• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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Planning Love

Lord Elrond

Honey Dew is a rather pleasant drink. It calms the nerves and makes one more amicable. It also frees the mind of clouded thoughts, allowing people to be more open. Perhaps this would help me be at ease. Seeing Gandalf at my door was one thing. The old wizard always brought trouble with him, but he had a knack for cleaning it up well enough. It was his companions that gave me pause. I had elected to withhold our conversation until later.

Sitting here in front of this round table, I thought I could see some reason to why this was happening. Given that Saruman was also present, I elect to think it shan't be so bad. “So how is it that I find myself in the company of Thorin Oakenshield?”

“It’s a rather long story,” Gandalf started.

“I have nowhere else to be,” I spoke. “I am an elf, Gandalf. I’m used to hearing rather long stories.”

Before Gandalf could speak, the troublesome king had to open his mouth. “Our story is our own, elf. It would be best if you let us be off. Neither of us want to continue this stay any longer then the other.”

“It was not my people who set the dragon upon you,” I was not going to let this dwarf insult me. I knew he still carried the scars in his soul. That he simply used this blind hate to justify his fantastic racism. Yet, I can’t help but find it sorely irritating. When you deal with one racist, you deal with all of them. “I think it’s rash to label an entire race with the spite you so give King Thranduil.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Thorin snarled. I never understood why dwarves were so thick headed and stubborn. Must be what comes from living underground for so long. “You live in such lavish condition, without a care in the world. All the while my people are driven from their homes and slaughtered on the road.”

“Enough of this,” Gandalf spoke up. “We came here because it was safe and because we need him.”

“Need me for what?” I quirked an eyebrow.

“We don’t need him, Gandalf.” Thorin slammed his fist into the table.

“I wonder if you will ever grow up, Thorin Oakenshield.” Saruman spoke up. “Your attitude is more befitting of a child then a king.” He held up a hand to silence the dwarf. “We are not here to talk about your anger problems. We are here to talk about this mission.”

“And what mission is this?” I didn’t want to let my irritation show. They were up to something.

“Retaking our homeland,” Thorin answered.

“The dragon has sat upon his treasure for far too long,” Gandalf started. “Eyes have wandered to the mountain. Eyes of darker powers.”

I turned to Saruman, “You support such an endeavor?”

“Normally I would be against such a thing,” he answered with a shake of his head and a sigh. “I would do all in my power to stop it, but this new power that resides in the mountain. It is… strange. It felt like being touched by the sun itself.”

I nodded. I had felt something similar too. “So you wish to find out for yourself what this power is?”

“And if need be, to stop it.” Saruman said. “It’s the only reason I tolerate this mission. Things are spiraling out of control. Reports of the dragon outside of his mountain for the first time in ages. This new power. Roving band of orcs and all this dark magic. Then we have that blasted sword.”

I frowned, “What sword?”

“I did my best to conceal the magic, in case that it would be tracked here.” Gandalf pulled out what looked to be a clothed sword. He put it on the table and unfolded the cloth…

I stood up quickly. Something was wrong with that sword. It shouldn’t exist. It’s very presence almost choked the life from my lungs. My eyes widened, “Gandalf… this shouldn’t exist. Not here.”

“Many things shouldn’t exist,” Saruman grumbled, rubbing his temple. “But they do despite how much we don’t want them.”

“Our old enemy has returned,” Gandalf stated. “We must be ready or else he will raise a new army. I fear what capabilities he would gain from this new magical source.”



I didn’t know how much I missed stepping out before assorted troops prepared to fight to the death until I did so right now. Oh I go out with my own guard to fight monsters, but they are usually very stupid creatures. Not much of a challenge once you face enough of them. This time we could be facing off against an army. Thankfully, we weren’t looking for a war. Equestria couldn’t handle one.

So instead I decided to take with my only select troops. Ten earth ponies. Ten pegasi. Ten unicorns and fifteen of my own batpony night guard. This would be more than enough to accompany me on my travels. They at least would be someponies worth talking to instead of… him.

“As you all may know,” I started to speak. “The following trials may be hazardous. Some of you may never see Equestria again and die in glorious combat. Are you prepared for this, soldiers of Equestria?”

“We’re prepared, Your Majesty!” They replied as one.

I smiled, “That is what I want to hear.” I looked over to see Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer walk over to me. “Ah, it is good to see you again, Twilight.” I nodded towards Starlight. “And you too, Miss Glimmer.”

“It’s good to see you, Luna.” Twilight smiled. She had a few notepads and quills floating around her with her horn lit. “I was just talking with Discord about his spells and I have to say that they are fascinating. Who knew chaos could be so fun to learn about?”

I frowned. The last thing I wanted was for that disgusting scoundrel to corrupt Twilight. She was a dear friend of mine. “You do know you have to be careful around him.”

Twilight nodded, “He’s changed, Luna. He’s not so bad once you get to know him. Granted, I still kind of hate him and he gets on my nerves most of the time. Fluttershy trusts him, so I’ll at least give him the benefit of the doubt.”

“See?” A flash of light and Twilight’s horn turned brown. It grew two eyes and a mouth. “What did I tell you? I’m a lovable cad.” Twilight screamed and swatted at her horn, knocking Discord out of it. “That wasn’t very nice.”

I snarled, “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you for harassing Twilight… again.”

“Firstly, we both know I’m stronger.” Discord cricked his neck. “Secondly, we both know we can’t really die. Thirdly, because you secretly love me but you’re too stubborn to say it. Fourthly, because I can do this.” His head twirled around. Horns blared out occasionally as they trumpeted a circus theme.

“I….” I blinked in confusion. “I don’t see how that has anything to do with me killing you or not.”

Discord shrugged, “I don’t recall caring. Still, there’s something I had to tell you.”

“And that is?” I quirked an eyebrow. I just knew whatever he had to say was something I would hate. He always had something for me to hate.

“I’m not going,” his head turned into a cloud and dispersed when I shot a beam of magic through it. It reformed, unfortunately. He leaned down and hugged Starlight to his chest. “But my little daughter is going to go with you instead.”

“...Your daughter?”

“I adopted her,” Discord beamed. “I just had to, with all the chaos she can cause and she’s so lonely. I remember being alone, so I thought to myself ‘Hey, why don’t I adopt her?’ So I did and now Applejack has a daughter who’s older than her. Oh I remember the look she had when I brought little Starlight home. Priceles.”

I didn’t know how to exactly process this. “And how is she supposed to help us?”

“I taught her a few spells that would help her out,” Discord explained. “She’s a natural.”

“I don’t like to brag about it,” Starlight blushed in embarrassment.

I frowned. On the upside, I wouldn’t have to deal with Discord. On the downside…. There was no downside to this. No Discord was always a plus in my books. “Very well then, but I would have preferred to have been told sooner rather then at the last moment.”

Discord booped my nose, causing me to snarl. “You don’t know the last thing about drama, Lulu. Everything is always better at the last moment.” He teleported back to the door. “Now I’ve got to be off. Fluttershy wanted to have a little tea party. I just can’t say no to that mare. Aus Wiedersehen.” He teleported away.

I leaned down to Twilight’s ear, “Keep an eye on him.” She nodded.

“So….” Starlight started. “Are we going now or what?”

I simply nodded, “We have no time to lose.” I hope you are still well sister, wherever you are.



This mare was infuriating. She was getting under my scales. I was the Smaug, the greatest of calamities. Yet here I was, exhausted by hours and hours of mating. I was glad I turned back into my true form, or it would have gone on for much longer. This mare was insatiable. Even when her lust was gone, when it was just them, she always kept close. She nuzzled me, spoke to me, anything she could think of.

I obliged her. I needed to keep her happy and distracted from the outside world. I would never let her get hurt again. No matter what, I would never let her get hurt again. This wasn’t the usual greed I had for my treasure. This was something else and it infuriated me because I didn’t know exactly what it was.

Looking down at her, I slightly smiled. She was my most precious gem… gah, those feelings were there again. I needed to do something about them.

She seemed to have caught my frustration, “Smaug, is something wrong?”

I shook my head, “Nothing is wrong. Go back to sleep.”

“You look like you’re in thinking about something,” Celestia said. She was too clever for her own good. “Something that troubles you.”

“I…’ I frowned. “I am confused, that is all.”

“About us?” Celestia asked and when I didn’t answer, she sighed. “I would have thought that our little heart to heart earlier would have tipped you off.”

“I know,” I relented. “You bring out these feelings that I simply don’t know of and that angers me. I feel too close to you. Far too close for any dragon to be with anything and yet I’m okay with this.” I slammed a wing down into the gold, scattering it around. “I slaughtered thousands without a care in the world, yet I care so much for you that I would risk my very life.”

“You would do the same for your gold,” Celestia added.

“...True,” I sighed and laid my head down. “I equate you with gold and everything precious, but I feel… that there is something more. That I deeply care more about you as a living thing then a possession. I’ve… never felt that way before.”

“That my dear dragon,” she nuzzled me. “Is love.”

“It is annoying.”

Celestia giggled. Such a lovely sound, “It is, isn’t it?” She nestled herself closer to me. “How about we both be annoyed together.”

I quirked an eyebrow, “You feel this sensation. This ‘love’?”

She nodded without hesitation, “I may regret this one day. I may cry and feel my very being break, but… I think I can take a risk.”

“This is a very big risk.”

“We’re both adults, Smaug.” Celestia spoke up. “I think we can make something work.” She paused, “I love you.”

I kept quiet, content to rest against her. I didn’t say anything in return. Something told me I should say I did as well, but I didn’t. My pride wouldn’t let me. However, I believe this mare figured it just by my own body language as she laughed and kept herself close to my side. This was certainly going to an strange ‘love’.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I didn't have a lot of ideas for this chapter and my drive to write has kind of went off kilter. I'm getting back into it.

As for why Starlight is going instead of Discord, well...
I realized that Discord would be a little too OP for my plans and since it was pretty much more of straight path for Luna, I figured I could pass the baton on to Starlight. Twilight couldn't go since Equestria still needs a princess and Cadance couldn't rule both Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Not yet, so I chose Starlight. It was more of a late change, but I realized Discord just wouldn't fit.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. I really appreciate them.

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