• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,394 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Flowers and Thoughts


I was not exactly in the most pleasant of moods. In fact, if this were any other time, I would burn everything in a large radius around my territory just to relieve myself of my frustration. The feeling of the fire blazing bellow me. To hear the sweet sounds of everything burning to a crisp. Oh the delightful aromas of singed flesh. The color of an ash tainted sky. Oh how it was so wonderful to think about.

Yet I couldn’t do that right now. That would not end well when it came to my new mate. She happened to like the mortals that dwelled outside of the mountain. I still hated man. Man, who hunted my kind for nothing but sport. Such weak looking creatures did not deserve the honor of killing a dragon. They should know their place, but to know they were successful many a time is degrading. Never will I fall at the hands of man. I am Smaug the terrible. My armor is the strongest to have graced these lands. Not even their… their…

Black Arrows

Just thinking of them made me seethe and want to sink my teeth into the mortal races of this realm. How dare they create such weapons? It is insulting. Yet, perhaps it is better to think on them then to think of what I have to do now.

“Mister Smaug,” little Tilda spoke up as she made her way through the woods. Her hands were full of flowers. “When’s the baby coming?”

I couldn’t help but growl slightly as I walked by her side. I had decided to take the form of a man once more, even though I detested this form. It was better than being a crow at least. Feathers are not something I actively enjoy having.

Nor keeping the company of humans. Yet here I was. Of course this was all because Celestia wanted me to ‘make friends’. I wanted to argue, but she fell asleep before I could say any retort. No doubt on purpose. So now I was stuck taking care of a little girl. Typical. I don’t even know why she needs to pick those flowers. Human customs are beyond my interest to note, but it’s simply stupid nonetheless.

“I do not know,” I told her. “I have never had a child before.”


I nodded, “Yes. I may have laid with a female or two, but I never knew if they laid any eggs.”

“So this is your first time being a dad?”

I groaned as I didn’t want to have this conversation, “Yes.”

“Sounds exciting,” Tilda smiled up at me which made me feel lighter. Why did she make me feel this way, I have no idea. “My da is great and loves us a lot. I’m sure your child will be happy with a great dad like you.”

I frowned. This little human had been wanting to spend more and more time with me. She was so weird. She seemed to actually like me. That was absurd. I am a dragon. She should fear me, yet she didn’t. I still didn’t know how to process this and I couldn’t just burn her to get rid of this feeling. So I had to live with it.

“Why do you need those flowers for?”

“For my mother,” she spoke up.

“And where is she?”

Tilda was silent for a moment, which I found agitating. Before I could press her to answer, she did on her own accord.


Her posture was stiff as she continued to walk. She seemed to be feeling remorse of some kind. I found that laughable. The race of Men were weak. They let the deaths of their mothers get to them? I did not bat an eye when another larger male drake slaughtered my own mother as she tried to protect me and her kill....

I did not mourn. I inwardly snarled and shook my head. I would not remember such a thing. It was a weakness.

I ponder how my sister faired...

“Then why are you picking flowers?”

“Because I’m going to put them on her grave,” the little girl answered as she seemed to grow happy again. “She would have liked to see them.”

“It is wasted time and effort,” I snorted. The idea of picking flowers and putting them on a grave was asinine. In fact, when a man had explained what a grave was, I was disgusted. To bury your dead in such a way was not natural, but the mortal races were always so keen on their ‘ways’. Such folly. They will surely all fall one day and I can’t wait to see it.

“Da doesn’t think so, my brother doesn’t either, and neither do I,” Tilda answered. “I’m sure Sigrid will tell you the same when she gets back.”

I did not speak about her sister’s current whereabouts. I cared not for her, but those orcs that escaped would pay for what they did to my precious gem. They will never again harm her or Tilda....

Wait, why should I care for Tilda? She is cute but none of my concern. She is just another human. Disgusting creatures.

“So what about your mother,” Tilda spoke up again, breaking the needed silence I wished for.

“Dead,” I simply answered.

She seemed down by that answer and I wanted to see that smile on her face again. I don’t know why and it was agitating, “Oh, well… maybe we could pick some flowers for her too.”

I rolled my eyes, “My mother would not wish to see puny flowers. She was a grand fire drake! She would want to see the greatest of treasures. The largest of game brought down to its knees. To see…” I huffed as Tilda took a hold of my hand.

She is lucky Celestia wants to keep her alive, or I would burn her for touching me.

“It still hurts.”

I stared at her and snarled, but I didn’t take my hand away. It brought just a bit of… some feeling to me. “That is none of your concern, Tilda. I am the greatest dragon this world has ever seen! I do not weep for my mother. She was weak and paid for that weakness.”

“Being weak isn’t bad,” Tilda smiled up at me. “Sometimes the weakest people have the greatest hearts.”

I huffed at that pure nonsense, “Your father needs to do a better job of teaching you about this world.”

She giggled, “Maybe. So… which flowers do you think we should pick for your mother?”

I opened my mouth to protest, but I knew it would get me nowhere. I sighed, “Pick whichever flower you see. She had no preference for colors as long as they shone brightly.”



I can’t be anymore grateful to the people of Dale. They had given me a new bed, blankets, and pillows to make my stay in the mountain more comfortable. That was so nice of them. While I don’t hate my dwellings here, between the cold hard stone or the jewels, I didn’t have any real places to feel comfy as I laid down. This was especially so with being pregnant, but Smaug did make for a good lay.

I meant that in a nonsexual way of course. Laying on his back was rather comfy. Maybe I would do that again, but for now, this new bed would do. Of course, I’d have to break it in~

No, bad Celestia. Don’t think naughty thoughts.

Couldn’t really help doing that. Smaug had been growing gentler these days with me, which always made my heart flutter. To think that he once treated me as nothing more then an object. Now we’re lovers and he’s going to be a father.

ANd I’m going to be a mother. At long last, my dream has come true. Though it definitely hasn’t come true in the way I wished it would. Then again, what am I talking about? My life is just a series of strange occurrences. The last time it happened, I got an adorable little student who helped save my sister. Now I have a husband and a future child.

Husband? Well definitely a lover. We aren’t married yet. That would be a problem. While the ponies of Equestria do love me dearly, as I love them back, springing this onto them would be a bit much. Perhaps a coronation of Smaug is in order. Better yet, a wedding. Just to make it legitimate. I doubt even the most backwards thinking pony would object to it.

It helps that Smaug isn’t the type of creature you would want to tick off.

Now to think about how to pull it off. I would of course invite the people of Laketown, I mean, Dale. They deserve a place in Equestria. If we establish a permanent link here, I could easily see them becoming fast and powerful allies. The place of Dale and Laketown were places of great wealth and trade. If we rebuild them, they can be again. Then I can help make that go swiftly by supplying them with Equestrian goods. After that, they’d be closely tied to us and us to Middle Earth.

Yes, maybe a little manipulative, but it was for the greater good. I can easily see Bard becoming king. He doesn’t seem the type to readily take that mantle, but he was already the due facto leader of his people. It wouldn’t take much to nudge him on that path. Maybe I could even find him someone to wed.

Wait, no. That was pushing it. I knew he had lost someone, so I would have to gauge his interest in taking anyone else. He didn’t seem the type to and he already had children. It wouldn’t be right of me to play matchmaker. That’s more of Cadance’s thing and she’s better at it then I will ever be.

She’s going to have a field day when I get back home, I just know it.

I could feel the ground shake slightly. He was back and that made me smile. His large head moved downwards so as to spy into the room and I gave him a warm gaze, “Did you enjoy your outing?”

“Yes,” he grumbled and turned into his ‘alicorn’ form as he came and lay beside me.

I hummed in happiness as he laid his large draconic wing across my back, “And how did it go?”

“We picked flowers,” Smaug grumbled some more as he put his face right into the crook of my neck, deeping into my fur. I could feel him taking deep breaths, enjoying my scent.

“Oh?” I giggled. “The great and powerful Smaug, picking flowers with a little human girl? I’m sorry I missed out on the image.”

He growled, “Don’t push your luck. You are still mine, remember? I can do with you as I please.”

I could feel myself getting a bit excited at hearing that, “Oh? You would have your way with me? I think this child growing within me is proof of that.”

He huffed and didn’t say anything. We laid like that for a while, enjoying each other’s warmth.

Not that we didn’t have a little fun later on, but that’s private~

Perhaps I could get him to wear that crown again, but that’s pushing it… At least for now.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. As I promised, another chapter of The Greatest Treasure as a Christmas Present. Nothing too huge, but just a little something to tide you all over for the next chapter and to show I'm not finished with this. I know I have not been active on fimfiction as of late that much and I apologize for that. I lost some interest with the fandom and show, as I still need to finish the latest season, but I'm getting back into it and hopefully next year you'll see more consistent uploads.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment as they are appreciated and can really help me understand where I should take this story in the future. I hope you all do well and have a good whatever holiday you do or do not celebrate and happy new year.

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