• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Unusual Events

The next morning, Eragon has woken up from his sleep, and tried to work his vision again. However, he looked down and someone was below him, also waking up from a slumber. He was looking into Murtagh's eyes.

And then, "Ah!!"

They both awoke more with a scream of both fright, and disgust. "What the hell happened?!"

"I don't know!" Murtagh replied. Both of them were really confused of what just happened and why they were sleeping together like that. It was most unusual indeed.

Eragon, uncomfortably said "I just fell asleep last night, that was all."

"Aye, me too."

There was a long, awkward silence with a pause. Both the brothers stammered, feeling with the most discomfort they ever had. I it was a rater good thing that Saphira and Thorn and the pony gang didn't see this. That would have been so bloody embarrassing.

"Well, i.... I should probably go bow." Murtagh said.

"Yes, that would be best. I will talk with you later."

"But never, NEVER about this." His older half-brother stated firmly

"No. Never." Eragon agreed. Then Murtagh went out the front door to check if Thorn was alright. Meanwhile, Eragon was so confused on why this just happened so suddenly.

"You seemed a little troubled, little one." Saphira suddenly said, spooking him with a small jump.

"Please! do not frighten me like that, Saphira! You almost gave me a heart attack." He gruff ed

"I'm sorry. You were a little troubled like I have said before. Now as I will ask once more, are you alright?"

Eragon took a small breath, and replied to his dragon friend "i- i'm fine, Saphira. I am just a little tired, and I have only just woken up from my slumber."

It was silent again, then Saphira said "good. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I do."

"You should probably eat some breakfast. You might be hungry."

Then Eragon's stomach mare a low rumble like a growling lion would make. "Oh, you are right. I probably might go for a little hunting for non-talking beasts that I can find."

"Perfect. I for one would like a little breakfast myself." Said Saphira.

Then there was a knock on the door, and Eragon answered it, and found it to be Rarity. "Oh, good morning to you, Rarity."

"Hello, darling." The white unicorn replied.

"What would bring you to my new humble abode.

"Well, I heard two screaming voices from your house. Is everything alright, darling? It just startled mr a little."

Eragon absolutely did not want to tell her about the.... recent event that just occurred, so he replied "of course. It was nothing. Just a large vicious rat is all."

Rarity had a look of disgust, and made a disgusted groan. "Eww, such filthy vermin." She complained. "Well, I am sorry to bother you, darling."

"No no, it's alright, Rarity. Like I said, just a little rat problem, nothing more."

"I understand." Rarity said with a smile. "If you want, you can always get Fluttershy to help you get rid of it by convincing it to move somewhere else."

"That's kind of you, Rarity, but I think I can handle the pest." Then Eragon stretched with a yawn. "Meantime, I should probably eat some breakfast." Then he pulled put his bow and arrow set in the holster. "There might be a large ram that I would probably want."

Rarity was a little unnerved by this, but, she had to pull through with it. "Very well." She said in a cheerful tone. "Just, please have remorse for killing an animal, and try not to be so thoughtless."

"Of course. I promise."

"Wonderful. Well, see you soon, darling."

"Bye Rarity. We will speak again soon."

"Absolutely." Then the white unicorn was off through the streets of Ponyville.

"Was there really a vermin rat problem?" Asked Saphira a little skeptical about what was happening in the house,

Eragon lightly brushed off what she said "of course. Why?"

"Only a little girl would be afraid of one mere rat." The large, blue dragon gave a breath out of her nose.

"Well, it caught me by surprise, is all. It ran around my foot a little." He lied again

"You are hiding something, Eragon." Saphira said firmly. "I can tell through the look on your eyes that you are lying to me.

He finally gave in, and said in her mind "very well. Saphira, I accidentally fell asleep with Murtagh last night, and I was right on top of him."

"That was all?" She asked. "Why would you be humiliated by that? Dragons like myself like go sleep close to siblings. As a matter of fact, you saw me and Thorn napping together once in a little while."

"That is different." Eragon countered. "Of course it is alright for you dragons to sleep with your siblings, but me and Murtagh are not dragons, I am a human-elf hybrid while Murtagh is a pure human. Therefore it is unusual in such events. Besides, it was a little uncomfortable"

"Very well."

"And, Saphira, please keep this between the both of us and no one us." Eragon begged. "I do not want anyone to find out about this.

Saphira smiled "do not worry. I promise that I will not say a word to anyone else."

Eragon sighed on relief. "Thank you, Saphira. I know I can always trust you.

"Of course,"

Meanwhile, Thorn noticed the same type of peculiar thoughts Murtagh was having, "is everything alright, Murtagh?" Asked the red dragon curiously

"Aye. I'm fine, Thorn. Really?"

"You do not really look like it. I can sense a little conflict within yourself." Said Thorn. "Would you care to tell me what just happened?"

Murtagh knew that Thorn was too smart for him. He gave a quietly groan of irritation. "Very well." He said. "Me and Eragon accidentally fell asleep together last night while watching the..... Television device."

"Why would that be any problem?"

"It is..... Not normal for a brother to sleep with another like that." Murtagh admitted.

"Come now." Said Thorn. "You should not think of it as nonsensical nonsense. Think of it as a special Brotherly Bond."

The young man was thinking about it for a long while. It was so quiet and still that Murtagh could hear the breathing from Thorn's mouth and nose. "Perhaps, but I would rather prefer if we would never speak of this again."

Thorn nodded his head. "Very well, Murtagh. My lips will be sealed like a lock and key to a sacred door."


Thorn let out a loud yawn so big, all his teeth were visible, the ge closed his mouths and smacked it a couple of times.

A little later on, Twilight and Spike were bounding with Artvazh, and had a little chat with him,

"Do tell me, Twilight." Said Dervoc. "Do you have any records of Alagaesia in your library?"

"No, it i will, when I learn more about it." The purple Alicorn replied. "That way, it will be e first source of information about Alagaesia in Equestria ever"

"I can imagine," said Artvazh. "History of Alagaesia will be a great opportunity for your home to experience the beauty and the history."

"That is not the time under Galbatorix' rule?" Asked Spike

"Aye, of course. And indeed, he was the worst stain in all of the sacred lands with his little army of soldiers. Shades, and Ra'zac vermin."

"I can't imagine why." Said Twilight. "Well, I should probably get back go my studying and writing Alagaesia history down." She sounded more than happy when the announced that.

"Good luck, Twilight. And see you soon, Spike" Artvazh replied kindly.

"See ya." The baby dragon said.

Twilight then noticed Eragon, walking over to Murtagh's house. "Eragon, hello!" She called out."

"Oh. Hello, Twilight." Eragon replied.

"I was just stopping by go see How well you're doing."

Eragon smiled at her. "That is fine."

"So what did you think of the television?"

"It was amazing and intriguing. At first, I thought it was a pony trapped inside a magical box, but it turns out it was not so."

Spike and Twilight giggled.

"Trapped in a magic box, you crack us up." Spike said.

"Well, I am just off to see Murtagh to pay back a depth of fifty bits from the saddle for Thorn."

"Hi Spike, Twilight! Hi Eragon!" Called a happy voice. They all looked and it was Pinkie Pie, giggling and laughing excitedly as she was bouncing down the road like a kangaroo. "What are you all doing?"

"Nothing new, Pinkie." Twilight replied to her with a smirk.

"Oh, that's good. Well, everypony loves the new riders. They love them."

"Wonderful. It would appear that the whole town of Ponyville is warming up to the new dragon riders."

"Uh-huh. Not to mention the spa Murtagh and Thorn. Had with Laura and Bon Bon. I heard it was so relaxing!"

"Oh, um, are we interrupting?" Said a voice. They all looked where it was, and it was Fluttershy with Calraeli and Blodhgarm with her.

"Oh. Hello, Fluttershy." Said Eragon. "It's quite alright, you were not interrupting us at all." The Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie agreed with her.

"And what might you be up to, Blodhgarm and Calraeli?" Asked Twilight

"Oh, I was heading down with Fluttershy to her cottage to spend a little time with her." The elf rider replied. "Vaodidr said he would love to experience it himself."


"And Blodhgarm is with me because he was my childhood friend."

"It's true. I have known him since we were in magic class." Blodhgarm added. "And I am always more then happy to spend time with Fluttershy,"

"Oh yes." Fluttershy agreed. "And Calraeli said he would love to talk to my critter friends."

Eragon smiled. "Wonderful. Well, I have watched this.... Television last night, and it was unlike anything I have ever seen before."

"They do not have them in Alagaesia?" Asked Fluttershy


"Oh. Well, we are going now. See you all later." They all said bye to Fluttershy, Blodhgarm, and Calraeli, then they followed after her.

"I see you were talking with some friends, Eragon." Murtagh noticed.

"Aye." The. He pulled out his pouch and revealed forty bits to lay Murtagh back. "Here you go brother. This should make us even."

"It will." Said !urtabh, taking the money. "Thank you."

"Well, I might as well give you and the others a day off today."

"Good." But before Eragon left, he was stopped by Murtagh. "Oh! Wait! Uh, Eragon, about last night., I think we need to talk about-"

"No!" Eragon protested, "no we do not!"

"Yes we do." Murtagh urged, "now listen.... What happened was...... The best sleep I have ever had in my life."

Eragon was a little nervous. Then he had a thought of the same thing Murtagh was thinking about. "I..... I do not know what you are talking about."

"Murtagh gave him an unamused glare "Eragon, admit it! It was the best sleep you have ever had!"

Eragon was a little to proud of himself to believe this. "I have had better naps before.

"Oh really? When?"

There was a long pause, so silent that the only sound they can hear was the clock ticking, until finally, Eragon admitted with a voice of guilt. "Alright! Alright, it was the best sleep I have ever had."

"There you have it."

"I have said it alright? But it is done, Murtagh." He made a small growl. "Why are you even bringing up this subject anyway,

"Because..... Because..... I want to do it again,"

Eragon had a look on Murtagh like he was talking to a creeper. "We cannot do it again." He protested.

"Why not?!"

"Because it is wrong, and unusual!" Eragon replied. "We are not dragons, we are different creatures. It just doesn't feel right is all."

Murtagh had a look of slight disappointment. "Fine." He said. "Look, I will see you soon, and if you decide we train again, let me and Thorn know."

With a more calm voice, Eragon flatly said "very well." Then he left.

A little later on, they saw eachother again sitting the park, sitting on the bench. "Murtagh. Listen," Eragon began "I am sorry for snapping at you back there."

"It's alright." Said Murtagh. "I am pretty much used to that kind of habit anyway."


"Eragon look, the reason why I was suggesting us doing it again was because..... because I have not felt that type of love for a long time. It was the few times me and out mother spend time together, away from Morzan."

Then Eragon started to feel some guilt. Murtagh has been through some hell in his life, and remembered the scar on his back, which caused a chill to creep down Eragon's spine.

"I understand." He replied. "But, I just cannot see us sleeping together like that again."

"I understand. I was just thinking that we should have done that a long time ago when we were children."

"Me too."

"Well, I am going to the spa to relax again. "I'll see you soon, Eragon." Then he left.

Eragon was still relent on the whole sleeping with Murtagh again, but then with a sudden mindsmap, he suddenly followed Murtagj.

Another morning has arrived Eragon and Murtagh were asleep on the couch together, and this time, they were more than happy to end like this.

"Well, Eragon, what did I tell you? That was a wonderful sleep."

"Yes. You were right. And at least no one was around to see us like this." He made a yawn, ready to get out of bed.

Then they both heard a throat being cleared and their eyes went bloodshot open. They both looked and saw Twilight, her friends, and Big Mac with all amused faces.

Then the brothers looked at eachother. And both said to eachother while getting pit of bed "what the hell is the matter with you?! What, you're the unusual heathen!"

Then Eragon said to the others "excuse me, and went back to his house. While Murtagh was going upstairs to take a shower.

"Sorry you all had to see that." He addressed.

That was possibly the most embarrassing experiences they both had in their lives.

Author's Note:

I know this is a filler chapter if that's what you're thinking, but I have had this idea for quite some time, and thought I would put it to reality

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