• Published 8th Jul 2014
  • 5,614 Views, 115 Comments

Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Tiber Craingweast

Blodhgarm was bathing himself in the small pool just outside of town. His wet fur was floating withing the sparkling waters, and the hairs above or were dripping like a rain shower. Oh the water felt so nice and cool under the sun. It reminded him of a small pond that he would relax in with a couple of female elves who clearly wanted him

It was getting better and better for him watching more riders and their dragons come to Equestria so they can finish what the riders of old started long ago.

Well, almost everything was turning out perfectly. Of course, he still didn't really trust Mutagh and Thorn doe what they did in the past, as if he has a grudge against them both. He reluctantly took a breath as he slowly dove himself underwater. The water flowing through the course of his long, dark blue hair felt so unwinding for him. It was as if he was a merman or a whale swimming majestically within the bottom of the ocean. Blodhgarm did remember that since Murtagh and Eragon are half brothers, he needs to learn how to get along with him somehow.

But how? Was all he kept thinking over repeatedly to himself. "How would I even possibly accept that.... that..... traitor?" Blodhgarm took a breath and waved his dark blue hair, and let it dry off in the sun.

All of that gorgeous, shoulder-length hair made him look like a handsome blue lion, since he looked half cat after all.

Fishes, so many small fishes were swimming past or around him while some, feeling curious, went up to the mutant elf to sew who or what he was. Blodhgarm smiled seeing these creatures within the waters, and even talked to some in the ancient language

Good thing he was an elf, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to try and make peace with these abundant animals, not just fish, but frogs, tadpoles, dragonflies, salamanders, kingfishers, and other types, and elves can easily befriend any one of these critters.

He imagined being courted by many female suitors like back home in Ellesmera. Oh the number of countless female elves who wanted him was a little hard to summarize since more than somewhere around a hundred would definitely make someone lose track of the exact number of how many women would want him, since they are the only ones who can smell the musk surrounding his primal body,

Yes, how he wished that would still happen to him back home in Alagaesia, and perhaps if there are more female riders besides Lulluda, it might happen again, or if any elves heard about Equestria and want to live in it to live a more peaceful life, that would work too.

"Blodhgarm?" A voice called out. The wolf-elf perked his ears up. He looked at where the voice came from, and as he thought, it was Fluttershy. Blodhgarm recognized that soft voice anywhere. "Oh, i'm sorry, I hope i am not bothering you." She said in a sheepish tone of voice.

The blue elf made a small chuckle. "Not at all, Fluttershy. I am always happy to see your angelic face."

Fluttershy lightly blushed and pawed her hoof at the ground adorably. "Oh well, thank you."

Blodhgarm stepped out of the small lake with his wet fur dripping on the shore. He wagged his long hair around like a dog would do after a refreshing swim, and pulled it back when it was in front of his face. "it's not like any elves human-like races were here to see me like this." he blushed himself

"Well, anywho, I just wanted to bring you a towel to dry you off." she reached the fluffy towel to him, and the primal elf was flattered, then he rubbed the towel all over himself to dry off.

"Thank you so much, Fluttershy." Then he put his loincloth back on his waist.

"You're welcome. It's the least I can do." There was a pause so still, that they can hear the birds chirping and the small waves going up and down through the shore. Finally, the yellow pegasus asked him "So.... Do you still distrust Murtagh and Thorn?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Blodhgarm replied reluctantly. "I know you and you of you're friends want me to warm up to them, but I cannot."

"Please, just try." Fluttershy begged with the puppy dog eyes. "He can be a real nice guy once you get to know him more."

Blodhgarm was still reluctant about this, but he said "Very well. Perhaps a little more time together might do us good." What he said made Fluttershy smile with gratefulness. "I do not know when, but one of these days, I might give it a try."

"Thank you." She said

"Do tell me, can you still smell my musk scent?"

"Oh of course. You still smell nice."

Blodhgarm was more than happy to hear that, and of course flattered. "Wonderful. All of the women back in my homeland can never get tired of my musky odor, and not to mention my good looks." He flipped his hair again.

"I can imagine how much you miss that since you left with Eragon and Saphira."

The elf sighed. "Oh yes, you would not believe how much I missed being surrounded by all of those beautiful female elves, just wanting me, touching my fur."

Fluttershy made a look of slight confusion hearing the last part.

"Well, you understand what I am saying,"

"Of course. But I'm sure it will happen again."

"You know what, I suppose you're right. Of course it is good for me and my spell caster cohorts to spend time with Shadeslayer, Saphira, and a new generation of riders. You would not believe how long we have been waiting to be given such an opportunity."

"I agree. It sounds like a great honor. Speaking of which, Calraeli and Vaodidr are really helpful with me and my animal friends too."

"Did you know me and himself were close friends?"


"Oh yes, Calraeli was always one gifted with magic as any other elf would be. We met each other when we were children. We would always run and play in the forest near Ellesmera, and we would get in trouble for causing mischief at times."

Fluttershy giggled. "That must have been fun."

"It was." The elf looked at his long, claw-like fingernails on his hands stretched them out like a dog or a cat would do, then pulled out his knife to rub them against it so his claws would be sharper and more better kept.

Fluttershy got a closer look at his claws, feeling curious. Blodhgarm then looked at her as he stopped sharpening them "oh I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but notice how sharp and lovely your claws look."

"No no, that's quite alright." Then he went to sharpening his other pair on the second hand. "A warrior would say 'if your sword breaks, you draw the dagger' but for myself, I would say differently. If my sword breaks or if I had a dagger that would break too, I use these."

"Ooh, that's.... clever."

"Aye, and effective for keeping Abomination from Alagaesia's Hell, such as the Ra'zac, at bay"

Fluttershy was rather fascinated to hear this. Rather unusual for an elf like him, but it did suit him well considering he has animal-like features. "Well, I was wondering if you like to get some ice cream with me at Sugarcube Corner."

"Oh, that frozen dessert that causes headaches if you eat it too fast?"

The yellow Pegasus giggled. "Yes, but you will be fine. Trust me, you would love it, it comes in many different flavors."

"Hmm, sounds rather intriguing, I suppose I could try." He replied with a smile, showing his two protruding wolf fangs from his upper jaw.


Then the elf, with the towel over his shoulder walked with Fluttershy to the town to have a frozen treat with her.

Eragon was practicing his swordplay with Murtagu once more while Saphira and Thorn watched him. Calraeli and Dervoc were doing the same with each other, and for Lulluda and Skalmo too.

Their dragon companions were watching also. Memni was flirting with Vaodidr by scootching close to him and make a low purr sound.

"Perfect everyone, perfect!" Eragon congratulated to his riders friends. "Especially you, Lulluda, you are truly a demon with a blade."

The female human rider blushed. "Thank you, Shadeslayer." She replied to him.

"And I am a demon with mine sword, too." Skalmo protested.

"Yes yes, of course." Eragon chuckled. "Now, let us move on to the-"

"Eragon Shadeslayer." Said a regal, old man's voice. They all looked and they saw a man clocked in a black robe with a hood over his head, showing only his mouth with a beard on his face.

They all seemed suspicious of this man, and worried that he was a spy for the are,Nantes of the former Empire back home. The dragons made growling noises, and giving the figure dirty looks while doing so.

The riders were more than rider to pull out their swords in case something was about to happen. For all we know, he could be a powerful dark wizard, or even a shade. "Who the hell are you?" Murtagh addressed to the man. "Answer my question!"

"Peace, Morzansson." The man soothed at him. "I mean you all no harm. As a matter of fact, I came here as a request from Queen Nasuada herself."

"Nasuada?" Eragon asked

"Yes. Please. Lower your weapons, and stand down. I promise you, the queen herself sent me here."

Still feeling cautious, they decided to put their swords in their scabbards anyway, and the dragons stopped their growling. Just like that, the earth stopped rumbling because of that.

"Brilliant." Said the man, feeling satisfied. His voice sounded deep, and it was like someone from royalty or a very noble person from a rich and charming family. He walked up to the riders and their dragons and began "my sincere apologies if I have frightened you." Then he lowered his hood. It revealed to be a handsome looking man with a black goatee around his face, and had long black hair that went a little past his shoulders. His face was rather thin and he looked like a middle aged man like somewhere in ages forty or fifty, or maybe even sixty. It almost reminded Eragon of Galbatorix, except he doesn't look really evil like him. His facial appearance made him look like a lion with a black mane with a few silver streaks in it.

"Who are you?" Murtagh? asked again, but in a more calm voice this time.

"I am Tiber Craingweast, a friend to the Varden and all of the good people to all of Alagaesia. And do not worry, I am not a king's man. I have no affiliation with Galbatorix or the Empire whatsoever."

"Well, do you know who we are?"

"Of course, Eragon. Nasuada told me about you, and Saphira Brightscales." The man looked at the dragon. "And of course I am honored to meet you as well, Murtagh and Thorn."

Eragon's half brother was still a little unsure about him. There was just something in him saying not to trust him. "Aye." Was all he replied,

"It is quite an honors that dies. It mean I trust you right away." Thorn remarked.

"Or us." Artvazh added. The other dragons agreed with him, talking in low voices in through their minds.

Tiber chuckled "of course you would not trust me. I would expect you to not do so. Sometimes, you cannot trust anyone,"

"Ain't that the truth." Said Calraeli sarcastically.

The man continued and said "but please, let's not be so rational. I was sent here because I want to help you, Shadeslayer to help rebuild the rider order under your leadership." When he said that it kind of changed Eragon completely.

Despite that, he said "how do I know you are not with agents of the dark fallen king?"

"Look inside my mind and read it,"

"Brilliant idea." Then Eragon focused and tried to reach into his mind and then it showed that there was nothing about being affiliated with the empire, or Galbatorix. Perhaps he was right after all, maybe he does want to be a help to him and the others. "Well, I guess I can trust you, but how will you help us?"

"I can be your adviser. I can help you achieve in many great things that you cannot."

"An adviser? Look, we are keepers of the peace, not a monarch."

"Oh yes of course. But, you are still only a boy, and you probably have so much to learn. I can help heal the eldunari from their anguish being forced to serve the king, and ease their minds. Establishing relationships with all ponies, riders, and the superior races of Alagaesia to a whole greater level."

"Go on." Said Dervoc

"I might not be a rider, but I can be an undoubtly powerful ally. You see, Eragon, I knew your father, Brom."

His eyes went wide "Brom?" He asked.

"Yes. Your father was a good friend of mine before he died at the mits of the Ra'zac. A really great man he was, being a founder of the Varden and trying to achieve a great purpose that you helped him achieve, freeing Alagaesia."

"Well.... we'll see. Perhaps a little extra help would not be so bad."

"And if you are not available, or if Glaedr, Umaroth, or the other eldunari cannot teach you the ways of being a rider, I can also be a service to those as well. You see, I am an incredible magician, and gifted with the way of the sword, too."

The other riders were thinking about this. It took a long time, of course

"Eragon, please, I employ you to see reason. Let me be your assistant, and your guardian. Your father would trust me. What would you do if you were in Brom's shoes?"

He payed for a minute and said "he.... would trust you."

Craingweast smiled. "Excellent. And do introduce me to Ponyville and all of your new friends their. I would be more than honored to meet the princess of Friendship herself."

"You heard of Twilight Sparkle?"

"Of course. I have received word from one of my soldiers about Equestria when I arrived here to find you."

"Hmm. Very well, come with us."

"Are you insane, brother?" Murtagh whispered in his ear. "I don't know if we can trust him. He seems.... shady."

"If he was a good friend to Brom it must be true." Eragon whispered back

"Be weary, youngling." Glaedr warned. "Do not trust him completely just yet. Make him prove your trust to serve you and the future dragons ad riders to come."

"I will, master."

Then they all went Ponyville, with Tiber riding on Saphira, behind Eragon

Author's Note:

Who is this man? This Tiber Craingweast seems like a peculiar man. Where did he come from? How does he know about the riders? Will he be a good help? Or not? We'll just have to wait and see.

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