• Published 17th Aug 2014
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The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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A New Addition for the Hoard


I am not a fan of the sun. Nothing against my sister, but it is a glaring ball of heat that does nothing but torment me. It blares into my eyes, burning my skin, and even draining the very life-liquid I need to keep this mortal body running. Is the sun out to get me? Does it dare antagonize the goddess of the moon?

Ugh, I hate it when I ramble about nothing, but I had a reason to be angry. I wasn’t supposed to be up now. No, I was supposed to be in my luxurious princess sized bed imported from Saddle Arabia right now. Does anypony really know how comfy those things are? I would guess not, because they forced me out of my slice of heaven.

Of course, the explosion wasn’t the major issue. It was the bed…it turned into a giant jellyfish and hugged me. I shuddered, still feeling the stinging pain.

I made a note to bash Discord’s skull in for that. He was lucky his little ‘joke’ didn’t leave any visible marks. ‘The nerve of that knave.’

Yes, I was angry. No, I was beyond infuriated. Some ponies may believe that immortals didn’t need sleep. Oh we don’t ‘need’ it, but it helps us relax and take off some stress…that and because I’m the ‘moon’ goddess, for pony’s sake. I’m not supposed to be ‘up’ during the day.

But no, somepony had to explode or something. If that pony wasn’t already dead when I get to them, I’d murder them. Said explosion rocked Canterlot to its core. I had half a mind to check if the city was going to fall off the side of the cliff. I knew it was made of sterner stuff, but I doubt this fair city has ever faced an explosion such as this.

I didn’t stop as I traveled the hallways of my sister’s castle. Oh yes, it’s my sister’s castle more than it is mine. I had nothing to do with its creation and it’s as plain as her day. The whole place reeks of ‘cheerfulness’ and ‘peace’. Where’s some dark colors? Where’s some foreboding? Where are the stuffed corpses of your enemies strewn about to ward off potential rivals?

‘Whoa, I’m getting a bit too ‘nostalgic’. Maybe I need to visit Fluttershy again. Her ‘niceness’ seminars are always quite lovely.’

Still, looking again, the castle was a nice place to be. Just a little too white for my own tastes.

I didn’t acknowledge the ponies that I walked past. That was quite rude of me and I would apologize to them later with a grand celebration of some sorts. Equestrians seem to love a good celebration. Doesn’t matter what it’s about as long as they get a party.

I had more pressing concerns at the moment. The closer I got to the source of the explosion, the more wrong the air felt. Not really wrong, just out of place. Like there was something that didn’t belong. I’ve felt a similar magic before, but only with Starswirl’s mirrors.

‘Could somepony be using them?’

Highly doubtful. My sister had every single one of them locked away in the Crystal Empire. None of them were to see the light of day and none were left here in the heart of our fair kingdom. Yet I felt their presence.

Scratch that, this was much more raw, uncontained. ‘Like something coming to life…’

No. Nopony except Starswirl could create such a thing. He took the secret to his grave and spoke to nopony…

‘Except my sister.’

My eyes narrowed even further than they already were. My sister kept many a thing from my eyes and ears. I knew it was for my safety and everypony else’s. I knew I was still a wild card. One does not simply go good from a thousand years of madness.

‘Which is why I still think reforming Discord was a terrible idea, but there is nothing I can do in that regard. Fluttershy cares for him too much for me to do anything about it…Well, most anything.’

What Fluttershy didn’t know, or saw, wouldn’t hurt her.

I could hear alarm bells and ponies bustling this way and that to try and repair damage the explosion had caused. While not great, even a minor earthquake can bring disaster. It didn’t help that Canterlot’s infrastructure was the best suited to handling such a thing. I only hoped that nopony was hurt, but I knew that, if so, they were in capable hooves. Since the damage was limited to the castle, the outside city was left intact. I had to thank luck for that outcome. I don't know if I could deal with the outcry and havoc.

Following the trail of ‘wrongness’, I found myself stopping in front of my sister’s room.

‘Why would it…?’ My eyes widened. ‘She wouldn’t.’

Lighting up my horn, I tried to sense my sister. All gods have an inane ability to sense another’s presence. My sister and I have an even greater one, given how blood relation.

I felt nothing. No beat, no hum. It was like she didn’t exist.

‘Please don’t tell me she did what I think she did.’

I quickly knocked on the door. “Sis-” the door fell off its hinges and plummeted inwards. “-ter?” Feeling a sense of dread, I rushed inside.

My sister’s room was a mess! Not her usual mess; books lying this way and that, pillows strew all over the floor, deserts staining pretty much everything.

Everything was scorched beyond recognition. The books were nothing but piles of ash. The pillows torn and the charred feathers scattered. There wasn’t even a single stain left.

The only thing left intact was a disheveled unicorn stallion. He was covered in soot and seemed to be locked in place.

Figuring out that he must have had something to do with this, I marched on over to him. With a quick spell, I casted away the soot, revealing his form in better detail. He was light purple with a sky blue mane. His cutie mark was a graph with a couple colored lines, indicating some sort of growth.

“Wave Length,” I said, shaking him out of his stupor. “What has happened here? Where is my sister?”

Looking up at me for the first time, Wave Length seemed to recoil in fear. I was used to that response, so I made nothing of it. “P-princess Luna, funny meeting you here.”

I glared at him. He was obviously hiding something. Wave Length was a terrible liar. “Yes, funny meeting you here as well. Pray tell, what do you find funny about this scenario? The fact that my sister’s room is destroyed? The fact that my sister is missing? The fact that I find you here in the center of it all? Tell me, Wave Length. Do you find any of that funny?” My voice was even, but kept a subtle growl to it.

Wave Length gulped. “No, Your Highness.”

I nodded. “Good. Now explain to me what has transpired here?”

“Well,” Wave Length looked all around except for me.

‘He’s nervous about telling me the truth. Why? What is he hiding?’

“Your sister came to for help,” Wave Length explained. “She was having trouble with something. Something important. I didn’t think much of it at first, but this was Princess Celestia we’re talking about. Whatever she deems important must be something bigger than ourselves.”

I rolled my eyes at that.

“She brought me here and presented me with a book. But not just any book, mind you. She found it stashed away in the castle. Where, she would not tell. The book in question was written by none other than Starswirl the Bearded.”

‘Celestia, you fool. What have you done?’

Wave Length was growing excited. “A book, written by the Starswirl, that has never seen the light of day before. Can you believe my luck that she chose me to help her? I know I’m more than qualified, but still. The honor.”

“Yes, yes,” I trailed my hoof for him to get to the point. My agitation was growing by the minute. “Working with my sister is great. Wonderful. Get to the point.”

Wave Length cleared his throat. “What the book was about was what fascinated me the most. The working of dimensions. What Princess Celestia wanted me to look over was the part of the book detailing inter-dimensional travel. She wanted me to help her figure out how it could be done. Thankfully, it was all there, but our beloved princess couldn’t figure out how to properly conduct it herself.”

‘HA! Take that, miss perfect.’

“So she asked me to figure it out,” Wave Length beamed with pride. “It didn’t take me long to figure out the puzzle and like that, she wanted to test it.”

I frowned deeply. My sister was a mare of patience. She would not act so brashly unless…. ‘Dear sister, does your heart still ache?’

“I told her it was dangerous, but she insisted. She told me it was for the betterment of Equestria.”

‘No, your benefit, my dear sister. Yours and yours alone.’

“So I did as I was told…” Wave Length gulped.

“Leading to what I see before me?”

Wave Length didn’t answer right away. He just sent me a look of ‘please forgive me’.

I would not. Even if he was ordered to do so, it was still a matter of choice. Celestia would never harm any of her ponies, nor force them to do what they didn’t want to do. No doubt, Wave’s insistence on the dangers was short and brief without any heart behind them. He wanted to try it out just as much as my sister, maybe even more so.

Wave Length’s answer came in the form of a nod.

I grinded my teeth in fury. My sister had the gall to do this to me? ME? I was going to wring her neck when she got back. I started to shake in fury.

‘She couldn’t just leave well enough alone, now could she? She had to meddle in things that should be left alone and buried deep.’

I wasn’t prepared to rule alone. I had no idea how to do so. My sister had always been by my side and now she was gone to who knows where. For what? A stallion that was no longer sane? A caricature of our own demented Sombra? Neigh, she was being foolish, I say. FOOLISH!

Wave Length was trembling, keeping himself close to the ground. My rage must have put him in this state. He was right to fear me. I wasn’t in the best of moods and it clearly showed on my face and body language.

“Princess,” he finally blurted out. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”

“Are you?” I put my face in his, reveling in the fear. “Are you really? You got to see somepony cross over to another universe with your own eyes. I’m sure you’re quite satisfied with yourself.”

Wave Length looked like he was about to cry out of both fear and shame. “I was only doing my duty.”

I reeled back. “Duty alone has cost many a pony much. Now it has cost us a princess.” I sighed. “Surely you must still have the book.”


“It was destroyed, wasn’t it?”

When he nodded, I sighed even deeper. I put a hoof to my head, rubbing away the headache I had.

‘Could this day get any worse?’

“Princess,” right on cue, one of my leading night guards, a bat-pony by the name of Night Watch, came sprinting inside. She was a bat-pony that stood out in the crowd with her piercing appearance. Her mane was blue with lighter blue streaks in it. Her red eyes were quite fierce and her cutie mark was an eye with a blue crescent moon and stars behind it. “I have grave news.

‘I had to think it, didn’t I?


“Discord is in Canterlot,” Night Watch said, bowing before me. “He travels with a pony named Big Macintosh and….”

I fixed Wave Length a glare, cutting off my trusted guard. “Fix this.”

He weakly nodded, whimpering out loud like a coward.

I stormed out of the room without another word. I need something to take out my frustration and lucky for me, my target had just walked up to my front door.

‘This is going to be fun.’

For twenty years, I have slumbered in my mountain. Each day, I have been resting, savoring the riches those filthy dwarves thought to keep from me. Did they really think their pitiful excuse of an army could keep me from what is rightfully mine? I think in their hearts, they knew it was pointless, but they did it anyways.

‘Pride be the death of them.’

I was awoken from my long slumber by a loud explosion. Hearing the noise, I quickly rose out from my beloved hoard, from which I was having the grandest of naps. In all my years guarding my hoard, I had never heard something like that. The only reason why there would be an explosion such as that was….

Rage and righteous fire bubbled together in my chest. “Who dares….”

I silenced myself. There was something wrong in the air. Like something did not belong in the realm had come forth in a great show of force. That put me on edge, growling softly. ‘Have those dwarves conjured some trick to thwart me?’

I sniffed the air. There was no sign of any dwarves, nor those infernal men. Not even the smell of those tricky elves, though I sincerely doubt they would be stupid enough to face me. I remembered how they fled from my presence. How they all fled before SMAUG!

No, I smelled the distinctive smell of flesh of horse, but….this was wrong. The smell was coming not far from me. Horses could and would not travel this far into my lair without aid. Turning My head to look in the direction, I saw something and my eyes widened in surprise.

I was surprised to find myself…surprised.

It has been hundreds of years since I’ve last seen anything new, anything that would take me off guard. Walking closer until I was standing over the creature, I gazed upon her. Yes, it was a she. A white, winged unicorn.

My scales tingled as I felt power that made those cumbersome wizards look like nothing but cheap tricks. Dragons, or dragon in my case, are beings of magic and fire. Magic was in our blood even though we may not use it as much as the cowards who dared to call themselves ‘wizards’. I couldn’t help but feel a jolt of pleasure upon touching the presence. All dragons crave power. It is one of the only things my kind respect and this…thing exuded more power than I thought could be possible in such a small body.

She was like nothing I had ever seen before. Surely, I’ve seen unicorns before and even the pleasure of devouring their flesh.

Unicorns have such an exquisite flavor.

But she was different. She was far more beautiful than any mere unicorn. Her eyes were much larger and…is that a mark upon her flank? Did some ‘man’ think to brand such a creature as her?

I growled. I may not have been a caring soul, far from it actually, but even I did not seek to warp the world around me. I do not rip the soul from the earth only to replace it with insignificant trickets.

‘Men’s need for control will be their downfall.’

She was still breathing. The creature didn’t appear harmed. She just exhausted, if I had to guess her ailments, but what do I know. I am a dragon. I have no need for medical knowledge for no blade could pierce my hide.

I pondered how a creature like her could come about. I had never once heard of a winged unicorn. The pegasi were gone, driven to extinction by men while their horned brethren sent into hiding by the very same creatures. No, not one whisper of a creature like what laid before me.

She was unique, unheard of…Possibly one of a kind.

I licked my lips. ‘Such a beauty and the rarest of creatures should not be forced into the world. Instead, she should be put on display where she could be appreciated.’

I made up my mind and once a dragon does that, there is no force in Middle-Earth that can change it.

This creature, this winged unicorn, was to be a part of my hoard.

Author's Note:

Hello faithful viewers.

I'd first like to say...yes. I'm shipping Smaug/Celestia...I am probably the strangest person alive for doing so.

Secondly, this takes place in the same timeline as 'Love Needs No Reason'. You don't need to read that story to understand this one and vice versa.

I hope you enjoy it so far and please leave a comment below.

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