• Published 8th Jul 2014
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Eragon's New Home: Equestria - MetalBrony823

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

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Act of Revenge

Eragon could not believe his eyes at what he was seeing. Vermund returned right before him. Somehow, he and his clan managed to follow Eragon and Saphira on the Talita without the, or the crew knowing. Eragon knew that this was the exact opposite of good.

"Vermund. What the hell are you doing here?" He asked in a demanding tone of voice.

The dwarf sneered at him and said "what I am about to show you is a technique called revenge. Of you all do not do as I say, this little dragon here dies." He looked at Spike, looking quite scared

"Twilight, guys, help me!" Spike exclaimed.

"Relax, child." Said the dwarf. "Behave yourself and no harm will come to you."

"Let him go you scoundrel!" Said Fluttershy.

"All of you just do as I say, and I will let him live." Vermund said flatly. The others were quite unsure of this, and concerned for Spike. Nonetheless, they didn't want him to be killed by the scummy dwarves.

Murtagh then addressed, "what do you want from us, you sons of bitches?"

"Take me and mine clan to your precious Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and demand them to give the throne to me."

The mane six were appalled to hear this. "Who do you think you are, coming over to Equestria and convince us to give you the right to rule Equestria?" Twilight berated Vermund.

"Here is some encouragement to tell you why, lassie." Vermund sneered again, and looked at the henchman that was keeping Spike hostage.

He began holding him tighter on his neck, with the intention of strangling him to death. "Twilight!" Spike gagged.

"No!" Rarity said "you can not kill poor little Spikey-Whikey! He is only a baby dragon, you ruffian!"

"Baby dragon, or full-grown dragon." Vermund stated. "The only good dragon of any kind is a dead one." Twilight, her friends, and the riders had their blood boiling at what Vermund just stated. "Take me to your rulers, Now!!" He demanded in a scream.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and the others didn't really know what to do. They didn't want to let their own close friend Spike be given a horrible gruesome death by this. Eragon and the dragon riders were thinking the same thing as the ponies were.

"Vermund, it does not have to be this way! Let him go!"

"You're the one who made it so, Shadeslayer!" Vermund shouted. "You and that blasted Saphira Brightscales disgraced me in front of the dwarven council! You turned them all against me!"

Eragon held his throat back, and remarked "you have done that yourself."

"You both took away everything from me!"

'Your hatred and your anger have done that as well."


With all of them surrounded by Vermund and his Clan, they all realized they had no choice but to compromise, for Spike to remain. Then Eragon said "very well, Vermund. But if we do his despicable task for you, will you let Spike go free?"

"You have my word as a Dwarven clan leader." Vermund stated. They all didn't know if he really meant it, or the fact that he might betray him in return, if it was all a lie."

"Come on, girls." Said Twilight. "We'll take Vermund to the princess' with Eragon. The rest of the riders stay here."

"What? But Twilight-

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay, Fluttershy. Just trust me on this one." Twilight reassured the yellow Pegasus. She looked back at tech scared Spike "I just want to save my little brother." She muttered.

She, and the other five elements of harmony began leading them to the train station to get on a train to Canterlot. The other dwarves assassins looked back at the riders they were leaving behind and cautiously watch them as they followed their leader so they wouldn't do anything behind their backs.

Just then,something unexpected happened, the dwarf taking Spike hostage suddenly felt a stinging pain in his head, and yelled in. It was like a stinging pain far more worst than a stinging migraine. He fell to his knees, and Spike ran over to Twilight.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Karth?!" Vermund exclaimed

"The pain!" the dwarven assassin said.

Just then, Ekre'al shot an arrow at him, killing him instantly. "Get them!" Said Lyra. Then a massive fight broke out. Lyra and Bon Bon fought side by side together against the Az Sweldn rak Anhûin, and the green unicorn blasted them away with her magic.

Both were kicking at their enemies to and fro like a pack of wolves trying to tackle them one at a time.

At this, they were surrounded by their enemies with knives and swords on their hands, but then both Lyra and Bon Bon had an idea. "Wanna show them the secret weapon?" Bon Bon asked her best friend

Lyra smiled confidentially at her. "Oh yeah. Let us blow their minds with what we got." Then they formed into a wheel, thanks to Lyra's magic, and attached their hooves together, then they rolled at their enemies like a bowling ball, and the dwarves were the pins.

"Strike!" Lyra said. They broke up their form, and gave each other a high-five on their hooves.

The elements of harmony were fighting just as fiercely. Applejack charged at one of the assassins and rammed him to a tree. His sword accidentally cut her mildly, but she ignored it and focused on the fighting. "Yee-haw! Come on, partner! You can do better than that!" She shouted with spirit. She kept on kicking them like a bunch of apple trees ready to be harvested. Applejack wiped off a small drop of sweat from her face in the process.

Rainbow Dash was just punching and kicking any enemy that was coming at her like there was no tomorrow. She grunted when a knife punctured her back, and a few drops of blood were pouring out. She looked at the dwarf who threw the dagger at her, and promptly dive-bombed him like a harbinger, knocking him radically off course.

"Oh goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed, noticing the knife on Rainbow's back. "Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?"

"Ah! Just a minor scratch." She replied. "Can you help pull it out, Flutters?"

"I hope this doesn't hurt." Then the yellow Pegasus took out the knife as fast as she could to make it as painless as possible for her best friend.

"Ow!" Rainbow exclaimed

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Ha, it's okay. I suffered way worse pain than that." Rainbow grunted with a smile. "Behind you!" She warned

Fluttershy immediately looked back and saw a clan member about to strike her down with his sword, but she dodged by ducking, and then promptly punched him in the face three times, making him lost a few teeth and nose mildly bleeding.

"How dare you try to sneak attack on me!" Fluttershy berated him.

"Wow, you go, girl." Said Rainbow.

Pinkie Pie was just laughing and giggling as she was being like a mole in a whack-a-mole game. Whenever a dwarf tried to slice her, she would swiftly duck and reappear in a different side of him. "I'm over here!" The dwarf missed again. "Nope! I'm over here! Hahaha!"

"Grrr! Stop moving so I can gut you like a salmon!" Said the dwarf in frustration.

"No, I don't think so." Pinkie replied, sounding innocent. "You gotta catch me! Wheeee!"

Then the nonsense continued.

Rarity was having a rather difficult time. She did want to fight, but she worried she was getting a little dirty in the process of doing so. She felt a small drop of blood splashing on her body, makjg her go "oh disgusting! Absolutely repulsive.

Nonetheless, the white unicorn used her magic to fight ehh way through these evil dwarves. Without knowing, a dwarf was just about to kill her from behind, but then he was picked up by Dervoc, and the urgal literally snapped his neck, immediately killing him.

"Oh, thank you, Dervoc."

"Of course, Rarity. But do not let you're guard down."

"Right, of course."

Twilight was also fighting gallantly with her magic and her kicking. She was fighting a little more fierce than her friends because these bad dwarves almost killed Spike, and she is quite pissed off about it. "Take this!" She exclaims as she kicked a dwarf on the face.

Skalmo was grappling with one of the assassins, and head-butted his opponent to lose his concentration, and Skalmo stabbed him through his chest with Knurl. "That is what and
True dwarf is capable of you bastardized!" He shouted at his enemy's corpse. Then he promptly spat on it before taking another dwarf head-on. Skalmo was fighting remarkably as any other dwarves warrior, but of course, he got the best out of his opponents, thanks to possessing magic.

Big Mac was like a living tank. Whenever an dwarf assassin would try to stab him or grab onto him, he would always push them off. Sometimes, a dwarf would leap on his back and try to stab him by riding him. Big Mac however, used his strength to buck off any one of them off, and bucked them so hard in the face that teeth would fall out of their mouths. Just then, Vermund kept on his back too, and said "let's see if you can be tamed!"

"Oh you have no idea what I'm capable of!" Said Big Mac. He bucked over and over again, and Vermund was somehow more formidable than his cronies. Nonetheless, the red stallion bucked him off, causing Vermund to fall on his ass, hard. "Never mess with me, dwarf!" Big Mac said "I am invincible!"

Calraeli blasted some of his enemies with magic and finished them off with a spell combined with his Welden, instantly ending them. "Brisingr!" He shouted. He slashed through his enemy, and it lit him on fire, and the flames were green instead of yellow. The dwarf slowly coiled as the fire slowly finished him. "Never mess with an elf like myself." He gloated. Then another dwarf clashed his sword with Welden. "Ha! You call that a sneak attack? My mother is smarter you." The.n killed him by decapitating him.

Ekre'al was rapidly shooting arrows from his bow, along with his daggers he carried. The dark elf was very swif and very quick when it comes to attack in at the right time. He lept in a backflip in the air. And sliced one of his enemy's backs. "Too slow."

And Lulluda was probably the fastest out of the riders fighting. She would carefully use timing and patience when attacking a dwarf and finished them off without hesitation. Quite athletic, she did a swipe kick at another dwarf, and stabbed him from above.

Finally, Eragon and Murtagh were fighting off their enemies together, side by side like brothers would do fore each other. "You think you can handle it, brother?" Murtagh asekd him with a smirk

"Of course. Nothing I cannot handle." Eragon promptly replied. Both of them used a spin attack where it involved spinning together while swinging their swords to make a purple color from their blades, and killed any one of the assassins that tried to deal away with them.

Tiber Craingweast was a perfectly skilled fighter, and magic user. His skills were really impressive. And Eragon was sometimes distracted by that because of it. "Know your place!" Tiber shouted. "Resistance is futile!"

And Blodhgarm was slicing away with his claws at his foes, and they were staining with blood. He did have a sword of course, and easily got the best out of these accursed dwarves. He made a lion roar and charged at another assassin with full speed on his hind legs. "Wolf-elf got your tongue?" He asked sarcastically, then clawed his face boldly. Finally, Vermund and a large handful of his minions were left alive.

"No! This cannot be the end of it!" Vermund said in disbelief. Eragon, and all his friends readied themselves to strike at him for gold.

"Eragon, I don't think we can take this anymore." Twilight panted "there's too many of them

It was just then the dragons came from above. and landed on the ground all together. Vermund was even more scared, it then he saw his minions running off into the woods with fear.

"Get the hell back here, you bloody cowards!" He shouted. He glared back at the riders, dragons, and ponies.

"It's over, Vermund! Give up now while you still have a chance!" Said Eragon

"Or else!" Rainbow added.

Knowing Fermund could not win, he had to run eluctsntly accept defeat and then pulled out a small round object from his pouch. He threw it on the ground and smoke appeared. After it cleared , he was gone in an instant.

Everyone was really confused by what just happened. "Should we worry about this?" Asked Spike

"No. We all took out most of Vermund's minions. Honestly though, I do not know how much more allies he has, probably more than we can imagine."

"Spike, are you okay?" Asked Twilight.

"I'm fine, Twilight." The baby dragon replied. "But, what was that? That dwarf who was holding me for ransom and the headache?"

"Ah, that was a little trick I have learned." Tiber said. "I have learned that you can used spells without even saying it."

Eragon and Saphira were rather amazed to hear this, and a little confused to go with it.

"But enough of that. I saved all of my new friends."

They all smiled and congratulated him for saving Spike and the others. Murtagu however, still seemed suspicious of him. "Well enough of that. We should do something about the bodies." Said Artvazh.

"Yes, we would not want Ponyville to be in a wide state of panic, wouldn't we?" Asked Vaodidr.

"Aye, it would not be very pleasant." Gridiron concurred. They all agreed and the riders got rid of the bodies by flinging them into a pit nearby. Eragon was still a little worried. Vermund was back and he knows where he and all his friends he cared about lived.

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