• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

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Dressing Up

I’m not one to brag, but I look good as a human. No, good doesn’t do me justice. I was jaw dropping. Of course, that’s just a guess. I haven’t spent ‘a lot’ of time with humans, but I’ve spent enough to know what they see as beauty. Staring at my form in the mirror, I knew I hit that definition perfectly. Helps when you practice transformation magic for a few centuries. That and a little ‘field testing’. Nothing too risque, but shaking it at a few human parties tends to get a reaction out of the males. Well, perhaps a couple of females too.

The humans called it an hourglass figure, or was it voluptuous? Hmm, the second sounds a tad bit more exotic. Voluptuous. Ooh, just rolls off the tongue. I just love humans and their words. So much so that I often incorporated into my own kingdom.

Handle does sound much better than hoofle once I thought about it.

Anyways, I’m just glad Smaug had some full body mirrors lying around. Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. This was a rather large kingdom and I’m sure that the dwarves who lived here had tailors and such. I didn’t want to think about the devastation around me though. I’d long since learned to keep it out of my thoughts. The sorrow would be too much. Which is why I didn’t use any of the dwarvish dress, lovely as some were. They weren’t mine. Instead, I created them from memory. It was a simple spell and hardly used up any magical power, so I didn’t have to worry about how many dresses I could try on.

The dress I had on now was a simple yellow ball dress. Well, simple as in it wasn’t nearly as poofy as many noble dresses. It was sleek and form fitting. It did bloom down at the hip, but the dress stopped just above the ankles. I didn’t want to keep tripping over it, especially in a town on the water. I’m not afraid of getting wet, but I can’t just use a spell to dry myself off. I don’t want to cause a scene….or get tried as a witch. Humanity can be annoying at times.

The dress was sleeveless. I know it would probably be a tad bit scandalous given the state the humans were currently in, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be too obscene. It stopped just above my breasts, so they shouldn’t be shouting too much about obscenity. Strange things breasts. My own were quite large, but I still find it curious as to how much ‘sexuality’ they are given to by humans and other anthropomorphic creatures. Personally, I find the butt to be of much more importance. Most creatures had those and I personally believed mine to be just right.

Though still, my sun dress was far from normal. It shined like the heavenly orb in the sky. Smaug wanted me to show off a bit. A golden necklace, not unlike the one I usually wear as an alicorn, was hung around my neck. I lifted hand to touch the sun pendant at the center of it. It felt strange to be without the mark on my flesh. Even stranger than having fingers and toes. Those were just facets of my biology. Something I had to keep safe, which is why I was wearing simple gold colored shoes. No high heels or any of that nonsense. The mark was something more...I just had to remind myself it was only temporary and I’d get by. Even through my long white gloves, that stretched up a good deal of my arm, I could feel the warmth of the symbol.

My golden mane was swept backwards and a pink bow was tied right in the middle to keep it in place. Now again, a part of me wanted to keep my mane as it was. Even Smaug got on to me about my mane, but I wanted us to blend in….Well, blend in as well as we could. We’d still get stared at, but it wasn’t going to be for my wavy, rainbow mane. No, it was be golden as to pay homage to….an old friend.

‘I don’t think Megan would have been bothered with a little imitation.’

It’s tough being immortal sometimes, seeing old friends pass away. They were never truly gone, however, since I kept them alive in my own heart. It still didn’t stop the pain on occasions.

A deep growl reminded me that I wasn’t the only one dressing up in this small, dwarvish room. Smaug had been irritable the last few days and it wasn’t just because he was human. Oh yes, that was a major factor and I’ve been doing my best to reassure him that it wouldn’t be for long. It was headache inducing work, though it wasn’t all that difficult once I got a feel for him. Both mentally and physically.

He was mainly grumpy over the fact that he’d have to leave his gold. I assured him that no one in their right minds would be stupid to steal from a dragon. He didn’t believe me. He’s a very suspicious beast, even for a dragon. I was just barely able to convince him to leave this afternoon, if only that he’d be able to stay by my side the entire time. I didn’t mind really. I was growing accustomed to having his sexy hide around.

Which brought me to the third reason he was angry. My teasing a few days ago didn’t go as far as he would have liked. Oh we cuddled through the night. There were plenty of nuzzles and I gave him a few kisses on the cheeks, but nothing more. He was both confused and angry because of it. I...I didn’t know how to feel.

Smaug was handsome as a dragon. He was divine as an alicorn. Yet, even though I wanted to take him, to make him my stallion, I….backed out of doing so. I just didn’t feel right with doing it so early, even though I’ve known Smaug close to a year by now. It would have been so easy to do so, but I didn’t. I was scared. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was. I can flirt with the best of them, but in the thousands of years I’ve been alive, I have never committed myself to intercourse.

I’m a virgin in every sense of the word. I’ve never even kissed someone on the lips and Smaug...was he the one to give it to? To give him that special moment, my first time. I didn’t know. I didn’t know if I’d be any good at it and if he’d be disgusted. I just didn’t know and it hurt a little bit because of it. Perhaps I would give myself to Smaug, or perhaps I’d find myself back home and put it behind me.

Of course….I don’t know when I’ll be back home. I don’t know how long I can keep to myself with Smaug around, or if these thoughts are just folly. I’m a tad bit scared of thinking about it. Smaug doesn’t own me. Not truly, but if I gave myself to him, there would be no turning back. A part of me would be his forever and...and...His child would remind me of that. It’s a silly thought, but it could happen. Dragons are the most fertile of creatures. He would find no trouble in impregnating me.

I have always wanted to be a mother. I’ve done my best to treat my subjects as my own, but it isn’t enough. It’s why I often visit the orphanages and schools on my spare time. They made me feel happy. The closest I have ever come to being a true mother was with Sunset Shimmer and….would mine and Smaug’s child end up the same way. Would he/she run away, hating me? I, no, they wouldn’t hate me.

‘Sunset did.’

She’s changed. Twilight told me that she’s changed.

‘Sunset never writes to you. She never talks about you and she’s never asked for you. Sunset doesn’t want you anywhere near her.’

Sunset loves me. My children would love me.

‘And then you’ll make a mistake. They’ll come to hate you. Your children will try to destroy you. Just like your friends, your sister and the only being that can be considered your child. Face it. You are not fit to be a mother.’

I am fit. I deserve to be a mother for all the heartache I’ve gone through. I deserve some happiness of my own.

‘Tell that to Discord, who was awake in stone for a thousand year. Your sister, trapped on the moon. Tell that to Sunset, who ran away from home because she couldn’t stand you. They hated you.’

Shut up. Shut up. Where is this voice coming from? My head hurts. I put my hands over my head in some vain attempt at stopping the pain. It hurt. Nightmare Moon couldn’t be trying to take over. She wasn’t strong enough, but...was this voice right? No. I am not going to fail, but this pain. Shut out the pain.

‘I just want to have some fun, Tia. You wouldn’t let me have fun.’

Discord, you were going too far.

‘You wouldn’t listen to us. You cast us aside.’

No, you changed. You...I was trying to help, but I didn’t know it was hurting you so.

‘How dare you keep this kind of magic from me. You know that I’m ready for this. That I can be great.’

My little sunshine….You weren’t ready. No, I trained you...you weren’t ready.

‘You aren’t worthy of their friendship and love. Twilight will be the same one day as would any beast you birth with that dragon.’


The voices stopped as did the pain the moment I felt too large arms wrap around me. “Celestia, what’s wrong?” There was something in his voice that soothed me. How he held me so delicately and made me feel safe.

Perhaps it would be different with him. Perhaps a kirin child would be possible….and oh so adorable.


Rage. Everything about this form brought such rage within me. A mighty drake stuck in a mushy form such as this? It was disgusting. I couldn’t bear to look at myself in the mirror, but I had to. My precious jewel was very convincing, the temptress. I had the last say of course. She knew that. She was my property. A dragon would never let a horse dictate their life. I just happened to make a decision she enjoyed very much so.

Not enough. Ugh, I hated that alicorn form. Celestia’s body was most enticing then. The sight, the smells, the everything. She was the living definition of beauty amongst her kind. I could see that now. At least that form gave me more than this one. I felt naked, odd given how I’m so clothed.

Such clothes were red as my hide. A ‘suit’ as Celestia called it. Something common in her world. It felt leathery, similar to my own hide with even the same pattern. The cape adorned on it was just the same. My precious jewel thought it was silly. She thought capes weren’t practical. HA! This paltry thing functions to show the world that I will not part with my wings. This cape would suit me well. Even with it, I found clothes a tad bit stupid, but humans had no form of protection. Their skin was weak. I didn’t want to look at it, which is why I wore these black gloves over my hands. Celestia thought a little variation in color would do me nicely. Bah, at least these black boots were good for something, keeping these pathetic feet safe.

The rest of my human form, from the reddish-brown hair and green and blue eyes, flat face and all that just made me growl in frustration. Celestia was going to pay for this and for what she did. Teasing me. Cuddling me. Without any sort of pay off. It has been centuries since I have had relief and she teases me so. She will rue the day she teased Smaug, the dragon dread.

That’s when I heard said female. She sounded...like she was in pain! I rushed over as quickly as these scrawny human legs could take me. That’s when I saw her clutching her head as she cried. She was shaking, about to fall. I wouldn’t let that happen. She is my jewel and she will not be damaged. I quickly pulled her into my arms. Huh, even as a human she feels good against me. She’s beautiful in this form.

It’s this damnable species thing again. Thinking her beautiful when she doesn’t hold the majesty of dragons. I have gone daft in my isolation indeed.

“Celestia, what’s wrong?” I asked of her. She turned to look up at me. Her face was marred by the tears she shed. Those beautiful, purple gems shining up into my own. They had no right to hold such sadness. Her lips quivered and she mouthed something, before she shut them. She didn’t say anything and just buried her face into my chest.

I pondered what upset her so, before I felt the darkness once more. I growled in anger. He would not leave my property alone. I was being kind to Sauron in not going out there right now and smashing whatever bits and pieces managed to survive his war against the lesser races of Middle Earth. It would be so easy to do so. I couldn’t now. I would not leave my gems, my gold...my Celestia. They were all mine. I was King Under the Mountain. This was my territory and Celestia would not weep here. With my own magic, I was able to still whatever hold that vermin had on her.

She seemed to relax. That was good. I don’t know what to do with crying females anyways. She gave me a teary smile and a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, Smaug.”

Why couldn’t I move again? Why was I burning up so? This female has far too much power for her own good. As long as she isn’t crying though, I’ll keep my mouth shut right now. I just kept my hold on her until she was fine.


There is nothing in the world I love more than gold. The smell of it. The taste of it. I loved everything about it, but I wouldn’t forget about gems and the like. Oh no I shant. My favorite past time is to count my own store of it. The people of my town were so generous, giving and wanting nothing in return. At least, I made sure they knew that was how it worked. I honestly doubt those commoners know what to do with gold. Probably try to kill fish with it or something. Commoners were moronic like that.

I was busy counting the newest batch of gold at my desk. There were several dishes of different delectables I have been snacking on. I have to maintain my health and image. That meant I needed enough food to survive. That and I wouldn’t clean these up. That was for the maids. I frowned as I looked at the small pile. I took up a coin and bit into it. It was real.

“The smallest haul I’ve had in years,” I scowled as I counted the gold coins once more. “Don’t these people know I need to make a living?”

“Of course they don’t sire,” Alfrid, my trusted servant, answered. He was a reliable fellow and was one of the few intelligent people in this forsaken town. “They don’t know how hard you work to keep this town afloat.”

“Of course they don’t,” I stood up from my chair and went to the balcony. I sneered as I looked at my town. “For thirty years I’ve done my best to make this town great. Look at it. It’s decaying.”

“Dreadful sight it is, sire.”

“It’s these people,” I said with conviction. “They’re letting it rot and they aren’t doing anything about it. All they do is complain and complain. I’m the best master they’ve ever had. I don’t know why they can’t see it.” I turned away from it and stalked back inside. I wouldn’t bother keeping myself outside when I had such a fine interior.

“It’s the rabble rousers,” Alfrid said. “They’re becoming louder, sire. They’re making it difficult for the town to get by.”

“Then stop them,” I sat down on my luxurious, imported sheeted bed. “Cease their rabble rousings at once. Show these people I’m the Master of Laketown, not just some stooge.”

“Won’t be that simple,” Alfrid commented, picking through my gold. “They want change.”

“They’ll have change when we get the dragon’s gold,” I nodded to myself. It was such a brilliant plan. “Why haven’t we heard from Bard yet? It’s been several days.”

“The dragon hasn’t been spotted outside the mountain for a while, sire.” Alfrid frowned and turned to me. “Though you know Bard. I wouldn’t put it past him that he’d try and trick us.”

“Trick me?” I blinked in confusion. “After everything I’ve done for him? He’s allowed to stay in this town isn’t he? He should be grateful. Bah, that man has always been a thorn in my side. He’s a troublemaker.”

“That he is, sire.” Alfrid nodded and grinned. “He might be planning something behind our backs. He is popular with the people.”

“Yes, I know.” I groaned. Bard was the most popular man in the town, even if the people hated his family for their mistake. That and how often he tried to fight against my fair rule. “Blasted man. I wish I didn’t have to rely on him when it comes to that gold.”

“How do we know he’ll tell us?” Alfrid quirked an eyebrow.

“He’s lie to me?” I scowled. “Of course he would. Maybe he’s seen the dragon already and hasn’t told me. He could be trying to keep all the gold for himself, that rat.”

“Perhaps we should keep a closer eye on his family,” Alfrid said. “Get them to feel more at home and it’s always nice to have a bargaining piece.”

I grinned and nodded. “Splendid idea. Keep plenty of guards and spies around their house, Alfrid. I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”

“I do my best, sire.” Alfrid bowed, grinning. “I’ll keep a really close eye on them.”

“Good,” I stood up and went to my closet. I always kept several expensive clothes nearby. This town was filthy, so I had to import them. The people needed to see their Master well off in order to get by. If their Master looked splendid, surely he is great, that’s what they will think. I frowned and started scratching my left arm. “Now help me into something else. These furs are itching like mad.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Some problems arose and I had to rewrite this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it and please comment. They really do help. :twilightsmile:

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