• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Skalmo and Gridgorn

After Dervoc, the first ever Urgal rider came to Equestria with his dragon and new best friend Artvazh, they both began to live rather well on their first day in Equestria. Many of Ponyville's residents were very curious about Artvazh and went up to greet him. Of course, thanks is to his humongous size and menacing appearance, some of them fear that he will probably scoop them up with his mouth, swallowing them whole in a single bite. For Dervoc, he was already finished creating his own new house that consisted of an impressive looking architecture that looked like a primitive urgal or kull would live in.

"There." He thought. "Good as new. Oh, how our Svarvok would be very proud of me for being the first urgal dragon rider."

Besides all of this, he was eager to learn from Eragon and Saphira to learn a few spells, as did Artvash with any tricks from Saphira as well. Right now, he was cooking his own kill he found while he was out hunting for his first time in Equestria over the fireplace he made by scratch. Before he went hunting, Eragon warned him to be careful not to show any kill he would bring back to Ponyville, for it might startle everypony greatly, and had to be an animal that couldn't talk or non-hostile if need be.

While he was sharpening his knife, he heard a voice say "hello." He stopped his sharpening and turned around, and saw that it was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy together."

"I hope We are not interrupting anything, are we?" The yellow pegasus asked timidly.

"Oh no. Not at all." Then Dervoc put his knife back on the table after he was finished strengthening it. "I would not mind a little.... Company."

They both smiled "good. We just wanted to see if you and Artvazh were feeling alright living here from Alagaesia. Twilight sent us here to check on you guys." Rainbow clarified

"Of course. I am starting to like this peaceful area across from my homeland." He snorted heavily before he said "I was expecting for everyone around here to bad mouth me, just like a lot of those humans, and elves would do. Not to mention those goddamn dwarves." He took out a honeydew melon and took a large bite from it."

"Right." Said Rainbow. "So you know how everypony is taking a large liking n Artvazh right now?"

"Aye." Dervoc said after he swallowed his bite. "He is quite a gentle giant, isn't he? Hahahahaha."

"Oh yes. Very gentle." Fluttershy agreed. She looked back at the colossal dragon from a short distance, playing with a few foals that wanted to play with him, and smiled. She felt idiotic and foolish for being scared of him in the first place.

Rainbow and Fluttershy both looked at the impressive building that he made. "Wow, this is really neat." Said the cyan pegasus. "I had no idea that urgals were goat home builders."

"Ah well, crafting runs in our blood. Blacksmithing, forging, and crafting many creative objects like houses are in every urgal and kull's blood."

"I can tell." Rainbow remarked.

"You did a really good job." Fluttershy complimented

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Dervoc proudly said. "That means alot that you are all appreciate us a great deal."

"You're welcome." Then they heard thumping stomping on the ground. Artvazh was returning back to the resting site with his closest cohort.

"Ah, hello Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Nice of you to visit me and Dervoc." The dragon remarked humbly

"Hello... Artvazh." Fluttershy said quietly. His voice still kind of scares her, but she definitely tolerates him more now, thanks to his gentle giant type of nature.

"Hey." Rainbow greeted. "What did everypony think of you?"

"It went marvelous." Artvazh replied. "The children were rather adorable and playful. They reminded me of myself when I was a youngling."

"Good. Artvazh, can I say something?"

"Of course, Fluttershy. What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I don't have a problem at all. I just wanted to say that again, I am sorry if I was such a crybaby while meeting you."

"It's quite alright, little one." He humbly remarked. "It is not uncommon for many creatures to be afraid of a large dragon like myself." Then he lowered his head and gently nuzzled hers.

The yellow pegasus hugged his nose with affection in return. After that was done, Artvazh laid on the ground in a position that a cat would do, and rested.

Rainbow Dash smelt something peculiar. "Hey, do you smell something cooking, Fluttershy?" She said.

"I do." Then she remembered that it is heard that urgals eat meat as one of their main courses. "Oh no. Is it a woodland creature?" She asked sadly

"Oh, Fluttershy. I know it sounds cruel, but I only do this to survive and sustain the breath in my body, as do any other urgal." He sighed, noticing that Fluttershy's demeanor has not changed even the slightest bit. "Look, I can assure you that the bear did not suffer. Besides, he was attacking me first, so I retaliated."

"I know. I just love all animals so much, I just don't know if I would be able to handle these kind of things." She admitted

"I can understand that. I love animals too, and have been connected with mother nature and her children many times before. As a matter of fact, there is an urgal code that we only kill those who attack us first."


"Aye. all us urgals are just created this way to live our lives." He looked over at the bear meat and it looked like it was ready. He took out a large machete and pierced the meat off of the fire. Dervoc placed it on a rather large silver plate for it to cool off. Fluttershy and Rainbow were feeling very squeamish just looking at it. Nonetheless, Dervoc clearly said to them that the beast did not suffer, and they believe him.

Fluttershy really hated to see an animal get eaten like that, but she knew that it was a custom for urgals to eat like this. They were like humans, except, more.... primal looking, and center around combat and warfare to their tradition. "you okay, Shy?" Rainbow asked her

"Yes." she replied quietly. "I just need to get used to this kind of behavior."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Well, thank you for coming to visit my new humble abode." Dervoc kindly remarked. "You two and the others are more than welcome to visit me and Artvazh here anytime. Whether you want to spend time with us when we are not training with Eragon and Saphira, or if you need anything from my new forge, do visit."

"No problem. And thanks." Rainbow said. "So, what will you do now?"

"Well, Eragon and Saphira will be teaching me and my new member of my family the ways of magic and being a rider soon."

"I can hardly contain my excitement for this." Artvazh said with a loud snort before scratching one of his horns.

"Yes. Well, we might as well be going now. See you both soon." Fluttershy bid her farewell quietly.

"May your eyes and ears stay sharp like a falcon's talons, my friends." The urgal said

Rainbow chuckled. "Don't worry, Dervoc. We'll keep that in mind."

"Do come and visit us at any time." Artvazh added kindly.

"We will." Fluttershy said. Then she and Rainbow went back to the main part of town while Dervoc began eating his bear meat while Artvazh was relaxing on the green grass.

A little later on during the day, Eragon was teaching Dervoc some basic magic spells that he can use without hurting him, or maybe even killing him.

"Damn!" The urgal cursed. He was n the middle of using The Brisingr spell on some objects that would come at him.

"It's alright, Dervoc." Eragon said. "I had the same problem as you do. Just keep trying and you will be a wonderful magic user. Now, here we go again. Concentrate." He let out a few more flying pieces of metal coming at him.

Dervoc concentrated and with some of his power, he said "Brisingr!" And all of the objects burned to the ground on impact. His head wasn't hurting as before, but still felt a mild headache from all of this. Nonetheless, he felt a little better about himself.

"See? That wasn't do hard."

"No. Not really. Ah! But my head still feels like it was being pecked by an osprey a little."

"Don't worry, it will pass."

"Yes, Shadeslayer. I know."

"Now, we should show you how to fly better, Artvazh."

"Yes, we should, Eragon." The large dragon replied to him. "Dervoc, climb on me so we can get started with our first flying lesson."

The ram chuckled in a hearty laugh. "Alright, alright." As soon as Dervoc climbed on Artvazh, Eragon did the same thing with Saphira.

"Now, let us get to the basics first." He intructed. "Alright, Saphira. Let's give them a proper teaching."

"Of course."

"Now watch us and stay right on our tail."

Then the larger dragon followed the even smaller one through the sky. Eragon instructed him how a dragon would accelerate and how they would turn in direction.

"Feel how Artvazh moves, Dervoc. Have a good tight grip on his saddle, and feel the flow through you."

"I know that I am feeling it." Artvazh remarked. "It is amazing to be this high above the ground."

"Be careful not to get too high up." Eragon said "riders need the oxygen to breathe."

"Oh yes. Of course. I would never even dream of doing that to my new friend." Artvazh said. Then the training of flying carried on for almost one hour, and Dervoc was getting white the hang of it. He was feeling more proud of himself for being the first urgal and kull dragon rider.

Eragon then felt something in his mind again, and was lost in his thoughts like a standstill Saphira stopped and landed back on the ground with a loud thump.

Dervoc and his dragon followed after, except when Artvazh landed, the thump was even louder than Saphira made thanks to his much larger and broader size and appearance. "What is it, blood brothers." The urgal asked him.

"I sense.... Another rider coming here." Then he began thinking deeper and deeper. "Skulblakas ven." He whispered. Eragon used his dragon vision and saw for a. Distance was a dragon with a dwarf on it. "I'm sorry, my friends, but we must make a halt in our practicing and teachings."

"Who is this new rider?" Artvazh asked him

"I am uncertain, but it looked like a dwarf."

Dervoc's demeanor changed after hearing that. If it was a dwarf, then it would mean old grudges between them and urgals back in Alagaesia. "Just perfect." He muttered sarcastically.

"Now, please. When he comes, please do not engage in your feud." Eragon begged. "We are all brothers and sisters in the dragon order."

The urgal was a little uncertain and huffed loudly like a rhino of a bull would do. "Very well, but I can assure you that there might not be a full cooperation between me and a dwarf.

"Just try." Then they all went back to Ponyville.

"I would rather prefer if I did not come with you to meet him. I'd rather if I stayed back in town." Dervoc said.

"That is fine, but please try and think of a compromise."

"Yes. Let's not have a lifelong strife of urgals and dwarves separate two dragons. For us, we dragons are all family."

"Very well." He said reluctantly. "But only for you, Artvazh." Then he patted him on his head.

"Perfect. Now I will meet you back in town."

"Yes, Shadeslayer. We will see you there. In the mean time, Artvazh should use the rest. He is a little exhausted from those tricks in the flying. I for one am a little weary from the magic I was practicing on myself."

"Of course." Then Eragon and Saphira went to the direction of where the dwarf was. He found a nice little spot on the outskirts of Ponyville in the north for him to watch from. At last, he saw a flying figure in the sky, and it had to be the dwarf. When this dragon landed on the ground, it looked smaller than Saphira, Thorn, and Artvazh. Somewhere around the size of Firnen. His scales were a yellow-orange type of color and looked a little more like what a dragon would normally look in Alagaesia, except his face was a little more broader than Glaedr's when he was still alive, and had a few holes in his wings

The dwarf himself was rather short, like every one of his own kind of course, and had yellow hair with a long beard that went to his belt. "Ah, Shadeslayer." He said in a very humble with a dash of hoarse voice. "Mine clan, and my great king Orik said I would find you here. And Saphira Brightscales. It is quite an honor to meet you as well." He bowed himself to them in respect.

"Good. I hope you didn't get so much trouble coming here. You know who we are of course, but now I think it is your turn for the introduction."

The dwarf chuckled humbly. "Aye. My name is Skalmo."

"And I am Gridgorn." The dragon said. "It is quite an honor to be a dragon to the first dwarven rider."

"And I am flattered to be the first dwarven rider myself."


"Now where will we both stay, hmm?"

"Come with me. We will show you both the peaceful city of Ponyville."

"Perfect. Perfect." Said Gridgorn. They both walked with Eragon and Saphira through Ponyville, and some of the other residents were getting curious like when Dervoc and Artvazh came here.

While Twilight and her friends were eating some tea and biscuits at th restaurant, they all started to take notice with the first being a rainbow Dash. "Wow. Look at this guy." Spike whispered to Twilight. "Is that a..... Dwarf that Eragon told us about?"

"I think it is." Twilight replied. "Well, I suppose we should go and meet him and his dragon then."

"Right behind you." Said Pinkie.

"Now here is where the new houses are. And do not worry, there is already a good little spots for you, Gridgorn."

The yellow dragon smiled

"Excuse me?" Said Rarity from behind them. Eragon expected this to happen and knew that their curiosity would get the best of the, like this

"Ooh, you are a dwarf." Said Pinkie."

"Hahahahaha!" Rainbow laughed. "You're so tiny!"

Her friends glared at her. "Rainbow!" Applejack scolded.

"Please don't say that. It's very rude!" Twilight added.

"No no no. It is white alright. We dwarves are used to being called those kind of names, shorty, tiny, and others." Skalmo noted.


"Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Skalmo from the Beor Mountains."

"And I am Gridgorn."

"Nice to meet y'all." Said Applejack in a hearty voice. "Welcome to Equestria."

"Thank you all."

then they all introduced themselves to the dwarven rider and dragon. "And I am Twilight Sparkle." She said lastly. "I am the princess of friendship."

"A princess?" The. The dwarf bowed to her in respect.

Twilight giggled. "It's okay. You don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Twilight if you don't mind."

Then Skalmo got back up again. "Oh. I see. My sincere apologies."

"Eragon, I was hoping if we should spar together, and-" it was a Murtagh, who froze when he saw a dwarf here in Equestria

"You!" Skalmo said. "It is you!" Then he pulled out his sword that looked like a falchion or a slightly curvy scimitar that was a little smaller than Brisingr or Za'roc. Somewhere around the same size of the sword that Orik gave him when Murtagh claimed his first sword for himself.

Murtagh took out Za'roc and was ready for anything that Skalmo would throw at him.

"How dare you show your face around here, king killer!" Said the dwarf.

Twilight, and the others were holding him down to prevent him fro. Doing anything rash full of zeal.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Rainbow said "easy now."

"Skalmo, stop!" Eragon ordered. "He is an ally."

"You dare to insult us by bringing this traitor to the order? The one who killed our beloved king Hrothgar?"

Murtagh sighed. "Please. I am sorry. I had no choice, I had to kill him."

"I was right to never trust you, son of Morzan!"

"Just put the sword away!" Twilight ordered.

Out of the sky, Thorn came to Murtagh's aid and roared at Skalmo as a threat like if he would lay one blow then he would but the dwarf like a tilapia.

It was a little while, but the dwarf calmed down a little and put his sword back in it's scabbard. "Very well." He said reluctantly. He mostly did it because of Thorn, and knew that the red dragon would mean business

"Please. I had no choice. Galbatorix knew me and Thorn's true names.." Murtagh clarified "I k ow I did a horrible thing to you. But I just want to tell you that we are very sorry for what we did."

"Yes. We hated to serve Galbatorix, but we had little choice like Murtagh has said." Thorn added. "We ask you for forgiveness."

The dwarf looked away from the two and was thinking over what just happened. "Skalmo, please. He is my half brother."

Skalmo was shocked to hear that this king killer was a member of Eragon's family. Like Dervoc and Artvazh, maybe he can trust them if Eragon and Saphira can.

"Well.... I suppose I will go with this." He replied. "But, know this, Morzanson. I will never forgive you for what you did to our king. So do not think to cross paths with me, or I will avenge Hrothgar's death.... By killing you."

"Hey hey hey. Let's not try and be so grudge full." Spike intervened. "Think about your dragons if they want to be friends with eachother."

"Spike is right." Said Gridgorn. "We are dragon riders after all."

"Well, I suppose you are right, but I still don't like him very much."

"Fine, but please don't try and kill eachother alright? We don't want to see anything bloody around here." Rainbow said

"We will bear that in mind, Rainbow." The dwarf replied.

"Oh, and we should probably tell you that the first urgal rider came here before you.... If you don't mind." Said Fluttershy timidly with a nervous smile on her face.

"Oh joy." He muttered sarcastically.

"Now, please, try and put old grudges aside, for the sake of the future dragon riders together." Eragon begged him.

"Yes. And besides, you two have quite a few things in common." Rarity added

"Like what?" He scoffed mildly

"You both have seven toes." Twilight listed


"And you worship the same gods and goddesses." Said Spike.

"You're right. But I do not know if we can make any promises. So where do we begin as dragon riders, Shadeslayer?"

"Why don't you settle in your new house first, then we will talk."

"Good idea." Than Skalmo and Gridgorn found their new house of choice and got themselves comfortable in it. Thus, the first dwarven dragon rider has begun living in Equestria.

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