• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Aggravated Creatures

I thought I was going to wake up in some dark cell. That’s what usually happened in these situations. It would be old and putrid. There would be some rats scurrying about, perhaps even a skeleton or two. It’s sad how unoriginal evil creatures can be, or I’ve just grown numb to the experience. The skeletons still draw my ire though, even if I expect them. Evil rarely has any value on life. It’s rather sad.

I expected to feel the sharp sting of a cold hard slab of rock. Instead, I feel a familiar jingle of coins each time I move. Funny, perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me. I must be imagining a happier place. Why my happier place smells of burnt orcs and dragon breath, I don’t know…

It can’t be. Yet, as I listened, I felt a familiar and steady breath against me. I felt hard scales press against my side and the beating of a heart about my own size, if not bigger. There was only one being I knew whose heart beat with such a fiery tempo. One being who I had slept with a few times. Platonically, of course. I’m thankful we were different species again so the pheromones wouldn’t bother us so much. I was getting a bit… stir crazy. I’m glad I didn’t take it too far or else I would end up with a little one on the way…

No. You stop those ideas spouting into your head, Celestia. You have a nation to run. You can’t have babies running around and rule a nation… That’s a weak argument and I know it, but I need to focus on getting home.

Then I can have a bunch of babies. I would just have to find someone that-

I’ve gone off on a tangent. My life’s on the line and I’m thinking about babies. I finally opened my eyes to see Smaug laying around me, shielding me from the rest of the world with a wing. For a moment, I thought he was asleep. That is until I noticed his eyes slightly open, gazing at me with what I could tell was concern.

“You’re awake,” Smaug raised his head to peer down at me. “Good. For a while, I thought those orcs had damaged you permanently.”

“And how do you know I’m not?” I questioned.

“Horns can grow back,” Smaug answered. “The mind cannot. Am I correct in assuming so?”

I smiled, “You are correct and a most astute observation, my charming owner. A broken horn can have ill effects on unicorns if not treated. Alicorns are a little tougher in that regard, so there is nothing to fret over.”

“That is good to hear,” Smaug laid his head back down and closed his eyes. “For a moment, I thought I would have to burn the entirety of that scourges black fortress down and claim his own treasure for my own.”

“The treasure of an evil lord can replace me?” I frowned. That certainly didn’t make me feel better. Did he really still view me as a trinket? Was he going to kill me in the future? No, he wasn’t going to do that, but it still hurt.

Smaug snorted, “Nothing can replace a lost item of mine. All you see around you shall forever be mine, so it’s destruction will be paid a hundred fold. Of course, I have yet to lose even an ounce of it so I hardly have to worry.”

I could definitely sense relief pouring off Smaug. Call i intuition, but it seemed like he was scared for me. Awww, that’s adorable. I knew he was… “Smaug, what did you do to the orcs.”

“They’re all dead, if that’s what you're asking.” He said that as though he was simply talking about the weather.

“All of them?” I balked at that. I’m used to killing, but this?

“Yes,” Smaug looked me in the eyes. His snout was close to my face. “All of them.”

“Surely you could have scared them into submission,” I was not against violence, but slaughter is a whole different story. “You didn’t have to kill them all.”

“Didn’t I?” Smaug narrowed his eyes. “Do you even know what orcs are? Do you even know where they come from? I shall tell you, my precious jewel. They are twisted creatures born of hatred and nothing else. They only ever think of war. That’s what they were bred for and that’s what they will die for. Every single one of them. They are like rats that scavenge the lands, taking everything their filthy hands can grasp. That is an orc.”

I mulled that over. Over my travels, I have come across a few races like that. They were molded into pure fighting machines and wouldn’t stop until they died. While I respect all life, there are sometimes I need to forsake it for the benefit of others. So I sighed, “I see your point. I just hope the humans are doing well.”

“They escaped,” Smaug put his head back down to rest. “For now.”

I narrowed my eyes, “For now? What are you implying, Smaug?”

“I don’t very much like that tone, jewel.” Smaug snarled, bearing his fangs.

“Smaug if they are in danger, “ I stated. “We have to help them. There could be more orcs out there and they don’t have the numbers to repell another attack like that.”

“And I should care what happens to humans?” Smaug chuckled. “Now that is funny. Just to humour you, what do you suggest I do to help them?”

“Bring them into the mountain,” I answered.

Smaug was immediate. He snapped his jaws mere inches from my face, taking a predatory stance. I didn’t flinch. I had gotten used to this reaction from dragons over the eons. “Into the mountain? Those lying, wretched, thieves? I would rather tear off my wings then allow them to come anywhere near my treasure.”

“They have nowhere else to go,” I pleaded. “Please, they are good people.”

“I will not listen to this drivel,” Smaug snorted. “I listened to you before about these humans and now look at what happened? You are broken and the humans? They wished to steal from me while I was away from my mountain. They were planning for use to arrive.”

“Where did you get that idea?”

“The mayor,” Smaug growled in answer

I was silent for a moment. I knew the mayor wasn’t a good person. I could see it in the way he acted. He had the maddening glint of power lust. Yet, I couldn’t help but see something more in his eyes. Real nobility. “He can change.”

“He can die,” Smaug shook his head. “I will not allow him or his kind into my mountain. This conversation is over.”

“But Smaug, we-” As I tried to stand, my head felt like it was cracking open. Sudden movements can aggravate horn injuries and I was lucky I’ve built up a little resistance to the pain. I still couldn’t speak though as I fell backwards.

“Celestia,” Smaug quickly scooped me up onto his snout. He moved up to place me on a smooth, half finished, pedestal that stuck out a ways from the gold. “Stop moving. You’ll only make this worse.”

I chuckled, though it came out more as pained whines. “Wh-when were you an expert on alicorns?” It physically hurt just saying those words.

“Keep silent and save your strength,” Smaug narrowed his eyes. “I don’t want to hear anything out of you until you are better.”


He cut me off, “The humans aren’t your concern.” With that said, he turned to leave.

“Smaug,” I spoke up, ignoring my seering pain. “You know they are harmless.”

Smaug stopped and turned his head to look at me, “They are but rodents and soon, their time will come.”


I snarled as I walked over to the entrance. Does that mare not know the dangers of humans? If it hadn’t been for them, she would be fine. She would be beautiful in her entirety, not marred by those orcs. They should be gone. They should be dead. Yet, why don’t I just kill them all?

I snorted as my claws raked the ground. It wasn’t worth the effort. They would know now not to enter the mountain. They would tell others of my power. Besides, no matter how many humans I kill, there will be more. They are truly rodents. Speaking of rodents-

“THRUSH!” I yelled into the open air at the entrance of my mountain.

The little bird fluttered close by. “I’m so happy to see you’re alright, master. Is the mistress okay as well?”

“She will live,” I stated.

Thrush sighed with relief, “Oh thank the heavens. What shall I be of service for today?”

I paused for a moment, mulling out my choices. I don’t know why I started to think. At first, I just wanted him to seek out some hunting grounds. Yet, as I remembered Celestia’s pain movements, I couldn’t help but feel a pain in my chest. Perhaps I had overexerted myself during my slaughter. Then another image came into mind and I couldn’t help but think it over. I sometimes saw humans fixing their horses.

Shortly before I ate them, of course. “Check on the humans. I want to know where they are headed. While you’re at it, check to see if they have a horse healer. If so, trick them to come out to the middle of the woods. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Are you sure that is wise, master?” Thrush asked. “The mistress-”

“Is my property,” I snarled, silencing the annoying twit. “Everything you see is my territory, Thrush. Those humans are lucky I didn’t give them the same treatment I gave the orcs. So one more human won’t be missed. Now go.”

“Yes, master.” Thrush nodded quickly and flew off.

For some reason, I couldn’t help but stare at the town. It was still burning in places that hadn’t sunk into the river. A part of me was proud because of that. It had been so long since I’ve been able to burn an army. The screams were music to my ears. Yet, perhaps I went too far.

I shook my head. No. I went far enough. Celestia’s words were affecting me. I would not feel sorry for the humans, no matter how many of their homes I destroyed. They are vermin and I will treat them as such.

My rage boiled several orcs near my tower. If I was at my full strength, my rage would boil the entirety of Middle Earth. Not only had my orcs failed, but I had lost my general. I had lost my chance to obtain or destroy the source of light. I lost my chance to slay that dragon and my balrog was dead. The humans could be spreading word about the orcs and the kingdoms might get curious.

I can’t have them being curious. They will ruin everything I’ve worked for. This can’t be happening. I am Sauron, the true lord of this realm. They will all bow to me. I need to take that location now and deal with the dragon, but most of the orcs were hunting the dwarf king. He needed to die. I needed something. Some sort of new pawn to give me back my edge.

Perhaps that new darkness I felt. Yes, that could work. It felt young and oh so ripe. Corrupting it and twisting it to my needs would be easy. I just needed to trick it into coming closer. Maybe this situation can be salvaged. A creature of darkness is much more competent than an orc.

“Bring me the Dark One.” My voice rang in the ears of the orcs that hadn’t boiled over. They gave a roar of acknowledgement and prepared a search party. I will conquer this world no matter what may be thrown my way.

Three hundred. Three hundred orcs and some trolls were all I was able to save. This is infuriating. I wanted to save at least a thousand, but that blasted dragon ruined everything. I couldn't help but stomp back and forth in frustration. "This measly lot can't take a city, let alone serve us."

'They'll do their job,' my other stated. 'We'll get more orcs soon enough and let's not forget what they've told us was coming.'

I scoffed, "A dwarf king? What good is a king without a kingdom, hmm? This is pathetic. We surely can find someone else to take for our own."

'You are being blind to the situation,' my other hissed, adding to combined anger. It didn't help that we felt a blinding rage sometimes directed towards us and the mountain. It almost paralyzed us, but we pushed through it. 'Someone with that much influence could give us an advantage.'

"An advantage?" I stopped, my anger slightly dissipating. My other was incredibly intelligent, so listening to her could prove to be fruitful. Well, she's the source of my power, so I have to do so anyways.

'Whether he has a kingdom is irrelevant' she stated. 'He must still have pull with the other dwarves. If we can get him on our side, perhaps we can worm our way into the heart of the dwarvish people.'

"And soon conquer the heart of their people," I grinned. "You are devious."

'I try.'

"Weasel," I called out and in ran Alfrid. He was wearing his usual baggy clothes. I thought about putting him in some girly ones again, but we were nearly out of them. The rest were mine, so he could have his rags again.

"Yes, your grace?" He bowed before me. As he should.

"I want you to get our orcs ready," I smirked. "We're going dwarf hunting."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. Couldn't think of what I wanted to do next. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They really do help out.

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