• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Reluctant Help

The castle was normal, and Twilight, and her friends were always happy to visit it. Murtagh and Thorn were waiting for them with Eragon in Saphira. He was utterly amazed with the design like Eragon was

"It looks like an opposite of what Galbatorix's castle would be like." Thorn said

"Aye, I know. It is absolutely beautiful. It looks like a castle for only the most heroic kings or queens would live in." Eragon replied

Murtagh asked his younger brother "so this is really the place where Princess Celestia and princess Luna live in this land?"

"Of course." Saphira answered. "Don't you think it looks very miraculous and enchanting?"

"Aye. Just as magnificent as Ilirea's castle before Galbatorix and Shruikan turned it evil, and after we all ended his reign once and for all."

Eragon smiled. "I agree." Then he thought of Arya again.

"Something wrong, brother?" Murtagh asked, noticing his little frown

"What?" He said, snapping himself out of his mind. "Oh yes, of course." Then he realized he shouldn't really lie to a family member like Murtagh. "I... still miss Arya." He confessed flatly

"Ah, brother. Don't let that get you down."

"Yes." Thorn added. "It was the hardest decision you had t make, but it was the way. We will be there for you and Saphira."

"Remember that you got Saphira, Me, and Thorn." Then he playfully patted his younger sibling on the back to make him smile or at least give him a smirk, and it worked

"Yes. I know. I am happy we get to live in Equestria like brothers."

"It's not easy for me to say but, I feel the same way as you do."

"You mean that?"

"Yes." He confessed begrudgingly. "So about the matter at hand, do yoy really think that the princesses can help me with my problem?"

"Of course, you just need to compromise and maybe look into your mind."

Murtagh was afraid Eragon would say that. "Brother, you know I would never allow anyone to invade my thoughts."

"Don't worry." Saphira said. "This will not be like the Twins when we first joined the Varden. I am sure that Princess Celestia and princess Luna will make it as gentle and painless for you as possible."

Murtagh didn't know what he should do: allow the co-rulers of Equestria to enter his mind to fix his conflict, or just fight against it mentally and not help anything at all. He would normally let no one into his own thoughts and always keeps them out to not know of his heritage. "Well, another subject I should worry is that what if they hate me just as soon as they get a good look at me and Thorn when they see him?"

"We told you, Murtagh, they will like you. Besides, they will know you are nothing like your father."

"I suppose. But, I will be the judge to say whether to know what you say is true."

Thorn said to him through his thoughts "You should really listen to Eragon's words, Murtagh. He and Saphira met them before, so we can trust them."

"That is true."

"Guys! You made it!" Said Twilight. The four all saw her and all of her friends with her, walking down the garden to meet with them.

"Ah, there you are, friends." Eragon said

"So, are you ready to see the princesses?"

"Aye." Murtagh replied. "But I do not know if I will like it."

"And yoy want me to stay here, correct?" Thorn added

"Yep, you probably wouldn't really fit through the doors anyway." Rainbow joked with him. "But don't worry, it shouldn't take lon, and besides, yoy got Saphira to hang out with."

"I know." Then the red dragon stared at the blue dragon.

"Let us be on our way." Eragon said.

"Right!" Fluttershy, Twilight, and the other friends said. The moody son of Morzan was still a tad bit uncertain about this.

Twilight got their clearance to get inside and they all went with her within the castle interior whie Saphira and Thorn waited outsided till they return. The son of Morzan was even more surprised with the decor. "This looks even more beautiful than I thought it would be." He thought.

"So what do you think, Murtagh?" Applejack asked him.

"What i'm sorry. What did you say, Applejack?"

"I said, what do you think of the castle here?"

"Oh. Rather marvelous actually. Might not be as big as the castle in Ilirea before Galbatorix can along, but still."

"It is marvelous." Rarity added. Then she noticed Murtagh's hand shaking a little. "You seem tense, Murtagh. Everything alright, darling?" Then everyone looked at him, growing concerned

"Of course, i.... I am just a little worried that they would not accept me here. That's all."

"Oh come on, Murtagh." Said Fluttershy. "We told you they will like you."

"I know I know. You all will support me, right?"

"Of course we will." Said Twilight. "We're your friends."

The two guards in front of the throne room, Murtagh's nervousness had grown within himself. Nevertheless, he went along with this, and hoped these monarchs would help him out like Eragon said they would. He followed them as he traveled the red carpet down the royal hall.

Murtagh looked in awe as he saw the princess' for the first time. It was just like when Eragon first met them. He thought they look like the exact opposite of what Galbatorix and Morzan would be like.

"Ah, Twilight and Friends. Welcome back." Said Celestia. "And you too, Eragon." Then she and her sister noticed the son of Morzan, who was the only one who wasn't bowing to her and Luna

"And who might this be?" Luna asked.

"Um, Murtagh, I am pretty sure you are disrespecting them by not bowing." The baby dragon reminded

Celestia chuckled. "That's quite alright, Spike." She said to him. Then she walked up to him and Luna ollowed behind "what is your name, child?"

He gulped "Murtagh. My name is Murtagh. I too am also a dragon rider."

"Pleasure. I am princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and guardian of the sun."

"And i'm Luna, co-ruler and guardian of the moon. Tell us, how do you know Eragon?"

"He's my half brother."

The two sisters gave a look of surprise at him "well, that's rather intriguing." Celestia remarked

Murtagh gave a brief smile. It was turning out rather well for him. He said to them "I have come to ask for your help."

"And what might you need help with, young Murtagh?" Luna asked.

And here it comes. Telling them of his problem, the first question was will everything go well for him. "I have this... conflict within myself. It involves me and my father"

"What is the little conflict of yours, Murtagh?" Celestia asked

"I don't know of I should tell you, you could exile me and my dragon put of Equestria if I did."

"Nonsense. You can tell us." Luna remarked

Murtagh sighed "alright, my father was.... Morzan, a traitorous dragon rider who helped Galbatorix, the fallen evil king of Alagaesia to power and oppress the land. I... became an unwilling servant to him becausehe knew my true name, and the same thing for Thorn, my dragon's name when he hatched for me." He turned away "I am nothing like my father, I had no choice when I was serving that demon king. A few spies from the empire tricked old friends of mine and Eragon's. And... my father was a very evil man, and didn't even care about me.

Then Murtagh turned around and showed them the scar on his back. Celestia and Luna were shocked that a father would do that to his own son. "Oh my goodness." Said Luna

"You poor dear. Morzan did this to you?" Celestia asked with great sympathy

Murtagh began to tear up "yes. When I was a boy, he got in one of his drunken rages and he threw this sword right at me while my back was turned

"That is obscene." Celestia said

"Aye. I know. Last night I had a dream haunting me, and all the things I did while serving Galbatorix. I just want this to end. I just need to... cleanse that little parasite from within me. Morzan was already dead, for he was killed by Eragon's father, Brom."

The princess' looked at him.

"So he said I could use your help."

"Well, we most certainly can help you." Luna stated. "We understand how you feel."

"And we promise we will make it as painless and not hurt you."

Murtagh was relieved to hear that they already like him. "Thank you so much. If it means entering my mind, so be it. Normally, I wouldn't really allow magic users to enter my mind, but.... you seem like glorious leaders I can trust. And, only for Eragon, Saphira, and Thorn's sake."

"Wonderful. Come with us, and we might help you out." said Celestia. He looked at the others and Eragon nodded to him that he should trust them.

"Very well. Why don't you all go on ahead without me." then he followed the two sisters to a room at one of the tall towers. Eragon and his friends went out of the throne room in the meantime.

Meanwhile with the son of Morzan, he was sitting in a room with the princess. It was like.... a bed that would be in a shrink's office. "Now, can you please describe us your nightmare?" Luna asked him

Then he explained what happened last night, how he saw his evil father and how he was mentally torturing him. "And I thought he would have killed me, but then I realize it was all just a terrible dream. I really hate myself for having a bastard like him as a father." he grown a little more angry. "I just wish I would have killed him instead of Brom, that way I would have gotten back at him for what he did to me."

"It's alright, murtagh. We know how you feel." said Celestia. "That's why we are here to help you."


"Now, we know exactly how to help you with this conflict of yours." Luna pointed. "And... yes, we might have to go into your mind." Murtagh was expecting that to be said, but Eragon did say that they will not harm him during this little session.

"Very well. But it will be painless, will it?"

"of course."

"alright. Go ahead." then he stood back, and waited for something to happen.

"Now just hold still now. Ready, sister?" Celestia said

"ready." then they used the power from their horns to transport both them and Murtagh in his head. It was like in Murtagh's nightmare where Morzan, or a spirit of Morzan tried to convince his son to join him.

"This is just like last night. Now what happens?"

"So, you decided to come back, did you?" said a voice. Then, in a ghostly entrance, there was Morzan once again, right in front of the three. "I figured you would show your pathetic face sooner or later."

"You! This time you will not be so lucky, father!"

Celestia stopped him. "Peace, Murtagh." she said. "we can take him on. Remember, this is not real."

"You're... you're right."

"Murtagh is not like you, Morzan." Luna said. "Now begone!"

"Indeed, you have haunted him long enough. What you did to him was unforgivable. I am even surprised you would be called a father after what you did." Celestia added

"Shut up!" the dead forsworn leader said. "This has nothing to do with you."

Celestia then stated firmly "We are here to tell you to leave."

"Murtagh is nothing like you, an evil, cruel, and selfish. Not to mention he is far more strong-willed than you are." Luna said

A great rage filled up inside of him, getting bigger and bigger from all these insults. "How dare you insult the second greatest dragon rider of all time! I am a servant of the great king, Galbatorix!"

"He is only a great king of evil!" Celestia stated to the figment of Murtagh's imagination. "Allowing slavery to be legal, creating a genocide for all dragon riders that do not serve you, and causing chaos across Alagaesia."

"The dragon riders were weak." Morzan replied.

"No! you are weak, Morzan!" Murtagh stepped up. He rushed towards him angrily, and right in "I am nothing like you! I just want you to go away and stay away from me forever!"

Morzan was not scared, and didn't even flinch. "Very well. I hope you will come across your mother in the afterlife. Goodbye, son." then he just disappeared into thin air. At last, it was gone.

"You did it, Murtgah!" Luna cheered.

"You conquered your inner conflict." Celesstia added

"I did?" then he realized they were right. "I.... I did." he haven't felt this happy since Thorn hatched for him and when he realized that Eragon was apart of his family. "I... I cannot thank you well enough, your majesties."

"Don't thank us." Celestia noted. "It was you that conquered it."

"Aye, but still. I suppose we should go back to the real world, now."

"Good idea." then the sisters used their horns again and they were back in Equestria. "Well, it's over."

"Aye. I guess there is nothing left to do, but tell the others that I'm alright now. Thank you so much, Princess Celestia. You too, Luna." but before he left the room, he had a thought. "Say, would you like to meet Thorn? he's right outside in the garden with Saphira.

"Of course. Take us to him." Celestia replied with a smile. The princess' went with him out of the throne room, being more happy than he would usually be with his life.

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