maybe these pointless disputes might die completely overtime. Helzvog be with me."

"Helzvog?" Asked Spike, trying to pronounce it correctly.

"Aye. He is the god of stone. every dwarf's most respected god of all time. He created the dwarven people to live upon Alagesia. He is always with us to guide every last one of us, along with other gods and goddesses."

"What other gods?" Asked Twilight curiously

"Well, there is also-"

"Skalmo." Said Eragon, walking up to him. The dwarf looked at him with surprise. "Oh, was I interrupting something?"

"No no. It s quite alright, Shadeslayer. Just startled me for a moment."

"Oh. My apologies. I was coming to see If you were ready to meet Artvazh." He clarified.

"Yes. Of course." The dwarf flatly said.

"Perfect." Skalmo wasn't very happy about this, but he decided to do it for Eragon's sake, along with Gridgorn.

"I guess I might as well tell you all about the dwarven culture another time, if you would like that, perhaps." Skalmo a dresses to them. "I can tell you, I am a pretty good narrator for stories."

"Darn tootin' we would like to hear it, right girls?' Said Applejack

They all agreed with her. So the dwarf followed Eragon to the field not far from town. "These ponies sound really nice and welcoming. Hell, this was more of a warm welcome than the day o first came to this earth."

"Indeed, yes." Eragon agreed. Then he saw Artvazh sitting on bench outside of his hut that he made, cleaning his war axe with a cloth. Artvazh was eating a large moose he found while hunting, taking a little rest on the grass

"And now, we enter the lair of the beast." The dwarf mumbled to himself. He followed Eragon to the urgal, who noticed them both, prompting him to place his axe back where he found it, and walked up to him to greet him. A few small quakes were heard every footstep.

"Ah, hello Shadeslayer" the urgal humbly said. When he saw Skalmo, he wasn't all that happy to see him of course. "I believe an introduction is in order?" He said with a slight change of demeanor. He and the dwarf midly glared at eachother.

"Yes. Artvazh, this is Skalmo, the very first dwarven rider in existence. Skalmo, this is Artvazh, the very first urgal rider I told you about."

"Hmph. Charmed." Was all the dwarf replied.

"Indeed, a dwarven runt being chosen as a dragon rider." Artvazh added. "Normally, I do not like dwarves one bit of it, but I suppose I should do this for Dervoc's case."

"And I for Gridgorn, too. But, I do not think you would make a great rider anyway, that is certain."

The urgal wasn't affected by his scorn, and replied "at least I can wield a sword."

"Hey, you watch it." Skalmo said in a more threatening voice, ready to draw his sword out. "Or I will cut your throat out."

"Yoy just try it. If you can reach me up here that is. Believe me, we will both know who will win, weakling."

"Enough!" Eragon demanded. "I will not have that in my new order of dragon riders. We are all brother's and sisters as dragon riders. Remember that."

"He is right." Dervoc said. "At least have good faith for peace and prosperity."

"And think about our sakes, for we would hate to be torn apart as kin because of your little feud." Gridgorn added.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends were watching on them. "Things aren't turning out so well for them, aren't they?" Applejack murmured to Rarity

"Not really." she replied. "This is what I would expect since Eragon told us that urgals and dwarves do not see eye to eye."

"Oh, i don't know. Maybe if they would spend a little time together, then maybe they realize that urgals and dwarves are not so different after all." Fluttershy suggested.

"I think that's a great idea, Fluttershy." Twilight agreed. "They just need to warm up to eachother a little."

"Yeah, they think about their dragons as well, so maybe that would help them get along." Spike added

Back to the three, Artvazh made a reluctant breath out of himself. "Very well. I suppose we can make this work between us."

"Aye, me as well." the dwarf added. He scratched his long, scraggly, yellow beard. "So when do we begin with any one of 'em magic lessons that Riders learn about?"

"Aye, I myself am very eager to learn any tricks for a rider and dragon." Gridgorn added.

"Not to worry, we will be doing that soon enough." Eragon said. "For now, I think you should get to know Ponyville first."

"Well, I suppose I could." said Skalmo. "And I believe since no one around 'ere is afraid of me friend Gridgorn here, I suppose they would want to meet him."

The dwarf's dragon smiled and nodded a yes with a small grunt. "I would agree." said Eragon. "It's like that old saying: curiosity killed the cat."

The dwarf chuckled. "Aye."

Back to Twilight and the other ponies, they saw that the quarreling has died down. "Oh, good, looks like that Dervoc and Skalmo aren't fighting anymore." Fluttershy noted

"I know. Hopefully, it will stay that way." Applejack agreed with her.

Then Shadeslayer left the dwarf and Urgal be.

Back over to the two riders, Dervoc said, "well, I might as well get back to my target practice with my beautiful blade before me and Artvazh go with Shadeslayer and Brightscales for magic training."

"Yeah, me also. Just please don't try anything funny" the dwarf flatly warned Dervoc

"I promise, I will not try anything. If you leave me alone, then I will leave you alone."

"Aye, here here." Then the dwarf waddled back to his new house. Then, Gridgorn was given a large piece of moose meat by Artvazh as a gift by slowly pushing it to him.

"Here, brother, I want you to have this. I know you are probably hungry right now." Artvazh offered

"Thank you, Artvazh." Gridgorn replied to him. "Very kind offer from you."

"Of course, we are all brothers."

"Indeed." Then the smaller orange dragon began to gnaw at the corpse and chewing it, with the sound of bones cracking, and organs being squished.

"Eww, remind me not to see something like that ever again." Spike said with slight disgust.

"I know. I mean sure if that is a way a dragon would eat, I understand, but still, it is so grotesque just by watching,"

"Then don't watch it anymore." Applejack said with slight annoyance

"Oh, right, of course." Then Rarity turned her head away from watching Gridgorn eat his snack.

"Ooh, look at all the intestines coming out." Pinkie said with unusual fascination. "Still, I feel bad for the moose, though."

The others have a shiver down their spine "please don't talk about any gore, Pinkie." Fluttershy begged. "It might make me sick."

"Oh, sorry."

"Hello, my friends." Said Blodhgarm, noticing this little gathering "may I ask what adorable ponies and a baby dragon like you are out here?"

"Oh, you know, Blodhgarm, we wanted to know if Skalmo and Dervoc were getting along yet. That's all."

The wolf elf and the two other spellcasters beside him looked on, watching Gridgorn ripping a large chunk of flesh from the moose corpse. "I see. How exactly did that turn out?"

"Well, we thought they would fit, it turned out..... Alright." Twilight said modestly.

"Eragon and Saphira are going to tech them about magic and how to use it soon." Spike pointed

"Really? That's perfect. Hopefully, they will not try and kill eachother."

"Heh, neither do us." Rainbow agreed. "And Blodhgarm, listen, We know that you and your guys are not very fond of Murtagh and Thorn, but please try and do it for Eragon's sake."

The blue elf sighed "I know. Perhaps the son of Morzan has changed since the last time me and my fellow spellcasters have aided Eragon in battle against him.

"He has. In fact, Celestia and Luna helped him cleanse the evil within him. You see, he was having nightmares about Morzan, but with their help, he got rid of it, for good." Twilight noted.

For the first time ever in a while, Blodhgarm was surprised to hear this, and the same for his spellcasters. "I suppose if you put it that way, maybe we can put a little more trust on him. Very well, me and my spellcasters will make sure that Murtagh will not be harmed by that dwarf for Eragon am Saphira's sake. We might not trust them completely, but I will only do it for Shadeslayer."

"Thank you so much, Blodhgarm." Rarity said. "We really appreciate this service.

Blodhgarm chuckled. "So, my dear Fluttershy, I was wondering if I would come over to your cottage for some herbal tea."

"Oh, of course. I would love you to visit me, Blodhgarm." The yellow pegasus replied. The blue, hybrid elf smiled with gratitude.

"Perfect. You will absolutely adore this type of herb that will blend with the liquid. I learned it from Oromis and Queen Izlanzadi."

"Wonderful. I'll see you later, friends,"

"Bye Fluttershy." They all said to her as as she and the three elves went back to the cottage. Then the others scattered to do their own things they like to do.

"Cakes and cupcakes don't bake themselves, you know?" Pinkie sang before she pranced back to Sugarcube Corner going "la la la la la"

Meanwhile, for Twilight and Spike, they were curious about how it went with the first urgal and dwarven dragon riders. She walked up to Eragon and asked him "hello, Eragon. Was everything alright with Dervoc and Skalmo?'

"Of course, Twilight."

"It was a little rocky at the beginning, b they turned out rather nicely," Saphira added

Spike then asked both of them "Do you think it will stay that way?"

Eragon breathed out "hopefully, it will. It has to be that way if we want the new rider order to work. We certainly cannot have it working with those two feuding with one another,"

"I should say so." Twilight agreed. "But, I'm pretty sure they will work something out."

"And us hope that as well." Saphira said.

"So, when do you think more riders will come here?" The baby dragon asked curiously

"That, we are uncertain of, Spike." Eragon replied. "I will know if I would detect them with my mind, and feel their presence."

"Oh, alright."

"For our sake, it won't be long until yet another rider and his or her dragon will arrive here in Equestria."

"Hopefully, you're right."


Murtagh and Thorn were having a little walk around the town, looking for anything peculiar.

"Hello, Murtagh." Said a voice.

"Oh, Lyra, Bon Bon" the rider said politely

"Hi, Thorn." The best friends said to the red dragon in unison.

Thorn smiled at them warmly "hello."

"What can we do for both of you?"

"Well, we wanted to see if we can spend a little time with you, if you do not mind."

"No of course. Feel free to talk with me and my closest friend." Murtagh said

"Aye, indeed." Thorn added

"Good. So, how did it go with the other riders?" Asked Lyra

"Not so good, Lyra. Well. The urgal tolerated me because I was Eragon's half brother, and Eragon and Saphira themselves are good friends with the urgals now, now that he included them and the dwarves as part of the circle of riders. Artvazh was also tolerant of me and Thorn also. All dragons are a family.

"Ah. That's a good point." Bon Bon said "so, what about Skalmo and Gridgorn? How did they go?"

Murtagh was feeling uncomfortable just thinking about the first time he met a dwarf in a long time. "He really hates me, I can tell you both that, especially since I killed their king, Hrothgar." He sighed "me and Thorn do not really want to talk about it, okay? It's too painful."

"Alright. We understand if those twins were the ones that turned you into Galbatorix' slave."

"That's none of your goddamn business!' Murtagh hissed. Both the mares went back with a fright. Murtagh felt regretful and he sighed "I'm sorry," he said flatly.

"No, we're sorry." Lyra stated "we were the ones that brought that out."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to make you mad."

"No, no. It's white alright. I understand you both wouldn't want to make us angry like this." Murtagh explained "We just really do not like to talk about it,"

"Aye. Our sincere apologies up young Lyra and Bon Bon."

"That's okay" the yellow earth pony stated.

"So, what about his dragon at least?"

"He was much more tolerable to me and Murtagh of course." Thorn clarified. "Hopefully, the dwarf will put his grudge aside, and see that we can learn to forgive and forget."

"Us too." Said Bon Bon.

"Skalmo will not mind Thorn around Gridgorn, but it does not mean he doesn't have a grudge against me. After all, it's me that he hates, not Thorn."

"That's good. Wouldn't be fair for him to blame you and Thorn."


"We will be there to help you for support if needed." Lyra said "we promise."

Both Murtagh and Thorn smiled "thank you, Lyra, Bon Bon."

"You're welcome." They both said in unison. Bon Bon then said "so, it must be nice for you and Eragon to be back as brothers, right?"

"Of course. Along with Thorn, and my mother, and of course the dark king being killed, Eragon was one of the greatest things to ever happen to me in my life. Having a family member that was nothing like the Empire. Honestly, without him, I wouldn't even know what I would be be doing."

"We owe Eragon, and Saphira a great debt for setting us free from Galbatorix' control. Unfortunately, I do not think I can come up with any good ideas for that."

"Ah, Don't worry, Thorn." Lyra said "I'm sure you and Murtagh will think of something good for both of them."

"Oh, or maybe you guys coming to be with them was it." Bon Bon suggested.

Both the rider and dragon thought of what she said and she might be on to something with that phrase. "I think that you might be right, Bon Bon, Eragon and Saphira looked more than happy to see us when we first set foot in Equestria, but still, I feel like we should do more."

"That's fine."

"Aye, where a heart leads, a man must follow. That's what Cadoc, my old teacher taught me."

"Sounds fair enough." He took out Za'roc, and polished it with a white cloth. "So, we know these sound like stupid questions, but, has Spike been a good friend to you?"

Murtagh chuckled "that's quite alright. The questions you ask me are not stupid in any way, so, Spike is a really nice lad. He really knows how to bring light to both me and Thorn."

"You both might have noticed this, but Spike and myself seemed to have a special connection with one another, as the same for Saphira." Thorn added.

"Ooh, like you're a family, Thorn?" Bon Bon asked the red dragon curiously.

"I..... Do not know honestly. This is rather uncertain." He made a small grunt with smoke coming out his nostrils. "But I do have this strong feeling of a special connection."

"Well, you're both dragons, after all. Maybe you guys are related in a way." Lyra speculated

"Aye, that may be the truth."

"So, we were wondering if you would like to come to the spa with us."

"What is this.... Spa you speak of?" Murtagh asked

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't have those kind of things in Alagaesia." Lyra remembered. "Well, in the spa, it's a place for you to relax and enjoy yourself, like in a steam room, or having your feet of back massaged, or in a jacuzzi, or a hot tub."

"Hmm, the hot tub part reminds me if relaxing in a hot spring."

"Exactly! Except you are in a pool."

"Ah, I see. If you put it at way, then I guess me and Thorn can accompany y to this..... Spa."

"Yay!" Both friends said

"Hey Thorn, would you mind waiting outside?" Bon Bon asked him

"Yeah, I mean, it's a small building."

"Ah. I understand. Of course I will be alright waiting outside. Perhaps I can look for a couple of rabbits to snack on." He smacked his lips.

The mares looked mildly horrified by what he said "but, you won't eat other ponies, will you?" Lyra asked

"Of course. My sincere apologies if I have frightened you."

"Of course Thorn will be on his best behavior, be is my closest friend after all." Murtagh remarked.

The mares' demeanor changed as they sighed on relief.

"Or..... Maybe he won't." Murtagh said, making the mares gasp again. He chuckled "oh I was just joking with you, ha ha ha."

Lyra and and Bon Bon both chuckled nervously.


Back with Eragon, it was a little later on, like two hours later when he was polishing Brisingr to make it shine bright as it can be under the sunlight. He did it by stabbing it into the grassy ground and then letting it soak in a nearby river not far from town. Saphira wasn't with him this time, and neither was Glaedr in his eldunari.

"You clean a blade rather nicely, Eragon." Said a man's voice from nowhere.

Startled, Eragon lifted his blade to be on his guard in case if it was one of Galbatorix's secret followers Murtagh told him about. He looked around him, until finally, he was frozen when he saw an old friend, old master was more like it. It was an elf Eragon knew back in Alagaesia. He was wearing an elegant elven tunic with a cape, and in his waist was..... Naegling. "Oromis?" Eragon said, about to have a tear fo down his eye.

"Hello, Eragon." The wise old elf said with a smile. "You look a little bigger since the last time we have met in the flesh."

"But... how?" He said in awe

"No need to be alarmed, my boy. It is really me.... in spirit."

Eragon felt the time when he saw Ajihad and Garrow as ghosts before, and this is possibly the same for his old, fallen master. He put Brisingr back in the scabbard and said "forgive me, master."

"Oh, there will be no more formalities for me anymore. I am already dead, now. Come, why don't we have a little walk on this fine day in Equestria"

"Yes. Of course, Oromis." Then as they started walking together, it was just like old times when Oromis would show Eragon and Saphira the wonders of Du Weldenvardn with Glaedr when they were still alive. "Oromis, tell me, when Murtagh- no no, Galbatorix stabbed you, how did it feel?"

"It was not as painful as you would think it would be. I have suffered far worse pain then that. Remember the time I have told you where me and Glaedr were captured by Kianandil and Formora to be tortured?"

A shiver went down Eragon's spine "how could I not. It was unbearable for you."

"Indeed, yes. But death itself was not painful at all. It was a relief from the wound Galbatorix inflicted on my chest.

Then Eragon made an angry growl "if only you didn't have the seizure, then Galbatorix woukd meet his end a little sooner!"

"Come now, Eragon. Even if I would recovered, I would not have stood a chance against the oath breaker, nor Glaedr."

"My apologies. I really hated Galbatorix for what he did to you. I just wanted to walk up to him and just stab his eyes and cut his ears open."

Oromis shush ed him gently. "I know you mean well, and I thank you for that, but please, remember what I also told you about what happens when you hold on to your grudges and want revenge for a long period of time."

"I know. Revenge is like a parasite."

"Exactly. Besides, I am perfectly fine now."

The human-elf hybrid knew he was right, and besides, he did avenge his death when he put the empathy spell on the fallen dark king, like when he killed the Ra'zac, the deaths of Brom, and Garrow were avenged and not in vain.

"So, do you still plan to rebuild the riders?"

"Oh yes, of course. For you, Oromis, and Glaedr."

"And remember that you will do it for the good of the future riders as well."

"Of course. Of course." Then Eragon had a frown on his face.

"You seem troubled, young one." His former teacher noticed.

Eragon gave out a sad sigh. "I am still trying to live my new life in Equestria. I miss my old friends, especially Arya."

"Oh Eragon, I understand. It is never easy doing the ultimate choice, but it is the way it has to be. Do not forget you have new friends all around you."

The young rider thought of Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. Also Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, princess Celestia and Luna. Every one of those friendly new faces. All the good friends, and the good friends he has lost along his way.

"Do not worry, princess Celestia and Luna will do everything they can to adapt your new life on this land."

"You know about them?"

"Of course. I know all about your new friends, Eragon. I watch you from the heavens that look down upon you. Your mother, uncle, Hrothgar, Ajihad, and your father all do the same, even Izlanzadi herself watches you. She is very proud of you for killing the king as I am. She could not be any proud of her daughter for dealing away with Shruikan and taking her rightful place as the new queen of the elves."

"Thank you, Oromis." Then he decided to sit near a river, and the ghost of Oromis followed after.

"You are welcome Eragon."

"Although, I wonder if Galbatorix deserved it. I performed the empathy spell to make him see what he has become, I thought I could change him, but he only killed himself in return."

"That was a very clever and noble move for you to make, especially on the dark king himself."

"Yes, but, did he deserve it?"

"Of course he did, Eragon." Oromis answered. "Do not forget that he has performed unforgivable acts and misdeeds. From the genocide of the dragon riders, to the murder and enslavement of countless, innocent lives."

Eragon agreed with him "of course. But, he was only turned into that because he lost original dragon before Shruikan."

"Oh, Eragon, I did have sympathy for him on the day it happened, but you know very well that we only refused to bring him a new egg because he became corrupt, and consumed in anger. It was one of the hardest decision we made, but it was for his own sake that he needed to bet go of his anger. Sadly, it was all because of us that Vrael, and almost the riders of old are gone." Oromis bowed his head in guilt.

"Don't worry, master. I promise you. You, my father, Ajihad, Izlanzadi, Hrothgar, and my other deceased friends and family that I will do all that I can to restore the riders to bring peace whenever possible."

The wise old elf smiled warmly at him "I know you will. You will make a fine leader for the new generation of riders. I have faith in you."

Eragon felt like tearing up again. "Thank you. Oh! And Murtagh and Thorn are here now, too."

"Ah. I see you two are no longer enemies."

"Aye. Listen, Oromis. I beg you not to be quick to judgement on them. I know Murtagh and Thorn served Galbatorix when you faced them, but it was the last thing they would want to do. They had no choice. I only ask for you to accept their forgiveness."

"I know. I could see it in their eyes when me and Glaedr fought with them. Not to mention that Galbatorix and Shruikan possessed them both. I may not like his heritage from Morzan, but I do forgive him and Thorn for what they have done. Besides, it is not their fault they were forced to join the dark king, those blasphemous twins were to blame."

Eragon then had the thought of those treacherous little weasels, just thinking of those doublecrossers just made him wish that he could have been the one that killed them instead of Roran. "That is true. Nevertheless, what is in the past is done."

"Exactly. That is exactly what I needed to hear." Oromis said proudly "Remember, I will always be there for you when you need my old teachings once more. Remember that your parents love you. So do I, and Glaedr. And Do not forget Murtagh is the same, he is just too stubborn to admit it most of times.

This made Eragon more touched. He looked at the shining waters of the river. "Thank you, master Oromis. I promise I will make you proud, and bring a new order of peace."

"Good. May the stars watch over you, and Brom's ring be of assistance to you."

Eragon looked at the sparkling waters in the river and the small fish swimming in it. "I will bear that in mind, and-" then he looked back at him, but realized, Oromis was gone, again. It was like Garrow and Ajihad, but he remembered the last words that the Mourning Sage just said. "I will not let you down, master." he said. He got back up from the grassy ground.

He was walking all the way back to town, then he felt another new presence nearby. Something that felt like.... another elf. Then he heard another dragon roar faintly in the sky. "Another rider." Eragon said, in a happy tone.

"Hello down there!" said a voice that sounded a little deeper than Eragon's and even Murtagh's. Then the dragon above hovered to the ground and Eragon was in awe. The dragon's scales were a color of mint green, and he was the same size as Thorn and Saphira, but slightly bigger in size. He had a short line of small frills on both sides of his neck and had a few tendrils dangling from his chin. He had two horns that were smaller and shorter than Artvazh, except his horns were pointing backward, and slightly curved at the end.

The elf was a handsome looking male that was a little older than Eragon, and Murtagh even, like in his early twenties for his age. He had long, flowing black hair that went to his waist and was wearing a robe type of outfit, like many elves would normally wear, except it was a darker green color. On his waist was a peculiar rider sword that was like Brisingr or Za'roc. His face was narrow, that was similar to how Arya's face was shaped, except, it was a male, not a female

"Hello, Eragon Shadeslayer." The elf greeted warmly in a calm and yet somewhat musical voice. I am pleased to finally meet you. My name is Calraeli, at your service."

"And my name is Vaodidr." The mint green dragon introduced after. His voice was deeper than Thorn sounded, but of course, it was not as deep as Firnen's

"It is a delight to meet you."

"You know, Queen Arya told me a really great deal about you."

"She... she did?"

"of course, many elves were speaking highly of you, as a matter of fact. You really did an amazing deed by killing Galbatorix and his dragon. We elves thank you for that."

Eragon felt touched to hear that the elves were talking highly of him "and I would like to thank you for your kind words." He replied.

"My friend Firnen told me that you were Arya's closest friend." Vaodidr noted. "He also told me about Saphira Broghtscales. she really misses him."

Eragon was feeling the sentimentality again. He began to remember the night he and Arya had that romantic time together before the Talita set sailed to Equestria, and when Firnen and Saphra were flying together under the moonlight.

"Arya misses you too." Calraeli added. "She was nearly devastated when you had to leave."

"I- I'm sorry. Trust me, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I had no choice. It- it was the way it had to be."

"We can understand," Vaodidr remarked. "Do cheer up. You will find a good home here in Equestria."

"That's what this pace is called, right?" Calraeli asked. Wanting to make sure he got the location right.

"Yes. Now, I will show you the beautiful town of Ponyville, and show you where you will stay."

"Perfect." The handsome looking elf was gazing upon the town. "Ah, it looks riser adorable."

"What about me? Vaodidr asked "what if they are all afraid of me?"

"Don't worry. Vaodidr." Eragon said "they will all war, up to you, especially my new closest friends that I have made."


"Follow me." Then the elf and mint-green dragon did what he instructed and followed Eragon through the plane and went back in town.

Many ponies were looking at the dragon in awe.

"Well, here we are, a new home for you, and a place for your dragon to stay whenever he will feel like it."

Calraeli and Vaodidr were really impressed by how the town looked and both smiled, being friendly to many ponies that were watching them both. "Well, this is a rather nice place. Rather adorable."

"Eragon!" Called a voice. It was Twilight and her friends, walking up to them. "Oh my, you're a handsome looking elf." She said

"Oh, thank you."

"Go on, introduce yourselves, these are my friends that I told you about."

"Oh. Hello. My name is Calraeli of Du Weldenvardn."

"And I am Vaodidr." The mint-green dragon added. "It is quite an honor to meet you you all."

"Nice to meet you too." Fluttershy said kindly. "Welcome to Equestria."

The elf's smile grew a little bigger. "Thank you."

"My name is Fluttershy,'

"I am Twilight Sparkle."

"Rainbow Dash.'

"Pinkie Pie!"



"And I'm Spike."

"Nice to meet all of you." He greeted them in reply. He shook their hooves one at a time, and Spike's hand for last.

"We are honored to meet new friends of Eragon Shadeslayer." Said the green dragon.

"You look really majestic." Fluttershy said. Normally, she would cower at full grown dragons at first, but she somehow got over it.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Vaodidr moved his face forward and gently touched Fluttershy's nose, like a kiss to tell her thank you.

"Now, I would like to tell you that there are other dragon riders that already came before you. I am sure they would like to meet you."

"Good. Even and Urgal and a Dwarf?"

"Yes, the first urgal and dwarf rider as a matter of fact."

Calraeli was a little surprised by this "this is rather intriguing. Urgals and dwarves as part of the dragon rider order."

"So uh, can we.... Look at your sword?"

"Rainbow." Applejack said with mild irritatin.

The elf smiled "it's quite alright. I would not mind showing my new blade to anyone, anyway." The. He promptly pulled the sword out. It was mint like Vaodidr's scales, except it was a little more darker in color. The blade was like Za'roc and Brisingr, however it was a little more blunt, and slightly bigger. Not as big as Tamerlein or Dervoc's Ramr, it was smaller as a matter of fact, and the hilt guard was a little more straight.

"Ooh." They all said.

"I call this sword, Welden." He said "it's white beautiful, isn't it?"

"Really besutiful." Fluttershy said. She hovered to take a closer look at it. "And it looks so powerful."

"Aye, it is very powerful enough to break a rock when I use the Jierda spell." Then he put the blade back in it's scabbard."

"Ah, Eragon, there you are." Saphira said. Then she noticed Vaodidr. "Oh, a new dragon and his rider." She said

Vaodidr looked t her in awe. "Hello." He said "you must be Saphira Brightscales."

"Indeed. What is your name?"


"And I am Calraeli. I am really flattered to meet Eragon's closest companion. Oh, and speaking of companions.... Arrow!"

Then out of nowhere, a giant eagle owl flew onto the elf's arm. "Oh my, what a beautiful bird." Rarity acknowledged.

"Thank you. Meet Arrow, who along with Vaodidr, is my closest friend."

The owl then leaped and perched on Zfluttershy's back without hurting her.

"Oh look, he likes you."

"Aww, hello."

"So, should I introduce you to the other riders?"

"Of course. But, let me settle in my new home, then if Vaodidr wants to, we will meet the others."

"Indeed. Me and Saphira have so much more to talk about." The green dragon concurred

"Oh yes." Saphira added

"Very well. Oh, and I should tell you, my half brother, Murtagh is here too."

"Murtagh? Oh yes, we have heard of him."

"Right, b please, do not hate him, he has changed. Trust me"

The elf was skeptical "very well." He finally said "but I will be careful."


Then the elf went inside his new house for a closer look while Vaodidr and Saphira layer next to eachother, having a conversation.

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