• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Mugging Minotaur

Saphira was walking back to Ponyville with Spike on her back for a piggy-back ride. Now that these two have a mother to son relationship, things could really work out for her and Eragon during their settlement in Equestria for many generations to come. "So, Saphira,"

"Yes youngling?"

Spike froze for a second, thinking about what he should say. "I hope this isn't a stupid question, but do you think you will like living in Equestria? Do you and Eragon have to leave someday?" He sounded like he was worried about something bad about to happen in the future.

Saphira was silent for a second too before she replied to him "Oh youngling, that was not a foolish question. I have seen some of Equestria myself, and how peaceful it can be. Of course, it would be something f I would have to discuss Eragon about. But I promise, we will stay here as our new home, as long as princess Celestia and Luna let the dragon riders to come live here to train."

"She did say she was alright with it." Spike pointed.


They both laughed about the conversation. "You know this is amazing, knowing another dragon that is not mean or greedy."

"Are all dragons in Equestria like this?"

"Well, i wouldn't say all of them, but that is what they are known for."

"Really? Well you are definitely it like those brutes that ca themselves dragons."

"I know. I know. I just hope that the dragons and their riders from Alagaesia will like it here in Equestria." Spike said

"I am sure they will, Spike." Saphira replied.

Even though Ponyville wasn't far from them, it still felt like a long walk like coming back home from a hike on a snowy mountain.

"So, about you helping Twilight with the work in her castle, can it be laborious to you?" Saphira asked

"Well some days, it can be hard work, bug most of the time, it's pretty easy for me to do." Spike said. "Besides, Twilight would never let me work till my bones crack on my back."

"I know." Saphira remarked. "I did not say that she does. I was just curious."

"Oh i know. You're fine."

They reached the town and Saphira stopped in front of Eragon's new house so Spike can climb off of her. "Would you like a ride home, little one?" Saphira offered.

"Ah, no thanks. It's only a short walk for me, anyway." Spike replied modestly.

"Very well."

"Ah, there you are, Saphira." Said Eragon, coming outside the front door. He looked at Spike and asked him "are you feeling alright, Spike?"

"Yep. Thanks to her." Spike replied, looking at Saphira and her vice versa. Eragon liked the sight of how Spike and Saphira formed a close friendship with eachother. Definitely looked like a mother and son relationship.

"So, does that mean that you and Saphira are mother and son?" Asked Eragon

Spike and Saphira looked a little awkward. "What no no no." Spike said "we're just good friends, that's all."

"and- and-" Saphira used her large paw to gently touch Spike like a scaly blanket. "He needs me" she said. "He feels alone. Surely you can understand."

"Of course I understand." Said Eragon. "I think it's rather... heart warming."

Saphira flushed a blood red on her cheeks that they turned into a purple color. "You're one to talk." she said.

"Well, I might as well be going back to Twilight's then. See you all later."

"See you soon, Spike." Eragon called

"Oh and one more thing." Saphira said.

Spike stopped so he can hear what he has to say. "Yeah?"

"If you have any problems, please. Come to me, Spike." Saphira offered

"Okay. I will." then Spike continued to walk back home. Saphira didn't keep her eyes off of him, and just continued watching him back walking back to the castle.

"Well, should we continue our training with Glaedr and Umaroth?" Eragon suggested. "We could really use it."

"Of course. I would not want to forget how to defend ourselves in case some of Galbatorix' remnants try to plan an attack on us as revenge for killing their king, or the baby Ra'zac hatching from the ground eating everyone here."

Eragon chuckled at her statement. "I couldn't agree more. But I really do not think that some of his remnants that Murtagh mentioned cannot be such a problem. And the baby Ra'zac infants? Arya, Garzhvog, Orik, Roran, and more of my closest friends and followers are already taking care of that. Even Murtagh will stop them somehow."

"I know." Saphira stated. "I just hope that the eggs that will hatch for any riders will hatch before any possible disaster such as that could possibly happen."

"I already thought of how we can get riders to us. I will just send a number of messages to Nasuada, and then she can give them all to Orik, Garzhvog, Arya, or king Orrin for any people of Surda that would love to become a dragon rider as well so there can be a large amount of elves, dwarves, urgals, or humans so they can bring em here if they all want to be dragon riders, or if any of those eggs back home have already hatched and then start to move here for training."

"The trip we had was a long trip, Eragon. We were sailing on that infernal ship for thirty days."

"Perhaps, but I would also say that the dragon riders of Alagaesia can help transport them to a Equestria."

"Sounds fair enough." Said Saphira. "But since we cannot go back, you mig as well find a bird to deliver the scroll to Nasuada."

"Of course." Eragon climbed on Saphira's back and said "well, let's get going." Then Saphira flew With the sound of heavy wings flapping.

Saphira was practicing her flying skills with Eragon still on her back. She did a series of amazing tricks and evaded many obstacles as she flew: large knolls, trees, boulders, and other objects.

"I knew you still got it, Saphira." Eragon. Said to her.

"I always do." Said Saphira with great pride. "Flying is one of the greatest gifts for a dragon after all, along with breathing fire and communicate with creatures telepathically"

"Here here."

After thirty long minutes of flying, Saphira hovered herself above the ground as her wings were blowing away some flowers, then she landed with a loud quaking "thump"

Eragon dismounted and pulled out Brisingr from his scabbard. Saphira backed away as he was walking to the practice dummies he made out of wood.

"Concentrate, Eragon." Said Glaedr. "Attack wisely and knkw how your enemy will inflict their mortal blow on yourself."

"Yes, Ebrithil." Eragon took a breath, and made a move with a parry, amd struck at one wooden dummy in it's arm. Next he did a mid-air jump, did a somersault, and hit two more dummies on the head then landed on his feat.

"Impressive." Said Glaedr. "Most impressive"

"Thank you. I really wish that there would be an actual opponent that I could foght, or spar with. I may have had a dangerous encounter with a werewolf, but I need more training to keep me a better swordsman." He put Brisingr back in it's scabbard then looked around his surroundings.

He noticed that Saphira was a little dazed about something.

"You're thoughts dwell on Spike." Said Umaroth.

"My apologies, mentor." Said Saphira. "The little one seems special to me."

"Are you alright, Saphira?" Asked Eragon

"I am well."

"Hey you!" Said a really tough voice. Eragon Turned Around And Saw what it appears be a minotaur with a large sword, and a coat of brown with long horns. "I do not recognize your kind, freak, but regardless. Give me all your money and valuables! if not, then I'll kill you right here." He threatened

Saphira made a threatening growl.

"Easy, Saphira. I'll handle this." He unsheathed Brisingr, and said "I am not your efforts, beast. Now walk away while you stille have a chance."

"Ha. You're threats won't work on me. Just give me your money, and I will let you and your monster go." Said the minotaur.

"Then you leave me no choice. If you want to take anything from me, y oh will have to take it from my dead body."

"Oh, playing it tough, huh? Fine. Consider it your last request." Then the minotaur made a bellowing cry and charged at Eragon with his blade. Eragon and the monster clashed blades one another, and dodged one another from many strikes they can swing. The monster was a formidable opponent that Eragon had faced in a long while, sure he had fought a pack of timberwolves that formed into a large one after they had all fallen, but they were nowhere near as deadly as this minotaur. He was almost as big as a bull kull back home.

Eragon lept and sliced the minotaurs back, making him bleed out slowly. He grunted in pain, and was even more mad then he was before. Then he slowly stood up, panting.

The minotaur retaliated and recovered from his injury, and swung has sword against Eragon's, and they continued fighting on. Saphira was just about ready to step into the fight and maul the minotaur until nothing remained of him.

At last, Eragon stabbed the minotaur right in his chest, making the beast gasping for air, holding the wound.

"Not bad, weakling." said the minotaur. "Not bad."

Eragon took Brisingr out of the monsters chest. "See what happens when you cross me?" he said to him.

"Just a minor scratch." said the beast in a cocky tone. "I'll show you what a real wound is!" he readied his sword, and was about tow swing at Eragon.

"Adurna!" Eragon said in a commanding voice. The water from the lake began to move and become alive, like a blob was rising. the minotaur could hardly believe what he is seeing.

"What the hell is this?" he exclaimed. Without warning, the blob of water rushed into the minotaur and pushed him straight to Eragon, giving him just the right chance to stab him once more.

This time, the beast was dead, and he dropped to the ground with his last dying breath. Eragon panted with exhaustion. He didn't fight like that in a month since he defeated Galbatorix. "Are you hurt?" asked Saphira.

"No. I'm alright. It was quite a match." Eragon replied

"You saved me the trouble of looking for any lunch."

Eragon chuckled. "I did, didn't i? That was quite a little training that I needed."

"I agree, even though he was trying to kill you, and loot your body."

"You fought well, youngling." said Glaedr.

"Thank you, mentor. Well, I might as well get back to training." So he continued training with the practice dummies and the magical training from Glaedr and Umaroth.

When Eragon and Saphira returned from training, life was as normal as it should be. He went back to his new house, and heard the door fry open as soon as he just got home. He turned around and it was Blodhgarm.

"Blodhgarm, what is it?" he asked

"Me and my other fellow spellcasters heard you fighting that minotaur. Are you alright, Shasdeslayer?"

"I'm alright. That monster didn't put up a challenge."

"Very well." said Blodhgarm. "I just thought I should make sure. I'll tell the others that you're alright."

"Thank you for checking." said Eragon with a small smile.

"Always at your service, Shadeslayer." Blodhgarm replied with a bow before he left. Eragon placed Brisingr and all of his other objects he took with him back upstairs. For Glaedr and Umaroth, they were placed back on the pillow that Eragon made for them, then sat on his own bed.

"You have trained well, young one." said Glaedr. "You are becoming even stronger than you ever were before. Oromis would be really porud of you."

Eragon smiled. "I think he is." he said.

After thirty long minutes of healing the eldunari with his masters, he heard a knock on the door.

"Are they alright?" Eragon asked.

"They are healed for now." said Umaroth. then Eragon went to get the door. He opened it, and there was Spike, Twilight, her friends, Discord, and Big Macintosh.

"Oh, hello, everyone. What are you doing here?"

"isn't it obvious? I'm pretty sure you know why we are here." said Rainbow giving him a gentle elbow bump on the arm.

"What. Oh, you want to hear more of my experiences, don't you all?"

"Of course." said Fluttershy. "We really want to know how you and your old friends freed Alagaesia from Galbatorix."

"yeah, please?" said Spike.

"I really want to know what happened to that evil king and how you freed Alagaesia. I must know my dear boy." Said Discord.

Eragon chuckled. "Alright, alright. Come on in." Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and the others stepped inside the house, just anxious to hear how the Empire was about to fall.

Author's Note:

The Narration will continue in the next chapter to come. I hope you all enjoy it.

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