• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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First Quest in Equestria

Eragon was out in the open just outside of town again, practicing his spells, and Saphira with her flying and fire breathing practices. He wondered what Nasuada would reply to him by letter when he finally gets it from her. He didn't worry about it too much, and decided to just carry on with his life in Equestria.

"Saphira, do you really think this will work for the future riders?" Eragon asked while he was taking a break.

"You worry so much" Saphira replied. "It will work. We have known Nasuada for a long time for as long as we can remember. She will understand why you sent her the letter.

"Aye. Guilty as charged. We'll just need to wait and see in the future when she replies." Eragon said in agreement.

"Exactly. Why don't we take a look around this part of Equestria? Being in a peaceful place for a temporary time is sometimes the best solution for reliving or worries." Saphira suggested.

"I know, I heard."

"Meditation also works. Remember when Oromis and I taught you how calm and peaceful a rider can be in meditation?" Glaedr suggested.

"That would also work." Eragon said. "Why am I so worried about this?" He sat on a rock to think. "Twilight, Rainbow, and our new friends would be more than welcome to build a new sanctuary for us dragon riders. Even Princess Celestia and Luna said it would be alright."

"They did."

"Perhaps I should see more wondrous areas of Equestria and see what there is on this beautiful piece of land."

"Climb on my back and we will be off, youngling." Said Saphira, bending herself down for Eragon to get on her saddle more easier. Then they went off into the beautiful blue Equestria sky. There was so many fascinating landmarks and sites as the eyes of Eragon and Saphira can both see.

"Skublakas ven." Eragon murmured. His vision became like a Eragon's eyes and he zoomed in on the view on the ground. So many peaceful and happy activities from below like a group of deer running on the fields, prancing with glee. Despite many different animals being a little afraid because of Saphira, they were all happy, and did many things that animals would do.

They both saw Danger Pig where Saphira and a rainbow had a friendly race together, despite a few setbacks like the giant eels popping out of their holes so they can eat them for lunch, but still.

When hey went a little farther away from Ponyville, they spotted some areas that looked a little rocky like they were badlands of some kind. "Saphira, should we land here?" Eragon asked her.

"Yes." Saphira gently swooped down flew slower when she fluttered her massive wings and softly landed on the soil.

Eragon mounted off of her fellow comrade and looked around his horizons. "This is a little... Peculiar to me." He thought

"It reminds of of the outskirts of the Hadarac desert."

"My thoughts exactly, Saphira." He looked around for a temporary resting place to sit on to pass the time while he is sightseeing. He finally found a flat rock perfectly fit for his hindquarters to sit on. Saphira then followed him with small thumping on the ground from the footsteps she made, leaving footprints on the soil.

He looked at Saphira with a small smile. Saphira looked at it, and asked him "is something wrong, Eragon?"

Eragon looked away, realizing that he was making her feel a little uncomfortable. "Nothing. Nothing at all."he replied. He slowly looked at her again. "I was just thinking about the really good memories we had together from the first day we met when you hatched from your egg."

Saphira smiled. "Oh. I see."

"Don't you just wish we can go back and recount those memories when you first hatched for me? Or when I defeated Durza?"

"Aye. But not even Dragon Riders can change the past, Eragon."

"Of course. I didn't say change the past." Eragon remarked with a chuckle. "I just thought it would be nice if we can actually go back in time."

"I concur." Said Saphira. "But we had our own bad and wrote days too."

Eragon sighed. "Yes. I know." He thought of the times when Garrow, Brom, Oromis, and Glaedr dying and Murtagh being forced to turn against his own half brother because of the fallen king. But he knew what's done is done. "But we should never let them get the best of ourselves."

"Of course we shouldn't." Said Glaedr.

"It can be a great distraction to all of us if we filter those negative thoughts inside our minds." Umaroth added.

"Indeed, Ebrithil." Said Eragon. He looked at his closest friend again. "Saphira, do yoy think Roran And Katrina are really happy in Alagaesia as Earls?"

"Of course they are." Said Saphira.

"Even though..... even though I can never go back home?"

"Oh, Eragon. I miss all of our loved ones too." Said Saphira. "I still gravely miss Firnen and Nasuada and all of our close friends and allies."

"I know I just need to face that life is not fair most of times, it is still difficult for me to accept." Eragon stated.

"I can relate." Said Saphira.

"Remember young one, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and the others from Ponyville will be there for you." Glaedr added

Eragon smiled. "I know. I just need to look at the beautiful pieces of Equestria to hopefully calm myself."

"Me too." Said Saphira

Eragon continued sitting and Saphira decided to lay down on the soil as her own personal resting place. He looked at the sky and saw many clouds. He pictured what they reminded him of, and finally, one really caught his attention. His eyes were wide with amazement when he saw a cloud that had Arya's face on it, and then it slowly separated to smaller clouds. "Arya." He thought in his mind. He really missed her most of all out of his friends and family. He wished that their relationship would last longer.

"Hey you!" Said a voice that sounded like a gruff voice mixed with a rather funny type of voice of an alien, except no monotone.

Eragon turned around when he sat up amd saw three unusual wolf or dog-like creatures. "What the hell are they?" He thought. By the looks of how they were looking at him and greeting him, they were the opposite of friendly. "What the hell are you?" He said to them

"We are diamond dogs." The medium-sized leader said. "Now may I ask you the same thing?"

"I am a dragon rider." He replied. He then unsheathed Brisingr from it's scabbard and pointed I at the three creatures. "What do you want from me?" He questioned all three of them

"You are trespassing on our territory, so leave before we have trouble, monkey." The leader replied in a threatening voice.

"We mean you no trouble." Eragon said to them. "We were just looking around and sightseeing."

"Well go sightsee somewhere else!" The larger one said impatiently.

"Unless you want to be our personal slave finding unlimited amounts of gems for us." The leader added.

"Don't you bastards try anything." Eragon threatened. "She won't let you."

Saphira got up and looked at the three dogs with a menacing look to frighten them and it worked. Then, she blew a cloud of fire in the sky, and the three monsters were shaking. "Alright fine, just get out of here!" The leader said "just don't make her eat us."

Eragon made a sly smile. "Good." He said. Saphira smiled at seeing their priceless puppy dog faces, wanting to scare them again. "Come along, Saphira, let's look someplace else."

"And don't come back!" The smallest of the three Diamond Dogs called to them in a distance as soon as thy were both fading from their visions.

"Those so-called dogs are such cowards, aren't they?" Saphira said

Eragon chuckled "aye. When they got a good look at your breath, they were cowering in an instant." He looked back at the vanishing badlands. "You don't think they will be a problem to us, will they?"

"Of course not, youngling. They are too deathly afraid of me."

"Aye, I suppose. Anywho, see anywhere very interesting?" Eragon asked

It was a little silent before Saphira answered "Nothing in peculiar in my visions. How about you?"

"Hmmmm, Skublakas Ven." Eragon's vision became enhanced by the spell again and was zooming in on the ground below him and Saphira for anything very amazing ot interesting to look at. Finally, he saw something very unusual that he wouldn't think would actually exist: a cliffside with streams and waterfalls that have..... rainbows? "Oh my god. Look at this, Saphira." He pointed to her

"Rainbow waterfalls?" Said Saphira. "That is most unusual."

"I know, I have seen rainbows before but never like this." Saphira landed on the large floating pieces of earth. They both looked at the colorful flowing waters in the small rivers and streams. at first, Eragon thought that it was just euphoria rushing through his brain for o reason, but when he grabbed a scoop of water, he knew that it was all too real. The water was cold and felt really icy.

Eragon's curiosity got the best of him when he dipped a small portion of his tongue in the colorful water in the palms of his hands. "No!" Saphira exclaimed in his head. "That could be poisonous or toxic."

"Oh come now, Saphira. I'll be fine. Besides, you know I can cure myself with magic if I was poisoned, remember."

"I suppose." Said Saphira reluctant about this idea still.

Eragon then dipped more of his tongue in the rainbow water and waited for the taste. He felt something tingling inside his mouth and felt like something a little spicy, but the flavors were indescribable to him. It was like a candy with more than one flavor in them. "This has so much spice." He said

"Are you alright, Eragon?" Saphira asked him

"Of course. I don't feel poisoned. I feel...... alright." Then he put the remaining rainbow water back on the stream splashing small puddles from the impact. "I wonder what this landmark is called."

"Perhaps we should ask the others back in Ponyville when we get the chance."

"Of course. Perhaps we should just head back to Ponyville and settle for a while." Eragon remarked. "Come on, let's go." He mounted on Saphira again and then she flew off back to town.


In town, Saphira landed near Eragon's new house as usual, and Eragon himself was about to set foot in his house when he heard someone call his name. "Eragon, wait up!" It yelled

He looked back and saw Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends with them.

"Eragon, there you are, we were looking for you." Spike said. He pulled out a scroll from behind his back with a red ribbon in the center. "Celestia sent you a letter."

"A letter?" Eragon said in question. "Am I in any trouble?"

"Oh no, no. Of course not." Twilight replied to him. "She wants to talk to you."

"Oh. Very well then. May i see that note?"

"Here you go." Spike gave him the letter and Eragon unrolled the tied red ribbon on top of it. It was not a long scroll but it was semi-long to say the least

Dear Eragon

I am in need of your presence immediately. I have a little... problem with a hydra that might threaten Ponyville and is already a problem in Appleloosa. And yes, I am in need of Saphira's help as well. Please come to my castle in Canterlot and meet with me and my sister.

Princess Celestia

"Hydra?" Eragon said.

"It's a long explanation. It's.... it's like a dragon with no wings and has many heads." Twilight said in answer.

"Well, if it is from Celestia then it must be serious." Eragon informed

"Oh it is if it is that serious and drastic." said Fluttershy

"Anything is important from Celestia and Luna!" Pinkie blurted with a small prance.

"Well, why don't you come along with me so that we can do this together?" Eragon asked

"We would like too, but Celestia didn't call for us." Applejack said. "She just mentioned you and Saphira only."

"Right, I understand. Well, me and Saphira will do all we can to help you in this little problem." Eragon said. "I promise for all of Equestria I will smite this beast."

"Wonderful. It is so good to have you and Saphira in Equestria, Eragon." said Fluttershy.

Eragon smiled. "Thank you all." he said to all of them. They all smiled at him in return. "Well, you heard the princess. Let's go, Saphira." Once again she bent down so that Eragon can climb on her saddle. Before he went, he said to all of them "I will be back in a little while."

"Okay, Eragon. Go take care of that ruffian Hydra." said Rarity.

"I will." then off they went to Canterlot Castle in the capital.

"You know, Twilight, maybe having dragon riders in Equestria isn't such a bad thing after all." said Applejack

"Yeah, they defeated an evil king, shades, and other monsters. It would be so awesome." Rainbow suggested

"Alagaesia's dragons are more intelligent and not greedy than our dragons. Oh! except you Spike, you're a sweet little angel." Fluttershy said.

"Oh don't worry. It's cool." Spike said to her in return with no offense taken. they all watched as Eragon and Saphira were fading away from their visions as they flew to the capital once again.

Saphira hovered over the castle garden where she previously landed before and Eragon dismounted her. The guards noticed Eragon and recognized who he was in an instant. "Ah, Eragon. The princess' were expecting your arrival." one of them said

"Good." Eragon said.

the guards stepped aside and Eragon set foot back in the castle. It has been a little while since he entered the majestic palace that belonged to the co-rulers of all of Equestria. The interior never ceased to amaze him, and wished that Nasuada's new castle in Ilirea would be as beautiful as this.

While walking, he would look at the stain glass mosaic windows that were shining from the sun's reflection from outside.

It was a Long way up, but a eragon finally made it to the throne room. His legs were tired and a little sore from all the climbing on the stairs, but he just ignored it because he knew it was an extremely important emergency. He didn't know what a Hydra was exactly, and never seen one, but thought that it should not be a problem for him with Saphira thanks to the magic and strength and knowledge on their sides.

The doors slowly opened and creaked as it revealed the throne room with Celestia snd Luna side by side on the opposite end of the red carpet. Eragon walked all the way to the end and stopped, then bowed to the glorious leaders.

"Ah, Eragon. So glad you are here." Said Celestia

"Yes. We really need your help." Luna added

"Hello, your majesties. It is marvelous to see you again." Eragon addressed to them, still bowing. "You requested my presence because of this..... 'Hydra' beast?"

"Yes. We did." Celestia answered. "It is threatening the town of Appleloosa and we need your help to take him down."

"The sheriff and the inhabitants are trying their best to fend it off, but alas, they are not strong enough, even with their combined strangths."

"I see. What should I know about the hydra? How do I kill it?"

"Well, the most important rule is to never decaoitate it." Luna replied. "Because if you cut off one hydra head, then two more grow back out of neck."

"I see that now. So what is the most simple way to stop it?"

"You need to aim at it's chest deep enough to penetrate the heart." Celestia instructed.

"Perfect. Do not worry, your majesties, I will take care of the monster for you. Although I am a little concerned: why don't Twilight, and the others come with me to defeat it?"

"I am afraid with even their combined power without the rainbow power to take it down, it is not enough. Besides, you have a magical sword with a great talent to cleanse any bad obstacles." Celestia noted

"Guilty as charged." Eragon grasped the hilt of Brisngr. "Very well, your majesties. Me and Sahira will take care of him for you."

"Careful, Eragon." Said Luna. "This foul monstrosity is larger than Saphira is."

"Nt to worry." Eragon stated. "Hydras do not posses magic."

"Right. Be careful Eragon, and report back to us when you took care of it." Said Celestia.

"Very well, your majesties. I will be cautious about this." Then he went out the door with the two allicorns watching him proudly. He went back outside and flew with Saphira to Appleloosa.

In the desert lands of Equestria, there were many plants and cactuses. Many rocky mountains were spread across the landscape in the background. It reminded Eragon and Saphira if the badlands outside of Helgrind when they rescued Katrina and Sloan from the Ra'zac, or the Hadarac desert that didn't have as much life or plants compared to this desert.

"Please be on your best Saphira. We must not frighten the inhabitants of Appleloosa." Eragon instructed Saphira.

"I know. I would never dream of such a thing." Said Saphira. "I know better not to go carnivore on all of the ponies. Besides, what I am worries about is them being afraid of us as soon as they get a good look."

"I suppose that is true." said Eragon. "But of we save them from the Hydra and their town, they might not think of us as threats after all."

"Perhaps you are right."

In a diatance, they saw a large yellow reptilian monster that was terrorizing a large town that looked like and old wild west type. It had many snake-like heads, and sharp teeth meant for crushing.

"There it is!" Eragon exclaimed. "Full speed, Saphira." Like he told her, she gave a spurt of extra speed like a falcon. "Remember what princess Luna said." He thought in his mind to himself. "No decapitation, only the chest."

Saphira rushed through a few large necks and the monster locked it's attention on all of it's heads to her. Many other them roared one at a time, and wanted to eat Saphira for dinner. It wasn't exactly colossal size, bit is larger than Saphira. One of the heads charged at Eragon, but he missed as Saphira dodged out of the way just in time. Another head did the same but Eragon impaled it's upper jaw with Brisingr, making it shriek with pain and a small waterfall of blood dripping from it's nose. Now it was even more mad than ever.

Without warning, another head actually hit Saphira this time, and Eragon fell out of the saddle, screaming as he was falling. "Saphira!" He exclaimed in his mind.

Out of desperation, she dove in the speed of light to save his life, but then she realized that Eragon already recovered by piercing the monster with Brisingr, and left a large bloody cut on its chest.

All of the heads howled a deafening tone if pain. They growled as they gritted their teeth with complete rage, and was just about ready to kill Eragon with no hesitation, he stabbed the monster right into its chest. The creature slowly fell dead to the ground that caused a small quake and a loud thud. Saphira grabbed Eragon And She flew on the ground and landed with the townsfolk of Appleloosa looking at what just happened in awe.

Many of them gathered around Eragon and Saphira out of curiosity, and wondered if they were good guys for saving them all from the Hydra.

"Hello, my name is Eragon Shadeslayer." He said to all of them. "You do not need to be afraid of me, OR My dragon, Saphira. Princess Celestia and Luna sent us to take care of it." Then he felt something grab his hand and shook it rapidly.

"Well we can't thank y oh enough for yer brave and courageous thing you did for all of Appleloosa." It was a stallion with a mustache and a badge with red and blue clothes and a cowboy hat. "Pardon me, I am the sheriff of Appleloosa."

"Sherrif?" Eragon asked. He was not really familiar with the word sheriff before in his life.

"Yeah, I am the one who keeps everything mighty around here, and bring bad guys behind bars." He answered

"Oh. I understand."

Some of the other townsfolk walked up to them and were interested in Eragon now. "So tell us." Said a mare. "Where did you come from?"

"Alagaesia." Eragon replied

"Ooooh. Alagaesia." They all said in union.

"Right. Well, i might as well be going back to Ponyville now, and tell the princess' that I took care of that monster."

"Wait wait. You're from Ponyville?" Asked a yellow stallion with a brown vest and brown hat.

"Yes. Why?" Asked Eragon

"Can you please stay here a little longer, stranger, we like you already." The yellow stallion said

They all begged him to stay and talk with some of them and get to know them better. "What do you think, Saphira?"

"Well, I guess we could meet new faces again." Saphira finally replied with a small smile

"Very well. I might as well stay a little longer if that is what you all want." Eragon announced

They all cheered and the ponies gave out a yee-haw While The Bison were just cheering like any other human or animal can cheer like. Then the chief bison walked up and said in a humble voice "NY name is chief Thunderhooves, and I give you welcome to Appleloosa."

"Thank you." Eragon said with a small bow.

"Come with us, boy. Their is so much to talk about." Thunderhooves said

Yeah, boy howdy. We are so lucky to have yoy around these parts." The Sherrif added.

The townsfolk blurted words of agreement and walked with Eragon to town to see if they can meet him better.

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