• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Discussion About Trust

Twilight was on her coach reading one of her books from her library while Spike was reading one of his Power Ponies comic book on his smaller couch. The baby dragon was a little worried about Murtagh and Thorn before they just went off from him not too long ago.

"So, how did it go with Murtagh and Thorn, Spike?" Twilight asked curiously

"It went... Alright." He replied. "Well, Eragon and Sapnira were offering them to come visit Princess Celestia and Luna sometime, but Murtagh said he doesn't want to."

"Why not?"

"He said that they would never accept him or Thorn here in Equestria. Then they just stormed off back here."

"They didn't give you a hard time, did they?" She looked over him as she stopped her reading.

"Oh no. They really thought I was cool and intriguing, in fact, Murtagh apologized to me for making fun of me before. Thorn was really nice to me and we kind of chatted one another."

"Good. That is wonderful to hear." Twilight remarked. "Although I'm a little confused that Murtagh just stormed off with Thorn like that."

"Yeah, I know. Oh well, I'm pretty sure that they just need some time to themselves for a while to think."

"That's a good theory. I guess Eragon was right, he is kind of surly and stubborn. Oh, don't tell him I said that, though."

The baby dragon chuckled. "Don't worry, Twi. I won't." Then he went back to reading his comic to the climax while Twilight was reading the same thing in her chapter book."

Then, the door flew open, startling both the pony and dragon. "Hey, Twilight, Spike" A voice called out. It revealed to be Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, hello Rainbow Dash, can't you see we are reading sintered ting books here?" Said Twilight a little annoyed

Rainbow made a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that. I was just wondering if you guys would like to come to Sugarcube Corner later."

"Sure. I don't mind." Spike said

"I suppose I can take a break from my reading." Twilight added.

"And i'm almost done with the new Power Ponies comic "attack of the pony snatchers, but i'll finish it later."


The two then put aside their books and went to Sugarcube Corner with Rainbow. "So Spike, how was it with Murtagh and Thorn?"

"It was actually good. I thought that they were a little surly and maybe they wouldn't like me so much, but they did. Thorn is a really cool dragon like Saphira is. Although, i'm a little scared about being around him."

"Why would you be afraid of him? He doesn't serve the Empire anymore."

"Oh i know, but they are a little blunt like Eragon said. Also, he and Saphira offered him and Murtagh to visit the princess but he turned him down because of his dad and they went off."

"Really? That's a little weird." Said Rainbow.

"I know, right?"

Then the three arrived at the sweet shop. They looked around and saw a waving Pinkie with the others. "Twilight! Spike! Rainbow! Over hear!" She shouted in an excited voice.

"Coming, Pinkie!" Rainbow called.

They noticed a few people from Eragon's crew and one spellcasters sitting as well, Nazir to be exact. He saw the mane six and Spike and waved a hello to them and they did the same thing to Nazir in return, then the trio sat down with the rest of their best friends. "So, how did it go with Murtagh and Thorn, Spike?" asked Fluttershy

Spike was a little annoyed that he was asked that more than once, but he just said in return "It was good. Except.... They kind of flew off. And if you ask why, Eragon and Saphira came and offered them to visit Celestia and Luna when they get the chance, and they didn't want to because of what they did in Alagaesia."

"Well, he's not in Alagaesia anymore, isn't he?" said Applejack

"Good point, but still. Thorn just flew off with him in the distance. Right now, he's in his new house, trying to get used to it."

"How did you know that?" asked Rarity

"I saw Thorn in his new shed, Ain't hard to miss."


"I just hope Murtagh is okay. He's been in his new house hardly coming back outside."

"Don't worry, Spike." Said Twilight. "I'm pretty sure he just needs to be alone for a while."

"Yeah, I guess."

"It is probably best if he would stay away from everyone here." Said a masculine voice. It was Blodhgarm, and Nazir, the spellcaster that was sitting on the far table.

"Oh, Blodhgarm, hello." Said Fluttershy. "Um... How much did you hear?"

"We have heard quite a lot about Murtagh and Thorn." Nazir replied. "I hope we are not eavesdropping, but we were just curious."

"No it's cool." Said Rainbow.

"Where's Eragon?" Rarity asked.

"He and Saphira are out for a little training with Glaedr and Umaroth." The wolf-elf hybrid replied. "But I am sure that is not really important. Mind if we sit with you?"

"No, go ahead." Said Applejack

As the two elves sat, Twilight said "listen, Blodhgarm, I know you hate Murtagh and Thorn for serving Galbatorix but they had no choice."

"Perhaps." The furry elf rolled his eyes. "Sure, Oromis and Glaedr's blood stained on Galbatorix's hands, but he committed other atrocities."

"He's our friend." Said Rainbow. "So is Thorn."

"And you can be friends with him if you all want to." Nazir said flatly

"What I am trying to say is beware of them, Fluttershy and friends." Blodhgarm added. "The son of Morzan or his dragon are not to be trusted."

"The son of Morzan, Blodhgarm, is Eragon's half brother." Said Applejack

"We know. We know. But still, just be careful around him just in case."

"Of course." said Rarity.

"also, we wouldn't call Murtagh evil. He didn't chose to be born as the son of one of the most loyal servants to the dark king." said Twilight. "Besides, he's more like a.... more like... ah, what's the word for it?"

"A brooding loner?" Fluttershy suggested

"A bad boy?" Rainbow added.

"Yeah, that's it. They both describe him."

"Well, me and Nazi better go look for food in the farmer's market." said Blodhgarm. Before he went out, he gave one last warning. "As we said before, please beware the son of Morzan." and he went out the door.

The friends sitting together were a little confused, but they know that Murtagh was nothing like his demon of a father after all, or Thorn with Morzan's dragon.

"We can trust them, can we?" Asked Fluttershy

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow said. "I trust them completely. Besides, they're cool."

"So do I. They just need a little reassurance on their outlook." Rarity added

"Agreed. Perhaps a little more time in Equestria should help them be more comfortable, and Blodhgarm, his spellcasters, and Eragon's crew that went with him will like him eventually too."

"You guys are all right about what you predict. I think they just need to warm up to us more." said Twilight. "Maybe we do something really nice for them."

Pinkie gasped. "You mean like a party just for them?" she said with a big grin on her face.

"Well no, I don't think they would be ready for that yet." said Rarity. "Besides, i am beginning to wonder if that is your answer for every problem?"

"Yep!" she said proudly. Rarity rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. "Of course."

"I was thinking maybe more like a present for both of them." Fluttershy suggested. "Well, if that's okay with all of you."

"You know what, Fluttershy? I think that's a good idea." Spike said. "And maybe they can spend some quality time with all of us in Ponyville. Maybe not Blodhgarm and his assistants of course since, you know, they don't trust him."

"Good. That is a wonderful idea." said Applejack. "But what type of present would they both want?"

"Hmmm" they all said in a thinking pose. They didn't really quite know what they would might want as a gift. They want to make sure that it would be something that Murtagh and Thorn will love. It was rather quite difficult, possibly because the idea just came to all of them at this very moment.

"Well, I don't think we might as well give something to them yet, because I can't think of anything." said Pinkie

"Me neither." said Rainbow. "Well, why don't we spend more time with them first. Besides, that might help be more comfortable in Ponyville too."

Her friends said many words in agreement.

"Hello?" said a voice. They all looked and it was Murtagh himself.

"Oh, Murtagh!" said Spike. "We didn't hear you come in."

"Ah, there you all are." he said, walking to all of them. "Listen Spike, Me and Thorn would love to say we are sorry if you were in between that argument with me and Eragon. I just needed to think things over, so did Thorn."

"It's okay." Spike replied. "I've been in arguments way worse than that before. Ah, it was more like a discussion."

Murtagh chuckled. "True. If it was an argument, I am sure me and Eragon would cross blades with one another. "

They all laughed. "True that." Said Applejack.

"So, Murtagh?" Fluttershy started off.


"We were wondering if... maybe when you and Thorn feel like it, would you like to..."

Rainbow was a little impatient so she stepped in by adding "hang out with us sometime?"

"Well, I suppose me and Thorn could use a little more... social interaction. So, very well. Besides, me and Thorn are starting to like this place already."

"Perfect!" Said Twilight.

"So, I better get back to Thorn now, he probably wants to go out and hunt again. And Eragon might use another sparring partner with swordplay."

"See ya, Murtagh." Spike called.

Then the son of Morzan walked out of Sugarcube Corner.

"So, wanna have some ice cream?" Pinkie said.

"Sure." Said Applejack

"Make mine with chocolate, please." Said Rainbow

"Okie dokie lokie. " then Pinkie went to Mr and Mrs Cake for the treats of her friends choice, as well as her cjoice.

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