• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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I Promise

In the center if Ponyville, everypony has gathered around for a town meeting. The Mane 6, along with Spike and Big Macintosh were helping with the little announcement that Eragon will speak. They all stood on the spots they chose to stand on so they can listen and made themselves comfortable. Inside the convention center, Saphira was watching from outside since she obviously wouldn't fit through the doors. Eragon was pacing to and fro thinking of how to approach this calmly and not make them all panic in an uproar that it could destroy the building.

"Is Everything alright, Eragon?" asked Rarity

He looked, snapping out of his thinking and stopping his pacing. "Of course." he said. "Everything is fine." he looked away, and started thinking deeply again. "I am just a little worried about how everyone in here would react to this."

"Don't worry, Eragon." said Fluttershy. "They might not like it at first, but they will understand. They have seen Saphira before, and they don't think of her as a monster."

"That's true."

"Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about." said Spike

"Everything will be fine, Eragon." said Twilight. "We'll support you all the way."

Eragon smiled. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it."

"What are friends for?" said Rainbow.

"Well you better get on out there." said Big mac. "Wouldn't want to keep everypony here for nothing."

"Right." Eragon slowly walked to the pedestal and tapped the microphone. Everypony in the audience. "Excuse me. Is this.... contraption on?" he announced. "Ah, it is." he cleared his throat. "Everyone. I have an announcement to make." he had small butterflies in his stomach but decided to pull through and get it over with. "I sent a leader to the queen of my Home Alagaesia, Nasuada, and.... and..... a number of people from my home are coming here to see if they are dragon riders and if the eggs will hatch for them. Now, do not be alarmed. One race called the urgals might look a little bit... frightening if Twilight and the others have already told you about them, but do not be fooled. They can be gentle giants. And, I am soon going to build a sanctuary with me and the future riders for us to train in."

Some of the ponies murmured to one another. Many others seem to be.... infatuated on the other hoof.

"Now, I just would like to tell you not to be scared or alarmed about the dragon riders coming here to Equestria. You all might have seen Saphira, and she is not a monster."

Many of the audience commented words of agreement to themselves. Yes, they all like Saphira alright.

"So, these dragons that will come here are nothing like the greedy mindless dragons. Oh! except Spike of course. He is nothing like those dragons. they can be very friendly once you get to know them. And they will not eat you, so do not worry. We will be there to make sure these dragons will not go berserk. i already asked the mayor if she could lend us a hand or hoof to build another number of houses for the future riders to live in." the mayor nodded a yes to everypony. "I am asking for all of you to trust in me, just like Twilight, Fluttershy, and these other ponies here do, along with Princess Celestia and Luna. So I thought you would know. Please do not be very bothered by this. Everything will be fine when the dragon riders arrive here. I promise you. Thank you."

then everypony.... applauded for him. Eragon wasn't really expecting that from the audience and maybe expected a panic to arise. However, turns out everything went better than he expected it to be.

"Thank you for helping me my friends, and thank you for letting me arrange the meeting, ms. Mayor."

"Your welcome." they all said

"Of course Eragon." said Mayor Mare.

"We told you there would be nothing to worry about." Said Spike, jabbing his arm gently and playfully.

"Of course."

"Shadeslayer, I must say, I was quite impressed." Said Blodhgarm, with his spellcasters following him on the stage. "We promise you we will try our best to help you."

"Thank you." Eragon said to him. "I just hope that this plan will work out as I think it will be."

"I'm pretty sure it will." Said Twilight. "Don't worry."

"Perhaps. Perhaps I have nothing to worry about it after all."

"Oh! Oh! We should throw all these people a party and welcome them all to Equestria and congratulate them for becoming dragon riders!" Pinkie suggested excitingly.

"Easy there, Pinkie Pie. First thing is first, we have to see if these dragon eggs will hatch for these who might be riders when they first arrive here."

"Rarity's right." Said Applejack. "We just need to give it a little more time, Pinkie."

"You're right." Said Pinkie being more calm, but still having that large smile on his face.

"So, would you like to come get some ice cream with us?" Rainbow asked.

Eragon thought of the first time he had ice cream and the first time he caught brain freeze. Then he remembered what the cakes told him not to eat it too fast, which is the reason why he caught the brain freeze. He smiled and replied "of course."

"Yay!" Pinkie exclaimed they all went to Sugarcube Corner for a treat and celebrate the success of this little announcement.

"So, what do you think the new riders will be like?" Asked Twilight

"To be honest, I really do not know what to think. Of course there is only one way to find out for sure. And for our sake, I hope that they will all like it here in Equestria."

"Oh i'm pretty sure they will, Eragon." Said Applejack. "We promise that we will be the friendliest type of folk to them."

"Damn right." Rainbow agreed. "I bet it would be cool to live near dragons like Saphira."

"Good." Eragon smiled. Then he thought of someone close to him, Murtagh. He remembered the time when before Murtagh and Thorn departed to Ellesmera to calm down from the final battle, Eragon asked them to come find him and Saphira and will have a nice place for them to live in. Murtagh did promise that he will, amd what would he think of Equestria?

"You okay, Eragon?" Asked Fluttershy

"Oh of course. Why?"

"Well you looked a little.... zoned out." Spike explained.

"Well, I was thinking about what Murtagh and Thorn would think of Equestria. I have known Murtagh fo quite a time now, and I have seen what he is like. Maybe Thorn would be more open to all of you, but him....he rather prefers to go his own way."

"Oh that's right. You said that he promised that he would come be with you when he calms down." Said Fluttershy.

"Aye. I did."

"Well, we have not met them, but I am sure they will like us at least." Said Twilight

"Maybe you are right, Twilight. I just need to eat some ice cream to help me not become obsessed over it."

"I suppose you're right."

"Hey, Eragon?" Spike stepped in

"Yes, Spike?"

"I was wondering if.... If i can come with me and Saphira the next time you fly? If that's alright with you?"

"Of course, what for?"

"Well.... I.,.. I want to spend time with Saphira that's all." he said nervously

"Oh. I understand. of course."

"Ooh. I sense a romance coming on with Spikey here." Rainbow teased

Spike's eyes went wide and his cheeks blushed red. "Shut up." he said. "It's not like that. I... It's just that I want to spend time with a dragon other than me, and those bad teenage dragons I stayed with some time ago."

"Come on, Spike. I'm just kidding." said Rainbow, jabbing his arm with her elbow.

"Okay Okay. It's just that.... I feel not alone anymore with Saphira around."

"That's perfectly fine with us, Spike." Rarity said. "As long as it's okay with Saphira."

"Of course I am fine with it, Rarity." She said. "I would be more than happy to be with Spike with us."

Spike smiled at her thought. "Great. Thank you, Saphira."

"Although I do have a question for you Spike." Twilight pointed out


"You know that we are your family and we will always be there for you, right?"

"Oh of course I do, Twilight. I hope you weren't offended about what I said about being alone sometimes."

"Oh no, it's okay, Spike. I understand."

Thank you for caring."

"You're welcome, Spike."

In the distance of town, Eragon and Saphira were continuing their training with Glaedr and Umaroth. This time, Spike was with them just as he asked them both.

"Woohoo! Nice job, Eragon!" Spike applauded after he sliced through one of his dummies with Brisingr.

"Thank you, Spike." Eragon said. Nonchalantly, he sliced as much practice dummies as much as he can strike at. Brom would be really proud of him if he was still alive with him.

"Eragon is such a natural with that sword." Saphira said to the baby dragon

"He is. So... Are you sure you do not mind my being here with you guys?"

"Of course I do not mind. I really like you, Spike. Eragon does too, and we do not mind a little extra company."


It was a little silent for a moment and got to a point where it was a little awkward between the two. "I wanted to thank you for helping out Eragon with that meeting he just had with everyone."

"Oh of course. Anything for a friend."

"Right. Friendship seems to be more stronger in Equestria than it is in Alagaesia. Sure there are bonds similar to the ones we have experienced here, but not as strong."

"Friendship is the key to a lot of things." Spike pointed

"Right." It was a little silent again before Saphira finally said "would you like to me to take you for a little flying soon?"

"Sure. I would love too. I'll be careful that I do not fall."

"Do not worry, I will make sure of that, and I will make sure I don't soar so high that you wouldn't be able to breathe."

"Okay, good." He felt a little nervous but he trusted Saphira on a high level, and decided that everything will be fine when he is on her while she is flying.

Eragon then stopped his training when he felt a presence. He couldn't really figure out the mind of who it was coming from, but he thought it smelled like trouble.

"What's wrong, Eragon?" Asked Spike

"I feel..... A presence nearby." Eragon answered. "I'm trying to concentrate on who it is." He tried so hard to know who or what was coming to him and Saphira. She herself stayed alert of what might happen. Then, from a distance, their was a dragon roar that sounded a little like Saphira's, but a little deeper than hers.

Eragon took out Brisingr and prepared for any fight that might cross at him or Saphira. Was it another Hydra? Then a red dragon that was a little bigger than Saphira flew over them in a long distance I'm ten sky above the ground.

"Eragon!" A voice called out. "Hello, Eragon." It was a voice that Eragon knew too well. Then the large red dragon landed on the ground with a thud. There was a rider on it and just dismounted his dragon steed.

"Murtagh?" Eragon thought. He, Saphira, and Spike walked over to the red dragon to see who it was.

"Thorn!" Saphira shouted in her mind.




Yes, it was indeed Murtagh and Thorn. Eragin never felt this happy since the king was killed in Ilirea. Murtagh was slightly different now. His hair was a little longer than the last time Eragon met him one month ago. Instead of wearing the armor he was wearing while serving Galbatorix, he was wearing more of an adventurers outfit like Eragon is wearing, however, it was more of a brownish and red color than the brownish green.

On his waist was Za'roc, gleaming a ruby blood red in the sunlight. Thorn has not changed one little bit however, and looked just the same as before.

Eragon and Murtagh smiled and then walked to eachother in a fast pace and then hugged eachother, very happy to meet eachother again.

"It is so good to see you again, Murtagh." Eragon said with joy. "I knew your anger would calm down sooner. I just knew you would come find us."

"Of course. Brother." Murtagh chuckled. "I always keep my promises. So does Thorn."

"Hello, Eragon. It is wonderful to see you once again. By the wind, you have changed a little since the last time we met, and you look a little.... smaller, too." Thorn said

"Wonderful to see you again, Thorn."

Saphira and Thorn walked out to eachother and sniffed one another like two wolf hound puppies getting to know one another.

Spike was amazed by this, and he smiled. Although he still felt a little nervous, because he remembered Eragon saying that he can be a little.... difficult to be with.

After they stopped hugging for the final time, Murtagh noticed Spike in a short distance. He became quite curious about him. Thorn also was thinking the same thing. Murtagh and Thorn then found him rather..... adorable. "And who might this be Eragon?"

Then Eragon looked at the baby dragon. "Oh come on, Spike. He won't hurt you." He said to him. Spike the. Walked up to the two and looked a little nervous but stood tall and was being brave about it.

"Care to introduce yourself young one?" Said Saphira.

"My name..... is Spike." He said flatly

Murtagh's eyes went wide. "He speaks? Very fascinating." He bent down to his knees. "Well, Spike. What exactly are you?"

"Well.... i am a baby dragon."

"You, a dragon?" Murtagh said. He began to chuckle a little, and wasn't really believing that Spike was actually a dragon.

"Murtagh." Eragon spoken. "Do not be rude. He is a dragon."

"Yes, my friend, he is just a hatchling and you might hurt his feelings." Thorn added

Murtagh then looked at the baby dragon and saw that he was actually hurting his feelings and had tears forming in his eyes. "Oh. I am so sorry." He said to him. "It is just that..... i probably have never seen a dragon like you before. And you talking with your mouth is rather..... fascinating."

"Oh. It's okay." Spike said. "Thank you for apologizing." He cleared his throat.

"Well, my name is Murtagh, Eragon's half brother."

"And I am Thorn, and I must say it is a pleasure to meet you Spike." The red dragon then walked over to him and gently sniffed Spike and nuzzled him, making him laugh a little.

"Oh look, he likes you already." Said Saphira

"So, Murtagh, how did you find us?"

"It..... was not really easy. What is important is that we are reunited as brothers."

"Right. I see."

"So, what is this place anyway? It looks rather..... beautiful."

"You are in Equestria." Eragon answered. "It is..... not really what you would expect it to be. The dominant species here are called ponies. An yes, it means they can speak. These ponies are more colorful than the ones in Alagaesia and look more adorable."

"Really? Ponies eh? I wouldn't have thought it would be like that." Murtagh said

"Neither did we. But, it is a rather beautiful and wondrous place."

"So Thorn, can you please not try to eat these ponies, because they are helping us live here and giving us their greatest hospitality." Saphira said

"Oh. Of course. I will not eat any ponies. I promise."

"Because if you do try to eat one, then I will have no choice but to try and attack you."

"I promise you I will not. As a true dragon I sweat not to do such an act."


"So. Why don't you come to where we ate living?" Eragon suggested. "I promise you that you will enjoy their company as they will enjoy yours."

Eragon was thinking about what he should do whether to go with Eragon or not. "What if they think of Thorn as a monster? I do not want these..... ponies running around in a panic"

"Oh don't worry, they won't. Eragon told me about you guys and they would all like to meet you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Murtagh was thinking again. If they want to meet him then Eragon must have said positive things about him and Thorn. "Very well." He said. "We will come with you."

"Thank you, Murtagh. I promise you that you will not be disappointed."

"Right. But... maybe I should ride with you on Saphira. Thorn's a little hungry from the distance we came from."

"Very well. Thorn probably shouldn't come to Ponyville on am empty stomach." Then he and his brother laughed.

"Right. We might as well be going then."

"I'll be back, Murtagh. I promise you I will meet you in this little town after I eat."

The three went on Saphira with Eragon in the front, Spike in the middle, and Murtagh as the last one on her saddle. Then, she flew back to Ponyville while Thorn flew another way to find some food. Murtagh and Eragon reunited as brothers after a long month of separation. It will be just like good times again.

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