• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Continuing the Narration Part 5

Eragon sat on the couch and everyone including Fluttershy, Twilight, their best friends, Discord, and Big Mac sat in front of the fireplace, ready to hear how Alagaesia became free once again. "Is everyone, comfortable?" Eragon ask all of them

They all replied a yes in return

"Good. Now let's see..... oh yes, after Oromis and Glaedr were well.... you know." He sounded a little sad at forst, but then became more happy and proud when he resumed "me, Saphira, my friends, along with the Varden and our allies, went on to turn Uru'baen free from imperial control. But first, we went into the closest city of Surda: Belatona. We fought gallantly and won. during the battle, Saphira was almost killed by a Dauthdaert."

"What's that?" asked Rainbow

"It is called, a death spear in the ancient language. Either that, or a lance could also be called. This weapon was a dragon killer and was created by the elves during the rider war. it was part of the twelve weapons called the Dauthdaertya. What happen to the rest of them.... I do not know. I think that this one was the last one in existance. This 'spear' was called Niernen or 'Orchid' in the Ancient Language. After the battle, we made an alliance with the werecats. You know, Solembum?"

"Oh yes, we remember." said Rarity.

"Well, they were all led by king Grimrr Halfpaw, and his mate Shadowhunter."

"What were they like?" asked Fluttershy. "I hope I am not interrupting."

"Oh no you're not. Grimrr was.... Solembum's father."

"Father?" they all exclaimed in surprise

"Well, that's awesome." said Rainbow.

"I guess that is how Solembum would know someone like you in the first place." Discord predicted.

"It wasn't easy, but there was quite some negotiating between Grimrr and Nasuada. Finally, they both came to an agreement when Nasuada offered him a pillow as a throne for him to sit on."

"Well that sure is cute." Said Applejack.

After Belatona, we went to Dras Leona, the major city that I mentioned after Teirm where I first encountered the Ra'zac. However, when we made a campsite, not far from the city, we learned that the city was heavily guarded, with Murtagh And Thorn in charge of the patrol. How we were going to get inside, Jeod, one of Brom's closest friends I told you all about, found an underground tunnel to the city so that we can create the element of surprise for the imperials. Meanwhile, Roran was leading an attack on the city of Auroughs." Eragon's voice became a little sad when he finished. "His friend Carn was killed in the process."

"We're sorry to hear that." Said Pinkie Pie

"Thank you. However, Auroughs was all ours, and that was when we came to Dras Leona. So, when me and our soldiers went through the sewers, we made it inside the city, then opened the gates for the Varden to charge in full of Zeal, but not without getting compromised in the process. Wyrden, one of Blodhgarm's spellcasters was killed in a trap, then me and Arya were kidnapped by the priests of Helgrind, along with their monstrosity of a leader."

"What were they going to do to you?" asked Pinkie Pie

"As punishment for killing the Ra'zac and their parents, they were going to feed us to newborn Ra'zac from two eggs they had recovered

"Whoa whoa whoa, what?" Rainbow interrupted. "You said that there were only four of those creeps."

"Well, i'm sorry if I didn't tell you all, but We learned that there are some hidden Ra'zac eggs scatteed across the underground of Alagaesia. I just didn't want to worry you all. Are you all angry with me?" Now Eragon was worried that he might lose their friendships from his new friends.

Everyone thought about it and Twilight said "No. We're not. As long as they are not coming to Equestria, and that they are being taken care of, that's what counts."

"Yeah, all of your friends and allies back home are taking care of the problem, are they?" asked Applejack

"Of course they are. Queen Nasuada, Garzhvog, Arya, King Orrin, and Orik are all taking care of them, along with the Werecats." Eragon replied. "Sadly I cannot say if they have all found any of them, or made any progress on eradicating them. Are you sure you are not angry with me?"

"No. We're not." said Fluttershy calmly. We shouldn't really worry about them."

"Yeah, Fluttershy's right." said Spike.

"Right, now, we were about to be fed, but then Angela and Solembum saved us, then we killed the monsters that were trying to eat us. We killed most of the priests, including the high priest himself. The others that escapes, I am uncertain about what happened to all of them. What matters is that, we managed to drive Murtagh, Thorn and the imperial soldiers out of Dras leona and we won the battle."

"that must have been a fight." said Rarity. "Also sounded like it wasn't easy taking over Dras leona."

"It wasn't easy, Rarity. Dras Leona is a big city after all." Eragon replied. "Back in our camp that night, Murtagh and Thirn came back with a surprise attack. We driven some of the imperials out, but then we learned at Murtagh kidnapped Nasuada to Uru'baen."

There were a few "oh no"s or some other remarks of surprise.

"Why did they capture her?" Asked Big Mac

"Galbatorix was planning to torture her and bend her to his will." Eragon replied

"And did she crack?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Of course not. Nasuada was strong-willed, even though she is young. It was not a total loss, when everything looked bleak for the bright future of dethroning the dark king. Before Nasuada's abduction, she asked me that if she was dead or temporarily unavailable to lead on, I would take her place. So, I was placed leader of the Varden." Of course Eragon was not very happy about it."

"And you weren't happy about it?" Asked Twilight with concern

"Oh no, I was ever so touched that Nasuada would give me that title, but it was a little too much responsibility."

"We understand darling. Being a leader of many things are never easy, or definitely a small stroll in a garden" said Rarity

"We do know how stressful it can to be leader, Rarity is right." Fluttershy stated.

"Exactly right. Regardless, I had a feeling that we were not ready to face the king or Lord Barst or their forces.

"Lord who?" Asked Pinkie Pie with her head tilted sideways and her eyes rolling around like mad.

"Oh yes, I forgot about some information, didn't I?" Said Eragon. He cleared his throat. "Roran, before we went to Uru'baen, told me of an Imperial lord, named Barst. He was one of Galbatorix' greatest champions and was a very cunning and ruthless general. One time, he went into a village to conquer, and when the leader resisted, Barst overpowered him and ripped him in half, and burned the other village people after that."

Barst sounded a little scary to the group that Eragon was narrating to, b probably not as afraid as Galbatorix, Shruikan, or shades of course.

"That's awful." Said Fluttershy

"It was. He was very extreme, that's why Galbatorix loved him and assign him to be his most trusted and finest general for Uru'baen. Apart from that, I remembered the Vault of Souls from when Solembum was revealing my fortune. I went to him, but then he said he couldn't help me because he could not remember where it was. That was when I realize that something was very amidst. Later, I learned that there was a spell that when everyone remembered the vault of souls location, they would forget about it in an instant. I talked to Glaedr about it, and was not familiar with it either. However, he realized that- that..... The vault was-"

"Yes?" Said the others

Eragon became conflicted again about telling the vault of souls location in the Rock of Kuthian in Vroengard.

"You alright, Eragon?" Asked Applejack

"It's.... I don't know if I should tell you it." Said Eragon. "I will need to speak to Glaedr about this." He looked at Glaedr's eldunari on it's pillow and communicated with him "mentor, should I tell them?"

It was a little silent before Glaedr replied "they all seem like a race full of trust. They are filled with good inside of them. If you want to tell them, go ahead and do what pleases you."

"Very well, Glaedr." Eragon turned back to the group and sighed. "It was at the rock of Kutian, on the island of Vroengard." He took out his map of Alagaesia again, and then showed the island to his friends

"Oh, yeah. I remember now." Said Spike, seeing things more clearly.

"So it was on that island?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Yes. It was the same island where the dragons and their riders lived before the eradication. I didn't want to leave them, but I had no other choice. With the eldunari and the eggs helping me, Galbatorix might fall, and he had to be stopped."

"We can appreciate that." Said Big Mac. "Loyalty can be important. To me it would be my family and friends. Besides. I would only be a short while before you would rejoin them."

"Yeah, we can understand what you needed to do. A stallion's gotta do what a stallion's gotta do." Applejack added

"Well I might not be a stallion." Eragon chuckled. "But that is true. Now before we left, I would promise all of my friends and allies that I will fight by their side, and participate in the battle of Uru'baen with them all. Now on our way to Vroengard, we had an encounter with a Nidhwal, who was trying to eat Saphira."

"A what?" Asked Fluttershy

"A Nidhwal. They are sea creatures that, like the Fanghur, are close relatives to the dragons. However, Nidhwals were closely related to dragons more than Fanghur were. Like them, the would use their minds to incapacitate their prey."

"What did they look like? And how big were they?" Spike asked curiously.

"Their heads were long and angular, and their heads had long tendrils up to six feet long. They had hundreds of teeth in their large mouths. In fact, their teeth were so large, that a horse and his rider could pass through them without a single scratch. They also had two large oar-shaped Finns on their chests."

"Wow." They all said in amazement.

"That sounds awesome." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Alagaesia has lots of awesome creatures said Spike.

Fluttershy quivered a little, and said "well, I don't know if I would encounter a monster like that." She gulped. "They sound like they would eat anything for dinner."

"Don't worry, darling. They only live in Alagaesia. They shouldn't bother you." Rarity wrapped her arm around Fluttershy for comfort.

"Rarity's right, Fluttershy." Said Twilight in a comforting voice. "It's alright."

"Yes Fluttershy. There is nothing to be afraid of." Eragon added. "Back to my tale. Glaedr told me that Nidhwalan were one of the few creatures capable of killing dragons. He said that the original dragon riders would always try to negotiate with them, but they always failed in the process."

"Sounded like they weren't as smart as dragons." Said Applejack

"They were intelligent, yes, but yes, not as intelligent as dragons I'm afraid." Eragon agreed. "After that encounter, we finally reached Vroengard. While there, we saw the ruins of the ancient dragon rider stronghold. We even visited the fallen city of Doru Araeba, the home of the dragon riders before the fall. the island was just beautiful, and had many peculiar wildlife."

"What kind of Wildlife?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"One of them was a giant snail called snalgli. Dragons enjoy eating them for food. Another animal was called Sundavrblaka, or 'shadow flapper' in the Ancient language. They were also large, and looked like owls, but chattered like a squirrel. Finally, the barrow grubs. these creatures were ivory-colored, caterpillar-like creatures."

"Ew!" Rarity exclaimed with disgust.

"What is it?" asked Eragon

"Giant Snails? that is simply disgusting." Rarity replied

"Rarity!" said Twilight. "That's not very nice. Where are you manners?"

"Oh, my sincere apologies, Eragon. Continue." Rarity said.

"It's alright. I might as well tell you all that the second and third animal I have mentioned was not always like that. You see, during the battle of Doru Araeba, an elven rider named Thuviel lost his dragon during the battle and was driven to madness. He decided to commit suicide and sacrifice himself to save the other riders from the Forsworn by splitting his atoms with a spell and causing a huge explosion on the island. Almost all of the Forsworn however, shielded themselves from the blast just in time, and then a 'poison' spread across the island, mutating some of it's fauna

"Oh poor things." said Fluttershy with great sympathy

"Not only that, it destroyed the buildings in the cities, including the dragon incubation tower."

"that's worse." said Pinkie.

"Indeed. Apart from that, we found the Rock of Kuthian, which was a magical door to help guard and protect the Vault of Souls. We tried opening it for a few days, but then Glaedr remembered that we must say our true names to open it."

"And did it work?" asked Applejack

"That it did. We were truly amazed by the sight, and happy that there is still hope for dragons repopulating. that was where we met Umaroth and the other Eldunari. One of them was a Dragon named Cuaroc. He was an eldunari as well, but was in a guardian statue to protect all the eggs and eldunari, with a sword and shield in it's hands. he was also called the hunter of the Nidhwal and the bane of the urgals."

The others were really amazed to hear a 'stone' dragon, and were also happy that it was not a total loss during the fall. They all greatly amdired the riders and their dragons planning this.

"Those are really smart dragon." said Fluttershy

"We are." said Saphira

"So we asked for the help of the combined power of the Eldunari, and they gladly helped me. We took all of the Eldunari to help us, except for five eldunari so that they can guard the eggs. We left for Uru'baen, then we suddenly forgot the location of the vault of souls once more.

"Why?" asked Spike

"I made a pact with me and Saphira that until Galbatorix has fallen, we should forget about the Rock of Kuthian again for the sake of the eggs."

"Oh, we see your point." said Twilight.

"We finally made it to Uru'baen, and it was time to end the tyranny of Galbatorix. Me, Elva, Arya, and my elven bodyguards, went inside the castle to look for the king. Roran, Islanzadi, Grimrr Halfpaw, Garzhvog, orik, and King Orrin remained with their army fighting in the city. While in the castle, we did run into a series of traps. Blodhgarm, and his other casters were captured, but were alright. Finally, we found the king."

"What was it like?" asked Twilight

"It was like.... it was like something I never would have experienced in my life. At first I was very scared, but then I realized that the Eldunari that was with me could help me defeat him once and for all. Now back in the city, Lord Barst, the general I told you about, was in charge of the defensive operations for the empire. Roran discovered that Barst had an eldunari with him to make him more stronger."

"Wow, so Galbatorix gave him an eldunari so that he can be stronger?" Said Rainbow in amusement.

"Aye. For that, Roran told his troops not to attack him indirectly, for he knew that it would be suicide. Queen Islanzadi fought gallantly, and so did her elven forces, but Islanzadi.... Was not very lucky." He bowed his head on sadness

"She died?" Asked Big Mac

"We're sorry to hear that." Said Fluttershy with sympathy

"Thank you. However, Roran combined all of his strength from the Varden, Elves, Dwarves, Werecats, and Urgals alike. It was not easy, but they all ended Barst's life in the process. Now, back to me, when we finally confronted the king, we all just wanted to end is, but then we could not."

"Why not?" Asked Applejack

"He took a little boy and a girl as hostages, and shields as a warning that if we made any sudden moves against him, he would kill the both, or if we displeased him, He would just kill them on the spot anyway."

Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends gasped with horror, and just added another reason to hate Galbatorix.

"That is so evil!" Fluttershy said in anger

"How could he do that to innocent children?" Rarity exclaimed

"Yeah, if anypony ever did that, they really are a really mean meanie pants!" Pinkie added.

"Hopefully that varmint got what he deserves."

"If anypony would do that. That would be the lowest, lowdown thing they can do." Rainbow added, then pounded her hoofs against one another really hard."

"Now now, please." Said Eragon. "I did give him what he deserved. "Just let me continue then you will know what happens. Now we finally met Shruikan, and it turns out he already didn't like us when he looked down on us. Now Murtagh and Thorn came in, and I demanded that me and the king dueled in honest fights. Galbatorix however, didn't care for any honest fights, and decided to place me against Murtagh in a duel instead."

"Did you win?" Asked Rainbow

"I did. Then, Murtagh turned against Galbatorix broke free from most of his wards. He attacked the king so I can lay the finishing blow of him. However, the king was fast, then retalliated by battling me in my mind. He was trying to force me to surrender to his will, and I thought it was all over for me. However, a is to the eldunari with me, I created an Empathy spell on him to show him his crimes against Alagaesia?"

"Empathy spell. Dd it work?" Asked Twilight

"Not entirely, no. Most of the memories he had were very painful, like one thousand migraines were inside his brain. We fought one another in sword play, and had the opportunity to strike me down, but was in too much pain. Finally, he begged me to stop the spell. I refused then he created a spell called 'Be not!' In the Ancient language. He committed suicide by this spell and attempted to kill us all by him exploding into a large blast. We found Nasuada and the spellcasters who were captured, and I managed to shield all of us, along with the eldunari and my allies. We all survived the explosion."

The others were even more surprised by this. Their mouths were slightly agape that the king did that. They thought it was completely powerful to stop it, but were really happy to hear that the king was dead.

"So, what happened after you killed Galbatorix?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Well, we found Murtagh and Thorn, who of course survived the explosion. We were both ever so glad that he was free from the king forever, but then he said he needed to let his rage and Anger die down. He and Thorn also asked forgiveness from Glaedr for killing Oromis. Glaedr said he could never forgive him for what he did, but he understood that it was Galbatorix that killed him, and at they would make a true dragon and rider in blood. Before we left, I told him that if he was calm again, I told him to come find us and that we would have a home for him to stay in for the future riders to come."

"That's very sweet of you." Said Fluttershy proudly. "What did he say?"

"He said that he will as a promise."

Do you ever think he will come here someday?" Asked Twilight

"To be honest." Eragon said with a sigh. "I don't know. So before he and Thorn departed. We acknowledged ourselves as brothers."

"Aww." They all said.

"Oh yes, the green egg. Arya took it and it hatched for her."

"I knew it!" Said Rainbow!"

"Rainbow." Twilight scolded

"So Arya is the new dragon rider?" Asked Big Mac

"Yes. The Eragon's name was-"

"Firnen!" Spike blurted

"How did you know I was going to say that?" Asked Eragon

"Well, please don't be mad at Saphira, but she told me the Eragon's name." Spike replied, worried that he might get Saphira in trouble

Spike gave him a smile. "Oh don't worry. I am not mad at Saphira. Now after the battle, I decided to stay in Alagaesia for six months before me and Saphira departed. Roran became an Earl and lived happily with Katrina and their baby girl. Grimrr Halfpaw got that special throne as he requested that Nasuada promised him. Arya became the new queen of the elves, and the sword Tamerlein, the one that I first tried before Brisingr, was given to her and reformed to better fit her by Rhunom. Nar Garzhvog and the urgals in his tribe were in now better relations with the rest of Alagaesia now. I got to even be apart of a ritual in the tribe. Firnen and Saphira met eachother, and the. Grew to really like eachother. Firnen became Saphira's mate, and then...... How should I say this?..... Interacted and produced a number of eggs."

"Wow. How big was he?" Asked Fluttershy

"He was still a hatchling, but was a little smaller than Saphira of course, like many months after she was born. I also created a new bond of riders where Dwarves and a urgals can be included in the pact so they can have dragon eggs, one for the dwarves and the other one for the urgals."

"How wonderful, now there can be two more races of dragon rider as well." Said Discord.

"Indeed. Firnen was an amazing dragon who had a really happy mind and had a deeper voice than Thorn, Glaedr, or even Shruikan."

"Wow." His friends all said.

"Wait, did Arya have a rider sword too?" Asked Twilight with a thought.

"Oh yes. Rhunon, the blacksmith elf reformed Tamerlein, the green sword that I tried before Brisingr, and mad it to a better fit for Arya."

"Oh, that's cool." Said Rainbow Dash.

Then his face was saddened all of a sudden. "However. I had to....." He looked away. "Leave Alagaesia forever and started a new life. Me and Arya were becoming closer than ever and..... I had to leave all that behind me." Now his throat became a little broken. "I could hear Roran's below in agony the last time we saw eachother."

"Oh Eragon." Said Twilight with great sympathy. We're so sorry."

"Yes darling. Don't be sad. We don't like to see you like this."

Now even Rainbow Dash was shedding a tear, but hid it to prove she was so-called manly. "It's all good." She said to herself.

Then Eragon quietly broke down into tears. "I just need to be alone." Then he headed upstairs

Twilight and her friends looked at eachother with concern and sadness. "Poor Eragon." Said Fluttershy. "Having to leave all of that behind."

"I know." Said Applejack. "I remembered when I went away from my family, except I never had to.... Stay away from them." Big Mac gave her a hug for comfort

"Thank you all for your kindness." Said Saphira. "But I think you should leave just for Eragon's sake."

"You're right." Said Spike. "Come on, let's go." Then they all sadly left the house and let Eragon be in his misery.

Discord looked upstairs and also had a look of sympathy for Eragon. He was the last one who went out, and then closed the door gently then walked with Fluttershy for a cup of tea

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