• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Brotherly Bonding

Murtagh and Thorn were at their last part of the tour given by Twilight and her best friends, and had a blank look on his face. Murtagh didn't really know what to think. He was a little cautious and weary around everypony else. He didn't hate them of course, but he just wants to know if everyone here will really be his friends and not trick him and Thorn for any reason. Of course this was all thanks to his evil father obviously, but he probably needs to probably get used to this cute town since he just got to Equestria today. "And here is the last place for us to show you." said Twilight. "my castle."

Murtagh and Thorn were quite impressed with the structure just as Eragon and Saphira were when they first arrived.

"It looks impressive alright." he said. "This looks more peaceful and more happy than Galbatorix's castle in Uru'baen or Marcus Tabor's mansion in Dras Leona. "How did you all build this magnificent castle with such beautiful, crystalline structures?"

"Well, we didn't actually build it." Rarity stated. "It was created from a magical box after we all defeated a monster named Tirek."

"Tirek? who might that be?" asked Thorn

"That's.... not important. What's important was that it magically appeared from the box." Spike said.

"Incredible. I imagine how jealous the dark kind would be if he was still alive and he saw this." he chuckled. "i would love to see the sad look on his devil face."

They all laughed with him. "Yeah, he would be jealous, wouldn't he?" Rainbow said in a raucous laughter.

"Of course it's a relief that he is finally dead." Spike remarked. "Nasuada is probably doing a great job running Alagaesia now."

Murtagh had a less happy smile when he heard that name. He remembered one of the things that he would never forgive himself for: kidnapping her and letting the king torture her into obeying his every will. "I agree."

"Are you okay?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh aye, aye. It's just that.... I just wish I can find Nasuada, and tell her that I am so sorry for everything i have to to her and the Varden."

"Oh Murtagh. I'm sure she forgives you." said Applejack

"You don't know that." Murtagh said flatly. "We committed horrible sins. we killed king Hrothgar, and killed Oromis and Glaedr, and other atrocities."

"Don't be so hard on yourselves." said Twilight. "It wasn't your fault. You had no choice. Of anypony is to blame, it would be the king and all his followers."

"And the twins." Pinkie pointed

"Aye. I hope I never have to see any remnants of those heathens again. Roran gave them exactly what they deserved for betraying the Varden and killing Ajihad."

"Let it go, Murtagh." said Fluttershy softly. "All of that is over now."

"We know." said Thorn. "You're right. We should just let go of the past."

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"I might not fully forgive myself, and neither will Thorn, but I suppose I should stop being cynical."

"We promise you that everything will be alright." Said Fluttershy.

The son of Morzan smiled and was really flattered by their understanding to him. Murtagh didn't really trust then completely of course and was still a little cautious. Thorn was feeling the same way his companion way, but not as cautious of course. "Thank you all." He said to all of them.

"Of course." Said Twilight

"So about this castle?"

"Oh right. This is where we wold hold meetings of finding any friendship problems all across Equestria and it's borders "

"Fascinating. Do you come to that congregation a lot?"

"Not really a lot, but if our cutie marks are shining and calling us, we will be prepared for everything." Fluttershy said proudly.

"Incredible." Said Thorn. "Are there any other princess here in this strange land?"

"Of course. The main rulers are princess Celestia and Luna, they both rule over Equestria. Another one is princess Cadence, but Celestia and Luna are in a higher position." Rarity remarked.

"You see that castle over there on Canterlot? That's where they live." Applejack pointed. Murtagh and Thorn looked at the silhouetted castle on the side of that large mountain from a distance. Like this castle, it looked like the opposite of evil.

"That is also impressive." Said Thorn.

"So, Murtagh, Thorn, what do you think of Ponyville?" The baby dragon asked curiously.

The two were impressed by this place alright, but not fully. "It does seem a little nicer than few villages at Alagaesia would look like. Perhaps me and Thorn will love it here."

"That's great!" Pinkie bounced.

"Well, me and Thorn want to look at some pieces of land outside of town of you all do not mind."

"Oh of course not. Feel free to explore as many parts of Equestria as you want, partner." Said Applejack with a wink.


,"oh! Wait!" Spike exclaimed. "Can.... i come with you guys?"

"What for, lad?"

"I want to know Thorn better. I want to get to know him more." He remarked. "I know it sounds a little unusual, but I kind of feel lonely here since I am the only baby dragon here, until Saphira came along. But still, I always want to meet another friendly dragon if there are any, that way I won't feel... alone sometimes."

"Hmm, what do you think, Thorn?" He asked his dragon companion.

"I suppose he can come with us. Besides, I want to know more about dragons in this place, and he seems like an intriguing young boy."

"True." Murtagh turned his attention back to the baby dragon and replied "very well, you can come with us if you would like. But please stay with us and please do not try anything suspicious."

"Why would I do anything like that?"

"Well.... I am not one to take any chances whatsoever. I don't know if I can trust any of you completely. No life is worth more than Thorn's or my own. Not saying I don't care about any of you, but it's true."

"We understand, darling." said Rarity.

"Yeah, we know you don't really trust us completely, but just try." Applejack remarked

"I understand too. Twilight? Can I go with them?"

"Ummmmm I don't know. He just arrived here."

"Don't worry, Twilight, we will take good care of him and keep an eye on him, We promise."

"Well, aright. Just be careful, Spike."

"Right!" Then the baby dragon went on Thorn's back. To him, it was a little different than riding Saphira, probably because he has a different saddle than her

"You alright up there?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

"Good." then Murtagh climbed up behind him, and they were off.

"You okay, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, noticing a worried look on her face

"I'm a little worried. Eragon did say that Murtagh and Thorn can be a surly pair." she replied. "I just hope that they will be gentle with Spike."

"Don't worry, i'm pretty sure he'll be just fine. Murtagh and Thorn seem like very nice visitors." Fluttershy reassured.

"I suppose. They were forced to serve an evil king after all, and they were in the wilderness to cool off from their anger. Perhaps I can trust them, and we got Eragon and Saphira."

"They have known him longer than we have." Applejack pointed.

"True. I'm pretty sure he'll be just fine."

In a field, Murtagh and Thorn were sitting with Spike on a nice bed of green grass. They were rather quiet and haven't spoken to eachother for a little while.

They just sat under the sun, gazing through the far horizons of this peculiar land.

"So, Thorn." Spike began while starting a conversation.


"How long have you been Murtagh's dragon friend?"

"It is a little hard to say. For as long as I can remember since I hatched for him." the red dragon replied. "Murtagh is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I had that feeling in me when I was an egg that he would be a perfect rider for me."

"That's good. So... what do you think of Equestria?"

"It is a rather unusual place to be honest, but it is rather peaceful. Even more peaceful than our homeland perhaps. The wind in this land is more relaxing too."

"Spike?" Murtagh said.


"I wanted to say, i'm sorry for mocking you about being a dragon." he sighed "You just look a little different than dragons back where we come from."

"It's okay. I forgive you." Spike replied

"Good." Murtagh smiled.

"So what are dragons like in your world, young one?" Thorn asked him.

Spike slowly formed a frown. "They are.... nothing like the ones back home. Except for me of course, dragons here a really greedy and love collecting gold. And they don't really talk telepathically like Saphira does."

"Oh. I see. I don't even know if I would even call them dragons if that is what they really are."

"Thorn." Murtagh scolded

"No no. It's fine, it's fine. I'm actually glad i am not like those other dragons." then the baby dragon gave a sad sigh. "I really wish i can see my parents again, whoever they might be, and where they are."

"You don't know about your parents?" Murtagh asked.

"No." Spike replied sadly

He and Thorn were beginning to feel sympathy for him. What good is it for a hatchling to live without his parents, or even knowing who they are?

"I'm- i am sorry to hear that." was all Murtagh had to say

"So am I."

"It's okay. Besides, i got the family i need in Ponyville: Twilight and the pony gang as my friends." he replied, in a more happy tone.

"How were you founded?" Murtagh asked curiously

"It's a rather long story. Seriously, it would take all day."

"I understand." Thorn stated. "So is having Saphira made you more comfortable?"

"Oh yeah. It has. It made me not really feeling alone anymore, and the same thing since you are here now. We promise you that we will help you with the new riders."

"We know, and we thank you for that. But, i do not know if they will accept us at all because of what we did in the past, and my heritage of course."

"Leave that to us." Spike said proudly.

"Murtagh?" said a voice. Murtagh got up and took out Za'roc, and turned around while the sword was pointed at who said his name. Thorn looked back with his massive head and growled to see who it was. It was Eragon, and he lowered it a little after recognizing him. Saphira was next to him of course

"Oh, Eragon, Saphira. I did not see you there."

"Neither did I."

"Sorry. I was just looking for you." the younger brother said.


"Mind if we join you?" Saphira asked

"Of course." Thorn replied.

"Spike." Eragon noticed. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Ah, I wanted to know Thorn more. That's why i came with them." the baby dragon dragon replied.

"Spike seems like a nice young drake." Thorn said.

"Oh yes. He is a gentleman." Murtagh added

Then Eragon and Saphira sat next to their companions. "So Murtagh, did the tour turn out alright for you and Thorn?"

"Oh yes. This seems like a nice little town that I might want to settle in. No worries about anything happening, the peace, and serene tranquility of this place. I hope that animal pretty boy elf accepts me along with the others that traveled with you."

"I am pretty sure they will. They just need to warm up to you."

"Perhaps. Tell me brother, what was it like on your voyage here?"

"It was a little depressing." Eragon replied sadly. "I had to face the fact I can never see Arya, Roran, Nasuada, Jeod, Horst, or anyone else consisting of my friends or family again. But besides that, we had to face a stormy weather and it was quite a ride on those large hungry waves. It was like a Nidhwal was trying to eat us all alive."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Of course you would say that." Eragon said

Murtagh chuckled. "I know."

"So, Murtagh, how would you like to see Princess Celestia and Luna sometime. I am very sure that they would be delighted to meet you and Thorn." Spike said

Murtagh's eyes went wide as he was stunned. "What?" he said, getting back up. "Oh no no no. I could never do that. I couldn't possibly introduce myself to them."

The four others looked at eachother with confusion. "Why not?" asked Spike

"They might think badly of me, or exile me if they know about my past and my heritage."

"They are very kind, gentle, and understanding alicorns. I am pretty sure they will understand what you are." Eragon reassured.

"You don't know that. They might exile me and Thorn for our sins against Alagaesia."

"No they won't." Said Spike

"Yes, you do not have to tell them of your heritage or anything, but if you do, they will understand why you committed sins like that." Saphira added

"Well.... I don't know. Please, I do not want to see them. They will hate me just as soon as they get a good look at me. Remember the Varden with Ajihad?"

"That was different, and another time." Eragon said. "And Thorn wasn't born yet. Ajihad was trying to take precautions for the Varden's own sake. They did let you out and let you fight in the battle against Durza and his Urgal minions together, didn't he."

Murtagh growled silently. "That is true. Listen, we should be heading back to town now. Isn't that right, Thorn?"


"What? oh come on, Murtagh." Spike begged. "You can't leave now, me and Thorn have so much to talk about."

"Don't worry, you can bond again when you get back to town." Murtagh reassured.


"Let them go Spike." said Eragon, showing the palm of his hand in front of the boy.

"See you back at the town." Murtagh said. "Let's go, Thorn."

Then the red dragon went off. Spike was confused. "What was that about? did I do something?"

"No no no. Of course not, Spike." Eragon sighed. "Murtagh just needs to think. Besides, i already told you and your friends that he can be stubborn, and is one of the most stubborn people i have ever met did i?"

"Oh yeah. You did say that."

"Okay. But, he and Thorn are still good, aren't they?"

"Of course they are." said Saphira. "Like Eragon said, he is nothing like Morzan."

"True that."

"Would you like me to give you a ride home?" she offered

"Nah, I think i want to relax a little more."

"Very well."

They both sat in the grass together and basked under the sky on the knoll. Spike was feeling concerned for Murtagh and Thorn though, and worried that they might not stay here. But he decided to just let Murtagh and Thorn do their own way for a while.

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