• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,395 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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The Festival Attendants Are Almost There

The sounds of the festival filled my house. I hated them. They sounded so jolly, but there was nothing to be jolly about. Not with our ‘Master’ sucking us dry. I didn’t want to hate these people. I knew there were plenty of good souls that dwelled here. They were the only reason I stayed. I needed to help them. It wouldn’t be right to just leave them in the hands of a slave driver and an overgrown weasel. That and the orcs that patrolled outside of the town’s sight. I would not risk my family’s safety with such a perilous journey.

That said, I really didn’t want to attend. I usually don’t. Under normal circumstances, I would be content to stay inside with my family. Now was not the time for ‘normal’ however. I was going to be escorting a fire drake who ruined my family’s name and a talking winged unicorn. All the while, I was to keep a wizard updated by whispering to butterflies.

I chuckled. Even though my life had turned upside down, I found it a welcoming experience. It certainly gave me something to think other than keeping this town afloat. It was a telling sign that I preferred to deal with Smaug the terrible than the Master of my town. How he ever became our ‘Master’ is beyond me. I don’t listen to the rumors of his more ‘caring’ past. He is vile and he was always vile in my own mind.

Anyway, I had to get ready. Tilda was talking my ears off. It was always something to do with Celestia or Smaug. I haven’t seen her this lively in years. Not since…

I would not dwell on her death. She wouldn’t have wanted me to. I was going to make this day the best they ever had. For them. For her. Which reminds me….

I walked upstairs. There was one suit that could fit this occasion. Something that I haven’t worn in years. Something precious. Walking into our….my room never sat right with me though. It was just so empty. It was missing the warmth. The love. I would never get it back, but my kids would be loved. That much was assured. Tilda still sometimes likes to come sleep with me when she has a nightmare, even if I’m trying to get her out of the habit.

Maybe she just doesn’t want her father to be lonely. Heh, she has a heart of gold, just like her mother. Sigrid definitely inherited her attitude and Bain took a bit more from me. Now, for my suit….

I hesitated. My hand hovered over the doorknob I was shaking slightly. I shouldn’t be. This was simple. I wanted to make my children smile, but this suit was special. It...I needed to steel myself. I took in a deep breath and then opened the door.

“Hello,” I smiled, giving the suit a look over. Thankfully, it was still in one piece. No mold or rats had gotten to it. “It’s been a while.” I carefully put it on. I don’t know why I was so careful. It was a cherished piece of clothing, but it was just clothing. “I still look a tad bit strange in this.”

“I think it makes you look quite dashing.”

I smiled. “Dashing? Me?” I chuckled and turned around. “I’m quite the opposite.”

My wife stood before me, a heavenly glow about her. “I beg to differ,” I watched in awe as she walked towards me. Most would call her a plain woman. She didn’t have ‘poetic’ looks to her face, nor did she like to wear anything of note. She was plain to most. To me, she was perfect. “However, your collar needs a bit of work.”

I chuckled as she fixed it. “You always knew best.”

She smiled. How I missed that smile. “Of course I do. I’m your wife.”

I looked into her eyes and held her hands. I wanted to stay like this forever. “What would I do without you?”

“A lot of things, my love.” She said. Her voice making my heart soar. “You’re doing well with the children and that’s all I ask. Even the town is in your debt.”

“All I want is you,” I held a hand to her face. I’m sure it was there.

“You can’t have what’s not here,” her smile faltered. “Don’t dwell on little ol’ me.”

“I’ll dwell as much as I want to,” I told her, choking back tears. I would not be weak for my wife.

“The kids need you, my love.” She said. “The town needs you. Don’t dwell on me. Please don’t.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but I was interrupted.

“Da,” Tilda came running into the room and I turned my head to look at her. She was wearing the brown dress her mother had sewn her. “Do you think this will be enough for the Princess?” She frowned as she looked at my face. “Are you alright, da?”

I turned my head. My hand was touching thin air and my collar was a mess. “Yes,” I bit my tongue to still myself. “I’m alright.” I smiled and walked over to my daughter. I quickly smoothed over my collar. “As for you, why, I think she’s going to be jealous.”

“Why?” She tilted her head in confusion.

I touched her nose lightly with my finger. “Because you’re far prettier than any princess.”

Tilda, my sweet Tilda, giggled. “Da, you’re just saying that.”

“It’s true,” I nodded. “Now, how are your brother and sister fairing?”

“As well as they always do.”

“I was afraid of that,” I chuckled, patting her little head. “I best help them sort themselves out before they burn the house down.”


Silence. That’s all this river trip was. Silence. I could understand Smaug being quiet. Before I arrived, all he had was Thrush to talk to. I could obviously see that they didn’t talk often, so Smaug wasn’t one used to chit chat. I’ve been making strides in that regard, but he still prefers to stay quiet for hours on end. The rower seemed like a man of few words. I could respect that as well, but he seemed….boring in a way. I don’t want to think ill of him. He seems like an honest man, but there just is a spark lacking. Perhaps I could fix it. Even help him make a friend on this lonely journey.

Which is why I decided to break the silence.

“Mister Rower,” I spoke up, garnering his attention. “Perhaps you could talk a bit about yourself.”

“Why?” He asked, obviously unsure of how to react. He definitely didn’t get to talk to a lot of people.

“Because I wish to know you,” I smiled. “We’re strangers and you seem like an honest man. I don’t think a little talk is going to hurt.”

The man blinked a few times before saying, “Alright.”

“What is it that you do?” I started with a simple question.

“I just row,” was his response.

“I mean, what else do you do?”

“I just row.”

I frowned. “So, you just row? You don’t have any hobbies or anything of the sort?” I know there are plenty of creatures with simple hobbies. Rowing isn’t the strangest. Still, seems like a lonely one.

The man nodded. “Sometimes I fish or sing a little bit to myself.”

“Sing?” I grinned. “Oh I would love to hear something.” I wasn’t expecting a masterpiece given his voice, but I am often surprised by sapients.

The man grew a bit nervous. Awww, he was shy about his singing. “Oh I love to row my-” he paused and looked at his oar. “-oar~ Rowing.” His voice was just a little bit livelier than his usual monotone.

“Another,” Smaug growled, finally speaking up for the first time since we got on this boat. “Pick another song or I will roast you alive.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he caught my meaning. “I will talk to this vermin the way I wish to, my precious jewel. Now sing, rower.”

“My name is-”

“Rower, now sing.” Flames licked Smaug’s lips. Did he forget we were trying to not make a scene? I know it’s just one human, but I thought he could keep himself together long enough to make it to the festival. Apparently, I underestimated his impatience.

The rower gulped. “It’s a small world after all AHHHH!” The man screamed in fear when Smaug actually threw him off the boat and several feet away into the lake.

I glared at Smaug as he sat down. “What?”

“Did you really have to throw him?” I quirked an eyebrow.

Smaug huffed. “His voice is grating, Celestia. If I had to listen to him sing another note, I would have ripped out his throat. Be glad I was merciful this time.”

“Still,” I shook my head, sighing at his antics. He was a cranky dragon. I’m glad he had his looks and general cute attitude to balance it out. “We should help him. He knows where the town is.”

“So do I,” Smaug spoke. “I can smell the putrid stench of the cowards who fled my flames from here.”

“None of that now, my dear Smaug.” I pet his cheek. “We’re here to socialize. They aren’t cowards, nor are they firewood.”

“They aren’t?”

“Must you always think of killing?”

“Yes,” Smaug simply replied. “That is the very nature of dragons. We are creatures of death and destruction and none can hope to match my own history of such. I am the greatest drake to have ever lived for nothing can slay me.”

What he was saying is true in a way. Dragons are creatures of destruction, but they can be keepers of great knowledge as well. I personally quite a few elderly drakes back home that helped me out in tight spots. “Please don’t be so overconfident. It may just lead to your downfall.”

“Do you doubt me?” He growled.

“I don’t doubt your power,” I quickly said. “But I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“And I won’t,” Smaug grinned, touching my cheek. For a being of destruction, his touches can be quite delicate. “I will never leave my hoard unguarded, nor will I give anyone the pleasure of killing Smaug the golden. I will endure forever.”

Please, please do. I didn’t want to get so attached to this drake. He has a dark heart and a terrible past, but I saw good in him. He was nowhere as evil as Discord, nor were his deeds as horrible. Discord was a complete monster, but now he knew the power of friendship. Smaug would see that soon.

He’d also see the full might of an alicorn’s lust~

“I know, but let us rescue our rower. I will not leave him to wallow here in the lake.”

Smaug rolled his eyes. “Anything for my precious jewel.”


I could see the humans celebrating. They seemed so relaxed and happy. To them, it was the best night of their lives. I wanted to savor it, for it would be their last. I wanted them to feel the highest of highs, before I brought them low into the dirt. I will show them that they have no reason to celebrate. Humans are weak and their time is up. It is the age of the orcs.

Astride my faithful warg, I looked over the catapults my forces have set up. There are only a few here and there. Barely anything to really care about, but these were simple townsfolk. They would be slaughtered no matter what. I grinned as I imagined the horrified screams of women and children. Staining the lake red with their blood. Oh, I couldn’t wait to taste man-flesh.

The sun agitated my eyes as I looked at the teams of orcs preparing for the oncoming attack. The day was not the place for true orcs. The sun was abysmal. It was distracting and so...lively. The night was the time for orcs. Soon my master will blot out the sun and a true age of eternal darkness will sweep across these lands. Perfect for orcs.

“FASTER!” I roared. “I want more boats on the waters. I want every orc there before the first light of the new day. Those that don’t make it will serve as food.” The other orcs fearfully obeyed. As they should. I am the commander of this army. I was the biggest and strongest. No orc could best me, nor could any man, elf, or dwarf.


The infernal race still made my blood boil. They tried to take my lands that I rightfully conquered. They dared to oppose me. ME! Azog the Defiler. They were proved wrong, but I was not able to keep that king’s head. I will make up for that with Thorin’s own. Bolg is clever and strong, but Thorin is to. I grinned. I would see him one day and kill him myself. Until then, I will settle for man-flesh.

This ‘force’ my master wished to capture would sense our attack. Whether they came meant little to me. I just wanted to kill something. My master instilled terror even in me. I would lookout for this ‘being’. If it was a predator like orcs, it would hate us for coming into its territory. Good, then I will have something worthy to fight until Thorin comes to his doom. All the world will fall to the orcs.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated and your feedback really helps me get to writing. So comment away!

{Kind of surprised there isn't any fanart/tv-tropes page yet for this, but that's probably just my bloated ego talking. :rainbowwild:}

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