• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,394 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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The Reign of Teasing is Over. Long Live the Festival.

I make it my business to know the people of this town. I’m a real people’s person. I care about what they think and do. So does my master. It’s just that these idiots don’t see that. So what if we take a lot. This town doesn’t know what to do with gold or valuables. They are just mongrels. Just dogs that scrounge about for scraps. Makes me sick just looking at them. All they do is moan and complain when it’s there fault that we live in this dire time.

They should be praising me. I keep their houses warm and their kids fed. No, they don’t. Alfrid Lickspittle is just a weasel, they say. A weasel? I’ll show them a weasel when I squeeze them dry. They’ll think twice when calling me names. Bet it’s that Bard spreading all sorts of lies about us. He’s lucky he’s important to the Master or he’d be dead soon. This town doesn’t need the likes of him.

It’s cause of him that I have to go to the docks and make sure everything’s in order. Troublemakers make my life difficult. I have to make sure they weren’t doing anything they weren’t supposed to. Like stealing the town’s gold. Dreadful it is. Not as dreadful as dealing with this old dock worker. Waste of space, he is. Can’t believe we have to pay people like him to watch our docks.

“Where’s the money?” Quick and to the point I am. I don’t want to be here longer than I have to be. I have a lady to take care of. Bard may be a troublemaker, but he certainly knows how to grow them.

The old man gulped and hurriedly held out a little can. “That’s all of it.”

I snagged it out of his fingers as quick as I could. He could steal some of it. Glancing inside, I scowled. “This is it? That’s all you collected?” I gave the can to my two guards. They were necessary, since the people of this town could turn on me. Mongrels.

The old man nodded. “I swear. Business has been slow with the rumors of the dragon hunting….”

“I don’t care about no rumors,” I actually very much did. If they were true, why hasn’t Bard told us yet? He’s probably holding out. I’ll make him pay for that. “I care about results. I’m not seeing very good results here and you know what happens when the master doesn’t get his payments.”

The man gulped as he started at me in fear. Good. It pays to know that the people know their place. “You’ll get more soon. I promise.”

“You better,” I snorted. “The rest of the monthly fee will be coming out of your paycheck. Have a nice day.” I heard the man sigh, but I didn’t care. They always sighed as I left.

“Seems we have visitors,” one of my guards spoke up.

“Visitors?” Everyone was already here. I turned my head to look at the passageway. As my guard said, there was a boat coming in. Looked like a small fisherman’s boat. Nothing special and he wouldn’t have much gold on him. Still, he’d have to pay up anyways. I moved closer. The fog was a bit thick, so all I could see was the rower. “Oi. You. Yes you. A bit late to the party, aren’t you?”

“Not a fan of parties,” the rower replied.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to tell off this man. I never spoke a word, for the fog cleared up around the entrance. The boat sailed up to me and on it were two nobles. They had to be. The way they held themselves and how they were dressed and….all that gold and jewels. I bowed. “Beg your pardon. I didn’t know we were getting anyone of noble birth.”

“Of course you weren’t,” the nobleman snorted. His voice was fierce and his gaze sharp. I honestly wanted to run away and get away from it. There was just something wrong with this man. No matter. He was rich and if I played my cards right, I’d be swimming in gold.

The woman was far lovelier than I had ever seen. Her figure honestly reminded me of an hourglass. She was most likely his wife, but there was no harm in staring. Not to mention all the jewels she wore. “Ah, isn’t this such a cute little town. I told you we should have come here sooner, Benedict.”

Benedict grumbled. “I still hate that name.”

Why would he hate his name? Wait, not important. What mattered was their gold, I mean, they were treated fairly. “Guards, help the lady off the boat.” One of the guards was smart enough to break out of his stupor from gazing at the woman and tried to help her onto the dock.

Benedict didn’t seem to like this. He grabbed their arms and actually threw them into the river as if they were nothing but paperweights. “No one touches my precious jewel.”

The woman sighed. She didn’t seem to be phased by this. Did he throw people often? I’ll have to watch out for this man. He could be trouble. “Now Benedict, that wasn’t very nice. Apologize.”

“No, I think not.” Benedict seemed like the type of noble who only cared for himself. I’m glad I’m better than the likes of him. I cared for this town and the master. I just needed payment is all to keep going. “You, worm.” The man towered over me. “Where is this festival?”

I gulped. There was something about this man that just made me want to run. It’s like he was death or something. Those eyes of his weren’t normal. “In the middle of town, your lordship.” He turned to leave. “But you’re going to have to pay up.”

Benedict stiffened up and paused mid step. “Pay? PAY?!!” He turned around, casting a furious gaze at me. I didn’t do anything to earn it. He was even stomping, breaking wood with every footfall to get to me. Why does everyone get so upset when I shake them for money? I can handle their money better than they can. “Is that what you ask of me? To hand over a jewel or trinket?” I hesitantly nodded. The noble actually picked me up by the color and leaned into my face. How strong is this guy? “I will not part with a single gem. Not one piece.” He then turned around, chuckling to himself. The woman huffed and walked on after him.

This was getting out of hand. First Bard was lying about the dragon, then the dock keeper swindling money from the master of the town, and now these guys? There was trouble brewing. I glared at the two guards who were fishing themselves out of the water. “Oi, get your arses in gear and stop messing around. I want one of you to go tell the master about our rich guests. The other go get Sigrid,” I grinned. “I need someone to help take my stress away.”


I slapped the back of his head. It didn’t do much other than garnering his attention, but it was a clear way to get my point across. “Smaug, we’re here to make friends and have a good time.”

“No, you’re here to make friends and have a good time.” Smaug countered. “I’m here to make sure nothing happens to you.”

I sighed. He couldn’t just make this easy, could he? Of course not. He’s Smaug. “Look, I know this isn’t your cup of tea. You would prefer to stay in your mountain and count your gold. I understand, but life has so much to offer you. Anyone really. All you need is the courage to try.”

“I have courage,” Smaug scoffed. “I have more courage in one talon than the entirety of the race of men. I don’t need to prove my courage to anyone.”

“Yet why do you hide in your mountain?” I asked.

I knew it would anger Smaug. I said it anyways. He needed to hear it. However, when he turned to me, I admit I was a little frightened by his gaze. “I hide from no one.” His voice carried a dangerous undertone.

“Then what can it hurt to mingle?” I crossed my arms in defiance. Smaug was going to make some friends, have a good time, and quite possibly save the day. That’s usually what happened anyways. Something was going to wrong big time at the festival. I couldn’t wait! It’s going to be so exciting. Oh, I hope I get to fight. It’s just been so long since I’ve crushed something.

In hindsight, I can now see why both Cadance and Chrysalis love fighting so much. I may have been a bit of a bad influence in that regard. Oh well, they seem to enjoy themselves. I can’t blame them, nor Smaug really for being fighters. Maybe Smaug can fight me sometime. I know quite a few tricks to catch him off guard….Or he might just pin this poor, innocent mare down and have his way with her. Either could work for me.

“I will show you mingling,” Smaug declared in such an adorable fashion. He thinks he’s so tough, but he’s just a little hatchling wanting attention. Don’t worry, Smaug. Momma Tia’s going to take good care of you~ Whether you want it or not. “I will be the greatest mingler that has ever mingled. I will not be outdone by my own hoard or these disgusting humans.” He marched on with purpose.

I giggled at his antics. I wondered if our child was going to inherit them. I would hope not. One grown hatchling is enough….I feel woozy, oomph. I’m glad this place is made up of wood, because when my legs gave out on me, my knees would have been bloodied.

“Celestia?” Smaug quickly turned around and hurried to my side. He was gentle as he helped me up. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel,” I held a hand to my head. “As though I’ve been relieved of a great burden.” Yes, my body didn’t feel so weak and dirty anymore. Like I just gained a bit of freedom from something. What? Nightmare Moon couldn’t have escaped my mind, or could she? She is a daemonic spirit. They are always tricky to deal with. “It’s nothing.” I kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. “Thank you.”

“Good,” Smaug quickly pulled himself out of his blush. “Now then, my precious jewel. I will make this the best night of your life. Only the best for my hoard.”

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. I’ll worry about the feeling later. Hopefully, my fears are wrong…

I’m rarely wrong.


Oh it is so easy to bypass a god’s mind. At least for me, Nightmare Moon. AHAHAHA! Foolish mare. Her wards were powerful, but she can’t stop me. No one can. I am Queen of the Night. Goddess of Darkness. Mother to the daemons of the dark realm. All will cower before me.

I had half a mind to thank Celestia. Disgusting thought really. She had brought me to my new kingdom. Oh there was so much hate and misery here. I was feasting off of it, growing stronger. I needed more. I needed a host. I will find one soon enough, but I can’t have Celestia finding out. Now now. I couldn’t best her and the drake all at once. No, I needed to wait till this festival grew loud and boisterous. Then I’ll snatch some maiden and the age of nightmares begins. HAHAHAHA!

WAIT! What is this? I feel...I feel the other darkness is closer, but it isn’t. How? Why now? This was my time to shine as the moon above. I will not have some imposter take this from me. I am the rightful ruler of this realm. Of all realms. All will kneel before Nightmare Moon. I don’t care if his legions of monsters lays just across this lake. I….

Stop looking at me. Stop it. Argh, I will tear out that eye and smash it. Stop it, please. So much hate. I’m supposed to feed off of it, but...No. I will not be bested. I will be the victor. I will be loved for who I am for once. Blood will spill from the lands of my enemies, eye. Neither you nor Celestia can stop me. No one can! I will drink your souls.

Author's Note:

I can't tease you guys forever. So I really hope you enjoy this story and please leave a comment. The more comments, the more feedback I get for my next chapter or so.

Other stories to read while and feedback needed:

A Musician's Shadow:Octavia/Sombra

Chaos and the Apple:Discord/Applejack

Cute Trouble:Second of my Shimmerverse stories

Alternate Realities: Shimmerverse story written by a friend and he really needs some support.

Give them a look over and leave a comment over there. That's more of a suggestions really. :twilightblush: I'd never force you guys to do anything *cough*fanart/tropes page*cough*

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