• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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The Nightmare's Host

I love my da. That is never going to change. Yet sometimes he infuriates me. Like how he goes out of his way to help this town. Why? They never cared for us. They hate us. Sure, he’s got a good reputation amongst the lot, but does that stop them from picking on me and my little siblings? NO! They keep at it again and again. I’m doing my best to protect them and Tilda’s gotten better at dealing with bullies, but it’s just never enough! These idiots just won’t let the past go. Our ancestors didn’t kill the dragon. Neither did theirs and no one gets on them for it. Ugh!

Now I have to go to a party for some celebration I don’t care for. No doubt Sophia will be there with her little army of yes girls. Oh I want to punch her, but I can’t. How can I punch the daughter of the town’s head of milita? He’d run my dad through or something. I just take it. I take it for my father because he wants to be a hero. I take it for my siblings so they don’t get hurt. I take it because my ancestors couldn’t hit a giant dragon.

Said dragon I’m supposed to be showing around town. Good. He’ll find the best spots to burn this town quicker. I’ll help. I’ll start with Sophia’s house. She’s full of so much hot air, it’ll make burning down the whole place so much easier.

“Sigrid?” My father’s voice brought me back from my fiery vision. “You seem troubled.”

“Oh just the usual, da.” I quickly answered. I knew he knew what ailed me, but we’d gone over it far too many times to bring it up again.

He frowned and nodded. My da understands me more than anyone ever can. Sad to say really. Not that I hate that fact. I love him dearly. It’s just, sometimes I question whether I’ll find my own love someday. Certainly isn’t going to happen in this ogre swamp. He gave me a smile. A real smile and put an arm around my shoulder. “Come. We have ‘royalty’ to greet.”

I chuckled. “I thought you weren’t looking forward to this.”

“In some ways,” my da laughed. “I still hate Smaug for all the death and destruction he caused. He still needs to pay for that, but it looks like this Celestia is keeping him in line. Besides, perhaps he’ll do us a favor and our Master will go missing. Not that I’m implying he’d go missing soon.”

I laughed. “I wouldn’t dare suggest that.” My mirth escaped me as I felt a cold shiver running down my back. My mind went blank and I felt as though someone had dumped cold water inside my skull. I stopped and shivered. I felt so wrong. So dark. It was just so dark inside.

“Sigrid,” my da’s voice seemed a bit distant. Why? He was standing beside me. “Are you alright? Do you need to go back home?”

“I’m fine, da.” I snorted, pulling myself together. I felt wrong still, but I was going to keep my head up high. I didn’t waste an hour with this dress for nothing. Not even the cold, empty pit inside, or the stabbing coldness. “I just need a bit of time alone.”

My da looked about. He didn’t trust me being on my own in this town. Who could blame him? “You’re sure you don’t need to go home? This festival lasts a few days and if not this year, there’s the next.”

“I’m fine,” I gave him a sincere smile. I just didn’t feel like I needed to tell him. Shouldn’t I? Ye-No, I shouldn’t. I should be by myself for a while. Yes, I should. “I’ll see you soon.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked off. I heard him sigh, but I paid it no mind. I just needed some time to myself to clear my mind and this pain would go away.

It wasn’t painful though. Not anymore, but I still felt cold. I grabbed my arms and shook like a leaf. The air around me felt so cold. So dark. It was all I could think about. The cold. The dark. The hatred. Hatred? Yes, I hated this town. I hated everyone in it. They never let me have any peace. No friends. Nothing. I hated them for making me live this way. I wanted them to pay.

“I can make that possible.” A beautiful woman’s voice rang out in my ears.

“Who’s there?” I looked around. There wasn’t a soul about. They obviously all went to that stupid festival.

“Someone who understands how you feel. What it really means to be alone and despised. A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be cast aside.”

I should go back to my father now. This voice was wrong somehow, but I wanted to listen to it. “But they did. No one wants my family. They like my da, but that’s because he does stuff for them. They’ll turn on him. Make him miserable, like they make me miserable.”

“That’s no good,” the voice cooed. “That’s not good at all. You should be treated with respect, like royalty. You are descended from a great ruler. His blood runs through your veins. You can have his power if you but listen to me.”

“Why?” I asked. “Why should I listen? Who are you? Why would you help me?”

“Because I have no one! My mother betrayed me. She cast me aside when I was of no use to her. She made me and she cast me aside. I was shown what hatred feels like as the beings of my land hated me so. I can feel that same hatred in you. I want to ease your burden. I want you to be happy. I want to be your friend.”

“Really?” This was stupid, but...she sounded so sincere.

“Yes, just let me in, Sigrid. Let me in.”

“I…” I wasn’t sure what she meant, but that made me quake in fear. What did she mean ‘let her in’? Was she a daemon? Was I talking to a daemon or dark sorcerer?

Before I could respond or run away, I felt a strong hand grab my arm. “The Master’s faithful servant wants a few words with you.”

I gasped. This was Braga, captain of the guard. He was just as horrid as his daughter, always messing with my da. Now he wants to take me to that weasel? No, he’s going to try something. That weasel always does, but he got the captain in on it to. No, please no. I tried to get away, but his hold was firm. So I stomped on his foot. He yelped and his grip loosened enough for me to push him away and make a run for it.

“After her!”

I kept on running. I was thankful I wasn’t wearing a ball dress or anything to low, but it still was a chore to run in my dress. Still, I knew this blasted town well enough that I could-WHOA!

I hit the cold water after tripping on something. I spurted and sputtered, trying to catch my breath as I latched onto the wooden street to keep my head above the water. I can’t swim.

“Well, if it isn’t little miss failure.” Sophia’s voice caught my attention. She was with her group and they laughed at me. Typical. Ever since we were little girls, she’s hounded me. “Aww, are you alright? You had a nasty spill just now.”

“There you are,” Braga stormed over and then smiled at his daughter. “Sophia, what are you doing here? I thought you’d be at the festival.”

“I wanted to help my father clean up the town,” Sophia smirked. “There’s some big rats that stink of failure around.”

“Well your father appreciates it,” Braga chuckled and none too gently pulled me out of the water. “No more funny business or I won’t be so gentle with you.”

No. I didn’t want to go with him. He was going to take me to that weasel and...and…

“I can save you. Let me in.”

‘Do it.’ I told the voice. I didn’t care if it was a daemon or evil sorcerer. Anything was better than the weasel. Then my world went white and felt like I was somewhere else.


This festival might not be so bad. No one was throwing food at me, but that maybe because they needed it more than they liked to admit. That and I was the one who brought in the fresh fruits and vegetables. First ones we’ve had in months. I am not going to hold it against these people if they didn’t like me because of my ancestors. I understood it. So, other than my daughter feeling a tad bit down, it was going well enough.

“Bard!” The Master’s voice rang out across the crowds.

Or not. I groaned as I turned to the pudgy man. He pushed his way through the crowd. Well, more like had his soldiers do it for him. He waltzed right up to me and stared me in the eyes. “I asked you to keep an eye on the mountain. To watch it closely, but I haven’t heard anything from you in days.”

“Because there’s nothing to report,” I said. Well, nothing that wouldn’t get us all killed that is. “Do you really want to talk about your plans out here?” I gestured around us to the other festival goers. Of course, the crowd was thinning out fast. They didn’t want to stick around with the Master about.

The Master snorted. “You know what I’m talking about. These commoners don’t understand a thing that comes out of my mouth. They’ve got too much dirt and swampy water up in their ears.”

I bristled at the remark. They may be simple folk, but many of these people were rather friendly or even smart in some ways. I wouldn’t let the Master talk in such a way about them in front of me. I made sure to tell myself to amp up my strikes against him. Of course, before I could reprimand him, my jaw fell open.

“What are you gawking at?” The Master scowled and turned around. He gasped at what he saw. “Who are they?”

I have a pretty strong hunch that I know who these two are. Their eyes are the same. Well, it’s different, but what lied within them was what attracted my attention. Smaug’s human form, easily towering over the largest man I’ve ever seen. He was clad in some royalty styled suit of sorts, with jewel a encrusted cape. He had an energy about him that made everyone wary and gave him his space. Good. I didn’t want him to be upset by something and go on a full on strike against the town.

Celestia was different. She was elegant and serene. She was beautiful beyond compare. I would have mistaken her for an elf, if not for her round ears. She was tall, taller than most women, but wasn't too tall. While the townsfolk stayed away from Smaug for good reason, they readily stopped to chat with her. There was just something about her that got people to open up and be more friendly. I rather enjoyed her company and I had to thank her for taming Smaug. That must have been quite the tale.

“Ah yes,” I smirked. “The nobles are here.”

“Nobles?” The Master was practically drooling, looking at each jewel the duo poses and how much he could steal.

I had to stop myself from laughing. Stealing from a dragon, Smaug no less, would end in surefire death. Of course, he might burn down the entire town in his anger. I would have to tread lightly with these dos. I walked over and bowed before them, causing Celestia to chuckle.

“You need not bow,” she smiled.

“But you are of noble blood,” I corrected. “You deserve to be pampered now and again.”

“True,” Celestia nodded, before wrapping her arms around Smaug’s right arm. “But my husband does that well enough already.”

Smaug grumbled and I chuckled. I knew that feeling all too well. new love is always the best. “Who is in charge here?”

“That would be me.” the Master quickly rushed forward and bowed. “I’m sorry you have to see the place like this, your highness. If I had known you were coming, I’d have planned out something to make this day memorable.”

“It already is,” Smaug growled, narrowing his eyes. “More than you can possibly know.”

Author's Note:

There we go. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much so appreciated.

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