• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,367 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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When the Sun Screams, Her Aid Will Come.

There were just no end to this damned orcs. They just kept coming in droves, no matter how many we killed. That was of course no small feat, since a lot of us were fighting with whatever we could find. From pots and pans to the orc sword that rested in my hand. We all had to make due and I wasn’t sure we were going to make it. It didn’t help that the orcs would sometimes attempt to throw more flaming boulders into town. More often than not, they hit other orcs, but they could keep up with the losses.

“Bard,” my good friend, Percy, came rushing towards me with his trusty bow in hand. A sword was tucked away on his side. I didn’t know he had a sword, but the blood around the belt told me enough about where he got it. It seems our local guards aren’t exactly up to the task. Typical. “They’ve overrun the East part of the town.”

I scowled. The orcs were starting to let up, so the others could take care of them long enough for me to talk. “Do we still have the docks?”

Percy nodded, “But not for long. We don’t have the numbers to hold it.”

“Then get everyone onto the boats,” I said with a heavy heart. Even though I hated this place, it was still my home. “We’re leaving. Tell everyone to take only what they can.” Percy nodded, fired an arrow at an orc that had slipped through the lines, felling it, and then took off.

I hated these orcs even more now. I charged, swinging my sword through an orc's neck. The beast gurgled in its own blood, before falling over. I needed to calm myself, before I fell into a deep rage. My family was safe with Celestia. I’m sure she wouldn’t let them get harmed. With that, I steeled myself and fought on. Even if I died, they’d at least make it out safely.

“BARD!” A loud, fiery voice called shook the town. I remember that voice, but hearing all that scorn directed towards my name? That sent shivers down my spine. Looking up, I saw Smaug’s human form glaring down at me from atop the rooftops. He had a struggling orc in one hand, which he promptly broke its neck and threw it aside like it was trash. He jumped down, crushing another orc under his feet. “Did you think you could get away with this?”

Oh this is what I needed. An angry dragon. I don’t even want to know what caused this and I really, really hope I could talk him down. I didn’t think it’d work, but at least I’d try. “What are you talking about?”

Smaug took a few steps forward, flames licked his lips. “Did you think I forget your family’s deeds? Did you think I would forgive, dragon slayer?”

My eyes widened. How did he find out? No one even likes talking about that story anyways. Did the Mayor let slip?... Of course he did. I took a moment to glance around in fear, my eyes landing on the windlass crossbow. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come down to that.

“I knew it!” Smaug had followed my gaze and didn’t waste any time. He took a deep breath and fired a fireball which smashed the windlass to pieces. “You brought me here to kill me and take my treasure.”

“I didn’t,” I swore, clutching my sword tightly. I didn’t know what it could do for me, but it was my only means of protection now. I just hoped his human form was vulnerable to such weapons. “Did the Mayor tell you these things? You know he can’t be trusted.”

“None of you humans can be trusted,” he growled. “Especially your kind.”

“I’m not a dragon slayer,” he didn’t listen to me. He just took another breath and let loose a bout of flames. I pushed a nearby villager out of the way, narrowly dodging the strike myself. I rolled along the ground, a punch shattered the boardwalk as he almost hit me. I quickly stood up. “Smaug, you know this is madness. The orcs are our enemy, not each other.”

“Orcs, humans,” Smaug sneered. “You are all the same to me.” He rushed forward, arm held back as he coiled up another punch.

I tried to parry a strike with my sword, but it broke on his arm. My eyes widened and I had to jump back. Damn it. I had hoped his human form was vulnerable.

He seemed to understand my frustration and grinned. He pulled back his sleeve, revealing a coarse, silver undershirt. “It’s not as strong as my scales, but it does it’s duty.” As he pulled back his sleeve, he backhanded an orc, sending it flying into a group behind him. “Such weak creatures.”

“I know you won’t listen to me,” I sighed, balling up my fists for the fight to come. “You want to kill me for what my ancestors did to you. Fine, but leave my children out of this.”

Smaug laughed, “Do you think you can command me? I kill whoever I wish, when I wish.”

I grit my teeth. There was little chance I could win this fight. He was faster, stronger, and could breath fire. There was a slim chance I could hit a weak spot, but he could change into a dragon at any moment. I had to face the truth. Death was standing before me. Just before we could fight, a high pitch scream hit our ears. The pain it held threatened to overwhelm me, yet I couldn’t help but think it familiar.

Smaug was frozen by it. His eyes widened, “Celestia?... CELESTIA?!!” The dragon turned human glared at me. “I’ll deal with you later.” Then he took off. I heard a furious roar not too much longer after that.

I sighed and grabbed another sword. This day was going to be long for everyone. I just hoped he saved Celestia. She didn’t deserve whatever was happening to her. I furrowed my brow. Wait, if Celestia’s in danger then my children… I needed to find them. Now.


I cackled as my dark magic coursed through a kneeling orc. It was so fun, controlling these beasts. It was one thing to control weak villagers. It was a whole nother thing to be the master of such dark creatures. I felt so alive. So much in charge. Nothing could possibly stand in my way. Not even that ‘eye’. I growled just thinking about it. Every orc I controlled had the mark of that eye. I changed that swiftly.

“Sigrid,” I felt Tilda pull on my dress. “Can we go now? I know you’re having fun… doing something to these orcs, but da’s out there by himself.”

I rolled my eyes, “Da can take care of himself. Now be a nice girl, Tilda, and let me mind control this legion of orcs.” My orcs were making short work of their brethren. It took time and concentration to get these beasts to do as I say. Thankfully, there weren’t that many orcs over here. Perhaps they were focusing on Celestia and the others. Hopefully they left Celestia alive. My other really wanted to take care of her herself. Well, I mean ourselves since I hate her now too. I don’t know why. I just feel such hate when I think of her.

“We share emotions, Sigrid.” Nightmare spoke to me once more. “The emotions of immortals are hundreds of times as powerful as your own. The only reason you aren’t a raging wreck right now is because I’m shielding you from the worst of my own.”

‘Glad to hear,’ I couldn’t help but gulp slightly in fear as I finished converting another orc. At that moment, a terrible scream pierced the air. I fell to my knees, clutching my ears to try and block it out.

“NO!” Nightmare’s screams hurt as her rage coursed through my veins. “She’s ours! Find her now.”

‘Fine,’ I snarled and looked towards Alfrid. “Take Tilda and leave. My orcs will keep you safe.”

“As you wish, my lady.” Alfrid picked Tilda up.

“No,” Tilda reached out for me, giving me one of her cute, pleading looks that made me want to hug her. “Come with us, Sigrid. Please.”

I chuckled and kissed her forehead, “I’ll be back before you know it.” I turned to the direction of the scream. “This shouldn’t take long.”


Everything was going wrong. In every conceivable way, my world was being shattered. I couldn’t take my gold anywhere since my guards were dead. Miserable lot should have been tougher and now I’m stuck here. Doomed to die.

‘Master of nothing.’ The beast’s voice ringed in my ears. His eyes, his deathly glare, all made me shiver in fear whenever I gave them a passing thought. They wouldn’t leave me. Was I doomed to forever hear that voice? No. I am the Master of this town. Everyone respects me. They couldn’t do a better job. Right? That’s right. Look at what I’ve done for them.

‘Master of nothing.’ No. I wouldn’t let it affect me. I would persevere. That’s how I best all those monsters in my youth. That’s how I became mayor…. and look where that’s go me.

No, I wouldn’t let myself fall into such sad depths. I am… I frowned. When was the last time I said my name? Days? Years? Everyone just calls me the Master or Mayor of the town and… Do I really pause when I call myself by my name? That doesn’t matter. I am the Master of this place. Once these pests leave, I’ll rebuild this place bigger and better and take the gold of the mountain. I’ll…

The mirror. What grotesque creature is that? It’s like an overgrown rat….Oh, that’s me. I looked down at my belly. Have I really gained that much? Where did all my muscles go? No, that doesn’t matter. I have everything I ever wanted. Why should I exercise or whatnot? That’s for simpletons. I had my time to shine and now I’m the Master of this place! These beasts should listen to me.

‘Master of nothing.’ I gripped my head. Stop it! Just stop it, you mangy beast. Dragon or no dragon, I will keep my gold. I will keep my town and I will keep my title. I scowled and then looked at the mirror again. How? How was I going to do that? I had...nothing. No muscle. No guards. Just… nothing.

For the first time in so many years, I was lost. There weren’t any ideas coming to me… I was dead meat. Those orcs were going to kill me and take my gold, or that dragon. I should have listened to Bard. Maybe he brought them here. No, that wouldn’t be like him, the self righteous oaf. It didn’t matter who sent them or why they were here. We were all dead anyways.

I snarled and threw my arm across my table, scattering several things about. This was how I was going to die? Pitiful. I sighed and took a seat. That’s what a blob of meat deserves. I chuckled without any mirth. That’s what I said about the last master of the town in my youth. Now look at me. I could feel the weight of despair crush my soul.

Then, I saw something familiar. I moved my hand to a long box and slowly opened it. Inside lay a beautiful sword. It was long and sharp. I knew the blade would never dull for while it was a human blade, it had a few elvish enchantments from some elf friends in my youth. I chuckled. What would they think of me now? I opened my hand and frowned. Should I pick it up? I didn’t feel worthy of it anymore. I wasn’t the warrior who fought for fun and pretty girls anymore. I didn’t even fight for a good cause. I was just a fat slab of meat. Yet, I knew I had to hold it one more time.

Just then, the door behind me was kicked open. I could tell because I had learned a number of tricks when sleeping in taverns. It helped to know whether your opponent had both their legs on the ground the moment the door opened. The heavy armor boots of an orc came up from behind. “Look what we have here? A fat rat.”

I scowled. A fat rat? A fat rat? Is that what he thinks of me? Maybe I am a fat rat. Maybe I should die… but I feel a little warmth inside. I touched my cheek and remembered that lovely woman. Could I…?

“I’ll never go hungry again,” the orc chuckled. “Hold still, will you?”

“There was a noble man here once. Someone who fought for justice and had such kind intentions. Why is he hiding behind a curtain of greed?” Her words echoed in my ears. I gripped the sword handle. “I’m not a fat rat.” I stood up. “Not anymore.” A blazing fire lit up in my soul, something I haven’t felt in years. “My name-” The orc gave a battle cry, but it was cut short. Somehow, I was able to find the strength to turn around so quickly the orc didn’t know what had happened till his head hit the floor. I scowled and kicked the body down. “-is Esgaroth and this is my town.”

Author's Note:

I am ever so sorry for taking so long. College and life hit me hard, so I really hope this is worth the wait. Please leave a comment, since they do help and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :twilightsmile:

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