• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 21,367 Views, 2,141 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Evowizard25

Smaug has a new addition to his treasure trove. Something he's never seen before.

  • ...

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The Lake

In all my years, I’ve come to appreciate the hide of dragons. It can weather any storm and few weapons can harm it. Few sets of armor can match its effectiveness. Yet, there are many other things to mention as well. They can also be so soft and warm. They can bring comfort in the coldest of night. I know. I remember huddling against many a dragon during my youth. Dragons of the days of old were far nicer than those that now dwell in their own greed. It’s so sad to see them fall so hard, but nature is strange like that.

Laying upon Smaug’s snout out here in the free air reminded me of those better times. When there were no nations, borders, and hatred. When one could freely talk to another with no inner hatred. Oh how I miss the ages of old. I can’t even remember the last time a dragon let me sit upon them, let alone lay anywhere near them. Contrary to popular belief, dragons can generate their own body heat. They aren’t ‘reptiles’ exactly, not in that sense at least. So the scales held a natural warmth that felt oh so good against my own fur.

“Content, are we?” Smaug spoke up.

It caught me a tad off guard that he had chosen to speak now, but I didn’t show it. It had been hours since he last said a single word to me. He seemed lost in thought. I wasn’t one to pry though. Not now anyways.

“Yes,” I simply answered. “You make for an excellent resting spot.”

“I’m glad I could be of use,” Smaug snorted, no doubt rolling his eyes. I was certainly glad I wasn’t laying farther up his snout or I’d have been blown off. “I wouldn’t grow too comfortable upon one such as I. I am not a perch. I am a dragon and you will find somewhere else to sunbathe when we next go outside.”

“Admit it, Smaug.” I chuckled. “You enjoy it.”

“If by chance one can call annoyance ‘joy’ than yes, yes I do.” Smaug snorted. “Do not think of this as anything more than a polite show of gratitude. I can take away this grace at any moment. So please do not become deluded into thinking this will be a common occurrence.”

“Perish the thought,” my smile never left my face. I knew he’d say something along those lines. He’s still a dragon after all. “You have an image to uphold and I will respect that.” I softly nuzzled him and he let out a contented sigh. “But if my dragon is getting cranky wanky, I’ll simply cast myself off.” With nimbleness born of years of practice, I quickly leaped off his snout and onto the ground. “There. Happy?”

“Immensely,” Smaug grumbled. “I sometimes wonder if you enjoy getting under my scales.”

“Maybe I do,” I smirked. “Or maybe I don’t. It’s really up to you, my dragon.”

“I am not your dragon,” Smaug growled. “You are MY jewel. Stop deluding yourself into thinking that one such as you can be my equal. None can match me.”

“And yet that daemon fought you well enough.” I sighed, putting a hoof to my head. Fighting with Smaug was pointless and certainly detrimental to everything I wished to achieve. Smaug’s low growls already told me I had gone a tad bit too far. “Smaug, you truly are the greatest dragon this world has ever seen, but even you have limits.”

“I have no limits,” Smaug snorted. “The day the world gazed upon me, it knew that I was to be feared. I best any dragon that challenged me. I shredded entire armies that wished me dead. Their black arrows-” the words rolled off his tongue like poison. “-did nothing. I am free to do as I wish and I wish for you to know that I am not one to be sat upon. I am the chiefest and greatest of all calamities. I deserve to be treated as such.”

I looked at him for a moment more. The dragon was as stubborn as ever, but I had enough patience to match his every snarl. I softly nuzzled him, causing him to freeze up. “I am sorry, Smaug the great and powerful. He who makes the ground shake with every step. I meant no ill will with my actions. I was merely jesting.”

Smaug was silent for a while, looking like he was thinking up a response. He just stared off into the distance and finally towards her. “Perhaps I am being too hasty to spill anger upon you. You have healed me well enough.” He silently growled, as though he was regretting saying these very words. “I thank you for it.”

I blinked in surprised. He thanked me? This dragon who claimed me as his property and kept me locked in that mountain for so long was thanking me? It certainly was a momentous step in the right direction for him.

“Savor this moment, Celestia.” Smaug’s growls grew louder. “For I shall never again have need to thank you.”

“We shall see,” I smiled, bowing my head. “If you permit me, oh great destroyer, to take a look at the countryside, I would be ever so thankful.”

“You should be thankful for each breath you draw,” Smaug stated. “Every second you live is my ‘gift’ to you. Do spend it wisely.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “I do, Smaug. I do, but would it hurt for me to stretch my legs a little on this fine day?”

“I don’t see why not,” Smaug settled himself further on the ground. “You have proved your trustworthiness. You know your place after all. Besides,” he chuckled. “Even if you did run, I would find you. I would find you and burn anyone who conspired to take my precious jewel away from me.”

“Perish the thought,” I said. Truth be told, the thought had crossed my mind a few times. Each and every time it sprang up in my mind, I would cut it down into pieces. Smaug was right. He would kill anyone who could give me aid or a way home. I had to hope that Luna and Twilight could open a portal to this realm. “I am not so mad as to attempt such a thing. I care too much for you for that to ever happen.”

Smaug simply snorted. “That’s nice.” By the tone of his voice, I knew he was rolling his eyes.


“Never listen to wizards,” I muttered to myself.

These woods were like a second home to me. Myself and my fathers before me hunted here freely, without much fear other than the occasional bear or such creatures. I knew them well enough that could steer clear of them. I even sometimes took my family here. It honestly was nice to get them away from that accursed town and the lord…..Perhaps if I had listened to myself and built a house here, my wife would still be by my side….

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I did not need to think about that now. If what the wizard said was true, I could count myself a few coins richer by the end of this. Perhaps I could get my eldest daughter that dress she’s been wanting. I know it’s for some ‘boy’, but there’s no harm in a little young love. Her mother was the same when she was her age and the boy. Heh, just as awkward as I. A hard worker and respectable enough. Of course, I have to scare him a little. I am her father after all.

Still, none of that helped my sense of foreboding. My hands held onto the bow tightly, keeping it ready for any sort of danger. The forest was usually lively this time of year. Now there was nothing. No birds, no squirrels, not a single animal was calling out for their kin. Something had spooked them. For a moment, I thought about the rumors spreading around Lake Town. That the dragon had awoken and planning to scorch the town to ash. I paid them no heed. The fishermen loved to spin a tale or two to pass the time. I was guilty of my own fair share. However, there had been strange tremors as of late. Sometimes it would feel like a hurricane came rushing through town. Nothing serious so far, but it was certainly disconcerting. I just hoped the rumors were wrong.

Though, that would explain why a wizard of all beings had showed up. That was never a good sign in and of itself. Not if the stories were anything to go by.

Still, the wizard wanted me to scour the woods for anything of note. He had some business with a dwarf. I cared not what it was. He then gave me a little cage with a butterfly inside. He told me to whisper what I found to it and release it. I have no idea why the wizard used butterflies for messengers, but I will not question the ways of magic. If a wizard said a butterfly can speak the tongue of men, I will believe it. Doubt would grant me nothing but an empty pocket.

I found myself making way towards the lake. It was an obvious choice. If the dragon truly was awake, he would seek this spot to drink. Smaug would not dare show his face now. At least, I hoped he wouldn’t. Either way, it wouldn’t hurt to look.

As I came ever nearer, I heard the sound of music. It was a little melody, just something hummed by what sounded like a young, pretty maiden. It gave me pause. Never before had I heard such beauty in mere humming. I had to see who was singing. So I peered out from behind a tree, expecting to see some beautiful maiden cleaning her hair or washing some clothes.

What I didn’t expect to find was a winged unicorn, trotting towards the edge of the lake. She stopped her humming in order to take a drink. I gave her a scrutinous stare. She was an animal, but she held such beauty that artists would weep and fight to the death to capture in their work. She gave off such an aura of peace and serenity, that I unintentionally lowered my bow. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly notched an arrow. Beauty or no, I would not fall for any tricks. I heard tales of daemons that preyed upon the race of men with alluring bodies or magic. This could very well be one of them, or this could be what the wizard was looking for. I would observe her a little while longer, just to be safe with my assumptions.

Finishing her drink, the mare did not move a muscle. She just stood there. As if waiting for something.

“You can come out now,” the mare spoke with a voice like that of an angel. “It is rude to spy on a woman, you know.”

I nearly dropped to the ground in shock. The beast had spoken! This must be the work of a wayward sorcerer. No animal could talk as she did, though I had heard the giant eagles speak. I doubted those tales, but this creature before me...made me reevaluate my standing on it. Slowly stepping out of the brush, arrow at the ready, I walked a ways before stopping a ways from her.

“...What are you?”

The mare smiled, which could put any being at ease “I am Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria, goddess of the sun, and your current companion given the circumstances.”

“...What?” I blinked in confusion. This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

I want to apologize for how long it took to get this chapter out. This chapter went through four rewrites, because I wasn't satisfied with the dialogue. Not sure if I got it right anyways.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please leave a comment.

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