• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Plans for the Future Riders

The next day in Ponyville, Eragon was walking through town looking for anything to pass the time while waiting for his letter from Nasuada, or maybe even the leaders of the other races from Alagaesia to respond to him. He looked at his surroundings, seeing many of the citizens being happy in their lives. First he saw Rosemary and her friends tending to her garden of flowers, next, he saw Snips and Snails arguing to see which flavor of ice cream was better: vanilla for Snips and Chocolate for Snails. Eragon smirked and just continued walking through the path. He was a little distracted to even notice Derpy flying around and doing her mail jobs. She, was not looking forward either, and she accidentally bumped to Eragon, both of them falling to the ground

"Ow. My head." Said Eragon recovering

"Eragon! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn't see yoy there." Said Derpy. "I was just busy passing letters and doing my duties as a mail pony."

"It's alright, Derpy." Said Eragon quietly. "It was an accident. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, never better." Derpy replied while her lazy eyes were moving to and fro. "Where are you going too?" She asked curiously in a cute dimwitted voice.

"Oh i am just taking a little stroll through this town. That is pretty much all. What about you, Derpy? How are your deliveries coming for your job, Derpy?"

"Uhhhhh doing pretty good. Just need to fill out a couple more today. Speaking of which, I need to place them in some mail boxes." She hovered off the ground. "See you around, Eragon."

"See you later, Derpy." Eragon politely replied to her. Then she flew off through the sky to resume her mail duties. "Oh damn! I forgot to ask her about dragon riders moving to Equestria." He cursed to himself. "Oh well. It was probably for the best." He began to feel more calm and continued walking through town.

He remembered himself saying to Nasuada in the letter he sent to her, saying for the riders back home to not go around and eat any ponies or the other talking inhabitants as their food. He felt a little more comfortable saying it to Nasuada, but he still worried that since the hatched dragons are still young, they might have their instincts get the best of them and go on a rampage, or of playing a game, they might lose their control over their strength.

His thoughts were once again halted when he heard another female voice. "Hey, Eragon." The voice said. Trying to be nice to him. It was Lyra and her best friend Bon Bon.

"Oh, hello Lyra. Hello Bon Bon." Eragon replied as soon as he stopped to talk to them. "What can I do you both for?"

"We hope we are not bothering you, are we?" Asked Bon

"Oh no no, of course not. You both saved me the trouble of being a little bored walking through the town." He nixed.

"Good." Said Lyra.

"Actually, now that you are both here, I want to ask you both a question."

"What is it?" Asked Lyra

"Yeah what?" Bon Bon added.

Eragon sighed and calmly said "I written and sent a message to high queen Nasuada back home in Alagaesia. It was about rebuilding the dragon riders here in Equestria. To bring a number of any race from there to here. By boat or by dragon, they would come here and behold the eggs and see of they are dragon riders that they would dreamed of."

"Oh yeah. Twilight, Rainbow, and the others told us about that." Said Lyra. "What about it?"

"Well..... How would you feel if there would be new dragons living here? What would you think if there would be a new temple for the riders to train and rebuild before Galbatorix and the Forsworn wiped the, all out?"

The two best friends were silent and looked at eachother. Finally Bon Bon answered "well, they also told us that dragons from Alagaesia are like dragons here. Oh, minus Spike, of course."


"Yeah, Spike is a really good dragon with a really soft heart." Lyra added. "The poin is that, if these dragons are like Saphira, and not eat us for dinner of course, then that's fine with us. Right Bon Bon?"

"Right. So we will be alright with it and we won't have a problem."

"Right. Exactly what she said." Said Lyra

Eragon smiled "that's wonderful."

"Yes. Indeed." Said Glaedr through the mares minds.

The two gave a little jump of surprise.

"Who said that?" Said Bon Bon in Lyra's arms

"Oh, did the others tell you about Glaedr?" Asked Eragon. He pulled out the eldunari to show the best friends in their eyes.

"Oh, is that the gem where ummm dragons sleep in?" Asked Lyra

"That's where they go when they die." Eragon corrected. "Come, let's have a seat and we'll talk about it."

"Okay." Said the two in unison. They both followed Eragon to a bench for a place to sit in a comfortable spot.

"When they sat, Eragon said "now, you can talk to Glaedr in this gem with your mind. Go on, try it."

The two tried to focus their thoughts on the gem "hello?" Said Lyra. "Ummm, anypony there?" She waited for an answer for a few long seconds as did her best friend

"Glaedr?" Said Bon Bon

"Hello there." Said Glaedr. "Do not be afraid. I am Glaedr."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Glaedr." Said Lyra in a more happy voice. "So, were you a yellow dragon when you were alive? Or were you a golden dragon?"

"You could say that I was yellow, or say that I was gold, they both have the same color idea. All dragons come in different colors you know."

"Yeah, we know." Said Bon Bon. "How did you, Eragon, and Saphira meet?"

"It is a fascinating and yet very long tale. Not to mention tragic." Glaedr replied

"Oh. I see." Said Lyra. "Well, it was nice talking to you, then."


"It was a pleasure talking to you mares too." Glaedr replied.

"Okay. We're done." Lyra said to Eragon. The rider gently out the eldunari away, back in his sack on his back.

"So, are you sure you would be alright with dragon riders in Equestria?"

"Yeah. I would be alright with it." Lyra answered

"Totally." Bon Bon added

"Good. Well, see you both soon." Eragon got off the bench and waved at the best friends while he was walking through the town again

"Bye." Said the two in unison, then they both walked through Ponyville in a different direction.

Eragon decoded that be was done with his little stroll and decided to go back home. While there, with Saphira napping, he saw Blodhgarm and a few of his other spellcasting bodyguards walking with him. "Blodhgarm." He called to him

"Yes, Shadeslayer, what is it?" Said Blodhgarm in his smooth voice.

"May I speak with you?" Asked Eragon

"About what exaxtly?"

"You remembered that letter I sent to Alagaesia to Nasuada?

"Yes? What about it?"

"Do you think that this place would be a good home for the future riders?"

Blodhgarm, like Lyra and Bon Bon, was also silent in a brief pause. "Well Eragon. I do not know what to think about this little scheme of yours. It could work, or maybe not. We will do what we can to help these eggs hatch for their riders of choice."

"I know."

"Personally, I do not think it would be a terrible idea. But still, not all people or creatures like dragons." Blodhgarm added.

"I hear that." Eragon thought of Vermund amd his little dwarven clan of cultists against dragon riders that almost killed him when Orik was there. "I Know How that feels."

"It is rather a good thing for princess Celestia and princess Luna to grant us a home when we need one"

"Agreed." Said a spellcaster named Iloza.

"I couldn't agree more." Said another one named Arcana.

"We promise if these ponies, and the riders cannot get along with one another, we will do what we can to help you with any conflicts." Blodhgarm stated.

"Thank you all."

Blodhgarm and the other elves smiled at his kindness. "Of course. We are always at your service, Shadeslayer."

"Where are the others at?" Eragon asked curiously.

"Oh my other companions are out mingling with the inhabitants of the town. Speaking of which, we might as well do the same thing as they are and be friendly to these ponies." Blodhgarm answered

"Oh. I see. Well, good luck with that, Blodhgarm."

"Thank you." The beastly elf then went through the town with the remaining spellcasters following. Eragon went back inside his house and looked at the eggs and eldunari. He worried about them. The question he had is "what would happen to them? Will the eggs hatch? Will the newborn dragons love living in Equestria? What will become of the baby dragons that will hatch in the future?" He also looked at the eldunari and hoped that they will recover from the bonding and forced servitude to Galbatorix when he was still alive.

Umaroth and Glaedr were doing all they can to heal their very souls and recover.

"They will be just fine, Eragon." Said Glaedr. "They are all doing so much better than before know."

"What? Oh, you were reading my thoughts. I forgot about that."


"What about the eggs? What will become of them? Do you think they will hatch for anyone brought to Equestria?"

Glaedr was silent on that question. Finally he answered "well, you remember what Brom and Oromis taught you about the eggs."

"I know. They will wait forever to hatch for their rider of choice if they all have too." Eragon said, knowing the answer from his dragon master. "You're right, mentor, I shouldn't worry too much. I'll just have to wait and see what happens when Nasuada finally replies to my message in a day or two."

"Right you are, youngling." Said Glaedr proudly. "It all just takes a number of time."

"Right." Eragon looked at the eggs and eldunari again, still a little worried about all of them. "Glaedr speaks right, young one." Umaroth added. "They will be alright."

"Very well, Ebrithil." He went back outside and decided to spend a little more time outside of town. While outside, he was looking around the surroundings, and looked for anything in particular that he might want to participate in to ease his over worrying.

He felt a soft touch on his leg, and looked down. "Excuse me, sir." Said a voice that sounded like a little boy's. In face, it was a colt, except a little smaller than many foals in this town, and had a brown and white coat pattern with a brown mane and tail. "Are you.... Eragon?" He asked

"He is so adorable." Eragon thought. "Yes. That is me." Was all he replied to him. "What's your name, little one?"

"The name's Pipsqueak. But you can just call me Pip." The colt replied

"Oh well nice to meet you Pip." Eragon said politely. "What can I do you for?" He gently shook the boy's arm gently, and it felt so small compared to his arm.

"Well, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle told me about you, and your dragon, Uhhhhh what's her name uh Sapphire?"

"Saphira." Eragon corrected.


"Eragon!" Called another voice. And speaking of the devil, the three girls Pip just mentioned came running up to Eragon and Pip.

They all stopped dead in front of Eragon with cute smiles on their faces. "Hi Eragon!" They all said in unison a little loudly.

"Hello, girls." Eragon replied. :what are you doing here?"

"We haven't talked to you in a while, and just wanted to say hello." Sweetie Belle replied.

"We were also playing with Pup when he suggested that he wanted to meet you." Said Scootaloo.

"And also, we were wondering if you and Saphira would like to come to our school some other time. We would like to see more about your home and maybe play with Saphira while on recess." Said Applebloom

"Hmmmm, what do you say, Saphira?"

"Sure. I guess I can come with you to play with the children." Saphira replied with a chuckle in her mind

Eragon turned back to the four kids and answered "sure. We would love to go."

"Yay!" The kids shouted with glee.

"Well, Pip. Would you like to meet Saphira?" Asked Eragon

Pip looked a little scared at the blue dragon, but no one could blame him. Saphira was large after all. "I don't know." He replied nervously.

"It's okay, Pip." Said Sweetie Belle. "Saphira is Really nice."

"Yeah. She won't eat you." Said Applebloom.

"And totally won't gut you and eat you." Scootaloo added

"Scootaloo, that's not helping." Sweetie scolded.

"Oh sorry."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine." Said Eragon.

Pip gulped and slowly walked towards Saphira, with Eragon behind him to keep him more relaxed and calm. Pip's heart beat a little faster when he got closer to her.

"Hello, little one." Saphira said to him.

"What who said that?" Pip said

"Don't worry. I can speak, just with my thoughts. Try and speak to me with yours, youngling."

Pip concentrated and said telepathically "can you hear me?"

"Yes. Come to me."

Pip slowly walked right up to Saphira and he felt her humongous paw gently pulling him go her for comfort. "There. See? You have nothing to fear."

Pip began to feel a little more comfortable around Saphira now, and began to smile. "Thank you for not eating me. I guess."

Saphira chuckled in her mind and replied "of course. You seem like a sweet young boy"

"Oh, I flush." Pip said with his cheeks glowing crimson red.

"Tell me. Are you ticklish?" Asked Saphira

Pip gave. Look of horror, and felt himself being assaulted by Saphira's massive muzzle tickling his belly, making him laugh. The three girls then laughed and join in on the fun. Eragon watched and smiled. He realized he shouldn't have anything to fear for the future riders.

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